Non-Residential Measures 1. Hourly Load Shapes: Building Types Office Retail Grocery Restaurants Lodging Hospitals Schools Colleges Warehouse Refrigerated Warehouse Other Commercial End Uses/CPUC Reporting Category Air Conditioning Chillers (COOL) / HVAC Cooking Equipment (COOK) / Other Air Compressor Load (AIR) / Other Process (PROC) / Other Miscellaneous Electric Load (MISC) / Other Hot Water Heating (H2OH) / Water Heating Heating (HEAT) / HVAC Electric Motor Load (MOTOR) / Other Office Equipment (OFFICE) / Other Refrigeration Load (FRIDGE) / Refrigeration Ventilation (VENT) / HVAC Indoor Lighting (LIGHT_IN) / Lighting Outdoor Lighting (LIGHT_OUT) / Lighting Whole Building (WHOLE) / Other 2. H-Factors: Customer Sector Commercial End Uses/CPUC Reporting Category Commercial Indoor Lighting / Lighting Commercial Outdoor Lighting / Lighting Commercial HVAC / HVAC Commercial Refrigeration / Refrigeration Commercial Food Service / Other Commercial Motors / Other Commercial Process / Other Commercial EMS / Other Industrial Industrial Indoor Lighting / Lighting Industrial Outdoor Lighting / Lighting Industrial HVAC / HVAC Industrial Process / Other Industrial Motors / Other Industrial Refrigeration / Refrigeration Industrial EMS / Other Agricultural Agricultural /Other Agricultural EMS / Other Sector/End Use/Climate Zone Combinations With No Load Shapes Sector Resturants Warehouse Ref_Warehouse Lodging Restaurants Office Lodging Hospitals Grocery Colleges Schools Retail Restaurants Office End Use AIR COOK COOK H20H MOTOR PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC Climate Zone All 11-16 and System* 11-16 and System* 11-16 and System* 11-16 and System* 1-5 and System* All All All All All 11-16 and System* All 1-5 and System* *The calculator defaults to the lowest value for all climate zones if “system” is selected. Residential Measures 1. Hourly Load Shapes: Calculator End Uses A/C (by climate zones) Clothes Dryer (DRY) Freezer (FRZ) Heat Pump Compressor (HEAT_PUMP) Microwave (MICRO) Pool Pump (PPPHRLY) Refrigerator (REFRIG) Stove/Oven (STOVE&OVEN) Spa/Hot Tub (SPA) Stove Only (STOVE) Window Air Conditioner (WINDOW AC) Water Heater (DHW) Clothes Washer (CLOTHES) Corresponding ED Reporting End Uses HVAC Other Refrigeration HVAC Other Other Refrigeration Other Other Other HVAC Water Heating Other 2. H-Factors: Calculator End Uses Res. Wtr. Heating Res. Ht. Pump Cooling Res. Ele. & Ht. Pump Heating Res. Refrigeration Res. Lighting Res. Central Air Conditioning Res. New Const. Lighting Res. New Const. Cooling Res. Cooking Res. Clothes Dry Res. Insul. Cen. A/C Res. Insul. Elect. Heat Res. Ceil. Insul. HP Cooling Res. Ceil. Insul. HP Heating Res. Wall Insul. HP Cooling Res. Wall Insul. HP Heating Res. Flr. Insul. HP Cooling Res. Flr. Insul. HP Heating Res. EMS Res. Dir. Assist. Weatherization Res. Dir. Assist. Refrigeration Res. Dir. Assist. Lighting Res. Dir. Assist. Evap. Cooler Corresponding ED Reporting End Uses Water Heating HVAC HVAC Refrigeration Lighting HVAC Lighting HVAC Other Other HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC Other HVAC Refrigeration Lighting HVAC