I. GLOSSARY OF WOOD WASTE TERMS CLEAN WOOD WASTE: Wood only, very little trash or other debris. Construction wood, if properly separated, is normally clean, while demolition wood is often more difficult to process due to paint, metal, stucco and other contaminants. Each processor has slightly different acceptance levels. GROUNDCOVER: Wood waste can be processed into various sized pieces for use as a bark-like groundcover, playground sand substitute, or for demarcation of trails and paths. INERT MATERIAL: Includes asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, and soil. PRE-CHIPPED WOOD: Nearly all of the area wood processors will accept pre-chipped wood. It can be further processed into various products, composted, or used as a groundcover. Most of the prechipped wood comes from commercial tree trimmings operations. Drier wood is usually easier to process. ROLL-OFFS: These are large, 20-40 cubic yard metal trash containers. Many area wood processors will place these containers at certain collection points and offer regularly scheduled pick-ups. They may also be able to arrange occasional pick-ups for large amounts on an as needed basis. SAWDUST: Sawdust can be added to various soil amendment products, sold as is, used as a floor sweep product, or as a drying agent for liquid spills. SOIL AMENDMENTS: Particulate wood waste that can be used in soil mixes, tip soil and mulches. The finely shredded wood waste can be added directly to the various mixes or composted then added to other material. TIPPING FEES: These are the charges for dumping or unloading the waste wood. Many processor do not charge for clean waste wood, but they often charge for mixed loads of for waste wood that is significantly contaminated and therefore difficult to process. TREE TRIMMINGS: Woody branches, twigs, and limbs (palm and yucca are both difficult to process). Using the same equipment, most wood waste processors can also process tree trimmings. WOOD DUNNAGE: Wood materials used to support and protect cargo in a ship’s hold, i.e., crates, pallets, blocks, etc. WOOD FLOUR: Clean wood waste can be processed into an additive for the manufacturing of various products such as roofing paper. WOOD FUEL: Waste wood which is processed into small particles which are then burned for energy in plants similar in technology to the agricultural biomass energy facilities. WOOD SHAVINGS: Most commonly used as an animal bedding product. YARD WASTE: Includes tree trimmings, leaves, brush, and twigs (ivy is difficult to process and compost) some area wood processors accept yard waste as an additive to their compost mix. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -1- RECYCLING WOOD WASTE What is Wood Waste? There are two broad categories of wood waste material: miscellaneous wood waste and woody yard waste. Miscellaneous wood waste includes waste from construction activities, the furniture industry, lumberyards, demolition, roofing, movie and theatrical sets, used crates, and pallets. Woody yard waste, such as tree trimmings, branches, stumps, and brush, are accepted and easily recycled by many of the wood waste processors listed in this guide. A few of the processors listed can also accept grass clippings, leaves, manure, and other material. It is important to remember that each individual wood waste processor has slightly different requirements for the wood waste and/or yard waste they accept and process, depending on their equipment capabilities and the market for their end product. Extending the Life of Our Landfills Landfill space in the Los Angeles area is rapidly decreasing. In order to address this issue on the State level, legislation has been enacted (AB 939) which requires California cities to reduce their waste streams 50 percent by the year 2000. Wood waste and yard waste constitute a considerable volume of the overall waste stream. In 1995, over 223,868 tons of wood were generated in the City of Los Angeles, comprising 6.9% of the City’s overall waste stream. Over 51,000 tons, or 23% of the wood, were diverted from landfills, and over 172,500 tons of wood waste were disposed. The recycling of wood and green waste materials will increasingly become a vital component in the overall effort to reduce landfill waste in the City of Los Angeles. Conserving Our Natural Resources Wood waste can be reused or recycled into a number of products. Some groups will take wood waste for free, reusing it in its existing form for wood working or construction. At most of the processors' facilities, the wood waste is chipped and ground into various sized particles. The finer particles, or "fines", are primarily sold to the soil amendment market where they are added directly, or further composted for use in soil mixes and mulches. Larger particles are sold for use as a boiler fuel to generate energy. Sawdust and wood shavings can be used as is for animal bedding. Certain hardwoods can be chipped and sold for smoking meats. Other products include: liquid spill drying agents, ground-covers, wood flour (used in roofing paper), bulking agents for biosolids, and pressed wood fire logs. In the future, strand board, particle board, and other structural products are likely to use increasing amounts of post-consumer wood waste material and less of the virgin post-lumber mill material now used. Wood pallets can be collected and reused, and broken pallets can be ground and used for soil amendments or other purposes. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -2- Reducing Your Refuse Disposal Costs If your wood waste is currently being sent to the landfill along with your other waste, your disposal costs may be unnecessarily high. Area landfills charge by the ton for the disposal of waste (tipping fees). These tipping fees usually range from a low of $25 up to $50 per ton. Tipping fees incurred by a hauler are passed on to the customer. By diverting your wood waste material from the landfill you may be able to save money on your waste disposal services, particularly if you generate high volumes of the material. How do you save? By separating your wood waste material for reuse or recycling, the frequency of your regular refuse service, and possibly the size or numbers of your regular refuse containers can be reduced. While it is uncommon for wood waste generators to be paid for their material, many firms are saving significant money in these avoided disposal costs. Pallet recyclers may pay a small amount for pallets in good condition. The cost savings become even more dramatic when higher volumes, cleaner loads, and homogenous loads of wood waste are generated. Please remember that in most situations, a wood waste recycler or hauler will charge you for picking up your wood waste material, but this charge should be less than the cost you would incur if your material was taken to the landfill. Wood Waste Reuse The reuse of wood waste is an even more efficient use of resources than recycling. A large amount of the wood waste material that is presently being disposed or recycled can be reused in its present form. And unlike certain wood waste recycling, the reuse of wood and lumber does not involve significant processing costs. To be reusable, the wood must be in good condition and of sufficient size for woodworking and building construction. Wood pallet recycling can be an effective reuse program. Pallets can be collected at a centralized location, and pallet recyclers will pick the materials up; they may pay for pallets in reusable condition. They may also pick up broken pallets at no cost. A list of pallet recyclers is included in Section IV of this guide. There are a number of non-profit agencies that are in need of quality used wood and lumber in the Los Angeles area. Usually these agencies will need to have the material delivered, but in all cases they must be contacted prior to accepting any load of wood waste material. It is recommended that you always contact them prior to delivering materials. These agencies may be able to provide your company with tax deduction based upon the value of the donated material. See Section II for descriptions and contacts of some local agencies in need of wood material. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -3- Low Volume Wood Waste Recycling As a rule, processors or haulers need at least 10 cubic yards of wood waste material per week from each generator in order to economically set up a wood waste recycling program with a dedicated container. Wood pallet recyclers may require a minimum number for each pick up. If the volume of wood waste generated at your facility is below this threshold, there may still be a way to reduce your refuse disposal expenses. You may be able to take your wood waste material directly to a wood waste recycler and avoid landfill tipping fees; or you may work with other area wood waste generators to establish a program with a recycler. You may be able to store or set aside wood waste material until enough is in place for a pick-up by a hauler, recycler, or nonprofit agency. Starting a Wood Waste Recycling Program The first step in starting a wood waste recycling program involves determining the type and quality of your wood waste, the frequency and volume of wood waste generated at your facility, and your available space for storage. With this information, you can then contact and discuss these factors with the wood waste processor or hauler nearest to your facility. The processor or hauler can then visit your facility and look at a typical sample of the wood waste it generates. Because the condition of wood waste generated and potential to separate loads of wood waste varies from facility to facility, it is important that a processor or hauler make a visual determination of the quality and quantity of wood waste generated. At the site visit, the processor or hauler can also give you advice on the most efficient way to separate, store, and haul your wood waste, and make a determination on potential cost savings to you. Separating Wood Waste While most wood waste is readily reusable or recyclable, it is important that it is relatively free of other debris. The fewer contaminants in any given load of wood waste, the higher the value to the processor and to the end markets. A limited amount of paint, nails or staples usually does not present problems for most wood waste processors, however attached bolts, latches or other metallic hardware can be very harmful to the processing machinery and time consuming to remove. Also, wood that is covered with metal sheeting, stucco, plastic or other materials cannot usually be reused or processed properly. Employee participation is a critical element in establishing a successful reuse or recycling program of any kind. It is very important that the employees who will be participating in the wood waste separation process at your facility be fully informed by the processor as to the acceptable condition of the wood waste generated at your facility. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -4- OPTIONS: REMOVAL AND TRANSPORTATION OF WOOD WASTE PROCESSORS CAN PICK UP. Most wood waste processors can place a large (40 cubic yard) roll-off bin on site at high volume wood waste generators or they may be able to work out an "on call" arrangement for those facilities which generate wood waste more sporadically (see pages 8-12). The wood pallet recyclers in this guide will pick up at your site by arrangement (see pg. 13-15). HAULERS CAN PICK UP. Another approach would be to contact your current hauler or a hauler familiar with wood waste recycling and express interest in initiating a recycling program. A hauler may be able to take your wood waste and deliver it to a nearby wood waste processor at a lower cost than would be incurred if the waste was taken to a landfill. YOU CAN DELIVER. Many wood waste processors and non-profit agencies will accept loads of clean wood waste self-hauled to their facilities. If you have the storage capacity and are able to transport the wood waste to a nearby processor or non-profit agency, this may be a viable option for you and it may save you the money that would be charged for the material at the landfill. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -5- WOOD WASTE RECYCLING CHECKLIST CONDUCT AN INFORMAL WASTE AUDIT Analyze the type, quantity, and frequency of wood waste generated at your facility. Some of the important factors include: What are specific activities at your facility that generate wood waste? What is the condition and type of wood waste generated? How many waste bins do you have? What are the sizes of the bins and how often are they are emptied? How much are you paying for your regular waste removal? Using this information, review this guide and contact vendors to determine your potential cost savings with a wood recycling program. For example, if your wood waste is primarily made up of large pieces of reusable wood and lumber, you might first contact an agency that may be able to reuse it as it is (see pg. 7). If you generate smaller pieces of wood, sawdust, wood chips, or other scrap lumber, you might contact a wood waste processor or wood waste hauler (see pgs. 8-12). CONTACT A WOOD WASTE PROCESSOR OR HAULER With the general estimates of the quantity and quality of the wood waste generated at your facility you can then contact your hauler, or a wood waste processor located nearest you, and discuss some of the important factors regarding wood waste recycling at your particular facility. If it seems like there is a good potential for starting a wood waste recycling program, move to the next step. MEET WITH PROCESSORS/HAULERS AT YOUR FACILITY It is important to have the processors or haulers take a look at a typical example of wood waste generated by your organization to make sure it meets their requirements for quality and quantity. They can also determine the size, number and placement of containers needed for establishing a wood waste recycling program at your organization. REVIEW BIDS FROM PROCESSORS/HAULERS By separating your wood waste for reuse or recycling, you can reduce the frequency of your regular refuse service, and possibly the size or numbers of your refuse containers. Check with your regular refuse hauler to obtain a price break for any reduced levels of service, since your wood waste will not have to taken to the landfill. Add your newly reduced refuse collection cost to the cost of the wood waste recycling program. In large volume situations, there will normally be a cost savings. In some situations, wood waste programs can be implemented with no net increase in disposal costs. EDUCATE EMPLOYEES It is crucial that the employees involved with generating, separating, or handling the wood waste material at your facility are fully educated in the wood waste recycling program and encouraged to participate. The active participation of the employees can make or break the success of the program. Most people are very happy to see wood waste material being reused or recycled, rather than being disposed in a landfill. An employee incentive or awards program may be particularly effective. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -6- II. WOOD REUSE OPPORTUNITIES Because the following organizations often have limited storage space and may have sporadic or specialized needs for reusable wood, it is imperative that you first contact them before you deliver any material. Some of the agencies may be able to pick-up material at your site, but please call and discuss the specifics of your reusable wood material with the contact person listed. ORGANIZATION AMOR MINISTRIES 1664 Precision Park Lane San Diego, CA 92173 PH: Contact: (619) 662-1200 PH: (916) 341-6000 (877) 520-9703 FAX: (916) 255-2220 Web Site: www.ciwmb.ca.gov/calmax Joyce Mason HABITAT FOR HUMANITY-LOS ANGELES (HFH-LA) 1138 Wilshire Blvd. #100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 PH: x 219 FAX: A non-profit, non-denominational organization, that organizes short-term mission trips to Mexico to build and repair homes, churches, schools, medical clinics, and orphanages. Need large amounts of quality, reusable dimensional lumber. Also in need of a wide variety of building products and materials. Since Amor is based in San Diego they need sufficient quantity in order to make a special trip to pick up material in the Los Angeles area. CALMAX is a waste exchange program, run by the Local Government Commission under contract to California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). Every two months CALMAX puts out a catalog which lists various materials that are available from, or wanted by organizations; their web page is updated daily. FULLERTON OFFICE: 1501 Orangethorpe Ave. Suite 150 Fullerton, CA 92831 714-449-7072 714-449-4780 If you have large quantities of sporadically generated wood waste, or smaller amounts of regularly generated wood waste then the CALMAX program may help you find a user or buyer for you material. There is no charge to place a listing in the catalog or on their web page. Habitat for Humanity Los Angeles (HFHLA) is a non-profit housing organization which uses volunteer labor and donated materials to build or rehabilitate housing for low income families. HFH-LA is often in need of dimensional lumber, such as plywood and 2x4's; however, due to storage limitations and strict building codes any donations must be arranged and approved with HFH-LA in advance. Habitat for Humanity Los Angeles (HFHLA) is a non-profit housing organization which uses volunteer labor and donated materials to build or rehabilitate housing for low income families. HFH-LA is often in need of dimensional lumber, such as plywood and 2x4's; however, due to storage limitations and strict building codes any donations must be arranged and approved with HFH-LA in advance. LAUSD has wood shops at 43 area Jr. High Schools and 35 Sr. High Schools throughout the Los Angeles area. There is likely to be a school with a wood shop in close proximity to your facility. These wood shops are desperately in need of reusable wood material for the students to use for their projects. The LAUSD wood shops can use any hardwood or softwood material that is of sufficient size for wood working projects. Wood that is covered in paint is less useful than unfinished wood. Some shop teachers may be able to pick-up material at your facilities while others may need to have it delivered to the school site. Steve Horrex CALIFORNIA MATERIALS EXCHANGE - (CALMAX) c/o CA Integrated Waste Management Board 1001 I St. PO Box 4025 Sacramento, CA 95812-4025 Contact: MATERIALS NEEDED/OTHER COMMENTS DESCRIPTION (213) 975-9757 Many types of wood waste material are listed in the catalog (lumber, pallets, chips, sawdust, etc.) (213) 975-9733 Contact: Greg Treseder HABITAT FOR HUMANITY-LOS ANGELES (HFH-LA) 5525 Cahuenga Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 PH: FAX: (818) 487-9600 (818) 487-9699 Contact: Sara Wasson LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (LAUSD) Please contact the City’s Solid Resources Citywide Recycling Division for contact and location of the school closest to you. PH: (213) 473-8228 There are also 47 metal and machine shops throughout the District that are in need of scrap metal. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -7- III. LOS ANGELES AREA WOOD WASTE PROCESSORS The following 23 organizations offer varying levels of service for the reuse or recycling of wood waste. Some offer a full service program including the delivery and pick-up of recycling containers, while others offer only drop-off service at their locations. It is important that you be aware of the types and amounts of wood waste material that you generate and your existing waste disposal costs before contacting those recyclers that seem to best fit your needs. Fees and charges do vary, so it is prudent that you get several bids for your wood waste recycling program. Remember that a successful wood waste recycling program can save you money in avoided disposal costs by diverting wood waste from your regular refuse. Therefore, you should follow-up with your regular refuse hauler to see if the size of your refuse containers, number of containers, or frequency of regular refuse service can be reduced. Please review the text starting on page 1 for more information. WOOD WASTE PROCESSOR: TYPES OF MATERIALS ACCEPTED: MATERIAL CONDITION OR LIMITATIONS: ACTIVE RECYCLING 2000 W. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 Clean Wood Waste Nail, staples, paint OK Drop-off OK All Demolition Wood No Pressure-Treated Wood Will Schedule Regular Roll-off Pick-ups Rock PH: FAX: Pre-chipped Wood Roll-offs Available Composting Very Limited Paint, Nails, Staples Will Schedule Regular Pick-ups 50% Various Soil Amendment Products No Glues, i.e.: Plywood, Particle Board, Etc. Roll-offs Available 50% Shavings (323) 295-7774 (323) 292-2114 SERVICES OFFEREDCHARGES OR FEES WASTE RECYCLED AS: Various Soil Amendment Products Tree Trimmings Contact: Errol Segal Whole & Broken Pallets Hours: 6 - 4:45 7 days a week ANGELUS SAWDUST PRODUCTS 1516 Grande Vista Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Clean Wood Waste Sawdust Pre-chipped Wood PH: FAX: (323) 269-2195 (323) 269-9226 Wood Fuel No Tree Trimmings No Yard Waste No Grass Clippings Contact: Brad Godfrey Hours: 6-3M–F Clean Wood Waste Sawdust Pre-chipped Wood PH: (909) 947-5983 FAX: (909) 923-7208 They want to remove the fax # Contact: Joe Nolasco Tree Chips Tree Trimmings 7-4 M-F 7 - 12 Sat BRADLEY LANDFILL AND RECYCLING CENTER (Waste Management) 9081 Tujunga Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Nails, staples OK No tree trimmings over 4" in diameter or longer than 4' Various Soil Amendment Products Roll-offs Available Wood Shavings and Chips Wood Fuel Inert materials (Except Red Brick) No Grass Clippings Groundcover Whole & Broken Pallets Course Wood Clean Wood Waste Some Paint, Nails, Staples OK No Pick-up Service Soil Amendments Pre-chipped Wood Sawdust No Tree Trimmings over 8" in Diameter Drop-off Only Wood Fuel Tree Trimmings Yard Waste X-mas Trees PH: Will Schedule Regular Pick ups No Palm, Yucca, Ivy No Grass Clippings MAIL: PO Box 39 Sun Valley, CA 91352 Wood Chips for Smoking Meats Most Pieces Approximately 2' - 3' in Length ARTESIA SAWDUST 13434 Ontario Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 Hours: Wood Flour No Pressure Treated or Treated Wood (818) 767-6180 Contact: Fred Freund Hours: 6 - 6 M - F 7 - 2 Sat I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -8- Drop-off Charges: Clean Lumber & Mill Scraps-free Dry Wood Waste- $15/ton Green Waste-$20/ton Mixed Loads-$20/ton WOOD WASTE PROCESSOR: CALABASAS LANDFILL L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DIST. 5300 Lost Hills Rd.. Agoura, CA 91301 PH: TYPES OF MATERIALS ACCEPTED: MATERIAL CONDITION OR LIMITATIONS: Clean Loads of Tree/ Yard Trimmings and Brush Only No Branches/stumps larger than 6" in diameter No Recycling of Lumber/wood or Wood Pallets (818) 889-1430 No Palm Hours: 8 - 5 M - Sat. Except Holidays They don’t recycle anymore? CENTRAL LOS ANGELES RECYCLING AND TRANSFER STATION (BFI) 2201 E. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90021 PH: FAX: (213) 746-9700 (213) 746-2350 Contact: Doug Moore No materials generated within the City of Los Angles Clean Wood Waste Most Demolition Wood OK Pre-chipped Wood Drop-off charges: $24.07/ton (cash/ no checks) (Min.$23 per vehicle) Mulch and Compost for Use On-site Landfills Close When Daily Capacity Is Reached; Please Call to Make Sure Landfill Is Open Small Amount Paint, Nails, Staples, OK Drop-off OK Various Soil Amendments No Tree Stumps, Roots or Other Wet Woods Drop-off Charges: $ 39.35/ton Compost Yard Waste and Grass Clippings Roll-offs Available CHINO VALLEY SAWDUST INC. 13434 Ontario Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 Clean Wood Waste Nails, Staples OK Sawdust No Palm, Yucca, Ivy Pre-chipped Wood No Grass Clippings Tree Chips No Paint On Wood Clean Dirt No Red Brick FAX: Daily Landfill Cover Wood Fuel Whole & Broken Pallets (909) 923-0563 (909) 947-5983 (909) 923-7208 Drop-off Only Tree Trimmings X-mas Trees WASTE RECYCLED AS: Will Schedule Regular Pickups Hours: 4 - 5 M - F 6 - 2 Sat. PH: SERVICES OFFEREDCHARGES OR FEES Will Schedule Regular Pickups Drop-off OK Call for Drop-off Charges (Charges per load) Various Soil Amendment Products Wood Shavings Wood Fuel Most Clean Wood Waste Freeother Loads Small Charge Contact: Tony Espinoza Concrete Hours: 7 - 4 M - F 7 - 12 Sat COMMUNITY RECYCLING & RESOURCE RECOVERY, INC. (CROWN DISPOSAL) 9147 De Garmo Ave. P.O. Box 1082 Sun Valley, CA 91352 Roll-offs Available Asphalt Clean Wood Waste Staples, Nails, Paint OK Pre-chipped Wood No Palm or Tree Roots All Demolition Wood No Pressure Treated Wood Will Schedule Regular Pickups Soil Amendments/ Composting Roll-offs Available Drop-off OK Tree Trimmings PH: FAX: (818) 767-6000 (818) 768-3930 Hours: 24 hrs - 7 days CANNOT LOCATE!!! DYNAFIBERS, INC. 1125 Muscat Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 PH: FAX: (888) 289-8873 (559) 875-0667 Call for Charges Whole & Broken Pallets Clean Wood Chips from Construction Cut-offs All Non-Chipped Materials Call First Bulk Loads Roll-offs Live Bottom Trailer Loads Drop-off Only Hydromulch Call for charges No Agricultural Wood No Treated Lumber Contact: Rose Niemi Hours: 8:00-5:00 M-F HI-WASTE DISPOSAL 11718 Arkansas St. Artesia, CA 90701 Clean Wood Waste Nails, staple, paints OK Pre-chipped Wood No Pressure Treated Wood PH: FAX: All Demolition Wood No Palm or Tree Roots Tree Trimmings No Grass Clippings Will Schedule Regular Pickups Roll-offs Available (562) 865-8068 (562) 865-2430 Contact: Ronald Ektarian Whole & broken pallets Hours: 8 - 3 M-F 8 - 1 Sat. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc -9- Various Soil Amendments/ Composting WOOD WASTE PROCESSOR: KELLOGG SUPPLY, INC. 350 Sepulveda Blvd. Carson, CA 90745 TYPES OF MATERIALS ACCEPTED: MATERIAL CONDITION OR LIMITATIONS: Ground Clean Wood Waste No Demolition Wood Chipped Yardwaste No Paint, Nails, Staples, Etc. SERVICES OFFEREDCHARGES OR FEES WASTE RECYCLED AS: Please Call Mike Menicucci for Drop-off Location 100% Various Soil Amendment Products Call for further information Lumber for Construction and Manufacturing Will Schedule Regular Pickups Various Soil Amendments/ Composting Chipped Sawdust PH: FAX: (310) 830-2200 (310) 835-6174 No Whole or Broken Pallets Contact: Mike Menicucci Hours: 8 - 4 M -F MAXWELL PACIFIC P.O. Box 4127 Malibu, CA 90264 PH: All Demolition Wood Nails, staples OK No Pressure Treated Wood (310) 457-4533 ONE STOP LANDSCAPE SUPPLY CO. 13024 San Timoteo Canyon Rd. Redlands, CA 92373 PH: FAX: (909) 798-1278 (909) 793-3428 Contact: Louis Curti Hours: 7 - 4 M-F PUENTE HILLS LANDFILL L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DIST. 2800 S. Workman Mill Rd. Whittier, CA 90601 PH : Clean Wood Waste Nails, Staples OK Pre-chipped wood No Palm or Tree Roots All Demolition Wood No Pressure Treated Wood Drop-off OK Roll-offs Available Tree Trimmings Pick up load: $10 Whole & Broken Pallets Clean Loads of Tree/ Yard Trimmings and Brush Only No Branches/stumps Larger than 6" in Diameter No Recycling of Lumber/wood or Wood Pallets Hours: 6 - 5 M - Sat. Except Holidays PH: FAX: Pager: Daily Landfill Cover Drop off-charges: $16.95/ ton Mulch and Compost for Use on Site Call for Tipping Fee No Materials Generated Within the City of Los Angeles Are Accepted (562) 692-3531 CANNOT LOCATE!! RESETS ENTERTAINMENT COMMODITIES 11655 Wicks St. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Drop-off Only County Landfills Close When They ReachDaily Capacity. Please Call to Make Sure Landfill Is Open. Clean Wood Green Waste No Contamination Roll-offs Available Soil Amendments/ Reused Clean Wood Waste Some Paint, Nails, Staples OK Will Schedule Regular Pickups 70% Various Soil Amendments Pre-chipped Wood No Tree Trimmings Larger than 8" in Diameter Roll-offs Available 30% Sawdust, Shavings, and Wood Fuel Limited Palm, Ivy, Yucca Drop-off OK (818) 504-6810 (818) 504-6128 (818) 716-2335 Contact: David Isaac Hours: 6 - 6 M-F RECYCLED WOOD PRODUCTS 2400 Greenwood Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Sawdust MAIL: P.O. Box 3517 Montebello, CA 90640 Tree Trimmings Call for Drop-off Charges PH: FAX: (909) 868-6882 (213) 727-7197 Yard Waste X-mas Trees Contact: Mark - GM Inert Materials Hours: 7 - 4 M – F 9 - 1 Sat. Whole & Broken Pallets I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc - 10 - WOOD WASTE PROCESSOR: SCHOLL CANYON LANDFILL - L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DIST. 3001 Scholl Canyon Rd. Glendale, CA 91206 PH: (818) 243-9779 TYPES OF MATERIALS ACCEPTED: MATERIAL CONDITION OR LIMITATIONS: Clean Loads of Tree/ Yard Trimmings and Brush Only No Branches/stumps Larger than 6 Inches in Diameter 7721 N. Figeuroa St. Glendale, CA 91206 PH: (213) 245-9865 Hours: WASTE RECYCLED AS: Drop-off Only Daily Landfill Cover No Recycling of Lumber/wood Drop-off charges: $26.50/ ton (min.) Mulch and Compost for Use On-site No Palm Call for Tipping Fees No Materials Generated Within the City of Los Angeles County Landfills Close When They Reach Daily Capacity. Please Call to Make Sure Landfill Is Open. No Branches/stumps Larger than 6 Inches in Diameter Drop-off Only Daily Landfill Cover Drop-off charges: $16.50/ load (min.) Mulch and Compost for Use on Site 8 - 5 M - Sat. Except Holidays SPADRA LANDFILL - L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DIST. 4125 W. Valley Blvd. Pomona, CA 91789 PH: SERVICES OFFEREDCHARGES OR FEES Clean Loads of Tree/yard Trimmings and Brush Only No Recycling of Lumber/ Wood or Wood Pallets Call for Tipping Fee (909) 595-2710 No Palm County Landfills Close When They Reach Daily Capacity.Please Call to Make Sure Landfill Is Open. Clean Wood Waste Nails, staples, paint OK Will Schedule Regular Pickups Pre-chipped Wood No Treated Wood All Demolition Waste No Palm or Tree Roots Hours: 8 - 5 M - Sat. Except Holidays CANNOT LOCATE! WESTERN WASTE 4452 Ardine South Gate, CA 90280 Various Soil Amendments/ Composting Drop-off OK PH: FAX: (213) 560-8488 (213) 560-8346 Tree Trimmings Drop-off charges: $33/ ton Whole & Broken Pallets Roll-offs Available Contact: Jock Pivoroff Hours: 8 -5 M-F 6 - 3 Sat CANNOT LOCATE SCA PROCESSORS A DIVISION OF USA WASTE SERVICES COMPANY 14700 Cypress Ave. Chino, CA 91710 PH: FAX: (909) 393-4140 (909) 393-4149 Contact: Mike Callaway Hours: 7 -5 M-F 7 - 1 Sat.(Varies) WHITTIER FERTILIZER 9441 Kruse Rd. Pico Rivera, CA 90660 MAIL: P.O. Box 596 Pico Rivera, CA 90660 PH: FAX: (562) 699-3461 (562) 699-5430 Contact: Ernie Bernal Jim Osborn Bob Osborn Hours: Clean Wood Waste Very Limited Paint, Nails and Staples Drop-off Only Various Soil Amendments Pre-chipped Wood Rolls-offs Available Wood Fuel Tree Trimmings Call for Prices X-mas Trees Yard Waste Whole & Broken Pallets Clean Wood Waste No Tree Trimmings Larger than 6" in Diameter Pre-chipped Wood Drop-off Only Demolition Wood No Roots, Stumps or Wet Wood Tree Trimmings No Bamboo, Palm, or Yucca X-mas Trees Clean Demolition Wood Whole or Broken Pallets 7 - 4 M-Sat. I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc No Pick-up Service - 11 - Call for Tipping Fee Ground Cover and Soil Amendment Products IV. WOOD PALLET RECYCLING COMPANIES Companies listed below will pick up pallets in good condition for re-use. Some companies may also pay for and pick up broken pallets, to be and ground up and recycled for such purposes as soil amendment, depending on type and condition. Contact the company in advance to determine requirements and schedule pick ups. Another Pallet P.O. Box 20126 Long Beach, CA 90801 Site Address: 2110 W. Cowles St. Long Beach, CA 90813 Contact: Jim Egan PH: (562) 437-6106 FX: (562) 436-0577 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: No Minimum. .50 - $3.00. Same day to 3 days. Whole and broken pallets. Arnie’s Supply Service P.O. Box 26 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Contact: Arnie Espino PH: (323) 263-1696 FX: (323) 263-1799 E-mail: arniessupply@earthlink.net Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: 80 pallets. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & Cainas Pallets 2017 No. Santa Fe. Ave. Compton, CA 90221 Contact: Juan PH: (323) 569-6470 FX: (323) 631-9190 Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 100 pallets. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & Central City Pallets 2223 Enterprise St. Los Angeles, CA 90021 PH: (213) 892-0599 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 100 pallets. .50 - $1.00. Approximately 1x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets. Jose Luis Castilla 10503 S. Prairie Avenue Inglewood, CA 90301 Contact: Porfirio Vasquez PH: (310) 419-7895 Minimum: Payment:. size. Scheduling: Condition: No Minimum. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & Century Pallets 2911 Norton Avenue Lynwood, CA 90262 Contact: Roger Caruso PH: (310) 605-0788 FX: (310) 605-0787 Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 80 pallets. .75 - $3.50 depending on condition & FS Pallets and Repair Service 140 E. 163rd St. P.O. Box 648 Gardenia, CA 90248 Contact: Vlad PH: (310) 538-9165 FX: (310) 538-9133 Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 50 pallets. .25 - $2.50 depending on condition & I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc - 12 - Approximately 1x per week or on call. Approximately 1x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets. Approximately 1x per week or on call. Whole pallets in good condition & size. On call. Whole and broken pallets. On call. Whole and broken pallets. F.S. Southwest Woodworks Co. 140 East 163rd Street P.O. Box 648 Gardenia, CA 90248 Contact: Fred Viner PH: (818) 897-1840 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 50 pallets. .25 - $3.00. Next day pick up. Whole and broken pallets. Independent Pallet 11433 Broaded St. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Contact: Raul PH: (562) 699-3840 Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 50 pallets. .25 - $3.00 depending on condition & L&R Wood Pallets 1530 S. Bonnie Brae Place Los Angeles, CA 90023 Contact: Pam Arostegui PH: (323) 582-8752 FX: (they don’t want it listed Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 75 pallets, for pick up. Also accepts drop offs. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition&size. Approximately 1x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets. LeDesma Pallets 2809 N. Santa Fe Springs Compton, CA 90222 PH: (310) 631-4799 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: No limit. Varies, depending on condition and size. On call. Whole and broken pallets. Pacific Pallets 2110 Cowles St. Long Beach, CA 90813 Contact: Steve Amato PH: (562) 437-2293 FX: (562) 437-4898 Minimum: Scheduling: Condition: At least depending on condition and size. On call. Whole and broken pallets. Pallet Factory, Inc. 9490 9th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Contact: Rob Fulcher PH: (909) 481-8380 FX: (909) 481-8388 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: No minimum. .50 & up depending on condition & size. Next day or on call. Whole and broken pallets. Pico Rivera Pallet 14144 Santa Ana Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Contact: Alfredo Gonzalez PH: (909) 350-0113 FX: (909) 350-0917 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 50 pallets. .75 - $2.00. Will pick up within one week. Whole and broken pallets. RC Pallets 11500 Wright Rd. Lynwood, CA 90262 Contact: Isidro PH: (310) 608-3330 FX: (310) 609-0393 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 100 pallets. .50 & up depending on condition & size. Will pick up same day or on call. Whole and broken pallets. The Rios Pallets 8118 Mariposa Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 90255 PH: (213) 588-9897 CANNOT LOCATE Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 40 pallets. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc - 13 - Approximately 2x per week or on call. Whole pallets in good condition. Approximately 1x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets. S & G Pallets 1345 E. 7th Street Los Angeles, CA 90021 Contact: Santos or Guillermo PH: (213) 488-9457 Minimum: Payment: Scheduling: Condition: 100 pallets. .50 - $3.00. Same day or next day pick up. Whole and broken pallets. S & M Pallet Co. 545 Banning Compton, CA 90222 Contact: Maria PH: (310) 635-2664 Minimum: Scheduling: Condition: 100 pallets. On call. Whole and broken pallets. Southland Pallets 725 Channing St. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Contact: Veronica Arnold PH: (213) 624-8690 FX: (213) 624-0927 Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 50 pallets. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & Western Pallet 617 Vineland Avenue La Puente, CA 91746 PH: (626) 330-7376 CANNOT LOCATE Minimum: Payment: size. Scheduling: Condition: 35 pallets. .50 - $3.00 depending on condition & 656 Seres Los Angels, CA 90221 PH: (213) 488-9470 I:/ Pubs/Comrcial\C&D\Wood’99/Woodbody.doc - 14 - Approximately 2x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets. Approximately 1x - 2x per week or on call. Whole and broken pallets.