Faculty of Humanities Charles University International Office Erasmus students and other international students Welcome Party cultural shock Erasmus coordinators student office Faculty of Humanities Charles university in FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Prague international office exchange students open-mindedness cultural empathy flexibility study abroad international office Prague tour visit Erasmus club international office faculty of humanities Charles university in Prague exchange students international office students CHARLES UNIVERSITY affairs cafeteria student life anthropology culture science library international cooperation Erasmus Faculty of Humanities Charles University in Prague FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Table of Contents I. Faculty of Humanities (FHs) ............................................................................................................................................ 3 History ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Mission........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Structure of the Faculty ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Contact Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Campus ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 II. Study at the FHs .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 FHs Students: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Faculty Departments:............................................................................................................................................................ 6 INSTITUTE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND HUMANITIES (UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMME) ................. 6 INSTITUTE OF MASTER STUDY PROGRAMMES ........................................................................................................... 6 POSTGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMMES ......................................................................................................................... 7 Advanced Degree Offered in Foreign Languages ....................................................................................................... 8 Czech Language Course for Beginners ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Student Information System (SIS) ................................................................................................................................ 11 Academic Calendar 2010/11: ......................................................................................................................................... 11 III. International Cooperation ......................................................................................................................................... 11 International Office (contacts) ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Incoming Students .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Undergraduate Programme in Central European Studies (UPCES) ................................................................ 12 Bilateral Agreements.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 IV. Student Life ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Erasmus Club......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Film Club ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Student Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................. 15 2 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES I. Faculty of Humanities (FHs) History Originally founded as the Institute for Liberal Education of Charles University in 1994, the Faculty of Humanities gained its full academic autonomy in 2000. It was established to provide study programs at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. levels, previously not available at the university. Its main research and academic focus is the Humanities and Social and Cultural Anthropology. Mission The mission of the faculty is to raise people who are able to survive in a modern and quickly changing world who are able to learn and to understand it. Therefore the faculty pays good attention to the independency of studies. Structure of the Faculty Dean: doc. PhDr. Ladislav Benyovszky, CSc. Vice – Deans: Vice - Dean for International Affairs: Mgr. Marek Skovajsa, Ph.D. Vice - Dean for External Affairs: prof. PhDr. Jan Sokol, CSc., Ph.D. Vice - Dean for Study Affairs: Mgr. Josef Kružík, Ph.D. Vice - Dean for Students Affairs: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Pinc Vice - Dean for Science and Research: Mgr. Cyril Říha, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Development: Ing. arch. Mgr. Marie Pětová, Ph.D. Faculty Secretary: Mgr. Karel Strnad Contact Information Address: U Kříže 8, 15800, Prague 5 – Jinonice Telephone: (+420) 251 080 212 Website: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-1.html 3 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Campus Jinonice Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00, Prague 5 - Jinonice (metro line B, station Jinonice). Phone: (+420) 251 080 212 Hůrka Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky (metro line B, station Hůrka) Phone: (+420) 251 620 283 4 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Máchova Address: Máchova 7, 110 00 Prague 2 – Vinohrady Phone: (+420) 221 592 544 CERGE – EI Address: Politických vězňů 7, 111 21, Prague 1 (metro line B or A, station Můstek) Phone: (+420) 224 005 201 5 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES II. Study at the FHs FHs Students: Approximately 3.000 students are studying at the FHs. Over 100 international students come to study at the FHs every year. Faculty Departments: INSTITUTE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND HUMANITIES (UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMME) Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00 Prague 5 - Jinonice Director of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Humanities: Mgr. Richard Zika, Ph.D. Phone: 251 080 374, 251 080 333 E-mail: 8748@mail.fhs.cuni.cz Departments of Liberal Arts and Humanities: i. Department of Philosophy Head of the Department: Mgr. Jaroslav Novotný, Ph.D. (Jaroslav.Novotny@fhs.cuni.cz) ii. Department of Social Sciences Head of the Department: Mgr. Hedvika Novotná (Hedvika.No@seznam.cz) iii. Department of History Head of the Department: Mgr. Markéta Seligová, Ph.D. (Marketa.Seligova@fhs.cuni.cz) iv. Department of Languages Head of the Department: Mgr. Lily Císařovská (Li.Cis@seznam.cz) v. Department of Arts Head of the Department: Mgr. Aleš Svoboda (Ales.Svoboda@fhs.cuni.cz) vi. Department of Qualified Skills Head of the Department: Ing. Peter Bolcha (Bolcha@vse.cz) INSTITUTE OF MASTER STUDY PROGRAMMES Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: Ing. Petr Pavlík, Ph.D. Phone: 250 620 364 E-mail: Petr.Pavlik@fhs.cuni.cz 6 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Master Degree Study Programmes Departments i. Civil Sector Studies Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: Mgr. Selma Muhic Dizdarevic, Ph.D. (selma.muhic@gmail.com) ii. General Anthropology - Integral Study of Man Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: Mgr. Yasar Abu Ghosh, Ph.D. (abughosh@fhs.cuni.cz) iii. Social and Cultural Ecology Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00 Prague 5 - Jinonice Head of the Department: PhDr. Ivan Rynda (ivan.rynda@czp.cuni.cz) iv. Electronic Culture and Semiotics Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: prof. PhDr. Miroslav Marcelli, Ph.D. (marcelli@fphil.uniba.sk) v. Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organisation Address: Máchova 7, 120 00 Prague 2 - Vinohrady Head of Department: PhDr. Zuzana Havrdová, CSc. (Havrdova@charita-vzdelavani.cz) vi. Gender Studies Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: PhDr. Hana Havelková, Ph.D. (Hana.Havelkova@volny.cz) vii.Oral History - Contemporary History Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Head of the Department: prof. PaedDr. et Mgr. Miroslav Vaněk, Ph.D. (Vanek@usd.cas.cz) viii. Historical Sociology Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00 Prague 5 - Jinonice Head of the Department: doc. PhDr. Jiří Šubrt, CSc. (Jiri.Subrt@ff.cuni.cz) ix. German and French Philosophy in European Context Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00 Prague 5 - Jinonice Head of the Department: Karel Novotný M.A (Karel.Novotny@fhs.cuni.cz) POSTGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMMES Address: Husníkova 2075, 158 00 Prague 13 - Stodůlky Director of the Ph.D. Programmes: doc. PhDr. Václav Matoušek, CSc. (Vaclav.Matousek@fhs.cuni.cz) Postgraduate Degree Study Programmes Departments i. Anthropology ii. Applied Ethics iii. Environmental Studies iv. Integral Study of Man – General Anthropology 7 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Advanced Degree Offered in Foreign Languages MASTER DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMMES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES I. German and French Philosophy in European Context The Erasmus Mundus programme “German and French Philosophy in Europe” (EuroPhilosophie) offers a two-year master’s study programme to students from all over the world who are chosen by an entrance exam; the study programme is aimed especially at German and French philosophy from the 18th century to the present and their reciprocal influences in the intellectual and cultural European space. The programme is taught in German and French at seven different universities. Tuition at FHs UK is particularly focused on German and French phenomenology, but courses on German classic philosophy and contemporary French thought are also offered. Director of the German and French Philosophy in European Context Programme: Karel Novotný M.A (Karel.Novotny@fhs.cuni.cz) Application deadline: January 28, 2011 Application form: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-362.html Tuition fee: 2.400 €/semester (non-European students), 750 €/semester (European students) EU grants: 20.800 €/year (non-European students), 9.000 €/year (European students) Language of instruction: French, German Further information: www.europhilosophie.eu. II. Historical Sociology The aim of the study programme of historical sociology is to cultivate research activities and the education of experts with a specialisation in the issues of long-term social processes and trends that have a significant impact on life of contemporary societies. Above all, it deals with the problems of modernisation and social change, globalisation trends and influences, integration and disintegration processes, relationship of continuity and discontinuity, religious and cultural pluralism, linking the global to the local, identification of the chances and risks of social development, analysis of conflict situations and the possibility of overcoming them. The need for understanding of all of these issues invokes the need for the development of adequate theoretical and methodological approaches, and also of the specific training of university students. Director of the Historical Sociology Programme: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Šubrt, CSc. (Jiri.Subrt@ff.cuni.cz) Application deadline: February 28, 2011 Application form: https://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/login.php?do=prihlaska Tuition fee: 2.000 €/year Language of instruction: English Further information: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-370.html 8 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES III. Oral History and Contemporary History The two-year Master Study Programme in Oral History and Contemporary History is intended for students interested in contemporary (European) history, in interviewing methodologies and in interpretative methods. Its main aim is to train students to conduct research through creating and analyzing interviews, and developing fieldwork projects to address those historical and contemporary issues that require interdisciplinary investigation. The Master is divided into two sections, the first covers contemporary (Czech and international) history and events, the second is methodological and focuses on various interviewing techniques through which we can study contemporary history. It binds together two general approaches of studying history, the macro and micro approaches, and enables a thorough understanding of recent events in history. The Master Study Programme in Oral and Contemporary History has practical applications in academic and university research, historic preservation and legal and human rights work. Director of the Oral History and Contemporary History Programme: Doc. PaeDr. et. Mgr. Miroslav Vaněk, PhD. (Vanek@usd.cas.cz) Application deadline: February 28, 2011 Application form: https://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/login.php?do=prihlaska Tuition fee: 2.000 €/year Language of instruction: English Further information: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-369.html POSTGRADUATE DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMMES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES i. Anthropology Postgraduate studies of Anthropology are realized in the fields of philosophical, historical, socio - cultural, socio - linguistic and physical anthropology. The task of the study programme is to learn the theoretical basis of the field and to master its methods and methodology of research work. The curriculum of Ph.D. students includes an exam in a living language and four compulsory exams. The concept of the study programme and the requirements of each field is determined by the department council. The study programme is organized in both the full - time and correspondence form of study. Director of the Anthropology Programme: doc. Mgr. Vladimír Sládek, PhD. (Sladekv1@natur.cuni.cz) Application deadline: April 30, 2011 Application form: https://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/login.php?do=prihlaska Tuition fee: 2.000 €/year Language of instruction: English Further information: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-18.html 9 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES ii. Environmental Studies The objective of the doctoral programme Environmental Studies is to provide the concept of sustainable development with support in the form of scientifically conducted research. An important aspect of the programme is the interdisciplinary character of the defined research domains and the synergies among them. Although it is not the main goal of the study, we assume that the research outputs could be an important source of scientifically validated information for objective, relevant and qualified decision - making on environmental aspects of the economic and social development of the Czech Republic. The conditions needed for admission into the doctoral programme will be verified by an entrance examination. This examination includes: - Debate on the proposed topic for doctoral training (dissertation project). - For graduates in social sciences, examination of the knowledge of necessary basics in the natural sciences needed for the study of the environment. - For graduates in natural sciences (medical, technical), examination of knowledge in the social sciences, including economics. - Examination on English language proficiency. Director of the Environmental Studies Programme: prof. Bedřich Moldan, CSc. (Moldan.Bedrich@fhs.cuni.cz) Application deadline: February 28, 2011 Application form: https://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/login.php?do=prihlaska Tuition fee: 2.000 €/year Language of instruction: English Further information: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-371.html Czech Language Course for Foreigners Czech Language Course for Beginners The course targets students that are staying in the Czech Republic for a limited period of time and need to cover the basis of the language in order to communicate in everyday situations. The ultimate aim is to provide the students with basic skills, grammar and vocabulary to deal with the life in the Czech Republic, to give them an idea of the Czech language system as well as Czech culture. The instruction uses communicational method of teaching: the material is based on situations the students face, not grammatical overview of the language, with emphasis on both receptive and productive language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing). This however does not mean that we would neglect, ignore nor reject grammar! Grammar is used functionally, as a tool to reach communicational competencies but not the core purpose of the learning process. 10 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Student Information System (SIS) Student Information System allows students to register to courses online. Students can find schedule, study materials, grades, etc. there. The SIS is accessible at this webpage: https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/index.php. Academic Calendar 2010/11: Winter semester Arrival days for international students: 22 & 23/09/2010 Orientation Session at the FHs for international students: 24/09/2010 Teaching period: 27/09/2010 – 07/01/2011 Registration period: 13/09/2010 – 06/10/2010 (UPCES), 18/10/2010 (other courses) Christmas Holidays: 23/12/2010 – 02/01/2011 Other national holiday: 28/09/2010, 28/10/2010, 17/11/2010 Exam period: 10/01/2011 – 18/02/2011 Information day: 19/01/2011 Summer semester Arrival days for international students: 16 & 17/02/2011 Orientation Session at the FHs for international students: 18/02/2011 Teaching period: 21/02/2011 – 20/05/2011 Registration period: 07/02/2011 – 02/03/2011 (UPCES), 07/03/2011 (other courses) Exam period: 16/05/2011 – 19/05/2011 (UPCES), 23/05/2011 – 03/07/2011 (other courses) National holiday: 25/04/2011, 01/05/2011, 08/05/2011 Dean’s day: 22/04/2011 Rector’s day: 18/05/2011 III. International Cooperation The faculty is highly supportive of student mobility and encourages participation in various types of exchanges (ERASMUS exchange programme, bilateral agreements at university as well as faculty level, etc.) thus increasing the diversity of students in classes. International Office (contacts) Faculty coordinators: Bc. Eliška Rolfová (Eliska.Rolfova@fhs.cuni.cz) Bc. Magdaléna Tošovská (Magdalena.Tosovska@fhs.cuni.cz) Vice - Dean for International Affairs: Mgr. Marek Skovajsa, Ph.D. (Marek.Skovajsa@fhs.cuni.cz) 11 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES E-mail: international@fhs.cz Phone: (+420) 251 080 334 Webpage: http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-1.html Address: U Kříže 8, Prague 5, 158 00, Jinonice (Czech Republic) Offices: 6018, 6019 (6th floor in Jinonice, building B) Incoming Students The number of international students studying at the FHs increases steadily every year. The most popular programmes are ERASMUS LLP, Erasmus Mundus (Master in EuroPhilosophie) and CET (Jewish Studies and Central European Studies) for American students. For further information see: National Agency for European Education programmes: http://www.naep.cz/index.php?a=view-project-folder&project_folder_id=339& and CET Academic programs: http://www.cetacademicprograms.com/ Undergraduate Programme in Central European Studies (UPCES) In cooperation with CERGE-EI, FHs provides an Undergraduate Programme in Central European Studies. The programme is especially prepared for American students and FHs students (including FHs exchange students). American students are taking the complete programme, FHs students are encouraged to choose any of the offered courses and to join the voluntary cultural excursions held by CERGE-EI. The classes are held in Jinonice (U Kříže 8, Prague 5) or in the CERGE – EI building (Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1). The annotation and syllabus of courses is available in the SIS (https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/index.php) or at the website of the programme: http://upces.cergeei.cz/current-students/courses Further information: http://upces.cerge-ei.cz/ Incoming students: statistics 160 140 120 100 ERASMUS 80 CET 60 CEEPUS 40 Other programmes 20 0 2007 2008 2009 12 2010 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Bilateral Agreements ERASMUS AGREEMENTS Austria Universität ZEPPELIN Universität KLAGENFURT Great Britain Universität WIEN University of DURHAM Belgium University of GREENWICH Université catholique de LOUVAIN-la-Neuve University of NEWCASTLE Denmark Greece Kobenhavns Universitet (University of University of PATRAS COPENHAGEN Hungary Finland Közep-európai Egyetem (Central European Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu (LAHTI University of University) BUDAPEST Applied Sciences) Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Turun yliopisto (University of TURKU) Iceland France Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland) Institut d'Études Politiques de LYON Italy Institut national des langues et civilisations European University Institute, FIESOLE orientales (INALCO), PARIS Universita degli Studi di FIRENZE Université de Bourgogne, DIJON Lithuania Université de NICE – Sophia Antipolis Vilniaus universitetas (VILNIUS University) Université PARIS X Ouest - NANTERRE Luxemburg Université de POITIERS Université du LUXEMBOURG Université de TOULOUSE - Le Mirail The Netherlands Université de VERSAILLES Saint-Quentin-en- AMSTERDAM University College Yvelines Radboud Universiteit NIJMEGEN Université PARIS VII - Denis Diderot Universiteit MAASTRICHT Germany Poland Carl von Ossietzky Universität OLDENBURG Uniwersytet Jagielloński w KRAKOWIE Eberhard Karls Universität TÜBINGEN Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w KRAKOWIE Hochschule ZITTAU / GÖRLITZ Uniwersytet WROCŁAWSKI Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, FRANKFURT- Romania AM-MAIN Universitatea Nationala de Muzica, BUKUREST Katholische Fachhochschule FREIBURG Slovakia Ruhr - Universität BOCHUM Bratislavská medzinárodná škola liberálnych štúdií Technische Universität DRESDEN (BISLA) Universität AUGSBURG Katolícka univerzita v ROŽUMBERKU Universität ERFURT Slovenia Universität KONSTANZ Univerza v LUBLJANI Universität WUPPERTAL 13 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Spain Göteborgs universitet (University of Universidad Complutense de MADRID GOTHENBURG) Universidade de SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA Högskolan pa Gotland (GOTLAND University) Universitat de VALENCIA Turkey Sweden Sabanci Üniversitesi (Sabanci University), ISTANBUL OTHER AGREEMENTS Australia Universität Leipzig University of Queensland Universität Heidelberg University of Melbourne Israel Macquarie University Hebrew University of Jerusalem Griffith University Mexico Brazil Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México Universidad de Sao Paulo New Zealand Canada University of Otago Mc Gill University Peru Université de Montréal Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Columbia Poland Universidad del Magdalena Uniwersytet Warszawski France Russia Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Ural Sate University École des hautes études en sciences sociales Slovakia Germany Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Universität Bayreuth Switzerland Universität Bonn Universität Basel Technische Universität Dresden United States of America Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main The University of Miami Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg The University of Montana Ludwig Maximilians Universität München The University of New Orleans Universität des Saarlandes The State University of NY at New Paltz Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena The University of Utah 14 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES IV. Student Life Erasmus Club The International Office together with Czech students (tutors) organise regular cultural activities (Prague tours, exhibitions, concerts, etc.) for international students. For further information see our website (http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-365.html) or follow us on FB (Faculty of Humanities). Film Club Time: Every fortnight Mondays through the semester at 7 pm. Location: FHs building in Jinonice (room 1034) Programme: actual programme can be found at the website in Programme section. Webpage: http://fkfhs.and.cz//index.php?lang_id=2 Student Facilities Library & Study room The Library is located in the ground floor of the main building in Jinonice. The study room is located opposite the main building. The online book catalogue is available here: http://knihovna.jinonice.cuni.cz/KSVENG-1.html School Cafeteria (Menza) The school cafeteria is located in the ground floor of the main building in Jinonice. Online meal ordering: https://kamweb.ruk.cuni.cz/webkredit/default.aspx PC labs PC labs are located in main building in Jinonice (building A) in the second floor. Sport Centrum 15 Sport facilities are located in Hostivař (Bruslařská 1132, Prague 15). The up-to-date list of sport courses is available on this webpage (http://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-350.html) at the beginning of the semester. Faculty of Humanities Charles University International Office Erasmus students and other international students Welcome Party cultural shock Erasmus coordinators student office Faculty of Humanities Charles university in Prague international office exchange students open-mindedness cultural empathy flexibility study abroad international office Prague tour visit Erasmus club international office faculty of humanities Charles university FACULTY in OFPrague exchange HUMANITIES students international office students CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE © International Officestudent FHs affairs cafeteria life 2011 anthropology culture science library international cooperation Erasmus Faculty of Humanities Charles University in Prague FACULTY OF HUMANITIES 16