GORDON McTAGGART-COWAN Education: Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) University of British Columbia. November 2006. Thesis: “Pollutant reduction from a gaseous-fuelled, direct-injection, heavy-duty engine” Advisors: Dr. S.N. Rogak, Dr. W.K. Bushe M.A.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) University of British Columbia. December 2001. Thesis: “The application of exhaust gas recirculation to a single-cylinder, compression ignition engine fuelled with natural gas” Advisors: Dr. W.K. Bushe, Dr. P.G. Hill B.Eng (Mechanical Engineering co-op) (with distinction) University of Victoria. May 1999. Competitive Awards: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2006 (declined) University of British Columbia University Graduate Fellowship, 2006 NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship - D2 (Ph.D. level), 2004-2006 University of British Columbia Graduate Entrance Scholarship, 2004 NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship ‘B’(Ph.D. level), 2001 (declined) NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship ‘A’(M.A.Sc. level), 1999 - 2001 Canada Scholarship, 1994 - 1999 The Hugh and Lilian Salmond Memorial Scholarship, 1998 The Charles Humphrey Memorial Scholarship in Engineering, 1998 University of Victoria, Faculty of Engineering Dean’s Entrance Scholarship, 1994 University of Victoria Entrance Scholarship, 1994 Research Experience: Alternative Energy Group, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, UBC, Vancouver, BC and Research Department, Westport Innovations Inc. Vancouver, BC Ph.D. Candidate September 2004-October 2006 Implemented particle size measurement suite for heavy duty engine test cell at UBC Conducted tests on hydrogen and natural gas direct-injection fuelling of heavy-duty engine Investigated effects of natural gas composition on engine performance and emissions Studied role of recirculated species on the particulate formation process Research Engineer, University of British Columbia January 2002 – August 2004 Conceived and applied novel test and operational strategies for heavy-duty natural gas engine Designed and implemented improvements and additions to research engine facility Prepared and delivered peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations on research results Developed and validated model of research facility using commercial software (GT-PowerTM) Responsible for day-to-day maintenance, planning, and operation of research facility Supervised research technicians, co-op students, and assisted in supervision of graduate students Page 2 of 5 GORDON McTAGGART-COWAN Research Liaison, Westport Innovations Inc. (part-time) January 2002 – August 2004 Facilitated collaboration between researchers at Westport Innovations and professors at UBC Prepared, executed, and analysed tests for development of Westport injector technology Provided in excess of 60 fact-sheet style reports to Westport on experimental results Graduate Student/Research Associate September 1999 - December 2001 Developed and implemented instrumentation apparatus for new research engine Designed, installed, and commissioned operational and auxiliary systems for engine Calibrated new and reconditioned test equipment, commissioned research facilities Received award from Westport Innovations Inc. for contribution to milestone achievement Co-op Program, Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria. May 1995 – December 1998 Six work terms at different industrial and governmental facilities, including: Offshore Engineering Group. Institute for Marine Dynamics, NRC, St. John's, NF Sept-Dec, 1998 Carried out computer simulation and tow-tank testing of a generic submarine hull shape Analysed and compared computer simulation and physical model results Systems Group. Ballard Power Systems Inc. Burnaby, BC May - August, 1997 Investigated the effects of supplying fuel and oxidiser to fuel cell stacks at high pressure Developed novel techniques for gas-to-gas humidification of fuel stream Teaching Experience: January-April 2006: Experimental and Computational Methods (Mech 479) Sessional Co-Instructor Lectured on experimental design and methods in thermofluids (18 classroom hours) Class of 50 4th year and graduate students September – December 2005: Thermal Systems Design Course (Mech 327) Teaching Assistant Presented lecture on principles and applications of fundamental thermodynamic properties Assisted students during tutorial sessions, invigilated and marked exams March 2005: Combustion Course (Mech 576) Guest Lecturer Delivered 2 guest lectures to graduate/senior undergraduate course on combustion Focused on pollutant formation in combustion and health/environmental effects of pollution January – April 2005: 3rd Year Undergraduate Lab (Mech 302) Teaching Assistant Delivered ½ hour small-group lectures on Otto-cycle analysis and comparisons to real engines Supervised safe operation of lab equipment, student analysis of results January – April 2001: 3rd Year Undergraduate Lab (Mech 302) Teaching Assistant Developed new undergraduate engine lab experiment (equipment, procedures, expectations) Implemented improvements to lab procedure in response to student feedback September-December 2000,2001: 2nd year Thermodynamics Course (Mech 270) Teaching Assistant Lectures on basic concepts & applications in tutorial sessions for 20-80 students Demonstrated problem solutions in interactive class setting, supervised and marked quizzes Refereed Journal Articles (Published/In press) McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Reynolds, C.C.O. and Bushe, W.K. Natural Gas Fuelling for Heavy-Duty On-Road Use: Current Trends and Future Direction. International Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 63, No. 4. 2006. Pp. 421-440. Page 3 of 5 GORDON McTAGGART-COWAN McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Jones, H.L., Rogak, S.N., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. The Effects of High-Pressure Injection on a Compression-Ignition, Direct Injection of Natural Gas Engine. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power In Press. Accepted for publication 30 August, 2006. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Rogak, S.N., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. PM and NOx Reduction by Injection Parameter Alterations in a Direct Injected, Pilot Ignited, Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engine with EGR at Various Operating Conditions. SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-1733. SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, Vol. 114, No. 3. 2005. Hill, P.G. and McTaggart-Cowan, G.P. Nitrogen Oxide Production in a Diesel Engine Fuelled by Natural Gas. SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-1727. SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, Vol. 114, No. 3. 2005. Jones, H.L., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S.N., Bushe, W.K., Munshi, S.R., and Buchholz, B.A. Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter from a Diesel Pilot Ignited Natural Gas Fuelled Heavy Duty Engine. SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-2149. SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 114, No. 4. 2005. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S. The effect of engine operating condition on NOx and PM emissions from a heavy-duty natural gas engine with EGR. International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 5, No. 6. 2004. Pp. 499-512. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Rogak, S.N., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. The Effects of Varying EGR Test Conditions on a Direct Injection of Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Engine with High EGR levels. Technical Paper 2004-01-2955, SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines. Vol. 113, No. 3. 2004, Pp. 1500-1509. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S. The Application of Exhaust Gas Recirculation to a Heavy Duty Direct Injection of Natural Gas Engine. International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 5, No. 2. 2004. Pp. 175-192. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S. A Supercharged Single Cylinder Heavy Duty Engine for High Pressure Direct Injection of Natural Gas. International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 4, No. 4. 2003. Pp. 315-330. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S. The Effect of Injection Parameter Variations on a Heavy-Duty Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine with EGR. Technical Paper 2003-01-3089. SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 112, No. 4, 2003. Pp. 2103-2109. Other Refereed Contributions McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S.N, Hill, P.G., Munshi, S.R. and Bushe, W.K. The Effects of Reingested Particles on Emissions from a Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engine. SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-3411. Presented at SAE Fall Powertrain and Fluid Systems Conference, Toronto ON. October 2006. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Jones, H.L., Bushe, W.K., Rogak, S.N, Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. Hydrogen and Natural Gas Fuelling of a Heavy-Duty Engine. SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-0653. Presented at SAE World Congress, Detroit MI. April, 2006. Jones, H.L., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., and Rogak, S.N. Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Aerosol Size Distribution and Structure in the Exhaust from a Single Cylinder Heavy Duty Page 4 of 5 GORDON McTAGGART-COWAN Pilot-Ignited Natural Gas Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine. Presented at the European Aerosol Conference 2005, Ghent, Belgium. September 2005. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Jones, H.L., Rogak, S.N., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. The Effects of High-Pressure Injection on a Compression-Ignition, Direct Injection of Natural Gas Engine. ASME Technical Paper ICEF2005-1213. Presented at ASME Fall Internal Combustion Engine Divison Conference, Ottawa ON. September, 2005. (also published in revised form after separate review in ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power) Non-refereed Contributions: McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Rogak, S.N, Munshi, S.R. and Hill, P.G. Recirculated Particles in a Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engine. Presented at the Combustion Institute (Canadian Section) Spring Technical Meeting, Waterloo, ON. May 2006. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., Rogak, S.N, Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. Effect of EGR ‘type’ on a High-Pressure Direct Injection of Natural Gas Engine. Presented at the Combustion Institute (Canadian Section) Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, ON. May 2004. Jones, H.L., Rogak, S.N., McTaggart-Cowan, G., Bushe, W.K., and Munshi, S.R. Effect of Dilution Ratio on Particle Mass and Size in Exhaust from a Compression Ignition, DirectInjected, Natural Gas Fuelled Engine. Presented at the Combustion Institute (Canadian Section) Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, ON. May 2004. McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S.N, Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. Effect of Diesel Pilot Quantity on a Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine. Presented at the Combustion Institute (Canadian Section) Spring Technical Meeting, Vancouver, BC. May 2003. McTaggart-Cowan, G., Bushe, W.K., Hill, P.G. and Munshi, S.R. NOx Reduction from an HPDI Engine with Cooled EGR. Presented at the Combustion Institute (Canadian Section) Spring Technical Meeting, Windsor, ON. May 2002. Patent: Munshi, S.R., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Bushe, W.K., and Rogak, S.N. Method and Apparatus for Providing for High EGR Gaseous-Fuelled Direct Injection Internal Combustion Engine. Canadian Patent # CA2442336. Issued September 19, 2006 (US Patent Application #20060260585, submitted 28 March 2006). Invited Presentations: June 2006, AUTO21 Centre of Networks of Excellence Scientific Conference (Vancouver, BC) Panellist in discussion “Fuel Diversity and its role in Sustainable Transportation Systems” Focus on potential for gaseous fuels as near-term alternative May 2006, AUTO21 Centre of Networks of Excellence Student Conference (Barrie, ON) Summary of Auto21-funded research project for new student researchers June 2005, Westport Innovations Inc. Research Group Review of Ph.D. proposal, work to date, significance to Westport development program May 2005, Westport Innovations Inc. Product Development Leadership Group Review of previous 5 years of work on collaborative research grant, future direction of research April 2005, AUTO21 Display Booth Speaker Series, SAE World Congress Trade Show, Detroit, MI. Summary of heavy-duty natural gas fuelled engine research program at UBC Page 5 of 5 GORDON McTAGGART-COWAN May 2004, NRC/AUTO21 Engine Research Group Meeting (at NRC facility) Review of UBC engine research facilities, principal new objectives of research January 2001-September 2004, Combustion Group, UBC Five separate presentations on pollutant formation and engine technology applications September 2001, Westport Innovations Inc. & Visiting Researchers Summary of UBC engine research facilities, research results to date Professional Activities: Independent Peer Reviewer: ASME ICE Division Fall Conference. Technical Paper Reviewer. 2006. Society of Automotive Engineers. Technical Paper Reviewer. 2005 - present. Memberships: Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. Engineer-inTraining. 2001- present. Air and Waste Management Association. Member. 2004 - present. Society of Automotive Engineers. Member. 2005 - present. Revised 29/11/06