Credit Hygiene Homework/Revision KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING QUESTION 6 MARKS 3. (b) The social club are holding an annual barbecue. Identify and explain three points of advice they should follow to reduce the risk of food poisoning. Point of advice 1 _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Explanation ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Point of advice 2 _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Explanation ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Point of advice 3 _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Explanation ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Question 3 (b) Points of advice to reduce the risk of food poisoning Defrosting Point • Defrost meat/poultry/fish/burgers/sausages/kebabs thoroughly. Explanation • If not defrosted then the food may not reach a high enough temperature to kill harmful bacteria in the centre (leading to food poisoning). • Barbecued food may burn on the outside and still be raw in the centre not destroying harmful bacteria (leading to food poisoning). Storage Point • Keep food out of the danger zone/below 5ºC and above 63ºC before cooking/ once cooked/after cooking. Explanation • Bacteria multiply rapidly in the danger zone which could lead to harmful bacteria multiplying (that may cause food poisoning.) Point • Keep perishable foods in the refrigerator/cool box below 5ºC until ready for preparing/cooking/serving. Explanation • To keep food cool to prevent bacteria multiplying (leading to food poisoning). Point • Cover all foods until ready for serving/keep raw meat in sealed container away from ready to eat food. Explanation • Flies, insects, birds, pets may spread harmful bacteria onto food (leading to food poisoning). • Harmful bacteria may enter food (and lead to food poisoning). • To prevent cross contamination. Point • Keep raw and cooked foods separately/keep raw meat away from ready to eat food/don’t put cooked food on surface used for raw meat/store raw meat at bottom of fridge. • Wash salads/fruits/vegetables before use. Explanation • To avoid the spread of harmful bacteria (leading to food poisoning). • To prevent cross contamination (from raw to cooked food). Point • Check use by dates on perishable foods. Explanation • To ensure bacterial count is within acceptable levels. Page 18 CREDIT LEVEL Question (b) continued Cooking Point • Cook food thoroughly/to at least 75ºC or above/use temperature probe to check centre of food is at least 75ºC/turn food regularly and move around the barbecue to cook evenly/until juices run clear. Explanation • Kill any harmful bacteria (that may cause food poisoning). • This will kill any harmful bacteria (that may cause food poisoning). Reheating Point • Reheat food only once. • Reheat food to 82ºC (for at least 2 minutes). Explanation • Harmful bacteria will have multiplied and may not be destroyed if food is heated more than once. Utensils Point • Use separate utensils/chopping boards/knives for raw and cooked food. Explanation • To avoid the spread of harmful bacteria (leading to food poisoning). • To prevent cross contamination (from raw to cooked food). Food handlers Point • Ensure food handlers wash hands/use anti-bacterial gel/wipes between touching raw and cooked food/visiting toilet/touching bins. Explanation • To avoid the spread of harmful bacteria (leading to food poisoning)/to prevent cross contamination. Point • Ensure food handlers follow rules on personal hygiene/wear a clean apron when preparing/cooking/serving food at the barbecue. Explanation • To prevent the food becoming contaminated with harmful bacteria (which could lead to food poisoning). CREDIT LEVEL Question 3 (b) continued Point • Food handlers preparing/cooking/serving food should not be suffering from infections/diarrhoea. • Food handlers should cover cuts with a waterproof dressing. Explanation • This could lead to harmful bacteria being transferred from the food handler to the food (leading to food poisoning). Point • Ensure food handlers follow kitchen hygiene rules/use clean equipment/change cloths regularly. Explanation • To prevent cross contamination. Leftovers Point • Cool leftovers as quickly as possible, cover and refrigerate. Explanation • To prevent entry of harmful bacteria/prevent multiplication of harmful bacteria (which may lead to food poisoning). ONE MARK for each of three points of advice. ONE MARK for each of three explanations. TOTAL SIX MARKS . Q2 KU 4 MARKS (a) Give two explanations how each of the following methods of preservation prevent food spoilage. (i) Freezing Explanation 1 _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Explanation 2 _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (ii) Pickling Explanation 1 _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Explanation 2 _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Explanation of methods of food preservation (i) Freezing Explanations: • Initial blanching retards the activity of enzymes • Freezing reduces the temperature of food to at least -18ºC/very cold where microbes/bacteria are dormant (and cannot spoil the food) • During freezing, the water in food is turned to ice so bacteria cannot multiply (and cause decay/deterioration) • The process of freezing causes bacteria to become dormant. (ii) Pickling Explanations: • Initial boiling of the ingredients will destroy enzymes/micro organisms (but not spores) • The high concentration of acid/vinegar prevents growth of yeast/bacteria • The low pH inhibits bacterial growth • The initial high concentration of salt inhibits micro organisms • Sterilising the pickle jars before use destroys micro organisms • Sealing the pickle jars prevents recontamination of the food by bacteria (from the atmosphere). ONE MARK for each of two explanations relating to how each method of preservation prevents food spoilage. TOTAL FOUR MARKS Q3 KU 6 MARKS (c) Identify and explain three conditions that affect bacterial growth in food. Condition 1 Explanation Condition 2 Explanation Condition 3 Explanation Conditions that affect Bacterial Growth Condition: Temperature/warmth/freezing/boiling Explanation • Bacteria need temperatures between 5° − 63°C to multiply/room temperature. • At temperatures below 5°C growth of bacteria is slowed down. • At temperatures below -18°C (domestic freezer) bacteria become dormant/cannot multiply/freezing temperatures (but not if freezing is stated as a condition). • At temperatures above 63°C most bacteria is destroyed. Condition: Food Explanation • Food that contains high amounts of protein supports the multiplication of bacteria. Condition: Moisture Explanation • Bacteria cannot multiply in dry food/need moist food. • Preserving methods such as freezing/drying/pickling/jam making/salting make the moisture unavailable to the bacteria and thereby prevent its ability to multiply. Condition: Time Explanation • Bacteria require time if they are to multiply if other conditions are ideal/right. • One bacterium can split into two every 10 minutes/quickly/binary fission. Condition: Oxygen Explanation • Some bacteria require oxygen if they are to multiply. • Aerobic bacteria need oxygen to multiply. • Anaerobic bacteria do not need oxygen to multiply. Condition: pH/acidic Explanation • Most bacteria prefer neutral conditions/between pH 6.6 and pH 7.5.(accept pH 7) • Bacteria will not multiply in very acidic conditions/alkaline conditions (only accept if pH is condition) ONE MARK for each three correctly identified conditions affecting bacterial multiplication. ONE MARK for each of three correct explanations. TOTAL SIX MARKS