DEFINITION THE FRACTAL MODEL OF DIFFUSION MAIN PARAMETERS FOR SEMIBOUNDED TWO-LAYER ONEDIMENSIONAL MEDIUM*1 E.S. Mogileva Penza State University. Penza. Russia Abstract. Inverse problems without initial conditions for the diffusion equation of fractional order at the time for semi-bounded two-layered medium are investigated. The algorithm of identification of the fractal model parameters proposed. Formulas for calculation of the generalized diffusion coefficient λ, and index of anomalous diffusion β received. Length values of cross-border layer found. INTRODUCTION Inverse coefficient problem for the homogeneous case. Ivashchenko D.S.[1] considered the solution of the inverse problem for the diffusion equation of fractional order with constant coefficients in its work. Solution of boundary value problems without initial conditions or signal problems is realized with the help the Riemann– Liouville differential operator. The impact of initial conditions practically no effect on the temperature distribution at the time of observation in the problems of this type. Boundary condition: 2 t D u ( x, t ) 2 u ( x, t ), u (0, t ) Aeiwt . 2 x 2 Solution of boundary value problems without initial conditions is written in the form u ( x, t ) Ae (iwt (iw) x) . A real part of the expression is of the form u ( x, t ) Ae 1 ( w x e-mail: cos 2 ) cos( wt w x sin 2 ). Let`s based on the solution u ( x, t ) and the additional condition u ( x0 , t j ) c j . We define our values and , where u ( x0 , t j ) is experimentally found value u for the distance x 0 from the source at the moments of time t j . Let u ( x0 , t0 ) c0 , u ( x0 , t1 ) c1 are set and condition t1 t0 fulfilled. Coefficient problems 2w consist in the search for , and , at the same time. INVERSE COEFFICIENT PROBLEM FOR THE HOMOGENEOUS CASE The inverse problem 1 consists in the definition of the generalized diffusion coefficient for a given index of anomalous diffusion β to the data of the inverse problem. c0 u( x0 , t 0 ) , c1 u( x0 , t1 ) . c0 Ae w x cos 2 cos( wt 0 w x sin 2 ) , c1 Ae w x cos 2 cos( wt1 w x sin 2 ) The solution of the inverse problem 2w x0 cos 2 2ln A ln(c02 c12 ) (1) The inverse problem 2 consists in the definition index of anomalous diffusion β for a given of the generalized diffusion coefficient to the data of the inverse problem. The solution of the inverse problem w cos( 2 ) 2 x0 ln( A2 ) c02 c12 PROSPECTS The inverse coefficient problem for the case of ideal contact on the real half-axis. Statement of the inverse coefficient problem without initial conditions for the diffusion equation of fractional order at the time with constant coefficients for the case of one point interface on the real axis. The first inverse coefficient problem - to define the generalized diffusion coefficient if is fixed. Let's calculate u 20 ( x0 ) u 20 ( x0 2l ) 2k1 e ax0 e a ( x0 2l ) Re Ae iwt k1 k 2 1 e a 2l 2k1 Re Ae iwt e ax0 k1 k 2 u 21 ( x0 ) u 21 ( x0 2l ) 2k1 e ax0 e a ( x0 2l ) Im Ae iwt k1 k 2 1 e a 2l 2k1 Im Ae iwt e ax0 k1 k 2 In the considered formulas from work [1] we will replace c0 , c1 on c0 ,c1 respectively, let's designate: ci k1 k2 k k u ( x0 , ti ) 1 2 u ( x0 2l , ti ), i 0,1. 2k1 2k1 Remark. Ivashchenko D.S. proposes as a solution of the second the inverse problem equation in the work [1]. This equation does not give explicit algorithm for calculate the index of anomalous diffusion . Let's submit an explicit solution to the second of (c ic1 ) iwt the inverse problem. let's define u c0 ic1 then 0 e e A Passing to logarithms, we have ln ( iw) x . i w c0 ic1 iwt e 2 x. A Let's equate absolute values of the right and left parts: 1 w 2 2 ln( c0 c1 ) ln A i( w) x0 . 2 Then w x0 1 2 2 ( ln( c0 c1 ) ln A) 2 ( w) 2 . 2 As a result, we obtain an explicit formula for : c0 2 c12 ln ( wt )2 2 x A x0 , arg(c ic ). 0 0 1 ln w (2) The inverse coefficient problem - to define the length l. We calculate the unknown parameter with the help of available measurements. Let's enter new designation b – relation of coefficients thermal diffusivity of two substances. iw x 1 b c e a1 0 1 ln iw 1 b a1 x0 e c1 l iw 2 a1 (3) CONCLUSION Inverse coefficient problem for the homogeneous case, the inverse coefficient problem for the case of ideal contact on the real half-axis are investigated. Solution signal problems is realized with the help the Riemann–Liouville differential operator. Inverse problems without initial conditions for the diffusion equation of fractional order at the time for semi-bounded two-layered medium are solved. 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