Dimenson of the water system We have already calculated the designing water demand. We have to define the great consumer. We consider a great consumer if it has 100 m3/day or more consumption. First we have to draw our one-loop main conduits line. There is a ring-mains on our area. The conduits must be laid down on the area of common use. We don’t lay it on the private area, and below the buildings. We have to divide this main ring into some parts, about 7-8 parts. These parts join with node. We set the nodes at the breakpoint (but it isn’ t necessary), and at the branch joint, and at the charging node. (1.1. Figure). 1.1. Figure: The one-loop main We have to take on the nodes by every great consumer (for example the industrie, the public institution), because they have concentrated consumption in our modell. We consider the communal consumption an equipartition water consumption on our ring-mains. We have to burden this equipartition consumption upon the nodes. We carry out this distribution on the basis of conduits length or the area which belongs to the current node. We distribute the consumption according to the length in our example. You can see this calculating in the table 1.1.. Branches 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-2 sum Lenght (m) 250 500 1000 500 500 500 500 1000 1500 6250 Q Q node 1 Q node 2 branches (m3/d) 16,6 8,3 8,3 33,3 16,6 16,6 66,5 33,3 33,3 33,3 16,6 16,6 33,3 16,6 16,6 33,3 16,6 16,6 33,3 16,6 16,6 66,5 33,3 33,3 99,8 49,9 49,9 415,8 Qdweller = 415,8 m3/d q = 0,066528 q m3/d.m Node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 szum Branch 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-2 8,3 8,3 16,6 49,9 16,6 33,3 33,3 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 33,3 33,3 49,9 Node (m3/d) 8,3 74,8 49,9 49,9 33,3 33,3 33,3 49,9 83,2 Qdweller Qpublic ins. Qind. Soc. Qpeople Qind. Tech. m3/d m3/d m3/d m3/d m3/d 8,3 8,3 74,8 74,8 49,9 49,9 49,9 49,9 33,3 300 333,3 33,3 33,3 33,3 33,3 49,9 49,9 83,2 200 283,2 1100 416 300 200 916 1100 2016 Qfire l/min 600 1.1. table: Consumption of node The water system has typical state, for example maximum and minimum consumption, fire event, burst in a water pipe. This event influences the behaviour of the water system. Every state has other pressure value and the flow quantity and the transporting direction. We design our system for the hourly peak demand. We multiply the daily people water demand by 8 per cent. That means the following The hourly consumption is 8 per cent of daily peak. We check our system in other states. The checking states are next: Minimum demand (1%) Average demand (4,17%)+ fire water We have to compute the nodes consumption in these states (Table 1.2.). Q people Qind tech m3/d m3/d 8,3 0 74,8 0 49,9 0 49,9 0 333,3 0 33,3 0 33,3 0 49,9 0 283,2 1100 Q fire l/perc Q people Qind tech Node m3/d m3/d 1 8,3 0 2 74,8 0 3 49,9 0 4 49,9 0 5 333,3 0 6 33,3 0 7 33,3 0 8 49,9 0 9 283,2 1100 Qcons Q fire l/perc Q people Qind tech Node m3/d m3/d 1 8,3 0 2 74,8 0 3 49,9 0 4 49,9 0 5 333,3 0 6 33,3 0 7 33,3 0 8 49,9 0 9 283,2 1100 Qcons Q fire l/perc Node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Qcons 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 Q people Qind. tech Qfire l/s 0,02 0,21 0,14 0,14 0,92 0,09 0,09 0,14 0,79 12,73 Qcsp 0,02 0,21 0,14 0,14 0,92 0,09 0,09 0,14 13,52 15,27 peak consumption (8 %) Q people Qind. tech Qfire Qcsp l/s 0,18 0,18 1,66 1,66 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11 7,40 7,40 0,74 0,74 0,74 0,74 1,11 1,11 6,29 12,73 19,02 33,07 check (4.17 %)+fire Q people Qind. tech Qfire l/s 0,10 0,87 0,58 0,58 3,86 0,39 0,39 10,00 0,58 3,28 12,73 Qcsp 1.2. Table: Consumption of node in the states 0,10 0,87 0,58 0,58 3,86 0,39 10,39 0,58 16,01 33,33 When we distributed the consumption upon the nodes we can modelling the ring-mains. We use the Kirchoff's lows (First and second). First Kirchoff's law: The sum of the waters quantities, what flows in the node and out the node that is null. Second Kirchoff's law: We take on a circuity direction in our ring-mean. The sums of the signed flow pressure loss is null along the ring-mean. The formula of flow pressure loss is in the next: hv = L λ * --- * D v2 -------2*g v=Q/A hv = L * 16 * λ 2 ---------------- * Q 5 2 D *π *2*g hv= L * c * Q2 hv= C * Q2 Where: D: Diameter of pipe (m) L: lenght of conduit (m) v : velocity (m/s) g : 9,81 m/s2 hv: local loss (in the pipe) Q: water flow (m3/s) The „c” values, what belongs to different pipe diameter you can see on table 1.3.. λ= 0,033 Diameter c (mm) 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 272,667353531 35,906811988 8,520854798 2,792113700 1,122087875 0,266276712 0,087253553 0,035065246 0,008321147 0,002726674 0,001095789 0,000506982 0,000260036 0,000144301 0,000085209 1.3. Table: „c” value First we calculate the nodes consumption. Than we take on a flow direction as we wish, but we have one regulation the first Kirchoff's law the low of node. So we get the flow quantity figure 1.2.. (We can make a branch from the ring, we cut a conduit between two nodes. So we can calculate the directions of the flows. The flow of the cut branch is null) 1.2. Figure: The beginning flow directions We take on the diameter of conduits. The diameter of each pipes can be calculated based on the maximum flow. We assume an optimal velocity of 1 m/s. We can calculate the diameters from the following expression, where only the D is unknown. Q= v * D2 * pi / 4 The minimum diameter is 100mm, and the fabricated diameter sizes are increasing with 25mm. We choose the closest value to the calculated one. So we can calculate the flow pressure loss. We analyse our ring that is it adequate for the second Kirchoff's law. We define the failure of the sum of the pressure flow loss. Then we correct with dq all the pipes flows. Dq= - ∑CQ2 / ∑CQ Branches Lenght Diameter main-ring (m) (mm) 1-2 250 200 branch 2-3 500 150 3-4 1000 100 4-5 500 100 5-6 500 100 one-loop 6-7 500 100 7-8 500 100 8-9 1000 200 9-2 1500 200 Sign Then we calculate the flows pressure loss again, until the failure will null, this is the Cross method. Finally we get the right flow direction, and quantity. Than we check the ring, is it adequate for the pressure demand. We can get the pressure at the nodes, if we start from the connection node where the pressure is known, what is about 45-60 meter (4,5-6,0 bar) and we add the signed flow pressure loss on the path. The pressures must be higher as 20 meter or buildings height + 10 meter at the node. The water velocity must be about 0,5-1,50 m/s. The smallest allowed conduit is 100 mm in the water system. If the water system is not adequate for the pressure demand or water velocity, we have to change the conduit (diameter). We can see the cross method on table 1.4.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C=c*l [s2/m5] 2130 17953 272667 136334 136334 136334 136334 8521 12781 Q[m3/s] 0,0329 0,0156 0,0145 0,0134 0,0060 0,0053 0,0045 0,0034 -0,0156 abs(CQ) C*Q*abs(Q) SCQ 140,0900 2,3032 560,5018 4,3747 560,5018 7908,4370 57,3440 8468,9388 3652,1266 24,4584 12121,0654 1634,4027 4,8984 13755,4681 1433,0081 3,7656 15188,4762 1231,6135 2,7815 16420,0898 58,0951 0,0990 16478,1849 399,0291 -3,1144 16877,2140 SCQ2 Dq 4,3747 61,7187 86,1771 91,0756 94,8411 97,6227 97,7217 94,6073 -0,0056 failure correction water quantity 2. iteration Q (m3/s) 0,0329 0,0100 0,0089 0,0078 0,0004 -0,0004 -0,0011 -0,0022 -0,0212 Q[m3/s] 0,0329 0,0100 0,0089 0,0078 0,0004 -0,0004 -0,0011 -0,0022 -0,0212 abs(CQ) 359,2217 4851,4957 2123,6560 105,9321 95,4625 296,8571 37,4343 542,3232 C*Q*abs(Q) SCQ 1,7969 21,5803 8,2700 0,0206 -0,0167 -0,1616 -0,0411 -5,7528 359,2217 5210,7174 7334,3734 7440,3055 7535,7680 7832,6251 7870,0594 8412,3826 SCQ2 1,7969 23,3772 31,6472 31,6678 31,6511 31,4895 31,4484 25,6955 Dq -0,0031 3. iteration Q (m3/s) 0,0329 0,0069 0,0058 0,0047 -0,0027 -0,0034 -0,0041 -0,0053 -0,0243 Q[m3/s] 0,0329 0,0069 0,0058 0,0047 -0,0027 -0,0034 -0,0041 -0,0053 -0,0243 abs(CQ) 249,5448 3185,7772 1290,7967 726,9272 928,3218 1129,7163 89,4880 620,4038 C*Q*abs(Q) 0,8671 9,3055 3,0553 -0,9690 -1,5803 -2,3403 -0,2350 -7,5286 SCQ 249,5448 3435,3220 4726,1187 5453,0459 6381,3676 7511,0840 7600,5720 8220,9758 SCQ2 0,8671 10,1726 13,2279 12,2589 10,6786 8,3383 8,1033 0,5747 Dq -0,0001 4. iteration Q (m3/s) 0,0329 0,0069 0,0058 0,0047 -0,0027 -0,0035 -0,0042 -0,0053 -0,0243 Q[m3/s] 0,0329 0,0069 0,0058 0,0047 -0,0027 -0,0035 -0,0042 -0,0053 -0,0243 abs(CQ) C*Q*abs(Q) 247,0345 3147,6522 1271,7342 745,9897 947,3843 1148,7789 90,6794 622,1909 0,8498 9,0841 2,9657 -1,0205 -1,6458 -2,4200 -0,2413 -7,5720 SCQ 247,0345 3394,6867 4666,4209 5412,4106 6359,7948 7508,5737 7599,2531 8221,4440 SCQ2 Dq 0,8498 9,9339 12,8996 11,8791 10,2332 7,8133 7,5720 0,0000 0,0000 1.4. Table: The Cross-method The solution of the calculation is showed by table 1.5.. We can see the right flow direction, the local flows pressure loss and the water velocity in the branches. Branches Lenght Diameter Q (m3/s) (m) (mm) 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-2 250 500 1000 500 500 500 500 1000 1500 200 150 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 0,0329 0,0069 0,0058 0,0047 -0,0027 -0,0034 -0,0041 -0,0053 -0,0243 Q (l/s) 32,88 6,95 5,84 4,73 -2,67 -3,40 -4,14 -5,25 -24,27 water velocity (m/s) 1,05 0,39 0,74 0,60 -0,34 -0,43 -0,53 -0,17 -0,77 local loss C*Q*abs(Q) (m) 2,3032 0,8671 9,3055 3,0553 -0,9690 -1,5803 -2,3403 -0,2350 -7,5286 1.5. Table: The solution of calculation specific pressure flow loss %o 9,2 1,7 9,3 6,1 -1,9 -3,2 -4,7 -0,2 -5,0 We have to represent our solution on our system. We have to make a lettering, we have to write down on your branches: The right flow direction The water velocity or quantity of water flow The relative pressure at nodes The diameter of conduits