ESC Enforcement Decision Matrix (Source: Matrix supplied by Brisbane City Council adapted by Healthy Waterways) The objective of this Model Erosion & Sediment Control (ESC) Enforcement Matrix is to define a consistent, responsive and proportional enforcement response to ESC non-compliances across Council COUNCIL RESPONSE (to be populated by Council) ENVIRONMENTAL Responses may include action under EPA, SPA or both RISK OF - Warning Notice/Show Cause Notice - PIN ESC ISSUE CONSEQUENCE OF ALLEGED NON-COMPLIANCE INACTION BY DEGREE OF ISSUE - Direction Notice (EPA), Enforcement Notice (SPA) ALLEGED Prosecution under EPA s440ZG and/or under SPA s580 OFFENDER >3rd 1st offence 2nd offence 3rd offence offence Technical non-compliance with ESC approval Moderate eg. not providing supporting Any form of omission and/or inaction likely to conceal an requirements not involving physical ESC monitoring & maintenance records, water environmental impact. When continuation of inaction Moderate measures on the ground but associated site ESC quality test results could increase risk of environmental harm. 1 management Moderate eg. Not providing certification Any form of omission and/or inaction likely to have a of sediment basin embankment stability very significant environmental impact during rainfall Moderate and/or from device failure Individual ESC device non-compliant or not Minor & no sediment discharge Relatively small volume and consequence but reasonably Minor installed (eg sediment fence, rock check dam, likely to move/wash into roadside gutter, drain or water inlet pit protection (excludes sediment basins Minor & sediment discharge evident Relatively small volume and consequence but has Minor refer to ESC Issue 4) moved/washed into roadside gutter, drain or water 2 Moderate & no sediment discharge Relatively large volume and consequence and very likely Moderate to move/wash into roadside gutter, drain or water Moderate & sediment discharge evident Relatively large volume and consequence and has Moderate moved/washed into roadside gutter, drain or water Multiple ESC devices non-compliant or not Moderate & no sediment discharge Relatively small individual volume but cumulatively high installed volume and consequence and very likely to move/wash Moderate into roadside gutter, drain or water Moderate & sediment discharge evident 3 Major & no sediment discharge Major & sediment discharge Major ESC device(s) required by Development Conditions and/or approved ESC plans not 4 constructed and/or having major deficiencies, such as sediment basin Major Relatively small individual volume but cumulatively high volume and consequence and has moved/washed into roadside gutter, drain or water Relatively large volume and consequence and very likely to move/wash into roadside gutter, drain or water Significant discharge of sediment &/or sediment-laden runoff actual and of very high volume and/or potential or actual environmental harm Discharge of sediment &/or sediment-laden runoff probable and of very high volume and/or potential or actual environmental harm Moderate Major Major Major Key Issues: • There are many factors that determine the risk & environmental consequence of ESC failure (eg. size of construction site, proximity to stormwater system, soil types, adjacent property owners) • In situations where there is an urgent need to rectify and/or augment ESC measures on a construction site, council needs a mechanism to achieve this • The development of an enforcement matrix that provides a logical and proportional enforcement response would assist council officers in managing such situations in a consistent manner Other Enforcement Options: • DA Compliance Engineers not processing plan sealing and/or on-maintenance requests until ESC corrective actions completed. • Regular site auditing