Validation of a 3D-Fgat assimilation of MIPAS ozone profiles in a global chemistry and transport model Sébastien Massart1,*, Hélène Manzoni2, Daniel Cariolle1,2, Vincent-Henri Peuch2, Andréa Piacentini1 1Centre Européen de Recherche et Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique Météo-France et CNRS * Corresponding author CERFACS 42, Avenue Gaspard Coriolis. 31057 Toulouse Cedex 01. France. 2CNRM-GAME, Due to its environmental importance ozone is one of the most observed and modelled trace species of the atmosphere. Its concentration is now often a prognostic variable in global numerical weather prediction and general circulation models and its comprehensive chemistry is introduced in chemistry and transport models. Data assimilation is a very efficient way to combine the information provided by various measurements (satellite, airborne, in-situ) and the numerical models, with applications such as providing initial conditions for forecasts or fields reanalyse and help in the validation of models. This paper presents a variational assimilation of ozone profiles from MIPAS space-based remote sensing instrument into the CTM MOCAGE. Specific diagnostics are presented in order to estimate the quality of the assimilation system and to evaluate biases and shortcomings of the CTM. In particular, the comparison of the analysed ozone fields with three independent datasets shows that the present assimilation system produces very consistent ozone fields. 1. Introduction Because of its role in the radiation budget, as well as its contribution to tropospheric pollution and to the greenhouse effect, ozone is one of the most important trace species in the atmosphere. Many global numerical weather prediction models and general circulation models (GCMs) include simplified ozone photochemistry coupled with radiation and dynamics, while 3D chemistry and transport models (CTMs) have been developed to accurately represent the chemical evolution of ozone and other related trace species. In the context of the availability of large datasets from an increasing number of space-based remote sensing instruments, data assimilation is one of the most appropriate ways to combine the information provided by numerical models and by observations (Fisher and Lary 1995). In recent studies ozone assimilation have been performed using 2D transport models (Eskes et al., 1999), GCMs (Struthers et al., 2002) and 3D CTMs (Hanea et al., 2004). Depending on the model accuracy, the chemistry scheme involved and the nature of the observations to be analysed, the assimilation is performed in the troposphere (Elbern and Schmidt, 2001; Lamarque et al., 2002), in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS; Cathala et al., 2003) or in the stratosphere (Errera and Fonteyn, 2001; Fierli et al., 2002). The analysis can be obtained using different techniques such as Kalman filter (Hanea et al., 2004) or variational systems (Eskes et al., 2003). In Massart et al. (2005), we have assimilated GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) ozone profiles from the KNMI retrievals with the CTM MOCAGE using a 3D-First Guess at Appropriate Time (3D-Fgat) method (Fisher and Andersson, 2001). In the present paper we show that our assimilation system can be equally successful in assimilating the ozone profiles from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). The various parts of the assimilation system, namely the forecast model, the characterization of the background error correlation, and the assimilated observations are described in section 2. The description of the assimilation experience, the diagnostics as well as the comparison of the analysed ozone fields with the assimilated data are given in section 3. In section 4 the analysed fields are compared to several independent datasets. Discussion of the results and plans for future work are given in section 5. Some of the limitations and the possible improvements of our system are highlighted in the conclusion. 2. Assimilation system The technique used for the assimilation of ozone profiles is a 3D-Fgat method producing analysis of the global ozone content of the atmosphere. The main components of this system are described below. 2.1. Forecast model The numerical model used to provide 3D forecasts of atmospheric chemistry fields is the chemistry transport model MOCAGE developed by Météo-France. This model disposes of several configurations with varying horizontal and vertical geometries, and various chemical and physical parameterization packages. The choice of the configuration must be adapted to the model application with recent examples in chemical weather forecasting (Dufour et al. 2004) and data assimilation (Cathala et al. 2003; Pradier et al. 2005; Massart et al. 2005). In the present study, MOCAGE is used in a configuration covering the globe with a 2°x2horizontal resolution. It has 47 hybrid (,P) vertical levels from the surface up to 5 hPa, with a resolution of approximately 800 m in the UTLS. Meteorological forcing fields (horizontal winds, temperature, humidity and surface pressure) are Météo-France operational analyses (ARPEGE numerical weather prediction model, 4D-var assimilation suite). Various chemical schemes are available within MOCAGE. Among all of them the linear parameterization by Cariolle and Déqué (1986) is used in its latest version (v2.1, Cariolle personal communication 2005). It is well adapted to evaluate the production and loss rates of stratospheric and upper tropospheric ozone, and it needs for less computing time than more comprehensive chemical schemes. Agency, 2000a, 2000b). With around 600 profiles per day the MIPAS data has a relatively good global coverage. The main data product obtained with MIPAS includes inverted vertical profiles of atmospheric pressure, temperature and volume mixing ratio profiles of the primary target species O3, H2O, CH4, N2O, HNO3 and NO2 as well as variance / covariance matrices for the retrieved profile data. For the purpose of intercomparison it was agreed among the participants of the European ASSET (Assimilation of Envisat data) project to use the MIPAS ozone products from the version 4.61 delivered by the D-PAC (German Processing and Archiving Center) of ESA. The observations errors both include variance errors and vertical correlation errors. This information was included into the observation covariance matrix error. In the present work, errors between profiles are assumed to be uncorrelated. To compare observations with the model (observation operator), the model outputs are mapped on the observation grid (same longitude, latitude and pressure levels) using a bi-cubic interpolation in all three directions, consistent with the scheme employed in the semi-lagrangian advection scheme of the model. 2.2. Background correlation 3. Results and discussion and its error In our method the background of the ozone state is obtained by the integration of the model from the ozone field analysed during the previous step. The relative distance between background and observations should slightly depend on the pressure level. However, in a first approximation, we have simply chosen to take the background-error standard deviations proportional to the background ozone field. The unknown background-error covariance matrix is fundamental for determining how observational information is spread spatially. It is accounted for using a correlation model based on a generalized diffusion operator (Weaver and Courtier 2001) with a lengthscale of 4. Due to our specific implementation of the operator, the observations beyond 80 latitude south and north are not assimilated. 2.3. MIPAS observations The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument was launched as part of Europe's environmental monitoring satellite, ENVISAT, in 2002. This Fourier transform spectrometer provides a number of geophysical parameters relevant for the study of atmospheric chemistry, climatology and tropospheric/stratospheric exchange processes, measuring high-resolution gaseous emission spectra at the Earth's limb (Wargan et al. 2005). A typical complete limb sequence consists of 17 spectra with tangent points from 68 km downward to 6 km in 3 km to 8 km steps (European Space 3.1. Overview Within the European project ASSET, a test period was chosen to compare the MIPAS data assimilations obtained using different models with different types of assimilation algorithms. The test period spans from July 1st to November 30th 2003, a period marked by important ozone depletion over Antarctica. This study reports ozone analysis performed with our assimilation system over this period. In order to start the assimilation with an ozone field well balanced with the atmospheric dynamics, a one-month free run of the forecast model from the model climatology for the month of June has been performed to provide the ozone initial conditions for July 1st 2003. As a control simulation, this forecast run was extended up to the end of the assimilating period. Comparison between ozone fields from the control simulation and the assimilation allows a straightforward evaluation of the impact of the assimilation. The choice of the 3D-FGAT assimilation technique limits the size of the assimilation window, since it has to be short enough compared to chemistry and transport timescales. For this reason we have limited the assimilation window to 3 hours. The assimilation algorithm was built using the PALM software ( Since this algorithm can be viewed as a sequence of elementary operations, or elementary components that exchange data (Lagarde et al. 2001), PALM manages the dynamic launching of the coupled components (forecast model, algebra operators, I/O of observational data, ...) and the parallel data exchanges. 3.2. analyses, an activation of the ozone destruction for zenith angles larger than 87°, and the fact that ozone profiles are not assimilated beyond 80°, all contribute to the ozone under evaluation at polar latitudes. Diagnostics Several diagnostics are routinely implemented to validate and evaluate the data assimilation results. In particular, the temporal sequence of increment vectors (analysis minus background) is used to check the optimality of the assimilation scheme by checking that the bias (temporal mean of the increments) is close to zero. Time average of the zonal mean increments (figure 1), can reveal systematic biases of the forecast model. Our results show that the increments are close to zero all over the domain except for two regions. The first one is located near the equator and the second one at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere where the increment values reach about 2.10–2 ppmv near 25 hPa (at this pressure level the average ozone concentration is around 5 ppmv). The positive values indicate that the background always underestimate the ozone content in these two regions. Figure 2: Ozonesonde measurements (diamonds joined by dotted line) and analysis (solid line) at 30 hPa over the South Pole. In addition to the simple diagnostics discussed above, other global consistency checks must be performed. For instance, Talagrand (1998) has developed a very simple diagnostic based on the statistical expectation of the objective function J taken at its minimum xa E[J(xa)] = p/2 , where p is the number of assimilated observations. This diagnostic was implemented in our system and the ratio 2J(xa)/p, which should statistically be equal to 1, fluctuates around an average of 1.09. This means that a reasonable consistency of the assimilation algorithm has been reached. 3.3. Comparison with the assimilated data Figure 1: Mean zonal increment (analysis minus background) in 10-3 ppmv as a function of pressure. Solid line contours represent positive values. Dotted line contours represent negative values. At the equator the chemical ozone lifetime is rather long in this altitude range, of the order of 100 days. Thus the ozone underestimation must reflect deficiencies in the ozone transport. It is the likely consequence of an overestimation of the vertical wind velocities that bring ozone-poor air masses from the upper troposphere into the lower stratosphere. At the South Pole, the bias probably comes from the modelled ozone destruction which appears too early in the spring season when the light comes back. Figure 2 shows an ozone depletion starting from the end of August while it is measured by ozonesondes only towards midSeptember. Ozone destruction due to PSCs chemistry is activated within the model when the temperature drops below 195K in sunlight conditions. A cold bias in the meteorological A key step in the validation of the assimilation set-up is the comparison of analyses with the original data that has been assimilated. (a) bias (b) std. dev. . Figure 3: (a) bias and (b) standard deviation between MIPAS observations and ozone analyses (solid line) and between MIPAS observations and ozone from the control run (dashed line). Averaged MIPAS standard deviation is added as dotted line in the right panel. The ozone fields from the analysis and the control run are interpolated to MIPAS observation points to compute the observations minus analysis (OMA) and the observation minus control (OMC) diagnostics. Figure 3 shows the bias and the standard deviation of the OMA and OMC. In agreement with the positive average increment seen in the previous section, the ozone fields from the control run are underestimated compared to the observations (positive bias of the OMC). Due to the effectiveness of the assimilation the bias of the OMA is reduced to a very small value and in average the difference between analysis and observations is close to zero. If we assume that observations are unbiased, it means that in average the analysis approaches very well the true state. One important objective of the assimilation is to minimize the standard deviation of the error between the analysis and the true state. This is difficult to verify since the true state is unknown. Nevertheless, the fact that under 20 hPa the standard deviation between analysis and observations is lower than the MIPAS standard deviation (figure 3) indicates a good agreement between them up to 20 hPa. Above 20 hPa, the remaining model levels are influenced by the model climatology and boundary conditions. Less quality is expected in this altitude range and this explains the increase of the standard deviation. 4. Comparison with independent data According to Talagrand (1998), the comparison of the assimilated fields with independent data is the only objective way to assess the quality of an assimilation algorithm. The analysed ozone profiles have been compared to three sets of independent observations: ozonesondes, HALOE (Halogen Occultation Experiment) and TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) instruments onboard satellites. HALOE gives vertical ozone profiles similar to those of MIPAS. However, HALOE supplies a smaller number of daily profiles, but with a slightly more accurate vertical resolution. In contrast to satellites, the ozonesondes provide vertical profiles with very high resolution but with the very limited coverage of the ground-based stations. They give reliable ozone profiles in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere up to 10 hPa. TOMS measures total ozone columns during daytime, so the coverage is limited at high latitudes in winter-spring conditions. The comparisons between analysis and observations are described below. To this end the OMA and the OMC diagnostics for each observational set are computed. 4.1. HALOE The Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) (Russell et al., 1993) uses solar occultation to measure vertical profiles of O 3, HCl, HF, CH4, H2O, NO, NO2, aerosols, and temperature versus pressure with about 15 observations per day. The altitude range of the measurements extends from about 15 km to 60130 km, depending on the species, with a 1.6 km instantaneous field of view at the Earth's limb. (a) global bias (b) bias –60 to –30 Figure 4: (a) global bias and (b) bias in the latitude band 60S to 30S between respectively 2262 and 523 HALOE observations and the ozone analyses (solid line), and between HALOE observations and the control run (dashed line). Figure 4 shows the global bias and the bias in the latitude band 60S to 30S between HALOE observations (available from the HALOE web site: and ozone values from the analyses or from the control run. The assimilation has slightly reduced the global bias. This reduction is latitude dependant. The assimilation has significantly reduced the bias in the latitude band from 60S to 30S where the initial bias of the control run was more important compared to other regions. In this latitude band the bias between HALOE observations and the analyses is mainly located in the lower stratosphere above 100 hPa, a region where the improvement is the most significant. Since there is very little bias between the analyses and MIPAS observations (figure 3), the bias observed here comes from a bias between the two instruments, MIPAS overestimating ozone compared to HALOE. The assimilation globally improves the standard deviation (figure 5a) between HALOE and simulated ozone fields, but its values remain larger than the averaged HALOE standard deviation. Compared to the reference simulation, the improvement occurs above 200 hPa with a peak value near 20 hPa. The largest standard deviation is located near the South Pole in the latitude band from 90S to 60S. In this region, the assimilation does not improve the ozone fields compared to HALOE. Further analysis should be performed to assess the possible causes of the discrepancy between analysis, HALOE and MIPAS data. It might be due to the systematic bias of the CTM (figure 1) and equally to the presence of high altitude clouds that makes the satellite retrievals difficult. (a) global Std. Dev. (b) std. dev. –90 to –60 Figure 5: (a) global standard deviation and (b) standard deviation in the latitude band 90S to 60S between respectively 2262 and 237 HALOE observations and the ozone analyses (solid line) and between HALOE observations and the control run (dashed line). Averaged HALOE standard deviation is added as dotted line in the left panel. Figure 6 shows the global bias and the bias in the latitude band 30S to 30N between observations and ozone profiles from the analysis or the control run. From the surface up to about 150 hPa, the bias of the OMC is close to zero and the assimilation does not change those statistics. Above this pressure level and up to 80 hPa the ozone underestimation of the control run compared to ozonesondes is improved by the assimilation. The ozone values from the analyses are larger than the soundings in the pressure range 150 hPa to 15 hPa, with a maximum located near 30 hPa. This bias maximizes in tropical latitudes. In the latitude band from 30S to 30N, the assimilation seems to increase the difference with the ozonesondes compared to the control run. This might come from the discrepancies between the forecast model and MIPAS data in this region around 30 hPa (figure 1) which are not solved by the assimilation, but it might equally be caused by systematic differences between MIPAS occultations in the IR solar spectrum and soundings using chemical techniques. . (a) global std. dev. 4.2. (b) Std. Dev. –30 to –30 Sondes The second set of independent data used to validate the analysis is given by ozonesondes. Profiles produced by the various sondes come from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC,, Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes project (SHADOZ,, Thompson et al., 2003a, b) and the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC, During their ascent, sondes measure the ozone concentration from the surface up to around 10 hPa level. About 900 sondes are involved in the comparison with the analyses, and half of the ozonesonde profiles are located in the South Pole region (25%) and in the equatorial region (25%). (a) global bias (b) bias –30 to 30 Figure 7: (a) global standard deviation and (b) standard deviation in the latitude band 30S to 30N between respectively 880 and 230 sondes observations and ozone analyses (solid line) and between sondes and control run (dashed line). Averaged sondes standard deviation is added as dotted line in the left panel. The global standard deviation (figure 7) compares well with the statistics from the sondes up to 200 hPa. At higher levels, the difference increases both for the OMA and the OMC with, as expected, smaller values for the analysis. Nevertheless, the standard deviation is three times larger than the standard deviation from measurements. The highest values are again observed at low latitudes (figure 7), the assimilation giving much less improvement than at other latitudes. 4.3. Figure 6: (a) global bias and (b) bias in the latitude band 30S to 30N between respectively 880 and 230 sonde observations and analysed ozone profiles (solid line) and between sondes and control run (dashed line). TOMS The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) onboard several satellites, provides a complete data set of daily total ozone columns since November 1978. Data is available on the web site and is widely used as a reference to test chemical models. The comparison described beyond is based on the TOMS data from the version 8 algorithm. The absolute error of the instrument is of the order of 3%, except at high latitudes for high zenith angles where it can suffer from calibration errors. By 50° latitude, an error of the order of -2% to -4% is reported, which is slightly larger in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. The total ozone columns before and after the assimilation step are computed, so the ozone fields from the TOMS, the assimilation and the control simulation can be compared directly. In the Tropics the correlation coefficients decrease and vary from 0.3 to 0.6. At the equator the analysis and the TOMS data seem to be completely uncorrelated (correlation between 0 and 0.1). The high cloud cover in the equatorial region that introduces large correction in the TOMS measurements might explain this low correlation coefficient. The fact that meteorological analyses do not reflect very well the vertical motions associated with convective activity might equally play a role in the low correlation between modelled ozone columns and TOMS measurements. Figure 8: Correlation between total ozone from TOMS measurements and total ozone from the control run. Figure 10: Bias of analysisTOMS total column ozone (solid line) and of control runTOMS total column ozone (dashed line). Figure 9: Correlation between total ozone from TOMS measurements and total ozone from the analysis. The correlation between TOMS measurements and total ozone columns from the control run and the analyses over the whole assimilation period are presented on figures 8 and 9 respectively. The assimilation process globally improves the representation of the ozone structures as seen by the TOMS instrument. The analyses and the satellite independent data are relatively well correlated at middle and high latitudes within both hemispheres (between 0.7 and 0.9). As expected, the control simulation and the TOMS data show less correlation in these regions (between 0.3 and 0.5 in the northern hemisphere, between 0.5 and 0.9 in the south). Figure 11: Standard deviation of analysisTOMS total column ozone (solid line) and of control runTOMS total column ozone (dashed line). Figure 10 shows the bias between the TOMS data and the total ozone column from the control run and the analysis. In both cases, the biases are very dependent upon latitude. The minimum deviation between the assimilation and TOMS is located near the equator. It increases with latitude to reach values around 40 Dobson Units (DU) at the South Pole, and 50 DU at the North Pole. The bias can be partly explained by the way total ozone is computed within the MOCAGE model above 10 hPa. In the uppermost model level the ozone concentration is relaxed towards climatology and the ozone column above is computed from extrapolation of the mixing ratio. This introduces a possible bias of about 5 DU in the total column evaluation. In addition, the simplified ozone scheme used by the model is adequate for the stratosphere, but it is not aimed to well describe the troposphere. In particular the present version of the scheme tends to overestimate the low latitude ozone content in the troposphere. As a consequence, the standard deviation (figure 11) is more meaningful than the bias. Compared to the control run the assimilation improves significantly the standard deviation that remains lower than 10 15 DU at all latitudes, except in the 50-70 ° latitude band in the SH where it reaches 20 DU. 5. Conclusions and future work A MIPAS ozone profiles assimilation system based on a 3D-Fgat technique and the chemistry and transport model MOCAGE has been evaluated. The ozone vertical profiles have been assimilated from the beginning of July to the end of November 2003. Statistical diagnostics show a good consistency of the assimilation algorithm, and reveals systematic biases of the CTM. Those biases can be related to deficiencies in the parametrization of ozone destruction by PSCs chemistry in the SH polar vortex and to weaknesses in the equatorial analyses of the vertical velocities in the lower stratosphere. (a) global bias (b) global std. dev. analysis, we conclude that MIPAS data are larger by 5-10% than HALOE and sonde measurements in the lower stratosphere between 100 and 20 hPa. At this stage we do not know if these differences are seasonally dependant and we cannot conclude on the absolute accuracy of the various measurements. This aspect has to be further studied. In particular a large part of the deviation between MIPAS and the other instruments occur at low latitudes in region with the presence of high clouds that can introduce contamination in the retrievals. Future work should be focussed on the impact of the choices made for screening the cloudy profiles on the ozone assimilation. Chemical data assimilation suites are often settled for a specific environment that is often strongly model dependent. Flexibility in the applied methodologies is however required if ones want to deal with the assimilation of minor trace species with different chemical lifetimes and sources. In this paper we have addressed the problem of assimilation of a single species, but in the future we should use multivariate assimilation schemes than can cope with many species measured from several instruments having very different characteristics (limb scanning, in-situ, nadir viewing, ...). All those points have advocated for the use of the flexible coupler PALM to build our assimilation system. The PALM software treats the model, the observations and the algebra in a generic form and is very well adapted to implement various assimilation techniques, observation and model type. It can also facilitate the integration of specific developments made by various specialists in assimilation techniques, chemical models and observations. We shall take advantage of the flexibility of our system to implement in the near future more comprehensive chemical schemes, a choice of several meteorological analyses for driving the CTM, the assimilation of other trace species than ozone, other observational datasets, and an incremental 4D-Var. 6. References Figure 12: (a) global bias and (b) global standard deviation in percent of the observation between HALOE observations and the analysis (solid line) and between ozonesondes measurements and the analysis (dashed line). 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