A classification system for pressures related to hazardous water emissions from mine sites - comparison of pressures in ten EU Accession Countries ERIK PUURA Institute of Technology University of Tartu Vanemuise 21 50110 Tartu, ESTONIA MARCO D’ALESSANDRO Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research Centre of the European Commission I-21020 Ispra (VA), ITALY Abstract A survey of information on the hazardous water emissions from mine sites in the Central and Eastern European EU Accession Countries, as well as the overview of already existing ranking systems and studies in Europe, demonstrated a need to establish a common and easily understandable new ranking system for environmental pressures, that could give information on the existing situation with respect to mine waters and be used for assessments and comparisons on multicountry level and catchment basis. The proposed system uses and combines two main parameters characteristic to the mine site or a set of small mines polluting a certain water course – the flow rate of the emissions and its qualitative character expressed by the maximum value, how many times any of the environmental standards (maximum permissable concentration) is exceeded. These two parameters can be combined into one – pressure factor (PF), defined as log(number of times standard exceeded) + log(emission flow rate, m3/day). The data are expressed on a special plot, the five categories A…E define the number of times of the standard exceedance (A – more than 1000 times; E – not exceeded), the classes are also dependent on the flow rate. The available information and estimated parameters for different mining sites in Central and Eastern Europe were compared on a single plot, showing the differences of MPC exceedance and flow rates between emissions generated by the larger and smaller scale mining activities of different commodities. Introduction Mine accidents in Aznacollar, Spain in 1998, where a damburst poisoned the environment of the Guadiamar river, and the Tisza pollution caused by a cyanide spill following a damburst of a tailings pond in Baia Mare, Romania in 2000 increased public awareness of the environmental and safety hazards of mining activities in Europe. In mid2001, Joint Research Centre of European Comission started a project ‘Inventory, Regulations and Environmental Impact of Toxic Mining Wastes in Pre-Accession Countries’ (PECOMINES), one of the objectives of which was to collect and analyse information on hazardous mine sites and mine wastes in Central and Eastern European Candidate Countries. A prerequisite for the comprehensive overview of the existing problems is a set of criteria, according to which the comparisons on multicountry level could be made. The assessment of waste generation showed, that in many Candidate Countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Slovakia), the waste produced during the extraction and processing of the mineral resources ranks first both in quantity and creating environmental problems. The number of sites depended on the detailness of the inventories carried out on the national level and the total number reaches many tens of thousands, for example the Slovakian inventory only included 17260 sites. However, there were no commonly accepted criteria, according to which the preliminary screening of the huge number of the sites could accomplished in order to distinguish and compare the set of most hazardous ones in one country with those in another. When comparing the situation in different countries, a basic question came forward – using which criteria it could be feasible to convert intuitive understanding of the ‘worst cases’ in different countries having a different impact to environment by many orders of magnitude (eg gypsum mines in one and very large metal mines in another country) – into a comprehensive ranking system. This paper summarises the efforts of some previous mine sites inventories in Europe, analyses the results of the PECOMINES questionnaire answers and proposes a new methodology for comparative assessment and ranking of mine sites with respect to hazardous mine water emissions. The proposed methodology is envisaged to contribute to one part of the overall risk assessment – characterisation of the pressures through continuous water emissions, and does not consider the other problems related to mine sites, such as slope stability and onsite soil contamination. Materials and methods A multisource approach was used to develop a comparative assessment methodology, including - a review of previous comparative studies and methodologies in Europe - analysis of the information gathered by questionnaire approach - hydrochemical analysis of the test sites. In a number of recent multicountry reviews, the source characterization that should be the first step in the complete procedure of risk assessment (Figure 1) has been accomplished on the basis of the amounts of mined commodities and/or disposed waste. The problem is, that neither of those would give correct prediction of the water pollution related environmental impacts even in the right order of magnitude. A small mine of sulphides from a quartzite host rock producing pH 1-2 leachate and a large brown coal mine with limestone dominating in the overburden with pH 7-8 leachate could be just two examples, why the exercise fails. CONTAMINATION SOURCE CONTAMINANT IDENTIFICATION FATE AND TRANSPORT EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT TOXICITY ASSESSMENT RISK CHARACTERISATION A logical way forward that has been suggested and developed, is a geoenvironmental model of a mineral deposit that provides information about geochemistry and its variations of a particular deposit type, and geochemical variations associated with wastes and effluents (Plumlee and Nash 1995). When becoming a major tool for environmental assessment in a mine planning process, the uncertatinties related to effluent quality of a particular deposit type still remain, as the number of parameters that control effluent formation and transport is still very large. Therefore, for already existing sites, the association between the magnitude of the water pollution related environmental impacts and the deposit types is also not straightforward, keeping in mind that the problems are already there and the number of sites is estimated at many tens of thousands. Approaching the risk assessment procedure from the other side – identifying all possible pathways and targets and assessing the existing and potential damage – requires development of a large number of different criteria together with their weighting factors. As this has been already done in many countries separately, any harmonization of these Figure 1. Generalised scheme of the steps of risk assessment methodologies is a cumbersome task. The categories ‘high risk’ and ‘low risk’ in different countries fully depend on the character and magnitude of the existing problems, and are often related to the opinions of local experts. The underlying assumption in the development of the screening methodology states, that qualitative and quantitative characterization (measurement data or estimation) of the hazardous water emissions makes it possible to relate pollution potential to the possible set of environmental impacts. The justification of this statement is based on the differences in these emissions – both in flow rates of the streams and concentrations of different contaminants – by many orders of magnitude. Thus, even a rough estimation including certain uncertainty factor becomes a useful information, making quantitative comparisons possible. Review of previous efforts The simplified scheme of the sources for hazardous water emissions from the mine sites is presented on Figure 2. As a whole, a mine site can be considered as more or less complicated pattern of one, some or all these areas. The scheme does not include some more rare cases, such as in-situ leaching facilities and ex-situ hydrometallurgical leaching plants. The emissions leaving the site and entering the catchment are impacting surface water bodies, groundwater, soils and sediments, these systems becoming both targets but also pathways. The final targets could be roughly grouped into human health-material values and ecosystems-protected areas. Referring to this schematic approach, it is possible to define the scope and describe the content of a number of the previous multicountry and country-level comparative assessment efforts, demonstrated in Table 1. The descriptions do not attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of all existing efforts, but to demonstrate, what are the different efforts based on and how different the approaches are. The information was mainly collected on inventories of closed and abandoned mine sites. The number of these sites is very large and the information usually limited. TAILINGS MINE VOIDS WASTE ROCK BACKFILL WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES CONTAMINATED SOIL AND WATER MINE SITE SURFACE WATER GROUNDWATER SOILS AND SEDIMENTS SOURCE PATHWAY TARGET HUMAN HEALTH MATERIAL VALUES ECOSYSTEMS PROTECTED AREAS CATCHMENT Figure 2. Simplified scheme of the source-pathway-target approach in mine and quarry sites context. Table 1. Examples of the previous and on-going efforts to tackle mine sites problems Effort Scope Description Results Multicountry efforts The Multi 124 uranium Compilation of an An unique systematic Country objects in 9 inventory of the approach for determination PHARE CEEC existing situation; of individual or/and group PROGRAMME countries, incl implementation of objects; collecting, validation – Remediation mine sites pilot projects; and assessment of Concepts For (Albania, supporting co- information for liabilities and The Uranium Bulgaria, Czech operation between impact on environment; Mining Republic, the involved implementation of unique Operations in Estonia, countries scale for ranking and CEEC (MCP) Hungary, prioritization of objects in all (Tabakov 2002) Poland, participating countries, using Romania, a specially designed system Slovakia, for ranking; determination Slovenia) and implementation of Pilot Projects A preliminary metal mining confrontation of the recommendation was made risk inventory areas and mine site locations to use country-by-country of toxic waste tailings lagoons with protected approach towards all data storage sites in in EU countries wetlands (Ramsar owners, including national EU countries convention sites), authorities, counties, local launched by as particularly authorities and NGOs. It was WWF after vulnerable to also recommended, that Aznacollar pollution from analysis of satellite remote accident (Sol et mining activities sensing data could speed up al 1999) this process considerably Management of Quantitative a questionnaire The rough estimation of mining, estimation of approach in mining waste in different EU quarrying and the mining combination with countries, schemes of typical ore-processing waste in EU calculations based hydrogeological settings for waste in the countries on World’s average waste management facilities. European production-waste Union, the materials ratios for study made different after Baia Mare commodities accident for DG Environment by BRGM (BRGM 2001) The Regional Sites of highest Based on the Among the hot spots related Inventory of accident risk in national to various industries, 19 Potential Tisa Catchment information mining spots were assessed Accidental Risk on the provided, 3 risk as at high risk in Romania Spots in the territories of Tisa Catchment Romania, Area by the Hungary, International Ukraine and Commission for Slovakia the Protection of the Danube River and Zinke Environment Consulting (ICPD, 2000) Single country efforts BULGARIA – concentrated BGP, BGPE towards the (Tabakov 2002) problems related to the uranium production CZECH REPUBLIC Impact of Mining on the Environment (Reichmann 1992) 1:500000 scale map of Czech Republic with explanatory text and legend categories were established, the high risk category being defined as information based indication for direct or indirect high accident risk (existing leakage etc.). (16 tailing deposits/ponds, 3 mines), 1 in Slovakia and 1 complex of reservoirs with mine and industrial metal sludge in Hungary. a detailed inventory with site specific approach, but without national standards and real experience in some cases. identification of objects, collecting of past data for inventory of liabilities, field measurement and samplings (water, soil, rock), laboratory test of samples, risk assessment (site specific and ranking system), grouping of objects, development of complex programme for remediation The impact of factors was expressed in 3 categories: high risk, low risk and no risk, based on expert estimations. Altogether, 169 sites and their different risks were presented on the map. The quantitative criteria for different risk categories were not established. Using the geological map with deposit boundaries and mining areas as a basis, a methodology assessing the individual impacts of 13 categories was established POLAND, GeoThe mines Polish environmental presented on the Geological maps of the maps are assessed Institute (Dr M. scale 1:50000, site-specifically Gientka, the basis is a into nonpersonal landuse map. conflicting, communication) conflicting and very conflicting categories with the surrounding environmental system, settlements, The 1:50000 scale maps provide a basis for solving the problems on local scale, case-by-case PORTUGAL Program (Da Silva covering Daniel 2002). abandoned mines all SLOVAKIA All active and (Janova and old mining sites Vrana 2002) SWEDEN Is orientated to Swedish EPA local and report ‘Methods regional protected territories and objects, etc The ranking of the mine sites regarding the safety and environmental problems, including different weighting factors for mine safety, waste data (volume, stability and chemistry), chemical impacts to soil and water, visual impacts and landscape, and human presence and activities in the vicinity. registration, inventory and evaluation of present (active) mining sites of raw materials - 266 localities, complex inventory of old mining sites – 17260 localities, inventory and evaluation of impacts of all mining sites on environment, preparation of state monitoring of the most risky localities of mining sector, proposal and realisation of remediation activities A contaminated site is defined as a landfill site or area The final results ranked the sites into: Degree 4 – High hazards Degree 3 - Medium hazards Degree 2 – Low hazards Degree 1 – Negligible hazards localities were categorised into 3 categories with uniqe methodology using different weighting factors, I category –remediation is required as very acute step II category –transitional position, not so critical or requires supplementary investigation to clarify situation (with possibility to re-categorise the mining site); III category –apparently low or minor impact on human health, environment and estates Based on ranking system, the I. category (and another three localities of the II. category) were denoted as “hot spots” for which the monitoring system is being developed. Definition of the classes of current conditions – 10 times exceedence of guidance for Inventories of Contaminated Sites’ (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2002). authorities to make accurate assessments of environmental quality on the basis of available data, thus providing a more solid foundation for environmental planning and the establishment of environmental objectives UNITED KINGDOM (Jarvis and Younger 2000). national dataset of the damage caused by abandoned mine discharges of soil, groundwater or sediment, which is contaminated by a point source in the extent that the concentrations significantly exceed local or regional background levels. The assessment of the sites is based on environmental quality criteria – hazard assessment based on hazardousness of the chemicals, contamination level comparing the current conditions with reference values, amount and volume of the contaminated material, potential for migration and consequences – human sensitivity and protection value. Method of UK National Rivers Authority (now the Environment Agency): the severity of environmental impacts is measured sequentially in six categories: 1.Area affected (by deposition of metal precipitates, assessed visually); values for state describes the sites as very serious (uppermost class), and 25 times exceedence of reference values of impact define the sites as belonging into the class of very large effect of point sources (also uppermost class) Indicates that some 400 km of watercourse are currently degraded by abandoned coal mine discharges, with a further 200 km contaminated by abandoned metal mine discharges. Within these UK totals, well over 90% of the total polluted drainage turned out to be accounted for by discharges from polluted mine voids rather than from old mine waste depositories. The extrapolation in the lack of European data suggests 2.Length affected (m); 3.Substrate quality and salmonid reproduction; 4.Iron deposition (the intensity of discoloration, assessed visually); 5.Total iron concentration; 6.pH, dissolved oxygen concentration and aluminum concentration. After this ranking, benthic macroinvertebrates are used to determine water classes. that the total length of watercourses polluted by mine drainage in the present EU may well prove to exceed 5000 km, with Candidate Countries adding their contribution (Younger, 2002). . The comparison of international and country specific efforts shows the basic difference in approaches. Until now, multicountry efforts have been either approaching a certain sector (eg uranium mining), concentrating on certain elements of mine sites (eg tailings ponds within a catchment), or just roughly assessing the amount of waste. At the same time, all countries have established their own approaches and methodologies, some of them illustrated in Table 1. The following basis can be separated for the assessment: - concentrating on the most relevant problem area (eg uranium mines in Bulgaria); - map-based overviews (eg Czech Republic, Poland); - unique ranking schemes and action plans (in all countries). The sites ranked by different systems into high hazard, high risk, class I, very large effect etc are not comparable with each other, and no synoptic picture over the system can be established. For many of the top-ranked sites, the action plans are already prepared and currently under implementation. The approach used in one country cannot be easily converted into another. Analysis of the questionnaire results In the frames of the PECOMINES project, an international steering group was established, including 18 members of the ministries and geological surveys and institutes in 10 Candidate Countries. The experts were asked to submit filled questionnaires with the information on the most severe problem sites in their countries, based on their expert judgement. Based on the information submitted and environmental impacts analyses of the test sites of the project, 37 ‘hot spots’ were defined and it became possible to define more clearly, what is meant under the term ‘hot spot’ by expert judgement. Four different categories were distinguished: (1) Sites generating hazardous emissions of contaminated water with negative impacts; (2) Large contaminated territories with cavities, waste heaps and/or tailings ponds; (3) Tailings ponds with large volumes of contaminated water or heaps with instable slopes, having a risk the material being accidentally released; (4) Sites with hazards qualitatively recognised but lacking quantitative information. The results of the hot spots inventory show, that determination of the hot spots is local knowledge based and impact-led, and cannot be preliminarily screened by different filters. Even if 35 of the 37 sites are metal, uranium and fossil fuels mining sites, 2 are actually industrial minerals (phosphate and quartzite) mines, the reason of inclusion being that the overburden contained sulphides, leading to similar impacts of acid drainage as those occurring due to metals and fossil fuels mining. Thus, although commodity mined is in large extent determining the character of impacts, there are exceptions depending on deposit geology. Also, there is no direct linkage between the status of the mine and if the mine site is considered to be a hot spot or not: approximately 1/3 of the hot spots are active mines, the others closed or abandoned. It should be pointed out, that ‘closed’ mine status does not necessarily mean, that the problems are less, because of the two reasons: in the past, the environmental standards were considerably lower, and secondly, the competence of the authorities could have been rather limited so that the problems in longer term after the closure have been not avoided. The problems in different countries differ by many orders of magnitude. Lithuania has no mines that could cause any significant damage to the environment, and Latvia has several small gypsum mines with small scale impacts. All other 8 countries are facing severe water pollution problems, still making it possible to rank the 10 countries into 3 groups: Group 1 – hazardous water emissions from mine sites a top national priority Bulgaria – uranium mining Czech Republic – uranium mining (declining), metal mining (stopped in the beginning of 1990-s), coal mining Poland – coal mining, metal mining (processing waste of copper, zinc and lead) Romania – metal mining, coal mining Slovakia - metal mining (stopped in the beginning of 1990-s), coal mining Group 2 – problems exist, but contamination by mining industry not in the top on the national scale – the cases are solved on an individual approach basis Estonia – phosphate mining (stopped in the beginning of 1990-s), oil shale mining, uranium processing waste Hungary – closed uranium and copper mines, red mud at alumina plants Slovenia – uranium processing waste, brown coal and metal mining Group 3 – problems are insignificant on national scale Latvia Lithuania Water quality values for quantitative comparison European Union is on its way to agree environmental quality standards for water bodies in the framework of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, and to develop the standards for solid phases, such as soils and sediments. As these and also other chemicals environmental quality standards are not still available, a set from different sources was developed for methodology testing. The values given in the Tables below are Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) values that have been estimated on scientific basis, indicating that the concentration of a substance or a value of a parameter - has no expected effect to be rated as negative for ecosystems, - has no expected effect to be rated as negative for humans (for non-carcinogenic substances), - has calculated probability loss of human life through cancer risk less than 10-6 per year. The MPC values should not be mixed with target values, that are set at the level of negligible concentration and should be achieved as the environmental quality in longterm. The target values include often additional safety margin, being up to 2 orders of magnitude less than MPC’s. However, the MPC’s are less than intervention values, that indicate a serious or imminently serious decrease in the functional properties of soil, sediment or water for humans, plants and animals. The estimations of MPC’s based on the analyses by scientific communities in different countries are somewhat different, but not so significantly, that this could change the overall picture regarding mine and quarry waste emissions, where in the extreme cases, the standards are exceeded by 4-5 orders of magnitude. For the range of parameters, elements and substances relevant for screening mine waste problems, the existing drinking water standards presented in 98/83/EC are very similar to surface water MPC’s; the main 2 exceptions are Cu and Zn, for which drinking water standards permit much higher concentrations because of Cu and Zn pipes used. For the elements and substances known as being harmful but not limited by EC regulations, the WHO, Dutch, Belgium, Swedish and German quality standards were accounted for (Environmental quality standards in the Netherlands… 2001; Barkowski et al. 1993; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2002). Although some of the Candidate Countries may have different standards used at the present, to get the comparative picture and, also, to give understanding how EC accession changes the pattern, the uniform values are used. The values are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Maximum permissible concentration values used for testing the methodology. SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER pH suspended solids ammonium nitrates nitrites total phosphates COD conductivity chlorides sulphates fluoride total cyanides Aluminum (Al) Potassium (K) Sodium (Na) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Iron (Fe) 6.0-8.5 50 mg/l 0.5 mg/l 50 mg/l 0.5 mg/l 1 mg/l P 30 mg/l 2500 S/cm 200 mg/l 250 mg/l 1.5 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 12 mg/l 200 mg/l 50 mg/l 50 mg/l 0.5 mg/l 0.2 mg/l Other metals (g/l) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb, total) Mercury (Hg) Molubdenum (Mo) Nickel (Ni, total) Selenium (Se, total) Silver (Ag) Tin (Sn) Vanadium (V) Zinc (Zn, total) 5 10 250 0.2 5 50 (total) 20 (total) 50 (total) 25 1 (total) 300 20 10 10 200 (total) 5 40 (total) Radioactive elements 98/83/EC defines 6.5-9.5 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC nitrate/50+nitrite/3<1 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 2000 g/l because of Cu pipes 98/83/EC, 10 after 2013 82/176/EEC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC 98/83/EC There are no European environmental standards for concentration of total U and Ra226 in water, so US EPA standards were used. Uranium 30 g/l US EPA Ra 226 & 228 15 pCi/l (0.56 Bq/l) US EPA http://www.epa.gov/safewater/standard/pp/radnucpp.html Hydrochemical analysis of selected hot spots The concept of the comparative methodology has been developed on the basis of PECOMINES project case studies in Slovakia and Estonia, and is illustrated here using the example of Smolnik mine in Slovakia. The Smolnik underground copper, iron, gold and silver mine is situated in the Slovenske Rudohorie Mts, Eastern Slovakia, in the district Gelnica, Kosice Region, 4 km from the town Smolnik. After more than 7 centuries of operation, the mining was stopped in 1990 and flooded, with negative ecological consequences four years later, in 1994, when the water of Smolnik stream downstream from the mine and river Hnilec was acidified causing large fishkill. Nine years later, in 2003, the Smolnik stream is still receiving acid drainage from the flooded mine at the rate so that more than 10 km of the streams is continuously polluted. The continuous discharge of highly acidic leachate has the yearly average rate 15 l/s. Based on the water analyses data of the main source (emission from the mine, averaged data from 20 measurements between 1997-2001) and downstream from the source (upstream water was found to have concentrations below all MPC’s), and comparison of the concentrations with MPC’s, the specific graph was constructed, presenting the potential of the emissions with respect to certain contaminants to pollute natural water courses (Figure 4). Emissions potential 1.E+05 1.E+04 times standard exceeded Fe 1.E+03 1.E+02 Mn, pH, Al Zn Cu SO4 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11 Emission m3/day (1 m3/day = 0.0116 l/s) Figure 4. Determination of emissions potential for the Smolnik site. The vertical axis of the log-log plot describes, how many times the MPC value of a particular contaminant in the emission is exceeded, and the horizontal axis gives the value of measured or estimated quantity of the emission. The left bunch of dots describes the emission from the mine, and the right one, the situation at the point 100 m downstream from the source. The dilution factor in this case is 1:19. During its downstream movement, the emission gets diluted both through mixing with other streams, water in the stagnant water body (pond, lake, sea) or groundwater, and through removal into solid phase within the catchment features (river sediments, wetlands, soils, groundwater bearing rocks etc). With these considerations being most important for site-scale studies, the number of parameters and variables to account for gets so large that in the overall chain sourceemission pathwaytarget, related to the poor quality of existing data, no adequate comparison of all the important factors on multinational scale was considered to be possible at the moment. As the first step in quantitative comparison of existing pressures, the concept of ‘the emission rate of the contaminant most exceeding the MPC’ is proposed to characterize a site. In Smolnik case, this contaminant is Fe, exceeding MPC by 3000 times, with Al, Mn and pH following in the range of 400-650 times. The point on the graph, characterizing the Smolnik site, has in such determination the center at 3000 times exceeded and 1700 m3/day, with variation 1500-6000 times exceeded and 850-3400 m3/day on the log-log plot. The characteristic diagonal lines on the plot express the ‘worst case’ of possible extent of the polluting waters from the source within the catchment, ie the case where the environmental system downstream is not able to remove the contaminants from the flow and the only decrease in exceeding the standard is through dilution and dispersion. This can be illustrated through plotting, for example, the advancement of cyanide spill of the Baia Mare accident (that was basically a 1-day event) on the same graph, with river systems not having considerable capacity to remove cyanide (Figure 5). Emissions potential 1.E+05 AURUL POND CALCULATED FOR 1-DAY RELEASE times standard exceeded 1.E+04 1.E+03 SZAMOS 1.E+02 TISZA 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E+00 DANUBE 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11 Emission m3/day (1 m3/day = 0.0116 l/s) Figure 5. Movement of Baia Mare cyanide plume downstream (averaged 1-day values, times standard exceeded 1 day only; data from BMTF, 2000). A method for calculation of pressure factors and ranking into categories and classes The categories given by letters represent the qualitative hazardousness of the emissions. Category A – MPC exceeded by more than 1000 times Category B – by 100 – 1000 times Category C – by 10 – 100 times Category D – MPC exceeded by up to 10 times Category E – MPC not exceeded Combined with numbers, the combination represents both the emission rate and qualitative hazardousness of the emission. A parameter PF (pressure factor) is defined as log(times standard exceeded) + log(emission rate, m3/day) on the condition that log(times standard exceeded) > 0, and its value has a meaning of a potential to pollute 10PF m3/day of pure water, assuming that dilution is the only certain mechanism for decrease of the value of the exceeded MPC until the standard is not exceeded any more. If log(times standard exceeded) < 0, the emission stream belongs to category E. For example, if MPC is exceeded by 300 times and emission rate is 2500 m3/day, the parameter PF = log(300) + log (2500) = 2.48 + 3.40 = 5.88, meaning that the emission from this source has a capability to pollute 105.88 m3 of pure water per day. The proposed system characterises the pressures only and does not consider the multiple set of contraactions to the pressures – neither natural buffering nor man-made systems, in the same way as Richter scale describes the magnitude of earthquakes only, not the impacts. Nevertheless, Richter scale is used as a certain, well-known and uniformly understood parametric scale, and magnitude 4 earthquakes are never as destructive as magnitude 8 ones. Based on that, the classes are set to characterize the emissions potential (the emission given in the example made above belonging to the class B3), as presented on Figure 6. Emissions potential 1.0E+05 Times standard exceeded 1.0E+04 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 E E E E E E E E E 1.0E+03 B7 1.0E+02 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 E 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 1.0E+11 Emission m 3/day (1 m 3/day = 0.0116 l/s) Figure 6. Classes of the pressures The classification system can be also applied for a particular contaminant only. For example, the data of the Smolnik site presented on Figure 4 make it possible to determine categories and IH values for pH and different contaminants: Emissions 1300 m3/day (1 point source) pH 3.2, SO4 7000 mg/l, Al 85 mg/l, Mn 320 mg/l, Fe 580 mg/l, Cu 3.8 mg/l, Zn 7 mg/l MPC exceeded 600 times for acidity, 30 times for SO4, 430 times for Al, 640 times for Mn, 2900 times for Fe, 76 times for Cu, 180 times for Zn Point on the graph: 1300 m3/day, 2900 times exceeded, Class A3 Classes for all major contaminants: acidity – Category B, PF = 5.89, Class B3 SO4 – Category C, PF = 4.59, Class C3 Al – Category B, PF = 5.74, Class B3 Mn – Category B, PF = 5.92, Class B3 Fe – Category A, PF = 6.57, Class A3 Cu – Category C, PF = 4.99, Class C3 Zn – Category B, PF = 5.37, Class B3 The practical application of this method is to clearly distinguish the inputs of particular contaminants on the catchment basis and to work out intervention strategies. COMPARATIVE PLOT OF MINE SITES As an example of the assessment of different sites, a plot was constructed that expresses extrapolated information obtained by the PECOMINES questionnaire. For most of the sites reported in PECOMINES questionnaire, no quantitative data on emission volumetric rates were found to be available (except for 3 sites studied within the project itself: Smolnik and Banska Stiavnica in Slovakia, and Maardu in Estonia). However, the area of the site, being a catchment for the emissions, was assumed more ore less accurately to predict the magnitude of emissions. In the calculations, infiltration rate 500 mm/year was used for all sites, with using on the presentation of the data on the graph the uncertainty factor 2 on log-log plot (2 times less or 2 times more, 250 – 1000 mm/year). The quality data on emissions, that were available for 21 sites, were extrapolated to characterize all the volume of measured or estimated emission. Also here, for representation of the orders of magnitude of problems magnitude and significance, as no reference to the measurement quality could be provided, the uncertainty factor 2 was used, with the characteristic point describing 2 times lower or higher concentration with its size. Emissions potential 1.0E+05 Banska Stiavnica 1.0E+04 Smolnik Times standard exceeded big and very big copper mines 1.0E+03 smaller metals and uranium mines 1.0E+02 uranium mining regions Maardu 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 lignite, coal and oil shale mining regions separate tailings ponds 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 1.0E+11 3 3 Emission m /day (1 m /day = 0.0116 l/s) Figure 7. The graph of the assessment of emissions potential of the mine sites hot spots in EU Candidate Countries. The fields presented on the graph are - big copper mines: Rosia Poeni in Romania; Elatzite, Medet and Pangjuriste in Bulgaria; Smolnik in Slovakia – main contaminant exceeding MPC 500-10000 times either Cu, Fe, sulphate or acidity; ranking A3, A4, B4; - smaller mines: Banska Stiavnica, quartzite mine in Slovakia (acidity, Al); Recsk, metals mine in Hungary (acidity, Fe); Mecsek uranium mine in Hungary (uranium); ranking A2, B2; - uranium-mining regions: Eleshnitsa and Buhovo in Bulgaria, main contaminant either uranium or sulphate; ranking C5; - lignite, coal and oil shale mining regions in Romania (Motru), Poland (Upper Silesian Coal Basin) and Estonia (oil shale mining region); main contaminants – sulphates, exceeding MPC upto 3 times; ranking D5, D6; - separate tailing ponds (plot does not include the risk of dam failure) – main contaminants As, U, Fe, acidity; ranking C2, C3, D2, D3, D4; - Maardu phosphate mine in Estonia (MPC exceeded up to 30 times, main contaminants Cu, Zn, Ni); ranking C4. It should be pointed out, that the diagonal lines can be interpreted as pressure factor isolines for environmental pressures that the site creates to the environment though water emissions. With increasing pressures towards the right upper corner, the difference in pressures between 2 consecutive lines is 10 times. On the same isoline, the sources at the upper left corner are more concentrated and can be more efficiently treated. The methodology of ranking and plotting the emission streams is also proposed to be used as an effective tool for river basin management. Similar concept has already been used for identification and visual presentation of main pollution sources within a catchment in South Africa (P. Younger, personal communication). The overview plot presented on Figure 6 shows also the severity of the problems – there are many mine sites in Central and Eastern Europe that have a potential to pollute more than a million m3 of water per day. The reliable quantitative data on those are still lacking, the plot was constructed using the collected available data and estimations. Obviously, in most of the cases, the potential is not realised at full extent – buffering, adsorption, reduction, precipitation etc are just some of the mechanisms of contaminants removal from the water phase. However, especially in case of heavy metals, these mechanisms solve one problem, but create another – such as contaminated soils and sediments, impacts to the ecosystems etc. Therefore, the characterisation of pressures remains informative. Conclusions The order of magnitude of environmental pressures of a mining site to the catchment through mine water emissions can be described by a simple assessment of two parameters - the quantitative yearly average flow rate of the emissions and the number of times the maximum value by which environmental standard (MPC) of any contaminant is exceeded. These two parameters can be combined into the single parameter – pressure factor (PF), defined as log(times standard exceeded) + log(emission rate, m3/day) on the condition that the number of times standard exceeded > 0, expressing the capability of the emissions from given source to pollute 10PF m3 of pure water per day. With the system of categories and classes, each site can be ranked, expressing hazardousness of the emissions with categories A…E and rates of the emissions with classes 1…8. Testing the proposed methodology with extrapolated results of the PECOMINES questionnaire shows, that despite the large uncertainties in the collected information, mine sites of certain commodities tend to concentrate in certain areas on the test plot. Thus, characterisation of the pressures through the ranking, plotting and isohazard system is informative in the same way as Richter scale on earthquakes and could be used as one . multicountry level – although the problems in each country are well-known, the methodologies of assessment and scales of significance are too different to make comparisons possible. The proposed methodology makes it possible not only to define, which pressure could be more significant, but to compare the orders of magnitude of the significance. For example, if the comparison of the ‘worst cases’ in particular regions is started by determination of D2 site in one region and A4 site in the other, the difference in pressures of approximately 5 orders of magnitude is an obvious and informative assessment. The sites that rank into the same isohazard category, such as A2, B3, C4, D5, point out the feasibility of possible actions. The emissions of the A2 site are approximately 3 orders of magnitude more concentrated and less voluminous than those of D5, and could be more effectively treated. Within the river basin management, the methodology can be used for prioritisation and visualisation of the problems for the decision-makers. Acknowledgements The paper was prepared using the information gathered and analysed by Erik Puura during the mission as a national detached expert at the EU Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Soil and Waste Unit, in the frames of the PECOMINES project (http://viso.ei.jrc.it/pecomines_ext/index.html). The authors are greatful to the project’s steering group members from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. REFERENCES Barkowski D, Günther P, Hinz E, Röchert R. (1993) Altlasten: Handbuch zur Ermittlung und Abwehr von Gefahren durch kontaminierte Standorte. Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau. 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