Report on waste: Ukraine




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Main questions + three annexes

Waste collection and waste composition

The population and amount of households of the city/the area, refer also annex 1.

For the beginning of 2006 1,047 million of people live city of Dnipropetorvsk. There are no statistic data available for the amount of households in the area. There are some data collected by small and medium communal enterprises. But, because usually tariffs are designed per person, Central Regional Statistic Department does not collect data on households.

Data availability/providing waste statistics

Does the city have a public waste statistic?

City have statistic on waste just to some extend. In general it refers only to the amount of waste collected, accommodated at the landfill or burnt in incineration plant. Usually official statistic data refer to the total amount of municipal waste collected or treated. Now specialisation about components which could be reused or recycled is not available. Because none universal system of separate waste collection exists at municipal level. Only some companies, who collect plastic or glass or which treat wastes do some research on composition of municipal wastes, e.g. Ecology Ltd. (owner of landfill and current manager of Incineration Plant). But they are not obligated to provide their own researched data to any official statistic collecting state agency.

How are the data provided/collected–methods?

There are several roots of data collection in the city on waste management.

The city subdivided onto 8 districts (e.g. Amur-Nyzhnedneprovskyi,

Babushkynskyi, Industrialnyi, Kirovskyi, Krasnogvardiyskyi, Leninskyi,

Samarskyi, Zhovtnevyi). Each district has own Executive Committee of

District Council, which are responsible for primary collection of the data from communal enterprises, which operate in their district . In each districts there are several communal enterprises (they could be private or municipal), which report to corresponding departments on communal services within

Executive Committees of District Councils. And further those departments provide data to the Department of Communal Services of Executive

Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City Council and to Main Department on

Statistic in Dnipropetrovsk Region (Dneprstat). Enterprises which are collect and treat wastes are provide information about amount of treated wastes to regional Department of Ministry of the Environment and to the Department of Communal Services of Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City

Council. All those data are provided quarterly.

If there is no waste statistics what are the reasons for this? What are the main barriers for introducing waste statistics?

As it was mentioned earlier, there is some official statistic available. But it’s not specific in many cases, especially concerning domestic wastes, e.g. no data on morphology of wastes are colleted, what amount of wastes are

recycled. The main barriers are the following: - the practice of waste separation is not in place yet, so it is difficult to obtain specific numbers for amount of organic wastes produced, or paper or metal, or hazardous one; - it was not considered as profitable business to deal with waste treatment in the past, so no proper schemes were developed for data collection; - there is low capacity in analytical department to deal with additional data and statistics; - no special requirements by agencies which collect and analyse statistic to provide any kind of forms the those with general information on amount of wastes; - no specific regulation on collection, analysing, publishing data on waste issues.

Collection of waste (refer also annex 1).

How often is municipal waste collected? The rate related to different kinds of residence and types of waste.

According to information obtained from the Head of Department on

Communal Services of Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City

Council, mixed wastes are collected three times per week from containers next to the apartment buildings (there are 5802 apartment buildings in the city) and from private sector small houses (number unknown). But according to private observation and consultations with households sometimes it happens much rarer, for example once per week. About 60 percent of households have containers for plastic bottles, which are owned by private companies, and they are emptied once per month.

Waste composition of municipal waste and how has it changed during the last 10 years?

Please look for any available researches/papers on this issue. Please describe briefly recent changes of life style or way of production contributing to the changes in generation and composition of waste.

There is no official data on waste composition in city Dnipropetrovsk. The data below were provided by “Ecology” Ltd. upon request. They did own research. The data is varying, because they did measurement in lorries which were loaded with rubbish in different part of the cities. So the composition is as following:

Food residues 20-40 %

Paper/Cardboard 10,3-26,4%

Ferrous-Metals 1-5,8%

Non-Ferrous metals

Plastic 0,6-6%

Glass 1,1-9%

Garden waste

Hazardous waste

Others, wooden particles 0,75-3,7%

Waste policy and waste management

The existing waste management system, the waste management planning for the future and the implementation of the planning:

Waste management system is quite simple at this moment. Wastes are not separated in the households, so different type of wastes (cardboard, food residues, glass, metal cans, wood etc.) are mixed together in big metal containers. b

Who are at national and city level the main responsible authorities in the municipal waste management sector?

At the national level the main responsibility on waste management lay on

Ministry of Environment, both industrial and municipal. Special Department on Environmental Safety and Behaviour with Chemical Substances and

Wastes at the ministry are concerned with waste management. Some responsibilities on hazardous waste management are delegated to the

Ministry on Extraordinary Situations.

At the city level, Department on Housing Service of Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City Council is responsible for waste management. There are two main subcontracted companies which collect and utilise wastes:

Dnipropetrovsk Waste Incineration Plant and Ecology Ltd. (landfill).

Additionally, two other companies collect glass boatels and plastic bottles.

Is there a waste management strategic programme on national level and/or city level? If yes, point out the three to five main priorities.

There are strategic programmes on waste management on national level. And only few decision to enforce it at the municipal level.

The national programme was approved in 2004 by Decree of Cabinet of

Ministers of Ukraine, # 265, 04.03.2004, On Approval of Programme on

Management of Domestic Solid Waste. The programme aims at creation conditions to full collection, transportation, utilization, elimination and burial of domestic wastes to limit their negative influence on natural environment and public health. There are seven objectives in the programme, the main one are following:

minimize amount of wastes which go to landfills, by utilizing new highly effective methods of waste collection, transportation, storing, processing, utilization and sterilization;

provide control over working and closed landfills to prevent negative effect on public health, provide re-cultivation of the closed landfills.

Creation conditions to use wastes as source of energy and other voluble components, to process them further in goods.

Unfortunately no tactic plans to minimize waste generation was not developed further. And no action plans were developed as well at the local level.

There are several legislative documents on waste in general (industrial, domestic), which are not supported with specific programmes, but sum times local regulation help to enforce them. For example, Regulation of Cabinet of

Ministers of Ukraine is issued Regulation # 281 from 04.03.96 on “About arranging buying up glass bottles from citizens and its utilization” prescribed to institutions of local governing arrange recycling centres for buying up glass boatels from public and using them further. Based on this Regulation,

Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City Council issued Decision #

3150, 21.12.2000 on “About arranging buying up glass containers and collecting broken glass on the territory of the city” (amended by Decision #

9, 22.01.04). This Decision aimed at enforcement of the Regulation by developing network of recycling centres glass boatels and broken glass utilization. Since 2001, as a result of enforcement of this Regulation by local

Decision, thirty-five glass-bottles recycling centres were opened.

Recently adopted Programme on Behaviour with Waste in the City

Dnipropetrovsk for 2007-2011 (#13/8, 06.12.2006), provide framework for further policy development on waste management in the city.

Is there a municipal waste management plan for the city and when was it developed? If yes, point out the main initiatives.

In the middle of 2006, a join initiative to develop complex programme on waste management in the city Dnipropetrovsk was launched by the

Dnipropetrovsk City Council, “Ecology” Ltd. (private company),

Dniproperovsk Association Zelenyi Svit/ Friends of the earth Ukraine,

Youth Environmental League of Prydniprovya (non-governmental organisations), “Green Technology” Ltd (private consulting company).

“Ecology” Ltd. owns landfill and manages municipal incineration plant, according to the contract with the Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk

City Council. It is a main manager of waste stock in the city. “Ecology” ltd. provide the following services on waste management to the residents and organisations:

Collect rubbish with own refuse collector cars;

Transport waste to the landfill site and incineration plant;

Separate wastes on conveyor (belt), installed next to landfill site;

Allocate separated wastes in the landfill;

Burn other separated wastes on the incineration plant.

Two other companies, which collect plastic bottles and glass have not expressed interest yet to take part in developing Dnipropetrovsk

Municipal Programme on Waste Management.

The new Programme on Behaviour with Waste in the City Dnipropetrovsk for 2007-2011 (#13/8, 06.12.2006). The Programme aims at creation conditions, which will be in favour of waste collection in full, their transporting, sorting, recycling, utilisation, destruction and landfilling to minimise their impact onto environment and Dnipropetrovsk city dwellers’ health.

The main objectives of the programme are the following:

- creation of effective system on control under collection, removal

(transportation) and utilization of wastes in the city;

- improving quality of service on waste removal for dwellers of households and building in independence from property right on the households;

- registration of all establishments, enterprises which are deliver heir activity on the city territory and for further agreements between them and enterprises which remove and treat wastes;

- elaboration and implementation of new technologies on waste management;

- minimize amount of wastes for landfill by implementing up-to-date methods of wastes removal, transporting and treatment;

- creation the budget resources in support of the waste management system on account of payment from juridical and private person to special fund of the City Council.

- creation of system to monitor balance between wastes created and received for burying, utilization and recycling;

- control above active landfills to prevent damaging influence onto environment and health of the population of the city Dnipropetrovsk;

- elaboration of measurements directed on recultivation of closed lanfills;

- creation conditions for wastes separation for further extraction and recycling of valuable compounds;

- create conditions for usage of waste as energy source. And others.

As the programme was recently adopted, no activity was delivered. The programme requires further development with participation of all stakeholders.

Which waste streams are included in the municipal waste system at the moment and which targets does the waste management plan include (for example prevention, reuse,recycle, incineration with and without energy recovery)?

Considering Ukrainian Legislation on Waste, different Regulations, the programme will focus on minimisation waste produced by hoseholds, raise level of recycling on different types of packages (still not all residential buildings have bins for plastic or glass bottles, and aluminium cans are not collected at all) and paper, renovation and modernisation of car park, incineration plant and landfill. Currently, for the landfill Joint

Implementation Project on methane catching is under development.

Project Idea Notification was recently approved by the Ministry of the

Environment of Ukraine.

Are hazardous and clinical wastes included in the municipal waste management plan and which targets does it include? Does it include hazardous waste from enterprises and if yes which types.

The issues connected with utilisation of domestic hazardous wastes, as well as clinical wastes are under consideration now. Historically this problem was not covered at all in practice, even corresponding articles exist in the

Law on waste.

Industrial hazards are responsibility of enterprises, which produce them.

They should insure that they are treated accordingly with Ukrainian legislation and instructions. They report directly to the regional departments of Ministry of Environment of Ukraine. There are several industrial enterprises in Dnipropetrovsk region, which destroy industrial wastes. It is worthy to outline, that after privatisation of many industrial enterprises, wastes stored on territories of those plants were not privatised. And currently many of them is not owned by any organisation or company, or municipality.

Which are the major problems on waste management in the city?

(three to five points – based on interviews with City authority, waste management sectors, and your own view).

The head of Department of Communal Services of Executive Committee of

Dnipropetrovsk City Council named the following major problems:


irregular waste removal; low capacity for waste separation;


absence of recycling facilities; misbalance of tax collection (a lot of ‘free-riders’, large amount of organisations and single-family houses)

From our point of view the problem on waste management is not limited with these factors. First of all there is no complex programme on waste management, with which the whole territory of the city will be covered. It is under development, and to be adopted soon. But even draft of the programme lacks of benchmarks and targets. There is no public involvement and raising awareness campaign supported by municipality (only a few of NGOs involved by their initiative), cooperation with other companies on waste minimisation. Also state control on waste removal and disposal is almost absent. Penalties are quite law and again not charged from all trespasser.

There are a large number of illegal damps inside the city and it surrounding.

Which are the most important initiatives to be taken to improve the municipal waste management system (at the short run (1-3 years), at the medium run (4-7 years) and at the long run ( > 7 years) )? Based on interviews with City authority, waste management sectors, and your ownview.

The nearest targets for improving waste management system are outlined with the new Programme on Behaviour with Wastes. In the nearest 3 years the main focus will be on:

attraction expertise to the waste management scheme development through hiring international experts and training employed people in the field;

building new landfill;

buying modern equipment for waste removal and treatment;

calculating realistic tariff and scheme on collecting it;

create favourable background for the investors;

In long term the focus will be on maintaining up-to-date state of equipment for removing and waste treatment, recycling glass, plastic, paper, metals and other useful catching methane emissions and benefit by selling it in the frame of the

Kyoto Protocol.

On our opinion the focus should be on waste minimisation. Rapid growth of amount of packaging as a result of adoption “western style of life”, brought up a big problem for Dnipropetrovs’k existed waste utilisation system. And not tackling the root of this programme will weight down all other positive initiatives and developments in the field of waste management. The stress should be put out on education of consumers and produces to enable their transit from existing unsustainable overusing non-recycling (or with law recycling and high energy consuming recycling potential) packaging. There is several successfully tested schemes, which can be implied at list at the city level as well (e.g. bottle reture deposit scheme, payment for reusing plastic bags etc.). It could be reached in

close cooperation with private business and public. Other focuses should be made on separate collection of wastes and opening adequate amount of recycling centres at list for paper and glass bottles collection, if it is not possible to install separate containers on the site of every household

How/What is the involvement of stakeholders and general public in relation to developing of the city’s waste management strategy, action plans, better collection and sorting of waste etc.

The new Programme on Behaviour with Waste in the city Dnipropetrovsk for 2007-2011 (#13/8, 06.12.2006) is pointing out that public will be involved in realisation of the programme through the public hearings. But at the earlier stage, when the programme has started to be developed, no official consultations were launched. The same is about other stakeholders.

A few representatives of non-governmental organisations had opportunity to contribute to the programme development, but as the whole process lacked transparency, not all suggestions and proposals were taken into account.

Recently adopted programme fails to address waste minimisation at all. At list now the point on public involvement through public hearings stays in the adopted programme. This and other legislative basis (e.g. Aarhus convention) give active community organisations to get involved with the further process on programme implementation.

Are there any policy/strategy regarding waste prevention (e.g. in relation to packaging)

Unfortunately it was not the case before and the new programme fails to address this issue as well. That was the main argument of the experts from

NGO to consider approach on waste minimisation as a number one for the programmes actions.

National or international co-operation support/inspiration. Has the city in the last 8-10 years received foreign grants/loans to develop waste strategies, action plans, collection, treatment and disposal equipment? Please indicate the projects and the size of the grant/loans

No. Previously there where no grants received for developing waste management system in the city (according to the Head of Department on

Household Service).This field was not very much in the focus. But now this number one for the Programme on Behaviour with Waste. Considerable amount of the programme paragraphs point out on creation favourable conditions for grant receiving, investors, international experts attraction for the waste management scheme development for the city.

Waste management sectors

Waste management sectors include governmental bodies as the main supervisors of waste collecting and treatment processes (from the state –

Dnipropetrovs’k regional Department of Ministry of Environment, and from municipal level - Department on Housing Service of Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk City Council). They deliver responsibility to privately owned companies in terms of waste collection, treatment and management of municipal facilities (like incineration plant). Other private companies and enterprises, which produce wastes by their activity are to be considered as a part of management sector as there is a responsibility on them by making agreement with waste utilisation and treatment company to make sure that their wastes will be removed and treated properly.

Explain the feature of waste management sectors (for example the private sector, the public sector and the informal sector (waste pickers)).

Legislation - Have the country in which the city is situated adopted laws on municipal waste management?

What are the main laws and legal acts which regulate the municipal waste sector?

The main law is the Law of Ukraine on Wastes, #187/98-ВР, 5.03.1998. This law is defines lawful, organizing and economical foundations of activity, which connected with prevention and minimization volumes of waste created, their collection, transportation, treatment, utilization and removing, destruction and burial, and averting negative impact from waste onto environment and public health.

Important laws which are concerned with waste management, as well, is Law of Ukraine on Securing

Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being of Population (#4004-XII, 24/02/1994), Law on Protection of

Environment (#1264-XII, 25/06/1991) , Law of Ukraine on Behavior with Radioactive Wastes

(#255/95-ВР, 30/06/1995), Code of Ukraine on Bowels (#132/94-ВР, 27/07/1994).

Are there any national regulations demanding source separation of the municipal and hazardous waste and are there limitations of the quantity and quality of waste which should be disposed or recovered?

According to Law on Waste, the hazardous and radioactive wastes should be collected separately and utilised on special landfills or other specialised waste storages. But in reality, there are now mechanism at place to control this, and very often hazardous wastes (accumulators, paint, lamps with mercury etc.) are found in municipal wastes

Are there any local regulations in the city concerning source separation of the municipal and hazardous waste and are the limitations of the quantity and quality of waste which should be disposed or recovered?

Unfortunately, there is no regulation which requires waste separation at source. Even recently adopted programme, only mentioned waste separation, but still has objectives to sort it at landfill or incineration plant, using their facilities.

What are the main gaps in the legislation concerning municipal and hazardous waste and what kind of possible changes should be done in the current legislative framework /please note the main principles/?

The legislation and further municipal programmes lacks benchmarks and mainstreaming strategy to focus further activity on it. The legislative documents mention minimising waste, but what should be the guiding amount is not mentioned there. And there is focus on minimising wastes, why it’s planned to build new land fill? If capacity of the older one is enough to allocate wastes currently produced in the city.

Disposal and recovery capacities

Actual disposal and recovery of the municipal waste, refer also annex 3.

Amount of materials collected to be recycled (or to be sold) , for example, glass, paper and cardboard, plastic, aluminium, other metals and others.

 Disposal/recovery capacity. Existing numbers and capacity. Future capacity, refer also annex 3.

Illegal disposal facilities

There are a lot of illegal dumps around the city, more then 100 registered. One of the biggest illegal damp is the landfill next to satellite town Igren, which was built in 1975. It was not properly constructed (no insulation layer from soil etc.) and should stop to be in operation in 1980. But still every day privately own cars bring there wastes especially from contraction wastes.

Financial aspects

Yearly amount of money allocated to the municipal management waste system

(according to the sources)

State funded

Municipality funded


15 millions of UAH (national currency)

Other sources than state/municipality and fees from the population

……………national currency (see attached excel file)

 Real payment of the population/households

……………national currency (see attached excel file)

Real payment of business entities

…………… national currency (see attached excel file)

Is the payment of the population/households indicated separately on the bill or is it included in a total bill covering waste and for example water and electricity?

The payment for waste are included in so called “communal tax”. Collected money except waste utilization, cover building maintenance, infrastructure and green zones treatment. Privet sectors enterprises should make direct agreements with organisation providing waste removal and treatment, so to provide payment directly to waste treatment company.

Does the payment of the population cover both collection and treatment/disposal of municipal waste?

The payment form the population and some companies, which pay “communal tax”, covers both collection and treatment/ disposal of municipal waste. But due to debts

of households in meeting all municipal payments, city council provides subsidies from the city budget.

Estimated rate of the population which in fact pays the fees

There is a different system on collecting payment for waste utilisation. Dwellers of apartment building pay this tax together with

- Who is responsible for the collection and maintenance of fees collected from the population?

The municipality collect payments from population (private householders) and that pay waste treatment company for their utilisation. Waste collector get payment from remaining organisations directly. The municipality pay a subsidy to waste collector for waste treatment from the city budget.

- Are there any allocations planned for the development of alternative waste management options

(such as composting, recycling, methane gas collection from landfill, incineration with energy recovery, etc.)?

In the frame of new programme the new landfill construction is planned. But as it was mentioned earlier, there is no benchmarking and guidelines for this activity. Thus there are plans to energy recovery from waste incineration and methane collection form landfill.

Does the city have projects under the Clean Development Mechanism/Joint Implementation (The

Kyoto protocol)? Please describe the project including the financial aspects.

As it was mentioned above, landfill, owned by “Ecology” Ltd. is a subject for Joint Implementation project with Japanese company. It will be focus on methane collecting.

Standards, control and monitoring

Standards in permits for disposal/treatment facilities

Yes standards are applied in the permits

No standard

If yes do facilities correspond to the standard? the Which year was the last control monitoring or

Standard in permits


National standard

Incineration plants

Recycling facility

EU standard

Other standard

Who is making the control or monitoring?

State authorities……Regional authorities…….The municipal authorities……

Regarding the control or monitoring of disposal and recovery facilities how effective is the control and monitoring performed by the authorities ? a/ high …….b/ satisfactory……. c/ low …….d/ does not perform at all…….

Annex 1

Population, collection rate, and fees

Populatíon of the city/area

Number of households of the city/area

Number of households with 1-2 inhabitants

Parts of the population/households which is provided by

Municipal waste collection

Fee paid by the population

- Per person or

- Household or

- Based on quantity of


Number of bins/containers located within the area

1000 people

National currency

Number of items

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

1137 1113 1103 1080,8 1081 1065 1061 1054 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Population % n/a


% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Annex 2

Generation, disposal and treatment of Municipal waste

Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

1000 tonnes 315.27 316 290.15 270 272 273.87 301 310.14 Total amount of generated municipal waste including hazardous waste

- Of which is hazardous waste

Amount of municipal waste which is collected by the municipal compared with the total quantity of generated municipal waste

Of which

- sent to disposal on landfills

- sent to incineration

- sent recycling of which

Paper and card board


1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes 115.23 115.29 93.17 72 72 81.15 96.77 103.11

1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes/m3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes/m3

- sent re-use

- sent to treatment

1000 tonnes/m3

1000 tonnes/m3

If the unit m3 is applied please indicate a reasonable average weight per m3

Annex 3

Existing capacities for municipal waste management




Total rest capacity

Number of landfills

Number of landfills with methane collection

Gate fee per ton/m3 of municipal waste

Number of employees

Illegal landfills


How much waste do the receive

Incineration plants


Actual working capacity in comparison with total capacity

Gate fee per ton/m3

Number employees of

Does the plant generate electricity and how many GJ per year

Does the plant heat and how many GJ per year

Recycling facility

………..(Waste type)


Actual use of capacity in comparison with total capacity

Number of employees


1000 m3

1000 m3

National currency



1000 tonnes/m3


National currency

1000 tonnes/m3


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005























1000 tonnes/m3 250 220 220 200 200 200 220 220

46,09 52,4 42,35 36 36 40,5 43,9 46,8

% 7 9 7

Recycling facility

………..(Waste type)


Actual use of capacity in comparison with total capacity

Number of employees

How much is paid for a ton of waste paper, indicate an interval

How much is paid for a ton of glass waste, indicate an interval

How much is paid for a ton of waste plastic, indicate an interval

Transfer-/loading stations

Number of

Total capacity

Transportation facilities

Dust trucks, total

Dust truck, operating

Of which

With compacting facility

Without compacting facility


1000 tonnes/m3


1000 tonnes/m3




1000 tonnes/m3
