Call Minutes 6-11-12 - IPM Institute of North America

North Central School IPM Working Group June Conference Call Notes
Monday, June 11th, 2012, 2:30pm – 3:30pm CDT
1. Roll: Matt Anderson, Anastasia Becker, Barb Bloetscher, Zach Bruns, Seth Dibblee, Jennifer
Everhart, Tom Green, Katie Howard, Ann Juette, Frannie Miller, Sue Risley, Mike Smith
2. Additional Agenda Items
3. Educational Component
Katie Howard, EPA Region 7, OPP, School IPM Coordinator
Region 7 is sub-lead for school IPM. Katie has been working closely with Sherry Glick and
national headquarters on Draft Strategic Implementation Plan for School IPM. Comment time
has just closed, comments are currently incorporated. Strategic Implementation Plan focused on
collaboration, don’t want to reinvent wheel but increase efficiency through collaboration and
new working relationships. Trying to keep flexibility in plan, EPA understands states are at
different levels of sIPM implementation. EPA (Region 7) wanting to focus more on
organizing/collaborating and to increase resources available to IPM experts already on the
ground implementing school IPM. If you feel very strongly about some aspect of the plan, please
send to Sherry or Katie immediately.
All regions developing work plan for region for school IPM. Region 7 approach – initially develop
focus group (state lead agencies, extension, etc.) and get everyone on the same page. EPA
regionally doesn’t have a lot of money but definitely man power to contribute, including things
such as stuffing envelopes, etc. to contribute to collaboration on the ground.
Please contact Katie or Seth or Mike if you are interested in school IPM assistance in your state.
Monetary funds are very limited, but resources such as teleconference abilities or man-hours
may very likely be available! Each region has at least 1 FTE devoted to school IPM.
4. State/EPA Updates and Upcoming Activities
NE – Holding ½ day educational coalition meeting in July, Katie going to visit talk about EPA’s
implementation plan, including the nat’l perspective and regional picture.
IL – Ruth Kerzee and SPCP in talks with Illinois Dept. Public Health to reinvigorate
school/childcare IPM programs.
KS – Marie contacted DOE and has list of all school district administrators. District survey sent
out 2nd to last week in June to gauge implementation status and interest in forming
demonstration or coalition schools.
WI – CESA 10 still in planning/beginning stages for EPA grant. Jen will be visiting their pilot
school, Caddot School in northern WI on June 25th.
MO – Recently had 2nd two hour coalition meeting in St. Louis area, focusing on IPM in kitchens.
All-day workshop being planned for July.
SD – No current plans.
OH – (Barb) Working with school district in NE Ohio, in collaboration with Dr. Shetlar. Schools
have already started implementing several different IPM practices independently. Held four
meetings with school representatives, including maintenance, custodians, administration and
superintendants(last week) Everyone is on board! Trainings being planned. Additionally, several
Columbus area schools have contacted to learn more about IPM information, potential interest
in adopting programs. Meeting with Marc Lame in IN re school IPM in Monroe program.
MI – Grad student Polly McKillop hired to assist with coalition building/school IPM
implementation for PRIA2010 money.
EPA – Mike and Seth visiting Indianapolis June 12th to plan EPA grant kick-off ceremony for IKE
doing work in Indiana and Ohio and assist in an assessment of a school in Richmond, Indiana
that has indicated interest in school IPM.
5. Review Last Call
 Potential School IPM Partners/Coalition Building
i. Kathy Murray’s notes on Maine experiences from previous call have been
posted on the North Central School IPM website under “meeting notes”.
Member Contact Information/Notes
i. Contact information for all North Central School IPM partners or call
participants can also be found on the North Central School IPM page under the
“members” tab.
6. National School IPM 2015 Committee Updates (full updates can be found here)
 Final edits to regulatory article in progress (pesticide regulation laws in all 50 states) to
be published in professional journal. Required training, postings, etc. Suggestions for
best practices.
 National School IPM Steering Committee new members finalized, invitation letters being
 School IPM surveys being rolled out. District survey will go to all districts in 50 states.
Coalition will go to each school district in IPM related coalitions. State survey will go to
one IPM leader in each state to determine state laws.