Task 1 - Euroakadeemia


Lesson 9. The need for Radical Sustainable Urban Development in the Baltic Sea Region p. 20 - 23

On-line dictionary: www.oup.com/elt/oald

Task 1. Match the definition with the word:


to control or limit sth, especially sth bad



a very small village

3. including all, or almost all, the items, details, facts, information, etc., that may be concerned

6. too important to be without




a written list of all the objects, furniture, etc. in a particular building; all the goods in a shop



a very slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or sb’s feelings that is not usually very obvious;



A. affluent

B. hamlet

C. indispensable

D. cohort

E. comprehensive

F. dismount

G. crave

H. milestone

I. curb

G. inventory

K. nuance


technical ) a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour; ( disapproving ) a member of a group of people who support another person;


to get off a horse, bicycle or motorcycle;

9. to have a very strong desire for sth



having a lot of money and a good standard of living





a very important stage or event in the development of sth


Task 2. Read Summary on page 20 and say whether the statement is True or False:

1. Global Change is fired by two major current trends: urban growth and rural decline.

2. A thorough revision of cities̉‘ affluent performance is thus needed to give substantially lower direct and indirect environmental costs, lesser ecological footprint, diminished material use and reduced energy demands.

3. A city with a radically limited need for life is here termed a “factor five flow city”.

4. Such a city is only possible if a number of measures are confronted: a more efficient city-hinterland structure, dematerialisation, a consequent change to renewable energy and a popular adoption of a lean and at the same time attractive lifestyle in developed countries.

5. Ten selected Baltic Sea Region cities are here proposed to induce and inspire such a development by making long-term (150 years) comprehensive sustainability visions describing a transformation into factor five flow cities.

6. This requires an involvement of all interested stake-holders of community development and that the cities can be reformed – at least partly - from within: by creating more efficient components (local areas or cities) – the larger units (the cities and regions) can become more sustainable.

7. An appropriate model for inventorying, analysing and finding nuanced townscape sustainability strategies, can be derived from the UN Habitat agenda, which was identifying seven equally indispensable resources.

8. By formulating long-term visions of sustainable management of these seven resources, a trust can be built up also in short-term policies and actions leading to the long-term choices.

Task 3. Make questions to the sentences:

1. Coinciding with a global change (Steffen et al. 2004) there are two dominating migratory trends in the Baltic Sea Region.

2. Growing urban areas as well as demounted and depopulated rural areas, villages and towns produce a double strain on life support systems of cities and regions (Andersson et al.


3. The environmental costs contribute to an inefficient and basically negative regional contribution to a necessary curbing of the Global Change crisis.

4. Marginal changes in technology, small-scale introduction of renewable energy and small changes in human settlement all tend to conserve and even worsen the situation further.

5. A radical but realistic goal and action plan is instead needed for all cities in the region.

6. Politicians, researchers, company-owners and households would need to co-operate in an action plan for a sustainable future but have – everyone by themselves – reasonable and

BUUF, 2007 Tatjana Kouts, EU 2009

Lesson 9. The need for Radical Sustainable Urban Development in the Baltic Sea Region p. 20 - 23

On-line dictionary: www.oup.com/elt/oald legitimate short-term restrictions in their capacity for change.

7. The will may be there, but all the actors need some assurance of success to contribute significantly to the sustainable city.

8. T he f actor f ive f low c ity can only be achieved with a combination of measures.

9. Ten selected cities in the Baltic University program Network proposed to develop 50-year factor five flow city visions.

10. But this development can only be achieved through a combination of a number of measures.

Task 4. Finish the sentences. Match the parts of the sentences

1. With emphasis on physical resources, a factor five flow city e.g.:

A. the nutrient losses of average Baltic Sea Region cities.

B. the fossil fuels of today’s average consumption.

2. Uses only 20% of the fossil fuels of today’s average consumption.

3. Have only 20% of the nutrient losses of average Baltic Sea Region cities.

4. Reduce transport CO2-exhaust with 80% compared to present.

5. Has a five time longer ”active” coastline between built and green structures.

6. Produces the same social, organisational and cultural resources with only a fifth of the ecosystems.

C. resources with only a fifth of the ecosystems.

D. with 80% compared to present.

E. between built and green structures.

Task 5. 1.

Place the phrases from B part into the right gaps in A: part A

1.The transition to the solar energy society where more services and goods are produced with less non-renewable energy .............

is one important component.

2. Renewable energy introduction requires – however – determination, governmental action, local community action and

…… .

3. …………… means that the same services are provided with less material need.

4. This is also a …………… , however determined we are.

5. Anyone who has been working with ……… knows that ………… even very limited parts of urban areas can take many decades – at least until the new or renewed areas have had time to stabilise.

6. Although human values in principle may change over night – in practice real action will often require either a ……….

or at least that a whole cohort (an age interval group or generation) with new values start …………..

broadly in society’s decision making.


By running these slow processes


- united by a common vision – change may occur much faster.

*(and overall less energy used)*




*rare paradigm shift*

*time-demanding process*

*to take over*


*technological patience*

Task 6. Inset the prepositions or parts of speech: over, by, in, which, or, with, without, and, of, from, on, as


A combination ….

co-ordination ….

measures are thus needed, to achieve a radical factor five flow implementation ….

Baltic Sea Region Cities.


But the trends are rapidly moving away …..

these post-soviet situations ….

the east and south: to zonated cities, with a rapid invasion … cars, sky-rocketing consumption and an affluent “western” life-style is clearly ….


3. Can we learn to discover this threat ….


4. Could such examples maybe also contribute … slowing down the fast urbanisation and the rapid depopulation …… rural towns and areas, …. the rest ….

the region and even ….

Other parts


the world?

5. Researchers …..

the universities …..

Uppsala have proposed a study …… 10 Baltic Sea Cities, gathering a complete set ….

stake-holders to produce a 50 years vision – based …..

current comprehensive plans …….

the chosen cities.

6. The cities would then serve …..

models …..

change ….. other cities …..

the region (similar to the citiesPLUS proposal, …… is now adopted …..

many other cities and local

BUUF, 2007 Tatjana Kouts, EU 2009

Lesson 9. The need for Radical Sustainable Urban Development in the Baltic Sea Region p. 20 - 23

On-line dictionary: www.oup.com/elt/oald regions all …..


7. A part …… the strategy to produce a whole Baltic Sea region…..is more sustainable is …… building it “from within” = …… its component cities.

Task 7. Make possible collocations:


*flows * *soil* *crisis* *concept* *industry* *of forests*

*footprint * *area* *costs* *energy* 2.lost productive

3 acidification

4. an ecological

5. energy

6. renewable

7. Global Change

8. renewed

9. complex and contextually imprinted

10 resource - craving

Task 8. Page 22. Answer the questions.

1. When and where was

Habitat conference held? (The United Nations Habitat conference Habitat II, was held in Istanbul 1996)

2. Why is it so important? (represents a milestone in the understanding of sustainable urban development. In a number of statements and articles seven dimensions of sustainable habitation were discussed)

3. How did the Habitat II conference described the role of the local area for global sustainability? (Highlighted the key role) emphasised the community level as an important arena for impacting global change in a positive direction

4. How can factor five flow city vision contribute to Baltic region sustainable development?( to build a trust between different stake-holders, which in turn would make)

Task 9. Home task. Practical assignment.

Read on p 23 the P olicy recommendations

“It is here recommended that Baltic Sea States will:”

Find out and collect the examples how this recommendations are implemented in our country. Be ready to present these in written for the next lesson.

BUUF, 2007 Tatjana Kouts, EU 2009

Lesson 9. The need for Radical Sustainable Urban Development in the Baltic Sea Region p. 20 - 23

On-line dictionary: www.oup.com/elt/oald

BUUF, 2007 Tatjana Kouts, EU 2009
