INTRODUCTION This proposal seeks to address the impact of changing energy usage on the chemistry of the troposphere. Exploring the importance of shifting energy usage is timely and central to our understanding of a host of current as well as future atmospheric processes as both the quantity and quality of energy sources change. The first objective will be to examine the importance of the rapid increase in fuel ethanol (CH3CH2OH) production and usage on the chemistry of the atmosphere. The United States and Brazil are leaders in ethanol production at 15 million gallons per year during 2008 (Fig. 1). The United States has seen an exponential rise in the production and consumption of ethanol during the past decade (Fig. 2) with production estimated to reach 20 million gallons per year by 2012, primarily in the Corn Belt (central Indiana and central Illinois and all of Iowa) ( World Fuel Ethanol Production by Country 9,000 8,000 Production (Million Gallons) 7,000 6,000 5,000 2007 4,000 2008 3,000 Fig. 1. Worldwide production of CH3CH2OH (millions of gallons) by country in 2007 and 2008 ( els.html). 2,000 1,000 ia th er O Au st ra l a ia In d nd m bi lo Th ai la Co a in Ca na da op e Ch Eu r US A Br az il 0 U.S. Production and Consumption of Fuel Ethanol Million Gallons Ethanoll 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 Production 4,000 Consumption 3,000 2,000 Fig. 2. Production of CH3CH2OH (millions of gallons) by year in the United States ( els.html). 1,000 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 0 afdc/data/index.html There have been no detailed studies documenting the occurrence and variability of ethanol in atmospheric waters in North or South America despite its reactivity in the troposphere and the projected dramatic increase in production and use. The presence of simple alcohols such as ethanol in the gas phase at both urban and rural locations has been known for several decades where they make up a major fraction of the oxygenated organic compounds (Warneck, 2006). Quantifying only gas phase ethanol concentrations and reactivity does not, however, fully elucidate its current or future importance to the chemistry of the troposphere because its reactivity is so critically dependent on its physical state. To assess the role of highly water soluble species such as ethanol to the chemistry of the troposphere it is critical to understand ethanol’s occurrence and processing in the aqueous phase. Studies of ethanol concentrations in precipitation have been limited primarily by the inadequacy of existing analytical methods. Saturated straight chain alcohols are difficult to quantify in aqueous environmental matrices because they are in very low concentrations, structurally similar to water, have poor molar absorptivities and are hard to derivatize. Available methodologies do not have the required sensitivity or suffer from very low recoveries (~3%) to measure the analyte at environmentally relevant concentrations. Our laboratory recently developed a simple and highly sensitive method capable of 1 detecting ethanol at nM levels in the aqueous phase. The analysis is based on oxidation of ethanol by the enzyme alcohol oxidase which quantitatively produces acetaldehyde. The acetaldehyde reacts with 2,4dinitrophenylhydrazine forming an azide which is separated from interfering substances and quantified by HPLC. Comparison of initial acetaldehyde concentrations with that after enzymatic oxidation yields the ethanol concentration. The method has undetectable blanks and a very low limit of detection (25 nM). This method also provides acetaldehyde concentrations, a product of ethanol oxidation. Analytical details can be found in the Procedures section. The goal of the research proposed here is to utilize this new method to quantify ranges and patterns of variation of ethanol in rainwater thus providing the first comprehensive examination of ethanol’s occurrence in rain. Concurrent measurements of acetaldehyde and acetic acid will provide important information on the rates of transformations of ethanol occurring in atmospheric waters as well add to our continuing long-term study of organic acids at this location (Avery et al., 1991; Avery et al., 2001; Avery et al., 2006). We propose to investigate the impact of air mass origin as revealed by back trajectory analysis on ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetic acid concentrations with a particular focus on storms originating in the Midwest Corn Belt region of the United States where ethanol production and use is greatest. A preliminary assessment of rainwater concentration data revealed that there was an order of magnitude more ethanol in a storm originating in the Midwest Corn Belt region relative to a terrestrial storm originating from the Northeast United with corresponding higher acetic acid concentrations compared with other terrestrial trajectories (7.0 M versus 2.1 M acetic acid, significant at p = 0.015 based on t test). Based on these preliminary results it is essential to conduct this project now in order to assess potential atmospheric impacts of dramatic increases in ethanol production and use as fuel in the US. A carefully conducted comparison of gas phase ethanol concentrations in Sao Paulo Brazil with Los Angeles, both extremely large metropolitan areas, revealed gas phase ethanol concentrations 10 to 100 times higher in Brazil where ethanol makes up 40% of vehicle fuel compared with < 3% in Los Angeles (Colon et al., 2001). The authors attributed the high gas phase ethanol concentrations in Sao Paulo to evaporative and exhaust emissions from automotive sources. A more recent study in Brazil hypothesized that ethanol concentrations in rain could be as high as 80 M based on measured gas phase concentrations and the Henry’s law constant for ethanol (Coelho et al., 2008). Concentrations of ethanol this high would represent a substantial fraction of rainwater DOC and would significantly impact the composition of this dynamic and changing component of atmospheric waters. We conducted a calculation similar to Coelho et al. (2008) based on gas phase ethanol concentrations reported in 2001 for Los Angeles by Colon et al. (2001). On the basis of these calculations the ethanol concentration would be 3 M, also a contributing fraction of rainwater DOC. Considering the LA gas phase measurements were made when ethanol production and consumption was 1/7 that of today, it is likely that ethanol concentrations are significantly higher and that it is contributing much more DOC to rainwater in this area and the United States in general. We will conduct this phase of the proposed research in collaboration with Dr. Lúcia Campos at the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. After conducting stability tests for transport, we will quantify the ethanol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid and DOC concentration in rain samples collected in Brazil during the proposed study (see attached letter of support) in addition to samples collected at the Wilmington site. This data set will provide direct quantitative evidence for the importance of ethanol usage as a fuel on aqueous phase alcohol concentrations and DOC levels in precipitation. Comparison of the Brazilian data to rainwater collected at the Wilmington site will also provide a unique opportunity to examine how shifting ethanol usage in North America could ultimately impact the chemistry of the troposphere as our use of ethanol increases. DOC concentrations have decreased approximately fifty percent in Wilmington rain over the preceding decade most likely due to the use of reformulated gasoline and other improved pollution 2 control technologies (Fig. 3). A great unknown in the future is potentially increasing anthropogenic inputs of alcohols, their oxidation products and VOC’s from increasing biofuel usage. Certainly an increase of anywhere close to 160 M DOC as hypothesized in the Brazil study would dominate rainwater DOC for our study area. Measurements of rain DOC by our group during the past three years appear to show a rebound in DOC concentrations with volume weighted average DOC concentrations approaching the 80-100 M driven by increases in rain with a back trajectory over the Corn Belt. Rainwater concentration data from 2007 to the present revealed higher DOC concentrations in rain with storm origin over the Corn Belt compared with other terrestrial trajectories (211 M versus 55 M DOC, significant at p = 0.005 based on t test), consistent with predictions for rain in Brazil. We hypothesize that this difference is associated with recent increases in ethanol production and consumption in the United States which dramatically increased starting in 2003 (Fig. 2). Conversely, rainwater pH values have leveled off or slightly increased during the past several years consistent with increases in non-acidic organic species such as ethanol and acetaldehyde. It is important to understand processes causing these differences in DOC concentrations at the present time. DOC ( M) 150 Fig. 3. Volume weighted annual averages and standard deviations for DOC in Wilmington, NC rainwater from 1995 – 2005 (Willey et al., 2006). 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 Year Another potential unforeseen consequence to the increase in ethanol use as an energy source is a corresponding increase in the abundance of volatile organic carbon compounds (VOC’s) in precipitation. Coelho et al. (2008) recently reported extremely elevated DOC and VOC concentrations in rainwater from Brazil which the authors attributed to the extensive production and consumption of ethanol as a fuel. Preliminary data from our laboratory revealed an elevated VOC concentration in one rainwater sample collected from an air mass back trajectory originating from the Midwest United States with a VOC concentration of 44 M which was 20% of the total DOC (Avery et al., 2009). One possible explanation for the high VOC level in this rainwater sample could be aqueous phase oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. As part of this proposal we will expand this small data set (five rain events) to establish a comprehensive understanding of VOC’s in rainwater originating from various back trajectories in North America. Furthermore we will explore the relationship between ethanol and acetaldehyde concentrations and total VOC’s to determine if there is a link between VOC occurrence and these two compounds that are likely to dramatically increase in the future. We hypothesize based on preliminary results from our laboratory and the Brazilian studies that significant concentrations of ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetic acid exist in rainwater with much variation between rain events driven primarily by air mass origin and season. We further hypothesize that these three compounds will make up an increasing fraction of the DOC pool in rainwater and increases in acetaldehyde will lead to an increase in VOC’s in rainwater. Based on these hypotheses and our preliminary data we propose the following objective. Objective 1. Quantify ranges and patterns of variation in the abundance of ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetic acid in rainwater including the effects of season and air mass origin on concentrations. Compare concentrations of the various analytes to analogous rainwater samples collected in Brazil. Investigate the role of ethanol production and consumption on VOC and DOC levels in precipitation through comparison of rain events of different origins. 3 Increases in ethanol usage, as described above, will have a significant impact on a variety of fundamentally important atmospheric processes. Recent studies suggest, for example, that reactive uptake of gas phase ethanol and aldehydes occur in the presence of sulfate aerosols (Iraci and Tolbert, 1997; Kane and Leu, 2001; Michelsen et al., 2006). The observed uptake is believed to occur through sulfate esterification where the poly-condensation products formed have different water solubilities and optical properties. Increases in ethanol usage, along with other mitigating factors such as evolving emission control technologies, will also cause significant fluctuations in fossil fuel emissions to the atmosphere. The second phase of the proposed research seeks to explore the importance of changing fossil fuel emissions on the abundance of light absorbing or chromophoric organic material (CDOM) in rainwater. Investigating CDOM is important because these molecules play a central role in solar radiative transfer in the condensed phase affecting both the attenuation and spectral distribution of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface. They could also have a significant impact on droplet population and cloud albedo by lowering the surface tension of atmospheric waters (Facchini et al., 2000; Decesari et al., 2005; Kiss et al., 2005). The first step in determining the role of fossil fuel emissions on the abundance of CDOM in atmospheric waters was to determine its stable carbon isotopic composition (expressed as 13C). The 13C values of whole rain DOM ranged from -23.7 to -27.7 ‰ (average -25.7 ± 1.2‰) with storm back trajectory acting as a key control of inputs from terrestrial(~-27 ‰) to marine (~ -20 ‰) carbon sources. C18 extracted DOM, in contrast, was highly depleted in 13C compared to whole rain DOC with an average 13C value of -32.3 ± 1.2 ‰. These values are very light and suggest C18 extracted DOM, which contains a significant fraction of the chromophoric material (Miller et al., 2009), is not typical biogenic terrestrial or marine material. One very interesting hypothesis for the depleted 13C in C18 extracted CDOM compared to whole rain DOC is that CDOM has a significant fossil fuel component. We have obtained preliminary evidence supporting this hypothesis utilizing automobile exhaust bubbled though synthetic rainwater (SRW; pH 4.5 sulfuric acid in deionized water). After ten minutes the resulting mixture contains organic moieties with optical properties similar to CDOM with an absorbance coefficient at 300 nm (0.29 m-1) and a total integrated fluorescence (30.5 x 103) very near the average values observed for CDOM in rainwater (n=120) of 0.37 m-1 and 29.0 x 103 respectively (Kieber et al., 2006). Previous research has suggested that rainwater CDOM plays a central role in photo mediated reactions occurring in atmospheric waters because of its photolability even when exposed to short term irradiations with simulated sunlight (Kieber et al., 2007). Preliminary evidence demonstrates that the fluorescence of car exhaust in SRW during a six hour irradiation increased to a maximum value during the first two hours followed by steadily decreasing values. This pattern of fluorescence is remarkably similar to the photolysis of authentic rainwater (Fig. 4). Preliminary data generated by the latest in accurate mass, high resolution mass spectrometry utilizing Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS (FT-ICR MS) demonstrate that the unphotolyzed automobile exhaust and rain water are heterogeneous and complex mixtures with individual molecular ions between m/z 250 to 800 (Fig. 5). 4 100000 50000 Fig. 4. Entire scan integrated EEM fluorescence (integrated Fluorescence Fluorescence 80000 40000 30000 fluorescence units) of authentic rain (left) and car exhaust bubbled through SRW (right) as a function of irradiation time. 60000 40000 20000 0 20000 0 2 4 Time (hrs) 6 0 1 2 3 4 Time (hrs) 5 6 Fig. 5. High resolution FT-ICRMS data from a coastal rain event and car exhaust bubbled through SRW. The results presented in Figs. 4 and 5 raise several important questions central to our understanding of the role of fossil fuel derived organic compounds as a source of CDOM in atmospheric waters. How do the chemical constituents in fossil fuel derived CDOM compare to those in authentic rainwater initially and as a function of irradiation time? Are the photo induced compositional variations for authentic rainwater consistent in all rain events or does air mass back trajectory and season influence results? Are the photolytic responses reversible? When the authentic rain sample in Fig. 4 was irradiated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400-700 nm) rather than full spectrum sunlight the fluorescence increased steadily throughout the entire six hr photolysis (Fig. 6 left panel) in contrast to the oscillation in fluorescence observed in Fig. 4. The pattern of fluorescence increase presented in Fig. 6 implies significant production of highly chromophoric material from non chromophoric and/or less chromophoric organic moieties in rainwater. The PAR irradiation study was conducted with a second rain event with similar results suggesting this was not an anomalous rain sample. The results of Figs. 4 and 6 suggest that not only does light photo bleach CDOM as previously reported but it also produces significant quantities under certain irradiation conditions. This proposal seeks to answer the following questions based on these important results. Do all authentic rainwater samples have the same response to PAR and is the response of fossil fuel derived chromophoric material to varying exposure wavelengths the same as authentic rainwater? What are the mechanistic underpinnings and compositional variations causing the oscillations in fluorescence upon exposure to full spectrum sunlight relative to the rapid increase in fluorescence with PAR only presented in Fig.6? Resolving these uncertainties has profound ramifications for predicting how fluctuations in fossil fuel emissions will impact the wavelength dependent spectral attenuation of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface and global climate change models. We propose the following objective based on these important questions. 5 80000 40000 60000 30000 Fluorescence Fluorescence Objective 2. Determine the molecular level composition of chromophoric material obtained from various fossil fuel derived combustion sources and compare with authentic rainwater collected from different air mass back trajectories and seasons as a function of irradiation time and exposure wavelength (full spectrum, UV and PAR light). Assess the reversibility of observed optical and compositional photolytic responses. 40000 20000 Fig. 6. Entire scan integrated EEM fluorescence (integrated fluorescence units) as a function of irradiation time with PAR for two different rain samples. 20000 10000 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 Time (hrs) 3 4 5 6 Time (hrs) An important consequence of the increase in ethanol usage and fluctuating fuel emissions is the potential to change the redox properties of the troposphere by generating or destroying reactive species such as hydrogen peroxide. Ethanol may affect the oxidizing capacity of atmospheric waters because of its potential reactions with H2O2, ∙OH and ∙HO2 radicals in solution that form acetaldehyde and acetic acid. We have preliminary data utilizing car exhaust bubbled through SRW indicating that significant concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are produced upon photolysis of fossil fuel derived chromophoric material (Fig. 7). The maximum concentration in this synthetic solution at 2.5 hrs could account for approximately half the volume weighted average hydrogen peroxide concentration in rainwater at the Wilmington collection site between 2001-2003 (Willey et al., 2006) indicating the potential significance of this process to the abundance of peroxide in the aqueous phase. Production of hydrogen peroxide from fossil fuel derived CDOM has important implications for the oxidizing and acid generating capacity of the troposphere because it is a chemically labile oxidant which plays a role in the conversion of a number of highly reactive free radicals and trace metals as well as its central role in the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid in cloud and rainwater (Calvert and Stockwell, 1983; Calvert et al., 1985). Because of the potential importance of this process to the chemistry of the troposphere we propose the following objective. H2O2 (M) 6 Fig. 7. Concentration of H2O2 (M) in fossil fuel derived CDOM as a function of irradiation time (hrs). 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (hrs) Objective 3. Quantify the production of hydrogen peroxide from photolysis of fossil fuel derived CDOM obtained from various sources. Determine the role of sample matrix and the efficiency or apparent quantum yield of this photo process. 6 The final objective of the proposed research explores the relationship between fluctuations in fossil fuel emissions on the speciation of iron in atmospheric waters. Iron is one of the most abundant trace metals in rainwater, where it occurs in particulate and dissolved forms, including both free and complexed ferrous and ferric iron species (Willey et al., 2000; Kieber et al., 2001; Kieber et al., 2001). Iron plays an important role in the redox chemistry of the troposphere because of its involvement in reactions such as the decomposition and generation of H2O2 in cloudwater (Zuo and Hoigne, 1992; Sedlack and Hoigne, 1993) and fog (Zuo and Hoigne, 1992; Zuo and Deng, 1999) and the conversion of S(IV) to S(VI) (Graedel et al., 1985; Jacob et al., 1986; Breytenbach et al., 1994). The oxidizing capacity of the troposphere is influenced by the reactivity of Fe with several free radicals including OH, HO2, and O2- (Faust and Hoigne, 1990; Faust and Zepp, 1993; Sedlack and Hoigne, 1993; Siefert and Hoffmann, 1996) and with other redox-active trace metals such as copper and chromium (Erel et al., 1993; Faust and Zepp, 1993; Zuo, 1995; Abu-Saba et al., 2000; Kieber et al., 2002; Kieber et al., 2004). Rainwater is an important delivery mechanism for iron to surface seawater where it is a limiting phytoplankton nutrient in vast regions of the world’s oceans. This delivery of labile Fe is thought to play a significant role in the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The concentration of Fe(II) in 2008 was less than half its value in 2000 in both winter and summer rain collected at the Wilmington site (Willey et al., 2009). Rain in the first half of 2009 continues to be very low in Fe(II) suggesting 2008 was not an anomalous year but rather there may be an ongoing fundamental change in the speciation of Fe in atmospheric waters. Storage experiments performed on rain collected during the summer of 2008 revealed significant oxidation of Fe(II) by hydrogen peroxide within hours in marked contrast to the stability of Fe(II) observed in rain collected five to ten years ago where there was no decrease in Fe(II) even after 24 hours storage. Recent studies suggest that the decreased stability and concentration of Fe(II) compared to a decade ago may result from a lowering in the abundance of iron ligands in rainwater (Willey et al., 2009). Preliminary data suggest the most effective Fe ligand(s) in rainwater are contained within the chromophoric dissolved organic matter fraction with higher Fe(II) concentrations in highly fluorescing samples (Fig. 8). The correlation between Fe(II) and CDOM fluorescence is much stronger than that between Fe(II) and DOC because about half the compounds in rainwater DOC cannot form complexes with Fe(II) (ex. formic and acetic acids). The fluorescence of rainwater was not measured a decade ago so it is unclear if the higher concentrations and greater stability of Fe observed in 2000 were the result of increased levels of these Fe ligands or if some other factor was controlling Fe speciation. The relationship between the concentration of Fe(II) and CDOM presented in Fig. 8 raises several important questions central to the redox chemistry of the troposphere. Is fossil fuel derived chromophoric material capable of binding Fe(II)? If so, has the amount or complexation capacity of fossil fuel CDOM decreased due to more effective pollution control technology? How do the photochemical changes in CDOM caused by exposure to sunlight presented in Figs. 4 and 6 affect the ability of CDOM to bind Fe(II)? If Fe(II) binds to photochemically mediated and anthropogenic CDOM how easily is it removed? Does Fe(III) also complex fossil fuel derived CDOM? 100 y = 0.001x - 8.939 Fe(II) (nM) 80 Fig. 8. Fe(II) concentration (nM) versus total integrated CDOM fluorescence (quinine sulfate units) in rainwater collected in Wilmington, NC between 1 January and 31 December 2008. n = 52, r = 0.748, p < 0.001. 2 R = 0.559 60 40 20 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 integrated fluorescence (QSU) 7 Exploring the significance of changing fossil fuel emissions on the speciation of Fe is especially important to understanding the role of the metal in current as well as future atmospheric processes. Unraveling these uncertainties will also have direct and profound consequences for global carbon budgets and climate warming because lower concentrations of Fe(II) implies there will be less removal of atmospheric CO2 by marine phytoplankton. Objective 4. Determine the role of photochemically mediated and fossil fuel derived CDOM on the speciation and stability of iron in rainwater. Assess whether the concentrations or effectiveness of CDOM as a ligand for Fe(II) has changed. Sampling Procedures Field Sampling: Rainwater will be collected at our existing rain site on the UNCW campus on an event basis throughout this three-year project. This time period is necessary in order to define seasonal variations and incorporate extreme weather events like drought and hurricanes. This rainwater site (34º13.9'N, 77º52.7'W) is on the UNCW campus, approximately 8.5 km from the Atlantic Ocean. We currently have 24.5 years of rainwater composition data for this site, which will be useful in interpretation of data generated and also will allow comparison with other locations. Event rain samples will be collected using four Automatic Wet-Dry Precipitation Collectors. Samples for pH, inorganic ions, hydrogen peroxide, dissolved organic carbon and CDOM analyses and experiments will be collected from samplers containing a 2L muffled Pyrex glass beaker. Samples for trace metal analysis will be collected in collectors containing a HDPE funnel leading to a 1L Teflon bottle extensively cleaned using trace metal clean procedures and protocols (Bruland et al., 1979; Bruland, 1980; Tramontano et al., 1987). Back trajectory analysis will be used to describe the storm origin (NOAA HYSPLIT Model Procedures – Objective 1 Ethanol and Acetaldehyde: Acetaldehyde concentrations in rainwater samples will be determined after reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) for one hour in the dark forming a hydrazone which is separated from interfering substances by HPLC and quantified by UV detection at 350 nm (Kieber et al., 1999). The detection limit of the method is 10 nM with a precision of 5% at typical rainwater concentrations. Ethanol will be determined on a second aliquot of rainwater by oxidation of the alcohol to acetaldehyde via alcohol oxidase obtained from the yeast Hansenula sp. The enzyme is prepared by dissolution of 100 units of alcohol oxidase in 5 mL of 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9.0). The rain sample (1000 μL) is combined with 10 μL of buffer, 100 μL of an enzyme working reagent (0.18 units mL-1) and allowed to react at 400C for 2.5 hrs before addition of 10 μL of DNPH. The concentration of ethanol is determined by the difference in acetaldehyde concentration in samples with and without added enzyme. The percent conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde is >90% after 2 hrs at environmentally relevant ethanol concentrations. Blanks, consisting of synthetic rainwater in place of sample, are undetectable for both acetaldehyde and ethanol. A typical calibration curve is presented in Fig. 9. 8 70 60 Fig. 9. Peak area vs. concentration of ethanol (M). R2 = 0.9996 peak area 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 ethanol (M) Acetic Acid: Acetic acid concentrations will be determined using ion exclusion chromatography with a IonPac ICE-AS1 4x250mm column. The eluent will be 1mM HCl and the regenerant 0.005M tetrabutylammonium hydroxide. DOC and VOC: Rainwater organic and inorganic carbon content will be determined with a Shimadzu TOC 5000 carbon analyzer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an ASI 5000 autosampler (Willey et al., 2000). The detection limit for this instrument is 5 M C with a relative standard deviation < 3%. Typical rainwater DOC measurements as usually reported are non-purgeable DOC (NPDOC). Samples are acidified in this method to pH 2 with 2 M HCl and sparged with carbon dioxide free carrier gas for 5 min at a flow rate of 125 mL min-1 to remove inorganic carbon prior to injection onto a heated catalyst bed (0.5% Pt on alumina support, 680°C, regular sensitivity). A nondispersive infrared detector measures carbon dioxide gas from the combusted organic carbon. The purging step described above also removes VOC if present in the rain sample. We have modified the method for determining NPDOC to measure both total carbon (TC) and inorganic carbon (IC) similar to Campos et al. (2007) in order to assess rainwater VOC content,. Total carbon (TC) will be determined using the same procedure as NPDOC except the IC removal step will not be performed. Therefore TC will contain NPDOC, IC and VOC. Inorganic carbon (IC) concentrations will be determined using the Shimadzu TOC 5000 carbon analyzer inorganic carbon method. An aliquot of the sample will be injected into an acidic solution and CO2 measured directly on the non dispersive infrared detector bypassing the combustion step. Samples for NPDOC measurements will not be filtered since any filtration may remove VOC. A previous study has shown that particulate organic carbon is not a significant in the rain events received at this location so filtration is not necessary when measuring NPDOC (Willey et al., 2000). The calculation of VOC is then made using the equation (Avery et al., 2009): VOC = TC – (NPDOC + IC) Procedures - Objectives 2 and 3 Approach: Preliminary data from our group suggests there is a genesis and destruction of CDOM and H2O2 upon irradiation that is wavelength dependant. A variety of sources will be sampled and photolyzed in order to test if alternating fuel sources or emission control technologies produce different molecular level distributions of CDOM. Rainwater from different back trajectories and seasons will also be sampled and photolyzed to relate fuel composition to photochemical changes. DOM will be isolated by C18 SPE and lyophilization. Structural elucidation of the isolated DOM will be carried out using a variety of techniques including high resolution, accurate mass MS and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for chemical characterization. Electrospray ionization is a “soft” technique giving no fragmentation and single charged molecular ions. Since the FT-ICR MS generates accurate mass data with the highest resolution, individual molecular formula can be generated and structures proposed. The elemental compositions generated will be used to make van Krevelen plots which are atomic ratios of H/C vs. O/C (Stenson et al., 2003; Kujawinski et al., 2004; Altieri et al., 2009). These plots compare elemental compositions between samples giving information as to the aromaticity and functionalities present. 9 Further chemical characterization of rainwater and fossil fuel derived CDOM will incorporate more advanced one and two dimensional NMR techniques in combination with chemical modification of extracts. Two dimensional NMR experiments which incorporate water suppression techniques will include COSY (for CH-CH connectivity), TOCSY (total correlation of spin systems within a molecule), HSCQ (H-C correlation), HMBC (long range H-C correlations) and DOSY (diffusion ordered spectroscopy for molecular size determination). Chemical modification of extracts will provide further information concerning the chemical nature of rainwater and fossil fuel derived CDOM. The poly carboxylic acid nature of the CDOM will be explored by converting carboxylic acids to their methyl esters. Methylation or acetylation of OH’s and NH’s will convert the DOM into a more organic soluble fraction which will allow for acquisition of spectra in solvents that will not interfere with signals in the region of water. This will also give further information on the oxygenated component of the DOM, in particular, its carbohydrate nature. By using a combined approach, structures of the most abundant species in the DOM will be identified thus giving insights as to molecular level processes. Exhaust Collection Procedure: Automobile exhaust will be bubbled through synthetic rainwater (SRW - MQ with a pH adjusted to approximately 4.5 with 5mM H2SO4). One liter of SRW will be divided into two 500 mL portions and placed into separate 1L glass bottles with ground-glass stoppers. In order to bubble exhaust, a glass funnel with a 3” opening will be attached to one end of Tygon tubing and the other end placed into the 1L glass bottle containing SRW. The funnel will be placed at the tailpipe of a warm car and secured using a ring stand. The ring stand holding the funnel will be adjusted until the exhaust bubbles out of the tubing and into the SRW. Once the exhaust bubbles freely, it will be allowed to collect for ten minutes. This will be repeated for the second portion of SRW. This sampling system has been successfully developed and used by our lab for the collection of the preliminary data. We will also sample coal and oil fired power plant emissions with the assistance of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. CDOM Extraction: C18 SPE cartridges will be preconditioned by washing with 2 X 5 mL 90% methanol:10% water followed by 2 X 5 mL deionized water. Samples for CDOM extraction will be filtered and loaded onto C18 cartridges by pulling through under vacuum with a 5-port manifold connected with a 1 L side-arm flask. The cartridges will be washed with 2 X 5 mL of DIW to remove residual salts before the bound constituents are eluted with 2 X 3 mL of 90% methanol:10% water eluant. The extracted material will be eluted from the column into 25 mL round-bottom flasks and concentrated to dryness under reduced pressure (Buchi Rotavapor, Model RE 111, Switzerland). Remaining traces of water and methanol will be removed under vacuum (Sargent-Welch Model 1400, Skokie, IL). Optical Properties: The optical properties used to characterize rainwater CDOM include absorbance and fluorescence (Kieber et al., 2006). Absorbance scans will be made from 240 to 800 nm using 10 cm Suprasil cuvettes on a Varian Cary 1E dual-beam spectrophotometer (2 nm slit width). Excitationemission matrix (EEM) fluorescence properties will be determined on a Jobin Yvon SPEX Fluoromax-3 scanning fluorometer equipped with a 150 W Xe arc lamp and a R928P detector. Photochemical Experiments: Controlled photolysis experiments will be performed using procedures described in an earlier rainwater photochemical study (Kieber et al., 2003). Two quartz flasks will be enclosed in aluminum foil to serve as dark controls and four will be left unwrapped and irradiated. The light-exposed and dark flasks will be placed in a constant temperature water bath and irradiated using a solar simulator (Spectral Energy solar simulator LH lamp housing with a 1000 watt Xe arc lamp) equipped with a sun lens diffuser and an AM1 filter to remove wavelengths not found in the solar spectrum. Light measurements will be made with an Ocean Optics SD2000 spectrophotometer connected to a fiber optic cable terminated with a CC-UV cosine collector. The system is calibrated with a NIST traceable tungsten lamp and data is collected with OOIrrad software. Aliquots will be withdrawn at predetermined time intervals over 1-12 hours for analyte determination (hydrogen peroxide, absorbance, 10 fluorescence, DOC). Changes in analyte concentration with time will be used to determine rate constants obtained on authentic rainwater samples from different seasons and storm types. These will be compared to analogous automobile and power plant exhaust in SRW in order to evaluate the impact of fossil fuel and rainwater matrices on photochemical changes. Apparent quantum efficiencies of the photo processes will be carried out using a monochromatic irradiation system consisting of a 1000 W Xe – Hg lamp (Spectral Energy Model LH 153) equipped with a high-intensity 0.25 m grating monochromator (Spectral Energy Corp. model GM 252-20) and a 10 cm sample cell (Kieber et al., 2003). Light will be detected using an International Light IL1700 radiometer (5V bias off) with a SED033 detector. Quantum efficiencies will be calculated at different wavelengths (wavelength-dependent quantum yields) to determine those wavelengths of sunlight which are most effective at initiating photochemical transformations and to permit modeling of photochemical processes. High Resolution FT-ICR MS and 1H, 13C NMR Analyses: The DOM isolated by C18 SPE will be analyzed on a 9.4 T FT-ICR MS at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at FSU by Dr. William Cooper (see letter of support). The instrument conditions will be the same as Stenson et al., (2003). Molecular formula will be generated using mass calculator software available at Dr. Cooper’s laboratory at FSU. The 1H and 13C NMR analysis will be analyzed on a Bruker 600MHz NMR at UNCW in the Dept. Of Chemistry using published techniques (Miller et al., 2009). Supporting Analyses: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will be determined by a fluorescence decay technique (Kieber and Helz, 1986; Kieber et al., 2001). Chloride, nitrate and sulfate concentrations will be determined by suppressed ion chromatography. pH will be determined using low ionic strength buffers and a Ross electrode. DOC will be determined by high temperature catalytic oxidation using a Shimadzu TOC 5000 total carbon analyzer. Procedures - Objective 4 Fe(II) Speciation and Stability: Rainwater will be collected mid event and as soon as the rain event ends. Fe(II) and Fe(III) will be determined by the spectrophotometric ferrozine method using a 1-meter (Ocean Optics) or 5-meter (World Precision Instruments) liquid waveguide capillary cell (LWCC) attached to an Ocean Optics SD2000 spectrophotometer which we have used for rainwater for over a decade (Willey et al., 2000; Kieber et al., 2001). The analysis for Fe(II) will be repeated every half hour on samples stored at room temperature in the dark. Oxidation rate constants will be determined and compared with values obtained in this lab previously (Willey et al., 2005; Willey et al., 2009). Role of CDOM: Solutions of the chloride salts of Fe(II) and Fe(III) will be mixed with fossil fuel and extracted rainwater CDOM. Hydrogen peroxide will then be added to a final concentration matching the rainwater matrix. Fe(II) and Fe(III) concentrations will be monitored over time to look for effects of complexation on oxidation and precipitation of iron. Temporal changes in fossil fuel CDOM will be assessed by sampling automobile emissions from cars of varying ages to see if the fossil fuel CDOM amount and complexation capacity has decreased with the implementation of new emission control technology. SCIENTIFIC TEAM Our research team is uniquely qualified to conduct this research. We have expertise in the photochemistry of rainwater including determination of wavelength specific quantum yields. We have experience in the isotopic, FTIR, HPLC, GC, mass spectrometry and NMR characterization of organic matter from a variety of different environmental matrices including rainwater. We also have over 15 years experience working with metal speciation in rainwater including Fe, Cr, Hg, Mn and Cu and have a continuous record of hydrogen peroxide and DOC at this site for more than 14 years. Our rainwater team has been collecting additional supporting data at this site for over 24 years which will allow comparison with rain collected elsewhere. This team includes an assistant professor, an associate professor and two 11 full professors, continuing our tradition of bringing new faculty into this research project. We have the equipment in place and running, including a solar simulator, a monochromatic irradiation system, 3-D fluorometer, 400 MHz NMR, IR, MS, FT-IR, GC-MS, HR-MS, trace metal clean labs and a 1 and 5 m liquid wave guide long path length spectrophotometer. We will obtain a 600 MHz NMR in November 2009. In addition, our laboratory is directly adjacent to the primary rainwater collection site thereby minimizing speciation changes caused by storage prior to analysis. We provide educational opportunities for undergraduate and master’s students, postdoctoral fellows and high school students and teachers through this research, and thereby contribute to the teaching, training and learning mission of the National Science Foundation especially of students early in their scientific careers. We have a long record of successful integration of research and education through involvement of students in all of our research projects. Out involvement with young students in our research recruits and retains students in STEM areas. BROADER IMPACTS Benefits to Society: The proposed research seeks to address fundamental questions within the research objectives of NSF Atmospheric Chemistry. The data generated will provide significant new information on the effects of changing patterns of fossil fuel and ethanol use, which may cause large changes in rainwater dissolved organic carbon amounts and composition. This could also affect trace metal complexation in rain thereby impacting many atmospheric redox reactions. Advance Discovery and Understanding While Promoting Teaching, Training, and Learning: The involvement of young scientists early in their careers is an integral part of these investigators’ research program. High school students, undergraduates, master’s students, high school teachers and post doctoral fellows will conduct research together in our laboratory along with new and established faculty members. The graduate researchers will gain valuable teaching experience by acting as mentors to less experienced students. We will also have one or two high school science teachers or graduate students in training to become high school science teachers come and join our research team for a month each summer. These student teachers will receive academic credit with tuition support for their participation. We will work with the UNCW Watson School of Education to identify the science teachers in training as we have in the past (see letter of support attached). Mentoring of the Postdoctoral Fellow: Our postdoctoral fellow will be carefully mentored throughout this project. The fellow will be invited to give a research seminar soon after arrival so the whole Department will be introduced to the fellow. The fellow will be included in all Departmental and laboratory group social events. The fellow will be a central part of our research group, and will gain experience supervising undergraduate and master’s students. The fellow will be encouraged to contribute new ideas to this research. We will give the fellow undergraduate teaching experience, initially through team teaching to build confidence. The fellow will be encouraged to write scientific articles in peer reviewed journals and present research at scientific meetings in order to increase the eventual marketability of the fellow. The fellow will participate in proposal writing to gain experience in this important activity. Career and new position opportunities will be openly discussed as these arise, including faculty within our research group and beyond. To date, our research group now has experience mentoring seven postdoctoral fellows. Two have academic positions here at UNCW, two have research positions (one at Cambridge University and one at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory), one has gone into high school teaching and two are still with us. Broad Dissemination to Enhance Scientific and Technological Understanding: We have established ties with public radio and will continue to present our research to the general public through interviews. We have presented research findings at UNCW College Day which is primarily for retired persons, and through the UNCW Odyssey program. Our research is also presented to elementary and high school students and the PIs often serve as science project advisors for middle school students. The PIs routinely 12 serve as science fair judges and advisors for competitions including Science Olympiad and Ocean Bowl. NSF funded research conducted in our laboratory has been and will continue to be incorporated into our undergraduate and graduate courses. For example, some of our undergraduate Environmental Chemistry course lecture material is from our group’s research. The changing energy sources we propose to study will be a major part of our lectures on carbon budgets and climate change and it will provide students with a concrete example of cutting edge research with global significance conducted at UNCW. The high school teachers who work with us in the summer will take information about the research process as well as research results back to their high school classrooms, and we will encourage continuing contact and communication between our research group and these teachers by including them in notices about student defenses and other relevant seminars. Broaden Participation of Underrepresented Groups: Since our first NSF grant in 1985, approximately 80 undergraduate students, 40 master’s students and seven postdoctoral fellows have conducted research in our laboratory; more than half have been from underrepresented groups including women and minorities. If a qualified student applies from a minority institution, or indicates minority status on the application, every effort is made to find complete funding for that student, including an assistantship and full tuition support. NSF support in the past has provided needed flexibility to assist with this goal. Every minority student is carefully mentored, as are all our students in this program. One co-PI (GBA) has ongoing collaboration with scientists at Elizabeth City State University, a historically black university in the UNC system. Our research group has had several graduate students from UNC Pembroke, a historically Native American university. We currently have one student from Pembroke working on the rainwater research project. Every member of this research team agrees strongly with the UNCW diversity report goal to “foster a campus climate of inclusion.” 13 Abu-Saba, K. E., Sedlak, D. L. and Flegal, A. R.: Indirect reduction of hexavalent chromium by copper in the presence of superoxide, Mar. Chem. 69, 33-41 (2000) Altieri, K. E., Turpin, B. J. and Seitzinger, S. P.: Oligomers, organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates in rainwater identified by ultra high resolution electrospray ionization FTICR mass spectromotery, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9, 2533-2542 (2009) Avery, G. 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