Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 1 2014Feb18 Lecture Notes (#8) 2014Feb 13, Hydrodynamics A. The Continuity Equation Total Mass is conserved 1. Volume Flux (volume flow through a surface) The inclusion of the cosine of the angle of incidence is known as “Lambert’s Law” (usually it is in the context of flux of light through a surface). Board #10: Assuming no sources or sinks of fluids, the total flux into a closed surface must be zero (i.e. as much flows in one side must flow out the other side) Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 2 2014Feb18 Board #11: If there is a source of flux contained inside of the closed surface, then there can be a net flux out of the surface. Example: consider a water tank inside of the region. The flow out of the region (e.g. a hose) must be due to the loss of water in the tank. Hence the total mass flux out of the surface must be due to loss in time of mass density inside of the surface. This is a form of “Gauss’s law”. Below it is expressed in integral as well as differential form. Board #12: B. Bernoulli’s Law Bernoulli’s law contains 3 laws in one: Pascal’s law of depth, Torricelli’s Law and the Venturi effect. 1. Torricelli’s Law: [A student of Galileo] The flow speed out of the bottom of a tank is the same as the speed of a mass dropping the height from top of fluid to exit point. Note then the result is independent of the density of the fluid (analogous to Galileo’s law that all bodies fall at same rate independent of their mass). Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 3 2014Feb18 Board #13: 2. The Bernoulli Effect (Venturi Effect) If a fluid speeds up, there is a corresponding drop in pressure. For example, if there is a narrowing of a tube, by the continuity equation we know the speed must increase. The pressure will be lower in the narrow tube (Venturi effect). The rationalization made on the left side of the board is that pressure is due to collisions of molecules with the wall. If the fluid is moving fast, then there is more distance between successive collisions with the wall, hence lower pressure. We will discuss this “kinetic theory” of pressure in more detail in the section on thermodynamics. On the right side, we showed that combining the Bernoulli effect with with Pascal’s law we can derive Torricelli’s law. Board #14: 3. The Bernoulli Equation Combine Pascal’s law, Torricelli’s law and the Venturi effect into one law. The sum of the pressure, kinetic energy (density) and potential energy (density) of a fluid at any point in the fluid will sum to the same constant. Note that point 1 and point 2 need not be connected by a streamline! --This is where we ended in lecture 8.-- Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 4 2014Feb18 Lecture Notes (#9) 2014Feb 18, Hydrodynamics Continued [Note the first 2 boards were devoted to a Hydrostatics problem] We can derive Bernoulli’s law by first looking at Newton’s 2nd law per unit volume of the fluid. Force is time change of momentum. Force density is the time change of momentum density of the fluid. This has two contributions, acceleration of the fluid, and the change in density. Board #4: We consider two different types of forces on the fluids. The “body force” is that gravity acts on every part of the fluid. The “contact” force is the pressure on the body due to contact with the rest of the fluid. If the pressure is bigger on one side than the other than there is a “pressure gradient”, and hence a net force on the body. Putting it together, we get a differential equation of motion for the fluid. If either gravity or a body force is present, it can “accelerate” the fluid. Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 5 2014Feb18 Board #5: Details [Reference Feynman 40-4]: The time derivative of the momentum should be v , which with respect to a particular piece of the fluid. This is not quite the same as t would be the time derivative with respect to a fixed point of space because the fluid is moving. One needs to use the “Convective derivative”. Hence the correct form of the equation of motion would be: v v v P g t Board #6: Review of the Work-Energy Theorem of Mechanics Derivation of Bernoulli’s law goes in parallel with the derivation of the “Work-Energy” theorem of mechanics [that the change in Kinetic energy is due to applied work on the body]. At the bottom of board 5 we state the theorem, and below we show a formal derivation using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. We then generalize the derivation for fluids. The left side again involves the fundamental theorem of calculus. The right side is the work, which has two terms to integrate, the body force (gravity) and the surface force (pressure). Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 6 2014Feb18 Board 7: Gravitational Work The gravity force work: If we assume that gravity is conservative, then it can be derived from a potential: g , where is the gravitational potential. If we are near the surface of the earth, the potential is just: mgh . The work (per volume) done on the fluid is (minus) the change in potential energy (per volume). Board 8: Pressure Work The work (per volume) due to the pressure gradient is quite simple because of the fundamental theorem of calculus. The work (per volume) along a path is independent of the path, it just depends upon the pressure at the endpoints. Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 7 2014Feb18 Board 9: Result: we derive the Bernoulli Equation Put it all together, then the change in the fluid’s kinetic energy (per volume) between two points is equal to the work done (per volume) connecting these two points, along ANY path you choose, i.e. its path independent (it need NOT be an actual path along which the fluid flows!). Rearranged you get the that the sum of three terms (pressure, kinetic energy density and potential energy density) at any point in the fluid is the same constant as at any other point in the fluid. Board 10: Bernoulli’s equation is 3 in one We now show that Bernoulli’s equation can be reduced to three simpler laws. (1) Pascal’s law of depth is derived if you say that velocity at the two points is zero (note that it might be non-zero between the points!). (2) Torricelli’s law is derived if you choose two points which have the same pressure (although the pressure might be different between the points!). Dr. W. Pezzaglia Las Positas College Physics 8C, Spring 2014 Lecture #8 & 9: Hydrodynamics Page 8 2014Feb18 Board 11: (3) The Venturi effect is derived if you choose two points in the fluid for which the height is the same. It would be more correct to say two points for which the potential energy density is the same (n.b. if you have two fluids with different densities in contact). A very practical application is the “Venturi tube”, which is the basis of airspeed measurement in airplanes and fluid flow meters in a pipe. A constriction in the tube makes the fluid flow faster (due to Continuity Equation). The faster speed means a lower pressure (i.e. the “Venturi effect”, also known as “Bernoulli effect”). If the fluid is a gas, then the difference in pressure can be measured by a u-shaped Mercury Manometer (an application of Pascal’s law of depth, the difference between the heights gives the pressure difference). If the fluid is a liquid (such as drinking water) you may not want Mercury to mix with it. Instead use two vertical open-end tubes on top. The difference in the heights of the columns of water supported will again give Pressure difference (by Pascal’s law). Putting it all together, these equations give you the ability to measure the incoming velocity! C. Viscosity: [Addenda] The subject of viscosity (velocity friction) was not covered in the book. A light treatment was given in the powerpoint slides, and of course we covered this topic in Lab. However, I will state that the equation of motion for a fluid with viscosity is approximately given by [Reference Feynman, equation (41.15)], v v v P g 2v t Derivation of Poiseuille’s Law: Assume constant flow of a level pipe, then: P people have shown that the velocity profile in a cylindrical pipe of radius “R” is given: 2 v . Elsewhere r2 v(r ) v0 1 2 where by integration over the area you can show R the average velocity is just half the velocity in the center v0. Applying Laplace’s operator in cylindrical coordinates you find the force density due to viscosity is a constant: 1 v 4v 8v f visc 2v r 20 2 where the average speed “v” can be related to the flow R R r r r 2 rate “Q” of the pipe: Q vR . The pressure gradient is the change in pressure over the length “L”, so 8LQ one derives Poiseuille’s law: P R 4 -end of hydrodynamics-