On Signal Reconstruction from Fourier Magnitude Gil Michael Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel 1. Abstract Fourier transform magnitude is, in many cases, the only measurable data in several fields such as physics and engineering. Spectral phase information is impractical to obtain in these instances, due to the relatively short wavelength. In this work, three new algorithms for signal reconstruction from spectral magnitude are presented. The first describes the reconstruction of a signal from its discrete Fourier transform (DFT) magnitude and half of its samples using the decimation in time FFT algorithm. This implementation utilizes the FFT decomposition into smaller DFT's to attain a closed-form solution for the unknown data. The second algorithm is based on local Fouriermagnitudes and a single spatial sample to fully reconstruct an image. The process reconstructs successively larger image blocks, until the entire image is restored. The third scheme is a modification of the Gerchberg-Saxton iterative approach to image reconstruction. Since the two-dimensional DFT is separable, and can be implemented as two consecutive one-dimensional DFT's, an intermediate Fourier domain arises. This property is exploited in the reconstruction algorithm to impose twice as many Fourier magnitude constraints, compared to the conventional approach, for the same amount of computations. The three algorithms are analyzed, and simulation results are compared to previous works. 2. Introduction In the reconstruction of signals from partial Fourier domain information, there is a general understanding that Fourier phase comprises of higher reconstruction properties than Fourier magnitude. Much progress has been made in the understanding of the importance of Fourier phase, with numerous representation theorems and reconstruction algorithms. However, from a practical point of view phase information is, in many cases, unavailable to the reconstruction process. With this in mind, several researches have focused on finding ways to define signals and reconstruction methods, which are useful for the case of Fourier magnitude. These methods involve the a priori knowledge of additional information such as sign information (one bit of phase), the location of zero (or threshold) crossings of the signal, or an addition of a number of samples from the original signal. Nawab et al.[1], have shown that a sequence is uniquely specified by its Fourier magnitude and the first K samples, with K being at least half of the sequence’s length. Recently, Shapiro et al. [2],[6], augmented these results to accommodate two-dimensional (2-D) signals (images). They discovered that, under certain restrictions, an image is uniquely specified by its Fourier magnitude and a quarter of its spatial samples. Unfortunately, the suggested Gerchberg-Saxton [3] iterative reconstruction algorithm does not provide reasonable performance in this case. The amount of spatial data needed for intelligible image reconstruction was found to be in the order of 75%. Motivated by the apparent gap between uniqueness theorems and reconstruction methods, three new algorithms are introduced. In section 3, an algorithm for reconstructing a sequence (1-D signal) from its Fourier magnitude and even (odd) indexed samples uses the decimation in time FFT algorithm. Section 4 reconstructs an image from the local Fourier transform magnitudes and a single spatial sample. Section 5 describes an algorithm for image reconstruction using the iterative algorithm with some moderate modifications to it, which yields better results compared to the conventional approach. Throughout this paper, we shall assume real signals denoted x[n] or x[m,n] (1-D , 2-D signals respectively) with complex Fourier transforms X(k) and X(k,l). Without loss of generality, the above signals shall consist of N samples in each dimension, with N being a power of 2. The Fourier magnitude is defined as the absolute value of the Fourier transform polar representation, whereas the Fourier phase is the argument, i.e.: X(k,l)=|X(k,l)| e{j(k,l)} 3. Reconstruction by Decimation in Time FFT This section describes an algorithm for the reconstruction of a sequence from its Fourier magnitude and its even (odd) samples through the decimation in time FFTalgorithm. The sequence is assumed to be zero outside the interval 0 n N-1. First, we recall that the decimation in time FFT algorithm (first described by Cooley & Tukey, 1965) is used to efficiently compute the DFT. In this process, a decomposition of the DFT into successively smaller DFT’s, achieves a substantial reduction in the computational effort with respect to the direct approach. A flow graph of the decimation in time 8 point FFT of a sequence x[n] from two, 4 point DFT’s is presented in Figure 1. G[k] and H[k] are the DFT’s of the even and odd samples of x[n] respectively and are of length N/2 each. x[0] x[2] x[4] x[6] G[0] G[1] G[2] G[3] N/2 Point FFT x[1] x[3] x[5] x[7] W N0 W N1 W N2 W N3 For the retrieval of the phase of H[k], we rewrite X[k] in the polar form: (7) X [k ] X [k ] e jk G[k ] e jk WNk H [k ] e jk 0 k N 2 1 G H X [ N k ] G[k ] e jk WNk H [k ] e jk 0 k N 2 1 G W N0 W N1 W N2 W N3 H[0] H[1] H[2] H[3] N/2 Point FFT X[0] X[1] X[2] X[3] X[4] X[5] X[6] X[7] H Since the sequence x[n] is real, we may use the following DFT properties: (8) X [k ] X [(( k )) N ] , k (( k ))N Figure 1: Decimation in Time FFT. Decomposition of an 8-point DFT into two, 4-point DFT’s G[k ] G[(( k )) N / 2 Following this decomposition, the Fourier transform X[k] is: H [k ] H [(( k )) N / 2 (1) X [k ] G[k ] WNk H [k ] G , G k (( k )) N / 2 , kH H (( k )) N / 2 Where: Summing & subtracting (7) and applying the properties of (8): (2a) G[k ] DFT x even[n] (9) (2b) H [k ] DFT xodd [n] (2c) W Nk e j 2k / N From Figure 1, it is clear, that given the even samples of x[n], we can obtain G[k] by simply performing the N/2 point DFT. Hence, the retrieval of the remaining odd samples of x[n] is equivalent to the reconstruction of H[k]. We first turn to the retrieval of the magnitude of H[k]: 2k ) N 2k H j X [k ] sin(k ) j G[k ] sin(G ) k ) j H [k ] sin(k N Adding the square products of (9) we have: (10) 2k 2 X [k ] G[k ] 2 H [k ] 2 2 G[k ] H [k ] cos ( kH kG ) N And solving (10), the phase of H[k] follows as: (11) The squared magnitude of X[k] is given by: (3a) X [k ] X [k ] X [k ] G[k ] H [k ] 2 2 ... G[k ] WN k H [k ] G 2 [k ] WNk H [k ] k 0,1,2 N 1 2 Similarly, |X[k+N/2]|2 can be written as: X [k N / 2] G[k ] H [k ] G[k ] W N k H [k ] 2 2 G [k ] W Nk H [k ] , k 0,1,2 Where we’ve used the property: (4) W k N / 2 W k N N The sum and difference of (3a), (3b) give: (5) 2 N 2 2 ] 2 G[k ] H [k ] 2 From (5) we obtain |H[k]|, by: 2 X [k ] X [k (6) 2/5 2 H [k ] 1 N 2 X [k ] X [k ] 2 2 2 2 G[k ] X [k ] 2 G[k ] 2 H [k ] kH a cos 2 G[k ] H [k ] G k (3b) 2 H X [k ] cos(k ) G[k ] cos(G k ) H [ k ] cos(k N 1 2 2k N 2 0 k N 2 1 From (11) there is an inherent ambiguity in the phase of HK. This ambiguity is present for each of the samples of H[k] e.g. – there are 2 solutions for each DFT value of H[k] and hence 2 solutions for each DFT value of X[k]. The number of possible solutions for X[k] is therefore 2N/4-2 taking into account the properties of (8) and the fact that H[0] is positive and real (e.g.– Hk = 0). In order to resolve this ambiguity, we note that when a 2N-point DFT is performed on an N-point sequence (i.e.interpolating the signal in the frequency domain) there is a unique relationship between the odd and even samples of the Fourier transform. This relationship between the DFT samples, X[k], and the interpolated values is realized in the Fourier domain by the interpolation kernel: (12) N 1 1 e jN k 0 1 WNk e j X (e j ) 1 N X (k ) For L=2, the even samples of X[k], Xeven are equal to the N point DFT values of x[n],whereas the odd samples, Xodd hold the interpolated values, and are equally spaced around the unit circle at intervals ± from Xeven : (13) X odd [l ] sin( kl ) 1 N 1 X even[k ] j X even[k ] N k 0 1 cos( kl ) ; where : 2 (k l 1 ) 2 kl N 2x2, overlapping by one sample. Note the small inconsistency in the upper left corner due to the initial guess. x(0,0) X1 X2 X3 From this relationship, a unique solution to X[k] is found, and hence the reconstruction of the original sequence x[n]. 4. Reconstruction from Fourier Magnitude and a Single Spatial Sample The uniqueness theorem of representation from Fourier magnitude and a quarter of the spatial-samples[2], requires that a large amount of the image must be known a priori. One may argue, that in many cases the spatial samples are unavailable, or at most- be only estimates of the actual spatial samples. In light of this, a proposed theorem requires a single spatial sample, x(0,0) and local Fourier magnitudes as follows: X4 Figure 2: A 16 by 16 point image reconstructed from local Fourier transform magnitudes with x(0,0) as the known spatial data. The process first derives the upper left 2x2 subsection of the image from x(0,0) and the local Fourier magnitude of X1. This new spatial data and the local Fourier magnitude |X2| are next used for the reconstruction of the block of size 4x4. The process is preformed successively, until the entire image is recovered. Theorem1: For N>0, let x(m,n) be a signal that is zero outside the interval 0≤ n,m <N-1. Let N be a power of 2 such that for some positive number r, N=2r. Suppose x(0,0) is nonzero, and the matrices Ai are invertible. Then, |Xi(u,v)| and x(0,0) uniquely specify the entire image x(n,m), where Ai are the matrices as described in [6], and |Xi | are the local Fourier magnitudes of the signal. The local Fourier magnitude is defined as the Fourier Transform magnitude of a section of the original signal, xi[m,n], where 0 ≤ n,m < 2i-1. Proof: From Figure 2, we note that x(0,0) is exactly a quarter of the spatial samples in x1(m,n). Therefore, providing that the matrix A1 is invertible [6], the conditions of theorem 1 of [2] are met and x1(m,n) (2-by 2) is uniquely specified by x(0,0) and |X1|. In the next stage, x2(m,n) is uniquely specified by |X2| and x1(m,n). Again, the uniqueness condition must be satisfied by the invertiblity of A2. This process continues until the full reconstruction of x(m,n) from |X|=|Xr| and xr-1(m,n), with N=2 r. As can be seen, a total of r local Fourier magnitudes are required to uniquely specify the original image. The only spatial sample used, is x(0,0). Simulation results show, that even if x(0,0) is chosen arbitrarily, good results are obtained. Figure 3 is the original image from which the magnitude was taken. The reconstructed image (Figure 4) used an arbitrary initial sample and the local Fourier magnitudes from image sections of size 3/5 Figure 3: Original Image of “Lena” Figure 4: Reconstruction from localized Fourier magnitudes and a single spatial sample. The initial sample x(0,0) was chosen arbitrarily. The local Fourier magnitudes were taken from image sections of size 2x2, overlapping by one sample. 5. Modified Iterative Approach: The Intermediate Fourier Domain The Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, often used in signal reconstruction problems, is implemented by iteratively imposing constraints and known data samples in the time/spatial or Fourier domains. Although convergence of this algorithm has not yet been proven, it serves as a relatively simple and straightforward approach to signal reconstruction. In the 2-D case, where Fourier magnitude and spatial samples are available, they are imposed in the Fourier and spatial domains respectively. In addition, the finite support of the image is exploited to null any values outside the region of support in the spatial domain. There is, however, a method of imposing the spatial constraints without the actual passing through this domain. We recall, that the 2-D DFT may be implemented using two consecutive 1-D DFT’s – one DFT on the rows (columns) of the image and the other DFT on the resultant matrix columns (rows). Although not spatial, this intermediate Fourier domain preserves some of the spatial constraints – such as nulling of samples outside the region of support. With this in mind, full image rows and/or columns are available as known spatial samples, we may exploit them by simply using their associated 1-D DFT as the new constraints in the intermediate Fourier domain, thus reducing the amount of computations required.Figure 5 illustrates the modified iterative approach. First, the known spatial data (full rows and columns) is converted to the intermediate Fourier domain by 1-D DFT’s to produce Xrow and Xcol. Next, the whole image (unknown data is assumed zero) is converted to the Fourier domain, by a 2N by 2N DFT. Then, the Fourier domain constraints are used to impose the magnitude information, preserving the phase. The iterative procedure begins with an inverse DFT (1-D IDFT) on the rows of the Fourier estimate, then imposing Xcol and nulling half the columns of the result. Next, a 1-D DFT on the rows returns us to the Fourier domain, where magnitude constraints are imposed once again. The resultant matrix columns undergo an inverse DFT, with the same actions in the intermediate Fourier domain performed on the rows (imposing Xrow and nulling of half the rows). The iteration is completed with the 1-D IDFT on the result, which returns us once more to the Fourier domain. We note that each iteration has twice as many magnitude constraints imposed in the Fourier domain, compared to the classic iterative procedure. An image reconstructed using this algorithm is presented in Figure 6. Approximately half of the spatial data was used and the result was obtained after 100 iterations. Figure 7 depicts the MSE ratio of the image reconstructed in Figure 6, for various percentages of known spatial samples, and after 100 iterations. 4/5 x_temp: K known rows,Kknown columns X_row=DFT of x_temp rows X_col=DFT of x_temp columns X_temp=2-D DFT of x_temp Impose Fourier magnitude on X_temp X_int_r = IDFT{X_temp}on rows Impose X_col on X_int_r Null columns N to 2N-1 X_temp = DFT{X_int_r} on rows Impose Fourier magnitude on X_temp X_int_c = IDFT{X_temp} on coluns Impose X_row on X_int_c Null rows N to 2N-1 X_temp = DFT{X_int_r} on columns Figure 5: Intermediate Fourier domain reconstruction flow graph. The spatial constraints are imposed in this domain, hence only 1-D Fourier transforms are required during the process. Figure 6: Intermediate Fourier domain magnitude reconstruction of “Lena” after 100 iterations, with 50% known spatial samples. [2] Y. Shapiro and M.Porat, "Image Representation by Spectral Amplitude: Conditions for Uniqueness and Optimal Reconstruction", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP (1998) Figure 7: Intermediate Fourier domain magnitude reconstruction algorithm (solid) vs. the conventional Gerchberg-Saxton approach (dashed) for various percentages of known spatial samples. The image of “Lena” was reconstructed after 100 iterations and the MSE ratio (dB) was calculated with respect to the original image. [3] R.W. Gerchberg, W.O. Saxton, “A practical algorithm for the determination of phase from image and diffraction plane”, Optik, vol. 35 pp. 237-246, 1972 [4] A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer “Discrete Time Signal Processing” Prentice Hall 1989 [5] A. Yariv, “Optical Electronics”, Rinehart and Winston, 1991 [6] Y. Shapiro and M. Porat, "Signal Reconstruction from Partial Spectral Information", IEEE International Symposium ISIE, pp. 482-486, Pretoria, South Africa (1998). The solid line describes the performance of the intermediate Fourier domain iterative approach, in comparison with the conventional Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, where known data was located in an MxM box, where M is the square root of the number of known spatial data (dashed). The intermediate Fourier domain algorithm suggests better performance and produces an intelligible reconstructed image with as little as 15% of known spatial data. 6. Summary Three new approaches to signal-reconstruction from Fourier magnitude were presented. A simple and efficient way of reconstructing a sequence from its Fourier magnitude information and partial sequence data, using the decimation in time FFT eliminates convergence uncertainty in the 1-D iterative approach while reducing calculations with respect to the direct approach (equation solving). The second algorithm requires only magnitude information and a single spatial sample to fully reconstruct a 2-D signal (image). This may prove useful in phase retrieval problems where accurate spatial information is unavailable, whereas Fourier magnitude may be measured on specific regions of the image. Finally, a more efficient Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm utilizes the separability property of the 2-D DFT into two, 1-D DFT’s - thus imposing the Fourier magnitude constraints at twice the rate of the conventional approach. 7. References [1] S.H. Nawab, T.F. Quatieri and J.S. Lim “Signal Reconstruction from Short Time Fourier Transform Magnitude”, IEEE Trans. On ASSP, ASSP-31, Vol. No. 4, 1983 Rev. Date: 6 February 2016 5/5 Holt