Waterford City Council’s Role: Extension of Smoky Coal Ban Areas Enforcement of the Regulations in Waterford will be undertaken by Waterford City Council’s Environmental Enforcement Staff. Any person or body found to be in breach of the regulations may be issued with fixed-payment notices of up to €1,000 or face enforcement action under the Air Pollution Act 1987. The Smoky Coal Ban has been extended to cover parts of Waterford City, including some townlands in Co. Waterford. Please note that the ‘smoky coal ban’ continues to apply in certain designated cities and towns (Dublin City and County, Cork City, Arklow, Drogheda, Dundalk, Limerick City, Wexford Town, Celbridge, Galway City, Leixlip, Naas, Waterford City, Bray, Kilkenny, Sligo, Tralee, Athlone, Carlow, Clonmel and Ennis) and it is not permissible to sell or distribute smoky coal within such areas under any circumstances. For further information in relation to this please contact the Environment Services on 051 849563 or visit: http://www.environ.ie/en/Environme nt/Atmosphere/AirQuality/SmokyCoa lBan/ New ‘smoky coal’ regulations It is now illegal to burn, sell, distribute or market any ‘smoky’ coal within these ban areas: Waterford City The electoral areas of: Ballynakill Killoteran Kilbarry The townlands of: Ballygunnertemple Knockeen Information for suppliers, wholesalers and retailers What do mean? these regulations What does this mean for Bagging Operators & Suppliers? What does this mean for General Retailers? The ban on the marketing, sale and distribution of bituminous coal (‘smoky’ coal) first came into effect in Dublin in 1990 with great results in reducing smoke and sulphur dioxide levels in the atmosphere and as a result increased benefits to human health. Since then the ban has been put in place in twenty cities and towns all over Ireland. The Regulations requires all coal bagging operators/ distributors/wholesalers and certain retailers in the residential solid fuel supply business to register with the EPA. Those who must register include all bagging operators, fuel wholesalers of bituminous coal and those retailers whose sole or main business involves the sale of bituminous coal (i.e. those with more than 50% of turnover from coal). Please note this requirement does not apply to the majority of general retailers for whom the sale of bituminous coal is not their main business activity. Although many general retailers will not need to register with the EPA, there are still certain obligations which must be adhered to. All retailers selling smoky coal must: Only smokeless coal is permitted to be sold, distributed, marketed and burned in these areas. These ‘smoky coal ban’ regulations were further strengthened in 2011 and 2012 to provide for expansions of the ban areas to most cities and towns already covered by the smoky coal ban and the inclusion of other larger towns and urban centres as new ban areas. The smoky coal ban has been in existence in Waterford City since 2000 and was extended into parts of Waterford County and Kilkenny County in August 2012. (see reverse for these additional areas in Co Waterford which now fall within the Smoky Coal Ban Areas.) Following registration with the EPA, the suppliers/baggers/wholesalers are encouraged to use the SWiFT 7 logo below on the product as a demonstration of compliance. 1. Ensure that their coal is sourced from wholesalers/baggers that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2. Ensure that coal is sold/supplied only in sealed bags of 10kg or more. 3. Hold records to demonstrate that their product complies with the new sulphur standard (less than 0.7 %). A List of all those baggers / wholesalers/distributors who are registered can be viewed on the EPA website: http://www.epa.ie/whatwedo/licensing/coal baggingregistrations/ Frequently Asked Questions 1. Does the law state that only smokeless fuel can be burned, marketed, sold or distributed within the ban area? Yes, bags of smokeless fuel can be sold within the ban area, bags must be sealed and have a notice printed on the bag “Smokeless Fuel, Contents comply with Air Pollution Act Regulations”. 2. Can a retailer sell bituminous coal to customers from outside the ban area? The point of sale must not be inside the ban area. The transaction must take place outside the ban area and delivered outside the ban area or the transaction can be done by credit / debit card online or by phone and delivered outside the ban area. 3. Can a coal company from outside the ban area advertise smoky coal for sale within the area? No, advertising within the banned area will have to specify smokeless fuel only. 4. Can a retailer store nonsmokeless fuel within the restricted area? Yes - non-smokeless fuel intended for distribution outside the restricted area, can be stored at a depot within the area. However, a register of all non-smokeless fuel stored and its movements in and out of the depot must be kept. The regulations give details of this register, which will be subject to inspection by Waterford City Council’s Enforcement Staff. 5. Can a retailer deliver non – smokeless fuel to customers living outside the restricted area? You can only transport nonsmokeless fuel from within the restricted area to outside the area provided: • at least one metric tonne is being transported at any one time, and • the vehicle is not being used at the same time within the restricted area for the sale or distribution of any other fuels, and • the owner of the vehicle carries on the vehicle a statement of the quantity of fuel and the • 6. name and address of the supplier of that fuel, and a statement of the destination of the fuel and the name and address of the person(s) purchasing the fuel. “I am complying with the regulations but I know others that are not, what is Waterford City Council going to do about those not complying”? Waterford City Council’s Environment Section is responsible for enforcing these regulations and routinely carryout out spot checks on: all fuel suppliers (wholesale and retail), all coal lorries, coalmen etc., all solid fuel retailers, including shops, petrol station forecourts etc. 7. What if a member of the public buys smoky coal outside the ban area and burns it inside the ban area? There is a ban on the burning of smoky coal inside the restricted area to compliment the ban on the sale, marketing or distribution of smoky coal in the restricted area.