Compost Product Optimization for Stormwater Biofiltration Applications Paper # 1209 Martin Alcala, Jr., Kim D. Jones, and Jianhong Ren Department of Environmental & Civil Engineering Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, TX 78363 USA ABSTRACT Compost material has been proposed for use in bioreactors for environmental restoration in some areas to remediate contaminated water and soil. Compost material is ideal for biofiltration because it supports large microbe populations, which may be capable of metabolizing numerous natural and xenobiotic compounds. The objective of this project was to develop techniques to produce high quality compost from typical solid waste materials targeting nitrate removal in stormwater biofiltration applications. Compost products were produced from different feedstocks and evaluated for their nitrate removal efficiencies. Six different compost products manufactured from varying feedstock amounts of wood waste; grass cuttings and biosolids were evaluated using column studies. The initial compost product quality was evaluated using Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). An initial nitrate concentration of 60 mg/L was used for evaluation of nitrate removal. The carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio was determined from TOC and TKN measurements. The compost product’s pH and soluble salt content were also tested. Effluent water from the columns was tested daily to determine the amount of nitrate removed over time. Total initial and final nitrogen species were tested. 1 INTRODUCTION Nitrate pollution of water is a great concern throughout the globe. Nitrate levels in surface waters are frequently elevated by stormwater runoff. Biological, chemical, and physical methods have been used to lower nitrate concentration levels. Biological removal by microbes is considered very economical and environmentally friendly.1 Denitrification, microbial removal of nitrate, has been applied to remove nitrates from wastewater to protect watersheds from eutrophication and to treat agricultural runoff.2 Bioretention is a water quality and quantity control process that utilizes soil, plants, and microbes to remove pollutants. It has been used in developed areas to treat stormwater runoff.3 However, nitrate can not be removed by the soil because of its lack of affinity. Since nitrate is degraded slowly through denitrification processes, excess nitrogen builds up in biorentention systems. Therefore, it is desirable to promote the conversion of accumulated nitrogen species to nitrogen gas. A biofilter column study conducted by Hunho et al. in 2003 found that different nitrate removal efficiencies were observed by changing the electron donor and carbon source in the column.3 Compost material has been used in bioreactors for environmental restoration in some areas to remediate contaminated water and soil. Compost biofiltration can remove many contaminants especially organic chemicals in water. A study conducted by Bohnke and Eitner in 1983 demonstrated a removal efficiency of 70% for chlorobenzene, 80% for toluene, and almost 100% for terpene from water using compost biofilter blends of municipal solid wastes (MSW) and biosolids. Removals for benzene, dimethylsulfide, and tetrachloroethylene exceeded 85%.4 Compost material is ideal for biofiltration because it supports large microbe populations including bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and insects. These microbes are capable of metabolizing numerous natural and xenobiotic compounds.5 Compost provides essential nutrients such as carbon and surfaces to the microbes. The moisture content of the compost also has a significant effect on the microbial activity. Microbes can metabolize, utilize or oxidize organic compounds such as nitrates.5 2 Research done by Jakobsen found a minimal leaching of ammonium and potassium and reduced leaching of nitrate by using compost on plants. 6 In addition, the use of municipal organic waste (MOW) compost with sound irrigation practices has shown that nitrate discharge can be controlled and reduced in agricultural runoff.7 However, other research has shown that while compost may reduce nitrogen leaching, it might increase nitrate leaching if used for extended periods of time.8 Research conducted by Insam and Merschak found that uncomposted sewage sludge products applied to forest soil cores resulted in evaluated measured amounts of nitrates in the soil water and in the leachate.9 It is possible to have nitrate leachate during composting, but the final compost product may be very useful for nitrate reduction. The application of compost increases the activity of heterotrophs, which might contribute to the nitrate reduction in agricultural runoff. Since the heterotrophs also supply NH4 to soil nitrifiers, the addition of compost and the effect that it has on ammonification, nitrification, and the assimilation of nitrogen by microorganisms has not been well characterized.10 The City of Brownsville, in an effort to minimize solid waste at the Brownsville Municipal Landfill, has been operating a composting facility for several years. The compost is primarily made up of brush, lawn waste, and zoo animal waste. Optimal composting requires moisture content of 40-60% by weight; however the Rio Grande Valley is a semi-arid region and water conservation and reuse is an important concern. Thus, we propose to use the biosolid sludge produced from the wastewater treatment plants operated by the Brownsville Public Utility Board (PUB) as a potential source of moisture for compost. By combining the biosolids from the Brownsville PUB with the compost feedstocks from the landfill, initial moisture content targets can be met. In addition, a special purpose of using compost products for denitrification could possibly be achieved through manipulation of the feedstocks, including biosolids, during the compost process. The denitrification potential of the final compost product produced by co-composting the biosolids and the lawn and garden waste could develop a potential use and market for the products that may help other municipalities in the Rio Grande Valley. 3 COMPOST METHODOLOGY A Columbus Instruments Oxymax-C composting reactor shown in Figure 1 is being used to develop compost products using different feedstocks. The reactor has specially designed air-flow and temperature controllers to control temperature, aeration, and moisture for creating a stable environment for composting. For example, temperature is controlled by regulated air flow as shown in Figure 1. The isothermal composting reactor is designed to accelerate the decay process. The compost 4 reactor has a total volume of 38 L. A schematic graph of the reactor is presented in Figure 2.11 Compost Feedstock Blending The following table shows the blends that are being used in this study: Table 1. Compost Feedstocks. Compost Blend 1(trial) 2(control) 3 4 5 6 Wood Chips (% by Grass Clippings (% by volume) volume) Biosolids 17 78 0 50 50 0 70 30 0 90 10 0 10 90 0 50* 30* 20* *depending on biosolids metals analysis Wood chips and grass clippings have been used in equal amounts in compost blend 2, which was used as the control. The wood chips are obtained from the City of Brownville Landfill (CBLF). Grass clippings are collected from Kingsville, TX. Different moisture levels were obtained by changing the amount of grass and wood. The materials are 5 composted for 21 days. Wood chips and grass clippings both have an average specific gravity of 400 lb/yd3 through which the total starting weight was calculated.12 Test Parameters The compost process and compost product stability is characterized and evaluated using several parameters including Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), moisture, Respirometry, and pH. TOC and TKN The compost starting mix and final products are being tested for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Digestion is used to break down the material to test for TOC and TKN. Digestion is achieved through the Hach Digesdahl system. The Digesdahl Digestion Apparatus can digest many types of samples such as sludges, food, and soils. Sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide are used to oxidize the material. The C/N ratio was determined from TOC and TKN measurements.13 Moisture Final composted product, wood chip, and grass percent moisture are determined through dry mass measurements. This is done gravimetrically by drying the sample at 110C for 24 hours. The sample is dried using a single wall gravity convection oven manufactured by Blue M model SW-17TA. The weights are taken using a Fisher Scientific scale model A-160. Respirometry Respirometry was monitored by observing the O2 consumption and CO2 production rates. The Oxymax-C system has an electrochemical oxygen sensor with a range of 19.3% to 21.5%. The Oxymax-C carbon dioxide sensor uses single beam infrared light to determine gas levels and has a range of gas levels of 0% to 10%. The O2 and CO2 sensors were calibrated using a gas mixture of 5% CO2, 20.6% O2 balanced in N2 purchased from A-L Compressed Gases. 6 pH The compost product’s pH is determined by making a compost extract. The extract is made by mixing a 5g dried sample with 25mL of distilled water. The pH is then measured using a HACH pH meter model EC 40 pH/ISE meter. Compost Column Studies Four columns have been made of clear PVC pipes with the following design parameters: Table 2. Compost Column Specifications for Biofiltration. Parameter Diameter of Columns Length of Columns Inlet Flow Rate Nitrate Concentration (mg/L) Value 2.0 in 10.0 in (x2) and 20.0 in (x2) 0.25 LPM 60 Two columns have a column length of 10 in, and the other two columns have a column length of 20 in. This was designed to observe the effects of different retention times on composting. The 10 in and 20 in columns have a volume of 0.5 and 1.0 L, respectively. The 0.5 L columns were filled with 120 g of composted material while the 1.0 L columns were filled with 238 g of composted material. The columns were fitted with a ¾ in valve. A grill made from green mesh material was put between the PVC pipe and the valve. This was to ensure that no compost material was lost when water flowed through the columns. An initial sodium nitrate concentration of 60 mg/L was used to flow through each column loaded with compost material. Twelve 250 mL effluent water samples were taken at 30 min intervals from each of the columns. Total initial and final Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), NO3- (nitrate), NO2- (nitrite), pH, and conductivity were tested. TKN, NO3-, and NO2- are determined using the Hach Laboratory Spectrophotometer (Model DR/2500). TKN is determined using Nessler Method which is suitable for wastewater and sludge. Nitrate and nitrite are determined using the Hach Method 8039 and Method 8153, respectively.14 7 Preliminary Results The first compost run (Run 1) consisted of 17 % wood chips, 78 % grass clipping, and 5% tap water. The composting process became anaerobic after two weeks and was terminated. Possible reasons for the anaerobic conditions include too much moisture and pockets of anaerobic activity forming in the chamber since a large amount of water was collected at the bottom of the chamber. This might be due to the fact that the grass clippings used for starting materials had more water than was initially assumed. In addition, the materials in the compost chamber were tightly packed which could have contributed to the formation of anaerobic regions. The material was approaching stability from an oxygen consumption frame of reference within 30 days until the anaerobic conditions began to dominate the system (Figure 3). Figure 3: Respirometry Compost Run 1 3500 Oxygen Comsumption (VO2) O2 Consumption/ CO2 Production (mg/kg/hr) 3000 Carbon Dioxide Production (VCO2) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -500 Time (hr) A second experimental run (Run 2) was conducted that consisted of a mixture of 50 % wood chips to 50% grass by volume. Before the compost reactor was loaded the starting materials were processed. The wood chips from the Brownsville Municipal Landfill were chipped and shredded to a smaller and more uniform size. The material was then 8 sieved to remove any powder. This material was composted for a total of 140 days to ensure maximum stability. The respirometry indicates that the compost became biologically active at 40 days from the start of composting while activity diminished after the 80-day mark (Figures 4a and 4b). Figure 4a: Respirometry Compost Run 2Oxygen Consumption O2 Consumption (mg/kg/hr) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Time (days) 9 100 120 140 Figure 4b: Respirometry Compost Run 2Carbon Dioxide Production 80 CO2 Production (mg/kg/hr) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (days) A third experimental run (Run 3) was conducted that consisted of a mixture of 90 % wood chips to 10% grass by volume. The material was composted for 21 days. A fourth experimental run corresponding to Table 1 was conducted that consisted of 70% wood chips and 30% grass. This material was also composted in the reactor for 21 days. The produced materials are currently being processed for the nitrate removal column tests. CONCLUSIONS Compost products are being developed and tested from various common feedstocks from South Texas, including biosolids, for potential application in biofiltration of stormwater. For these feedstocks the compost product appears to reach complete stability within approximately 90 days of composting time. In order to develop and test a more active product, composting times of 21 days are being utilized to produce a material with a more active microbial consortium, which may include nitrifying bacteria. 10 REFERENCES 1. Soares, I.M., Brenner, A., Yevzori, A., Messalem, R., Leroux, Y., and Abeliovich, Y. Water Science and Technology, 2000, 42(1/2), 353-359. 2. 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