Matrix Multiplication - al b`s website

Rank One Update And the Google
Al Bernstein
Signal Science, LLC
There are two different ways to perform matrix multiplication.
The first uses a dot product formulation and the second uses an
outer product formulation. The outer product formulation for a
matrix computation analogous to an equation of the form
M  AT A gives a huge advantage requiring only the memory to
store the result M . If A T is a 1000000 x 3 matrix, then M is a 3
x 3 matrix. The dot product formulation requires storing A T , A
- 2 1000000 x 3 matrices, and the result M - a 3 x 3 matrix. The
outer product formulation; however, requires storing only the
result M - a 3 x 3 matrix. A rank one update is a matrix that can
be updated using an outer product operation as will be discussed
later in this paper and provides the same efficiency advantages of
the outer product formulation.
Math Derivations and Discussion
Equation (1) shows the dot product formulation for of the i, j  th
element of matrix multiplication -  A  B .
 A  B  i , j   ai ,k bk , j
The sum is over the dummy variable k ( k  1,, N ). Note that
the indices i and j are independent variables – input by the user
of the equation. The index k acts as an indexer on the right hand
side of the equation only and is not conveyed outside the
equation. This index is called a dummy variable because if we
change index k to l there is no difference in the results of the
equation. However, changing the indices i or j changes the
This is the standard matrix multiplication – To compute  A  B  i , j
for multiply for example with i=1 and j=1 is
 A  B  1,1  a1,1
 b1,1 
 a1, N       a1,1b1,1    a1, N bN ,1
bN ,1 
The full matrix multiplication is shown in equation (3)
 a1,1b1,1  a1, 2 b2,1    a1, N bN ,1  a1,1b1, N  a1, 2 b2, N    a1, N bN , N 
 A  B    a 2,1b1,1  a 2, 2 b2,1    a 2, N bN ,1  a 2,1b1, N  a 2, 2 b2, N    a 2, N bN , N 
a N ,1b1,1  a N , 2 b2,1    a N , N bN ,1  a N ,1b1, N  a N , 2 b2, N    a N , N bN , N 
Notice that in equation (1) the indices i and j are fixed variables we specify these on the left side of the equation when we pick the
i,jth element. There is another way to look at this equation - keep
the indices i and j free variables as shown in equation (4).
 A  B    ai ,k bk , j
where k  1, N .
In this case the multiplication for each k is a matrix. This matrix
multiplication formula is the called the outer product formulation
and is shown below:
 a1,1b1,1  a1,1b1, N   a1, 2 b2,1  a1, 2 b2, N 
 a1, N bN ,1  a1, N
 
 A  B    a 2,1b1,1  a 2,1b1, N    a 2, 2 b2,1  a 2, 2 b2, N      a 2, N bN ,1  a 2,
a N ,1b1,1  a N ,1b1, N  a N , 2 b2,1  a N , 2 b2, N 
a N , N bN ,1  a N ,
 a1,1b1,1  a1, 2 b2,1    a1, N bN ,1  a1,1b1, N  a1, 2 b2, N    a1, N bN , N 
 a 2,1b1,1  a 2, 2 b2,1    a 2, N bN ,1  a 2,1b1, N  a 2, 2 b2, N    a 2, N bN , N 
a N ,1b1,1  a N , 2 b2,1    a N , N bN ,1  a N ,1b1, N  a N , 2 b2, N    a N , N bN , N 
Note that equation (3) agrees with equation (5)
An outer product operation is defined as follows:
 a0 b0  a0 bN 
 
  a T b
a  b  ai b j   
a N b0  a N bN 
Remember: a T is a column vector and b is a row vector
Equation (4), expressed in outer product notation is shown in
equation (7)
A  B   a i  bi
Note that in this formulation the vectors a and b do not have to
be the same length. If a
is of length M and b is of length N, the resulting matrix A  B
will an M by N matrix.
Numerical Example
While the above discussion provides a lot of insight, a simple
example will clarify
Standard Matrix Multiplication
1 2 3
A  4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
B  13 14 15
16 17 18
 84 90 96 
A  B   201 216 231
318 342 366
Outer Product Matrix Multiplication
 2
A  B  4 10 11 12  5 13 14 15  6 16 17 18 
10 11 12   26 28 30   48 51 54   84 90 96 
40 44 48   65 70 75    96 102 108  201 216 231
 
 
 
70 77 84 104 112 120 144 153 162 318 342 366
Rank One Update
A Rank One update is defined as a matrix that can be updated
using equation (8)
 
A  aT b
Note that is allows a matrix A to be updated without needed
addition memory to perform the calculation.
For example, consider equation (9)
 
AT A  a T b
This equation adds measurements to the system without needing
additional memory. So if A is a 10000 x 5 matrix and each row in
this matrix represents a measurement of 5 parameters. If we call
the ith row in A , a i (row vector) then in A T , a i is a column
vector. Then, AT A , using the outer product method, will be a 5 x
5 matrix no matter how many measurements are taken which is a
huge performance savings.
The Google Matrix
The Google matrix, G, is defined in equation (10)
G  S 
(1   )   T
e e
  scalar number between 0 and 1
n  number of pages in search space,
e T  is a row vector where all the elements have the value (1/n),
Note: The rank one update looks like it is transposed
compared with equation (8).
This is because e is defined as a column vector in equation
(10) and a is defined as a
row vector in equation (8).
S  defined by equation (11)
a T
a is a row vector of dangling links; 0 if the link on the ith node is
dangling (i.e. a node that is does not navigate to another page on
the web such as a file) and is 1 otherwise.
H is the hyperlink matrix which represents a graph of how web
pages are connected through links. This write up is not intended to
go into detail about Google page rank. The main point here is that
equations (9) and (10) both use the Rank One Update (7) which
has the advantages already described.
Gerald Bierman, “Fatorizing Methods for Discrete Sequential
Estimation”, Accademic Press, 1977, page 25
Langville and Meyer, “Google’s Page Rank and Beyond”,
Princeton University Press, 2006, pp 37-38