2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CRITERIA/ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES MODULE 9 SCOPE The purpose of the criteria is to provide an additional margin of safety beyond the protection already afforded by facility design, operational and monitoring requirements set forth in Chapter 260a. through 270a. The criteria absolutely exclude siting of facilities in certain environmentally sensitive areas (Phase I) and require thorough assessment of environmental impacts prior to determining the suitability of siting in other sensitive environments (Phase II). Permit applicants must subject lands proposed for treatment or disposal of hazardous waste to the siting criteria prior to issuance of a hazardous waste permit. Module 9 is to be completed and submitted to the Department as a component of the Part B Permit Application. It is recommended that potential permit applicants subject proposed facilities to Phase I of the ESC prior to preparation of any other component of the Part B permit application. If, in fact, the site does not meet the exclusionary criteria imposed by Phase I (Sections 269a.21 through 269a.29) the site will not be permitted by the Department. If the site is not excluded under Phase I of the criteria, the applicant should complete Phase II (Sections 269.41 through 269a.50) providing additional information, as required. Sections 269a.41 through 269a.49 allow applicants to attempt to mitigate impacts. Section 269a.50 allows applicants to attempt to mitigate impacts, but also allows the applicant to provide social and economic justification in the event that impacts cannot be effectively mitigated. The Department will determine the effectiveness of mitigation and justification provisions. Hazardous waste storage facilities are exempt from the requirements specific to the Environmental Siting Criteria, but may be subject to the Environmental Assessment Process, in accordance with Article 1, Section 27 of the Pa. Constitution, known as the Environmental Rights Amendment. APPLICABILITY Environmental Siting Criteria: The Environmental Siting Criteria apply to siting of treatment and/or disposal facilities managing hazardous waste (defined in Chapter 260a.-261a.). Phase I Criteria apply to all hazardous waste treatment and/or disposal facilities and modification to the facility outside the facility site defined by the original permit (if the permit has not been issued, the permit application) with the following exceptions: 1. A facility sited and substantially constructed in good faith prior to September 21, 1985; 2. Modifications to a facility within the existing facility site. Phase II criteria apply to all hazardous waste treatment or disposal facilities and modifications, including the exceptional circumstances indicated by Items 1 and 2, above. Environmental Assessment Process: The Environmental Assessment Process applies to the siting of hazardous waste storage facilities (storage as defined in Chapter 260a.), including surface impoundments to be used exclusively for storage. PROCEDURES Permit applicants should submit a completed copy of this module with the permit application submission. In addition, a USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle map, indicating the perimeter of the facility site (to approximate scale) and all environmental resource areas (as indicated by this module) shall be provided. Environmental Siting Criteria: If the permit applicant/permittee intends to site a hazardous waste treatment and/or disposal facility subject to the Environmental Siting Criteria (as determined in the “Applicability” section, herein), then Section One of this module should be completed. The applicant should complete Phase I prior to Phase II. Applicants should answer each question which -1- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 applies to the type of facility they intend to operate and provide the required additional information for all affirmative responses. Attachments may be necessary if additional information is required. When locating a facility site with respect to the boundaries of environmental impact areas identified by Phase I and II of the siting criteria, applicants should be aware that distances from a facility to a feature or structure (described by these criteria) shall be measured from the perimeter of the facility site. “Facility Site” is defined as “all contiguous land owned or under the control of an owner or operator of a hazardous waste facility and identified in the permit or permit application” (ref. Chapter 269a.1(a)). Environmental Assessment Process: If the permit applicant/permittee intends to site a hazardous waste storage facility, then Section Two of this module may be required to be completed. (It is recommended that permit applicants contact the appropriate Regional DEP-BLRWM office prior to completion of this Section.) Applicants should answer each question in Part A of Section Two and provide the required additional information for all affirmative responses. Part B of Section Two need not be completed unless requested by the Department. Attachments may be required if additional information is required. When locating a facility site with respect to the boundaries of environmental impact areas identified by the Environmental Assessment Process, applicants should be aware that distances from a facility to a feature or structure shall be measured from the perimeter of the facility site. Facility site is defined “as all contiguous land owned or under the control of an owner or operator of a hazardous waste facility and identified in the permit or permit application.” -2- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 SECTION ONE - ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CRITERIA Phase I - Exclusionary Criteria: With the exception of the three items in Subsection C of this section, an affirmative response to any of the following inquiries indicates exclusion of the proposed site under the Environmental Siting Criteria. (Note: where indicated below, if the applicant can prove that operation of the facility is authorized by statute or ordinance of the agency responsible for the identified environmental resource area, the exclusionary criteria for that specific environmental resource area may not apply). Affirmative responses to items in Subsection C require that additional information be provided. A. Is the facility a Treatment or Disposal Facility, and Regulatory Citation yes no 269a.23 1) Is all or part of the facility located in a wetland; 269a.26 2) Is all or part of the facility located within a National Natural Landmark, designated by the National Park Service or in an historic site listed on the National Register of Historic Places (Note: Statutory authorization to operate the facility in such an area may exempt the facility from exclusion from siting in that or those area(s)); 269a.27 3) Is all or part of the facility located on lands in public trust, including state, county or municipal parks, units of the National Park System, State Forests, the Allegheny National Forest, State Game Lands, property owned by the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission, a National Wildlife Refuge, National Fish Hatchery, or National Environmental Center (Note: Statutory or ordinance authorization to operate the facility in one of these areas may exempt the facility from exclusion from siting in that, or those, area(s)); 269a.28 4) Is all or part of the facility located in an agricultural area established under the Agricultural Area Security Act (3 P.S.§§901-905); 269a.28 5) Is all or part of the facility located in an area identified as Class I agricultural land by the Soil Conservation Service; 269a.29 6) Is all or part of the facility located in a watershed of Exceptional Value Waters. B. Is the facility a surface impoundment (for disposal), landfill, or land treatment facility, and Regulatory Citation yes no 269a.22 1) Is all or part of the facility located in the 100 year floodplain, or a larger area that the flood of record has inundated; 269a.24 2) Is all or part of the facility located over active or inactive oil and gas wells (as defined in the Oil and Gas Act (58 P.S. §§601.101-601.505)) or gas storage areas located within or beneath the facility site; 269a.21(a)(1) 3) Is all or part of the facility located within one-half mile of a well or spring used for a community water supply; -3- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation yes no 269a.21(a)(2) 4) Is all or part of the facility located within one-half mile of either side of a stream or impoundment, for a distance of five stream miles upstream of a surface water intake for a community water supply. 269a.42(g) 5) Is all or part of the facility located in an area underlain by coarse unconsolidated deposits (i.e., well sorted valley fill deposits and heavily fractured bedrock). -4- 2510-PM-BWM0008 C. 3/2006 The following criteria are exclusionary to siting the hazardous waste facilities identified, unless information, as required, is provided which justifies exemption from the exclusionary criteria: Regulatory Citation yes no 269a.25 1) Is the facility a surface impoundment (for disposal), landfill or land treatment facility and is all or part of the facility located over limestone or carbonate formations, where the formations are greater than five feet in thickness and present at the topmost geologic unit (Note: areas mapped by the Pennsylvania Geologic Survey as underlain by formations shall be excluded unless competent geologic studies demonstrate the absence of formations under the facility site); 269a.21(a)(3) 2) Is the facility a landfill, land treatment or surface impoundment (for disposal), and is it located within onehalf mile of an off-site private or noncommunity public well or spring used as an active water supply; If so, has the applicant demonstrated the availability of an acceptable permanent alternative supply of like quantity, yield and quality to the existing supply, and will the applicant provide financial assurance that the alternate supply will be made available at no additional cost to the water supply owner for a period of time that shall be no less than the bond liability period established in §264a.166 of the Department’s Rules and Regulations; 269a.22(b) 3) Is the facility a treatment or incineration facility and is all or part of the facility located in the 100 year floodplain or a larger area that the flood of record has inundated; If so, was the industrial use on the proposed site in existence as of the effective date of the Pennsylvania Flood Plain Management Act, Act of October 4, 1978 (P.L. 851, No. 166). -5- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Phase II - Environmental Assessment Criteria: An affirmative response to any of the following inquiries requires that the applicant completely address the additional questions set forth for that particular item. (The Department may require additional information, as deemed necessary). Inability or failure to provide such information may result in permit application denial. Inability to adequately mitigate the identified environmental impact may result in permit denial, with the exception of the items identified in Subsection A.(16) of this Phase II section (regarding environmental assessment considerations). If a facility is unable to mitigate the environmental impact identified by any of the items included in Subsection A.(16), the Department may evaluate the social and economic benefits of the proposed facility to determine whether environmental harm outweighs such benefits. (Note: If the facility is a surface impoundment (for disposal), land treatment facility, or landfill, both Subsection A AND B, of this section, must be completed). A. Is the facility (1) a proposed treatment or disposal facility, or (2) a treatment or disposal facility sited and substantially constructed in good faith prior to September 21, 1985, or (3) a modification within the existing facility site, and: Regulatory Citation 269a.42(d) yes 1) no Is all or part of the facility located in a landslide prone area or adjacent to a landslide prone area? If “yes”, has the applicant submitted information and analyses which prove that the facility is designed to provide adequate protection from potential landslides? 269a.42(h) 2) Is all or part of the facility located within a five mile radius of an earthquake epicenter, as mapped by the Pennsylvania Geologic Survey, or the United States Geologic Survey. If “yes”, has the applicant specified design measures necessary to withstand potential seismic events, and will these measures provide adequate protection from potential earthquake damage. 269a.44(b) 3) Has all or part of the facility been previously mined by deep or surface mining methods. If “yes”, has the applicant provided the results of an engineering study, (performed by a competent geotechnical engineer) which: a. Assesses the probability and degree of surface subsidence. b. Describes acceptable methods which have been used or are proposed to stabilize the surface. c. Provides assurance that minerals providing support will not be mined as long as hazardous waste remains on site. 269a.46(a) 4) Is all or part of the facility located greater than five miles travel distance of interstate or limited access highways. 269a.46(a) 5) Is any part of the facility not served by roads capable of handling anticipated truck traffic or by a dedicated limit access highway. -6- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation yes no If “yes” (to inquiries (4) and/or (5) above), has the applicant provided analyses to allow assessment of (a) the proximity of the facility to interstate highways, (b) the effect of the proposed facility upon the community in the transportation corridor and to and from the facility. Is a highway improvement plan required, and, if so, has one been provided. 269a.46(b) 6) Is the facility located where the transportation corridor (between any facility entrance and the nearest interstate or limited access highway) is the primary access for more than five residential dwellings per road mile, or less than five residential dwellings per road mile when schools, community parks, or hospitals also located along the corridor. If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses to assess the effect that the proposed facility will have upon safety and traffic congestion. 269a.46(c) 7) Is the facility located where there are more than four intersections per mile between any entrance to the facility and the nearest interstate or limited access highway. If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the effect that the proposed facility will have upon safety and traffic congestion. 269a.48(c) 8) Is all or part of the facility located less than one mile from: an airport a school a community park a hospital a church a retail center a nursing home If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analysis to assess the effect that the proposed facility will have on the use of any of these facilities. 269a.49(a),(c) 9) Will siting of the facility adversely effect the economy of the host and contiguous municipalities and municipalities contiguous to the transportation corridor to the nearest interstate or limited access highway, resulting in a net loss of revenue? If “yes”: 269a.49(b) 10) 1. Has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess compensation needed to offset such actual net loss of revenues; 2. Has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess employment and future economic development generated as a result of the location of the facility which may offset a decrease in the local economy. Will siting of the facility result in an increase in the cost of services provided by local government? -7- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation yes no If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the compensation needed to offset net increases in such costs. 269a.49(d) 11) Will siting of the facility result in a net increase in cost for monitoring the facility by local government? If “yes”: 269a.49(g) 12) 1. Has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the need for compensation for technical assistance which may offset these costs. 2. Has the applicant assessed provisions for site access by local governments. Is the facility located in an area underlain by coarse unconsolidated deposits? If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses to further assess the site to determine the environmental impact of these subsurface conditions. 269a.47 13) Is the facility located in an area with adequate safety services (based on the following): Has the applicant provided information and analysis which assesses the adequacy of fire protection, police, ambulance and other necessary safety services available and willing to provide services to proposed facility? Does the applicant’s proposed operation comply with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 264, Subparts C and D (relating to preparedness and prevention; contingency plan and emergency procedures) and Chapter 264a., Subchapter D (relating to contingency plan and emergency procedures). 269a.49(e) 14) Has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess a change in market value of property within the local government caused by operation of the facility, and the means by which operation of the facility may offset the change. 269a.45(a) 15) Is the facility a new treatment and disposal facility of which all or part is located on any lands not either designated for industrial use by existing municipal zoning or indicated as industrial in officially adopted county or municipal comprehensive plans or land use maps. If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analysis which assesses the compatibility of the design of the facility with zoning or land use controls. Where no zoning exists, the applicant shall provide information and analysis which assesses compatibility with existing land use. -8- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation 269a.50 yes 16) no Environmental Assessment Considerations If the facility is (1) a proposed treatment or disposal facility, or (2) a treatment or disposal facility sited and substantially constructed in good faith prior to September 21, 1985, or (3) a modification within the existing facility site, then the applicant must respond to inquiries 16(a)-(o), as follows. An affirmative response to any of the following requires that the applicant provide additional information, as indicated. If, after consideration of the mitigation measures proposed by the applicant, the Department determines that significant environmental harm will occur, the Department will evaluate the social and economic benefits of the proposed facility to determine whether harm outweighs the benefits. (Environmental impact assessment is not limited to the resources identified in this subsection. There may be additional potentially affected resources which may be identified by the Department for the applicant. The applicant is required to address these additional resources in the same manner as described herein or as the Department determines) 269a.50(b)(1) a) Is the proposed facility located within one mile of the corridor of a stream or river designated as a national or state wild, scenic, recreational, pastoral, or modified recreation river under the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, or the Pennsylvania Scenic Rivers Act. If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(2) b) 1. Identify the river, the outline of the designated corridor, and the location of the project within the proximity of the corridor. 2. Describe how the project conforms to the Land Management Guidelines and Studies or Plans for the corridor or designation of statutes. Is the project located within one mile of the nearest bank of a stream or river listed as a 1-A priority for study by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources as a state wild, scenic, recreational, pastoral, or modified recreational river; or mandated by the U.S. Congress for study or determined by the U.S. Park Service to meet the criteria for study for potential inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System? If “yes”, did the applicant: 1. Identify the river or stream and its distance from the project. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on or in the vicinity of the river or stream. -9- 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation yes no 4. 269a.50(b)(3) c) Describe the measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the river or stream. Is the facility located within one mile of a unit of the National Parks System; a state, county, or municipal park; a recreation facility operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; a state forest picnic area; or the Allegheny River Reservoir in the Allegheny National Forest. If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(4) d) 1. Identify the park or other area and its distance from the project. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the park or other area. 4. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the park or other area. Is the facility located within one mile of the footpath of the Appalachian Trail or other state designated trail. If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(5) e) 1. Indicate the distance from the project to Appalachian Trail, or other state designated land. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the Appalachian Trail or other state designated trail. 4. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the Appalachian Trail or other state designated trail. Is the facility located within one mile of a national natural landmark designated by the U.S. National Park Service; or a natural area or wild area designated by the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board? If “yes”, did the applicant: 1. Identify the natural landmark, natural area and its distance from the project. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the park or other wild area. 4. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the park or other wild area. - 10 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation 269a.50(b)(6) yes f) no Is the facility located within one mile or within an identified potential impact area of a national wildlife refuge, national fish hatchery, or national environmental center operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(7) g) 1. Identify the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery or environmental center and its distance from the project. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery, or environmental center. 4. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery, or environmental center. Is the facility located within one mile of an historic property owned by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission? If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(8) h) 1. Identify the historic property and its distance from the project. 2. Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. 3. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the historic property. 4. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the historic property. Is the facility located within ¼ mile of an historic site listed in the Pennsylvania Inventory of Historic Places; or an archaeological site listed in the Pennsylvania Archaeological Site Survey? If “yes”, did the applicant: 1. Identify the historic or archaeological site, and its distance from the project. 2. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the historic or archaeological site. 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the historic or archaeological site. 4. Indicate any contact had with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission about the project. - 11 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation 269a.50(b)(9) yes i) no Is the facility located within one mile of an historic site listed in the National Register of Historic Places? If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(10) j) 1. Identify the historic property and its distance from the project. 2. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the historic site. 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the historic site. 4. Indicate any contact made with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Is the facility within one mile of the boundary of a state forest or state game land; or the proclamation boundary of the Allegheny National Forest? If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(11) k) 1. Identify the forest or game land and its distance from the project. 2. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the forest or game land. 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts of the project on the forest, game land, or resource. Is the facility located within an area which is a habitat of a rare, threatened, or endangered species of plant or animal protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, the Wild Resource Conservation Act or recognized by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission or Pennsylvania Game Commission? If “yes”, did the applicant: 1. Identify the species and the habitat area and the location of the project within the area; 2. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the species or habitat; 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the species or habitat; 4. Describe any contact had with the Pennsylvania Fish Commission, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the project. - 12 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation 269a.50(b)(12) yes l) no Will the facility, absent control measures, result in an increase in the peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage from the project site? If “yes”, did the applicant: 1. Describe the amount of increase in the discharge rate for stormwater drainage; 2. Describe adverse impacts that might result from the increase in peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage; 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts from the increase in the peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage; 4. Demonstrate that the proposed facility is in conformance with the official stormwater management plan required by the Stormwater Management Act. If “no”, provide documentation supporting this judgment. 269a.50(b)(13) m) Is the facility proposed to be located in a watershed for which a formal written request for designation as Exceptional Value Watershed has been received by the Department or the Environmental Quality Board. If “yes”, did the applicant: 269a.50(b)(14) n) 1. Identify the stream and watershed, and the distance of the stream from the project. 2. Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the stream. 3. Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the stream. 4. Provide information and analyses which assess the impact of the proposed facility on pending designation. Will the facility generate a wastewater discharge which could degrade waters designated as High Quality Waters under Chapter 93 (relating to water quality standards) or waters for which a formal written request for designation has been received by the Department or the Environmental Quality Board? If “yes”, has the applicant demonstrated that: 1. The discharges are justified as a result of necessary economic or social development which is a significant public value. 2. The discharges above or in combination with other anticipated discharges of pollutants to the waters, will not preclude a use presently possible in the waters and downstream from the waters, and will not result in a violation of the numerical water quality criteria specified in §93.9 which are applicable to the receiving waters. - 13 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 269a.50(b)(15) 3/2006 o) Is the proposed facility to be located on prime or unique agricultural land as defined by the Soil Conservation Service; lands currently in agricultural use, or lands of statewide importance as designated by the Soil Conservation Service? If “yes”, did the applicant: B. 1. Identify the location and acreage of such lands respective to the facility. 2. Provide information and analyses which assess the proposed facility’s consistency with Commonwealth policy (i.e., Executive Order 1982-3, regarding agricultural lands.) Is the facility a surface impoundment (for disposal), land treatment facility, or landfill, and: Regulatory Citation 269a.41(a) yes 1) no Is all or part of the facility within the ground-water recharge area for public or private water supplies. If “yes”, has the applicant: 269a.41(b) 269a.41(c) a. Delineated the position of the proposed facility within relevant groundwater flow systems. b. Identified all public and private water supplies and water treatment plants which may be adversely effected by groundwater flow impacted by the facility. c. For water supplies or water treatment plants identified in (b) above, has the applicant provides a detailed hydrogeologic study including: d. 1. Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer for the water supplier. 2. Hydraulic conductivity of deposits underlying the site. 3. Assessment of the influence of faults, fractures, or other structural geologic features upon hydraulic conductivity and groundwater flow directions. 4. Pumping rates of water supply wells and the areal extent and configuration of the cone of pumping depression associated with these wells in relation to the ground water table of the surrounding areas. the geologic For water suppliers or water treatment plants determined by the hydrogeologic study required by (c), above, has the applicant demonstrated: 1. That the hydrogeologic characteristics of the site and adjacent areas assure that implementation of the groundwater monitoring well program will provide protection of water supplies and water treatment plants from potential contamination; - 14 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation 269a.42(a) yes 2) no Is all or part of the facility located less than one mile from a major structural feature (a “major structural feature” is a fault mapped by the Pennsylvania Geologic Survey or the U.S. Geologic Survey at a scale of four miles/inch). If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the compatibility of the proposed facility design with the faults in the area. 269a.42(b) 3) Is all or part of the facility located in an area where depth to bedrock is less than 15 feet (Note: where facility construction requires excavation, final depth to bedrock shall be considered). If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the compatibility of the design and construction of the proposed facility with the bedrock depth. 269a.42(c) 4) Is all or part of the facility located in an area with slopes exceeding 15%. If “yes”, has the applicant: provided information and analyses which assess the compatibility of the design and construction measures for the proposed facility that would minimize adverse effects. 269a.42(e) 5) Is all or part of the facility located in an area where abandoned oil and gas wells, and gas storage areas exist within? (Abandoned oil and gas wells and gas storage areas as defined in the Oil and Gas Act). If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the probability and degree of subsurface discharges to be expected from the existence of such areas within the facility, after wells are plugged. 269a.42(f) 6) Is all or part of the facility located over areas underlain by carbonate bedrock. If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the prevalence of solution channels and the potential for sinkholes at the facility site. 269a.43(b) 7) Is all or part of the facility located so that the capacity of the soil to exchange cations expressed as a sum for exchangeable cations is less than 15 milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil. If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses which assess the soil cation exchange capacity in relation to the potential for migration of contaminants from the facility. 269a.44 8) Is all or part of the facility located in or over an area where the applicant does not own the mineral rights and the area has been previously mined? If “yes”, has the applicant: a. Determined the ownership of mineral rights with the property deed to the facility. - 15 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 Regulatory Citation yes no b. 269a.43(a) 9) Provided certification (based on a property title search) that ownership of all mineral rights is or will be held by the applicant, and that these rights will not be severed from the property as long as hazardous waste remains therein. Is the facility a land treatment facility, and is the soil pH within the facility less than 6.0? If “yes”, has the applicant provided information and analyses assessing the ability of the proposed facility to mitigate adverse environmental effects resulting from incompatible soil pH. - 16 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 SECTION TWO - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS Part A - Environmental Assessment Considerations: 1. Is the project located in the corridor of a stream or river designated as a national or state wild, scenic, recreational, or modified recreational river in accordance with the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, or the Pennsylvania Scenic Rivers Act? Yes No If yes, a) b) Identify the river, the outline of the designated corridor, and the location of the project within the corridor. Describe how the project conforms to the Land Management Guidelines and Studies or Plans for the corridor. 2. Is the project located within one mile of the nearest bank of a stream or river listed as a 1-A priority for study by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources as a state wild, scenic, recreational, or modified recreational river; or mandated by the U. S. Congress for study or determined by the U. S. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service to meet the criteria for study for potential inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the river or stream and its distance from the project. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on or in the vicinity of the river or stream. d) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the river or stream. 3. Is the project located within one mile of a unit of the National Parks System; a state, county, or municipal park; a recreation facility operated by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers; a state forest picnic area; or the Allegheny River Reservoir in the Allegheny National Forest? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the park or other area and its distance from the project. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the park or other area. d) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the park or other area. 4. Is the project located within one mile of the footpath of the Appalachian Trail? Yes No If yes, - 17 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 a) Indicate the distance from the project to the Appalachian Trail. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the Appalachian Trail. d) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the Appalachian Trail. 5. Is the project located within one mile of a national natural landmark designated by the U. S. National Park Service; or a natural area or wild area designated by the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the natural landmark, natural area, or wild area and its distance from the project. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the natural landmark, natural area, or wild area. d) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impact on the natural landmark, natural area, or wild area. 6. Is the project located within one mile or within an identified potential impact area of a national wildlife refuge, national fish hatchery, or national environmental center operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery, or environmental center and its distance from the project. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery, or environmental center. d) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the wildlife refuge, fish hatchery, or environmental center. 7. Is the project located within one mile of a historic property owned by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission? Yes No 8. a) Identify the historic property and its distance from the project. b) Conduct visual and traffic analyses as specified in the applicant guidelines. c) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse environmental, visual, or traffic impacts on the historic property. d) Describe measure to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the historic property. Is the project located within ¼ mile of a historic site listed in the National Register of Historic Places; or an archaeological site listed in the Pennsylvania Archaeological Site Survey? - 18 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 Yes 3/2006 No If yes, a) Identify the historic or archaeological site, and its distance from the project. b) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the historic or archaeological site. c) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the historic or archaeological site. d) Indicate any contact you have had with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission about the project. 9. Is the project within ¼ mile of the boundary of a state forest or state game land; or the proclamation boundary of the Allegheny National Forest? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the forest or game land and its distance from the project. b) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the forest or game land. c) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts of the project on the forest or game land. 10. Is the project located within an area which is a habitat of a rare, threatened, or endangered species of plant or animal protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, or recognized by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission or Pennsylvania Game Commission? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the species and the habitat area and the location of the project within the area. b) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the species or habitat. c) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the species or habitat. d) Describe any contact you have had with the Pennsylvania Fish Commission, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the project. 11. Is the project located on prime farmland (Class I and II soils) as indicated in the U.S. Soil Conservation Service County Soil Survey? Yes No If yes, identify the location and acreage of prime farmland and the location of the project. 12. Is the project, including any incidental earthmoving or construction activities, located in or within 300 feet of a wetland. Yes No If yes, a) Identify the location and size of the wetland and the location of the project. - 19 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 3/2006 b) Is a permit required for the project for filling or dredging the wetland, under Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act? c) Describe any contact you have had with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the project. d) Is a permit required for the project for a dam or waterway obstruction in the wetland, under Chapter 105 of the Rules and Regulations of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources? 13. Is the project located within a Special Protection Watershed, as designated in Chapter 93 of the Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the stream and watershed, and the distance of the stream from the project. b) Describe the characteristics of the project which might create adverse impacts on the stream. c) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts on the stream. 14. Is the project located within the watershed or aquifer, and within one mile of a public water supply facility dependent on groundwater sources; or upstream, within the watershed, and within three miles of a public water supply facility dependent on surface source. Yes No If yes, a) Identify the public water supply facility, and its supply source; located both on a topographic map; and indicate their distance from the project. b) Briefly describe the public water supply facility, including capacity and population served. c) Describe measures to be taken to protect the public water supply facility from any potential harm. 15. Is the project located within a 100-year floodplain as indicated on a Flood Boundary and Floodway Map contained in a flood insurance study prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration, or a determined by some other method if a Flood Boundary and Floodway Map is not available? Yes No If yes, 16. a) Is the project located in the floodway, based on available detailed studies? b) Is a permit required for the project under Chapter 105 of the Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources? c) Describe any contacts you have had with the Bureau of Dams and Waterway Management about the project. d) Is a permit required by the local municipality under the Floodplain Management Act? e) Describe any contact you had had with the municipality about the project. Will the project, absent control measures, result in an increase in the peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage from the project site? - 20 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 Yes 3/2006 No If yes, a) Describe the amount of increase in the peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage. b) Describe adverse impacts that might result from the increase in peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage. c) Describe measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts from the increase in the peak discharge rate for stormwater drainage. If no, provide documentation supporting this judgment. 17. Is the project located in a landslide, sinkhole, or mine-subsidence prone area? Yes No If yes, a) Identify the geologic hazard and the location of the project. b) Indicate how the geologic hazard will affect the project. c) Describe engineering and design measures to be taken to minimize the geologic hazard to the project and prevent an increase in danger from the hazard to other property owners in the vicinity. 18. Will the project create an increase in traffic on the approach route(s) leading to the project? Yes No If yes, a) 19. 1) design capacities, roadway width and condition: 2) average daily traffic counts (if available from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation); 3) hazardous grades or curves. b) Describe the expected traffic increase; include number, type, size and weight of vehicles and distribution on approach routes. c) Identify and indicate number of residences fronting (50 feet setback or less) on approach route(s) to the project site. d) Identify any schools, hospitals, or nursing homes located on the approach route(s) to the project site. e) Describe any special routing or timing of traffic to the project site to be provided to minimize conflict with other traffic or to prevent safety hazards. Traffic impacts analyzed for previous questions should be briefly mentioned. If the project is a solid waste disposal facility disposing of putrescrible wastes, a) Yes Identify the approach route(s) to the project site, and describe them in terms of: Is it located within 10,000 feet of a public use airport runway used by turbo jet aircraft? No - 21 - 2510-PM-BWM0008 b) Yes 3/2006 Is it within 5,000 feet of a public use airport runway used by only piston- type aircraft? No If yes, identify the airport and its distance from the project. Part B - Economic and Social Considerations: If the Department finds that the project will cause unavoidable significant environmental harm, the Department will then determine whether the harm outweighs the public social and economic benefits of the project. The following questions request information regarding social and economic benefits. 1. Indicate the counties and/or municipalities which will comprise the service area 1 of the project, and the estimated proportion of the total volume and type of solid wastes which will come from each. 2. Describe how wastes will be transported from their source to the project (include mode and handling enroute). 3. Is the project consistent with local, county or regional solid waste plans, if such plans exist? Indicate which plans have been consulted and explain why the project is or is not consistent with each. 4. What factors indicate the need for the project in the identified service area? Cite local plans, if applicable; present and future expected solid waste volumes and their source within the service area; adequacy of existing facilities to meet present and future needs, etc. 5. If the project will handle industrial wastes, indicate the types of industries which need disposal services, number of establishments to be served, general locations of establishments, employment in these establishments, and their economic importance. Describe why these wastes are not presently being handled adequately. What will be the impact on industries if a disposal facility is not available? 6. Describe factors (such as location, transportation, geology, etc.) which make the proposed project site well-suited to serve the needs described above. Compare the proposed site with other potential sites which have been considered, or which may be available within, or reasonably close to, the service area. 7. What revenues will be generated by the project for local jurisdictions (counties, local governments, school districts, etc.) in the form of fees, taxes, royalties, etc.? List type, amount and frequency of payment (yearly, monthly, one-time, etc.). 8. How many people will be employed directly in operating the project and what are their occupations? What will the estimated yearly payroll (in present dollars) be for the project. 9. Include any additional relevant information which would indicate the public social and economic benefits to be provided by the project. 1 Service area is that area or areas in which wastes handled at the project will be generated. - 22 -