TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 AST TECHNOLOGY LABS, INC. P.O. Box 372580 Satellite Beach, FL 32937 PH: 321-773-4876 FAX: 321-773-9326 Title RF Simulator, 3m site, and outdoor range measurements for a 900 MHz telephone with a retractable antenna Source AST Technology Labs Inc. PO Box 372580 Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Contact James Bress 321-773-4876 Date 2002-02-16 Distribution TR41.3.5CTRMP Keywords Notice: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to incorporate text contained in this contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of a TIA standards publication; to copyright in TIA’s name any standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at TIA’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting TIA standards publication. 1 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP 1 Introduction The VTech Ballot Response (2001-10-26) to PN-3-4350-RV3 (Cordless Telephone Range Measurement Procedures) described technical issues related to range measurements when testing a 900 MHz cordless telephone with a retractable antenna including: 1. RF measurement issues related to discrepancies between 3m site antenna polar plots and similar measurements performed in a VTech RF simulator box with the antenna up, and the tests repeated with the antenna down. The primary issue raised was the polar plots obtained in the RF simulator box did not correlate well with the polar plots obtained on the 3m site. The contribution stated: ” The close range radiation pattern of the CPE antenna measured inside the range simulator may differ substantially from the standard 3 meter radiation pattern. Simulated range measurements can be influenced by this and therefore must be correlated with outdoor range data.” 2. In support of the position that the RF simulator may be inaccurate for measurements with different antennas, a comparison of range data taken from an AST Technology Labs RF simulator (ART™ system), and outdoor range tests were given. The values stated were: Outdoor Range: 20% reduction in range outdoors for the antenna down vs. antenna up RF Simulator: 1400 ft antenna up, and 800 ft antenna down This contribution includes data obtained from similar measurements made by AST Technology Labs using the same model telephone as used for the previous VTech measurements. This telephone (DUT) was used to measure: 1. Polar plots in the ART™ system and on a 3m site. In both cases polar plots were measured with the antenna up and measured again with the antenna down. 2. Range measurements on an outdoor range and in the AST ART™ system. Range measurements were made with the antenna up and the antenna down. NOTE: the 3m site measurement is a modification of the classic 3m site measurement performed for emissions or maximum radiated power measurements. The 3m sitetype tests were performed by placing the receiving antenna in a fixed location (parallel to the DUT antenna) and making the polar plot measurements by rotating the DUT 360 degrees. The receiving antenna was not moved for these measurements. 2 Polar Plots 2.1 Polar Plot Measurements and Data The following Measurements were made using the DUT handset: 2 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP 1. 2. 3. 4. Polar Plot in AST ART™ system (antenna up) Polar Plot in AST ART™ system (antenna down) Polar Plot on 3m site (fixed receive antenna) (antenna up) Polar Plot on 3m site (fixed receive antenna) (antenna down) Note the data obtained was in dBm measured directly from a spectrum analyzer. No attempt was made to convert the measured data to Volts/meter (or any other scale) since all data is to be used for relative comparison and not absolute power levels. 3 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP RAW DATA VALUES SUMMARY AST ART™ System (Antenna–Up) -27.3 -28.4 -27.3 -27.8 1.1 Parameter Measured Max Min 0 deg. ref (*) Average Max - Min (*)NOTE: AST ART™ System (Antenna–Down) -34.0 -38.7 -37.6 -36.8 4.7 3m Site (Fixed Receive Antenna) (Antenna–Up) -43.7 -47.8 -47.5 -45.9 4.1 3m Site (Fixed Receive Antenna) (Antenna–Down) -49.9 -56.0 -54.9 -53.6 6.1 The 0 deg. ref orientation is with the handset back (the part not pressed against a users head) facing the receiving antenna. The following polar plots were obtained for the ART™ system and the 3m site (with the antenna up and the antenna down. Antenna Polar Plots (Raw Data) 0 330 340 320 310 350-20.0 10 20 30 40 -30.0 Antenna Up: ART Box (dBm) 50 300 60 -40.0 290 70 -50.0 280 80 270 90 -60.0 260 100 250 110 240 120 230 220 130 140 210 200 190 170 160 150 180 4 Antenna Down: ART Box (dBm) Antenna Up: 3m (dBm) Antenna Down: 3m (dBm) TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP If the 0 deg. reference points are used to normalize the 3m site data to the RF simulator data, a meaningful comparison between the two measurement methods (RF Simulator and 3m site) can be made for Antenna-Up and Antenna-Down. Normalization simply means to make the 0 deg. ref. measurements for the 3m site equal to the ART™ system 0 deg. ref value. The value used for normalization (ART™ system @ 0 deg. ref. – 3m site 0 deg. ref. = 20.2 (Antenna-Up) and 17.3 Antenna-Down)) is then applied to the data points for each polar plot degree measured. Normalization allows direct comparison of the polar plot shape (contour) while removing the absolute difference in power level expected since the 3m site and ART™ system have the receiving antenna at different distances from the DUT. The following summary of parameters is obtained: 5 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP NORMALIZED DATA VALUES SUMMARY Parameter Measured AST RF Simulator (Antenna–Up) AST RF Simulator (Antenna–Down) -27.3 -28.4 -27.3 -27.8 1.1 -34.0 -38.7 -37.6 -36.8 4.7 Minimum Maximum 0 deg. ref (*) Average Max - Min 3m Site (Fixed Receive Antenna) (Antenna–Up) -23.5 -27.6 -27.3 -25.7 4.1 3m Site (Fixed Receive Antenna) (Antenna–Down) -32.6 -38.7 -37.6 -36.3 6.1 The following plots are obtained for the RF simulator and 3m site (with the antenna up and the antenna down (using the normalized data): Antenna Polar Plots (Normalized) 0 340 350-20.0 10 20 330 30 320 40 -30.0 310 Antenna Up: ART Box (dBm) 50 300 60 -40.0 290 70 -50.0 280 80 270 90 -60.0 260 100 250 Antenna Down: ART Box (dBm) Normalized 3M Data Antenna Up 110 240 120 230 130 220 140 210 150 200 190 170 160 180 6 Normalized 3M Data Antenna Down TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP 2.2 Polar Plot Measurements Conclusion The normalized polar plot data are comparable for the antenna up when tested using the 3m site and the AST RF simulator. The data is also comparable for the antenna down measurements for the 3m site and the RF simulator. 7 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP 3 Range Measurements 3.1 Range Measurements Outdoors and In RF Simulator Range measurements of the DUT were performed using the AST RF simulator and on an outdoor range, both with the antenna up and the antenna down. AST ART™ System Antenna Down Range = 57% of Antenna Up Range (Same as range VTech stated range from a RF simulator at 11-2001 meeting) Outdoor Range Test Antenna Down Range = 64% of Antenna Up Range (VTech stated range was Antenna Down = 80% of Antenna Up at 11-2001 meeting) 3.2 Range Measurements Conclusion Outdoor range tests and range tests using the AST ART™ simulator were well correlated. The discrepancies seen from the outdoor range tests performed by AST and those performed by VTech support the purpose for developing the CTRMP standard. Some of the primary purposes for developing this standard relate to the fact that outdoor range tests do not yield repeatable results when performed by different individuals on different range sites due to the subjective nature of the tests and the different range site characteristics. 4 Near Field (Close Range) Vs. Far Field Measurements The VTech contribution stated issues with “Close Range” radiation pattern differing from the radiation pattern on a 3m site measurement. It is assumed that rather than attempting to establish the 3m site as a reference for antenna measurements to establish then to be in the “Far Field”, the issue relates more to the fact that the RF simulator may not be measuring in the Far Field and therefore may yield measurements that are dependent on the transmitting antenna. 4.1 Supporting Data and Theory The document published by Industry Canada: Guidelines for the Measurement of Radiofrequency Fields at Frequencies from 3 kHz to 300 GHz (August 2000) provides an abundance of information regarding the measurement of electromagnetic fields. This document states the following regarding the Far Field for antennas: The criterion commonly used to define the distance from the source where the far field begins is that the phase of the fields from all points on the radiating antenna does not differ more than l/16. The distance from the antenna corresponding to this criterion is: R = 2a2 / 8 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP a = the greatest dimension of the antenna R = distance from radiating antenna where the far-field begins For example for a ¼ wavelength antenna: R = (2)( ¼ )2 / R = 1/8 In order to reduce measurement errors relating to far field and near filed issues it is generally accepted practice that to be safely in the far field region that: R >> 2a2 / Using 10 times as a minimum criteria for (>>, i.e.: Much Greater Than) this yields the criteria for R using a ¼ probe antenna as: R > 10/8 = 1.25 For a 900 MHz signal = .33m, therefore: R > (1.25)(.33m) = .42m 4.2 Recommendation for CTRMP Standard Given the above described correlation of antenna dimension, and distance from radiator to measuring probe antenna, is recommended that the following statement be included in the criteria for cordless telephone range measurement equipment. Change section 7.1 to read: 7.1 Physical Attributes Of Test System is the wavelength at the center of the band of operation. Minimum distance from Antenna reference point: 1.25 to probe ¼ to walls 4.3 Conclusion For Far Field Measurement Issues The VTech contribution claim regarding inaccuracies for measurements from different antennas relating to issues with making measurements in the “Near Field” should not hold true if the antenna length and probe distance as stated above are maintained in the RF simulator box. In addition, the other requirements established in the current standard for the RF simulator system relating to flat transmission frequency response and external noise rejection must be 9 TR41.3.5CTRMP / 02-02-003 TIA Contribution AST Technology Labs TIA-TR-41.3.5-CTRMP maintained for accurate measurements. Any system used for range measurements must be verified to meet the established criteria. 10