Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference TURBIDITY, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS AND FLUXES FOR THE RIVER OWENABUE IN THE SOUTH WESTERN RIVER BASIN DISTRICT (SWRBD), IRELAND Sean Harrington and Joseph Harrington Cork Institute of Technology, Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown, Cork ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of a field monitoring programme for turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations (C) at Ballea Bridge on the River Owenabue in the South Western River Basin District (SWRBD). Continuous in-situ turbidity monitoring, recording at 15 minute intervals, has been underway since September 2009. The turbidity data has been used as a surrogate for C and coupled to river flow data to estimate suspended sediment fluxes. Individual storm based fluxes and an annual flux are estimated for the river. Weekly water samples were collected and tested for C and turbidity using a portable turbidity unit and the results analysed. Analysis shows that the portable turbidity data is more accurate at predicting C than the in-situ turbidity probe which is expected as the portable turbidity is measured from the same sample as the C value. The coefficient of determination (r2) values for the relationships are: 0.841 for the handheld turbidity data versus in-situ turbidity data, 0.967 for in-situ turbidity monitoring data versus C and 0.989 for the portable turbidity data versus C. The relationships show that turbidity can be a good indicator of C for the river studied. The suspended sediment fluxes for individual storm based high flow events were estimated and analysed. During the largest recorded event which occurred in November 2009 the peak flow rate was recorded at 19.58 m3 s-1 (a return period of approximately 10 years), while peak concentration was 836 mg L-1. The suspended sediment flux is estimated at 737 tonnes for the period and represents approximately 28% of the annual flux delivered in only 5% of the time. For the November period analysed there were four peaks (events) in flow rate and C. Each event displayed a clockwise hysteresis loop indicating that the river became supply limited during each sub-event. Another event, with a peak recorded flow rate of 5.64 m3 s-1, which occurs about 9% of the time was also analysed. The event lasted 57 hours in October 2009 and the suspended sediment flux was estimated at 25.6 tonnes. This represents 0.7% of the total annual flux. A counter clockwise figure of eight hysteresis loop was observed during the event meaning peak C occurred on the falling limb of the hydrograph, indicating that the event was flow limited, rather than supply limited. This paper highlights the disproportionate impact that high intensity short duration events have on the transport of suspended sediment and highlights the importance of continuous monitoring of C for estimation of suspended sediment fluxes. Fine sediment transport plays a key role in the transport of contaminants in rivers and quantifying suspended sediment loads is essential to understanding such fine sediment and contaminant transport 1 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference particularly in the context of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). INTRODUCTION The importance of fine sediment transport in river systems has been highlighted in recent years (Walling et al., 2001; Zonata et al., 2005; Edwards & Withers, 2007 and Horowitz, 2008) and the quantification of fine sediment transport has become a key feature in assessing, for example, water quality trends where fine sediment fluxes rather than concentrations are compared (Horowitz, 2008). The calculation of the suspended sediment (SS) flux in a river system requires data on both discharge (Q) and suspended sediment concentration (C). The theoretical load (or flux) of SS transported in a river over a given time interval is given by: (1) where Ls is load for the period (t2 – t1), Q(t) is the flow rate at time t and C(t) is the concentration at time t. Continuous discharge and SS concentration data allows the most accurate estimate of ‘true’ load. Continuous stage data (with conversion to flow rate using a stage-discharge curve) is recorded using electronic data-logging equipment. Continuous suspended sediment data may be found through the use of automatic samplers (with the consequent requirement for laboratory testing) which can be expensive to operate or through the monitoring of a surrogate such as turbidity which by comparison is significantly less expensive and onerous. The use of turbidity as a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration has been addressed by for example Jansson (1992), Lewis (1996), Riley (1998) and Horowitz (2008). Turbidity is the optical property resulting from the scattering of light by suspended particles and is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). This optical turbidity approach is generally considered to be a good proxy to measure SS concentrations but is sensitive to the grain size distribution of the suspended material and also to the interferences of the colour of particles, the watery medium, the ratio between size and shape of particles, particle density, and content of dissolved particles. Linear relationships between turbidity and suspended sediment concentration have been developed in various studies (Lenzi & Marchi, 2000; Pavanelli & Biggi 2005; Chanson et al., 2008). However, variations in grain size distribution (particularly at the coarser sizes) associated with floods, may cause non-linear relationships to occur between turbidity and SS concentration. Furthermore, the relationship between SS concentration and turbidity is not well proven for high suspended sediment concentrations (> 10,000 mg L-1). Lewis (2003) reports that, in practice, linear models work quite well. In this paper, SS concentrations are comparatively low (< 850 mg L-1) and based on visual analysis the suspended sediment on the filters remains fine (< 63μm) even during flood events. This is supported by Walling et al. (2001) where it was found that 95% of the SS load transported in four rivers in the UK was within the 63μm fraction. Turbidity is thus likely to be a suitable surrogate for suspended sediment concentration in the Owenabue catchment, even for high flow events. 2 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference In an Irish context, work in this area is limited and annual fluxes using continuous data have not yet been presented. Recent work by Harrington & Harrington (2010) estimated sediment loads and yield for seven rivers in the South Western River Basin District (SWRBD), Ireland. The work was based on manual storm based sampling and used the flow duration – rating curve method of load estimation. An annual load for the Owenabue catchment was estimated to be 2305 t yr-1 (tonnes per year) which equates to a suspended sediment yield (SSY) of 22.4 t km-2 yr-1 (tonnes per square kilometre per year); suspended sediment yields may be used to compare sediment transport across different catchments. SSY for a number of the uncontrolled catchments in the SWRBD were estimated to range from 17 to 25 t km -2 yr-1. The work by Harrington & Harrington (2010) calculates fluxes and yields, and provides cross catchment comparison, but does not allow analysis of the contribution of storm events to the annual flux which can be extremely important (Zonta et al., 2005: Rovira & Batalla, 2006; Gentile et al., 2010). This paper presents the analysis and results of the first known study for Ireland using turbidity measurements as a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration including the contribution of high flow storm based events. Improved understanding and accuracy of SS concentrations, fluxes and dynamics will contribute to the management of Irish river basins in the context of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive where suspended solids are part of the supporting general physio-chemical quality elements used in assessing ecological status. CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS This paper focuses on the River Owenabue catchment which drains into Lough Beg at Carrigaline, which in turn drains into Cork Harbour at Crosshaven (Figure 1). Details for the 205 km2 catchment and the hydrometric station at Ballea Bridge Lower are given in Table 1. The catchment is a small uncontrolled catchment and high suspended sediment concentrations are found in the river compared to other SWRBD catchments including, for example, the nearby Bandon River. The slope of the river is relatively shallow along much of the river’s course, with an average slope of 6.34 m km-1 based on analysis of Discovery Series Raster 50 Ordinance Survey Ireland maps, although it is quite steep near the source. However, the catchment itself is quite steep to the north and south of the east flowing river, which increases the sediment availability compared to less steep catchments such as the Bandon. The Ballea Bridge Lower hydrometric station consists of an automatic water level recorder which is maintained and operated by the Office of Public Works (OPW). Figure 2 show the Station at Ballea Bridge. Water level is recorded at 15 minute intervals. The water level can then be converted to flow rate using a site specific stage discharge curve. There is a good stage discharge relationship at this location with the single span stone arch bridge and a vee-weir confining the flow. However further calibration is required to increase confidence in the stage discharge relationship at water levels above 0.9m (on the staff gauge) which is equivalent to 14.26 m3 s-1 (Freehill, 2010). Figure 3 shows a flood event on the river during November 2009. 3 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference Figure 1: Owenabue Catchment 19/11/2009 16:22 Q = 18.45 m3 s-1 Stage = 1.454m Figure 2: Ballea Bridge Lower Hydrometric Station Parameter River Details: Sub-Catchment (of the Lee) River Length Sub-Catchment Area Altitude at source Average Slope Average Flow Rate Annual Average Rainfall Land Use Figure 3: November 2009 Flood Conditions Detail Detail 22.71 km 205 km-2 110m OD 6.34 m km-1 (from OS maps) 2.294 m³ s-1 Parameter Station: Station Catchment Area Length to Station Station Type Body Responsible Co-ordinates Staff Gauge Zero 1272 mm/year (1971-2000) Records Available 1956-2010 Owenabue 103 km-2 19.05 km Data Logger Office of Public Works 51.82N, 8.42W 11.29 m O.D. Tillage, pasture, forestry, urban Table 1: Summary Data for the Owenabue River Catchment and Hydrometric Station METHODOLOGY A total of 49 manual surface grab samples were collected between 15/9/2009 and 15/9/2010. Each sample was laboratory tested for suspended sediment concentration and 4 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference turbidity. Suspended sediment concentration was found using Method 2540 D of the American Public Health Association (APHA). For samples with a high SS concentration (C) value a vacuum pump was used to reduce filtering time. The turbidity of each sample was found using a Hanna Instruments Portable Microprocessor Turbidity Meter (Model No. HI93703). Tests were conducted to confirm the suitability of using surface grab samples by comparing the C value of surface grab and depth integrated samples. Depth integrated samples were collected using a USGS DH-76 depth integrating sampler. 18 samples were collected for a wide range of suspended sediment concentration values (0.18 to 117 mg L -1) using each sampling method and the suspended sediment concentration values compared. Results confirmed that surface grab samples were representative of depth integrated samples at this sampling location. In-situ turbidity was monitored for the period 15/9/2009 to 15/9/2010 using a Campbell Scientific OBS 3+ probe connected to a CR800 logger and measured at 15 minute intervals, to match the resolution of the OPW’s automatic water level recorder. In-situ turbidity measurements were converted to suspended sediment concentration using a linear relationship developed by comparing the results of the in-situ turbidity probe and the measured C value from manually collected samples. Details of the analysis are presented in Section 4.1. Suspended sediment fluxes were calculated by applying equation (1) over the time period of the data record. Hysteresis is the phenomenon where the C value corresponding to a particular flow rate value differs on the rising and falling limbs of the hydrograph. This may be due to different factors including sediment depletion, flow paths, sediment riverine storage, land use and late sediment supply from tributaries (Evans & Davies, 1998). In this paper, hysteretic relationships between suspended sediment concentration and flow rate were analysed following Williams (1989). Suspended sediment concentration to flow rate (C/Q) ratios were constructed for a particular Q value on both the rising and falling limb of the hydrograph to allow comparison within and across events. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Turbidity and Suspended Sediment Concentration Relationships The analysis of the 49 manual samples collected between 15/9/2009 and 15/9/2010 allows comparison between suspended sediment concentration, in-situ turbidity and portable turbidity. Samples were collected over a large and representative discharge range on the river from 0.37 to 16.66 m3 s-1; the long-term average river flow rate on the river is 2.29 m3 s-1. In-situ turbidity was found to be an excellent predictor of suspended sediment concentration with an r2 value of 0.967 determined. r2 represents the coefficient of determination and in this context it means 96.7% of the variability of suspended sediment concentration can be explained by the variation in turbidity. Figure 4 shows the relationship which is subsequently used in this paper to convert continuous turbidity readings to suspended sediment concentrations. 5 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference The relationship between the portable turbidity value and suspended sediment concentration was found to have an r2 value of 0.989.This implies that portable turbidity is a better predictor of suspended sediment concentration. However, portable turbidity and suspended sediment concentration are measured from the same sample, and thus the relationship is likely to be better. The relationships found show that turbidity is an excellent surrogate for suspended sediment concentration. Similarly, the relationship between the portable turbidity and in-situ turbidity can be assessed and was found to have an r2 value of 0.841. Figure 4: Suspended sediment concentration versus in-situ turbidity on the River Owenabue Flux Estimates The annual suspended sediment flux was estimated for the period 15/9/2009 to 15/9/2010 by applying equation (1) over the time period for each event. The annual flux passing the Ballea Bridge Lower gauging station was found to be 2635 tonnes (t). The load analysis reveals that 85% of the total annual flux is transported over 10% of the year and 69% of the flux over 5% of the year. Similar such results have been reported for other rivers where a disproportionate amount of the load is transported during high flow short duration storm based events (Rovira & Batalla, 2006; Drewry et al., 2008). The magnitude of the flux estimate of 2635 t compares favourably with the flux estimate of 2305 t for the period 1/10/2007 to 30/9/2008 by Harrington & Harrington (2010), based on a storm event based manual sampling programme and using the flow duration-rating curve method of load estimation. However, it should be noted that the estimates based on the manual sampling programme are less likely to capture the full extent and influence of high flow events. November 2009 Events The extreme rainfall and flood events of November 2009 were caused by a series of fastmoving deep Atlantic depressions which brought active frontal systems across Ireland. The heaviest rainfall was recorded on the 1st, 9th, for the period from the 16th to 19th and on the 21st of November (Walsh, 2010). The high river flows experienced during November 2009 provide an excellent period over which to analyse the contribution of short duration high flow events to the annual suspended sediment flux. 6 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference The overall flooding period of November 2009 can be considered to consist of four subevents (identified here as Events 1 – 4); three events with peak flows of approximately 13.3 m3 s-1 followed by a larger flood event. The events had a peak flow of 19.58 m 3 s-1 (a return period of approximately 10 years) and a peak C value of 836 mg L -1. Each event had a duration of between 51 and 55 hours, while Event 4 lasted for a period of 276 hours. The first flood event started on the 11th November, the second on the 13th, the third on 15th and the last and largest on the 18th November. Table 2 provides summary data for each subevent analysed. Another event (identified as Event 5) in October 2009 is also included in Table 2 for comparison purposes. Analysis of this event is presented in Section 4.4. Figure 5 presents the flow rates and suspended sediment concentrations for the November 2009 event. Event Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Duration (hrs) SS Flux (t) Avg. C (mg L-1) Avg. Q (m3 s-1) Peak C (mg L-1) Peak Q (m3 s-1) C1/Q1 C2/Q1 C1/Q1 C2/Q1 51 54 55 276 57 154 107 103 370 25.6 72 46 44 28 33 10.03 11.24 11.35 11.19 2.93 836 214 139 153 155 13.30 13.30 13.30 19.58 5.64 51.9 16.0 8.4 10.9 7.3 8.5 6.3 5.5 2.0 9.3 6.1 2.5 1.5 5.5 0.8 Q1 =A given flow rate for an event which is less than the peak flow rate. C1 = Suspended sediment concentration on the rising limb of the hydrograph at Q1 C2 = Suspended sediment concentration on the falling limb of the hydrograph at Q1 Table 2: Summary of high flow events on the Owenabue River in October and November 2009 Figure 5: Flow rates and suspended sediment concentrations during November 2009 The total suspended sediment flux over the specific November period is estimated at 737 t and represents approximately 28% of the annual flux which is delivered over 5% of the year. The results for this November 2009 event suggest that in general peak suspended sediment concentration precedes peak flow rate. However, this changes with successive events. The flow duration near peak flow reduces with successive events as seen in Figure 6 where the flow rate declines more rapidly after each successive peak. Figure 6 also shows that the peak suspended sediment concentration generally declines with each sub-event indicating a 7 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference progressive exhaustion of the suspended sediment supply due to the effect of the successive previous events. A clockwise hysteresis loop (Figure 6) was observed for Events 1 to 4 indicating that the river became supply limited, meaning the quantity of material available for transport was limited by the sediment supply (rather than by the flow rate) . Table 2 above shows that peak concentration successively reduces from Event 1 to 3 and the C values reduce more rapidly after peak Q for successive events. A disproportionately large quantity of the suspended sediment flux for Event 1 is delivered during the initial hours of the event, with 32% of the load delivered in the first 12 hours (21% of the duration of Event l). The percentage of the suspended sediment flux delivered in the first 12 hours for Event 2 and Event 3 reduces to 25% and 18% of the event duration respectively. It is clear that the initial hours of the event transport a disproportionately large quantity of the SS flux, although, if preceded by other events of similar flow magnitude the percentage delivered in the early stages of the event reduces for successive events. 8 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference Figure 6: Hysteretic Loops of Events 1 to 4 during November 2009 October 2009 Event A smaller event (Event 5) occurred on 6th October 2009, with a peak recorded flow rate of 5.64 m3 s-1, which has an exceedance frequency of 9% (Figure 7). The estimated SS flux for the 57 hour event was found to be 25.6 t. Similar to the November flood events, 44% of the flux is transported in the first 12 hours, highlighting the importance of capturing data on the rising limb of the hydrograph. A counter clockwise figure of eight hysteresis loop (Figure 8) was observed, with peak C recorded after the peak Q on the falling limb of the hydrograph. This particular event was flow limited; meaning the quantity of sediment transported was controlled by the flow rate of the river. A subsequent mini-peak in C was observed at around 7am on the 7/10/2009 (Figure 7) which is independent of flow rate. There are a number of possible explanations for this such as the late delivery of suspended sediment at the gauging station due to smaller tributaries of the river or from the spatial variation of rainfall within the catchment (Rovira & Batalla, 2006). 9 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference Figure 7: Flow rates and suspended sediment concentrations during October 2009 (Event 5) Figure 8: Hysteretic Loop of Event 5 during October 2009 CONCLUSIONS This paper examined the application of turbidity as a surrogate for suspended sediment. Turbidity is an excellent indicator of suspended sediment concentration at the Ballea Bridge Lower gauging station on the River Owenabue with a coefficient of determination, r2, of 0.967. The annual SS flux determined for the period 15/9/2009 to 15/9/2010 is 2635 t. A peak suspended sediment concentration of 836 mg L-1 was recorded and the peak recorded flow rate was 19.6 m3 s-1. Two types of event were analysed; high flow events with peak Q greater than 13.3 m3 s-1 from November 2009 (Events 1 to 4), and a smaller event with a peak Q of 5.64 m3 s-1 from October 2009 (Event 5). During the flood events of November 2009, a SS flux of 737 t was estimated. During each of the successive events of similar peak flow rate (Events 1-3) the peak suspended sediment concentration was lower than for the previous event, the peak duration was shorter and the flow rate and concentration reduced more rapidly after peak flow rate with a reduction in SS flux observed for successive events. These results show that the suspended sediment load transported during an event is determined not only by flow rate and duration, but also by its inter-event position. It is likely that high flow events that occur after periods of relatively low flow carry most suspended sediment. 10 Harrington et al. National Hydrology Conference Analysis shows that high intensity events contribute disproportionately to SS flux and that most of the SS flux is transported in the initial stages of the event which in general coincides with the rising limb of the hydrograph. This paper shows that, in general, flow rate is the main factor influencing SS transport in the River Owenabue for the period studied. The limitations of manual sampling in understanding the dynamics of suspended sediment transport are highlighted by this paper. Although manual storm based sampling may produce a good estimate of annual flux it may not reflect the effect of high intensity short term flux events or not allow shorter term fluxes to be calculated or identify the related delivery sequence, which may be as important as the load itself in certain circumstances. Using continuous turbidity data as a surrogate for suspended sediment concentration allows reliable SS flux estimates to be developed and increases our understanding for short duration flood events and their contribution to SS fluxes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the research funding received from the Government of Ireland/Institutes of Technology Technological Sector Research Strand I Postgraduate R&D Skills Programme. The authors also wish to acknowledge the support received from the Office of Public Works in providing river flow and associated data. REFERENCES Chanson, H., Takeuchi, M., Trevethan, M., 2008, ‘Using turbidity and acoustic backscatter intensity as surrogate measures of suspended sediment concentration in a small subtropical estuary’, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 88, pp. 1406-1416. 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