Lesson 26 - E&M waves II I. Basic Properties of E&M Waves 1. As discussed in the previous lesson, E&M waves are transverse waves. Thus, the electric and magnetic field vectors must be perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. 2. Maxwell's equations also show that the electric and magnetic field vectors must be perpendicular to each other. 3. The directions of the three vectors E , B , and v are connected by the _________________ __________________ ______________________. EXAMPLE: The three vectors at a single instant of time v EXAMPLE: The evolution of the three vectors over time y z x 4. Maxwell's equations show that the electric and magnetic fields are coupled. The following three important relationships between the electric and magnetic fields follow from the solution of Maxwell's equations: a) The electric and magnetic fields are _____________ _______________ b) The electric and magnetic fields have the ______________ ______________ c) The magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields at any instant in time are related by the equation: E/B= EXAMPLE: What is the magnetic field strength if the electric field strength of an E&M wave is 3x10+3 N/C? 5. The Source of Electromagnetic Waves is ________________________ ___________________. This creates a _________________ ________________ ____________________ which then creates a ________________________ _____________________ _____________________. II. Poynting Vector And Intensity A. Electromagnetic waves transfer both energy and linear momentum. In order to describe the transfer of energy by an E&M wave, we define a special vector called the Poynting vector that is defined by the equation: 1 S μ E B o B. The direction of the Poynting vector is the ________________ as the ____________________ of ____________________________. C. The magnitude of the Poynting vector gives the ______________________ per unit ________________________ delivered by the _______________________ ___________________________. D. The magnitude of the Poynting vector changes with time as the electric and magnetic field vectors change with time. Since most electromagnetic waves vary quickly with time (a 0.5 m light wave has a frequency of 6.0x1014 Hz), we usually talk about the average of the magnitude of the Poynting vector. SAV SAV SAV E max Bmax I 2 μo The average of the magnitude of the Poynting vector is more commonly called the intensity of the electromagnetic wave or the "brightness" when talking about light. E. With a little bit of algebra, we can show that the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to the ________________ of the ______________________ of the __________________________. PROOF: EXAMPLE: What is the maximum power delivered if the amplitude of the electric field is 1.0x10+3 N/C? (Remember that μ o 4 π x 10 7 Tm/A ) III. Linear Momentum and Electromagnetic Waves An electromagnetic wave carries linear momentum. The magnitude of the linear momentum of a wave of energy E is given by p= We can prove that electromagnetic waves have linear momentum by letting the light shine on an absorber and then measure the force exerted on the absorber. Electromagnetic Wave Absorber The force applied by the electromagnetic wave upon the absorber according to Newton's 2nd Law is By definition, the force divided by area is pressure. Thus, we see that an electromagnetic wave can supply a "radiation pressure" upon the absorber that is given by Another important special case is when an electromagnetic wave is totally reflect off a material (perfect mirror) as shown below. Incoming Electromagnetic Wave Reflected Electromagnetic Wave Mirror Again the change in the linear momentum of the electromagnetic wave is the negative of the change of the linear momentum of the mirror. p = Following the same process as for the previous case we have Prad = 2 I / c IV. Wave Rronts and Rays Since a wave has no specific location like a baseball, we can't describe its motion using a position vector. Thus, we need some other way of describing the motion of the wave. A convenient way of describing the motion of a wave is to chose to a particular point on the wave (for example the peak of the wave) and describe its motion. A. A wave front is the geometrical surface corresponding to a constant phase of the wave. EXAMPLE: A Plane Wave E = Emax Cos(kx-t) y x z B. Instead of describing the wave by wave fronts, we can sometimes simply replace a wave front by a single vector arrow that is perpendicular to the wave front and points in the direction of wave propagation. This vector arrow is called a Ray. EXAMPLE: Outgoing Spherical Wave EXAMPLE: Plane Wave Traveling in +x-Direction V. Wave Diffraction One of the most intriguing properties of a wave is the ability of a wave to bend around an obstacle (diffraction). EXAMPLE: You can hear a person calling you from the next room even though you can't see them. How is this possible? SOLN: So why can't you see the person?