Does soil composition have an influence on the sandblasting process ? Alfaro S.C., J.L. Rajot, S. Lafon, M. Maillé, and A. Gaudichet LISA, Université de Paris Val de Marne 61, av. du Général de Gaulle, 94010, Créteil, France email : Abstract It is now well ascertained that fine dust emission by wind erosion is the result of two processes: saltation and sandblasting. In saltation, loose soil aggregates present at the soil surface can be set into motion by wind action provided the aerodynamic stress overcomes the forces that tend to maintain aggregates on the ground, namely, weight and interparticle forces. Numerous parameters are necessary to describe this process. Beside wind speed itself, they are mainly parameters describing the soil surface state: size distribution of loose soil aggregates, soil roughness length (including effects of non-erodible elements and soil ridging), humidity, and crusting. To a degree, all these soil characteristics depend on soil texture and composition. For example, after a rain strong crusts are more liable to form at the surface of fine textured soils than over coarser textured ones (Rajot et al., in press). Other factors, such as large contents in carbonates, in iron oxydes, or in organic matter that tend to promote soil cohesion and favor formation of larger aggregates or even clods, have an effect at the same time on aggregate mobility and on soil roughness. Thus soil composition has a direct effect on saltation. In the sandblasting process, a fraction of the terminal kinetic energy of the saltating aggregates is used to release fine particles (PM20) either from the aggregates themselves, or from the surface on which they impact. In the modeling of sandblasting, binding energies of the PM20 populations are crucial factors that condition at the same time the magnitude of fine dust emission fluxes and their size distribution (Alfaro et al., 1997). After combining the saltation and sandblasting models to form a Dust Production Model (DPM, Alfaro and Gomes, 2001), it has been showed (Alfaro et al, in press) that dust fluxes measured over a variety of soils differing in texture and in composition can be retrieved with a single set of binding energies. This indirect finding that, contrary to saltation, soil composition has no influence on PM20 binding energies, and hence on sandblasting, would greatly simplify applicability of the DPM at regional or larger scale. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to confirm it. For this purpose, wind erosion simulations have been performed in the LISA wind tunnel with 3 soils chosen for being quite different in texture as well as in composition. With each soil, experiments have been carried out at 3 different wind speeds. In all cases saltation flux was measured in parallel with PM20 concentrations in 6 size classes (0.3-0.5, 0.5-0.7, 0.7-1, 1-2, 2-5, >5 µm). Results of these experiments will be presented and analyzed. They confirm that saltation is sensitive to soils characteristics, but that, relative to saltation intensity, PM20 emissions do not significantly differ from one soil to the other. References Alfaro, S.C., Gaudichet, A., Gomes, L., and M. Maillé, Modeling the size distribution of a soil aerosol produced by sandblasting, J. Geophys. Res, 102, n° D10, 11,239-11,249, 1997. Alfaro S.C. and L. Gomes, Modeling mineral aerosol production by wind erosion : Emission intensities and aerosol distributions in source areas, J. Geophys. Res, 106, n° D16, 18,075-18,084, 2001. Rajot J.L., S.C. Alfaro, L. Gomes, and A. Gaudichet, Influence of sandy soil crusting on horizontal and vertical wind erosion fluxes, Catena, in press Alfaro S.C., J.L. Rajot, and W. Nickling, , Estimation of PM20 emissions by wind erosion: Main sources of uncertainties, Geomorphology, in press Modelling Saharan dust and first results on vertical distribution based on 2.5 y simulations P. Alpert, P. Kishcha, A. Shtivelman, S.O. Krichak & J.H. Joseph Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, ISRAEL Abstract The model dust prediction and verification will be presented (Alpert et al, 2002, Tsidulko et al, 2002, Krichak et al, 2002). Next, first results on vertical distribution will be shown. The vertical distribution of aerosols is not well known but is required for the better understanding of their radiative effects. Within the framework of the Israeli-American MEIDEX project the 2.5-year database from November 2000 up to the present of 48hour dust forecasts at the Tel Aviv University prediction system has been adapted for the climatological analysis of dust vertical profiles over North Africa and the Mediterranean. This climatological analysis is the first one based on a relatively large archive of vertical profiles over the Sahara; the gross amount of profiles is approximately 107 profiles per year. Our climatological approach, now under way, yields relevant information about the characteristic features of dust in the region in question. Month-to-month variations of horizontal distribution of simulated dust loading are compared with known seasonal cycles of dust activity based on the TOMS aerosol index. The distributions of the largest sources of dust in the Sahara, simulated by the model, are also in agreement with the TOMS measurements. Vertical distributions of dust reflect differences between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean dust transport. As a whole, the Mediterranean dust is found to be within a wider range of altitudes, penetrating rather higher into the troposphere, and is most probably multilayered. On average, dust over the Atlantic penetrates up to < 5 km while over the Mediterranean up to < 8 km. These results are consistent with available lidar measurements. The characteristic feature of dust vertical profiles over the dust source near Lake Chad is its maximal concentration near the surface. From April to June averaged profiles over the Chad basin in the Sahara are restricted below the level of ~4.5 km. In the winter months and in March, dust concentration over the Chad basin is closer to the surface beneath 1.5 km. Dust also maximizes near the surface over another dust source in West Africa, which is the major one in summer. The resulting averaged 3D-distribution of the Saharan dust supports our derived profiles of tropospheric temperature response to dust based on the ECMWF reanalysis increments. References P. Alpert, S. O. Krichak, M. Tsidulko, H. Shafir and J. H. Joseph, "A dust prediction system with TOMS initialization", Mon, Wea. Rev., Vol. 130, No. 9, pp. 2335-2345, 2002. M. Tsidulko, S. O. Krichak, P. Alpert, O. Kakaliago, G. Kallos and A. Papadopulous, " Numerical study of a very intensive E. Mediterranean dust storm; 13-16 March 1998", JGR-Atmospheres, 107(D21), 4581, doi:10.1029/2001JD001168, 2002. P. Kishcha, P. Alpert, J. Barkan, I. Kirchner and B. Machenhauer, "Atmospheric response to Saharan dust deduced from ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) temperature increments", Tellus, 2002. Tellus 55 B no 4, September issue. S. Krichak, M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, "A study of an INDOEX period with aerosol transport to the eastern Mediterranean area", J. Geophys. Res., 107(D21), 4582, doi:10.1029/2001JD001169, 2002. Variability of Dust Particle Shapes and Aggregation in Asian, North African, and North American Aerosols James R. Anderson Environmental Fluid Dynamics Program, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA Abstract Soil dust particles suspended and transported in the troposphere have a considerable range in shape, the degree and manner in which they are aggregated, and what materials they are aggregated with. Indeed, shape, size, and aggregation are commonly linked in that shape increases in complexity with increasing degree of aggregation, which in turn tends to increase with increasing size. Because particle shape and the nature of particle aggregation (the "state of mixing") effect light scattering and absorption, it is important to assess typical states from a variety of source areas and types. A simple two-dimensional shape metric for individual particles is circularity: Circularity = (Perimeter2)/(4pi x Area) For the work discussed here, this is determined using binary images derived by segmenting gray-level backscattered electron images of particles acquired in an automated scanning electron microscope. As particle size decreases and becomes vanishingly small (for practical purposes in this case, 100 nm diameter), circularity is constrained to the minimum value of 1.0, the circularity of a sphere. A convenient measure of complexity is the circularity of particles with diameters of 10 µm on a fit of plotted circularity vs. average diameter (the best fit is not necessarily linear). Common values of circularity for 10 µm particles are in the range 2.5-6.0, but a small fraction of the total can be exceptional particles with circularities of 10.0 or greater. It would of course be more desirable to describe shapes in three dimensions and if indeed each particle was a simple object with no aggregation this might be feasible for at least the larger particles using image analysis techniques on stereo image pairs. However, because a significant fraction of the particles are aggregates with all their inherent difficulties (e.g., interior spaces and complex grain junctions), it is not clear that any attempt to measure three-dimensional shapes would be worth the effort given current technology. The most complex shapes observed for soil dust in the work described here have been in cases of dust mixed with industrial pollution, including soot, flyash, and other nonsoil materials. In such cases, aggregates only a few microns in diameter can have circularities as high as 6-8. When dust is not mixed with pollution, there seem to be some common properties among samples from many locations, provided they are from similar types of sources. For ACE-Asia samples of dust with little intermixed pollution collected from outflow from China, a typical circularity for 10 µm particles is about 4, but varies from case to case. In a study of soil dust from unpaved roads along the US/Mexico border at Douglas, Arizona this value tends to be closer to 5. In a study of re-entrained dust from freeways in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area, the action of vehicles rolling over dust particles on concrete roadway surfaces seems to have partially disaggregated many with the result that a typical 10 µm particle has a circularity of about 3. However, a case with some of the lowest circularity values observed is from the PELTI project in the Caribbean, where the intercept at 10 µm is about 2.5. These particles are compact aggregates of submicron clay and other silicates and may have been from ephemeral lakes in North Africa; the drying surface of an ephemeral lake after a storm is of course a very different source type than unpaved roads, agricultural fields, and disturbed areas undergoing desertification. However, the similarity in shape distributions of dust aerosols from places as diverse as the Loess Plateau in China and the Sonoran Desert in North America suggest that for unpolluted cases, at least, some reasonable assumptions about shape distributions can often be made for efforts to model dust optical properties. Raman-lidar profiling of dust optical properties at UV and visible wavelengths Albert Ansmann, Detlef Müller, Ina Mattis, Ulla Wandinger Institute for TroposphericResearch, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany Abstract Introduction Raman lidars operating at 355 and 532-nm wavelengths are very useful for the vertical profiling of dust optical properties. In contrast to standard lidars they allow an unambiguous determination of the volume extinction coefficient of dust particles (Ansmann et al., 1990). In contrast to insitu observations (aircraft) they allow a profiling under ambient conditions and over long time periods. In contrast to satellite and ground-based remote sensing vertically resolved information on dust layering is obtained so that a clear separation between the optical effects caused by particles in the boundary layer (mixture of dust, marine and anthropogenic particles) and in the free troposphere (mainly mineral particles) is possible. It is essential to know the amount of dust in the free troposphere. This fraction can be transported over thousands of kilometers and thus can affect climate on a hemispheric scale. Profiling of the extinction coefficient at 355 and 532 nm is useful because Saharan dust seems to considerably absorb radiation at 355 nm. At 532 nm, light absorption does not play an important role. Furthermore, simultaneous profiling of the extinction coefficient and the backscatter coefficient (180 degree scattering) with Raman lidar provides us with vertically resolved values of the extinction-to-backscatter ratio (lidar ratio, Ansmann et al., 1992). This quantity is very interesting for dust studies because it is sensitive to particle shape. Backscattering by nonspherical dust particles is believed to be a factor of 2-3 (Mishchenko et al., 1997) or even 3-10 (Kalashnikova et al., 2002) lower than backscattering by surface-equivalent spheres. Our observations support this assumption (Mattis et al., 2002; Müller et al., 2003). The lidar ratio is also an input parameter in the estimation of dust extinction profiles with standard backscatter lidars. Thus, observed (not simulated) dust lidar ratios are needed for an improved dust monitoring with standard lidars In near future satellite-based standard lidars may map the global aerosol distribution in terms of backscattering. A global aerosol-typedependent lidar ratio climatology is then needed to obtain reliable 3-D particle extinction information. It should be mentioned that the number of aerosol Raman lidars is growing. About 50 % of the stations of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET, Bösenberg et al., 2001) is equipped with Raman channels. Many Saharan dust outbreaks were observed with EARLINET between 2000 and 2002. Observations Here, we report on two major outbreaks that took place in August and October 2001. We will present results in terms of measured spectrally resolved backscatter and extinction profiles, lidar-ratio and depolarization-ratio profiles, and dust optical depth. The observations were made at Leipzig, Germany, which is a site of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) as well as of EARLINET (Müller et al., 2003). During the two outbreaks, about 80% of the dust was found in the free troposphere. The dust layers were mainly below 6 km height, with traces of dust up to 10 km height. The particle depolarization ratio ranged from 10%-25%. The African air masses travelled 3000-5000 km before arriving at Leipzig, Germany. Optical depths were as high as 0.3 to 0.6 at 532 nm. Extinction coefficients ranged from 100 to 300 Mm-1 at both wavelengths. The Angstrom exponent (355/532 nm) varied from 0-0.5. Single scattering values were close to 0.95 (derived from AERONET Sun photometer observations). The effective radius of the dust particles, estimated from the combined lidar/photometer data, was about 0.5 µm. This value is much smaller than typical literature values. Unexpectedly large lidar ratios, mainly between 50 and 80 sr at 532 nm, were observed in the free-tropospheric dust layers. The values for 355 nm were, on average, 10%-30% larger. Based on Mie scattering calculations dust lidar ratios were expected to be close to 40 sr (355 nm) and 20 sr (532 nm). The higher lidar ratio for 355 nm (for spherical particles) results from larger absorption in the UV. However, a clear interpretation of the wavelength dependence of the observed dust lidar ratios is not possible because of the dependence of the lidar ratio on the size distribution, chemical composition, and especially on particle shape. In contrast to the extinction coefficient (and its spectral slope), particle backscattering and its wavelength dependence is believed to be strongly influenced by shape effects (Mishchenko et al., 1997). Current problems Multiwavelength Raman lidars (backscatter at 355, 532, 1064nm, extinction at 355, 532nm) can in principle be used to retrieve microphysical properties (surface and volume concentrations of the particles, refractive index) from the optical data (Müller et al., 2001). Because of the sensitive impact of particle shape on the backscatter coefficients such inversions (exclusively based on lidar data) are not possible in the case of desert dust. Combined photometer/Raman lidar observations may improve the situation. The latest status in this field is given in the workshop poster presented by Müller et al.. More work (model calculations, closure studies with lidar, radiometers, aircraft) is needed to provide the lidar community with a clear picture of the dependence of the backscatter coefficient (at the widely used wavelengths of 355, 532, and 1064 nm) on realistic dust particle shapes and particle distributions for a mixture of different shapes. Raman lidar observations in southern Italy (much closer to the source region, eastern part of the Sahara; dust over Leipzig originated mainly from the western part of the Sahara) yield much lower lidar ratios (50-60 sr) at 355 nm (Leipzig: 60-90 sr), much closer to the values found from Mie calculations (De Tomasi et al., 2003). After long-range transport of Asian dust lidar ratios over Japan ranged mostly from 40-55 sr at 532 nm (Liu et al., 2002). These values are lower than the lidar ratios observed over Leipzig (mostly 60-75 sr), but clearly larger than the results from Mie calculations. So, presently there is large room for speculations about the impact of the shape of the dust particles on the measurable optical properties. It should also be examined in which way the depolarization ratio measured with lidar depends on the size distribution and the shape of the particles. How useful are depolarization ratio observations at two wavelengths (e.g., 532 and 1064 nm)? Could such observations be used to retrieve the mean size of the particles or to identify the most probable shape of the particles? References Ansmann, A., M. Riebesell, and C. Weitkamp, 1990: Measurements of atmospheric aerosol extinction profiles with Raman lidar, Opt. Lett., 15, 746-748. Ansmann, A., U. Wandinger, M. Riebesell, C. Weitkamp, and W. Michaelis, 1992: Independent measurement of extinction and backscatter profiles in cirrus clouds by using a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar, Appl. Opt., 31, 7113-7131. Bösenberg, J., et al., 2001: EARLINET: A European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, in Laser remote sensing of the atmosphere. Selected papers of the 20th International Laser Radar Conference, Vichy, France, A. Dabas, C. Loth, and J. Pelon, Eds., Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France, 155-158. De Tomasi, F., A. Blanco, and M. R. Perrone, 2003: Raman lidar monitoring of extinction and backscattering of African dust layers and dust characterization, Appl. Opt., 42, 1699-1709. Kalashnikova, O. V., and I. N. Sokolik, 2002: Importance of shapes and compositions of wind-blown dust particles for remote sensing at solar wavelengths, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2002GL014947. Liu, Z., N. Sugimoto, and T. Murayama, 2002: Extinction-to-backscatter ratio of Asian dust observed with high-spectral-resolution-lidar and Raman lidar, Appl. Opt., 41, 2760-2767. Mattis I., A. Ansmann, D. Müller, U. Wandinger, and D. Althausen, 2002: Dual-wavelength Raman lidar observations of the extinction-to-backscatter ratio of Saharan dust, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 9, 10.1029/2002GL014721. Mishchenko, M. I., L. D. Travis, R. A. Kahn, and R. A. West, 1997: Modeling phase functions for dustlike tropospheric aerosols using a shape mixture of randomly oriented polydisperse spheroids, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16831-16847. Müller, D., U. Wandinger, D. Althausen, M. Fiebig, 2001: Comprehensive particle characterization from three-wavelength Raman-lidar observations: case study, Appl. Opt., 40, 4863-4869. Müller D., I. Mattis, U. Wandiger, D. Althausen, A. Ansmann, O. Dubovik, S. Eckhardt, and A. Stohl, 2003: Saharan dust over a central European EARLINET-AERONET site: combined observations with Raman lidar and Sun photometer, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 10.1029/2002JD002918. The Dirt on Dust Richard Arimoto Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Center, New Mexico State University, Carlsbad, NM, USA Abstract The composition and concentrations of atmospheric dust have been characterized in various ways, perhaps most commonly by determining the concentrations of dustassociated elements. Typically, Al or Fe or Si or some other element is used as an indicator of dust, often with the tacit assumption that all other sources for that indicator are negligible; in some cases water soluble Ca has been used for this purpose. Elemental ratios are then calculated and compared with a compositional reference to determine which elements are in crustal proportions and which are not. There are several problems with the reference element approach for evaluating dust concentrations and composition, the first being weathering reactions which can cause coatings, such as rock varnishes, to form on the parent materials from which the dust is formed. Second, alluvial fans and playas are important sources of dust in some places, and as a result pedogenic salts can be mixed with crustal material when the eolian dust forms. These two effects cause differences between the composition of the eolian dust relative to the crustal reference, but they would likely be minor compared with the next problem, which is that non-dust sources can emit aerosols that in some ways resemble mineral dust; that is, the "sole source" assumption for the indicator element is violated. For instance, the concentrations of some major elements such as Al, Fe and Ca in coal fly ash are similar to those of typical soils, but various other elements are strongly enriched in the coal combustion residues. Recent studies conducted as part of ACE-Asia showed that at Zhenbeitai, People's Republic of China, which is close to the Asian dust source region, the molar ratio of sulfate to soluble calcium was ~0.1, but the ratio increased to ~1 at Gosan, South Korea, which is much farther from the main Asian dust sources. One explanation for these results is that gas-to-particle conversion caused the observed increase in sulfate relative to Ca downwind, that is, SO2 gas or H2SO4 vapor became associated with the dust particles during transit. However, both the percentage of Ca that was soluble and the ratio of soluble calcium to aluminum were lower at Gosan than Zhenbeitai, indicating that aerosol mixing also affected the Ca concentrations during transport. Yet another process that could have contributed to the observed differences between sites is the size-selective fractionation of dust during transport; this process can compromise the indicator element approach by preferentially removing minerals that do not have the indicator and other elements in crustal proportions. Even natural substances such as atmospheric sea salt can cause complications with the indicator element approach if the amount of the interfering substance is sufficiently high. At Bermuda, a small island in the North Atlantic, sea-salt Al can amount to as much as ~30% of the total monthly aerosol Al, even though such high percentages occur for only a few months each year when the dust concentrations and deposition rates were low. While the presence of non-dust materials is probably inconsequential in many cases, interferences of this nature can call into question inferences about dust concentrations based on indicator elements. The essence of the problem in using indicator elements is that no elements are unique to dust. Studies recently conducted in Carlsbad, NM, USA suggest that mineral dust is contaminated with transuranic radionuclides from atmospheric nuclear weapons teststhe question raised by these studies is whether the relationship between dust and bomb-derived nuclides is restricted geographically or a widespread phenomenon, perhaps even involving global contamination. Related studies by other investigators have shown that dust concentrations can be correlated with those of organic nitrogen, and the possibility of associations between microbes, pesticides and persistent organochlorine compounds with dust also has been raised. An important implication of the widespread contamination of dust--beyond artifacts in determining dust concentrations--is that the optical and radiative properties of contaminated dust likely differ significantly from those of pure mineral aerosol. Without information on the extent and effects of contamination, the characterization of pure dusts' composition and properties may prove to be more of academic exercise than a key to improving assessments of aerosols' impact on climate. HETEROGENEOUS CHEMISTRY ON MINERAL AEROSOL: INFLUENCE ON TROPOSPHERIC OZONE Y. Balkanski, M. Schulz, S. Textor, D. Hauglustaine, S.E. Bauer, R. van Dingenen 2, P. Bonasoni 3, H. Fischer 4 F. Dentener 2, J. P. Putaud 2 IPSL-LSCE, l'Orme des Merisiers, Bât 709, 91191 Gif/Yvette Cedex France Joint Research Center, I-21020, Ispra, Italy CNR ISAC, via Gobetti, 40129, Bologna, Italy Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, POB 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany Abstract The progresses made in understanding the role of mineral aerosol in chemistry and climate have been very important in the last few years. Satellite, sunphotometers and Lidars have allowed to document the large regions prone to the influence of these aerosols. Very pointed techniques used in the laboratory and in the field have evidenced that the surface of the aerosol allow for heterogeneous reactions to take place in particular for HNO3, HO2, H2O2, SO2 which in turn affects NOx, NOy and O3. The effect on ozone of heterogeneous reactions at the surface of mineral aerosol was investigated using a General Circulation Model coupled to a module INCA that treats INteractions between Chemistry and Aerosols. The accomodation coefficients of H2SO4, NO3, O3 and N2O5 were chosen according to laboratory experiments that were conducted within the framework of the European project MINATROC (MINeral Aerosol and Tropospheric Chemistry). Two field experiments one that took place in Mt Cimone, Italy in June 2000 and the second one in Izana in July-August 2002 provide a characterisation of the gas and aerosols phase at the sites that is compared to model results. The results of a nudged global simulation for the years 2000 and 2002 permit to estimate the effect of the heterogeneous reactions of mineral dust. Tropospheric ozone is reduced by 10 to 30% in the tropics and the relative roles of H2SO4, NO3, O3 and N2O5 in this reduction have been sorted out. We will also point to significant reduction in H2SO4 and O3 predicted over Southern Europe and Asia. References Balkanski, Y., S. E. Bauer, R. van Dingenen, P. Bonasoni, M. Schulz, H. Fischer, G. P. Gobbi, M. Hanke, D. Hauglustaine, J. P. Putaud, A. Stohl, and F. Raes , The Mt Cimone, Italy, free tropospheric campaign: principal characteristics of the gaseous and aerosol composition from European pollution, Mediterranean influences and during African dust events, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 3, 1753-1776, 2003. Bauer S. E., Y. Balkanski, M. Schulz, D. Hauglustaine and F. Dentener, Heterogeneous chemistry on mineral dust aerosol surfaces: Influence on the global tropospheric ozone chemistry, to be submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 2003. Guelle W., Y. Balkanski, M. Schulz, B. Marticorena, G. Bergametti, C. Moulin, R. Arimoto, And K. D. Perry, Modelling the atmospheric distribution of mineral aerosol: Comparison with ground measurements and satellite observations for yearly and synoptic time scales over the North Atlantic, J. Geophys. Res, 105, 1997-2005, 2000. Satellite views of spatial, seasonal and interannual variability of AFRICAN dust and relationships with meteorology and climate: combination of TOMS and METEOSAT observations I. Chiapello (1), C. Moulin (2), S. Benaissa (1) and M. Legrand (1) (1) Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France,, fax :+33-3-20-43-43-42 (2) Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, CE Saclay, Gif-surYvette, France Abstract In the recent years, several studies have investigated the mineral dust variability at interannual time scales on the basis of individual satellite records, either over Africa using METEOSAT/infrared observations [Brooks and Legrand, 2000], or over surrounding oceanic regions using METEOSAT/VIS and TOMS (Total Ozone mapping Spectrometer) observations [Moulin et al., 1997; Chiapello and Moulin, 2002]. These studies have highlighted the potential impact of several climate parameters on the dust export, especially the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Sahel drought, but are generally limited in time (~10 years) and regionally. To better understand these impacts, it is necessary to enlarge at maximum the period for which satellite observations are available and to combine the different satellite records available. The daily TOMS/Nimbus-7 (1979-1992) and TOMS/Earth Probe (1997-2000) Aerosol Index (AI) have been combined with the METEOSAT/VIS (1984-1997) dust optical thickness (DOT) over the Atlantic ocean to derive an estimated TOMS DOT since 1979 over both ocean and land. These estimated TOMS DOT are validated over Africa by comparison to Sun-Photometer measurements performed during field campaigns in the 1980's and derived from the AERONET network. The temporal and spatial variability of African dust derived from these estimates are analyzed and compared to those derived by METEOSAT/VIS over the Atlantic and by METEOSAT/Infrared over Sahara and Sahel. For these three data sets, inter-annual variations of dust loads are investigated in conjunction with annual variations of rainfall in Sahel and North Atlantic Oscillation. References Brooks, N. & Legrand, M. Dust variability over northern Africa and rainfall in the Sahel, S.J. McLaren and D.R. Kniveton (eds.), Linking Climate Change to Land Surface Change, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1-25 (2000). Chiapello, I. & Moulin, C. TOMS and METEOSAT satellite records of the variability of Saharan dust transport over the Atlantic during the last two decades (1979-1997). Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 17-20 (2002). Moulin, C. et al. Control of atmospheric export of dust from North Africa by the North Atlantic Oscillation. Nature 387, 691-694 (1997). Retrieval of Optical Properties of Desert Dust Aerosol from AERONET Observations Oleg Dubovik1,2, Brent Holben1, Tom F. Eck1,2, Alexander Smirnov1,2, Tatyana Lapyonok1,3, Alexander Sinyuk1,2 , Didier Tanre4 Philippe Goloub4 and Ilya Slutsker1,3 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA 2 Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA 3 Science Systems and Applications Inc., Lanham, USA 4 Universite de Science et Techniques de Lille, Lille, France,,,,,,, ,, Abstract This presentation outlines the main features of desert dust optical properties observed in the AERONET retrievals. INTRODUCTION AERONET - AErosol RObotic NETwork (Holben et al. 1998) of ~ 150 identical globally distributed sun and sky scanning ground-based automated radiometers provides measurements of desert dust optical properties in many locations. The spectral sky-radiance is measured in a wide angular range from the sun and is minimally affected by surface reflectance. The standardized network procedures (Holben et al. 1998, Smirnov et al. 2000) of instrument maintenance, calibration, cloud screening and data processing allow for quantitative comparison of the aerosol data obtained at different times and geographical sites. The inversion algorithm (Dubovik and King, 2000) employed by AERONET provides aerosol retrievals by fitting the entire measured field of radiances - optical depths and the angular distribution of sky radiances - at four wavelengths (0.44, 0.67, 0.87 and 1.02 µm) to a radiative transfer model. The radiation field is driven by the (wavelength dependent) aerosol complex index of refraction and the particle size distribution (22 size bins in the range: 0.05 ≤ r ≤ 15 µm) in the total atmospheric column. Only spectral and size smoothness constraints are used, preventing unrealistic oscillations in either parameter. RESULTS Size distributions of desert dust are typically bimodal and dominated by coarse mode (super micron radius) particles. Correspondingly, the Angstrom parameter is low (ranges from ~ 0.75 down to - 0.1) and the phase function asymmetry is relatively high at all wavelengths considered. Some differences for dust of different geographic origin are also observed. For example, the desert dust from the western part of Africa and the Saudi Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia and Cape Verde) are strongly dominated by large particles (Cvc/Cvf ~ 50) and seem to have optical properties more representative of so-called pure desert dust. The aerosol in Bahrain/Persian Gulf has a larger fine mode (Cvc/Cvf ~ 10) than observed in Saudi Arabia and in Cape Verde. This difference relates to the frequent presence in the Persian Gulf of small particles produced by industrial activity. The median sizes range from ~0.12 to ~0.15 µm for fine mode and from ~1.9 to ~2.6 µm for coarse modes and, in contrast with biomass burning and urban/industrial aerosols do not show any pronounced dynamics with aerosol loading. Single Scattering albedo ω0 values retrieved by AERONET for Saharan dust (0.96 0.99 for wavelengths greater than 550 nm) are significantly higher than many aerosol models suggest. Similarly, the retrieved imaginary part of the refractive index k(λ) ranging from 0.0006 to 0.003 are smaller than the 0.008 value given for the visible spectrum by several models. Another feature of the retrievals is the pronounced absorption of desert dust the blue spectral range (ω0(440) ~ 0.92 - 0.93 and k(λ) is 3-4 times higher at 440 than at the longer wavelengths). Such spectral dependence is not surprising for desert dust and has been reported previously in many studies (however for higher absolute values of absorption). Asian dust in spring, measured over urbanized China, exhibited greater absorption (ω 0 ~ 0.92 - 0.94 for wavelengths > 550 nm) due to mixing with absorbing fine mode particles and probable attachment of BC to the dust surfaces. The typical values of real part of the refractive index retrieved by AERONET ranging from 1.48 to 1.56 for various dust observation are in general agreement with most available dust measurements. Particle nonsphericity was consistently observed in desert dust retrievals as the appearance of retrieval artifacts (high concentration of very small particles with r < 0.1 µm and strong spectral dependence of n(λ)) associated with the presence of nonspherical particles (as shown in sensitivity studies by Dubovik et al, 2000). The similarity of these retrieval features with ones observed in numerical tests suggested that a nonspherical scattering model of randomly oriented spheroids is rather adequate for desert dust aerosol. Therefore, we have developed an approach allowing (Dubovik et al, 2002) the use of the model of dustlike aerosol particles as polydisperse, randomly oriented spheroids in retrieving aerosol optical properties from remote measurements of atmospheric radiances. The application to the entire AERONET database has shown significant improvements in the retrieved size distribution, refractive index, and phase function for aerosols in desert dustdominated or influenced locations. References Dubovik, O., A. Smirnov, B. N. Holben, M. D. King, Y. J. Kaufman, T. F. Eck and I. Slutsker, 2000: Accuracy assessment of aerosol optical properties retrieval from AERONET sun and sky radiance measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 9791-9806. Dubovik, O., and M. D. King, 2000: A flexible inversion algorithm for retrieval of aerosol optical properties from Sun and sky radiance measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 20673-20696. Dubovik, O., B. N. Holben, T. Lapyonok, A. Sinyuk, M. I. Mishchenko, P. Yang and I. Slutsker, Non-spherical aerosol retrieval method employing light scattering by spheroids, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2001GL014506, 2002. Holben, B. N., T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, D. Tanré, J. P. Buis, A. Setzer, E. Vermote, J. A. Reagan, Y. J. Kaufman, T. Nakajima, F. Lavenu, I. Jankowiak and A. Smirnov, 1998: AERONET-A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization. Remote Sens. Environ., 66, 1-16. Smirnov A., B. N. Holben, T. F. Eck, O. Dubovik and I. Slutsker, 2000: Cloud screening and quality control algorithms for the AERONET data base. Remote Sens. Environ., 73, 73,337-73349. About Mineral Dust Deposition François Dulac Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-CEA No. 1572, CEA Saclay 709, F-91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, France e-mail Abstract This presentation aims at pointing out the need for experimental studies of mineral dust deposition and at raising some relevant points and questions. The study of mineral dust deposition is of interest because Aeolian erosion in arid and semi-arid areas and subsequent long-range transport of mineral dust particles are responsible for huge transfers of matter from continent to continent and from continent to oceans, which affect soil and sediment formation and biogeochemical cycles. First, it is of interest to keep in mind that dust concentration in ice or sediment cores is primarily a record of deposition processes. Present observations show that atmospheric dust load and deposition at a given place may be uncorrelated and exhibit different seasonal patterns. A number of dust deposition studies indicate that the annual fallout is often dominated by a few events. Although wet deposition generally dominates yearly budgets, dry deposition may be dominant during half-year long dry seasons so that both should be assessed separately. There are also large interannual variations in mineral dust deposition. Strategies for measuring mineral dust deposition should therefore rely on a continuous monitoring basis over multi-year periods, with a high temporal resolution of the order of one or few days. The use of automated rain collectors makes it possible, and should be recommended for monitoring wet deposition on an event basis. Immediate filtration to apportion chemicals between the soluble and particulate phases should also be encouraged. Dust deposition is, indeed, known to be a source of limiting nutrients (e.g. Si, Fe, P, ...) for surface waters of the open ocean. Model studies suggest that high dust deposition rates to the world ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum may have impacted atmospheric CO2 concentrations by 30-50 ppm through Fe fertilization. However, we have a very limited understanding of the extent to which dust deposition provides bioavailable nutrients. First laboratory studies suggest that there are probably differences in the bio-available fraction from deposited dust between wet and dry deposition, and this may be of interest to study biogeochemical impacts. It can also be questioned whether monthly averaged deposition fluxes are relevant to study biogeochemical impact on surface ocean, due to the sporadic nature of deposition events. Deposition data have proved much helpful for validating models of aerosol transport. There has been, however, few attempts to validate mineral dust deposition fields, and only integrated deposition budgets are generally considered. In order to promote detailed model validation, a tentative inventory of existing data on mineral dust deposition will be made, and technical aspects of measurements discussed. Finally, some data on particle size distribution from deposition samples will be considered. Deposition sampling appears like a good tool to study the largest particle size fraction of mineral dust which is likely underestimated by classical measurements made on aerosol particles or on sampled air. Passive Visible and Infrared Observations of Dust Aerosol Properties Philip A. Durkee Professor of Meteorology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California USA Abstract The effects of dust have been observed in satellite imagery since the early visible wavelength radiometers. Today, on the order of two dozen satellites orbit the earth with the ability to sense dust and its properties. Detecting the presence of dust is relatively easy compared to many other aerosol types. However, quantifying the radiative properties of dust and its impact on radiative heating, visibility, and general human activity is quite difficult. This talk will describe some of those difficulties, illustrate the consequences of various assumptions and approximations, and describe some techniques for limiting the ambiguity inherent in the problem through the use of multiple satellite/sensor analysis. The workhorse for climatological aerosol observations, beginning in the 1970's, has been the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the NOAA series of satellites. AVHRR currently measures radiance in 5 wavelength bands including three reflected solar bands (0.63, 0.86, and 1.6 ?m band center wavelengths). With three bands, analysis of AVHRR radiance measurements can provide aerosol optical depth estimates by constraining the possible combinations of particle size and absorption characteristics that are consistent with the radiance measurements. The problem of course has many more than three degrees of freedom, so the results are dependent on the a priori assumptions about particle size and absorption properties of the aerosol. Recent multispectral radiometers such as the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) or the MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra and Aqua satellites display beautiful renditions of dust events by exploiting the subtle differences in the reflectance of airborne dust compared to clouds or land surfaces. These sensors, along with the new MEdium Resolution Imaging Specrometer (MERIS) on ENVISAT, and the GLobal Imager (GLI) on the Midori-II satellite, provide an unprecedented multispectral view of the reflected solar radiance from the Earth's aerosol systems. A summary of the sensor characteristics is provided below. Solar spectral radiance measurements do not tell the whole story. Radiance measurements as a function of scattering angle and polarization also provide important information to constrain estimates of aerosol properties. The Multiangle Imaging SpecrtroRadiometer (MISR) on the Terra satellite measures radiance at 4 wavelengths from 9 view angles and the Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on ENVISAT measures radiance at 7 wavelengths from two directions. The POLarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances (POLDER) instrument on Midori-II measures polarization parameters. In addition, since dust aerosol is of sufficient size and concentration, infrared radiance also carries information about aerosol properties. MODIS, AVHRR, GOES, and the new Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) sensors all measure radiance in multiple infrared channels that provide information about dust aerosol. This talk will illustrate the various dust observation techniques using combinations of passive visible and infrared sensors. The focus will be on a summary of what is possible with these techniques and not a comprehensive review due to time constraints and some techniques will be more adequately described by other speakers. The limitations of these techniques will also be discussed. Finally, future developments and improvements in dust aerosol characterization from passive visible and infrared measurements will be described. Solar Bands IR Bands Spatial (visible/near- (absorption Resolution IR) window)s (km) AVHRR 3 2 1 Sensor SeaWiFS 8 0 1 MODIS 19 3 0.25, 0.5, MERIS 15 0 0.3 and 1 GLI 23 13 0.25 and 1 MISR 4 0 0.275 and 1.1 AATSR 4 3 1 POLDER 8 0 6x7 MSG 3 4 1 (vis), 3 (IR) Vertical profiling of mineral dust properties Paola Formenti 1, James M. Haywood 2, Simon Osborne 2, and Meinrat O. Andreae 3 1 LISA, Créteil, France, email: 2 UK MetOffice, Farnborough, UK, email: and 3 MPIC, Mainz, Germany, email: Abstract The physical and optical properties of Saharan dust aerosol measured by the Met Office C-130 during the SaHAran Dust Experiment (SHADE) are presented. SHADE was conducted in September 2000 over the Atlantic Ocean between Sal Island and Senegal. Dust was encountered in the altitude range from 0.5-1 to 4-4.5 km. Sub-layers with different particle size distributions and different source areas could be distinguished within the main dust plume. Dust loadings containing up to 54 µg m-3 Al (submicron plus supermicron fraction) were measured during particularly intense dust events. The geochemical signature of mineral dust was consistent with previous results in the area. Si, Fe, and Ti were not enriched with respect to the soil composition, while other elements, such as Ca and S, were. Mixing of dust with anthropogenic aerosols, mainly NH4HSO4, was observed in the fine fraction. Our results suggest that the absorption by Saharan dust is significantly overestimated in the solar spectrum if standard refractive indices are used. Our measurements suggest an imaginary part of the refractive index of 0.0015i is appropriate at a wavelength, λ, of 0.55µm. Additional radiation measurements enable the determination of the aerosol optical depth, δa, and the direct radiative effect, DRE, of the mineral dust. At 0.55 µm, δa approached 1.5 during the period of heaviest dust loading, which equates to an instantaneous top of the atmosphere DRE over ocean of approximately -130 W m-2, or a surface DRE of -210 W m-2. Finally, an attempt will be made to discuss the results of SHADE in the light of those obtained during the various dust airborne experiments - dedicated and of opportunity - that have been undertaken in the recent years. Optical Modelling of Asian Dust Aerosol based on ACE-Asia Ground Observation, Particle Transport Model, and SeaWiFS Observation Hajime Fukushima,1) Yuichiro Hagihara, 1) Hiroshi Kobayashi,2) Toshiyuki Murayama,3) Sachio Ohta4) and Itsushi Uno 5) 1) School of High-Technology for Human Welfare, Tokai University, Numazu, 4100395 Japan E-mail: 2) Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University 3) Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Tokyo, Japan 4) Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University 5) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Abstract Modeling optical properties of Asian dust is critical in terms of proper and unbiased evaluation of radiation budget and atmospheric correction of satellite data. The objectives of this study are 1) to define an optical model of the Asian dust aerosol based on sky-radiometer and LIDAR observations as well as laboratory-measured refractive index of Chinese soil particles, and 2) to evaluate the performance of the model by comparing model-predicted and satellite-derived top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectances. Predicted results of a particle transport model calculation are also used to model the vertical distributions and the mixture ratio of each aerosol species. In this study, the particle size distribution (mono-modal, log-normal) and the vertical profile of dust aerosol model were determined from sky-radiometer and LIDAR observations conducted in Tokyo urban area on April 10, 2001, when SeaWiFS made a contemporaneous observation. Laboratory-measured complex refractive indices of sampled Chinese dust particles were adopted to conduct a radiative transfer (RT) simulation to synthesize TOA spectral reflectance, which compared well with the SeaWiFS observation (within few per cent error in reflectance), when the aerosol optical thickness was adjusted to meet with the SeaWiFS 865 nm band observation. The same model, with vertical distribution modeled after Chemical Weather Forecast System (CFORS) prediction, was applied to four data points in Japan Sea over the SeaWiFS imagery on April 10, when and where a major dust airmass was observed. Although the RT simulated TOA reflectance reproduced the SeaWiFS reflectance with 3-4 % error under moderately loaded dust cases, significant differences in spectral dependency (RT-predicted TOA reflectance in shorter wavelength region was almost 10% lower than the satellite-observed) was observed under dense dust condition. We will discuss the reasons of this discrepancy, including the variability in size distribution and the effect of non-sphericity of the dust particles. In the presentation, we also plan to discuss the validity of several other cases, including "anthropogenically contaminated dust aerosol" case such as studied in Li et al.(accepted). Variability of the refractive indices of dust aerosol obtained from different sources including skyradiometer observations (AERONET and SKYNET) will be also discussed. References Li, L.-P., H. Fukushima, R. Frouin, B. G. Mitchell, M.-X. He, I. Uno, T. Takamura, and S. Ohta (accepted): Influence of sub-micron absorptive aerosol on SeaWiFS-derived marine reflectance during ACE-Asia, J. Geophys. Res.(AAC). Dust characterization and its implications for global biogeochemical cycles Yuan Gao Princeton University, USA Abstract In addition to its direct and indirect climate effects, dust is a source of iron (Fe), an essential micronutrient for phytoplankton growth in many areas of the surface ocean. Recent Fe fertilization experiments conducted in the equatorial Pacific, Southern Ocean and sub-Arctic Pacific confirmed that Fe supplies strongly regulate phytoplankton growth in these oceanic regions. The Fe input from dust may, in turn, regulate the global carbon cycle and thus affect climate. However, the distributions of dust (or aeolian Fe) delivery to the ocean vary strongly with season and from one ocean region to another. Dust particles also provide reaction sites for many heterogeneous reactions involving SO2, NOy, HOx, O3, etc. during the long-range transport. Those processes may alter dust properties, including aeolian Fe solubility in the air and then its bio-availability in the surface ocean. Thus characterization of dust properties is crucially important to understand its roles not only in the Earth's radiation budget but also in global biogeochemical cycles. This presentation intends to share recent findings on dust properties, including preliminary results obtained from shipboard observations in the North Pacific during the Asian-Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment. Empirical TOMS Index for Dust Aerosol: Applications to Model Validation and Source Characterization Paul Ginoux NOAA GFDL, Princeton University, Forrestal Campus, Route 1, Princeton NJ 08542-0308 Abstract An empirical relation is developed to express the TOMS aerosol index (AI) for the case of dust plumes, as an explicit function of four physical quantities: the single scattering albedo, optical thickness, altitude of the plume and surface pressure. This relation allows sensitivity analysis of the TOMS AI with physical properties, quantitative comparison with dust model results and physical analysis of dust sources, without the necessity of cumbersome radiative calculation. Two applications are presented: 1) the case study of a dust storm over the North Atlantic in March 1988, and 2) the characterization of 13 major dust sources. The first application shows that simulated dust distribution can be quantitatively compared to TOMS AI on a daily basis and over regions where dust is the dominant aerosol. The second application necessitates to further parameterize the relation by replacing the optical thickness and the altitude of the plume by meteorological variables. The advantage is that surface meteorological fields are easily available globally and for decades but the formulation only applies to dust sources. The daily, seasonal and inter-annual variability of the parameterized Index over major dust sources reproduce correctly the variability of the observed TOMS AI. The correlation between these two indices is used to determine the surface characteristics and physical properties of dust aerosol, over the sources. Modelling size-segregated soil dust aerosol during Ace-Asia, 2001: Implications for Trans-Pacific Transport S.L. Gong 1, 2 and X.Y. Zhang 2, 1Air Quality Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada 4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4, CANADA 2State Key Laboratory of Loess & Quaternary Geology Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences 10 Fenghui S. Rd., PO Box 17, XiAn 710075, CHINA Abstract A size segregated soil dust emission and transport model NARCM was used to simulate the production and transport of Asian soil dust during the ACE-Asia period from March to May 2001 [Gong et al., 2003]. The model is driven by the NCEP reanalyzed meteorology and has all the atmospheric aerosol physical processes of soil dust: production, transport, growth, coagulation, and dry and wet deposition. A Chinese soil texture map that infers the soil grain size distribution with 12 categories was generated to drive the size distributed soil dust emission scheme [Alfaro et al., 1997; Marticorena and Bergametti, 1995]. The size distribution of vertical dust flux was derived from the observed surface dust size distribution in the desert regions. Parameters applicable to the Asian deserts for the dust emission scheme are assessed. Comparisons of model simulations were carried out with ground base measurements in East Asia and North America, and satellite measurements for the same period of time. The model captured most of the dust mobilization episodes during this period in China and reasonably simulated the concentrations in source regions and downwind areas from east China to western North America. About 252.8 Mt of soil dust below d < 40 µm was estimated to be emitted in the East Asian deserts between March 1 to May 31, 2001 with ~60% attributed to four major dust storms. The vertical dust loadings above 700 hPa correlate reasonably well with TOMS aerosol index (AI) observations. The sensitivity analysis of model performance to soil size distribution, water moisture and meteorology was carried out with the observational data to establish the most appropriate parameters and conditions for the Chinese soil dust production and transport. Size-segregated budgets of soil dust aerosols in Asia during ACE-Asia were also investigated [Zhao et al., 2003]. Simulated mass size distributions of dust deposition showed a similar size distribution to the dust emission fluxes over the source regions and a decreased peak corresponding to a 1-3 µm diameter range over down-wind regions. The simulations suggest that dry deposition was a dominant dust removal process near the source areas and the removal of dust particles by precipitation was the major process over the trans-Pacific transport pathway, where wet deposition exceeded dry deposition by up to a factor of ten. The Asian dust deposition from the atmosphere to the North Pacific Ocean was correlated not only with precipitation over the North Pacific, but also with the dust transport patterns. Variations of monthly Asian dust outflow were identified with the latitudinal centre of transport at 38oN in March; 42oN in April and 47oN in May. The monthly trans-Pacific transport patterns of Asian Dust in spring were characterized. The transport-axis extended around 300N and 400N from the East Asian subcontinent to the North Pacific in March. A zonal transport pathway around 40 0N was well developed in April over the North Pacific and reached North America. However, the transport in May was separated into two pathways: an eastward zonal path over the North Pacific and a meridional path from the source regions to the Northeast Asian continent. Based on the averaged dust budgets during spring 2001, it was found that the major sources of Asian dust were located in the desert regions in China and Mongolia with an estimated dust emission of 21.5, and the regions from the Loess Plateau to the North Pacific were sinks of soil dust aerosols with the Loess Plateau as the main sink for Asian dust. References Alfaro, S.C., A.Gaudichet, L.Gomes, and M. Maillé, Modeling the size distribution of a soil aerosol produced by sandblasting, J. Geophys. Res, 102, 11,239-11,249, 1997. Gong, S.L., X.Y. Zhang, T.L. Zhao, I.G. McKendry, D.A. Jaffe, and N.M. Lu, Characterization Of Soil Dust Distributions In China And Its Transport During ACE-ASIA 2. Model Simulation and Validation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D9), 2003. Marticorena, B., and G. Bergametti, Modeling the atmospheric dust cycle. Part 1: Design of a soil-derived dust emission scheme, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 16415-16430, 1995. Zhao, T.L., S.L. Gong, X.Y. Zhang, and I.G. McKendry3, Modelled sizesegregated wet and dry deposition budgets of soil dust aerosol during ACEAsia, 2001: Implications for Trans-Pacific Transport, Journal of Geophysical Research, in repss, 2003. Local and Global Dust over North America Rudolf B. Husar Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA Abstract There is considerable research literature on the dust aerosol pattern and characteristics over North America. The extensive previous work by Prospero, Gillette, Cahill, Malm and others has clearly indicated that Sahara dust is an important component of fine and coarse particles in the south eastern US. However, both the recent satellite and previous research on North American dust is fragmented and uneven in spatial, temporal and compositional coverage. An integrated assessment of the North American dust using the rich literature and the most recent are therefore desirable. The objectives of this work are to (1) establish the spatio-temporal and chemical pattern of the airborne dust over North America (2) characterize the features of dust from the different sources and to (3) attribute the dust over NAM to the major source regions. The approach is to integrate data from surface and satellite observations and to combine spatial, temporal and compositional analysis. The dust over North America originates from local sources as well as from the Sahara and Gobi Deserts. Each dust source region has distinct chemical signature in the crustal elements. The pattern of different dust contributions varies in space as well as by season, episodicity and vertical distribution. New satellite sensors allow monitoring of the spatial and temporal pattern of dust events on a daily basis. Satellite observations of Sahara dust also provide compelling evidence for intercontinental dust transport. The Sahara dust transport accross the Atlantic has also been frequently photographed by the astronouts. Virtually all dust mass is over 1 µm in size. The mass mean diameter (MMD) of dust near the source is over 5-10 µm. However, long-range transported dust (3-10 days old) has MMD of 2-5 µm. Hence, local dust is virtually all in the coarse mode (>2.5 µm) while long-range dust has 30-50% of the mass in the PM2.5 range. Comparison of dust elemental composition at Denali NP, AK (Asian dust) and at Virgin Islands NP. (Sahara dust) show major differences. Al/Si ratio (Sahara- 0.66; Asian - 0.4) and in K/Si ratio (Sahara- 0.15; Asian - 0.08). Based on chemical composition measurements (Sisler and Malm) the highest average fine particle dust concentration occurs in Texas, where it accounts for 10-25% of the fine particle mass. In the northeastern US dust accounts for <5% of the fine particle mass. Each dust source has a unique seasonal, synoptic scale (5-10 days) and diurnal pattern. This pattern can be used for source identification. However, the resulting concentrations at distant receptor sites are modulated by transport and removal processes. In most regions the seasonality has a single peak, but in some regions the fine particle dust concentrations peak in two seasons. For example, the dust concentration at Big Bend, TX peaks in July and April. The combination of dust composition data and seasonal transport pattern reveal that the July peak at Big Bend, TX is due to Sahara dust in the 3-5 µm size range, while the April dust peak is due to local wind blown dust of 5-10 µm dust. Figure 1. Fine particle dust chemical composition pattern at Big Bend, TX. In July the Sahara dust contribution to fine particle mass is 4-8 µg/m3 throughout the Southeast. During this month the Sahara dust contributions exceed the local source contribution by factor of 2-4. The extensive previous work by Prospero, Cahill, Malm and others has clearly indicated that Sahara dust is an important component of fine and coarse particles in the southeastern US. Our analysis of the EPA AIRS PM10 data base combined with the transport analysis has revealed several major dust incursions over the Gulf Coast. In three such episodes July 5, 1992, June 30, 1993 and June 21, 1997, the PM10 concentration exceeded 80 µg/m3 and over multistate regions of the Southeast. Asian dust is generated over the Gobi desert most frequently in the spring season. The Gobi dust clouds frequently traverse the Pacific and the fraction reaches North America. Multi-year satellite data from the AVHRR sensor show the prominent spring-time aerosol plume (AOT>0.3). Dust is a major contributor to the spring-time Asian plume along with biomass smoke and industrial sulfate-organic haze. Trans-Pacific dust transport events have been documented extensively, including the April 1998 and the April 2001 events. Aerosol chemical climatology for Alaska and West Coast of North America confirms the spring-time Asian dust incursions. However, unlike the Sahara dust the long-term average contribution of Asian dust to North America is not yet established. Measurement of free iron content in desert dust : effect on light absorption, size dependence and soil influence S. Lafon, J.-L. Rajot, S. C. Alfaro, A. Gaudichet LISA , UMR CNRS 7583, Universités Paris 7 et 12, Créteil, France Abstract In order to predict dust optical properties from their physical and chemical characterization, it is necessary to better quantify free iron content. Iron is a key element for solar light absorption and the quantification of its different forms in aerosol is still a great source of uncertainty. The light absorbent agent is the free part of iron. Free iron is defined as iron oxides or hydroxides under the form of discrete particles or of coating particles bound to silicates surface. The other part of iron in mineral dust is the structural iron, mainly present under the form of substitution cation in aluminosilicate particles. A method to apportion the free iron content in aerosol samples collected in small quantities on polycarbonate filter was developed. Measurements performed on bulk aerosols samples collected on the field showed that free iron content varies in natural mineral aerosols. Firstly, we want to establish the quantitative relation between light absorption capacity of the aerosol and its free iron content. The second point is to provide information on size resolved free iron content in aerosol. Finally, the relationships between free iron content of aerosol and their parent soils are studied with special emphasis on size distribution of both aerosol and soil particles. To answer these questions, we use aerosol samples generated from three natural soils collected in different sources regions : Sahel (Niger), North Sahara (Tunisia) and Ulan Buh desert (China). Dusts are generated in wind tunnel and collected with a special isokinetic device allowing to collect simultaneously samples by different ways : Filtration to obtain bulk samples for free iron quantification, and for white light absorption measurements with aethalometer, Cascade impactor collection to quantify size resolved free iron content. The three kinds of aerosol samples present free iron content relative to the total oxide mass of sample that are significantly different : 6.6 % (sd 0.1), 3.7 % (sd 0.2) and 3.2 % (sd 0.2) for Nigerien, Tunisian and Chinese samples respectively. Absorption in the visible spectrum is linearly correlated to the mass of free iron contained in studied samples and this whatever the sample origin. Such an unique correlation doesn't exist with sample mass or total iron mass. This confirms that free iron is the only compound responsible for white light absorption by mineral dust. Chemical analysis of impactor samples are used to determine size distribution in mass. All the three aerosol samples contain the same two major particles populations with geometric mean diameter of 3 µm and 12 µm. Free iron contents are analyzed for impactor stages that better correspond to these particle sizes. Relative to the mass of aerosol on each stage, free iron proportion is more important in the largest mode. This means that each fractionation process during dust cycle may generate evolution of bulk aerosol free iron content and hence of light absorption properties. The soil /aerosol relationship was studied by quantifying free iron in the parent soils fractions smaller than 20 µm. Differences in free iron contents of bulk aerosol are found to reflect differences between parent soils. This influence of the parent soil composition is also observed in each of the aerosol fraction. Differences between the various aerosols size fractions and those due to difference in soil compositions are in the same order of magnitude. Thus to assess the free iron content all along the aerosol cycle, it is necessary to take into account 1, the parent soil free iron content and 2, the size distribution changes during transport. Thermal Infrared Radiometry and Microphysical Properties of Mineral Dust Michel Legrand and Ovidiu Pancrati LOA/USTL, Batiment P5, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Abstract Introduction The microphysical and optical properties of mineral dust are intricate and variable, including the particle size distribution, shape and mineralogical composition. In part for this reason, and also due to the large and fast spatial and temporal changes of its atmospheric concentration, dust is insufficiently well described, particularly in view of its radiative forcing determination (Sokolik et al., 2001). In the visible and NIR parts of the spectrum, the ground-based photometric method and the satellite reflectance method over ocean and low-albedo surfaces, can be efficiently used through photometric networks such as AERONET (Holben et al., 1998). This approach is still to be improved with the enhanced capabilities of the new airborne sensors (King et al., 1999). Over land, especially for high albedo surfaces of arid regions where mineral dust originates, satellite remote sensing of dust is efficient only in the UV (Herman et al., 1997) and in the TIR (Legrand et al., 2001) parts of the spectrum. The dust indices derived at these wavelengths are considered as semi quantitative because they can be related to visible optical thickness - the key parameter for all aerosols atmospheric content - empirically only (Hsu et al., 1999; Legrand et al., 2001). The TIR multiwavelength radiometer CLIMAT Obviously, for ground truth operations to be carried out along with satellite remote sensing of mineral dust in the TIR, it is advisable to use a ground-based radiometer measuring the downwelling radiance at the satellite TIR wavelengths, instead of (or in addition to) a photometer working at visible and NIR wavelengths. It is one of the objects of the development in the 90s of the TIR multiwavelength radiometer CLIMAT, designed to ground-based measurements (Sicard et al., 1999; Legrand et al., 2000; Brogniez et al., 2003). This is a self-sufficient portable field instrument designed to measure radiances or brightness temperatures from the ground, either manually or automatically. Its FOV is 10° wide. It can hold up to six channels in the TIR spectrum. The quality of its long term stability has been controlled. In the field, it is operated with a robot and a black cavity. The optical head of the radiometer is successively directed by the robot for measurements to the sky (target) and to the black cavity. The latter is dedicated to the control of in situ measurement. The Sahelian campaign NIGER 98 and its results A joint LISA/IRD/LOA/AGRHYMET/ACMAD campaign was carried out during the period February-May, 1998, on the site of Banizoumbou (50 kilometers east of Niamey), Niger, with the project of characterizing mineral dust, its emission and its transport. The LOA participated to this experiment with the radiometer CLIMAT and a hand-held photometer Cimel. The following results have been derived from the data: ° after corrections using the blackbody, the measured TIR brightness temperatures are derived with an accuracy of a few hundredths of kelvin; ° the measured radiances in the various channels of the instrument are very sensitive to the presence of mineral dust; ° after elimination of cloudy measurements and correction of water vapor variations, a radiance varying quasi linearly with the photometric dust optical depth is obtained; ° the instrument channels radiance is evenly enhanced as a function of the particles size; ° the channels provide a spectral signature depending strongly on dust mineralogical composition through its complex index. So, we observe that a dust model using a refractive index from the compilation by d'Almeida et al. (1991), or a pure quartz dust model, cannot fit the measured spectral signature. On the other hand, if this dust model is dominated by a clay component, such as described by Caquineau et al. (2002), its spectral signature calculated using the complex index given by Sokolik and Toon (1999) turns to an outstanding agreement with the measurements. In addition, the performances of the radiometer could be easily improved for future campaigns, by increasing the number of filters (up to six) and by fitting their wavelengths and widths according to the absorption peaks of the various mineralogical species of concern. Then, for example illite and kaolinite could be separated. Conclusion and prospects The radiometer CLIMAT used in a field experiment dedicated to mineral dust, is able through the measured TIR radiances to supply information about (large) particle size distribution and about mineral composition. For this, it could be used with benefit with a photometer such as that used in AERONET network, in order to complete the microphysical description of mineral dust. The addition of a lidar to these instruments would add the aerosol vertical profile and a sensitive cloud detection. As shown by comparing the ground-based measured TIR radiances from NIGER 98 with the coincident TIR dust index IDDI from Meteosat IR, the radiometer CLIMAT is adequate for control, validation, correction and analysis of the TIR satellite data. It will be suitable for the implementation of the future multispectral IDDI from MSG (four channels expected) taking advantage of the spectral signature of dust to retrieve its atmospheric content and composition over land. References d'Almeida, G.A., P. Koepke and E. Shettle, 1991: Atmospheric aerosols, global climatology and radiative characteristics, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA, 561 pp. Brogniez, G., C. Pietras, M. Legrand, P. Dubuisson and M. Haeffelin, 2003: A high-accuracy multiwavelength radiometer for in situ measurements in the thermal infrared. Part II: Qualification in field experiments, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20, 1023-1033. Caquineau, S., A. Gaudichet, L. Gomes and M. Legrand, 2002: Mineralogy of Saharan dust transported over northwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean in relation to source regions, J. Geophys. Res., 107, doi 10.1029/ 2000JD000247. Herman, J.R., P.K. Bhartia, O. Torres, C. Hsu, C. Seftor and E. Celarier, 1997: Global distribution og global absorbing aerosols from Nimbus-7 TOMS data, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16,911-16,922. Holben, B.N., et al., 1998: AERONET - A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization, Remote Sens. Environ., 66, 1-16. Hsu, N.C., J.R. Herman, O. Torres, B.N. Holben, D. Tanré, T.F. Eck, A. Smirnov, B. Chatenet and F. Lavenu, 1999: Comparisons of TOMS aerosol index with sun-photometer aerosol optical thickness: Results and applications, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 6269-6279. King, M.D., Y.J. Kaufman, D. Tanré and T. Nakajima, 1999: Remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols from space: Past, present and future, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc.s 80, 2229-2259. Legrand, M., A. Plana-Fattori and C. N'doumé, 2001: Satellite detection of dust using the IR imagery of Meteosat 1. Infrared difference dust index, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 18,251-18,274. Legrand, M., C. Pietras, G. Brogniez, M. Haeffelin, N.K. Abuhassan and M. Sicard, 2000: A high-accuracy multiwavelength radiometer for in situ measurements in the thermal infrared. Part I: Characterization of the instrument, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17, 1203-1214. Sicard, M., P.R. Spyak, G. Brogniez, M. Legrand, N.K. Abuhassan, C. Pietras, J.-P. Buis, 1999: Thermal-infrared field radiometer for vicarious cross-calibration: Characterization and comparison with other field instruments, Opt. Eng., 38, 345-356. Sokolik, I.N., D.M. Winker, G. Bergametti, D.A. Gilette, G. Carmichael, Y.F. Kaufman, L. Gomes, L. Schuetz and J.E. Penner, 2001: Introduction to special section: Outstanding problems in quantifying the radiative impacts of mineral dust, J. Geophys. Res. 106, 18,015-18,027. Sokolik, I.N. and O.B. Toon, 1999: Incorporation of mineralogical composition into models of the radiative properties of mineral aerosol from UV to IR wavelengths, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 9423-9444. On the interactions of mineral dust particles and clouds Zev Levin Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel Abstract The direct effects of mineral dust particles on climate are not yet understood. Their effects depend on the size distribution of the particles and their chemical composition which vary depending on the sources and the distance traveled. The indirect effect of these particles on climate is even less understood. Mineral dust particles are normally relatively poor cloud condensation nuclei, CCN, but are good ice nuclei IN. However, as these aerosols are carried over long distances, they become modified through interactions with pollution, originating from other sources. Published work shows that many of these modified particles are coated with soluble material, such as sulfate and nitrate, making them efficient giant CCN. The way in which these particles get coated with soluble material is not yet clearly resolved. Simple calculations show that Brownian scavenging cannot account for the aggregation of pollution particles on dust, because the particles are too small and their aggregation efficiency is too small. Calculations show that one possible route is through clouds. Namely, cloud drops grow on sulfate or nitrate particles and only then collect interstitial dust particles. Since most clouds evaporate, the released residue consists of particles with dust cores coated with sulfate or nitrate. Measurements conducted during the MEIDEX (Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment) revealed the presence of large dust particles coated with sea salt. Calculations show that when such large particles enter clouds, precipitation will be enhanced significantly, leading to shorter cloud lifetime and increased effective cloud drop size. Unfortunately, this increase in cloud drop effective radius cannot be seen remotely from space observations because the center of the precipitation is well below cloud top. On the other hand, calculations also show that incorporation of too many either small or large CCN into clouds can lead to reduced rain amounts due to the increased competition among the drops for the available water vapor. In the lecture some of the recent calculations and results from measurements in MEIDEX will be described. Retrieval of the surface characteristics controlling mineral dust emissions: a focus on the aeolian roughness length B. Marticorena LISA, UMR CNRS 7583, Universités Paris 7 et 12 61, av. du Général de Gaulle, 94010, Créteil, France email : Abstract Dust emissions models describing explicitely the involved processes have demonstrate their capability to reproduce both the frequency and the intensity of dust emissions. Moreover, they allow the simulation of the size-distribution associated with the dust emissions fluxes and its variations with the dynamical conditions prevailing during the emission events. Since they are physically explicit, they can be used to simulate the dust emissions for different climatic conditions and makes possible the simulations of interactions between the mineral dust cycle and the climatic conditions. One of the main limitations of such models is the availability of the required input data. Among them, the surface roughness and the soil size-distribution are known as the key factors controlling the dust event frequency and the intensity and the sizedistribution of the dust fluxes. In arid regions, the surface exhibits very different features ranging from very flat and smooth areas to rocky mountain. The surface roughness is controlled by inert nonerodible elements (boulders, pebbles, gravel, sand grains, etc.) and should not vary significantly at the time scale mineral dust is generally studied. As a result, a roughness data base can be established and would not require frequent updating. The possibilities of estimating the aeolian surface roughness for such surfaces from remote sensing have been investigated, at different spatial scales and resolutions. Greeley et al. [1991] proposed an empirical relation between the aerodynamic roughness lengths z0 measured over various arid surfaces (Death Valley and Lunar Lake, USA; Gobabeb, Namibia) and the radar backscatter cross-section σ0 from the Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar system (AIRSAR). This method, applied to radar space-borne measurements (onboard the US "Shuttle": SRL-1 in April 1994, and SRL-2 in October 1994) with a horizontal resolution of (50×50) m2, allows the retrieval of z0 within half an order of magnitude [Greeley et al., 1997]. More recently, another approach has been developped to retrieve the roughness length from the socalled protrusion coefficient PC, computed from POLDER surface products derived from bidirectional reflectance measurements. The POLDER surface products are available on a global scale with a spatial resolution of about 6×6 km for eight months (November 1996 to June 1997). An empirical relationship has been established between the PC's and the logarithm of the aerodynamic roughness length estimated over the Sahara based on a geomorphological approach [Callot et al., 2000]. This relation is confirmed by the few experimentally determined values of roughness length available in the literature [Marticorena et al. in press]. To further investigate the relationship between these two remotely sensed parameters and the surface roughness, ground measurements of geometric and aerodynamic roughness have been performed during one month experiment in the South-Tunisia. A direct comparison between the experimental data and the backscatter coefficients derived from high resolution ERS/SAR measurements provides an empirical relationship comparable to the one proposed by Greeley et al. [1991]. Due to the natural variability of the surface roughness over the selected sites, a direct comparison between field measurements and the protrusion coefficient derived from POLDER measurements was not possible. However, the radar backscatter coefficients averaged over homogeneous surfaces having the dimensions of a POLDER pixel have been found linearly correlated to the protrusion coefficient. These results suggest that both methods allow the retrieval of z0. Depending on the required dimensions and spatial resolution, one or the other method can be used to established maps of the aerodynamic roughness length over arid regions with a spatial resolution ranging from a 1/4 of degree square (Polder PC) to 12.5 m x 12.5 m (Radar). A similar approach, based on vegetation index can be developed for semi-arid areas where vegetation is the main roughness element. However, modelling the vegetation remains the only approach to account for retroactions between the climatic conditions, vegetation and the mineral dust emissions. Such an approach has been investigated using a model specifically designed to simulate the growth of the Sahelian steppic vegetation during the wet season [STEP model, Mougin et al., 1995]. This model described the soil water budget as a function of the soil texture profiles, based on daily climatologic parameters (mean temperature, precipitation, etc. ). The model main ouputs are the green and the dry biomass, from which the mean characteristics of the annual herbaceous vegetation are derived : mean height and cover rate of the green and dry vegetation, on a daily time scale. Annual simulations of the vegetation over the Sahelian belt have been performed with a resolution of 1°×1° for two years exhibiting different annual precipitation rates and spatial pattern. The aim of these simulations is to provide an estimation of the mineral dust emissions in a "natural" semi-arid areas, without any human disturbance. The simulated biomass of green vegetation was generally found in good agreement with vegetation indexes derived from AVHRR observations, the level of agreement depending on the precipitation regimes and the soil types. Indeed, the vegetation simulations are sensitive to the precipitation fields (occurence of the first precipitation, and precipitation amount cumulated over the growing period) and soil texture profile ( % of clay as a function of depth) used as input data. From these simulations, the influence of this seasonal vegetation of the frequency of dust emissions on the Sahelian region has been estimated (assuming that the Sahel is not anthropogenically perturbed). The results suggest that a "natural" Sahel does not represent a significant source of mineral dust, compared to the Sahara. SULFATE AND NITRATE COATINGS ON MINERAL DUSTS: CRYSTALLINE OR AQUEOUS? Scot T. Martin, Hui-Ming Hung, and Jeong-Ho Han Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Abstract Keywords: Phase transition; Atmospheric Aerosols; Ammonium sulfate; Ammonium nitrate Observational evidence shows that mineral dusts in Asian outflows become coated by sulfates and nitrates. Layer thickness can range to hundreds of nanometers. At high relative humidity, the layers uptake water and are in aqueous form. For example, the deliquescence relative humidity of ammonium sulfate is 80% at 298 K while that of ammonium nitrate is 60%. The water content has several important effects. The particle volume increases with concurrent increases in the mass extinction coefficient, the single scatter albedo (in the infrared), and the asymmetry parameter. The aqueous coatings also provide milieu for aqueous chemical reactions, such as sulfate oxidation or N2O5 hydrolysis. At lower relative humidity, the aqueous coating crystallizes. There is a concomitant release of the water content to the vapor phase and associated decrease in particle volume. The mass extinction coefficient, single scatter albedo, and asymmetry parameter decrease. Important chemical transformation pathways are shut off. At what critical relative humidity does the phase change from an aqueous to a crystalline coating occur? The answer to this question shows that dependent factors are the size and the chemistry of the mineral dust core. Through detailed laboratory experiments, the governing polynomial are found to be : for one hour observation times. The symbols are CRH = crystallization relative humidity; D = diameter (nm) of mineral core particle; AS = ammonium sulfate; AN = ammonium nitrate; c = corundum; and h = hematite. The implication of the above equations is that there is a synergistic interaction between hygroscopic components of the aerosol such as sulfates and nitrates and insoluble components such as mineral dusts on the chemical and radiative properties of atmospheric aerosols. The CRH equations are derived from laboratory experiments with submicron aqueous ammonium sulfate particles containing hematite (á-Fe2O3) and corundum (á-Al2O3) inclusions in an aerosol flow tube at 298 K. Ammonium sulfate coatings of different layer thicknesses are deposited on metal oxide particles generated by spray pyrolysis methods. The heterogeneous nuclei (i.e., the mineral dust cores) regulate the RH of the phase transition from 35% up to 60% RH in the case of ammonium sulfate and 0 to 10% in the case of ammonium nitrate as the inclusion size varies from 50 to 500 nm. The strong size dependence is inconsistent with the application of classical nucleation theory on defect free surfaces. However, an active site model successfully interprets the data. Model optimization yields 1010 sites cm-2 and m < 0 for a-Al2O3 and 109 sites cm-2 and m < 0 for a-Fe2O3 particles. Figure 1. Plot of crystallization relative humidities of aqueous ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate outer layers on hematite and corundum cores. References Buseck, P.R., D.J. Jacob, M. Posfai, J. Li, and J.R. Anderson, Minerals in the air: An environmental perspective, Int. Geol. Rev., 42, 577-593, 2000. Fletcher, N.H., Actives Sites and Ice Crystal Nucleation, J. Atmos. Sci., 26, 1266-1271, 1969. Gorbunov, B.Z., and N.A. Kakutkina, Ice crystal formation on aerosol particles with a non-uniform surface, J. Aerosol Sci., 13, 21-28, 1982. Martin, S.T., Phase Transitions of Aqueous Atmospheric Particles, Chem. Rev., 100, 3403-3453, 2000. Martin, S.T., and J.H. Han, An Aerosol Chemical Reactor for Coating Metal Oxide Particles with (NH4)2SO4-H2SO4-H2O. 3. Manipulation of the Sulfate Coating, J. Crystal Growth, 219, 290-299, 2000. Martin, S.T., J.H. Han, and H.M. Hung, The Size Effect of Hematite and Alumina Inclusions on the Efflorescence Relative Humidities of Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate Particles, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2601-2604, 2001. Posfai, M., J.R. Anderson, P.B. Buseck, T.W. Shattuck, and N.W. Tindale, Constituents of a Remote Pacific Marine Aerosol: A TEM Study, Atmos. Environ., 28, 1747-1756, 1994. How well can we constrain the single scatter albedo of dust? Sarah Masonis*, Tad Anderson*, William Conant@, Antony Clarke#, Steven Howell#, Patricia Quinn$, Anne Jefferson%, and Barry Huebert# *University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; @California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,USA; #University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA; $NOAA-PMEL, Seattle, WA, USA; %NOAA-CMDL, Boulder, CO, USA,,,,,,, Abstract Global-average estimates of dust radiative forcing are currently highly uncertain, both in magnitude and sign (IPCC, 2001). The uncertainty in sign results in large part from uncertainty in dust's single scatter albedo, ω. Model estimates of dust single scatter albedo, which are based on an assumed size distribution and mineral composition, often yield values of ω<0.9 at visible wavelengths (cf. Myhre and Stordal, 2001). However, in-situ measurements by Haywood et al. of Saharan dust (2001 & 2003) and in-situ measurements of Asian dust (ACE-Asia; Anderson et al., 2003) both yield values of ω~0.96-0.97 at 550nm. Satellite measurements also indicate dust ω>0.9 at visible wavelengths (Kaufmann et al., 2001). Unfortunately, the longwave impact of dust is still highly uncertain. While most atmospheric aerosols only interact with visible-wavelength radiation, dust also has an impact on the earth's longwave radiative balance. Because dust is often lofted high into the atmosphere during the passage of frontal systems, if its single scatter albedo at infrared wavelengths is low enough it could act as a warming agent, even if the shortwave TOA forcing is negative. In-situ measurements of dust single scatter albedo to date have only been made in the visible because the most common instrument used to measure light absorption only operates at one wavelength (~550nm). Recently developed instrumentation will at least allow for measurement of the wavelength-dependence of ω within the visible range (460, 530 and 660nm), but we still must rely on models to determine the infrared single scatter albedo for dust. The index of refraction (in particular the imaginary component) used for dust in models is highly variable, so the infrared effects of dust are still very uncertain. Nonetheless, the very high visible ω measured in-situ for the Saharan and Asian dust do suggest that the top-of-the-atmosphere radiative forcing of dust to be negative in sign for two of the most significant sources of atmospheric desert dust (Conant et al., 2003). Here the in-situ measurements of the dust optical properties from ACE-Asia will be presented, and the accuracy of these measurements discussed. Data from the NCAR C-130 aircraft are of particular interest because they are vertically-resolved, they were made using an inlet that efficiently samples coarse mode aerosol, and because light scattering and absorption for the fine (D<1µm) and coarse modes were separately determined, allowing for independent determination of the optical properties of the dust and pollution aerosol. These data will be presented in detail and compared with similar measurements from land- and ship-based platforms. References Anderson, T. L., S. J. Masonis, D. S. Covert, N. C. Ahlquist, S. G. Howell, A. D. Clarke and C. S. McNaughton (2003): Variability of aerosol optical properties derived from in situ aircraft measurements during ACE-Asia, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Conant, W. C., J. H. Seinfeld, J. Wang, G. R. Carmichael, Y. Tang, I. Uno, P. Flatau, K. M. Markowicz, and P. K. Quinn, (2003): A model for the radiative forcing during ACE-Asia derived from CIRPAS Twin Otter and R/V Ronald H. Brown data and comparison with observations, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Kaufman, Y. J., D. Tanre, O. Dubovik. A. Karnieli, L. A. Remer, (2001): Absorption of sunlight by dust as inferred from satellite and ground-based remote sensing, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1479-1482. Haywood, J. M., P. N. Francis, M. D. Glew and J. P. Taylor, (2001): Optical properties and direct radiative effect of Saharan dust: a case study of two Saharan outbreaks using data from the U.K. Met. Office C-130, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 18,417-18,430. Haywood, J., P. Francis, S. Osborne, M. Glew, N. Loeb, E. Highwood, D. Tanre, G. Myhre, and P. Formenti, (2003): Radiative properties and direct radiative effect of Saharan dust measured by the C-130 aircraft during SHADE: 1. Solar spectrum, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Myhre, G. and F. Stordal, (2001): Global sensitivity experiments of the radiative forcing due to mineral aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., 106 (D16), 18,193-18,204. Incorporating the Effect of Subgrid Scale Circulations Upon Dust Emission in an AGCM Reha Cakmur 1,2 and Ron Miller 1,2 1 Department of Applied Physics and Applied Math, Columbia University 2 NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, New York Abstract Realistic simulation of dust emission in an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) is inhibited by the model's coarse resolution compared to the scale of the circulations observed to mobilize dust. We construct a probability distribution of wind speed within each AGCM grid box that depends upon the resolved grid box speed and the magnitude of fluctuations. This magnitude is calculated by incorporating information from the AGCM's parameterizations of the planetary boundary layer along with dry and moist convection. Emission depends on the fraction of the wind speed distribution above the threshold value. As a consequence of the distribution, emission can occur even if the resolved wind speed is less than the threshold value as long as the subgrid scale variability is large enough. Subgrid wind fluctuations are dominated by dry convection. This favors dust emission over deserts, where there is continuous mixing within the boundary layer due to intense solar heating of the surface. Given our representation of subgrid variability, the AGCM's dust aerosol burden improves significantly, compared to the TOMS AOT retrieval, over the Sahara/Sahel and the Taklimakan, regions considered to be major sources of dust emission. This mechanistic representation of subgrid variability allows us to calculate the atmospheric burden of dust under different climates, where emission can change due to altered boundary layer variability in addition to changes in the mean wind speed. Capabilities of the Photoacoustic Technique for the Measurement of Light Absorption by Mineral Dust Hans Moosmüller and W. Patrick Arnott Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512, USA Abstract Introduction Aerosol light absorption makes an important contribution to atmospheric radiative transfer (Chylek and Wong, 1995) and visibility (Watson, 2002). It causes heating within an aerosol layer, reduces the amount of light reaching the atmosphere below and the earth's surface, and perhaps contributes to a lack of cloudiness as clouds are burned-off by the heat provided in the light absorption of sunlight (Ackerman et al., 2000; Lohmann and Feichter, 2001). Aerosol light absorption in the atmosphere is generally dominated by black carbon (BC) particles, which have an absorption efficiency of about 10 m2/g in the visible, significantly higher than that of other particles suspended in the atmosphere. Mineral dust aerosols can also cause significant light absorption, depending on the particle composition, size distribution, and the wavelength of interest. In contrast to BC, mineral dust light absorption has a strong wavelength dependence. The characterization of mineral dust light absorption has similar requirements as that of BC with the added need for wavelength dependent measurements and for the sampling of coarse particles. Besides the need of characterizing mineral dust light absorption for radiative transfer and visibility applications, in depth knowledge of light absorption at specific wavelengths is also needed for remote sensing applications such as the use of the TOMS aerosol index (e.g., Alpert et al., 1999; Hsu et al., 2000). Measurement of Light Absorption Aerosol light absorption can be measured with filter techniques or with in situ techniques. Filter based methods concentrate aerosol particles on a filter substrate and measure light extinction through the loaded filter, either long after exposure in the laboratory (e.g., Lin et al., 1973) or in real time (Hansen et al., 1984; Bond et al., 1999). However, it is well known that the interaction of scattering from the concentrated aerosol and the filter medium can lead to errors on the order of a factor of two or three, as the filter instruments lack absolute calibration (Horvath, 1997; Bond et al., 1999). This situation can be improved by using correction methods utilizing the simultaneous measurement of aerosol scattering (Horvath, 1997; Moosmüller et al., 1998). However, an absolute calibration is still needed for filter methods. The photoacoustic technique (Petzold and Niessner, 1996; Arnott et al., 1999) is an in situ technique, which measures aerosol light absorption with the particles in their natural suspended state with an absolute calibration based on first principles. Photoacoustic Technique An alternative to filter-based methods for light absorption measurement is to use a photoacoustic instrument (Petzold and Niessner, 1996; Arnott et al., 1999) No filters are used in these instruments, but instead, the sample air is continuously drawn through an acoustical resonator. A periodically modulated laser beam also passes through the resonator. Concomitant with light absorption by either gas or particles is heat transfer to the surrounding air. The resonator can be designed with an acoustic resonance frequency such that all of the heat from light absorption is transferred during the acoustic period. Upon receiving this heat, from light absorption, the surrounding air expands and this expansion contributes to the acoustic standing wave in the resonator. Measurement is made with a microphone. The microphone signal is linearly proportional to the aerosol light absorption coefficient. In practice, if one is seeking to measure particulate light absorption, the choice of laser wavelength is made to minimize influence of standard atmospheric gases. The typical wavelength that the Desert Research Institute (DRI) uses for the visible region is 532 nm, where high efficiency, frequency-doubled, compact ND-YAG lasers are available. In the near infrared (IR), 1047 nm lasers are used. The photoacoustic measurement is a zero-based measurement in the sense that no light absorption corresponds to no microphone signal. By comparison, typical extinction measurements require careful monitoring of a reference level. The art to making the photoacoustic method viable in practice is to design the system so that the influence of ambient and pump acoustic noise are minimized (Arnott et al., 1999). The theoretical calibration of the DRI photoacoustic instrument has been thoroughly tested against light absorption measurements on absorbing gases - something that simply can not be done with a filter based method (Arnott et al., 2000). The photoacoustic method has been touted as the desired way to obtain aerosol light absorption (Andreae, 2001). Recent improvements have yielded a sensitivity corresponding to a light absorption lower limit of Babs = 0.15 Mm-1 (corresponding to an equivalent BC mass concentration of 30 ng m-3) for the 1047 nm laser, laser power of 200 mW, and 2 minutes averaging time. This is a factor of 3 better than our previous efforts reported earlier (Arnott et al., 1999). The same instrument has been used to measure the real time BC content of diesel vehicle exhaust for heavy-duty diesel trucks on dynamometer test stands at loadings in excess of 30 mg m-3, indicating an excellent dynamic range of 106, far exceeding that of filter-based instruments. We have also succeeded in making the photoacoustic instrument very insensitive to ambient noise as indicated by airborne operation in a small plane and ground-based operation only meters away from a fighter jet operating at 80% of maximum power. Photoacoustic Technique for Mineral Dust Light Absorption So far the photoacoustic technique has been mainly used for the measurement of BC light absorption and the light absorption of ambient aerosols dominated by BC. On an exploratory basis, the photoacoustic technique has been used during a dust entrainment study near El Paso, TX. Photoacoustic measurements indicated that the light absorption measured here was several orders of magnitude smaller than the measured scattering, indicating an aerosol albedo extremely close to one. This preliminary result is a consequence of the white carbonate particles encountered at this location. Currently, the DRI photoacoustic instrument is being modified for seven-wavelength operation with wavelengths ranging from 355 nm in the ultraviolet (UV) to 1047 nm in the IR. This modification will allow for the determination of the wavelength dependence of aerosol light absorption, making it possible to distinguish between BC and several kinds of mineral dust. In addition, we are working on incorporating a reciprocal nephelometer in the photoacoustic resonator to obtain a measurement of aerosol albedo with a single instrument. While BC particles are typically quite small with a typical mass mean diameter of about 100 nm, mineral dust can contain very large particles. This will make it necessary to characterize and possibly modify the sampling arrangement of the photoacoustic instrument for low-loss sampling of large particles. References Ackerman, A. S., O. B. Toon, D. E. Stevens, A. J. Heymsfield, V. Ramanathan, and E. J. Welton (2000). "Reduction of Tropical Cloudiness by Soot." Science 288, 1042-1047. Alpert, P., J. Herman, Y. J. Kaufman, and I. Carmona (1999). "Response of the Climatic Temperature to Dust Forcing, Inferred from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index and the NASA Assimilation Model." Atmos. Res. 53, 3-14. Andreae, M. O. (2001). "The Dark Side of Aerosols." Nature 409, 671-672. Arnott, W. P., H. Moosmüller, C. F. Rogers, T. Jin, and R. Bruch (1999). "Photoacoustic Spectrometer for Measuring Light Absorption by Aerosol: Instrument Description." Atmos. Environ. 33, 2845-2852. Arnott, W. P., H. Moosmüller, and J. W. Walker (2000). "Nitrogen Dioxide and Kerosene-Flame Soot Calibration of Photoacoustic Instruments for Measurement of Light Absorption by Aerosols." Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 4545-4552. Bond, T. C., T. L. Anderson, and D. Campbell (1999). "Calibration and Intercomparison of Filter-Based Measurements of Visible Light Absorption by Aerosols." Aerosol Sci. Tech. 30, 582-600. Chylek, P. and J. Wong (1995). "Effect of Absorbing Aerosol on Global Radiation Budget." Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 929-931. Hansen, A. D. A., H. Rosen, and T. Novakov (1984). "The Aethalometer An Instrument for the Real-Time Measurement of Optical Absorption by Aerosol Particles." Sci. Total Environ. 36, 191-196. Horvath, H. (1997). "Experimental Calibration for Aerosol Light Absorption Measurements Using the Integrating Plate Method - Summary of the Data." J. Aerosol Sci. 28, 1149-1161. Hsu, N. C., J. R. Herman, and C. Weaver (2000). "Determination of Radiative Forcing of Saharan Dust Using Combined TOMS and ERBE Data." J. Geophys. Res. 105, 20649-20661. Lin, C. I., M. B. Baker, and R. J. Charlson (1973). "Absorption Coefficient of Atmospheric Aerosols: A Method for Measurement." Appl. Opt. 12, 1356-1363. Lohmann, U. and J. Feichter (2001). "Can the Direct and Semi-Direct Aerosol Effect Compete with the Indirect Effect on a Global Scale." Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 159-161. Moosmüller, H., W. P. Arnott, C. F. Rogers, J. C. Chow, C. A. Frazier, L. E. Sherman, and D. L. Dietrich (1998). "Photoacoustic and Filter Measurements Related to Aerosol Light Absorption during the Northern Front Range Air Quality Study (Colorado 1996/1997)." J. Geophys. Res. 103, 28149-28157. Petzold, A. and R. Niessner (1996). "Photoacoustic Soot Sensor for in-Situ Black Carbon Monitoring." Appl. Phys. B 63, 191-197. Watson, J. G. (2002). "2002 Critical Review -- Visibility: Science and Regulation." J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 52, 626-713. Estimation of the contribution of mineral dust to the total aerosol optical depth: Particular focus on Atlantic Ocean G. Myhre 1,2, A. Grini 1, T.K. Berntsen 1,3, I.S.A. Isaksen 1 1 Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway. 2 Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway. 3 Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO), Oslo, Norway. Abstract Satellite retrievals show that the highest aerosol optical depth (AOD) over ocean is west of Africa. The magnitude and distribution of the AOD varies significantly during the year. Further, satellite retrievals have markedly differences in AOD. A quantification of aerosol sources and aerosol properties is important in this region as the radiative effect of aerosols in this region can have a magnitude of several tens of Wm-2. Emission of mineral dust and biomass burning aerosol are particularly large over the African continent and the aerosols are transported over ocean. In addition sea salt particles are generated over ocean and contribute to the AOD. The aerosol properties of these species are quite different, with regard to size and absorption. With a global aerosol transport model we will estimate the contribution of mineral dust particles to the total AOD and compare this to an estimate based on satellite retrievals. The latter estimate will be based on retrievals of Ångstrøm exponent and sunphotometer measurements. The aim of this study is to understand if there are particular regions or time periods where one aerosol type dominates the others, but also to try to understand why there are discrepancies between the model and the satellites as well as between the different satellite retrievals. The Role of Shear Stress Partitioning on Dust Emissions William G. Nickling 1 and John A. Gillies 2 1 Wind Erosion Laboratory, Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada 2 Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, USA Abstract Most currently available aeolian sediment transport models assume a homogeneous surface with some coverage of relatively small-scale non-erodible roughness elements. Many natural surfaces from which dust is emitted, have large non-erodible roughness elements that affect the emission process. These elements can range in size from centimeters to meters and can be solid or in the case of vegetation, porous. These roughness elements offer a measure of protection from erosive winds by several mechanisms including, sheltering, direct covering of the surface, and by decreasing the available shear force through processes of momentum extraction. Characterizing and quantifying the effect of momentum partitioning on surface shearing stress and sand transport, which in large part controls dust emissions by wind, remains an important research challenge. Several approaches have been undertaken to account for surface roughness effects in aeolian sediment transport including the models of Raupach et al. (1993) and Marticorena and Bergametti (1995). A major focus of our recent research has been the refinement and modification of the Raupach et al. (1993) shear stress partitioning model to account for the effect of larger-scale surface roughness on aeolian sediment transport. The approach we have taken has combined both laboratory and field experimentation. In these experiments, we have utilized specially-designed instrumentation that independently and simultaneously measures the total drag force of the wind as well as the shearing stress on the individual elements and the intervening surface. The total shear stress is determined through the measurement of the vertical wind speed profile in both the wind tunnel and atmospheric boundary layers. In both the laboratory and the field, newly-designed drag plates and force balances were used to measure the element and surface borne shear stresses. In addition, Irwin sensors were used to quantify and characterize the magnitude and spatial distribution of shear stresses on the intervening surface area. Laboratory wind tunnel studies were carried out to evaluate roughness element form and distribution effects on shear stress partitioning for solid elements (e.g., Crawley and Nickling, 2002), sand drift through porous element arrays, and the aerodynamics of different plant morphologies to assess porosity effects on shear stress partitioning (Gillies et al., 2002). These wind tunnel experiments undertaken to evaluate and constrain the parameters of the Raupach et al. (1993) model, indicated that it provides a useful approach to predict the role of surface roughness on sediment entrainment and transport. Our research however, has indicated that components of the model require further consideration. In particular, the parameter that characterizes the spatial heterogeneity of shear stress (m) on the intervening surface is not independent and appears to be a function of the aspect ratio of the roughness elements (Crawley and Nickling, 2002). Our more recent investigations using cubes of differing sizes and spacings have indicated that roughness concentration (i.e., λ) does not adequately characterize the shear stress partitioning effect. We have observed that for 0.1 ≤ λ ≤ 0.5, common to many natural surfaces covered with roughness elements (e.g., rocks, sparse vegetation), shear stress reduction on the intervening surface is not independent of the height and width of the elements. In general we found that the height of the element has a greater effect on shear stress reduction than element width most likely due to the greater momentum absorption by elements protruding further into the logarithmic boundary layer. Outside the stated range of λ the shear stress partitioning effect appears to be independent of element shape. It was also found that configurations with the same λ, but with a greater number of elements, were more effective in decreasing shear stress on the intervening surface. Our results indicate that the single parameter λ, which describes size, shape, and distribution of elements on the surface does not fully account for the observed partitioning of shear stress. This dimensionless parameter needs to be modified or replaced with a parameter or parameters that account for specifically the effects of height and number of elements. Few studies have field evaluated the Raupach et al. (1993) model at full-scale. Fullscale shear stress partitioning measurements in sparsely vegetated desert environments and on surfaces with different distributions of solid elements have been undertaken to corroborate the laboratory studies. In one of our field studies large elements (0.30 m width × 0.36 m high cylinders) were placed in similar configurations of λ to those in our laboratory experiments using 500 to 2000 roughness elements distributed over an area 2000 m2 on a flat, bare, crusted field. In this study we also used Irwin sensors to measure the intervening surface shear stress and force balances to determine the drag on individual elements. In addition, sand transport through the roughness array was measured with self-orienting traps that measured the saltation flux at 1 Hz. The results of the field study clearly indicated the efficacy of the Raupach model for these arrays. We observed that the shear stress on the intervening decreased proportionally with increasing λ for this single element shape. It was also found that saltation flux decreased rapidly from the leading edge of the array reaching equilibrium within a relatively few roughness element rows and was proportional to the shear stress on the intervening surface. Equilibrium sediment flux rate measured at the downwind edge of the element array was found to be proportional to λ. In arid and semi-arid environments were dust emission occurs, large-scale roughness elements are frequently grasses, shrubs, and bushes. Our research has indicated that these flexible and porous elements have different aerodynamic properties and behaviors in airflow than solid elements of similar size and shape. Gillies et al. (2000, 2002) observed that vegetation typically has a higher drag coefficient than a solid element of similar size. Higher drag coefficients indicate that vegetation absorbs greater amounts of momentum than similar sized solid elements resulting in greater protection of bare intervening surfaces. Gillies et al. (2002) also observed non-linear drag coefficient behavior with increasing Reynolds number in shrubs and grasses, which suggests that the ratio of total stress to the stress on the intervening surface is also dependent on Reynolds number. This was especially true for grass, which continually lowers its drag coefficient in response to increasing wind speeds. In the future we plan to incorporate the effects of porosity into the Raupach et al. (1993) shear stress partitioning model. Shear stress partitioning is a common physical process in most natural environments and must be accounted for in any dust emission model. From recent research it is clear that shear stress partitioning is a complex, multivariate, non-linear process, which is further complicated for sparsely vegetated surface where the non-linear aerodynamic behavior of vegetation may have to be considered. Currently available dust emission models do not adequately account for these effects on the aeolian sediment transport system. It is hoped that our recent investigations into the characterization of the physical controls on this process will provide a basis for improving models of the dust emission process. References Crawley, D. and Nickling, W.G., 2002. Drag partition for regularly arrayed rough surfaces. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 10, 445-468. Gillies, J.A., N. Lancaster, W.G. Nickling, and D. Crawley (2000). Field determination of drag force and shear stress partitioning effects for a desert shrub (Greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus), J. Geophys. Res.,, 105, 24, 871-24,880. Gillies, J.A., Nickling, W.G. and King, J., 2002. Drag coefficients and plant form response in three plant species: Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus), Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens glauca.) and Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum), J. Geophys. Res., 107, D 24, 10-1 - 15-1. Marticorena, B. and G. Bergametti (1995). Modeling the atmospheric dust cycle: 1 Design of a soil derived dust emission scheme, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 16415-16430. Raupach, M.R., D.A. Gillette, and J.F. Leys (1993). The effect of roughness elements on wind erosion threshold, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 3023-3029. DREAM Dust Model: Ongoing and Future Developments S. Nickovic Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD,) Malta Abstract The desert dust model DREAM (Nickovic at al., 2001) is a component of the ICoD environmental modelling system that integrates different environmental modules. This integrated system couples the atmosphere, ocean, soil and aerosol processes and provides different linkages between them. Whenever possible, mutual and simultaneous interactions of various natural environments is established. Currently, the following two-way couplings are already part of the integrated model: atmosphere <–> dust, dust <–> soil, atmosphere <–> ocean and atmosphere <–> soil. In the future, dust <–> ocean component and possibly some others are to be incorporated. Technically, the integrated system is designed so that a) each environmental module of the system is developed as a callable routine called by the major driver - the atmospheric model, and b) any of the mentioned interactions is performed on-line within the course of the integrated model execution. The ongoing and future developments of DREAM are to a large extent motivated to further improve simulation of different linkages between components of the ICoD integrated modelling system. In the recent study (Nickovic 2002; Nickovic, Özsoy, Pejanovic, unpublished), the dust aerosol is linked to the atmospheric radiation as online module. Both short- and long-wave radiation spectra interconnect with the multiple-particle dust concentration simulated by DREAM. Preliminary results indicate that during major dust storms over the Sahara/Mediterranean region dust may reduce the lower atmosphere temperatures by several degrees. A slight increase of the temperature of less than a degree is simulated in the upper atmosphere. To improve the atmosphere <–> dust linkages in the model, an increase from 4 to 8 particle sizes is planned in the near future. Further improvements of the dust <–> soil interactions are based on replacement of the previous global 1/6-degree topography (US Navy) and vegetation data with the corresponding new global USGS 1-km data sets. The next phase of developments will also include seasonal changes of the vegetation cover and tests with refined dust production schemes (e.g. Shao and Li, 2002). Next DREAM developments anticipate extensive use of lidar dust profile observations. The EARLINET (European Lidar Network) containing more than 20 stations over the Euro-Mediterranean region is close to become operational in the recent future. The dust modelling community for the first time has an opportunity to better validate 3D structure of dust concentration by combining lidar data with other available data (e. g. satellites, sun-photometers) (Ansman et al., 2003, submitted to JGR). In addition to validation, lidar data could be also used for data assimilation in dust models; preparations to incorporate lidar profiles in DREAM are ongoing in order to further improve quality of dust forecasting operations. Finally, use of DREAM results in regional climate scenario experiments (especially its dustradiation interaction component) within the EU ProMed Initiative could further refine understanding of the role of aerosols in climate variability. Incorporation of dust cloud physics and dust atmospheric chemistry linkages as planned in the Initiative could substantially contribute to better understanding dust impacts to different environmental systems. SUMMARY OF SIZE-RESOLVED MINERAL DUST MEASUREMENTS FROM THE ACE-ASIA (2001) AND ITCT (2002) EXPERIMENTS Kevin D. Perry Meteorology Department, University of Utah 135 S 1460 E, Rm 819, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0110, USA Abstract Measurements of the size-resolved aerosol elemental composition were made at sites in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Alaska, Hawaii, and the west coast of the United States in support of the ACE-Asia and ITCT experiments. The purpose of these measurements was to characterize Asian aerosol near the source regions, downwind of the source regions, and at distant receptor sites. By using identical instrumentation and analytical techniques, both the spatial patterns of the size-resolved aerosol composition and the net effect of physical and chemical transformations that occurred during transport have been documented. During these experiments, the aerosols were collected on greased-Mylar substrates using a combination of 8-stage and 3-stage rotating drum impactors. The impaction substrates were slowly rotated under the slotted orifices for a 6-week period to preserve a continuous record of the sizeresolved aerosol. At the conclusion of the experiments, the substrates were analyzed by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (S-XRF) using a microprobe at beamline 10.3.1 of the Advanced Light Source (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). The S-XRF analysis yielded quantitative measurements of the size-resolved aerosol elemental composition with 3-hour time resolution for elements ranging from sodium through uranium. Simultaneous measurements were made during ACE-Asia at two sites in China. The Beijing (116.4°E, 39.9°N, 55 MSL) and Hefei (117.2°E, 31.9°N, 35 MSL) sites were situated along an approximate north-south line but were sufficiently far apart to show the regional nature of the dust events. During the ACE-Asia sampling period (March/April 2001) the frequency and severity of the dust episodes at Beijing were about twice those observed at the more southerly Hefei site. The mineral dust mass in Beijing was dominated by particles with aerodynamic diameters > 5 µm while the dust mass in Hefei peaked in the 2.5 - 5 µm size range. The higher concentrations of coarse dust in Beijing resulted from its closer proximity to a mineral dust source region. Although regional dust episodes were observed, Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was able to identify multiple dust sources based upon temporal variations and differences in chemical composition as a function of particle size. In particular, the PMF analysis revealed a calcium-rich source, an iron-rich source, and a source that closely mirrors the average crustal. The calcium- and iron-rich sources were observed over all size ranges, but were most apparent in the coarse and fine fractions, respectively. The 3-hour resolution of the data also revealed a distinct diurnal cycle of mineral dust concentrations within the boundary layer. Maximum dust concentrations at the surface were observed just before sunrise while minimum dust concentrations were observed in the late afternoon. This pattern most likely resulted from changes in the boundary layer (BL) depth. Because the BL grows by entrainment of air from the free atmosphere, the decrease in surface concentrations during the day indicates that on average, mineral dust concentrations immediately above the BL are less than those within the BL. This result is consistent with LIDAR measurements in China which tend to show large dust concentrations within the BL with several distinct dust layers at higher elevations. Measurements made at Gosan (126.2°E, 33.3°N, 78 MSL) and Mt. Hallasan (126.5°E, 33.4°N, 1100 MSL), Korea during ACE-Asia showed that this pattern of high concentrations within the BL and lower concentrations in the free atmosphere existed downwind from the Asian continent as well. On average, the mineral dust concentrations at Mt. Hallasan were <40% of those at Gosan. These measurements indicate that the low- and high-altitude dust layers are generally decoupled from each other. Measurements made along the west coast of the United States during ACE-Asia and ITCT documented several examples of long-range transport (LRT) of mineral dust from Asia. These episodes were most apparent at high elevation sites in the Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountain ranges, but were also identifiable at the Trinidad Head supersite located along the California coast (124.2°W, 41.1°N, 107 MSL). Dust concentrations in the BL were <25% of those observed at the higher elevation sites. The mineral dust concentrations at the Trinidad Head site exhibited a diurnal pattern with the exact opposite phase of those observed immediately downwind of Asia. In this case, dust concentrations in the BL were highest in the afternoon when entrainment of air from the free atmosphere was maximized. The maximum concentrations of mineral dust during the LRT episodes were typically observed in the 1.15 - 2.5 µm diameter size range. However, significant quantities of mineral dust were still observed in the 2.5 - 5 µm and 5 - 10 µm size ranges during several of the episodes. As expected, the coarse dust was maximized when the meteorological conditions favored rapid transport (i.e., < 1 week). Simultaneous measurements of the size-resolved aerosol elemental composition at ambient and dry relative humidity (RH) conditions (i.e., <55% RH) were also made at the Trinidad Head site to determine if the size of the mineral dust was affected by changes in RH after undergoing LRT from Asia. The results of this study indicate that the Asian dust is somewhat hygroscopic upon arrival at the west coast of the United States. In all LRT episodes, the mineral dust mass distribution shifted to smaller sizes as the RH was reduced. Since fresh mineral dust near the source is unlikely to exhibit this behavior, it is likely that the mineral dust was coated with a more hygroscopic species during transport across the Asian continent or transport across the Pacific Ocean. While the exact nature of this hygroscopic coating cannot be determined from the S-XRF analysis, measurements made other scientists near the Asian continent during ACE-Asia showed that nitrate was primarily confined to particles with diameters > 1 µm while sulfate was primarily confined to submicron particles. Thus, particulate nitrate is the most likely candidate species responsible for increasing the hygroscopicity of the aged Asian dust. MODIS Retrieval of Dust Aerosol Lorraine A. Remer 1, Yoram J. Kaufman 1, Didier Tanré 2 1 Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD, USA 2 Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique, Universite de Lille 1, Lille, France Abstract The MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) currently aboard both the Terra and Aqua satellites produces a suite of products designed to characterize global aerosol distribution, optical thickness and particle size. Never before has a space-borne instrument been able to provide such detailed information, operationally, on a nearly global basis every day. The three years of Terra-MODIS data have been validated by comparing with co-located AERONET observations of aerosol optical thickness and derivations of aerosol size parameters. Some 8000 comparison points located at 133 AERONET sites around the globe show that the MODIS aerosol optical thickness retrievals are accurate to within the pre-launch expectations. However, the validation in regions dominated by desert dust is less accurate than in regions dominated by fine mode aerosol or background marine sea salt. The discrepancy is most apparent in retrievals of aerosol size parameters over ocean. In dust situations, the MODIS algorithm tends to under predict particle size because the reflectances at top of atmosphere measured by MODIS exhibit the stronger spectral signature expected by smaller particles. This pattern is consistent with the angular and spectral signature of non-spherical particles. All possible aerosol models in the MODIS Look-Up Tables were constructed from Mie theory, assuming a spherical shape. Using a combination of MODIS and AERONET observations, in regimes dominated by desert dust, we construct phase functions, empirically, with no assumption of particle shape. These new phase functions are introduced into the MODIS algorithm, in lieu of the original options for large dust-like particles. The results will be analyzed and examined. Adsorption of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Pertinent to Urban Environments onto Mineral Dust Particles Y. Rudich 1, A. H. Falkovich 1, G. Schkolnik 1, E. Ganor 2 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100 Israel 2 Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Abstract INTRODUCTION The interaction of mineral dust particles from the Sahara with semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) over an urban region in the Israeli costal plain was studied by collecting dust samples in more than 15 dust storms during spring 2001, under varying meteorological conditions. Organic compounds adsorbed on collected mineral dust particles were analyzed in an integrated, multi-technique study which employed scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersion system (SEM-EDS) and bulk aerosol analysis consisting of gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and ion chromatography (IC). The SEM-EDS analysis exemplifies the co-existence of inorganic and organic species on individual mineral dust particles. Using the GC/MS and IC analysis, specific tracers for urban air pollution and photodegradation products of agriculture emissions have been identified and their size distributions were obtained. Redistribution of semi-volatile organics such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and pesticides from the sub-micron to larger particle size fractions, governed by the mineral dust transport trajectory and size distributions, are observed. Non-volatile species, such as anhydrous sugars and large PAH, do not redistribute between the phases due to their low vapor pressure. The concentrations of short chain carboxylic acids increased with higher ambient relative humidity, suggesting water-assisted uptake onto the mineral particles. RESULTS In this study we characterized organic species adsorbed onto mineral dust particles during a series of dust storms using several analytical methods. The analyzed compounds represent several classes of compounds pertinent to urban and polluted environments. Therefore this study can be regarded as a survey for the ability of dust to transport such species in the atmosphere. The multi-technique approach employed here reduces sampling artifacts and help generalize the observed phenomena. Individual particle analysis with SEM-EDS using uncoated conductive supports (Si or Be plates) enables the direct detection of organic carbon and demonstrated the copresence of inorganic and organic species on mineral dust particles. The analysis shows that most of the particles have a complex nature. They are aggregates of various minerals and with a wide variety of different organic compounds adsorbed on their surface. The organic carbon may be distinguished from soot and carbonate. The SEM analysis allows estimating the size range of the particles containing organics. It shows that in many case the organics do not cover the whole particle surface and are spread in a heterogeneous manner. Such information cannot be obtained by the bulk analytical methods. Using GC/MS and ion chromatography, the concentrations of specific organic tracers was determined in size-segregated samples. The following characteristic features of the interaction between mineral dust and organic compounds were determined by the chromatographic techniques: 1.Mineral dust particles adsorb polar and non-polar organics (e.g. PAH, oxy-PAH, pesticides and carboxylic acids) leading to higher aerosol-phase concentrations of these species compared to the concentrations found in ambient aerosol collected in the same sites on dust-free days. 2.The gas-particle redistribution of organic compounds during the dust storm is influenced by their vapor pressure. More volatile organics are more affected by the presence of dust and react more quickly to the changing aerosols loading. Many organics that are usually found in fine aerosol mode are found in the larger aerosol sizes typical of dust. 3.The interaction between water-soluble species such as carboxylic acids and mineral particles is affected by relative humidity as well as by the dust concentration. This is in contrast to hydrophobic compounds such as PAHs that are more affected by the dust surface area distribution alone. 4.Weakly polar and non-polar organics adsorbed on mineral particles exhibit several trends. If there is permanent emission of a species' (e.g. pesticides), then the higher the dust concentration, the higher is the species consecration. If time is required to build a steady state gas phase concentration of organics, the first "wave" of the dust storm absorbs the ambient organics, and their particle content will subsequently decrease. The phenomenon suggests that a dust storm "cleans" the atmosphere from these organic species. Particle-associated organics concentration increase in dust events and long-range transport of pollutants via the particles can be very efficient. This occurs both in the small and large size fractions. Therefore, this study suggests that dust can be an efficient medium for transport of organic material (pollutants, natural emissions) and deposition in the troposphere. Dust Emission, Dust Emission Scheme and Dust Storm Prediction Yaping Shao Department of Physics and Materials Science City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PRC email: Abstract The mechanisms for dust emission will be examined by considering the aerodynamic, gravitational and inter-particle cohesive forces acting on soil particles. The balance of these forces determines the entrainment of particles into the atmosphere. The entrainment mechanisms for sand and dust differ because of the relative importance of these forces. Threshold friction velocity for dust particles is a stochastic variable that satisfies certain probabilistic distributions. While it is meaningful to define the threshold friction velocity as a single value for sand, it is not so for dust. Three mechanisms for dust emission can be identified: (1) aerodynamic entrainment: dust particles can be lifted from the surface directly by aerodynamic forces. However, dust emission arising from direct aerodynamic lift is in general small; (2) saltation bombardment: as sand-sized particles strike the surface, they cause localized impacts which overcome the binding forces on dust particles, leading to dust emission; and (3) aggregates disintegration: dust particles often exist as dustcoats attached to sand grains in sandy soils or as aggregates in soils with high clay content. During weak wind erosion, sand particles coated with dusts and clay aggregates behave as individuals and dust particles may not be released, while during strong wind erosion, dustcoats and soil aggregates disintegrate resulting in dust emission. A dust emission scheme is described which is designed to estimate (1) friction velocity; (2) threshold friction velocity; (3) sand drift intensity; and (4) dust emission rate for various particle size groups. The dust scheme has been implemented in the integrated wind erosion modeling system (IWEMS). IWEMS is used for 24, 48 and 72hr forecasts of Northeast Asian dust events for March and April, 2002. The predictions are validated with synoptic records from the meteorological network and dust concentration measurements at 12 stations in China, Japan and Korea. The validation confirms the capacity of the modeling system in quantitative forecasting of dust events in real time. Dust emission, deposition and load in Northeast Asia are determined. During an individual dust episode, dust sources and intensities vary in space and time, but on average the Gobi Desert, the Hexi Corridor, the Chaidam Basin, the Tulufan Basin and the fringes of the Talimu and Zhunge'er Basins are the main source regions. The Gobi is the strongest source of dust emission, where the maximum dust emission reaches 5000 µg m-2 s-1 and the net dust emission reaches 16 tn km-2 day-1 in March and April, 2002. Recent advances and remaining challenges in predicting radiative properties of mineral dust Irina N. Sokolik Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (PAOS) University of Colorado at Boulder E-mail: Abstract Radiation/climate modeling and remote sensing both heavily rely on the ability to accurately model the optical properties of dust in a wide spectral range from the UV to the IR. In my talk I will briefly review recent advances in modeling main optical characteristics (such as spectral extinction and absorption coefficients, single scattering albedo, and scattering phase function) of mineral aerosols, as well as highlight emerging challenges. Recent field measurements (e.g., PRIDE and ACE-Asia) and laboratory studies confirm that dust particles have complex shapes and composition that vary with particle size. This complexity renders dust optical properties difficult to model. Kalashnikova and Sokolik (2002, 2003) proposed a method to compute the optical properties of nonspherical particles by applying the discrete dipole approximation method to representative composition-shape-size (CSS) distributions reconstructed from the electron microscopy data of several atmospheric dust samples. Modeling results revealed various differences between optics of CSS distributions and those of volume-equivalent spheres and spheroids. These differences are sufficiently large as to affect the radiative properties of dust important to both radiation/climate modeling and remote sensing applications. However, the above approach relies on several critical assumptions largely due to the inability of electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) to provide a complete set of input parameters required for optical calculations. Sokolik et al. (2002) investigated whether the combination of electron microscopy data and aerosol time-of-flight mass spectroscopy could provide additional constrains for optics modeling. An integrated analysis of the aerosol time-of-flight mass spectroscopy and electronic microscopy data collected from the Ron Brown ship during ACE-Asia was performed to identify the composition and morphology of dust particle as a function of size in the clean and polluted marine conditions under varying dust loading. The analysis revealed that mineral dust particles in the MBL were often internally mixed with other chemical species, forming complex multicomponent aerosols containing dust (MCA-D). This further complicates prediction of dust radiative properties. I will highlight the most critical assumptions used in both methods and suggest the measurements needed to constrain the models. It is important to point out that new instrumentation to measure optical properties (especially, spectral single scattering albedo and scattering phase function) of dust and complex internally mixed aerosols is urgently needed. One of the problems is that the experimental data covering the microphysical properties of atmospheric dust particles is limited. Ultimately, as new data will become available, a statistical analysis of a large number of dust samples would be required to determine and classify the morphology and composition as a function of size. From the other hand, analysis of a large number of particles would require a new theoretical framework. I will discuss several feasible approaches for classification of dust particles (based on particle concavity, fractal dimension and a Fourier analysis of the shape-wave). The second part of my talk will be focused on the spectral radiative signature of atmospheric dust and MCA-D and implications to radiation/climate modeling and interpretation of data acquired with satellite narrowband and high spectral resolution sensors. Since both climate studies (e.g., IPCC) and remote sensing retrievals treat atmospheric aerosols as an external mixture of distinct aerosol types (such as dust, sulfates, black carbon), it is important to determine the magnitude of radiative impacts of MCA-D. Sokolik (2002) found that mineral dust has a unique radiative signature in the IR (termed a "negative slope") which separates the effect of dust from that of clouds and gases. Our analysis revealed that narrowband sensors (e.g., MODIS, AVHRR, GOES) have different sensitivity to dust composition depending on a particular channel. We conclude that narrowband satellite sensors are capable of detecting dust but the quantitative characterization of dust properties requires the high spectral resolution observations. I will demonstrate that the high spectral resolution remote sensing provides the unique capability for constraining the composition of windblown atmospheric dust. I will also present some results of our ongoing work towards developing the new generation of atmospheric aerosol models for high spectral resolution remote sensing. Summarizing, I would like to stress several outstanding problems which need to be addressed to develop improved dust models for remote sensing applications and climate predictions: the need for a better understanding of key physical and chemical properties of mineral dust and processes that control spatial and temporal variability of dust in the atmosphere; and the need for new innovative techniques for integrating various data (satellite, in situ, ground-based, lab) and modeling at various spatial and temporal scales. References Kalashnikova, O., and I.N. Sokolik, Importance of shapes and composition of wind-blown dust particles for remote sensing at solar wavelengths. Geophys. Res. Let., 29, No.10, 10.1029/2002GL014947, 2002. Kalashnikova, O., and I.N. Sokolik, Modeling optical properties of nonspherical soil-derived dust aggregates. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiative Transfer, 2003, (in review). Sokolik I.N., The spectral radiative signature of wind-blown mineral dust: Implications for remote sensing in the thermal IR region. Geophys. Res. Let., 29, 10.1029/2002GL015910, 2002. Sokolik, I.N., J. Anderson, , S. A. Guazzotti, D. A. Sodeman, and K. A. Prather, The radiative impacts of multicomponent aerosols containing dust (MCA-D) over the ACE-Asia study domain. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting, Suppl. 2002. Measurement and modeling of the Saharan dust radiative impact: Overview of the SaHAran Dust Experiment (SHADE). D. Tanré 1, J. Haywood 2, J. Pelon 3, J.F. Léon 1, B. Chatenet 4, P. Formenti 5, P. Francis 2, P. Goloub 1, E.J. Highwood 6, G. Myhre 7, F. Lavenu et A. Diallo 1- Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France 2- Met Office, Bracknell, UK. 3- Service d'Aéronomie, Centre National de le Recherche Scientifique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France 4- Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques, Centre National de le Recherche Scientifique, Université Paris 12, France 5- Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany. 6- Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK. 7- Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway Abstract Recent studies have shown that a significant proportion of mineral dust in the atmosphere may be of anthropogenic origin and therefore they may have an important role in climate change by exerting a significant radiative forcing. However, the optical and radiative properties of dust are not very well determined and SHADE was designed to better determine the parameters that are relevant for computing the direct radiative effect. The experiment took place in September 2000 off the coast of west Africa near the Cape Verde Islands. During the experiment, the UK C-130 aircraft flew below, within, and above dust layers for measuring the in-situ physical, chemical, and radiative properties and remotely sensed the aerosols using radiation equipment. The French Mystere20 aircraft flew above the aerosol layer and made remote sensing measurements during MODIS daytime overpasses with a combined radiation equ ipment, the airborne POLDER simulator and the backscatter Lidar LEANDRE. Ground-based sunphotometers were deployed in Sal Island of the Cape Verde archipelago and in M'Bour, 80 km south of Dakar, Sénégal. The dust physical and optical properties were derived with concurrent measurements of the radiances and irradiances within the solar and the terrestrial spectrum. A good consistency between the various measurements and the results of the modelling is observed. It validates both the modelling and the dust properties on which the computations of the Chemical Tranport Model are based. Results from SHADE strongly suggest that the mineral dust has a cooling effect and the model estimates a global net DRE of the Saharan dust of -0.4Wm-2. Concerning the use of satellite for aerosol remote sensing, the new sensors explicitly designed for that objective are efficient. The combination of passive and active observations is very powerful. The location of the aerosol layer within the atmospheric column can be determined and properties like the effective radius can be derived as a function of the altitude, which is very important to understand the indirect aerosol effect. Modelling Global Dust Emission Trends Ina Tegen and Martin Werner Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany Abstract Soil dust aerosol is an integral part of the vegetation-climate system. It is suspected to have large impacts on the atmospheric radiation balance, on marine, and possibly terrestrial biological productivity. The magnitude and distribution of atmospheric soil dust is strongly controlled by dust emissions, which depend on the extent and type of terrestrial vegetation and land use, as well as on soil properties and meteorological variables. Assessment of the role of dust in a climate change scenario requires understanding of the controls on dust emission, including the role of changes in anthropogenic land use. We estimated the influence of land-use change on dust emissions with an offline model (Tegen et al., 2002), comparing model results for natural and agricultural areas from two independent historical datasets with a compilation of dust storm data (Engelstädter et al., 2002). The model takes into account the dependence of dust emissions on wind speed and soil parameters, as well as vegetation type and cover, and the presence of preferential "hot spot" sources. Major uncertainties in the computation of dust emissions are caused by the absence of global data on soil properties like the particle size distribution and surface crusting, in particular in regions that are predicted to be preferential dust sources (topographic depressions). We find that for modern conditions, less than 10% of global dust emissions originate from cropland or rangeland areas, which is considerably lower than the previous estimates of up to 50% contribution of anthropogenic soil sources to modern dust emissions (IPCC, 2001). The offline model was used to estimate future changes in dust emissions for IPCC scenarios with increased greenhouse gas concentrations, using meteorological fields extracted from future scenario results of the ECHAM4 and HADCM3 models, and taking into account expected changes in vegetation and land use to compute dust emissions. We find that expected future changes in meteorological parameters and changes in natural vegetation cover as consequence of increased greenhouse gases have a stronger influence on dust emissions than changes in cultivation. The estimates of future changes in dust emissions are strongly model dependent, and range from a 9% decrease to a 19% increase in global annual emissions for the different model scenarios. Apart from these discrepancies, which are the result of cancellation of positive and negative changes in dust emissions in different parts of the world, we find common features in the different model scenarios. For example, in both models increasing dust emissions in the northern Sahara are caused by stronger winds, and decrease of dust emissions in North America occurs because of an increase in vegetation cover, and therefore a decrease in source areas. The reliability of such future estimates depends to a large degree on the performance of the climate models that are used to produce the meteorological fields that drive dust emissions. Magnitudes and patterns of dust emission, transport and deposition are also computed online in the ECHAM5 model. The vegetation parameters controlling the extent of dust sources are currently prescribed by satellite-derived vegetation parameters, but will be replaced by vegetation parameters that are computed on-line in the near future. Tests of the sensitivity of the dust parameters on model resolution revealed that the dust emission model performed well with T63 resolution, when compared to the higher T106 resolution. The simulated dust concentrations and deposition fluxes of several model years are checked against in-situ observations. This model will ultimately be used to estimate recent changes in dust radiative forcing, and climate response, caused by changes in climate conditions, changes in natural vegetation and land use changes. References Engelstaedter, S., K.E. Kohfeld, I. Tegen, S.P. Harrison., 2003. Controls of dust emissions by vegetation and topographic depressions: an evaluation using dust storm frequency data. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(6), 1294, doi:10.1029/2002GL016471. Tegen, I., S.P. Harrison, K. Kohfeld, I.C. Prentice, M. Coe and M. Heimann, 2002. The impact of vegetation and preferential source areas on global dust aerosol: Results from a model study. Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (D21), 4576 DOI: 10.1029/2001JD000963. IPCC, 2001, Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, J. T. Houghton, et al. (Eds), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, USA. The detection and characterization of mineral dust from space-based nearUV measurements: recent developments Omar Torres University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Md, 21250 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md, 20771 Abstract Since the first workshop on mineral dust, a great deal of progress has been made on the use of TOMS near UV measurements for the detection and characterization of mineral dust. The following topics will be briefly discussed. Near UV aerosol products In addition to the well-known Aerosol Index (AI) product, TOMS near-UV observations (330-380 nm) have been used to derive the optical depth (OD) and the single scattering albedo (SSA) of the atmospheric aerosol load [Torres et al., 2002]. Because of the large sensitivity to UV-absorbing aerosols, and the capability to observe aerosols over arid and semi-arid environments, the TOMS aerosol products is a particularly useful tool in studies of windblown mineral dust. Recently, a new version of the OD and SSA algorithm has been applied to the TOMS observations. The most significant improvement of the new algorithm is the use of a realistic representation of the particle size distribution (PSD) of mineral dust, carbonaceous and sulfate aerosols, in the calculation of the inversion algorithm lookup tables. The new PSD's are based on multi-year statistics from AERONET observations. Other important changes include improved cloud mask, and radiometric calibration update based on the version 8 of the TOMS Total Ozone Algorithm. The long-term record on near-UV aerosol properties will continue with the launch of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the AQUA satellite (January 2004). The OMI sensor is a hyper-spectral (270-500 nm) instrument, with a footprint of about 13x24 km2. An aerosol inversion scheme similar to the one in the TOMS algorithm will be applied to OMI observations. Measurements in the visible part of the spectrum will be used to differentiate between absorbing aerosols types (i.e., dust from smoke), which is one of the TOMS aerosol algorithm limitations. Imaginary Component of the Refractive Index of Saharan Dust in the near-UV During the First International Dust Workshop in 1999, the issue of the optical properties of dust was identified as a high priority research need. Results of analysis using remote sensing observations [Kaufman et al, 2001] show that Saharan dust is not as absorbing in the visible as previously assumed based on the refractive index data of Patterson el at [1977]. The first version of the TOMS aerosol algorithm used the data of Patterson et al [1977] to characterize dust absorption in the near UV. Because of the lower (than Patterson's) values found in the visible spectral region, it became necessary to examine the validity of the assumption on the near UV values, which are also taken from Patterson's work. Two separate studies, both involving TOMS observations, were carried out to infer the imaginary refractive index of Saharan dust in the near UV. The first one [Colarco et al, 2002], used the TOMS Aerosol Index in conjunction with a transport model that calculates dust vertical and particle size distributions to obtain the Aerosol Optical Depth. Comparing the modeled AOD/AI ratio to the observed relationship, the best refractive index was determined at each of several locations in the analysis, during the ACE-2 field experiment. The obtained refractive index at 360 nm was about 70% lower than the Patterson et al [1977] value. The second analysis [Sinyuk et al, 2003] used TOMS measured radiances collocated in time and space with several AERONET sites. The obtained results are similar to the ones by the Colarco et al [2002] analysis. Sensitivity of TOMS Aerosol Index to altitude of mineral dust aerosols The TOMS Aerosol Index is a measure of the difference in spectral contrast between observed and calculated radiances in the near UV. The main source of spectral contrast variability in the Aerosol Index is the aerosol absorption of Rayleigh scattering. Because of the strong dependence of molecular scattering on atmospheric pressure, the sensitivity of the AI to absorbing aerosols goes down rapidly as the aerosol layer altitude above the surface decreases. Thus, for gray aerosols (i.e., spectrally independent imaginary part of refractive index), the AI sensitivity to aerosol absorption is lost, when the aerosol layer is at an altitude lower than about 2 km. The spectral dependence of the imaginary part of refractive index associated with colored aerosols, such as mineral dust, constitutes an additional source of spectral contrast change that contributes to the Aerosol Index. Since this source of spectral contrast variability does not depend on the height of the aerosol layer, mineral dust aerosols are detected by the AI regardless of the aerosol layer height. References Colarco P.R., O. B. Toon, O. Torres and P. J. Rasch, Determining the UV imaginary index of refraction of Saharan dust particles from TOMS data using a three dimensional model of dust transport, J.Geophys. Res, 107, 10.129/2001JD000903, 2002 Kaufman, Y.D., et al, Absorption of sunlight by dust as inferred from satellite and ground based measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 14791482, 2001 Patterson, E.M., D.A. Gillete, and B.H. Stockton, Complex index of refraction between 300 and 700 nm for Sharan aerosol, J. Geophys. Res, 82, 3153-3160, 1977 Sinyuk A., O. Torres, and O. Dubovik, Imaginary refractive index of desert dust using satellite and surface observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (2), 1081, doi: 10.1029/2002GL016189, 2003. Torres, O., P.K. Bhartia, J.R. Herman, A. Syniuk, P. Ginoux, and B. Holben, A long term record of aerosol optical depth from TOMS observations and comparison to AERONET measurements, J. Atm. Sci., 59, 398-413, 2002 Numerical Analysis of Inter-Annual Variation of Dust Emission and Transport in East Asia Itsushi UNO 1, Yukari HARA 2, Sinsuke SATAKE 2 and Zifa WANG 3 1 Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan 2 Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan 3 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Beijing, China Abstract Asian dust (Yellow Sand) is a significant spring phenomena in East Asia. It is estimated that several tens of millions of tons of mineral dust are transported every year from desert areas in China and Mongolia to western Pacific regions. Mineral dust has various effects on the atmospheric environment, including chemical and radiative effects, and also on the oceanic environment. Effects of heavy dust events on human health have also become a concern recently. Several statistics indicate that the number of dust events has been increasing in recent years. Especially a maximum number of dust observation days/year was renewed every year between 2000 and 2002 by the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA), and similar dust observation trend were also reported in Korea. A heavy dust event, the largest in the last ten years, was also observed in Beijing on 20 March, 2002. Therefore detailed analysis of dust phenomena why the number of yellow sand days were significantly increasing and what meteorological parameters control the dust event frequencies become very urgent scientific and social issues. However, both observational and numerical studies for quantitatively estimating the inter-annual variation of dust emission and transport processes are quite limited. In this study, a Chemical Weather Forecast System(CFORS) was applied to simulate the recent dust emission and transport in the every spring time between the year 1993 and 2003 (from Feb. 20 to April 30) over East Asian domain. Here, CFORS was developed based on a 3D on-line regional scale chemical transport model fully coupled with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) [Pielke et al., 1992]. CFORS treats several chemical tracers including the mineral dust. Mineral dust emissions (12 bins, ranging from 0.1 to 20 µm in radius) are calculated on-line using a vertical dust deflatation scheme as a power law function of surface friction velocity u* [Gillette and Passi, 1988]. Dust emission areas are defined as desert and semi-desert areas in the US Geological Survey vegetation data base (based on NOAA/AVHRR data obtained in 1992/93). Monthly snow cover data is used to mask emission areas. ECMWF Global data set was used for the RAMS boundary conditions. The simulation domain adopted is centered at 25°N, 115°E. The horizontal grid consists of 100 by 90 grid points, with a resolution of 80 km. More detailed information of CFORS dust calculation was described by Uno et al. [2003; JGR in press]. Dust simulation results were examined by using the TOMS Aerosol Index, LIDAR observation data, WMO GTE SYNOP reports, dust observation statistics by JMA and hourly PM10 observation from Ministry of Environment, Japan. It was found that the 10 years dust simulation results explained the observed dust episodes, the annual dust variation and the recent increase of dust episode in Japan and Korea. Annual dust emission intensities were strongly controlled by the large scale wind field and snow cover information, and they are not so sensitive to the soil water content information. We also found that a large scale anomaly of meteorological field (such as 500 hPa geopotenital height) is a one of the important factor which controls the dust storm frequency and dust transport paths. Severe dust episodes in years 2001 and 2002 were considered as the typical example for discussing the importance of such an anomaly. We found that in the dust season of 2002, dust was transported to Japan more frequently than in 2001, and several severe dust phenomena were also reported in Korea. The total dust emission simulated by the CFORS was similar in each year but the CFORS model studies revealed that the transport pattern was different. This was probably related to the fact that the perturbations in the westerly jet was smaller in 2002. The present study indicated that a change in transport pattern due to a slight change in climate can also cause a large difference in dust phenomena in the northwestern Pacific region. In the current calculation with CFORS, the same surface land use categories were used for every years. To understand these dust phenomena more quantitatively, we must further investigate surface conditions in the next step of model studies. Online Scattering Matrix Database for Mineral Particles Hester Volten 1,2, Olga Muñoz 3, Joop Hovenier 1, Johan de Haan 4, Wim Vassen 5, Wim van der Zande 2, and Rens Waters 1 1 Astronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek", Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 FOM-Institute AMOLF, Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, Netherlands 3 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Granada, Spain 4 Meteorological Institute, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands Abstract Contents of the database In recent years a considerable number of experimental single scattering matrices as functions of the scattering angle obtained with the light scattering facility in Amsterdam (Hovenier, 2000; Hovenier et al. 2003) have become available for samples of randomly oriented micron-sized mineral particles in air with broad ranges of sizes and shapes (Volten et al. 2001, Muñoz et al. 2000, Muñoz et al. 2001, Muñoz et al 2002). >From these data it has become clear that particle shape is highly important in determining the overall light scattering behavior of these samples. This has important implications. First, it confirms that the use of Mie calculations to interpret data involving light scattering by irregular mineral particles e.g. the Earth atmosphere, is unlikely to give accurate results (see e.g. Veihelmann et al. 2003). Second, it implies that light scattering approaches pretending to describe scattering by irregular particles should take the nonspherical shapes of these particles adequately into account. To provide an incentive for further research and applications we have decided to make our experimental data more easily available by storing our data in digital form in a database freely accessible through the Internet. All data in this database have been previously published in scientific journals in graphical form. The database will contain the following data for several samples of mineral aerosols in random orientation: a)Tables of all scattering matrix elements as functions of the scattering angle from 5173 degrees at two wavelengths, 441.6 nm and 632.8 nm. b)Tables of size distributions measured with a laser diffraction method. c)Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the particles that are indicative of their shape characteristics. d)Information about the origin, composition and/or the complex refractive index of the samples, when available. Where possible information on the accuracy of the data is provided. We intend to update this database regularly with new measured scattering matrix results. Applications There are several ways in which the data from the database can be useful. The data can be used in a direct manner, e.g. in comparisons with observations of light that has been scattered once or to assess results of numerical light scattering methods for nonspherical particles (e.g. Volten et al. 2001, Nousiainen et al. 2002). Also, the data may be used in an indirect manner. For example, if a method is applied to extrapolate the measured curves to the full scattering angle range, including forward and backward scattering, the extrapolated functions may serve as input for model computations (e.g. Liu et al. 2003, Mishchenko et al. 2003, Veihelmann et al. 2003). Another way to employ the data in an indirect way, is to find a fit to the experimental results applying theoretical techniques using parameterized size and shape distributions. These distributions and techniques can then be used to obtain the scattering and absorption properties at other scattering angles, wavelengths and/or sizes where experiments are impossible or not practical, e.g. in the middle and far infrared. We like to note that a strong point of the data in the database is that it provides the complete scattering matrix as a function of the scattering angle and not one or two elements. This not only facilitates checks of systematic errors in the data, by e.g. applying "eye ball" tests or the Cloude test (e.g. Hovenier and Van der Mee, 1996), but also makes it possible to perform multiple scattering calculations including polarization. References Hovenier JW, Measuring scattering matrices of small particles at optical wavelengths, 2000: in Light Scattering by Non-Spherical Particles, edited by MI Mishchenko, JW Hovenier, and LD Travis, pp. 355-365, Academic, San Diego. Hovenier JW, CVM van der Mee, 1996: Testing scattering matrices, a compendium of recipes, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 55, 649-661. Hovenier JW, H Volten, O Muñoz, WJ van der Zande and LBFM Waters, 2003: Laboratory studies of scattering matrices for randomly oriented particles. Potentials, problems, and perspectives, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 79-80, 741-755. Liu L, Mishchenko MI, Hovenier JW, Volten H, Muñoz O, 2003: Scattering matrix of quartz aerosols: comparison and combination of laboratory and Lorenz-Mie results, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 79-80, 911-920. Mishchenko MI, Geogdzhaev I, Liu L, Orgen A, Lacis A, Rossow W, Hovenier JW, Volten H, Muñoz O, 2003: Aerosol retrievals from AVHRR radiances: effects of particle nonsphericity and absorption and an updated long-term global climatology of aerosol properties, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 75-80, 953-972. Muñoz O, H Volten, JF de Haan, W Vassen, JW Hovenier, 2000: Experimental determination of scattering matrices of olivine and Allende meteorite particles, Astron. Astrophys., 360, 777-788. Muñoz O, H Volten, JF de Haan, W Vassen, JW Hovenier, 2001: Experimental determination of scattering matrices of randomly oriented fly ash and clay particles at 442 and 633 nm, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 22,83322,844. Muñoz O, H Volten, JF de Haan, W Vassen, JW Hovenier, 2002: Experimental determination of the phase function and degree of linear polarization of El Chichon and Pinatubo volcanic ashes, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 10.1029/2001JD000983, 4174. Nousiainen T, Muinonen K, Räisänen P, 2003: Scattering of light by large Saharan dust particles in a modified ray-optics approximation. J. Geophys. Res., 108, 10.1029/2001JD001277. Veihelmann B, H Volten, WJ van der Zande, 2003: Simulations of light reflected by an atmosphere containing irregularly shaped mineral aerosol over the ocean, 7th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements, and Applications, Bremen. Volten H, O Muñoz, E Rol, JF de Haan, W Vassen, JW Hovenier, K Muinonen, T Nousiainen, 2001: Scattering matrices of mineral particles at 441.6 nm and 632.8 nm, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 17375-17401. Dust Sources and Transport Richard Washington, Andrew Goudie and Martin Todd Climatology Research Group, University of Oxford, Mansfield Rd, Oxford, OX1 3TB, UK Abstract We investigate the location of the key sources of global dust from a variety of data sets and attempt to explain the origin of these sources and the interannual variability of dust emissions from them by means of three dimensional wind data and a fourth order trajectory model. Surface data from operational meteorological observations (including visibility and dust storm frequency) are analysed along with daily data from the well known Total Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer's (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI). Atmospheric circulation data is derived from the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis project which provides 6 hourly three dimensional winds on a 2.5 by 2.5 degree grid from 1948 onwards. We start by presenting a dust climatology calculated from the mean fields of the surface based and satellite data. Agreement and points of departure in the mean fields and seasonal cycle are noted, with an emphasis on North Africa. Objectively defined source regions for the Sahara are determined from eigenvector analyses applied to the TOMS data. Regions of coherent variability, defined by eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of TOMS AI monthly anomalies, are presented. These include the Bodele Depression in Chad, the Djouf region of Mali/Mauritania, the Chotts of Tunisia and Algeria, a large region of central Libya as well as the dust plumes over the Atlantic. The remarkable degree of co-location between some of these source regions, the potential sand flux, q, (q = 2.61 U3* pg -1 (1-U*/U*)(1+U*/U*)2 as computed from 6 hourly wind fields from 1948) and the surface elevation is remarkable. On the other hand there are some important regions that surface observations indicate as being important that do not appear consistently in the TOMS data. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are explored. Interannual variability of dust emissions from some of the primary dust sources is examined. Anomalously high and anomalously low emissions from the Bodele Depression are sampled from an area index of TOMS AI values and visibility/sand storm data from Bilma in Niger and Faya in Chad. Atmospheric circulation anomalies in the form of 3 dimensional winds from the reanalysis data sets are examined to determine the degree to which the variability in dust output relates to the atmosphere alone. Transport of the dust from the Bodele Depression and other key Saharan sources is examined in a fourth order trajectory model. Observations of Dust using the NASA Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS): new measurements of aerosol vertical distribution from space Ellsworth J. Welton 1, James D. Spinhirne 1, Steven P. Palm 2, Dennis Hlavka 2, and William Hart 2 1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA 2. Science Systems and Applications Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA Corresponding author's email address: Abstract On January 12, 2003 NASA launched the first satellite-based lidar, the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), onboard the ICESat spacecraft. The GLAS atmospheric measurements introduce a fundamentally new and important tool for understanding the atmosphere and climate. In the past, aerosols have only been studied from space using images gathered by passive sensors. Analysis of this passive data has lead to an improved understanding of aerosol properties, spatial distribution, and their effect on the earth's climate. However, these images do not show the aerosol's vertical distribution. As a result, a key piece of information has been missing. The measurements now obtained by GLAS will provide information on the vertical distribution of aerosols and clouds, and improve our ability to study their transport processes and aerosol-cloud interactions. Here we show an overview of GLAS, provide an update of its current status, and present initial observations of dust profiles. In particular, a strategy of characterizing the height profile of dust plumes over source regions will be presented. 1. Introduction Satellite observations of aerosols have proven to be an invaluable asset in the array of measurement capabilities available to researchers (Kaufman et al., 2002). Satellite imagery has enabled studies of regional and global aerosol distributions and their climatic impact. However, these satellite measurements have been passive in nature and do not provide information on the aerosol's height distribution. Active remote sensing, such as lidar, is required to provide aerosol profiles. In the past, technology and cost constraints prohibited a widespread use of active remote sensing from space. The first attempt at such measurements was from the NASA Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) in 1994 (Winker et al., 1996). However, LITE was flown on the space shuttle and only acquired a limited data set before the end of the mission. In order to obtain continuous long-term atmospheric profiles, a satellite-based lidar is required. NASA launched the first such satellite-based lidar, the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), onboard the ICESat spacecraft on January 12, 2003. 2. The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) An overview of the ICESat mission and the GLAS sensor is discussed by Zwally et al. (2002). A more detailed presentation of the GLAS atmospheric measurements is provided by Palm et al. (2002), a short summary is given here. The orbital altitude of ICESat is 600 km at an inclination of 94º with an 8-day repeat track. After the completion of the calibrationvalidation phase (later this year) the orbit is scheduled to switch to a 183-day repeat track. GLAS acquires atmospheric profiles of molecules, aerosols, and gases from 40 km to the surface using a two-wavelength backscatter lidar (1064 and 532 nm). Upon striking the surface, the GLAS laser footprints are 70 m wide and spaced about 175 m apart. The atmospheric profiles are recorded with a vertical resolution of 76.8 m. The laser pulse repetition frequency is 40 Hz, but temporal averaging of the raw signals occurs according to height. The data are stored at 1 Hz from 40 to 20 km, 5 Hz from 20 to 10 km, and the full 40 Hz from 10 km to the surface. Further temporal and vertical averaging may be necessary to detect some aerosol layers. For instance, subvisual cirrus and tenuous aerosols may require a ~7 second average (or approximately 50 km horizontal resolution) to be detected accurately. 3. History and Current Status GLAS data acquisition began at the end of February 2003 and continued until the end of March when a malfunction occurred in the first of three lasers onboard GLAS. The instrument has remained off while the instrument team investigates the cause of the laser failure. GLAS is expected to begin normal operations again this summer using the next laser (each laser transmits both wavelengths). The initial GLAS data set contains continuous global atmospheric profiles at 1064 nm during a 1-month time-span. The 532 nm detectors were not scheduled to turn on until after March because of their long out-gassing period. Both 1064 nm and 532 nm data will be available after GLAS restart this summer. 4. Observations of Dust Plumes and Sources Using GLAS During February and March 2003 dust plumes were studied using nearly coincident observations from GLAS and MODIS on TERRA and AQUA. These studies demonstrate the usefulness of combined passive and active analysis. In particular, the heights of the dust plumes and clouds in the MODIS images were obtained from GLAS, and the results show areas were aerosol-cloud interactions can occur. The height profile of dust plumes emanating from their source has also been studied with GLAS. The repeat orbit tracks cross over or close to almost all major sources in the "dust belt" (Prospero et al., 2002). The aim of this study is to characterize the plume height directly over and immediately downwind of dust sources. Such information will improve the initiation of dust transport models (Ginoux and Torres, 2003). References Ginoux, P., and O. Torres, 2003: Empirical TOMS Aerosol Index: Applications to Model Validation and Dust Source Characterization, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Kaufman, Y.J., D. Tanre, and O. Boucher, 2002: A satellite view of aerosols in the climate system, Nature, 419, 215-223. Palm, S., W. Hart, D. Hlavka, E.J. Welton, A. Mahesh, and J. Spinhirne, 2002: Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document Version 4.2: GLAS Atmospheric Data Products,, 1-137. Prospero, J.M., P. Ginoux, O. Torres, S.E. Nicholson, and T.E. Gill, 2002: Environmental Characterization of Global Sources of Atmospheric Soil Dust Identified with the NIMBUS 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Absorbing Aerosol Product, Rev. Geophys., 40, doi:10.1029/2000RG000095. Winker, D.M., M.P. McCormick, and R. Couch, 1996: An Overview of LITE: NASA's Lidar In-space Technology Experiment, Proc. IEEE, 84, 164180. Zwally, H.J., B. Schutz, W. Abdalati, J. Abshire, C. Bentley, A. Brenner, J. Bufton, J. Dezio, D. Hancock, D. Harding, T. Herring, B. Minster, K. Quinn, S. Palm, J. Spinhirne, and R. Thomas, 2002: ICESat's laser measurements of polar ice, atmosphere, ocean, and land, J. Geodyn., 34, 405-445. High-Resolution Modeling of Dust Sources and Dust Storms in East and Southwest Asia Douglas L. Westphal*, Ming Liu, Annette L. Walker, Kim Richardson, Teddy R. Holt and Steven D. Miller Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division, Monterey, CA 93943 *Tel. (831) 656-4742, Abstract Dust storms generated by wind erosion over arid or semiarid land surfaces and transported long distances downwind can cause adverse environmental effects, disrupt transportation, and may alter the Earth's weather and climate. Satellite imagery reveals that many of these events originate from small-scale individual sources. Downwind, the plumes merge together to form the synoptic-scale plumes that are modeled by GCM and synoptic-scale models. To date, few studies have been made regarding both the fine-scale distribution of these sources or the dynamical forcing and subsequent merging of the plumes. In this paper we discuss a mesoscale (9-km horizontal resolution) dust aerosol model that has been developed based on the Navy's mesoscale weather model (COAMPSTM.) The predictive dust module is part of COAMPS and uses the exact meteorological fields at each time step and at each grid point of all nests resulting in dust storm simulations with more fidelity, realism and accuracy than off-line or large-scale dust models. Examples of COAMPSTM dust forecasts for China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, and Iraq will be presented including validation against satellite, sun photometer, and surface observations. The potential benefits of this high-resolution approach can only be achieved if the model is provided with a compatible high-resolution dust source inventory. All existing databases have resolutions of one degree or coarser. This is inadequate for mesoscale simulations with resolutions as high as 3-km. We will describe our approach to solving this problem, present our results to date, make recommendations, and solicit feedback from the workshop participants. CALIPSO: New Capabilities for Global Observations of Dust David M. Winker NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA Abstract It is widely recognized that mineral dust impacts the radiation balance of the atmosphere on regional and global scales. The lifetime of dust in the atmosphere, and thus its total radiative impact, depends strongly on its altitude. If dust is lofted into the free troposphere it can be transported long distances, affecting even the global scale. The climate effects of dust are poorly understood because of limited abilities to observe the geographical distribution and vertical extent of dust. It is difficult for conventional passive satellites to observe atmospheric dust near its sources, which tend to be areas of high surface albedo, and passive observations provide no information on the vertical distribution of dust. Chemical transport models are now beginning to incorporate sophisticated source models for mineral dust, but the global transport of the dust is highly dependent on the vertical mixing predicted by the models. The vertical distributions predicted by these models are uncertain because the observational datasets to adequately test the vertical transport schemes do not currently exist. Space lidar can help address these issues. Lidar provides vertical resolution on the order of 100 meters - over bright deserts as well as the dark ocean - and allows the observation and retrieval of aerosol properties even in the presence of overcast thin cirrus or underlying low clouds. The Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) in 1994 demonstrated the potential of space lidar for profiling clouds and aerosols (Winker, et al., 1996; Karyampudi, et al., 1999). CALIPSO is a satellite mission which builds on the experience of LITE with a payload consisting of a two-wavelength polarization-sensitive lidar, and passive imagers operating in the visible and infrared spectral regions (Winker, et al., 2003). CALIPSO is being developed within the framework of a collaboration between NASA and the French space agency, CNES, for launch in late 2004. The CALIPSO lidar can identify situations where multiple aerosol layers are present and can partition the column aerosol optical depth between an elevated dust layer and aerosol in the boundary layer. Quijano et al. (2000) have shown that to understand the radiative effects of aerosols it is important to be able to observe the vertical layering of different aerosol types. CALIPSO will be able to discriminate aerosol dominated by large or small particles by analysis of the backscatter signals at the two wavelengths, 532 nm and 1064 nm. The lidar depolarization measurement will discriminate between dry and hydrated aerosols. Thus, CALIPSO will be able to distinguish elevated layers of dust and smoke, and can distinguish dust from hydrated sea salt aerosol or fine mode pollution aerosol. The aerosol profile observations can be combined with backtrajectory analysis to provide further insight into aerosol composition and sources. Retrieval of aerosol optical depth from a simple backscatter lidar requires a priori knowledge of the aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratio, Sa, and this is the dominant factor determining the accuracy of the retrievals except at very low loadings where signal-to-noise ratio becomes important. The value of Sa depends on aerosol size distribution, composition, and shape. Fortunately, dust is often observed in elevated layers with relatively clean air underneath. This allows the optical depth of the upper layer to be determined from the layer transmittance obtained by comparing the lidar return from clear air on either side of the layer. Combined with the integrated backscatter signal through the layer, an estimate of Sa can be made directly from the data. This estimate can then be used in extinction retrievals in locations where the layer is not elevated. CALIPSO will fly in formation with the Aqua, Aura, PARASOL, and CloudSat satellites as part of the "Aqua constellation" or "A-train". The CALIPSO orbit will be maintained relative to Aqua so that observations are acquired within about 1.5 minutes. This time-space coincidence allows additional observational synergies by combining CALIPSO profile measurements with passive measurements from other instruments in the A-train. This talk will discuss the capabilities of CALIPSO to observe mineral dust and how these new observations will contribute to our understanding of the role of dust in the climate. References Karyampudi, V. M., et al., 1999: Validation of the Saharan Dust Plume Conceptual Model Using Lidar, Meteosat, and ECMWF Data, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 80, 1045-1075. Quijano, A. L., I. N. Sokolik, and O. B. Toon, 2000: Influence of the aerosol vertical distribution on the retrievals of aerosol optical depth from satellite radiance measurements. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 34573460. Winker, D. M., M. P. McCormick, and R. Couch, 1996: An Overview of LITE: NASA's Lidar In-space Technology Experiment, Proc. IEEE 84, 164-180. Winker, D. M., J. Pelon, and M. P. McCormick, 2003: The CALIPSO Mission, Proc. SPIE, vol 4893, 1-11. Recent Results of Individual Asian Dust Particle Analysis Daizhou Zhang (1), Yasunobu Iwasaka (2) and Guangyu Shi(3) 1Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Kumamoto 862-8502, Japan ( 2Graduate School of Environmental Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 4648601, Japan 3Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100029, China Abstract Our group are measuring Asian dust particles at source areas (Dunhuang: the east edge of Taklamaka desert), the coastal zone of China (Qingdao), and Japanese islands. Besides surface measurements, much effort has been done to get particles at different altitudes by balloon-borne or aircraft-borne samplers and particle counters. Collected particles are investigated using electron microscopes and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Measured items include dust particle size and shape, their mixture state with sea salt, sulfate and nitrate, and vertical distributions. In this report, we will report some major new results of the measurements at different regions and identify some questions which need to be addressed for evaluating Asian dust. Measurements at source areas: Particles in free troposphere over the desert areas in Northwestern China were collected using balloon-borne samplers. The analysis results of collected particles indicate there is a dust layer at about 3~5km over the desert areas in summer 2002 when no dust events were reported or recorded. Si-rich and Ca-rich particles occupied more than 70% of particles of diameter>1µm. This layer was also confirmed by balloon- particle counters and surface Lidar observations. The emission sources of these particles were not identified although they seemed to be from the Taklamakan desert. There is no further data to explain the presence of the layer, to discuss the transport of the particles in the layer, and the ranges these particles can reach to. Measurements at the coastal zone: The analysis of particles collected at a coastal site of Qingdao during a dust storm event in spring 2002 reveals that the dust plume did not mix with polluted air masses and they were separated by the cold front of the event. The post-frontal mineral particles are the so-called Asian dust particles and they were rarely polluted. The pre-frontal ones are from anthropogenic emissions and contained significant anthropogenic pollutants. Similar weather patterns were also confirmed from other dust storm events. These results suggest that the timing of particle collection is an important factor for Asian dust observations at the continent. If the collection is started before the front arrival, the obtained samples may contain significant pollutants irrelevant to dust particles. The results from three dust storm events at the coastal site indicate that, although a number of dust particles contained Na, S, and Cl, the elements in most of the particles were more likely from crustal origins. Sulfate was rarely detected in the particles. Since sulfur compounds in surface soils at dust source areas are almost completely water soluble, the crustal contributions of Na, S and Cl need to be evaluated in the investigation of anthropogenic pollutants in bulk dust samples collected in the continental atmosphere. Measurements at Japan: More than 60% dust particles collected at Japan are internally mixed with sea salt. It seems dust particles can efficiently combine with sea salt even with no cloud or fog processing. So the coagulation of dust particles and sea salt in marine atmosphere cannot be ignorant in accessing the influence of Asian dust in the marine atmosphere. Although the relative contents of mineral components and sea salt are different in different dust particles, the size distributions of dust particles segregated by the mixture amounts from high mineral content with low sea salt to low mineral content with high sea salt are similar to each other and have maxima around 3 µm diameter with the range of 1~8 µm. Out of this range, few dust particles were detected. It is confirmed that the coagulation of dust particles with sea salt can cause large increase of the dust particle size. So the decrease of particle concentrations in the range of larger than 3 µm may have an important meaning. That is the critical diameter for dust particle dispersion is around 3 µm and a particle will be removed rapidly when its diameter is or becomes larger than this scale. This hypothesis provides a plausible interpretation for why the distribution modes of dust storm particles observed at Korea, Japan and even North America during Asian dust are approximately consistent. In addition, it is found that dust particle can modify the chlorine chemistry in marine atmosphere through surface uptake of gaseous HCl and restraint of HCl release from sea salt, and the Cl deposition onto dust particle seems not ignorant compared with S deposition. Aircraft-borne measurements held in the free troposphere over central Japan revealed a steady transport of dust in a small scale between 2~6km during spring including days with no evident dust outbreak. Such dust was also observed in some summer observations in levels higher than 4 km under the influence of remaining westerly winds. Concerning the summer dust layer in free troposphere at source areas, Asian dust may not be a phenomenon confined in spring but may continue to summer under persisting westerlies in the middle latitude of the northern hemisphere. Surface of observation of an Intense Dust Storms in Beijing on 20 March 2002 Renjian Zhang State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China Abstract On March 20, 2002, the strongest dust storm over the last decade attacked Beijing. The change of meteorological parameters in the boundary and physical properties were studied. Back trajectory method is applied to investigated the origin of this dust storm The results show that dust storm lead to the distinct and sharp increase of wind speed, decrease of relative humidity, development of turbulence and mixing capability in boundary layer. In dust period, TSP mass concentrations reached 12 mg/m3(Figure 1). The coarse particle(>2.1µm) account for 61% in no dust period and 95% in dust period. The mass concentration of coarse particle and fine particle are 9.4 and 1.2 times as that in no dust period, respectively. Back trajectory analysis shows that this heavy dust storm on March 20, 2002 was originally from Xinjiang in China, Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia in China by long-range transportation. Figure 1. Mass concentrations of dust in Beijing in spring 2002 References 1.Zhang Renjian et al., 2003, Inorganic chemical composition and source signature of PM2.5 in Beijing during ACE-Asia period, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(10),1002-1005. 2.Zhang Renjian et al., 2000, Research on elemental concentrations and distributions of aerosols in Winter/spring in Beijing, Climate and Environmental Research,5(1), 6~12(In Chinese, English abstract). 3.Zhang Renjian et al., 2000, Analysis on the chemical and physical properties of "2000.4.6" super dust storm in Beijing, Climate and Environmental Research, 5(3),259-266 (In Chinese, English abstract). 4.Zhang Renjian et al., 2001, Preliminary research on the size distribution of aerosols in Beijing, Adv. Atmos.Sci., 18(2), 225~230. 5.Zhang Renjian et al., 2001, Observation and analysis on elemental composition of atmospheric aerosols over Mount Qomolongma Region, Plateau Meteorology, 20(3),234-238 (In Chinese, English abstract),2001. 6.Zhang Renjian et al., Focus on Dust Research in China, Plenary lecture in 2nd Asian Aerosol Conference, July 1-4,2001, Korea, Pushan. 7.Zhang Renjian et al., 2001, Chemical composition and size distribution of aerosols in winter/spring in Beijing, Proceeding of International Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000, Section 7:Environmental Protection & High Technology, Song Jian et al., Eds., 235-240, China Ocean Press, Beijing. 8.Zhang Renjian et al., 2002, Dust storm weather in China: New characteristics and origins, Quaternary Sciences, 22(4),374-380(In Chinese, English abstract). 9.Zhang Renjian et al., 2002, Chemical composition of dust and PM2.5 at Beijing in ACE-Asia, Proceeding of Sixth International Aerosol Science, International Aerosol Research Assembly, 127-128, Taibei, September 2002 (ISBN 986-80544-1-9). 10.Zhang Renjian et al., 2002, Elemental concentration and distribution of atmospheric particles before and in heating period in Beijing, Journal of Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19(1), 75-81, (In Chinese, English abstract). 11.Zhang Renjian et al., 2002, Chemical composition of aerosols in winter/spring in Beijing, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(1), 711. Linkage of Saltation and Dust Emissions in Bare Agricultural Fields Ted M. Zobeck(1), R. Scott Van Pelt(1), Jim Kjelgaard(2), and Brenton Sharratt(3) (1)1Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 3810 4th Street Lubbock, TX 79415, (2)Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6120, (3)Land Management and Water Conservation Group, USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA 99164-6120, Abstract Vertical dust flux is often estimated using the gradient method and flux equation derived by Gillette (1977) (eg. Nickling and Gillies, 1993; Stetler and Saxton, 1996; Lopez et al, 1998; Rajot et al., 2003). In addition, wind tunnel studies and theoretical considerations show that the dust (<20 µm) emission rate is proportional to the horizontal saltation flux, and hence proportional to u*3, if u* is much larger than the threshold friction velocity for saltation (Shao et al., 1993; Shao, 2000). These studies were generally based on time-integrated measurements of dust flux. Recent advances in sensor technology have allowed for the measurement of wind velocity measurements and saltation and dust fluxes at high frequency, enabling more detailed analyses of the interaction of wind, saltation, and dust. This presentation will report the results from two field dust sampling campaigns, conducted on agricultural fields in the US, that employed fast-response wind, saltation, and dust sensors. One site (WA) was located on a silt loam soil in the northwest US, in the southeast quadrant of the state of Washington, a region of extensive loess deposits known as the Columbia Plateau. The second site (TX) was located on a fine sandy loam soil in the Southern High Plains of west Texas, a region of extensive sandy aeolian deposits. Sampling equipment deployed on the 9 ha WA site included BSNE saltation samplers, Sensit saltation monitors, sonic anemometers at two heights, tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOMs) at two heights, high volume dust samplers, and meteorological equipment. The meteorological equipment included three-cup anemometers at six heights, air temperature sensors at five heights, wind vane, relative humidity sensor, infrared thermometer to monitor soil surface temperature, net radiometer, pyranometer, rain gauge, soil heat flux plates at a depth of 10 cm, and thermocouples at two depths in the soil. Sampling equipment deployed on the 3 ha TX site included near-surface creep/saltation samplers, BSNE saltation samplers, Sensit saltation monitors, sonic anemometers at two heights, three towers with Dusttrak aerosol monitors installed at three heights, and meteorological equipment. The meteorological equipment included three-cup anemometers at two heights, air temperature, wind vane, relative humidity sensor, rain gauge, pyranometer, evaporation pan, barometric pressure sensor, and thermocouples at 2 depths in the soil. Temporal resolution of saltation and dust sampling equipment varied with the type of samplers. The near-surface/creep and BSNE saltation samplers collected samples for the duration (time-integrated) of each high wind event (HWE). The Sensit detected impacts of saltating sand grains at a frequency of 1 Hz (dynamic). The high volume dust samplers, TEOMs and Dusttraks were designed to measure particulate matter with a 10 µm diameter cut-point ( PM10) at different rates. The high volume dust samplers collected samples on a filter for the duration of the HWE. The TEOMs and Dusttraks measured dust concentrations at frequencies of 0.1 Hz and 1 Hz, respectively. The sonic anemometers measure wind speed in three directions at a frequency of 10-20 Hz. Horizontal saltation flux measured with BSNE showed good correlation with PM10 measured over the same time period. Dust concentration with height varied with storm intensity. Dust concentrations were similar at different heights during intense storms but seemed to vary more with height during less intense HWE. Evidence for the saltation effects on dust flux varied with soil. Strong evidence for a saltation effect on dust flux was found in the fine sandy loam TX site. Conversely, few saltation particle impacts were observed during HWEs on the silt loam WA site and an aerodynamic analysis based on wind velocity profile regression also suggested little saltation occurred during HWEs. References Gillette DA. 1977. Fine particulate emissions due to wind erosion. Trans. ASAE 20: 890-897. Nickling WG, Gillies JA. 1993. Dust emission and transport in Mali, West Africa. Sedimentology 40:859-868. Stetler LD, Saxton KE. 1996. Wind erosion and PM10 emission from agricultural fields on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21:673-685. Lopez MV, Sabre M, Garcia R, Arrue JL, Gomes L. 1998. Tillage effects on soil surface conditions and dust emission by wind erosion in semiarid Aragon (NE Spain). Soil Tillage Res. 45:91-105. Rajot JL, Alfaro SC, Gomes L, Gaudichet A. 2003. Influence of sandy soil crusting on its susceptibility to wind erosion. Catena (In press). Shao Y, Raupach MR, Findlater PA. 1993. The effect of saltation bombardment on the entrainment of dust by wind. Journal of Geophysical Research 98:12719-12726. Shao Y. 2000. Physics and Modelling of Wind Erosion. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands.