Verification of Coulomb’s Law using a Coulomb Balance Raghuveer Dodda, Physics 425 Coulomb’s Law states that the force acting on a charge due to another charge is directly proportional to the product of the these charges and to the inverse of the square of the distance separating these charges. There is also a constant of proportionality called the Coulomb’s constant. The Coulomb Balance is an apparatus that allows the experimenter to alter the charge present on two conducting spheres that behave as point charges. The experimenter can also change the separation between them. This paper presents the results of an experiment to verify Coulomb’s law using this apparatus. INTRODUCTION Coulomb’s Law is one of the basic experimental laws of physics. Though it describes the interaction between two point charges, it is extremely powerful in its application because one can understand all charges as collections of point charges. It is therefore important to verify that the force between two charges is proportional to each of the individual charges, and that the force obeys the inverse square law for distance. The constant of proportionality, called the Coulomb constant, has the value 8.9876 x 109 N m2 C-2. MATERIALS AND METHODS A Coulomb Balance consists of a torsion balance that has a conducting sphere attached to its wire. The sphere is perpendicular to the axis of the wire and a small shaft supports it. This sphere is free to move about the wire, and it twists the wire when it moves. The angle through which the wire twists is proportional to the force the wire exerts on the sphere (i.e., on the shaft and hence on the sphere). The other sphere moves freely along a straight path, which has a scale attached to it. The scale shows the distance between the two spheres at any given time. A power supply enables the experimenter to impart a desired potential to the sphere, and hence a desired charge (because the capacitance of the sphere is only a property of the sphere and is the proportionality constant between the potential and the charge, it will suffice to use the potential instead of the charge for this experiment). The experiment had the following parts: 1. Verifying the dependence of Theta on R where Theta is the angle through which the torsion wire rotates and the R is distance of separation between the two charged spheres. 2. Verifying the dependence of Theta on Q where Q is the charge on a sphere (which is proportional to V, the potential of the sphere). 3. Calculating the Coulomb’s constant The charges on the two spheres were fixed, and the distance between the spheres was changed to observe how Theta changes with R. To see how Theta depended on Q, the distance between the charges was kept constant and the charge on the spheres was altered (in our experiment, only the charge on one sphere was changed). The torsion constant of the wire was calculated in the final part of the experiment so that the actual force acting on the spheres could be calculated; this allowed for the calculation of the Coulomb constant because all the other parameters were known. then the inverse square dependence of R stands verified. The next two columns in Table1 – Part A contain LN [THETA] and LN[R]. A linear regression yields the following value : n = (-2.36800 ± 0.212661) Hence, inverse square dependence is verified. Part B RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 contains the data for all the parts of the experiment. Part A The spheres were maintained at a fixed potential, and torsion was observed in the wire for varying separation between the spheres. The results are tabulated in Table1 – Part A in the two columns labeled THETA and R. The third column B is the correction factor that is necessary to validate the assumption that the spheres are point charges (The closer the charges are to one another, the more they affect the distribution of charge on each other’s surfaces. The correction factor considers the fact that these objects are spheres and not just point charges per se). Now, assume that: THETA = b R^n , where b and n are constants. Then, LN[ THETA] = n LN[R] + LN[b] This is the equation of a straight line in the form y = nx + c where x = LN[R] and y = LN[THETA]. If we are able to show that the slope of this line n is -2, The spheres were separated by the distance of 0.1 m, and one of the spheres was charged to 6000 V. The other sphere was successively given different potentials varying between 6000V and 2000V. The Table1 – Part B contains two columns labeled THETA and V2 where V is the potential that is being changed on one sphere. The correction factor B serves the same purpose as before. Now, assume that THETA = b V^ n , where b and n are constants.Then, LN[ THETA] = n LN[V] + LN[b] This is the equation of a straight line in the form y = nx + c where x = LN[V] and y = LN[THETA]. If we are able to show that the slope of this line n = 1, then we will have proven that THETA is proportional to the V and hence to Q, the charge on the sphere. The next two columns in Table1 – Part B contain LN [THETA] and LN[V]. A linear regression yields the following value : n = 1.41378 ± 0.154996 The error 0.154996 is the standard deviation of the error, which means that there is about 68% chance that the value on n lies in that interval. If we allow the error to be up to three standard deviations, i.e., ± 0.464898, then we have a 99% chance that the value lies within this interval. So, n = 1.41378 ± 0.464898 contains the value of n = 1, which is the value Coulomb’s law expects for n. Part C This part focuses on finding coulomb’s constant. This is very straight forward because the data required to compute this value is already present in Part B. The following formula is used : F = k Q1 Q2 / R2 where Q1 = CV1 , Q1 = CV1 and C = a / k for a conducting sphere. Therefore, k = V1 V2 a2 / ( R2 F). We know all the parameters in the above equation except F where F = K x THETA. Once the torsion constant, K, is known, the Coulomb constant, k, is also known. Table 1 – Part C contains a table to determine K. Since K = F / THETA, the value of K is found for three different sets of Forces and torsion displacements. The average value of K is 1.0975E-06 ± 1.35982E-09 Newtons/degree. The average value of k is, then, 1.60632E+11 ± 1.35982E-09 N m2 C-2. This value is at least two orders of magnitude larger than the actual value. As explained in Table1 – Part C, the source of this error is unkown.