1 2 Figure S1. The background noise level (median absolute deviation) of daily-long 3 continuous data for 4 HRSN stations that experienced network change versus days 4 relative to the mainshock. The station and channel names are labeled on the right side. 5 6 Figure S2. The availability of continuous data for all stations during the study period. 7 The grey dashed line marks the origin time of the San Simeon mainshock. The station 8 names are labeled on the left side. 9 10 Figure S3. (a) The time differences between predicted P- and S-wave arrival times with 11 the ones picked by NCEDC. The vertical solid and dashed lines mark the mean and two 12 standard deviations of the time differences. (b) The red and blue histograms denote the 13 MAD distribution for direct stacking and allowing one data point shift, respectively. 14 15 Figure S4. The illustration of the one data point difference among the best correlating 16 window of 4 different channels. 17 18 19 20 21 Figure S5. The root mean square (RMS) of the relative P-wave arrival differences for all 22 stations between one San Simeon aftershock and all templates events versus the distance 23 along the SAF strike. The vertical dashed lines denote the region where most ‘false 24 detections’ occurred. 25 26 Figure S6. Comparison of waveforms between template 20040928192605 and 27 20040928192610. The blue and red dashed lines denote the origin times of the two 28 templates. The blue and red solid lines denote the predicted P- and S-wave arrival times 29 of the two templates. 30 31 Figure S7. (a)-(d) Frequency-magnitude plot in the whole study region, sub-region A, B, 32 and C, respectively. Blue squares denote detected events. Red squares denote events 33 listed in the NCSN catalog. Triangles denote obtained Mc using ZMAP. (e) Mc as a 34 function of time in the whole study region. 35 36 Figure S8. Frequency-magnitude plot in sub-region A for detected events before and after 37 the San Simeon earthquake. 38 39 40 Figure S9. (a) value in sub-region A versus days since the mainshock. Post-shock 41 seismicity rate is measured in a 5-day time window, which moves forward by 2.5 days. 42 Solid circles denote that pre-shock rate is measured prior to the San Simeon earthquake. 43 Open diamonds denote that pre-shock rate is measured prior to the Md2.77 event. (b) the 44 seismicity ratio in sub-region A versus days since the mainshock. 45 46 47 Figure S10. The background shading denotes the Parkfield earthquake’s coseismic slip 48 distribution [Murray and Langbein, 2006]. The blue denotes the epicenter of the 49 Parkfield earthquake. The colored contour lines denote the static shear stress changes. 50 51 52 Figure S11. (a) Cumulative number of events with M>1.5 in the NCSN catalog in 53 sub-region A. (b) and (c) values and seismicity ratio versus cutoff magnitude with 54 events listed in the NCSN catalog in sub-region A, respectively. Dots denote that 55 background rate is measured prior to the San Simeon earthquake. Diamonds denote that 56 background rate is measured prior to the abrupt jump in (a). 57 58 References 59 60 61 Murray, J., and J. Langbein (2006), Slip on the san andreas fault at parkfield, california, over two 62 earthquake cycles, and the implications for seismic hazard, B Seismol Soc Am, 96(4B), S283-S303.