CURRICULUM VITAE Name Robert Crawford Gass Mobile number +44 (0) 77 8751 6374 Email Nationality Dual Citizenship; South African and British South African ID 640524 5039 081 British Passport 704537758 Date of Birth 24 May 1964 (48 years of age) Marital Status Married Dependents None (Sons of 22 and 25 years from first marriage) Profession Management in Horticulture, Agriculture and Trade Specialisation Sustainable Organic Horticulture and Agriculture; Processing; Natural Health Years of Experience 29 Key Experience With 25+ years of hands-on horticultural / agricultural management experience (conventional and organic), Robby is reputed to operate with strict quality management standards. He is keen and able to make a valuable contribution to constantly improving agricultural practices, to the benefit of the farmer and consumer. His field of experience includes roses, fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, gardens, grains, pastures as well as horses, cattle and sheep. For the past 12 years, Robby has been involved in the hands-on development and implementation of management systems to specifically improve the production of organic / bio-dynamic cultivation and primary processing of medicinal plant species endemic to Southern Africa. Much experience in cultivation research, development and implementation has proven him to be a valued contributor to the growing natural health industry. Key Interest His interests lie in the development and management of agricultural projects with an emphasis on soil improvement by implementing user friendly, sustainable, biological methods to ensure an acceptable natural product for healthier living. Key Skills Agriculture – Land Preparation; Tractor & implement operation; Chainsaw operation; Animal husbandry Biological – Compost production; Earthworm extract; Effective micro-organisms (EM); Bio-dynamic preparations Horticulture – Propagation (grafting & budding & germination); Pruning; Planting & Harvesting Office - Computer literate; Costing & Budgets; Project planning; Communication Technical – Woodwork; Steelwork (welding etc.); Basic mechanical maintenance Construction – Planning; Roofing; General maintenance; Greenhouses (plastic tunnels and glass) EMPLOYMENT RECORD Arrived in Edinburgh on the 4th of April 2013 Previous Employment Zizamele Herbs July 2010 till March 2013 Position: General Manager – Cultivation, Production and Trading Summary of related responsibilities: Setting up of a new processing plant and small herb farm in Botrivier, South Africa. Staff training on organic cultivation and processing of medicinal herbs. Selecting and developing a new retail market network for herbal tea range. Implementing basic control systems for orders, processing and stock control. New Product Development for potential markets. Raw material procurement and processing. Agricultural consulting to other small growers of medicinal species.(Mentorship) Representative agent for Guano Organics and Bio Grow Natural Organic Solutions in the Overberg area. Reason for leaving: The business was sold and I moved to Scotland to answer a personal calling. Zizamele Indigenous Farming (Pty) Ltd October 2004 to June 2010 Position: Managing Director / Owner Summary of related experience during this period: Managed the procurement, propagation, cultivation, processing, trading and export of Endemic Medicinal Herbs of Southern Africa. Supplied technical support for organic cultivation of Endemic Medicinal Herbs for Government Funded Poverty Alleviation projects. Supplied technical support to Industry on the Organic Cultivation of herbs and the Practical Improvement of Processing Plants for the production of medicinal herb products. From April 2006 until September 2009 developed and partner/ managed a 1200ha Organic Karoo farm with 20ha of drip and overhead irrigated Endemic Herb cultivation; 50 ha overhead and flood irrigated Alfalfa; and a 15ha gravity fed centre pivot for the alternate seasonal cultivation of grains to bale for production of animal feed and composting material. Organic animal husbandry of Nguni cattle and Damara sheep for the production of meat for sale and manure for the closed cycle system. Since 2005 Represented the Growers interests in the GTZ sponsored programme for Bio-prospecting; Access and Benefit Sharing at International level. Reason for leaving: Due to a drastic reduction in export and wholesale markets during the past Global Economic Recession the Karoo farm was closed. We then decided to consolidate our efforts and I sold the contents of my Pty to my wife’s existing sole proprietorship, Christelle Gass T/A Zizamele Herbs. Parceval Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd January 2002 – September 2004 Position: General Farm Manager- Agriculture and Processing Summary of related experience during this period: Developed and managed eighty hectares of organically cultivated medicinal plant species under irrigation. Managed 86 staff members, from middle management down to labourers. Responsible for all Staff Discipline, Labour Relations, Training, Improvement of general work standards, housing and living conditions. Developed and commissioned a top of the range process plant for drying and processing Medicinal Herbs to HACCP and Organic Certification Standard. Developed and implemented a technical maintenance management system, with trained staff to ensure a smooth running operation, with minimum downtime. Developed and maintained an Organic animal husbandry system for a mixed herd of Hereford/ Nguni cattle. Developed and managed an Organic rotation/ cultivation plan of 100ha of oats and other mixed feeds like vetch, clovers etc. for soil preparation/ improvement, animal feed and grazing. Managed the organic cultivation of 7ha of Figs, 4ha of Grape vines, 3ha of Guavas and 5ha of Olives. Managed the production of 1000 cubic meters of Compost per annum in windrows. Selected and assessed Propagation and Cultivation Trial Sites in six climatic regions in South Africa and Kenya over 2 years. Managed the implementation of Organic Certification of the 200ha farm with factory over a three year phase up to certification accomplished. Reason for leaving: At 40 years of age, I had the driving urge to develop the cultivation knowledge of South African medicinal herbs and share that knowledge with other South Africans, so I resigned to start my own herbal company. O.A.T.S. (Outsourced Agricultural Technical Services) 2001 Position: Owner Summary of related experience during this period: Consulting General Management of seven privately owned fruit & wine farms in the Paarl Valley. Development and implementation of quality assuring systems for outsource farming contractors. Rectifying staff living conditions and training needs to satisfy new South African Government expectations. Managing all new developments on the farms with regard to cultivation, equipment and infrastructure. Implementing organic farming principals where possible, as the market required. Reason for leaving: I was offered a great position to manage an Organic Herb Farm with fantastic potential. Ute Gass Human Resources CC 1998 – 2000 Position: Human Resource Consultant/ Business Manager Summary of related experience during this period: Administration and company accounting duties. Recruitment and Labour Relations Consultant to Clients Development of a new “Contract Staffing Supply” division, supplying contract staff to Industries. General management of staff (4 consultants) Reason for leaving: Working together in my ex- wife’s business proved to be impossible. I took the opportunity to start my own Farm Management Consulting Business and returned to farming. CHE (Pty) Ltd (Family Factory) Paarl Manufacturers of Heat Exchangers and Radiators 1996 – 1997 Position: Production Manager Summary of related experience during this period: Production Management Staff management (68) Development of a new type of steel core radiator for Earth moving equipment. Implementation of ISO 9002 quality management systems. Reason for leaving: As Production Manager I was stuck between four walls. My first wife needed support in her Human Resources business. I resigned to help her run the business. Living Waters Rose Nursery (Family Farm) Paarl 1987- 1996 Position: Owner manager Summary of related experience during this period: General management of a high-tech 13ha mixed farm. Developed new methods of propagating and cultivating cut-roses, mentored by Mr. Ludwig Taschner of Pretoria. Introduced the use of a water-soluble fertigation system. Developed a nursery producing 30 000 Citrus trees, 10 000 Olive trees and 5000 Rose bushes per annum. Cultivated 6ha of olives and processed 1 ton for bottling each year. (Sold the other 9 tons fresh.) Daily hands-on sales of produce (cut-flowers, olives, rose bushes, citrus trees and olive trees.) Animal husbandry was restricted to 2 cows and up to 5 horses for own use and sport. Reason for leaving: After trying hard for ten years, it became impossible to get back the money lost to wind damage which wrecked the entire farm three times during the time we worked it. We sold the farm and I was offered a production management position in the family radiator manufacturing factory. Silverton Radiator Services Franchise - Paarl 1987-1992 Position: Owner manager Summary of related experience during this period: Admin, sales and all other duties expected from the owner of a franchise to deliver a great service. Representative travelling through the area to increase the market share. Staff management and training. Developed a new air-conditioning division and also started a battery service centre to subsidise the business. Reason for leaving: After running the family farm and the radiator business simultaneously for 6 years, I was advised by my doctor to make a choice. I chose full time farming and sold the radiator repair business. Clifford Harris Construction 1986-1987 Position: Qualified Surface Blaster. (Western Cape, South Africa) Summary of related experience during this period: Management of staff on blasting sites. Transport to and from sites and magazine with explosives. Design and Management of drilling patterns to achieve the results expected by engineers. Safe keeping and control of explosives. Loading and blasting safely. Inspection of blasted areas to ensure clearing work was completed safely before departure from site. Reason for leaving: After two years of army and six months of blasting it was time to settle down and get serious. I got married and started work at Silverton Radiators and the family rose farm in Paarl. 1984 - 1985 S.A. Military Service. 2nd South African Infantry Battalion Group- Walvis Bay and then transferred to Northern Transvaal Head Quarters. Final position and rank: R.S.M. clerk, lance corporal. H.R. Malan Blasting Contractors 1983 Position: Trainee Blaster Experience: All the necessary training to qualify as service blaster on construction – Qualified. Reason for leaving: Military call up. EDUCATION and Training: 1980/1 Veld and Vlei Adventure Trust – survival and leadership training (Outward Bound) 1982 Matriculated at Paarl Boys High Subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Geography, Fine Art, English, and Afrikaans. 1983 Qualified as surface/ construction blaster - Paarl 1987 Professional selling Skills 1.2.3. - Pretoria 1998 ISO 9000 Implementation Skills – SABS HACCP Implementation – FIRI - CSIR 1999 IPSC Affiliate membership accreditation Exam - Labour Relations Workplace Assessor Training – Skills Framework 2002 4 day Course on Practical Organics - SPIER Institute for Organic Farming 2002 5 day Practical approach to Bio-dynamic Farming Course - Peter Proctor – New Zealand 2006 H.A.O.S.A. School of Practical Herbology - completed a 1 year herbal application and preparations 2007 3 day Sustainable Agriculture Seminar – Dr. Arden Anderson (USA) - Paarl 2008 Compost Production- private tuition from Prof. Barbara von Wechmar – Bio Earth Stellenbosch LANGUAGES Speak Read Write English Afrikaans Xhosa German Excellent Excellent Basic Basic Excellent Excellent none Partly Excellent Excellent none barely Hobbies: Cooking; Workshop tinkering; Camping and Gardening. Sports: Horse riding, driving and handling; Fly fishing; Mountain walking. Musical Instruments: Highland Bagpipes. Special interests: How to make and play the different bagpipes of the Celtic world.