GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GHAZIABAD EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT. NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER 1 GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GHAZIABAD. NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) INDEX S.No. ITEM 1. TENDER NOTICE 2 TECHNICAL BID 3. PAGE NO. 3 a INTRODUCTION 5 b QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: 5 c GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6 d SCOPE OF WORK: 6 e PAYMENT TERMS : 7 f TIME SCHEDULE 7 g MISCELLANEOUS: 7 9-10 FINANCIAL BID 2 GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, GHAZIABAD Letter No. 347 /4/CE/2009-10 Dated : 20.08.09 Expression of Interest to appoint consultant for the construction of STP. Ghaziabad Development Authority, Ghaziabad invites “Expression of Interest (EOI) from reputed consultant/reputed and experienced firms for providing services for the expert monitoring, quality control and third party checking of three proposed sewage treatment plants on S.B.R. (Sequential Batch Reactor) technology of 56 M.L.D. capacity each being constructed at various location of Ghaziabad (U.P). The applicant should have the following qualifications:12- 34- Total Turn over of the firm should be at least Rs.50.00 lacs in past three years. Work order for monitoring, technical advice, quality control and successfully commissioning of at least one 15 MLD capacity STP in India, on S.B.R./M.B.R. or activated sludge process. Should be registered under Service Tax, Trade Tax & as required under the Company Law. Firm should have on its penal at least one working/retired professor of IIT/or any expert of teaching institute of eminence having experience of sewage treatment plants. Firm should also have fully equipped trained technical staff to extend its services on as and when required. The consultant shall quote rates of consultancy services in percentage vise of the total cost of the sewage treatment plant. The rates should also include testing of material used during construction including electrical and mechanical equipment. The offer should be accompanied by an earnest money amounting to Rs.5.00 lac (Five lac rupees only) in form of F.D.R. of a nationalised /scheduled bank and pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, Ghaziabad Development Authority, Ghaziabad. Offers in two envelopes (Envelope-A for Technical Bid with earnest money and Envelope-B for Financial Bid) shall be received on 05-09-09 up to 3-00 pm in the office of the undersigned. The Financial bids of the firms who are found eligible shall be opened as and when communicated by the G.D.A. Vice Chairman, G.D.A. reserves the rights to reject any or all the offers and to distribute the consultancy work to more than one consultant or firms without assigning any reason. Any other information can be obtained from P.A. (T) Cell no.9711305045, office of the undersigned during working days and office hours from 10-00 am to 5-00 pm. (ANIL GARG) CHIEF ENGINEER 3 NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) TECHNICAL - BID 4 NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) 1- INTRODUCTION 1) Promoter & developer AUTHORITY 2) Location : GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT : Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad(U.P.) 2- QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: a) The consultant/firm must have total turnover of at least Rs. 50.00 lacs in past three years. The certified balance sheets of last three respective years should be attached with technical bid. b) The consultant/firm must have work order for technical advice, monitoring, quality control and successfully commissioning of sewage treatment plant of at least 15 MLD capacity STP in India on SBR or MMBR or activated sludge process technology. Proof of experience must be enclosed with technical bid. c) The consultant/firm should be registered under Service Tax, Trade Tax & other statutory registration, Registration certificated should be attached with technical bid. d) The consultant/firm must have a resisted company in India, fully equipped with trained technical staff to extend services as and when required. e) The consultant/firm should have on his penal at least one working/ retired professor of IIT or any expert of teaching institute of eminence having experience sewage treatment Plants. Firms should also have fully qualified technical staff/man power along with experienced executive, the details be attached. f) The consultant/firm should not have been panelized by any Govt. Dept./Public Sector Dept for delayed completion of work or for carrying out sub standard work. A Declaration of this regard shall be made by the applicant agency along with the offer document. 5 NOTE:- IF AT ANY STAGE IT IS FOUND THAT FALSE OR INCORRECT DECLARATION WAS/IS MADE BY THE APPLICANT, THE OFFER SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY CANCELLED. 3- GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS a) b) c) d) e) f) Offer should be valid for a period of three months from the date of bidding. Earnest money amounting to Rs 5.00 lacs( Rupees five lacs only) in the form of FDR and pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, Ghaziabad Development Authority Ghaziabad be enclose with the offer. Offer should be submitted on original offer documents only. Offer received without original offer documents shall be out rightly rejected. Offer not supported with required certified document shall immediately be rejected. All pages of the offer shall be signed by an authorized representative. Service Tax as applicable shall be paid extra to agencies registered with Service Tax Department. If required, the Agency have to make the technical presentation/interview at GDA office as required in front of the committee. The committee will have all rights to reject or accept the agency on the basis of the Technical interview/discussions. The work is to be completed in the time limit as desired by GDA. 4- SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work included proof checking of the design, monitoring, giving technical advice, quality control and third party checking of Hydraulic, Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation and Structural Design of Sewage treatment plants of 56 MLD capacity each on SBR(Sequential Batch Reactor) technology the consultant/firm shall be responsible up to successfully commissioning of sewage treatment plants” MANUAL ON SEWERAGE AND SEWERAGE TREATMENT” issued by CENTRAL PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ORGANIZATION, MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT, I.S. codes U.P. Jal Nigam guidelines other relevant guidelines and documents issued by Urban Development Department/ housing and urban planning Department, government of U.P. from time to time, shall be used when ever required. 6 The consultant shall also advice from time to time as per the requirement of the project. The consultant/firm shall be responsible upto commissioning of sewage treatment Plants. 5- PAYMENT TERMS : (a) the rate of consultancy should be quoted separately percentage wise & stage wise for each STP. (i) Indirapuram 56 MLD capacity on SBR technique. (ii) Govindpuram 56 MLD capacity on SBR technique. (iii) Dundahera 56 MLD capacity on SBR technique. (b) The percentage rate shall also include visit of professor of I.I.T. or any faculty member of teaching institute of eminence or expert there on. (c) The above rate shall includes testing in laboratory material used during civil construction and mechanical, electrical and instrumentation equipments. (d) The above rates shall also include testing of BOD/COD/TSS/PH etc. of incoming/outgoing effluent. (e) payment to consultant be made by the authority as per physical progress of the work, balance payment of 20% shall be paid to consultant on the commissioning of the scheme. 6- TIME SCHEDULE: The entire consultancy work shall be completed with in time limit as desired by GDA. Time shall be essence of the contract. The Agency shall furnish the time schedule for each work allotted any must strictly adhere to that. 7- MISCELLANEOUS: i) The “Notice Inviting Expression of Interest” and the information and “Instruction for Consultant” shall from part of the tender document. ii) Consultant shall furnish a declaration along with his offer that he is having no relation directly or indirectly with GDA. Employees, the name, designation and place of posting/ department of such employees be furnished. 7 iii) Vice Chairman, GDA. Reserves the right to: a) Postpone and/ or extend the date of receipt of or to withdraw the tender notice without assigning any reason there of, entirely at the discretion of the authority. In such event, consultants or their representative shall be entitled to any compensation in any form what so ever. b) Cancel the process and reject all or any of the offers. c) To distribute the work to more than one consultant or firms in the interest of work. iv) The law prevailing in India shall govern the contract and the jurisdiction shall be the court of Ghaziabad (UP) v) In case, the last date for submission & opening of offer is declared as a public holiday, the next official working day shall be deemed as last date of submission and opening of offer without any change in time indicated. No. separate notice to this effect shall be issued. vi) The Agency should submit Technical & financial bid in two sealed envelopes to be placed in one outer envelope. The inner envelops should clearly mention Technical bid (Envelope A) and financial bid (Envelope B) the outer envelope should mention name of work and due date of submission clearly. vii) Ghaziabad Development Authority reserves the right to increase/ decrease or even delete any of the items in schedule of quantities as per requirements without specifying and reason what so ever. viii) The Ghaziabad Development Authority reserves the right to change schedule of specification & requirement. ix) The Ghaziabad Development Authority has right to inspect the work as and when required to see/ check the accuracy and methodology adopted by the agency. x) Tender not submitted as per clause 7.1 shall be out rightly rejected. xi) The Authority is not bound to accept the financially lowest offer. The experience, performance, no. of projects, executed earlier etc. shall be the other relevant parameters to select the lowest eventuated bidder. 8 NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) FINANCIAL - BID 9 NAME OF WORK: Monitoring, Quality control and third party checking of three proposed 56 M.L.D. capacity each sewage treatment plant based on S.B.R. technology at Indirapuram, Govindpuram and Dundahera Ghaziabad (U.P.) NAME OF BIDDER:………………………………………………. S. No. PLACE 1. INDIRAPURAM 2. GOVINDPURAM 3. DUNDAHERA % RATE IN FIGURE RATE IN WORDS PAYMENT DETAIL STAGE WISE Signature ............................................. Name of bidder……………………….. …………………………………………. Address of Firm..................................... …………………..................................... Seal ....................................................... Tele. No. ................................................. 10