Turbulent flow and dispersion, classical cases


Contaminant dispersion

Jüri Elken elken@phys.sea.ee

Tallinn University of Educational Sciences, Chair of Geophysics

Estonian Marine Institute, Department of Marine Physics



Turbulent flow and dispersion, classical cases

Turbulence in sheared stratified flow

Turbulence description

Advection-diffusion equation

Diffusion at simple cases

Numerical models


Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 1


Contaminants are substances that make harm to environment and marine living organisms. In the Baltic Sea the most problematic contaminants are:

 trace metals

 organochlorines

 hydrocarbons (oil products)

 nitrogen and phosphorus causing eutrophication

Scalar tracers that may be contaminants , but also physical variables like temperature and salinity or biogeochemical variables like concentrations of oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll and abundance of classes of phytoplankton and zooplankton

Scalar tracers may be hydrodynamically

 active - they influence the water density and currents

 passive - they have no feedback to the water dynamics

Conservative tracers like salinity and temperature undergo only advection by currents and dilution by turbulence, they have no internal sources and sinks.

Most of the tracers are non-conservative . Some of them like colibacteria undergo only destruction in time. Others like oxygen is both produced and consumed in the water column. Non-conservative tracers have sources and sinks . Many of the contaminants accumulate on the bottom and may be further released into the water column. Some non-conservative contaminants accumulate in living organism where the concentration may increase. This is called bioconcentration .

Sources of contaminants may be point sources or diffuse sources .

The source may be located as river or stream discharging contaminated water, a pipe outlet , atmospheric deposition or release from the contaminated sediments .

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Laminar and turbulent flow

Laminar flow is regular, layered flow that occurs at small speeds

Turbulent flow is irregular, containing of eddies that make additional friction and mix the water properties like diffusion

Reynolds found with his experiments that transition from laminar to turbulent flow takes place if



Re crit


5000 where Re - Reynolds number, U - characteristic flow speed,

L - length scale,

- kinematic viscosity

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Flow in a tube

if the speed of laminar flow gets above critical then turbulence is generated that acts like friction reducing the mean flow speed

Tracer spreading in sheared flow

is stretched in the centre of channel where velocities are higher.

Density interface suppresses vertical mixing so that tracer remains in the upper layer where velocities are higher. Presence of velocity shear favours turbulence generation

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Behaviour of tracer patch in eddy field

a) eddy larger than patch size makes only advective transport b) eddies comparable to patch size distort the patch: initial "red spot" is converted into "red stripes" , the eddies are called dispersive eddies, the process is called also stirring c) eddies smaller than patch size act like diffusion: initial "red spot" is converted into "pink cloud"

Deformation of "chessboard" patch in a dispersive eddy

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Turbulence generation in sheared stratified flow

Current shear favours turbulence generation . Turbulent eddies get their energy from the mean flow. By time, turbulent eddies get smaller and smaller (this is the cascade mechanism ) until the energy is lost by friction due to molecular viscosity,

Stable density stratification suppresses turbulence generation since the kinetic energy of eddies is converted quickly to potential energy of stratification.

The balance between turbulence generation and suppression is d

 g described by Richardson number


 dz du

2 dz

, where

- water density, starts if g - gravity, u - current velocity, z - vertical axis. Turbulence


0 .

25 . This value of Ri is set also by theory of internal waves - they become unstable and start breaking .

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Internal waves have periods in the order from minutes to a few hours.

Krauss (1981) has shown that favourite conditions for Ri

0 .

25 appear within inertial oscillations (14 h in the Baltic) that are excited during storms.

Stratified flows are characterised also by Bulk Richardson number defined over the whole layer



 g u

2 h

, where h - layer thickness, u - typical velocity, g

  g




- reduced gravity,




- density of upper and lower layer.

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Entrainment is a process, where turbulent and laminar layers are separated by a density jump and the active turbulent layer intrudes the quiet laminar layer.

Dilution of submerged jet by entrainment is dependent on the

Froude number


 u g

 h

(ratio of current speed to phase speed of internal waves)

Fronts act as barriers to horizontal dispersion by turbulent motion and also form regions of entrapment in which dilution by vertical mixing is less effective

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Lagrangian description of turbulent diffusion

It looks at the subsequent coordinates ( trajectories ) of a number of individual fluid or fluid property particles that are advected

(transported) by currents . When the current field is known then we may add turbulent diffusion as random walks Rnd

 

that have in general Gaussian distribution with dispersion that corresponds to turbulent activity. For a particle numbered i we get dx i dy i dz i

 u v w

 x i x x i i



, y i y i y i



, z i z z i i



, t t t

 dt dt dt


Rnd x y

( i

 


Rnd z

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Advection-diffusion equation

of a property

  is derived with an assumption that molecular diffusive flux is added to the advective flux

  v

 d D

 m

   d


. Then for incompressible fluid we obtain

 

 t

 u

 

 x

 v

 

 y

 w

 

 z

  m


 2

 x


 2

 y


 2

 z




, where q


is production minus destruction per unit volume and

 m

is molecular diffusion coefficient


Turbulent motions

are treated by

Reynolds decomposition

into a mean

, regular component and irregular pulsation


     


  



  


Averaging the advection-diffusion equation we obtain

 

 t

 u

 

 x

 v

 

 y

 w

 

 z

  m


 2

 x


 2

 y


 2

 z



  


 x u

 

 

 

 y v

 

 

 

 z w

 

 

 turbulent fluxes

, where additional "turbulent terms" appear due to non-linearity of advection.

Turbulent fluxes

are usually parameterised by gradient approach, assuming they act like diffusion

or viscosity whereas horizontal and vertical turbulence coefficients have different value u

     

 x

; v

     

 

 y

; w

     

 

 z and generally are not constants. Since turbulent diffusion is much greater than molecular, the latter can be neglected. We will reach the advection-diffusion equation of turbulent motions

 

  u

 x

 

 y

 

  v

   w

 z

 x

 x

 y

 y


 z local change advective change horizontal turbulent diffusion vertical turbulent diffusion

 net


 production

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Diffusion at simple cases

Turbulent diffusion coefficients and current speeds are assumed constant

Vertical diffusion with no advection

 

 t

 

 2

 z


Instantaneous point release at the surface

If the amount M is deposited initially at the surface, then the solution is

 



 t exp

 z



 t

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 11

Horizontal advection and diffusion

 

 t

 u

 

 x

 

 2

 x


Instantaneous release of substance in steady uniform flow

Initial concentration is Gaussian

 x ,



  exp


 x




 the solution is

 





 t

 exp


 x

 ut


2 


 t

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 12

Steady release on a plane in a steady uniform flow diffusion across the axis of advective transport u

 

 x

 

 2

 y


 

 2

 z


For steady release at the surface Q [kg/s] the solution is

  x , y , z


 x

2 Q

 exp

 uy



 x

 uz



 x

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Numerical models

In realistic cases numerical models have to be used.

Continuous fields are replaced by a set of discrete values .

Time and space derivatives that appear in the equations are replaced by their discrete analogues .

There are different methods how to construct the discrete model.

Space derivatives can be taken as

 finite differences on rectangular or curvilinear grid

 finite elements on triangulated grid

Models start with initial distributions and perform time stepping .

Currents and tracers cannot have smaller structures than the model grid step .

All the eddies that size is smaller than grid step are treated as turbulent diffusion . This problem is called turbulence closure .

Diffusion coefficients are variable in space and time.

Vertical diffusion/viscosity is alternatively taken as

 function of Richardson number or other local flow parameters

 calculated from the equations for turbulent kinetic energy , called also as k

 


Horizontal diffusion/viscosity is alternatively taken as

 constant

 function of velocity shear (e.g. Smagorinski formulation)

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Example of rectangular grid

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 15

Example of curvilinear orthogonal grid

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 16

Grid structure on vertical plane, 3D models

Fixed levels

Sigma coordinates stretched between the bottom and surface

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 17

Dispersion of salinity in Haapsalu Bay, Estonia

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 18

Dispersion of salinity in Pärnu Bay, Estonia

Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 19
