Stellar model 2: PROBLEM SET Linear density model r PROBLEM 1. Show that (0) = c and (R) = 0 when (r) = c 1 – R is this reasonable? r R PROBLEM 2. Show that dm = 4c 1 – PROBLEM 3. Show that PROBLEM 4. Show that the total mass is M = m(R) = Why r2 dr. r 3 3 4 m(r) = 4c r2 – r dr = 4c r – r . 3 R 4R 0 PROBLEM 5. Show that c = 4<>. constant density model? PROBLEM 6. . 1 3 cR3. How does this compare to c in the Show that the following integral R r3 r4 P(R) - P(r) = -G4c – c 1 – 1 dr2 3 4R R r r can be written as R r2 1 r 0 - P(r)= -G4c2 – 1 – dr 3 4R R r PROBLEM 7. Show that the above integral can be written P(r) = G4c2 PROBLEM 8. R2 R3 R3 . R4 . – – + 6 9R 12R 16R2 r2 r3 r3 . r4 . + 6 9R 12R 16R2 . Show that the above integral cleans up to P(r) = G4c2 5R2 r2 r3 r3 . r4 . + + . 144 6 9R 12R 16R2 5 PROBLEM 9. Show that Pc = 36 Gc2R2. Hint: P(0) Pc. Why would a star having a linear density be more likely to sustain fusion reactions than a star having a constant density? PROBLEM 10. Write Pc in terms of M and R. Hint: Substitute out c. PROBLEM 11. Find Pc in the sun, assuming a linear density model. Which model do you think fits the sun best - constant density, or linear density? Why do you think so?