Whole farm systems analysis of greenhouse gas emission abatement strategies for dairy farms. UT12945 Final report to Dairy Australia on the investigation and analysis into greenhouse gas abatement strategies, modelling and decision tools for the Australian dairy industry. Prepared by: Karen Christie, Dr Richard Rawnsley, and Dr Danny Donaghy (Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, University of Tasmania) August 2008 Contents Executive summary.......................................................................................... 1 Review of proposed project outputs .............................................................. 3 1. Project objectives ........................................................................................ 4 2. Project activities .......................................................................................... 7 2.1. Collate and synthesise existing information relevant to greenhouse gas abatement strategies for dairy farming systems............................................................ 7 2.2. Identify key abatement strategies for differing dairy farm systems ...................... 13 2.3. Quantifying the pre-farm embedded greenhouse gas emissions......................... 17 2.4. Modelling analysis to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions of differing dairy farm systems ..................................................................................................... 20 2.5. Selection of key abatement strategies for each differing farming systems .......... 35 2.6 Modelling analysis of each abatement strategy ................................................... 39 2.7 Costs, benefits and synergies of adopting abatement strategies in a whole farm systems context.................................................................................................. 44 2.8 Evaluation of tools and processes to monitor greenhouse gas emissions ........... 47 2.9 Development of a spreadsheet model that enables a whole of system comparison between indicative systems and changes in imports and management practices. .............................................................................................. 50 3. Way forward for the Australian dairy industry ........................................ 53 3.1. Educate and promote best management practices ............................................. 53 3.2. On-going research requirements ........................................................................ 55 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 57 5. References ................................................................................................. 58 6. Appendices ................................................................................................ 62 ii List of tables Table 1. Annual non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions for the dairy, beef, sheep and pigs and poultry industries .................................................................. 12 Table 2. Embedded greenhouse gas emissions from key farm inputs. .......................... 18 Table 3. Description of the low supplementary feeding farm system. ............................ 23 Table 4. Description of the high supplementary feeding 1 farm system. ........................ 25 Table 5. Description of the high supplementary feeding 2 farm system. ........................ 27 Table 6. Description of the total mixed ration 1 farm system. ......................................... 29 Table 7. Description of the total mixed ration 2 farm system. ......................................... 31 Table 8. A comparison of the total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emission and the percentage of emissions from each source for the five baseline farming systems. ........................................................................................................................ 33 Table 9. A comparison of the results of the baseline farm system and the three most effective abatement strategies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions per tonne milksolids, in terms of total farm and the carbon pollution reduction scheme liability. .......................................................................................................................... 40 Table 10. Ease of implementation and/or relevance of each abatement strategy for a low supplementary feeding system, a high supplementary feeding system and a total mixed ration feeding system. ....................................................................... 45 Table 11. A comparison of the capacities of five greenhouse gas calculator models ..... 48 iii List of figures Figure 1. Australian total and percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions from various industry sectors. ................................................................................................ 10 Figure 2. Australian total greenhouse gas emissions across the various agricultural sectors. ......................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3. Estimates of potential reduction in enteric methane and nitrous oxide with the adoption of abatement strategies . ................................................................... 15 Figure 4. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the low supplementary feeding farm system . .................................................................................................... 24 Figure 5. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the high supplementary feeding 1 farm system. .................................................................................................. 26 Figure 6. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the high supplementary feeding 2 farm system . ................................................................................................. 28 Figure 7. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the total mixed ration 1 farm system................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 8. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the total mixed ration 2 farm system................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 9. Total farm greenhouse gas emissions for each of the five farming systems. ........................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 10. Total on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions for the baseline farm system and three selected abatement strategies .................................................. 42 Figure 11. A copy of the results page from the Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategies calculator. ..................................................................................................... 52 iv List of common abbreviations CH4- methane CO2- carbon dioxide CO2-e- carbon dioxide equivalents CP- crude protein CPRS- carbon pollution reduction scheme DGAS- Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategies calculator DMD- dry matter digestibility DM- dry matter DMI- dry matter intake GHG- greenhouse gas ha- hectare HSF- high supplementary feeding kg- kilogram kWh- kilowatt hour L- litre LSF- low supplementary feeding ME- metabolisable energy MJ- megajoule MS- milksolids N- nitrogen N2O- nitrous oxide t- tonne TMR- total mixed ration v Acknowledgements The assistance from the following people and organisations has been gratefully received: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for project funding Dairy Australia for project funding Dr Richard Eckard and Cathy Phelps (project steering committee) Colin and Erina Thompson (TMR dairy farmers), Brian Crockart (CRC Agrisolutions), Jess Coad (TIAR), Dr Cameron Gourley (Victorian DPI), Will English (Victorian DPI) and Neil Lane (Interlact) for farm data Dr Chris Grainger (Victorian DPI), Dr Deli Chen and Dr Helen Suter (University of Melbourne) for abatement strategy information Tim Grant (Life Cycle Strategies) for farm input life cycle assessments Dr Bill Slattery and Rob Waterworth (Australian Department of Climate Change) for NCAT model information Robert Kildare for DGAS model development vi Executive summary The Australian dairy industry is a diverse and complex industry, in terms of location, climatic variability and management systems. While there is diversity within the industry, farms can be categorised into one of three farming systems. This report has examined the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of these three farming systems found throughout the industry, namely a low supplementary feeding system (LSF), a high supplementary feeding system (HSF) and a total mixed ration feeding system (TMR). Greenhouse gas emissions for these three farming systems were determined in terms of total farm GHG emissions, as the sum of the pre-farm embedded emissions associated with farm inputs and the on-farm carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions. To compare between farming systems, the total farm GHG emissions were divided by farm milk production and reported as tonnes of GHG emissions per tonne of milksolids (t CO2-e/t MS). Greenhouse gas emissions were 12.2 and 12.8 t CO2-e/t MS for the two modelled TMR systems, were 14.0 and 15.3 t CO2-e/t MS for the two modelled HSF farm systems, and was 17.5 t CO2-e/t MS for the modelled LSF farm system. Farm GHG emissions were also calculated in terms of emissions directly associated with the farm (i.e. only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions). Under an emission trading scheme, farmers could potentially become liable for any on-farm source of emissions so a second series of figures were calculated and termed CPRS liability. Greenhouse gas emissions under a CPRS liability ranged from 9.5 and 9.8 t CO2-e/t MS for the TMR farm systems, were 10.6 and 11.3 t CO2-e/t MS for the HSF farm systems and was 14.0 t CO2-e/t MS for the LSF farm system. These figures highlighted that as farm intensity increases (greater per cow milk production, greater feed intakes etc), the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) decreases. This concept contradicts the edict that farm profitability for the Australian dairy industry has traditionally been associated with predominantly grass based diets with low to medium grain inputs. Detailed farm economic analysis is required to highlight which farm system will result in reducing farm GHG emissions without jeopardising milk production and farm business profitability. Previous research has highlighted that adopting abatement strategies could reduce GHG emissions on dairy farms by 20-30%. However, a review of the impacts and outcomes of different abatement strategies, at a whole dairy system level, has not been undertaken previously. This report has explored the impact of abatement strategies on the whole 1 farm system. We have modelled the effect of adopting either single strategies or an allinclusive abatement strategy, in reducing GHG emissions. Each strategy can be classified into one of three categories- namely herd, feed and soil. For each of the three farming systems, the greatest reduction in GHG emissions/t MS occurred with the all-inclusive abatement strategy of increased herd weight, feed intakes and milk production while feeding additives to reduce emissions and applying fertilisers coated with a nitrification inhibitor. This strategy reduced GHG emissions by up to a maximum of 22% for the LSF farm system, with lower reductions for the other two farm systems. When assessing a potential CPRS liability emission, the reductions achievable were up to a maximum of 25.5%. While there were several strategies available to farms operating as either LSF or HSF farm systems, there was very little scope for TMR farm systems to reduce their GHG emissions. When viewing this report, it must be remembered that this is a desktop analysis of GHG emissions. We have highlighted some of the issues with adopting some strategies. For example increasing milk production per cow to very high levels could possibly result in deceasing reproductive performance, resulting in the need to raise more replacement stock therefore increasing farm GHG emissions. In addition, we have not taken into consideration the full implications of adopting any strategies in terms of farm economics, changes to labour inputs and skill base and/or changes to farm infrastructure, due to difficulty in quantifying these changes in a simulated study. Many of the abatement strategies discussed are also time dependant. It would take many years of selective breeding within the farm system to increase feed conversion efficiency, herd weight and/or milk production to reduce the intensity of GHG emissions. The current models available to audit farm GHG emissions are based on inventory type algorithms. None are dynamic mechanistic models that calculate the impact of a feeding abatement strategy on animal performance and GHG emissions. They are also dependant on Australian emission factors based on limited field experimental data. For example, nitrous oxide emissions losses from irrigated pastures are based on flood irrigation results from inland Victoria. What losses could we expect to have under other forms of irrigation, under different soil types and/or formulations of N fertiliser? Better understandings of regional specific emission factors are critical if individual farms are made accountable for their GHG emissions. To facilitate this, further research needs to continue to build upon our current knowledge of minimising GHG emissions, in terms of reducing GHG emissions from the dairy herd and from nitrogen fertiliser management. 2 Review of proposed project outputs 1. Report quantifying the whole of system implications, including ‘opportunity costs’ and ‘benefits’ of adopting key GHG abatement strategies across a range of dairy farming systems. This outcome has been achieved. The following report details the GHG emissions associated with differing dairy farming systems and reviews potential GHG abatement strategies for each system. 2. Discussion paper evaluating tools and processes to monitor GHG emissions at a farming systems level. This outcome has been achieved. A discussion paper detailing the approaches used to assess GHG emissions from dairy farm systems and an evaluation of available GHG tools is given in Appendix 1. The discussion paper is essentially a summarised version of this final report. 3. Develop a spreadsheet model that farmers and industry can use to quantify changes in GHG emissions at a farming systems level in response to changes in imports and management practices. This outcome has been exceeded. The project has developed a spread sheet model which contains 13 “worksheets” and four “userforms” as its core and is viewed using Visual Basic for Applications. A CD copy of the model is provided and a user manual of the model is given in Appendix 2. The models allows for the quantification of GHG emission from differing dairy farm systems which include emission sources from imports (pre-farm) and on farm sources (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide). The model allows for comparison between systems where differing abatement strategies can be assessed. The model has been designed with the flexibility to allow future comparisons to be explored as they become available. 3 1. Project objectives Previous research undertaken in Australia had highlighted numerous strategies which could result in reducing GHG emissions in the order of 20 to 30% from dairy farms. However, the assessment of the impact of adopting abatement strategies has generally not taken into consideration the whole of farm systems implications or the potential GHG emissions associated with key farm inputs such as fertilisers, grain and other feed sources. The current project aimed to quantify the potential reduction in GHG emissions for selected abatement strategies from a farming systems viewpoint and consisted of four major objectives: Quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (including embedded emissions in key farm inputs) from three typical dairy farming systems: A system based predominantly on pasture, with low levels of supplementation (15% of total diet supplementary feeding), A system based on high levels of supplementary feed (40-50% of the total diet from supplementary feeding), A total mixed ration system (zero grazing with all feed supplied in an enclosed area); Quantify the impacts on those systems (GHG, costs, benefits and synergies) of a range of GHG abatement strategies in a whole farm systems context; Identify likely methods of validating GHG abatement and associated costs; Evaluate the usefulness of science based modelling, including existing tools such as OVERSEER and WFSAT (Whole Farm Systems Analysis Tools), to estimate changes in GHG emissions resulting from changes in management practices, and to provide a possible monitoring and reporting strategy. Greenhouse gas emissions have been reported in two ways. The first method was total farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e/farm), as the sum of four sources: pre-farm embedded GHG emissions from imported products, on-farm carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide. In addition, a GHG emission intensity figure was calculated by dividing total farm GHG emission by tonnes of milksolids produced (t CO2-e/t MS). The second method involved assessing the GHG emissions that potentially could be a direct liability under an emissions trading scheme. The Australian Federal Government is in the process of introducing an emissions trading scheme titled the Carbon Pollution 4 Reduction Scheme (CPRS). This CPRS will come into effect in 2010, with agriculture potentially liable for their on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions from 2015 onwards. Similarly to the total farm GHG emissions, two figures have been reportedCPRS farm GHG emissions (total methane and nitrous oxide; t CO2-e) and CPRS emissions intensity (t CO2-e/t MS). A series of project activities have been undertaken to meet the four key project objectives and are described in details in each of the following sections: Objective 1- Quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (including embedded emissions in key inputs) from three typical dairy farming systems The following activities were undertaken to meet this objective. A collation and synthesise of existing information relevant to GHG abatement strategies for dairy farm systems, A review of the potential abatement strategies for differing dairy farm systems, A quantification of the embedded GHG emissions in dairy farm imports, An assessment of the GHG emissions from differing dairy farming systems. Objective 2- Quantify the impacts differing dairy systems for a range of GHG abatement strategies in a whole farm systems context The following activities were undertaken to meet this objective: Selection of the key abatement strategies for each of the differing farming system, A whole farm system modelling analysis for each abatement strategy for each farming system. Objective 3- Identify likely methods of validating GHG abatement and associated costs The following activity was undertaken to meet this objective: A review of the potential opportunity costs, benefits and synergies of differing GHG abatement strategies at a farming systems level. 5 Objective 4- Evaluate the usefulness of science based modelling, including existing tools such as OVERSEER and WFSAT (Whole Farm Systems and Analysis Tools), to estimate changes in GHG emissions resulting from changes in management practices, and to provide a possible monitoring and reporting strategy The following activities were undertaken to meet this objective: An evaluation of tools and process to monitor greenhouse gas emissions, Development of a spreadsheet model that enables a whole of system comparison between indicative systems and changes in imports and management practices. 6 2. Project activities 2.1. Collate and synthesise existing information relevant to greenhouse gas abatement strategies for dairy farming systems Sources of greenhouse gases It is widely accepted that since the beginning of the 20th century, human activity has resulted in global warming due to the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere (Dalal et al. 2003b). The three major gases that are widely accepted as contributing to global warming are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Molecule for molecule, carbon dioxide is a weak gas in terms of its global warming potential. Compared to carbon dioxide, on a 100-year timescale, the global warming potential of methane and nitrous oxide are 21 and 310 times greater, respectively (IPCC 2001). Multiplying the GHG by its global warming potential converts all three gases to a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) to allow for easier comparisons between gas sources. A global annual carbon dioxide emission rate of approximately 23.9 gigatonnes has been estimated by the Carbon Dioxide Information and Analysis Centre (Marland et al. 2005). Methane emissions amounted to ~ 7.6 gigatonnes of CO2-e/annum while nitrous oxide emissions have been estimated to be within the range of 3.1 to 5.4 gigatonnes of CO2e/annum (Marland et al. 2005). Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is a heavy gas and is approximately 380 parts per million (ppm) of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emissions have risen by approximately 100 ppm since 1750 (starting date considered to be practically uninfluenced by human activity such as increasing specialised agriculture, land clearing and the combustion of fossil fuels; Blasing and Smith (2006)). Carbon dioxide is released into our atmosphere when carbon-based fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal are burned. Increased global burning of fossil fuels has contributed to an increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also produced by all animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms during respiration and organic decomposition. Carbon dioxide is used by plants during 7 photosynthesis to make sugars which can either be used for plant growth or be consumed in the process of plant respiration. While electricity usage does not result in carbon dioxide emission at a farm level, there is an embedded carbon dioxide emission associated with its production. There is also an emission associated with the production and consumption of fuels such as diesel. When analysing the dairy whole farm system, the emission from the production and consumption of energy have been grouped together as CO2- energy. While these emissions have been accounted for at a whole farm system analysis, they are unlikely to be accounted for at a farm systems level in any future CPRS. Methane Methane is a colourless, odourless gas with a wide distribution in nature. It is the principal component of natural gas and is derived from the anaerobic breakdown of organic matter. A recent figure of the abundance of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere from the northern hemisphere was 1847 parts per billion (ppb) with a southern hemisphere figure of 1730 ppb. These figures are 2.5 times greater than pre-1750 figures (Blasing and Smith 2006). Methane is an important greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 21 times greater than that of carbon dioxide over a 100 year period (UNFCCC 1995). However, the global warming potential of methane, over a 20 year time period is markedly greater at up to 72, due to methane having an estimated half life between 7 and 10 years (IPCC 2007). There are six different sources of atmospheric methane; wetlands, fossil fuels, landfills, ruminant animals, rice paddies and biomass combustion. In ruminant animals, methane originates from the anaerobic microbial fermentation process in the gastrointestinal tract. As feed is ingested by ruminants, the proteins, starch and plant cell-wall polymers of the feed is hydrolysed into amino acids and simple sugars by the bacteria, protozoa and fungi that reside in the rumen. Primary and secondary digestive micro-organisms further ferment the amino acids and sugars into volatile fatty acids, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and other end products. Methanogen micro-organisms then reduce the carbon dioxide to methane so as to prevent the accumulation of hydrogen in the rumen (McAllister et al. 1996). 8 The emission of methane from livestock represents a direct loss of energy to the ruminant, as between 4 and 10% of all ingested energy is excreted as methane (Johnson et al. 1997). This represents a significant loss of energy from the production system that could be redirected to produce more milk (Eckard 2006). A small amount of methane is also emitted with the excretion and decomposition of manure. Enteric methane emissions from dairy farm systems can be reduced by improving the digestibility of the diet, reducing the number of unproductive animals and/or modifying the rumen outputs by feeding additives such as fats, condensed tannins and ionophores. Nitrous oxide Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a colourless non-flammable gas that is released naturally from a wide range of biological sources in soils and the oceans. It is a by-product of the aerobic nitrification process when ammonium is oxidised into nitrate. Nitrous oxide can also be a result of the anaerobic denitrification process when nitrate is microbially converted into either di-nitrogen or nitrous oxide. This process is maximised in warm, anaerobic soil conditions when there is large amounts of nitrate and available carbon present (de Klein and Eckard 2008). The atmospheric concentration of nitrous oxide has increased from 270 ppb pre-1750 to a current value of ~319 ppb and continues to increase (Blasing and Smith 2006). Nitrous oxide concentrations are increasing due to land-use changes, burning of vegetation, industrial emissions and fertiliser usage. Agriculture is the main source of human- induced nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide is lost from agricultural soils as a result of cultivation, legumes, nitrogen fertilisers and animal excreta (Eckard 2006). Nitrous oxide emissions from a dairy farm system can be reduced by balancing the animals’ diet to minimise excess nitrogen in their urine and dung. Emissions can also be reduced by minimising anaerobic soil conditions, reducing soil compaction and/or improving fertiliser management practices through the use of current best management practices and in using various products such as nitrification inhibitors. 9 Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions Australia’s net GHG emissions across all sectors totalled 576 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (Mt CO2 –e) in 2006. The stationary energy sector contributed 287.4 Mt CO2 –e or approximately half of these emissions, with agriculture the second largest contributor, with 90.1 Mt CO2 -e or approximately 15.6% of the nation’s GHG emissions (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a; Figure 1). 350 300 50% Mt CO2-e 250 200 150 16% 100 14% 7% 50 6% 5% Fugitive Emissions Industrial Processes 3% 0 Stationary Energy Agriculture Transport Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Waste Figure 1. Australian total and percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions from various industry sectors for 2006 (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). Australia committed itself to playing a major role in addressing its contribution to the global issue of climate change by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol in late 2007. This ratification has committed Australia to limiting the growth of its GHG emissions to 108% of its 1990 baseline by 2012. While the major focus in reducing GHG emissions has been placed on the stationary energy, industrial and transport sectors, the agricultural sector will also be required to implement their own series of measures to tackle the issue of GHG emissions and climate change. Australia’s agriculture greenhouse gas emissions Within agriculture, there are six broad sources of GHG emissions. Based on 2006 figures, enteric fermentation was the most significant at 59.3 Mt CO2 –e or ~66% of the total agricultural emissions. Agricultural soils contributed 15.2 Mt CO2 –e, followed by the prescribed burning of savannas at 11.5 Mt CO2 –e, manure management at 3.6 Mt CO2 –e, with the field burning of agricultural residues and rice cultivation both totalling 10 0.3 Mt CO2 –e (Figure 2). Agriculture was the dominant source of methane and nitrous oxide emissions, accounting for 59% and 84% of the nations’ total methane and nitrous oxide gas emissions, respectively (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). 70 65.7% 60 Mt CO2-e 50 40 30 16.9% 20 12.7% 10 4.0% 0.3% 0.3% Rice cultivation Burning crop residuals 0 Enteric fermentation Agricultural soils Burning savannahs Manure management Figure 2. Australian total greenhouse gas emissions across the various agricultural sectors for 2006 (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). Australia’s livestock greenhouse gas emissions Within the agricultural sector, livestock was the biggest contributor of emissions at 62.8 Mt which was 69.7% of agricultural emissions or approximately 11% of the nations’ total emissions (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). The production of methane from livestock enteric fermentation was the biggest source of GHG emissions for Australian agriculture. Table 1 shows the GHG emission rates from methane and nitrous oxide for the dairy, beef, sheep, pigs and poultry industry in 2006 (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). 11 Table 1. Annual non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions, expressed as kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, for the dairy, beef, sheep and pigs and poultry industries in 2006 (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). Methane from enteric Dairy Beef Sheep Pigs & cattle Cattle 6,802 38,653 15,570 81 524 1,129 4 1,889 656 2,036 1,390 neg 83 351 neg 266 Poultry fermentation (kt CO2-e) Methane from manure management (kt CO2-e) Nitrous oxide from animal excretion directly onto pastures/rangelands (kt CO2-e) Nitrous oxide from animal waste stored and applied to soils (kt CO2-e) The extensive agricultural industries of beef and sheep farming are major contributors to the nation’s emissions, primarily due to the significantly larger number of animals within each industry (2005 figures of ~ 24 and 100 million beef cattle and sheep, respectively, compared to 3.2 million dairy cattle (inc. 2 million milking cows); ABARE 2007a, b & c). Implementing abatement strategies to reduce their contribution to GHG emissions could result in substantial reductions in GHG emissions. However, the very nature of these industries could add a degree of difficulty in implementing abatement strategies. Beef and sheep farms are generally reliant on low to medium digestibility pasture to supply the majority of the herd or flocks diet, with supplementary feeding generally restricted to times of drought and when finishing off stock for slaughter. Contact with the herd or flock can be highly varied, from daily to weekly contact on smaller farms, through to annual contact on some of the large (million plus hectares) northern Australian cattle properties. The reduction in stock contact, together with low to medium pasture digestibility and extensive grazing constrain the opportunities to reduce GHG emissions for the Australian beef and sheep industries. 12 Dairy farming, on the other hand, involves daily contact with the milking herd, and coupled with medium to high quality pastures, allows for a variety of abatement strategies to be implemented. Therefore, there is a more practical pathway available to dairy farmers to implement abatement strategies on farm to reduce GHG emissions. Australia’s dairy industry greenhouse gas emissions Methane from enteric fermentation was the biggest source of GHG for the dairy industry, with an estimated 6,802 kt CO2-e emissions in 2006 (Table 1). The second biggest source was nitrous oxide from urine and faeces deposition while stock grazed pastures, at 656 kt CO2-e. Approximately 500 kt CO2-e of this was from urine and the balance from faeces. Methane produced from animal manures was the third biggest at 524 kt CO2-e, with 79% of this from manures deposited into anaerobic ponds. There was also a small amount of nitrous oxide emitted from the application of manures onto soils at ~ 83 kt CO2-e. No figures were presented in terms of nitrous oxide emissions from the application of nitrogenous fertilisers onto dairy pastures. Assuming that all synthetic fertilisers applied to irrigated and dryland pastures could be attributed to the dairy industry (RJ Eckard pers comm.), it could be assumed that the dairy industry contributed an additional 797 kt CO2-e (Australian Department of Climate Change 2008a). Therefore, in 2006, the Australian dairy industry contributed approximately 2% or 8,870 kt CO2-e towards the nations’ GHG emissions. 2.2. Identify key abatement strategies for differing dairy farm systems There have been many reviews of potential abatement strategies to reducing non-carbon dioxide emissions from agricultural and/or livestock practices (Dalal et al. 2003a; O’Hara et al. 2003; Tamminga et al. 2007; Beauchemin et al. 2008; de Klein and Eckard 2008). A review of key abatement strategies that are both currently available and relatively easily adoptable by farmers was undertaken in milestone 3 (refer to Appendix 3 for details). The impacts of abatement strategies from these research review papers have been reported in several ways. Methane emissions has been reported as a total (e.g. 135 g CH4/cow.day), in terms of a percentage of gross energy intake (e.g. 5.5% GEI) or in terms of the amount of emissions per kg of dry matter intake (e.g. 20g CH 4/ kg DMI). Nitrous oxides emissions have been reported as a total (eg. 22.3 Mt CO2-e/year), as 13 nitrous oxide emissions per unit area (eg. 11 kg N2O-N/ha) or as a fractional loss per unit application (eg 1.5% N2O-N/kg N applied). A summary of the potential reduction in GHG emissions from the adoption of abatement strategies can be seen in Figure 3. However, it must be noted that the adoption of one or more of these strategies may result in a lower reduction than reported here, depending on which of the three broad farming systems the strategy is applied to. For example, a TMR diet is generally formulated by animal nutritionalists and is balanced in terms of supplying the correct amounts of energy, protein and fibre concentration. Therefore there is very little scope in improving the quality of the TMR diet. Total mixed rations also frequently contain sources of fats such as whole cottonseed and as such, there is also less scope to increase the fat content of the diet to assist in reducing methane production. Therefore, while feeding fats and oils could potentially reduce methane production by 10-25%, for a TMR farm, this abatement strategy is either unlikely to be adopted or if adopted, would result in a significantly lower GHG emission reduction than reported. 14 GHG emissions Enteric Methane Nitrous oxide Herd based strategies Herd based strategies 10-20% potential 10-50% potential reduction in urinary nitrogen Extended lactations Reduced herd size Higher feed conversion efficiency Extended longevity in the herd Condensed tannins Nitrification inhibitors in urine Higher feed conversion efficiency Balance crude protein in the diet Feed based strategies Soil based strategies 10-20% potential 10-20% potential Feeding fats & oils Nitrification inhibitors oioioioils Feeding condensed tannins Stand-off pads during winter Improved drainage Feeding ionophores Improved irrigation management Maximise diet digestibility Fertiliser managementrate/ timing/ formulation Figure 3. Estimates of potential reduction in enteric methane and nitrous oxide with the adoption of abatement strategies (Adapted from pers. comm. Eckard & Grainger 2007, refer to Appendix 3 for more details). We have not focussed on abatement strategies that are currently unavailable for farmers to adopt. For example, while CSIRO have been developing and testing various vaccines to reduce methane production, these vaccines have not been commercially released and therefore are not currently available for use. In a press release Dr Rob Kelly predicted “we expect that the commercial vaccine will be able to reduce methane emissions by about 20%” (ScienceDaily, 11th June, 2001). Once this vaccine is available, we will be able to incorporate it as an abatement strategy into the new Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategies (DGAS) calculator. 15 In undertaking this project, we have reviewed three strategies which are not currently available but have the potential to significantly reduce GHG emissions. Researchers only began to genome sequence the methanogen micro-organisms responsible for methane production in the 1990’s. According to Attwood and McSweeney (2008), there are several methanogenesis pathways present in the rumen. Research is required to develop a better understanding of the complex process in which methanogens produce methane, especially under the grazing conditions prevalent in the Australian dairy industry (Jarvis et al. 2000). This will hopefully lead to future options for methane mitigation. Examples of such mitigation are the enhancement of rumen micro-organisms that combine carbon dioxide and hydrogen to form acetate instead of methane or to promote organisms that divert excess hydrogen away from methane production into propionate. Researchers in the USA and other countries are developing new lucerne (Medicago sativa) and other forage cultivars that contain adequate levels of condensed tannins to assist in improving protein absorption (Grabber et al. 2002). Recent research on the benefits of feeding condensed tannins to dairy cows in Victoria, administered as an extract of the Black Wattle tree (Acacia mearnsii) in a water-diluted drench twice daily, found that methane emissions were reduced by 10 to 22% on a DMI basis (Grainger et al. 2008). However, this method of administering a source of condensed tannin would be very tedious and time consuming in the context of a commercially operated dairy farm. Breeding tannins back into forages would have several additional benefits beyond being a delivery mechanism for the tannin. Lucerne is an accepted source of forage, unlike other condensed tannin-rich forages such as birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and sulla (Hedysarum coronarium). Therefore farmers would be more supportive of growing and feeding lucerne to their herd, compared to these other species. Lucerne is a legume forage that synthesises its own N fertiliser to maintain growth, therefore reducing any manufacturing and fertiliser-related nitrous oxide emissions. Lucerne will generally supply adequate energy and protein requirements for milk production and it is grown widely throughout dairying regions of Australia. 16 It has long been recognised that there is variation in methane production both within and between animals (Blaxter and Clapperton 1965). Animals with greater feed conversion efficiency will result in reducing methane production per kg DMI, as research by Hegarty et al. (2007) demonstrated that residual feed intake could partly explain the variation in high and low methane producing beef cattle. We believe that research into identifying and isolating the sequence of DNA responsible for feed conversion efficiency could provide a significant strategy in reducing methane emissions. In the same way that farmers currently select semen from bulls that will lead to improvements in milk quality, temperament or bone structure, they may in the future be able to also select semen from a line of bulls that’s offspring will have greater feed conversion efficiency and reduced enteric methane emissions per unit of intake. Further research into establishing a greater understanding of the rumen microflora, in breeding forages than could assist in supplying condensed tannins directly to the animal rather than as a feed additive and/or breeding animals that exhibit greater feed conversion efficiency, therefore requiring less forage to produce the same level of milk production, will all result in significant improvements in reducing on-farm GHG emissions. However, the implementations of the outcomes from these areas of research are still many years away. 2.3. Quantifying the pre-farm embedded greenhouse gas emissions The GHG emissions generated with the production of farm inputs such as fertilisers, feeds and pasture chemicals was calculated by Tim Grant from Life Cycle Strategies Pty Ltd, using Simapro software. An emission factor (EF; kg CO2-e/kg product) for a range of inputs can be seen in Table 2. To calculate the GHG emissions generated with the production of each farm input product, the amount of product was multiplied by the EF to convert into t CO2-e. For example, grain has an EF of 0.302 so for every tonne of grain that is imported onto farm; there is an associated pre-farm embedded GHG emission of 0.302 t CO2-e. We grouped similar farm inputs together to calculate a pre-farm GHG emission for grain, other feed sources (hay, silage, grass seed etc), fertilisers and herbicides. Once pre-farm embedded GHG emissions were calculated, they were added to on-farm GHG emissions to determine the total farm GHG emissions. Details of the life cycle assessment of each of the embedded calculations are given in Appendix 4. 17 Table 2. Embedded greenhouse gas emissions from key farm inputs. Farm input (kg product) Wheat Total CO2 CH4 N2O Sequestration Other (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) 0.302 0.190 0.007 0.104 0.000 1.09E-06 Source of data Australian inventory data based on average wheat crop 1.3 t/ha yield Lupins 0.204 0.107 -0.001 0.098 0.000 1.67E-06 Model from typical data in NSW cropping Grass silage1 0.25 0.075 0.000 0.146 0.000 2.22E-05 Ecoinvent data Grass hay1 0.25 0.091 0.000 0.132 0.000 4.69E-05 Ecoinvent data Maize silage 0.371 0.142 0.004 0.225 0.000 2.99E-06 From maize study in Griffith Urea 0.891 0.839 0.050 0.002 0.000 1.99E-05 Adapted from ecoinvent data Ammonium sulphate, as 2.534 2.522 0.000 0.010 0.000 2.05E-03 Adapted from ecoinvent data 2.602 2.573 0.001 0.023 0.003 1.17E-03 Adapted from ecoinvent data Triple superphosphate 0.834 0.816 0.015 0.003 0.000 1.03E-04 Adapted from ecoinvent data Diammonium 2.737 2.722 0.000 0.013 0.000 1.187E-3 Adapted from ecoinvent data 1.592 1.580 0.001 0.008 0.000 5.64E-4 Adapted from ecoinvent data N Single superphosphate, as P2O5 phosphate, as N Monoammonium phosphate, as P2O5 1 Calculated figure based on European farming conditions, so total GHG emissions were adjusted to reflect Australian conditions 18 Table 2 cont. Embedded GHG emissions from key farm inputs. Farm input (kg product) Total CO2 CH4 N2O Sequestration Other (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) (kg CO2-e) Potassium chloride 0.131 0.128 0.002 0.001 0.000 1.91E-05 Adapted from ecoinvent data Limestone 0.019 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.80E-05 Australian inventory data Pesticide unspecified 7.017 6.956 0.001 0.058 0.000 2.57E-03 Adapted from ecoinvent data Canola meal 0.308 0.256 0.006 0.045 0.000 5.82E-06 Based on data from study Source of data done for AGO and Caltex Soybean meal 0.485 0.373 0.009 0.102 0.000 4.25E-05 Based on data from study done for AGO and Caltex Palm kernel oil 2.723 0.615 0.000 0.502 1.605 1.97E-04 Ecoinvent data Palm kernel meal 0.186 0.042 0.000 0.034 0.109 1.34E-05 Ecoinvent data Maize seed 1.923 1.000 0.000 0.922 0.000 3.95E-04 Ecoinvent data Grass seed 3.367 1.093 0.000 2.272 0.000 4.69E-04 Ecoinvent data Clover seed 0.291 0.108 0.004 0.179 0.000 1.83E-06 From maize study in Griffith Glyphosate (41.5%) 8.945 8.708 0.210 0.027 0.000 1.37E-04 Adapted from ecoinvent data MCPA 4.000 3.968 0.001 0.030 0.000 9.39E-04 Ecoinvent data Diuron 6.574 6.518 0.002 0.052 0.000 2.09E-03 Ecoinvent data Diesel 0.719 0.671 0.046 0.002 0.000 1.38E-05 Australian inventory data 19 2.4. Modelling analysis to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions of differing dairy farm systems Methodology to determine on-farm greenhouse gas emissions To model the on-farm GHG emissions, we used the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator (referred to as the GHG calculator) which was developed by Dr Richard Eckard, Dr Roger Hegarty and Mr Geoff Thomas (Dairy Australia funded UM10778 project). The GHG calculator was developed using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Australian-specific algorithms and emission factors to determine carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions that conform to international guidelines developed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Methane emissions from enteric fermentation is calculated based on Australian methodologies, as the IPCC approach uses a fixed methane conversion rate for each livestock category. This IPCC method was deemed unsuitable for the Australian dairy industry due to the industries vast differences in terms of location and types of feeds used. Methane production from manure management uses a combination of IPCC and Australian-specific methodologies, as research measuring methane production from dairy cattle manure under field conditions found that the IPCC conversion factor of 1.5% was too high for Australian conditions, resulting in a reduction of the factor to 1.0%. Nitrous oxide emissions from manure management is based on algorithms developed in Australia from the Australian Standing Committee on Agriculture (1990) and by Freer et al. (1997), rather than applying IPCC default values. The methodology for determining GHG emissions from N fertiliser is based on Australian-specific emission factors was reduced to 0.3 and 0.4% for crops and pastures, respectively, as the IPCC default factor of 1.25% across all classes of crops and pastures was shown to be too high for Australian conditions. Since the development of the GHG calculator, based on the 2003 national methodology inventory report, there have been two significant changes. Communications with Dr Mick Meyer from CSIRO has confirmed that nitrous oxide loss from soil disturbance has been removed from the inventory. At the same time a nitrous oxide emission from indirect sources has been added. The indirect sources are from the ammonia 20 volatilisation and the leaching/runoff of N fertilisers and animal waste. Modelling in this report reflects these inventory changes. Modelling the three dairy farming systems The first objective of this project was to quantify the GHG emissions from three typical dairy farming systems. These were defined as a low supplementary feeding system (LSF) where approximately 10-15% of the total diet to the milking herd was from concentrates/grain, with the balance (85-90%) from pasture. The second system was defined as a high supplementary feeding system (HSF) where approximately 50-60% of the herd’s feed intake was derived from pastures with the balance (40-50%) of the diet derived from grain and other supplementary feeds. The third system was defined as a total mixed ration feeding system (TMR) where the milking herd was maintained in an enclosed area year round and their diet was either a cut and carry system from home grown forages or sourced from off-farm feeds. The process adopted to model the LSF and HSF farm systems was to model a farm system where annual milk production totalled 2 million litres or 150 t MS and was located in Victoria. For the LSF farm system, this was achieved by milking 445 cows, with each cow producing 4,500L/lactation and the diet consisting of 89% pasture and 11% grain. From here on this farm system is referred to as LSF. For the HSF farm system, the milk production target was achieved by one of two methods: A pasture and grain system where 310 cows produced 6,500L/lactation and the diet consisted of 56% pasture and 44% grain. From here on this farm system is referred to as HSF 1; A pasture, grain and maize silage system where 333 cows produced 6,000L/lactation and the diet consisted of 56% pasture, 26% grain and 18% maize silage from an off-farm source. From here on this farm system is referred to as HSF 2. 21 Two TMR dairy systems were modelled based on farm data from commercially operated TMR dairies both located in New South Wales. The two systems were: A traditional TMR farm, with cows housed in a large freestall system with the diet consisting of 42% forage, conserved both on and off farm, 30% grain and 28% by-products (waste from Manildra Mills, cottonseed meal, molasses and whole cottonseed). This farm produced 3.8 million litres or 285 t MS per annum. From here on this farm system is referred to as TMR 1; A farming system which has converted from a traditional pasture grazing system to a cropping system due to reduced water allocations, with the diet consisting of 43% on-farm conserved forage, 36% grain and 21% ‘waste’ products (canola meal, soybean meal, dried distillers grain and cottonseed meal). This farm produced 6.4 million litres or 487 t MS per annum. From here on this farm system is referred to as TMR 2. To allow easier comparison of the total farm GHG emissions between the farming systems, the two TMR systems were scaled down to replicate farms that produced 150t MS/annum (the same as the LSF and HSF systems), by dividing their baseline total farm GHG emissions by their total MS production and then multiplying by 150. Only these scaled downs figures are shown in this report. In addition, the TMR 1 farm agist their replacement stock off farm, thus reducing their onfarm GHG emissions. Reintroducing the replacement stock on farm allowed for all farm systems to be comparative in terms of herd structure. It is generally accepted that daily feed intake can be determined from bodyweight. Daily DMI is generally 3.0 to 3.5% of a cows bodyweight so for every 100kg of body weight, a cow can consume 3 to 3.5 kg DM/day. For the LSF baseline system we assumed that the cows were consuming 3% of their bodyweight or 15kg DM/day, increasing to 16.5 kg DM/day when the weight was increased to 550kg. This resulted in a feed conversion efficiency of 1L milk/kg DMI, which according to Buckley et al. (2007), is on the lower scale of the feed conversion efficiency scale. For the HSF baseline system, we assumed that the cows could consume 3.25% of their bodyweight or 18 kg DM/day, increasing to 19.5 kg DM/day when the weight was increased to 600kg. We assumed 22 that for the HSF 1 system, every kg DMI resulted in 1.2L milk to achieve 6,500L from 5.4 t DMI, while the lower quality diet of the HSF 2 farm system resulted in 1.1L milk from every kg of feed to achieve 6,000L from 5.4 t DMI. Low supplementary feeding system The LSF farm system consists of 445 milkers, each producing 4,500L/cow.lacation from a predominantly pasture based diet (Table 3). Table 3. Description of the low supplementary feeding farm system. Description Baseline Cow numbers 445 milkers Cow weight 500 kg Milk production 4,500L/cow or 15.0 L/day Heifer replacement rate 20% or 90 heifers/year Farm size- milking area 300 ha at 1.5 cows/ha with 20% irrigated Farm size- heifer area 120 ha at 1.5 heifers/ha Total farm size 420 ha Annual diet for milkers 1 4.0 t pasture & 0.5 t grain Diet of 4.5 t DM, 71.1% DMD, ME 10.4 MJ/kg DM & CP 19.1% Diet for heifers 70% DMD, ME 10.2 MJ/kg DM & CP 16% Total N fertiliser applied 2 72.0 t Grain imported 223 t DM Diesel 15,000 L Electricity 3 120,000 kWh 1 see Appendix 5 for diet quality calculation; DMD-dry matter digestibility, ME- metabolisable energy, MJ-megajoules & CP-crude protein 2 N fertiliser based on 150kg N/ha.annum for dryland pastures, 300 kg N/ha.annum for irrigated pastures 3 Electricity based on dairy consuming 0.67 kWh/cow for 365 days and irrigators consuming 8 kWh/ha.day for 150 days on a 6 day rotation Total farm GHG emissions for the LSF system was 2,623 t CO2-e/farm or 17.5 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane production equating to 9.3 t CO2-e/t MS or ~ 53% of the total farm emissions. As a percentage of the total farm GHG emissions, pre-farm, on-farm 23 carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 11.4, 8.3, 54.5 and 25.7%, respectively (Figure 4). Assessment of the on-farm liability GHG emissions showed that CPRS farm GHG emissions was 2,105 t CO2-e/farm or 14.0 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane ~ 67% of the on- farm CPRS emissions. CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung & urine N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) Figure 4. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the low supplementary feeding farm system calculated as pre-farm (■), on-farm carbon dioxide (■), on-farm methane (■) and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions (■), total farm (■; t CO2-e/t MS) and that liable under a carbon pollution reduction scheme (■; t CO2-e/t MS). The percentage of total farm emissions from each source shown as the enclosed pie chart. High supplementary feeding system For the HSF system we have modelled two contrasting farm systems. The first was a high grain based diet, where the cows received ~ 56% of their diet from pasture and the balance of their diet from grain (HSF 1). The second system replicated many of the aspects of the first system with the major difference being that this diet consisted of ~ 56% of the diet from pasture, 26% from grain and 18% from maize silage sourced offfarm (HSF 2). Feeding silage was estimated to increase the diesel usage on farm from 15,000L/annum to 20,000 L/annum. The HSF1 farming system consists of 310 milkers, with each cow producing 6,500L/cow.lactation from a diet that was 56% pasture and 44% grain (Table 4). 24 Table 4. Description of the high supplementary feeding 1 farm system. Description Baseline Cow numbers 310 milkers Cow weight 550 kg Milk production 6,500L/cow or 21.7 L/day Heifer replacement rate 25% or 78 heifers/year Farm size- milking area 125 ha at 2.5 cows/ha with 40% irrigated Farm size- heifer area 100 ha at 1.5 heifers/ha Total farm size 225 ha Annual diet for milkers 1 3.0 t pasture & 2.4 t grain Diet of 5.4 t DM, 74.4% DMD, ME 10.9 MJ/kg DM & CP 16.4% Diet for replacement stock 70% DMD, ME 10.2 MJ/kg DM & CP 16% Total N fertiliser applied 2 41.3 t Grain imported 745 t DM Diesel 15,000 L Electricity 3 85,000 kWh 1 see Appendix 5 for diet quality calculation N fertiliser based on 150kg N/ha.annum for dryland pastures, 300 kg N/ha.annum for irrigated pastures; 3 Electricity based on dairy consuming 0.67 kWh/cow for 365 days and irrigators consuming 8 kWh/ha.day for 150 days on a 6 day rotation 2 Total farm GHG emissions for the HSF 1 system was 2,118 t CO2-e/farm or 14.0 t CO2e/t MS, with enteric methane production equating to 7.5 t CO2-e/t MS or ~ 54% of the total farm emissions. As a percentage of the total farm GHG emissions, pre-farm, onfarm carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 16.7, 7.9, 54.9 and 20.5%, respectively (Figure 5). Assessment of the on-farm liability GHG emissions showed that CPRS farm GHG emissions was 1,596 t CO2-e/farm or 10.6 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane ~ 71% of the on- farm CPRS emissions. 25 CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung & urine N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent ponds CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 GHG emissions (t CO 2-e/t MS) Figure 5. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the high supplementary feeding 1 farm system calculated as pre-farm (■), on-farm carbon dioxide (■), on-farm methane (■) and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions (■), total farm (■; t CO2-e/t MS) and that liable under a carbon pollution reduction scheme (■; t CO2-e/t MS). The percentage of total farm emissions from each source shown as the enclosed pie chart. The HSF 2 farm system consisted of 333 milkers, with each cow producing 6,000L/cow.lactation from a diet that was ~ 56% pasture, 26% grain and 18% maize silage. As the overall diet quality was lower for this diet compared to the HSF 1 diet, this equated to a reduction in milk production from 6,500 to 6,000L/cow.lactation. To maintain a total farm milk production of 2 million litres, we increased herd size to 333 milkers (Table 5). 26 Table 5. Description of the high supplementary feeding 2 farm system. Description Baseline Cow numbers 333 milkers Cow weight 550 kg Milk production 6,000L/cow or 20.0 L/day Heifer replacement rate 25% or 83 heifers/year Farm size- milking area 125 ha at 2.67 cows/ha with 40% irrigated Farm size- heifer area 100 ha at 1.67 heifers/ha Total farm size 225 ha Annual diet for milkers 1 3.0 t pasture, 1.4 t grain and 1.0 t maize silage Diet of 5.4 t DM, 71.7% DMD, ME 10.5 MJ/kg DM & CP 16.8% Diet for replacement stock 70% DMD, ME 10.2 MJ/kg DM & CP 16% Total N fertiliser applied 2 41.3 t Grain and silage imported 466 & 365 t DM Diesel 20,000 L Electricity 3 91,000 kWh 1 see Appendix 5 for diet quality calculation N fertiliser based on 150kg N/ha.annum for dryland pastures, 300 kg N/ha.annum for irrigated pastures; 3 Electricity based on dairy consuming 0.67 kWh/cow for 365 days and irrigators consuming 8 kWh/ha.day for 150 days on a 6 day rotation 2 Total farm GHG emissions for the HSF 2 farm system was 2,290 t CO2-e/farm or 15.3 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane production equating to 8.0 t CO2-e/t MS or ~ 53% of the total farm emissions. As a percentage of the total farm GHG emissions, pre-farm, on-farm carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 17.7, 8.5, 53.8 and 20.0%, respectively (Figure 6). Assessment of the on-farm liability GHG emissions showed that CPRS farm GHG emissions was 1,690 t CO2-e/farm or 11.3 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane ~ 71% of the on- farm CPRS emissions. 27 CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung & urine N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent ponds CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) Figure 6. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the high supplementary feeding 2 farm system calculated as pre-farm (■), on-farm carbon dioxide (■), on-farm methane (■) and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions (■), total farm (■; t CO2-e/t MS) and that liable under a carbon pollution reduction scheme (■; t CO2-e/t MS). The percentage of total farm emissions from each source shown as the enclosed pie chart. Total mixed ration feeding system While the number of dairy farms in Australia that would be classed as a TMR farming system is small, there is a very strong likelihood that as irrigation water becomes increasingly more difficult to acquire and forage production becomes increasingly more expensive due to increasing fertiliser and other costs, farmers will try to achieve as much milk production as possible out of their forages and purchased feeds. While the dairy industry will never progress down the path of fully housed free-stall stanchion style farms found in North America and Europe, we will start to see more farms consolidate their herd into a small area around the dairy facilities and cut and carry most and/or all of the on-farm grown forages to the milking herd. This is evident from the two commercial farms that we have modelled in this report. The first farm (TMR 1) was established when the dairy business relocated from the south coast of NSW to the central west of NSW, with funds from the Dairy Structural Adjustment Scheme deregulation payments. They constructed an enclosed free-stall feeding system to feed their milking herd year round, with access to loafing paddocks when not feeding or milking. 28 The TMR 1 farm systems consisted of year round milking of 300 cows, with ~ 50 dry cows maintained on-farm while the replacement stock were agisted off-farm from weaning age to just prior to calving. This farm produced the bulk of their forage on a second property 3 km from the home farm. However, the biggest proportion of the milking herds’ diet was supplied from off-farm sources. To assist in comparing farm systems, we re-introduced the replacement stock on-farm. Farm details are shown in Table 6. Table 6. Description of the total mixed ration 1 farm system. Description Baseline Cow numbers- milkers 300 milkers Cow weight 700 kg Milk production 11,500L/cow or 38.3L/day Dry cows 50 Heifer replacement rate 33% or 110-120 heifers/year Farm size- pasture/cropping area 100 ha at 3.0 cows/ha with 50% irrigated Farm size- dry cow area 50 ha Total farm size 1 220 ha Annual diet for milkers 2 2.85 t DM ryegrass & sorghum silage, 2.25 t DM grain, 2.1 t DM by-products & 0.3 t DM cereal hay Diet of 7.5 t DM, 72.0% DMD, ME 10.5 MJ/kg DM & CP 16.0% Diet for dries 65% DMD, ME 9.4 MJ/kg DM & CP 14% Diet for replacement stock 70% DMD, ME 10.2 MJ/kg DM & CP 16% Total N fertiliser applied 52 t Grain, silage and hay imported 800, 300 and 200 t DM Diesel 24,500 L Electricity 225,000 kWh 1 Farm consists of an additional 70ha consisting of non-farming activities consist of 0.63 t DM cottonseed meal, 0.63 t DM mill waste from the Manildra Flour Mills, 0.45 t DM whole cottonseed and 0.4 t DM molasses; see Appendix 5 for diet quality calculation 2 By-products 29 To allow comparison between the farming systems, we scaled down the total farm GHG results to replicate a farm producing 150t MS by dividing the total farm GHG emissions by 285 (t MS achieved) and then multiplying by 150. Total farm GHG emissions for the TMR1 system was greater than any previously modelled system at 3,658 t CO2-e/farm. However, when converted to GHG emissions from a 150t production level, this was reduced to 1,925 t CO2-e. Greenhouse gas emissions /t MS for this farm was 12.8 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane production equating to 5.7 t CO2-e/t MS or ~ 45% of the total farm emissions. As a percentage of the total farm GHG emissions, pre-farm, on-farm carbon dioxide, onfarm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 17.1, 9.2, 47.9 and 25.7%, respectively (Figure 7). Assessment of the on-farm liability GHG emissions showed that CPRS farm GHG emissions was 1,418 t CO2-e/farm or 9.5 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane ~ 61% of the on- farm CPRS emissions. CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung & urine N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) Figure 7. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the total mixed ration 1 farm system calculated as pre-farm (■), on-farm carbon dioxide (■), on-farm methane (■) and onfarm nitrous oxide emissions (■), total farm (■; t CO2-e/t MS) and that liable under a carbon pollution reduction scheme (■; t CO2-e/t MS). The percentage of total farm emissions from each source shown as the enclosed pie chart. The TMR 2 farm system is located in the NSW Riverina region. They traditionally grew pastures and forages, on 350ha of flood irrigation, to feed their herd. However, due to drought conditions and significant reductions in water allocation, they have modified their 30 farm from a traditionally grazed pasture system to a cut and carry system, where pastures have been replaced with an irrigated maize crop on a proportion of the farm, with the balance of the farm sown down to either a grazing wheat variety or a legume based forage (lucerne/vetch/clover) that was conserved as silage and hay and the whole diet is delivered to the herd as a TMR diet. Unlike the TMR 1 farm system, this farm maintains all their replacement stock on farm. Farm details are shown in Table 7. Table 7. Description of the total mixed ration 2 farm system. Description Baseline Cow numbers 680 milkers Cow weight 550 kg Milk production 8,600L/cow or 28.7 L/day Dry cows 65 Heifer replacement rate 350 heifers aged 0-1 yr (47%) and 230 heifers aged 1-2 yr (30%) Farm size- home farm cropping 390 ha area/ dries/ heifers 1 Farm size- runoff cropping area 250 ha Total farm size 675 ha1 Annual diet for milkers 2 2.4 t DM grain, 1.4 t DM by-products, 1.3 t DM maize silage, 0.9 t DM cereal hay, 0.5 t DM lucerne hay & 0.2 t DM cereal hay; Diet of 6.7 t DM, 72.9% DMD, ME 10.7 MJ/kg DM & CP 17%2 Diet for dries & replacement herd 65% DMD, ME 9.4 MJ/kg DM & CP 16% Total N fertiliser applied 32.5 t Grain imported 2,280 t DM Diesel 50,000 L Electricity 210,000 kWh 1 Farm consists of ~ 35ha consisting of non-farming area By-products consist of 0.7 t DM of canola meal/soybean meal and/or lupins and 0.7 t DM of cottonseed meal; see Appendix 5 for diet quality calculation 2 Total farm GHG emissions for the TMR 2 system was the greatest of any of the farm systems modelled in this report at 5,959 t CO2-e/farm, as a direct result of being the 31 largest milking herd and producing the greatest total milk production. When total farm GHG emissions were scaled down to total farm GHG emissions from a 150t production level, this was reduced to 1,835 t CO2-e. Greenhouse gas emissions /t MS was 12.2 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane production equating to 6.2 t CO2-e/t MS or ~ 51% of the total farm emissions. As a percentage of the total farm GHG emissions, pre-farm, on-farm carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 13.4, 6.3, 54.3 and 26.0%, respectively (Figure 8). Assessment of the on-farm liability GHG emissions showed that CPRS farm GHG emissions was 1,474 t CO2-e/farm or 9.8 t CO2-e/t MS, with enteric methane ~ 63% of the on-farm CPRS emissions. CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung & urine N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) Figure 8. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from the total mixed ration 2 farm system calculated as pre-farm (■), on-farm carbon dioxide (■), on-farm methane (■) and onfarm nitrous oxide emissions (■), total farm (■; t CO2-e/t MS) and that liable under a carbon pollution reduction scheme (■; t CO2-e/t MS). The percentage of total farm emissions from each source shown as the enclosed pie chart. Comparison of the differing dairy farming systems The total farm GHG emissions varied from 1,836 t CO2-e for the TMR 2 system to 2,623 t CO2-e for the LSF system (Figure 9). As each system produced ~ 150t MS, there was a corresponding variation in GHG emissions/t MS from 12.2 to 17.5 t CO2-e/t MS for the TMR 2 and LSF systems, respectively (Table 8). While there was variation between the differing farm systems, analysis of the GHG emissions from the dairy systems indicated that: on-farm methane emissions were 48 to 55% of total emissions; on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 20 to 26% of total emissions; 32 pre-farm embedded GHG emissions were 11 to 18% of total emissions; on-farm carbon dioxide emissions were 6 to 9% of total emissions. Total farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 LSF On-farm methane HSF 1 HSF 2 On-farm nitrous oxide TMR 1 Pre-farm embedded TMR 2 On-farm carbon dioxide Figure 9. Total farm greenhouse gas emissions and the source of greenhouse gas emissions, expressed as tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents, when achieving 150 tonnes milksolids per annum for each of the five farming systems under review. Table 8. A comparison of the total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emission and the percentage of emissions from each source, for the five baseline farming systems. LSF HSF 1 HSF 2 TMR 1 TMR 2 Total farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 2,623 2,118 2,290 1,925 1,836 Annual milk production (t MS) 150.2 151.1 149.9 150.0 150.0 GHG emissions/t MS (t CO2-e/t MS) 17.5 14.0 15.3 12.8 12.2 Pre farm GHG emission % 11.8 17.1 18.2 17.5 13.9 On-farm carbon dioxide emission % 8.0 7.5 8.0 8.8 5.8 On-farm methane emission % 54.5 54.9 53.8 47.9 54.3 On-farm nitrous oxide emission % 25.7 20.5 20.0 25.7 26.0 CPRS farm GHG emissions1 (t CO2-e) 2,105 1,596 1,690 1,418 1,474 CPRS emissions/t MS1 (t CO2-e/t MS) 14.0 10.6 11.3 9.5 9.8 1Only On-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 33 The LSF system emitted between 15 to 23% and 36 to 43% more total farm GHG compared to the HSF and TMR farm systems, respectively. This was a result of the LSF having the greatest comparative herd size. While the pre-farm GHG emission was comparative to all other systems, the greater herd size resulted in greater electricity consumption, increasing the on-farm carbon dioxide emissions. The higher stock numbers and lower digestibility of the diet resulted in greater methane emissions. Nitrous oxide emissions were also elevated due to the greater herd size and the application of significantly more N fertiliser compared to the other systems. Overall, total farm GHG emissions and the GHG emission from all sources was greater for the HSF 2 farm system compared to the HSF 1 farm system, as a result of replacing some grain with maize silage for the HSF 2 system. Pre-farm GHG emissions was greater, primarily due to the higher emission factor for maize silage compared to grain (each tonne of maize silage produces 0.371 t CO2-e compared to 0.302 t CO2-e for grain) and because we assumed a 10% ‘wastage’ value of using maize silage (i.e. for every tonne of grain not brought on, 1.1 t of silage was brought on). On-farm carbon dioxide emission increased due to the greater herd size and due to the extra diesel required to feed out silage to the herd. Diet quality for the HSF 2 system was also lower due to the maize silage, increasing this farms’ methane and nitrous oxide emissions. While total GHG emission from each source was greater for the HSF 2 system, in terms of the percentage of the total from each source, pre-farm and on-farm carbon dioxide emissions were greater for the HSF 2 system, while the percentage of on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were slightly lower for the HSF 2 farm system compared to the HSF 1 farm system. Overall, total farm GHG emissions and the GHG emission from all sources, other than methane, was greater for the TMR 1 farm system compared to the TMR 2 farm system. Pre-farm embedded emissions were higher due to greater reliance on off-farm feed sources and fertiliser inputs. The higher fertiliser inputs also contributed to increased onfarm nitrous oxide emissions. On-farm carbon dioxide emission was substantially greater as irrigation took place all year, compared to the TMR 2 system which only irrigated forages over summer. In addition, the TMR 1 farm milked their herd three times a day, rather than the typical twice a day, therefore consuming more electricity. However, on-farm methane emission was lower for the TMR 1 farm system as a result of 34 a higher quality diet for that system compared to the TMR 2 system. While total emission from each source, other than on-farm methane, was greater for the TMR 1 farm system, in terms of the percentage of the total for each source, pre-farm and onfarm carbon dioxide were greater for the TMR 1 farm system while on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were slightly lower than the TMR 2 farm system. 2.5. Selection of key abatement strategies for each differing farming systems The second objective was to quantify the impact of abatement strategies on the three farming systems. Not every abatement strategy was relevant to each of the three farming systems. Some abatement strategies have a time dependency. For example, feeding fats and oils as an abatement strategy will only be of maximum benefit during the summer and autumn months (especially under rain-fed conditions) when pasture digestibility and energy supply is generally lower than in winter and spring. Lower diet digestibility will increase methane production while lower energy content of the diet will also reduce milk production. Abatement strategies for the low supplementary feeding system For the LSF farm system, we modelled 8 abatement strategies. These were: 1. Increasing per cow milk production by 10% to 4,950L, but reducing the size of the herd to 404 milkers to maintain farm milk production at ~ 2 million litres or 150t MS/annum (assumed to be from greater feed conversion efficiency (1.1L/kg DMI), not from altering feed management); 2. Increase milk production by increasing cow weight and feed intake- increase milk production to 5,000L by increasing cow weight to 550kg and feed intake to 16.5 kg DMI (feed source proportions remained the same so diet quality remained the same, feed intake to be 3% bodyweight and a feed conversion efficiency of 1L/kg DMI); 3. Increase milk production by increasing grain intakes- increase milk production to 5,500 L by increasing grain to 1.0t DM/cow.lactation (assumed no pasture substitution effect therefore changing the overall diet quality; assumed each kg of grain would supply the necessary energy to produce an extra 2 litres of milk); 4. Feeding fats- reducing enteric methane production by 20% for the milking herd for 6 months of the year (summer and autumn; diet quality assumed to not alter 35 from the baseline quality as the increased energy from the fats over summer and autumn would offset the lower pasture quality and therefore milk production would remain the same as the baseline system); 5. Feeding condensed tannin year round to the milking herd- reduce enteric methane production by 10%, increase dung N output by 50% and reduce urine N output by 33%; 6. Using an N-inhibitor year round- reduce the N fertiliser emission factor from 0.4 to 0.25%; 7. All-inclusive (404 cows)- producing 5,500L from 550kg cows from 4.4 and 1.0 t DM/cow.lactation of pasture and grain, respectively, while feeding fats for 6 months, feeding a source of condensed tannin for 12 months and using an Ninhibitor year round; 8. All-inclusive (445 cows)- same as previous all-inclusive strategy except maintain herd size at 445 milkers. Abatement strategies high supplementary feeding system For the HSF 1 farm system, there were fewer abatement strategies that could be implemented compared to the LSF farm system. The baseline system already fed 2.4t grain/lactation or 8kg DM/day. Grain intakes were at their upper limit in terms of adverse health risks associated with high grain feeding (e.g. acidosis or lameness). Also the increasing cost of purchasing grain was taken into consideration so we did not increase grain feeding to any of the strategies. Where feed intakes were increased due to increased liveweight, the extra feed intake was from pasture only. For the HSF 1 farm system, we modelled 7 abatement strategies. These were:1. Increasing per cow milk production by 10% to 7,150L, but reducing the size of the herd to 280 milkers to maintain farm milk production at ~ 2 million litres or 150t MS/annum (assumed to be from greater feed conversion (1.3 L/kg DMI), not from altering feed management); 2. Increase milk production by increasing cow liveweight and feed intake- increase milk production to 7,000L by increasing cow liveweight to 600kg and feed intake to 19.5 kg DMI (assumed feed intake to be 3.25% bodyweight and a feed conversion efficiency of 1.2 L/kg DMI); 36 3. Feeding fats- reducing enteric methane production by 20% for the milking herd for 6 months of the year (summer and autumn); 4. Feeding condensed tannin year round to the milking herd- reduce enteric methane production by 10%, increase dung N output by 50% and reduce urine N output by 33%; 5. Using an N-inhibitor year round- reduce the N fertiliser emission factor from 0.4 to 0.25%; 6. All- inclusive (280 cows)- producing 7,150L from 600kg cows from 19.5 kg DMI/day while feeding fats for 6 months of the year, feeding a condensed tannin for 12 months and using an N-inhibitor year round; and 7. All-inclusive (310 cows)- same as previous all- inclusive abatement strategy except maintain herd size at 310 milkers. For the HSF 2 farm system, we modelled 8 abatement strategies. These were:1. Increasing per cow milk production by 10% to 6,600L, but reducing the size of the herd to 303 milkers to maintain farm milk production at ~ 2 million litres or 150t MS/annum (assumed to be from greater feed conversion efficiency (1.2L/kg DMI), not from altering feed management); 2. Increase milk production by increasing cow weight and feed intake- increase milk production to 7,000L by increasing cow weight to 600kg and feed intake to 19.5 kg DMI (assumed feed source proportions remained the same so diet quality remained the same, feed intake to be 3.25% bodyweight and a feed conversion efficiency of 1.2 L/kg DMI); 3. Increasing milk production by increasing grain feeding- increasing milk production to 7,000L by increasing grain feeding to 1.9t DM/cow.lactation (assumed no pasture substitution so increasing overall diet quality; assumed each kg of grain would supply the necessary energy to produce an extra 2 litres of milk); 4. Feeding fats- reducing enteric methane production by 20% for the milking herd for 6 months of the year (summer and autumn); 5. Feeding condensed tannin year round to the milking herd- reduce enteric methane production by 10%, increase dung N output by 50% and reduce urine N output by 33%; 6. Using an N-inhibitor year round- reduce the N fertiliser emission factor from 0.4 to 0.25%; 37 7. All- inclusive (303 cows)- producing 7,000L from 600kg cows from 19.5 kg DMI/day while feeding fats for 6 months of the year, feeding a condensed tannin for 12 months and using an N-inhibitor year round; and 8. All-inclusive (333 cows)- same as previous all-inclusive abatement strategy except maintain herd size at 333 milkers. Abatement strategies total mixed ration system For the TMR1 farm, there was little scope to adopt abatement strategies. The milking herd already produces 11,500L/cow.lactation from very large framed Holstein-Friesian cows. There was little scope to increase milk production, herd weight or feed intakes. Grain and by-products feed totalled 7.5 and 7.0 kg DM/cow.day, respectively, so there was little scope to increase these feed sources in the diet. Similarly, there was no scope to increasing the fat content of the diet to assist in reducing methane production. For the TMR 1 farm system, we modelled 4 abatement strategies. These were:1. Agisting the replacement stock off-farm (to reflect current management practices); 2. Feeding a condensed tannin year round to the milking herd- reduce enteric methane production by 10%, increase dung N output by 50% and reduce urine N output by 33%; 3. Using an N-inhibitor year round- reduce the N fertiliser emission factor from 0.4 to 0.25%; 4. Feeding condensed tannin year round and using an N-inhibitor year round. For the TMR 2 farm system, we modelled 7 abatement strategies. These were:1. Agisting the replacement stock off-farm (to compare with the TMR 1 system) 2. Increasing per cow milk production by 10% to 9,500L, but reducing the size of the herd to 615 to maintain farm milk production at ~ 6.4 million litres or 487t MS/annum (assumed to be from greater feed conversion efficiency (1.4L/kg DMI), not from altering feed management); 3. Increase milk production by increasing cow weight and feed intake- increase milk production to 9,500L by increasing cow weight to 600kg and grain intake by 2 kg DM/day (total intake to 24.3 kg DM/day, with a feed conversion efficiency of 1.3L/kg DMI); 38 4. Feeding condensed tannin year round to the milking herd- reduce enteric methane production by 10%, increase dung N output by 50% and reduce urine N output by 33%; 5. Using an N-inhibitor year round- reduce the N fertiliser emission factor from 0.4 to 0.25%; 6. All- inclusive (615 milking herd)- producing 9,500L from 600kg cows from 24.3 kg DMI/day while feeding a source of condensed tannin year round and using an Ninhibitor year round; and 7. All-inclusive (680 milking herd)- same as previous all-inclusive abatement strategy except maintain herd size at 680 milkers. 2.6 Modelling analysis of each abatement strategy The results of the baseline farm system and the three most effective abatement strategies in reducing GHG emissions/t MS for each system can be seen in Table 9. For the LSF and HSF systems, the most effective abatement strategy was adopting the allinclusive abatement strategy of increased cow weight, intakes and milk production while feeding fats and condensed tannins and using an N-inhibitor. While the all inclusive abatement strategy with a reduction in herd size resulted in the second greatest reduction, it was more relevant to show the results of adopting individual abatement strategies. For this reason, the 2nd and 3rd abatement strategies and results are from individual abatement strategies. The result of each individual abatement strategy for each of the five farming systems is given in Appendix 6. As there was little scope to reduce GHG emissions/t MS for the two TMR systems, we have shown the effect of agisting the replacement stock off farm (assuming that there would be no GHG accountability cost associated with this management practice) as the abatement strategy that could produce the greatest reduction in GHG emissions/t MS. The 2nd and 3rd abatement strategies are either individual strategies or in the case of the TMR 2 farm system, the all-inclusive abatement strategy. 39 Table 9. A comparison of the results of the baseline farm system and the three most effective abatement strategies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions per tonne milksolids, in terms of total farm and the carbon pollution reduction scheme liability. Total farm Farm system LSF HSF 1 HSF 2 Annual MS (t) Strategy Baseline AS 1- All inclusive 1 AS 2- Increase grain & milk AS 3- Increase milk production & reduce herd size Baseline AS 1- All inclusive 2 AS 2- Increase milk production & reduce herd size AS 3- Feeding condensed tannin Baseline AS 1- All inclusive 1 AS 2- Increase weight, intakes & milk production AS 3- Increase grain & milk production t CO2-e/ farm 150.2 183.6 183.6 150.0 151.1 166.2 150.2 t CO2-e/ t MS 2,623 2,503 2,765 2,434 2,118 1,960 1,923 151.1 149.9 174.8 174.8 174.8 CPRS liabilities % reduced 17.5 13.6 15.1 16.2 14.0 11.8 12.8 2,003 2,290 2,194 2,425 2,450 t CO2-e/ farm n/a 22.0 13.8 7.1 n/a 15.9 8.7 13.3 15.3 12.6 13.9 14.0 t CO2-e/ t MS 2,105 1,917 2,180 1,936 1,596 1,438 1,431 5.4 n/a 17.8 9.2 8.3 % reduced 14.0 10.4 11.9 12.9 10.6 8.7 9.5 n/a 18.1 9.8 1,481 9.8 7.2 11.3 8.8 10.4 1,690 1,534 1,801 n/a 22.2 8.6 1,789 10.3 9.2 n/a 25.5 15.3 7.9 1 Maintain milking herd size while increasing liveweight, milk production and all feed type intakes, feed a fat source for 6 months, a condensed tannin source for 12 months and use an N-inhibitor year round 2 Maintain milking herd size while increasing liveweight, milk production and pasture intakes (no increase in grain), feed a fat source for 6 months, a condensed tannin source for 12 months and use an N-inhibitor year round 40 Table 9 cont. A comparison of the results of the baseline farm system and the three most effective abatement strategies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions per tonne milksolids. Total farm Farm system TMR 1 Annual MS (t) Strategy t CO2-e/ farm t CO2-e/ t MS CPRS liabilities % reduced t CO2-e/ farm t CO2-e/ t MS % reduced Baseline 150.0 1,925 12.8 n/a 1,418 9.5 n/a AS 1- Agist heifers off-farm 150.0 1,654 11.0 14.1 1,212 8.1 14.5 AS 2- Feeding condensed tannin 150.0 1,851 12.3 3.9 1,343 9.0 5.3 & N-inhibitor TMR 2 AS 3- Feeding condensed tannin 150.0 1,859 12.4 3.4 1,352 9.0 4.7 Baseline 150.0 1,835 12.2 n/a 1,474 9.8 n/a AS 1- Agist heifers off-farm 150.0 1,569 10.5 14.5 1,233 8.2 16.3 AS 2- Increase milk production & 150.0 1,671 11.1 9.0 1,332 8.9 9.6 150.0 1,739 11.6 5.3 1,369 9.1 7.1 reduce herd size AS 3- All inclusive 3 3 Maintain milking herd size while increasing liveweight, milk production and grain intakes, feed a condensed tannin source for 12 months and use an N-inhibitor year round 41 While various abatement strategies in isolation have been shown to reduce GHG emissions by up to 40% from that particular source (e.g. use of N-inhibitors in reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilisers), our modelling has shown that this level of reduction can not be achieved in terms of a whole farm systems context. Abatement strategies reduced GHG emission/t MS by up to a maximum of 22% for the LSF system, by 16 to 18% for the HSF system and by 3 to 9% for the TMR system, compared to their 3000 20 2500 16 2000 12 1500 8 1000 4 500 0 GHG emissions (t CO 2 -e/t MS) GHG emissions (t CO 2 -e) corresponding baseline farming systems (Figure 10). 0 B AS AS AS 1 2 3 LSF B AS AS AS 1 2 3 HSF 1 B AS AS AS 1 2 3 B HSF 2 AS AS AS 1 2 3 TMR 1 B AS AS AS 1 2 3 TMR 2 Figure 10. Total on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions (t CO2-e/farm; ▌), total onfarm carbon dioxide and pre-farm embedded emissions (t CO2-e/farm; ▌), emissions under a carbon pollution reduction scheme per tonne milksolids (t CO 2-e/t MS; ♦) and total farm greenhouse gas emissions per tonne milksolids (t CO 2-e/t MS; ♦) for the baseline farm system (B) and three selected abatement strategies (AS). For all farm systems, abatement strategy 1 resulted in reducing total farm GHG emissions below that achieved for the baseline farm system. This resulted in GHG emissions/t MS being reduced by 14 to 22%, compared to their corresponding baseline farm system. For the LSF and the two HSF farm systems, this was due to combining all potential abatement strategies together to reduce total farm GHG emission while increasing milk production. For the two TMR farm systems, a significant reduction in total farm GHG emissions was achieved with the removal of the replacement stock. This reduced total farm GHG emissions and, as milk production remained the same, GHG emissions/t MS was also significantly reduced. 42 Adopting the 2nd most effective abatement strategy reduced GHG emissions/t MS by 4 to 14% compared to their corresponding baseline farm systems. For the HSF 1 and the two TMR farm systems, total farm GHG emissions were also reduced. However, for the LSF and the HSF 2 farm system, total farm GHG emissions were greater under this 2 nd most effective strategy than under the baseline farm system. In the LSF farm system, where the highlighted strategy was feeding more grain which resulted in more milk production, total farm GHG emission was 5.4% greater for the strategy system compared to the baseline system. Grain inputs were increased by 100%, increasing pre-farm GHG emissions by 22%. The extra feed intake also increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions by 3%. However, the 22% increase in milk production achieved with this strategy diluted the extra total farm GHG emission such that GHG emissions/t MS was 13.8% lower for the strategy compared to the baseline LSF system. In the HSF 2 farm system, where the highlighted strategy was increasing herd weight to increase daily feed intakes and therefore greater milk production, total farm GHG emission was 5.9% greater for the strategy system compared to the baseline system. The greater feed intakes was achieved by increasing intakes from pasture, grain and maize silage, therefore increasing pre-farm GHG emissions by 5.9%. The extra feed intake also increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions by 6.5% each. However, the 17% increase in milk production achieved with this strategy diluted the extra total farm GHG emission such that GHG emissions/t MS was 9.2% lower for the strategy compared to the baseline HSF 2 system. Adopting the 3rd most effective abatement strategy resulted in reducing GHG emissions/t MS by 3.4 to 7.5% compared to the corresponding baseline farm system for all five farm systems. In all instances, milk production remained similar between the baseline and the abatement strategy. For the LSF and HSF 2 farm systems, the reduction in total farm GHG emissions was achieved by increasing milk production per cow and reducing herd size, therefore reducing methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with animal numbers. For the HSF 1 and TMR 1 farm systems, the reduction in total farm emissions was achieved by feeding a source of condensed tannin. For the TMR 2 farm 43 system, the reduction in total farm GHG emissions was achieved by adopting an allinclusive strategy. We have highlighted the strategy of agisting replacement stock off-farm as the strategy that would result in the greatest reduction in GHG emissions/t MS for both TMR farm systems. In reality, this strategy would result in the greatest reduction in emissions for all farming systems. However, not all farms can agist their replacement stock off-farm. If stock were agisted off-farm, they are still emitting GHG, so does the cost of this emission lay with the farm that owns the stock or the farm that is raising the stock? 2.7 Costs, benefits and synergies of adopting abatement strategies in a whole farm systems context Assessing the potential reduction in GHG emissions only partly quantifies the whole of farm implications of implementing abatement strategies. Before adopting an abatement strategy, an assessment of the ease of implementation and relevance to the farming system needs to be undertaken. For example, increasing milk production per cow for a TMR farm could be detrimental to the reproductive performance of the herd, if milk production is already at an upper limit as was shown in the TMR 1 farm. Increasing milk production beyond this level would most likely result in extending the anoestrus phase of the reproductive cycle, thus resulting in cows taking longer to be successfully re-bred, increasingly the potential number of days that they could be unproductive and could also require more replacement stock to be maintained, further increasing the farms GHG emissions. We have endeavoured to rank the ease and/or relevance to adopting the different abatement strategies that we have been examined for the three broad farming systems (Table 10). It must be noted that this ranking is subjective and that individual farm systems, management structure, skill level of farm workers, farm infrastructure and economics also need to be considered. An abatement strategy that could be easily adopted on one TMR system may not be so easily adopted on another TMR system. For example, with the two real farm TMR systems modelled earlier, the TMR 1 farm already had very large framed animals at 700kg compared to 550kg for the TMR 2 farm, so there was very little scope to increasing herd weight to increase feed intake and milk production for the TMR 1 farm. We have also included some of the abatement 44 strategies given in Figure 3 which were not individually modelled for each of the farming systems, especially the soil abatement strategies. These are difficult to model with the calculators available to us (other than with DairyMod) and generally follow the concept that using the best management practices that are currently advocated, will be the best adoption strategy in reducing nitrous oxide emissions. Table 10. Ease of implementation and/or relevance of each abatement strategy for a low supplementary feeding system, a high supplementary feeding system and a total mixed ration feeding system. Herd Strategy LSF HSF TMR Increasing per cow milk production xxx xx x xxx xx x to reduce herd size Increasing herd weight and milk production Reducing herd replacement rate xx xx x Extending lactation lengths x xx xxx Increased feed conversion x xx xxx efficiency Feed Increased grain feeding xxx x - xx x Feeding fats and oils xxx xx x Feeding monensin x xx xxx Feeding condensed tannins xx xx xx Maintaining the crude protein x xx xx content of the diet within the optimal range Soil Nitrification inhibitor xxx xxx xxx Paddock management (drainage, xxx xx x irrigation, minimise waterlogging) Winter stand-off areas xx xx x N fertiliser rate and timing xxx xx xx X, XX and XXX= low, medium and high degree of relevance or potential to be an effective abatement strategy Overall, we have shown that adopting one or a combination of abatement strategies will result in reducing total farm GHG emissions. However, some abatement strategies do 45 have a time factor to consider. Increasing herd weight and therefore milk production is an ongoing process. It would take years of selective breeding to increase a herds’ average weight by an amount that would provide for significant increases in feed intakes. Increasing feed intakes then highlights other issues. Does the farm have surplus pasture most years to meet this increased demand for forage or will the additional feed intake need to be achieved through off-farm sources, thus increasing pre-farm embedded GHG emissions? One abatement strategy that was not modelled for the five farming systems is extended lactations. Traditionally, farmers would calve down their herd in late winter and/or early spring, milk their herd for 270-300 days, before drying them off over late autumn and winter to allow the cows to recover before calving next season. To facilitate this milking pattern, most milk processors that predominantly manufacture long-life products, such as butter, cheese and milk powders, would also cease processing during this dry period. While this pattern will remain for most farming systems, there could be the potential to continue milking herds beyond 300 day lactations, especially for high milk production systems such as TMR farms that supply milk to processors year round. Extending lactations beyond 10 months, for year round calving herds, reduces the number of animals dry at any particular time of the year. For example to milk 300 cows on 10month lactations year round, you would need to calve 30 cows each month. If however, you milked 300 cows on 15-month lactations year round, you would only need to calve 20 cows each month. This would reduce the herd size from 360 to 340 milkers and potentially reduce your replacement herd size, thus reducing pre-farm and on-farm GHG emissions. Reducing herd replacement rates could also assist in reducing total farm GHG emissions as less replacement stock need to be raised each year. However, this could reduce the ability of farmers to cull stock based on factors such as lower milk production and/or an inability to reach a 270 to 300 day lactation length. These two aspects would most likely increase GHG intensity figures, due to a reduction in annual milk production. 46 2.8 Evaluation of tools and processes to monitor greenhouse gas emissions Currently available greenhouse gas models There is an array of tools that have or are currently being developed to assist agricultural industries in accounting for GHG emissions. A national carbon accounting toolbox (NCAT) model is available, with ongoing model developments, to account for GHG emissions across a range of agricultural industries (e.g. forestry, cropping). However, the current version of the NCAT model is not suitable to account for GHG emissions from dairy farms system due to the omission of enteric methane estimates from livestock. Greenhouse gas accounting tools relevant to the dairy industry include OVERSEER, DairyMod and the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator (herein named the GHG calculator). One major issue with all these models is that they are not dynamic mechanistic models, but inventory type models, based on equations and algorithms where ‘one factor fits all situations’ is generally accepted. For example, in OVERSEER it is assumed that each kilogram of dry matter intake of good quality pasture would result in an emission of 26.5 g of methane (Wheeler et al. 2008). A review of the capacity of each of the above mentioned models in addition to the newly developed DGAS calculator can be seen in Table 11. While OVERSEER appears to the most capable model in determining GHG emissions, two aspects made this model less capable for Australian dairying conditions. Firstly, the model was developed for New Zealand conditions, so contains algorithms and emission factors more relevant for their dairying conditions. Secondly, there is little access to the mechanics of the model to alter the algorithms and factors as required, to reflect Australian conditions. It is for these reasons that we developed the new DGAS calculator, based on the GHG calculator. 47 Table 11. A comparison of the capacities of five greenhouse gas calculator models. GHG Methane Nitrous oxide Carbon dioxide Source of GHG emission GHG OVERSEER Enteric fermentation (grazed pasture) x x Enteric fermentation (conserved feed) x x Enteric fermentation (concentrate feed) x x x x x calculator NCAT DGAS DairyMod calculator Enteric fermentation (total diet) x Effluent stored x x x Effluent spread x x x Fertiliser application x x x x Direct dung and urine deposits x x x x Effluent stored x x x Effluent spread x x x Fuel and electricity x x x Lime breakdown x Carbon Stored in trees x Other farm Herd structure x aspects Soil type and irrigation influence x x x Climate x x x Daily Yearly Daily Time step Yearly x x x x Seasonal X= ability of the model to determine each source of GHG emissions 48 Issues with currently available greenhouse gas models Kebreab et al. (2006) reviewed models that predicted methane emissions from enteric fermentation in North American dairy cattle. They stated that “Tier 1 linear inventory type models (as is used in the GHG and DGAS calculators) are adequate for general national inventory of methane emissions. However, when considering mitigation options in relation to dietary manipulation, mechanistic models are better formulated to determine the impact of mitigation strategies on methane emissions, both in the context of the rumen and of the whole animal”. Therefore while the most appropriate tools available to Australian dairy farmers are inventory type models, there could be some degree of error in the estimation of GHG emissions when selecting feed abatement strategies. Using inventory type models that segregate farm systems based on state borders can also introduce issues in terms of accuracy of results. For example, calculating the amount of nitrous oxide lost with leaching and runoff for dryland pastures assumes a emission fraction of 0.991 in Tasmania, while in Queensland, the fraction is 0.128 (i.e. for every kilogram of N fertiliser, potentially up to 0.991 kg is available to be leached in Tasmania compared to 0.128 kg in Queensland). These fractions do not take into consideration rainfall events, soil type or farm management practices. Using a ‘one factor fits all situations’ does not recognise that farmers who are already managing their fertiliser inputs using current best management practices, such as applying a maximum of 40-50 kg N/ha per application, not applying when soils are waterlogged or when a significant rainfall event is expected in the immediate future, will have already reduced their nitrous oxide emissions. An inventory-type model is therefore often limited in its ability to determine the impact of varying management practices, not only between farms but also within a farm over seasons or years. If the dairy industry wants to accurately model individual farm GHG emissions and the effect of adopting abatement strategies, there will be discrepancies between the real farm outputs and the modelling outputs. If, however, an understanding that the outcome from the models are accurate for the outcome that they are designed for, to show variation between farming systems, management practices and adopting abatement strategies, then current models will suffice. 49 2.9 Development of a spreadsheet model that enables a whole of system comparison between indicative systems and changes in imports and management practices. We have developed the new DGAS calculator based on the previously developed GHG calculator as it contains all of the relevant Australian emission factors and is easily altered as required. The major advancements and advantages of the DGAS calculator over the other tools are: Inclusion of the updated methodology to determine indirect nitrous oxide emissions from leaching/runoff and volatilisation; Calculation of the GHG emissions per tonnes of milksolids for the whole farm system and the liability under a carbon pollution reduction scheme; Ability to determine the GHG emissions associated with importing products such as grain, fertiliser and some farm chemicals; Ability to model a baseline farm system and then select one or a combination of abatement strategies to compared outcomes; Ability to define and calculate the seasonal diet quality (digestibility and crude protein %) for the milking herd; Ability to define and calculate the annual diet quality (digestibility and crude protein %) for all other stock classes; Inclusion of a dry cow category for farms that milk year round and therefore have a proportion of the herd continually dry (not relevant for seasonal or split calving herds); Predictive feed intakes required to achieve either the current or the projected milk production; Ability to select one of four manure management systems, depending on the pathway that the herds’ effluent is managed; Farm abatement strategy page allowing the user to alter aspects relevant to the farm such as planting trees, altering the N fertiliser inputs, the effect of increasing the amount of grain imported onto farm etc; Herd abatement strategy page allowing the user to alter aspects relevant to the herd such as diet quality, increasing herd size and milk production and/or in the adoption of one or several of the three currently available additional abatement strategies (feeding fats and oils, feeding a condensed tannin and using an N-inhibitor); 50 Results page graphing each source of GHG emissions/t MS for the baseline and abatement farm system. The results page contains the total farm GHG emissions and a breakdown into the four major sources of GHG emissions (as text and as a pie chart; Figure 11). The results can be printed and the calculator can be saved in Microsoft Excel for further analysis; The inclusion of a user defined ad-hoc strategy whereby a percentage reduction in emissions from the seven sources of GHG emissions (carbon dioxide, the two methane and the four nitrous oxide sources) can be entered. This can be used to provide an indication of the level of reduction in emissions required to meet a farm GHG emission target. Ability to add new abatement strategies and technologies (e.g. vaccines) as they become available for the dairy industry to implement. The DGAS calculator is still based on an inventory type model, where either international (IPCC) or Australian specific algorithms are used to estimated GHG emissions. There is still a degree of uncertainty in the actual estimates of GHG emissions from such calculations (as explained in section 2.8). While there are a number of best management practices that can be adopted to reduce emissions from dairying it must be noted that the modelling activities undertaken for this report have ignored a number of other aspects of farming that need to also be included in any decision to adopt abatement strategies. These include: What are the financial implications of improving diet quality, and therefore reducing methane production, by feeding higher levels of grain? Does adopting an abatement strategy require new farm infrastructure, such as a feed pad area and/or a feed-out wagon? Is there a change to the labour inputs and/or skills requirements to adopt certain abatement strategies? All these aspects of farm management need to be considered, not just the implications of adopting a strategy to reduce GHG emissions. 51 Figure 11. A copy of the results page from the Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategies calculator. 52 3. Way forward for the Australian dairy industry The Australian Federal Government funded Green Paper has already highlighted the issues of adopting an emissions trading scheme for the agriculture industry. Emissions are highly variable in response to management practices and climatic conditions. Nitrous oxide emissions vary geographically and over time, according to rainfall patterns, soil types, fertiliser application rates and formulation, and farm management practices. Methane emissions vary according to diet quality, from the highly digestible temperate pastures of southern Australia to the relatively lower digestible tropical pastures and crops of northern Australia. These characteristics pose challenges for their inclusion in a national carbon pollution reduction scheme. One of the major issues facing the dairy industry will be how are farms’ GHG emissions reported, whether on a total emission basis or an emission/unit of product basis. Comparing farm systems based on GHG emissions/t MS allows for an easy comparison between dairy farm systems. However, there is a risk of assuming that each tonne of milksolids has resulted in emitting a certain level of GHG emissions, irrespective of farm management practices, farm location and/or soil type. Two farms that produced the same level of milk production could result in vastly different GHG emissions. For example, taking a dairy farm system from Victoria and relocating it in Queensland (i.e. all things being equal other than location), resulted in a reduction in GHG emissions/t MS of over 5%. Therefore assuming a single factor to convert a per cow or a per milk production unit to a known GHG emission value can not accurately determine a farms’ GHG emissions. 3.1. Educate and promote best management practices Adopting current best management practices will always work towards reducing GHG emissions. To adopt these practices, farmers need to be better informed of to the source of GHG emissions and ways that they can assist in reducing emissions. Some examples of ways that farmers can reduce their farms’ emissions include balancing diets to maximise digestibility while maintaining the level of crude protein in the diet to within the optimal range, better managing their fertiliser practices to minimise nitrous oxide losses and monitoring their irrigation scheduling to reduce excessive irrigating to save on electricity usage and reduce nitrous oxide emissions. 53 There is already a strong focus on fertiliser best management practices through such programs as DairySAT and FertCare. These programs facilitate farmers in understanding and adopting best management practices that assist in reducing their farms’ nitrous oxide emissions. Developing a communications program designed to highlight the implications of diet quality on methane emissions, will facilitate farmers in understanding and adopting management practices that will assist in capping and/or reducing their farms’ methane emissions. A focus on reducing enteric methane losses is viewed as a priority for the dairy industry as across all farming systems, as enteric methane is the major source of total farm GHG emissions. To assist farmers in working towards reducing their farms’ GHG emissions, milk processing companies and co-operatives could play a major role. Processors want to be able to trade their products domestically and internationally based on a ‘clean green’ image. As consumers become increasingly aware of the GHG emissions generated with the production of fresh produce, there could become increasing pressure on milk processors to validate the GHG emissions associated with their products. Milk processors are in one of the best positions to assist and educate farmers in the nutritional requirements of the milk herd. The use of by-products such as whole cottonseed, canola meal and/or brewers grain will play an important role in reducing total farm GHG emissions as these products contain no additional embedded emission beyond their primary purpose of cotton for clothing, oil for cooking and barley for beer brewing. Milk companies could also adopt a GHG emissions target range that needs to be met by farms to supply milk to their factory. This target range would be linked to a pricing schedule, where milk supplied with lower GHG emissions/kg milksolids could receive a price bonus while milk above a target range could receive a price discount. If a pathway of utilising milk processors to implement a pricing schedule based on GHG emissions does become operative, care will need to be taken in setting optimal GHG emission ranges. Emission ranges will need to be set according to the milk factory location, not a ‘one rule fits all suppliers’. A single milk processor such as Dairy Farmers, that accesses milk throughout the country (from the northern tropics of the 54 Atherton Tablelands, through to the temperate regions of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia), should expect their suppliers to emit varying levels of GHG emissions based on the variation in climatic conditions, feeding regimes and soil types found throughout these regions. How we audit farms to determine their GHG emissions will need to be considered. The cost of auditing individual farms, based on the calculators available to us at present, would be very costly and time-consuming. Methane emissions, and to a lesser extent, nitrous oxide emissions are very dependant on diet quality. Most farmers would not have accurate estimates of their diet quality throughout the seasons. If, however, we assume that we can simplify emissions to a small range (i.e. 12-14 t CO2-e/t MS), and simply multiply farm production by this factor, then although this simple methodology would significantly reduce auditing costs, it also removes any feedback to farmers in regards to how their individual management practices are affecting their farms’ GHG emissions. Therefore a balance between accuracy of GHG emissions and efficiency of time and cost needs to be identified so that farmers are receiving an accurate indication of their farms’ GHG emissions and any implications this may pose to their price scheduling. 3.2. On-going research requirements What is clear from the findings of the current modelling of dairy farm systems is that strategies to significantly reduce GHG emissions need to focus on reducing methane emissions. Farmers will continue to identify practices for improving the diet quality to their herd, but this may only result in small reductions in methane emissions. Researchers need to continue to find ways to reduce the production of methane by methanogens in the rumen, without jeopardising milk production. Continuation of the research of developing vaccines that manipulate the rumen microflora to assist in reducing methane emissions, better understanding and isolating the genetic markers for stock that naturally have a greater feed conversion efficiency and re-breeding condensed tannins into forages such as lucerne and sorghums will all assist in reducing GHG emissions. However, these are all long term strategies which can not be adapted immediately on farm but need to be implemented over time. 55 There are number of abatement strategies for reducing nitrous oxide that are currently available which could be potentially adapted on farm immediately. Research has shown that the use of nitrification inhibitors can reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser by up to 60%. However, the effectiveness of N inhibitors is climate and location specific. As the dairy industry has a vast variation in production systems and soil conditions, there is a need to better understand the efficacy of this technology under varying soil, location and climatic conditions. The Australian dairy industry has traditionally focused its feedbase systems research efforts on the production and consumption of home grown forage. One of the major international competitive advantages of the Australian dairy industry is its ability to produce milk at a low cost due to the production and consumption of high amounts of home grown forage. However, our modelling has indicated that such systems have a higher intensity of GHG emissions than TMR type systems currently used in the US and Europe. If farmers are going to adopt strategies such as a greater reliance on off-farm grain and forages, they need to be aware of the financial and management implications of this, above and beyond the GHG emission implications. It is suggested that future developments of the DGAS calculator could incorporate some economic analysis of adopting the various abatement strategies. In addition, an analysis of the how the profitability of current dairy farming systems will be modified by the costs incurred in a carbon pollution reduction scheme is of high importance to the industry. 56 4. Conclusion This report has highlighted several abatement strategies that could be adopted on farm to reduce GHG emission intensity. However, not all abatement strategies will result in lowering total farm GHG emissions. If farmers are directly ‘charged’ according to their total farm GHG emissions, this could result in disadvantaging the industry by deterring farmers from expanding their businesses. A whole farm analysis of the implications of adopting strategies, not just the GHG implications, but also aspects such as the financial and farm infrastructure implications, will be the next crucial step. Education will hold the key to better inform farmers of ways that they can reduce their farms’ GHG emissions. Research needs to be maintained and continued into the future in areas where maximum results can be achieved, especially in better understanding and isolating the methanogens that produce methane in the rumen. Research also needs to continue to better formulate emission factors that are more location specific. Having national or state-based emission factors does not account for differences in farm management practices, nor does it accurately quantify individual farm GHG emissions. Individual accounting of GHG emissions from dairy farms into a national accountability scheme by the adoption of a ‘one rule fits all’ scenario (such as a carbon tax per animal) will undoubtedly penalise high producing farms that have very little scope to reduce their current on-farm GHG emissions, while reducing the incentive to improve farm productivity for those farms that do. The link between business profitability and environmental stewardship is not a new concept to the Australian dairy industry. The interrelationship between climate change, global warming and GHG emissions is potentially one of the largest issues to face the dairy industry. There are a number of GHG abatement strategies currently available to the dairy industry and also a number of strategies that should be available in the near future. Many of the abatement strategies discussed, if adopted, could potentially result in both economic and environmental improvements. However, there is a need to further develop our modelling capacity to analyse the interactions between farm profitability and farm GHG abatement strategies. Armed with this, the industry will be better informed so that they can view the implications of a carbon pollution reduction scheme as a positive step forward for the industry, the nation and the world. 57 5. References Attwood, G., and McSweeney, C. (2008). Methanogen genomics to discover targets for methane mitigation technologies and options for alternative H2 utilisation in the rumen. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48, 28-37. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics (2007a). Australian Beef Financial Performance and Production to 2006-07. Australian Beef 07.2 Report. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics (2007b). Benefits of Adjustment in Australia’s Sheep Industry. Australia Lamb 07.1 Report. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics (2007c). Financial Performance of Farms to 2006-07. Australian Dairy 07.2 Report. Australian Department of Climate Change (2008a). Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System (sourced 10/7/2008; http://www.ageis.greenhouse.gov.au/GGIDMUserFunc/QueryModel/Ext_QueryModelRe sults.asp#resultStartMarker). Australian Department of Climate Change (2008b). Carbon Pollution Reduction SchemeGreen Paper (sourced 15/7/2008; http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/greenpaper/index.html) Australian Standing Committee on Agriculture (1990). Feeding standards for Australian livestock, Ruminants. Standing Committee on Agriculture, Ruminant sub-committee, CSIRO, Australia. Beauchemin, KA., Kreuzer, M., O’Mara, F., and McAllister, TA. (2008). Nutritional management for enteric methane abatement: a review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48, 21-27. Blasing, TJ., and Smith, K. (2006). Recent greenhouse gas concentrations. (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, USA; sourced 28/3/2008 http://cdiac.ornl.gov/pns/current_ghg.html) 58 Blaxter, KL., and Chapperton, JL. (1965). Prediction of the amount of methane produced by ruminants. The British Journal of Nutrition 19, 511-522. Buckley, F., Horan, B., Lopez-Villalobos, N., and Dillon, P (2007). Milk production efficiency of varying dairy cow genotypes under grazing conditions. Meeting the Challenges for pasture-Based Dairying Australasian Dairy Science Symposium Conference Proceedings, Melbourne (National Dairy Alliance, Australia). Dalah, RC., Wang, W., Robertson, GP., and Parton, WJ (2003a). Nitrous oxide emission from Australian agricultural lands and mitigation options: a review. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41, 165-195. Dalah, RC., Wang, W., Robertson, GP., Parton WJ., Myer CM., and Raison RJ. (2003b). Emission sources of nitrous oxide from Australian agricultural and forest lands and mitigation options (http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/ncas/reports/pubs/tr35final.pdf). de Klein, CAM. and Eckard, RJ. (2008). Targeted technologies for nitrous oxide abatement from animal agriculture. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48, 14-20. Eckard, RJ. (2006). Are there win-win strategies for minimising greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture? OUTLOOK 2006 Conference (sourced 05/12/2007; www.abareconomics.com/interactive/outlook06/outlook/speeches/papers/Eckard,RClimateChange%20I.doc). Freer, M., Moore, AD., and Donnelly, JR. (1997). GRAZPLAN: Decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises II. The animal biology model for feed intake, production and reproduction and the GrazFeed DSS. Agricultural Systems 54, 77-126. Grabber, J., Rotz, C., Mertens, D., and Muck, R. (2002). Tannin-containing alfalfa: A way to improve nitrogen-use and profitability of dairy farms? American Forage and Grassland Council Conference Proceedings. 59 Grainger, C., Clarke, T., Auldist, MJ., Beauchemin, KA., McGinn, SM., Waghorn, GC., and Eckard, RJ. (2008). Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cows fed pasture and grain through supplementation with Acacia mearnsii tannins. Journal of Dairy Science (in press). Hegarty, RS., Goopy, JP. Herd, RM., and McCorkell, B. (2007). Cattle selected for lower residual feed intake have reduced daily methane production. Journal of Animal Science 85, 1479-1486. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; 2001). The Scientific Basis Technical Summary (Cambridge University Press, UK). Jarvis, GN., Strömpl, C, Burgess, DM., Skillman, LC., Moore, ERB., and Joblin, KN. (2000). Isolation and identification of ruminal methanogens from grazing cattle. Current Microbiology 40, 327-332. Johnson, DE., Ward, GM., and Bernal, G. (1997). Biotechnology mitigating the environmental effects of dairying; greenhouse gas emissions. In ‘Milk composition, production and biotechnology’, pp 497-511 (Ed R.A.S. Welch; CAB International, USA). Kebreab, E., France, J., McBride, BW., Odongo, N., Bannink, A., Mills, JAN., and Dijkstra, J. (2006). Evaluation of models to predict methane emissions from enteric fermentation in North American dairy cattle. In ‘Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals- Modelling Approach’ pp 229-312 (Eds E Kebreab, J Dijkstra, A Bannink, WJJ Gerritts, and J France; (CAB International Publishing, UK). Marland, G., Boden, TA., and Andres., RJ (2005). Global, regional and national CO2 emissions. In ‘Trends: A Compendium of data on global change’. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, U.S. Department of Energy, USA. McAllister, TA., Okine, EK., Mathison, GW., and Cheng, K-J. (1996). Dietary, environmental and microbiological aspects of methane production in ruminants. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 76, 231-243. 60 O’Hara, P., Freney, J., and Ulyatt, M. (2003). Abatement of Agricultural Non-carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Emissions. New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF, Wellington NZ). Tamminga, S, Bannink, A., Dijkstra, J., and Zom, R. (2007). Feeding strategies to reduce methane loss in cattle. (Wageningen Animal Sciences Group, The Netherlands). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC 1995). Climate Change 2005, The Science of Climate Change: Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary of the Working Group 1 Report, page 22. (sourced 28/3/2008; http://unfccc.int/ghg_emissions_data/items/3825.php) 61 6. Appendices Appendix 1. Discussion paper Appendix 2. User manual for the DGAS calculator Appendix 3. Literature review from the Milestone 3 report on greenhouse gas abatement strategies Appendix 4. Details of the life cycle assessment of each of the embedded calculations Appendix 5. Overall diet quality calculation for each farming system Appendix 6. Greenhouse gas emissions for individual abatement strategies across each of the dairy farming systems 62 Appendix 1. Discussion paper Whole farm systems analysis of greenhouse gas emission abatement strategies for dairy farms. Discussion paper on the outcomes of the investigation and analysis into greenhouse gas abatement strategies, modelling and decision tools for the Australian dairy industry. Prepared by: Karen Christie, Dr Richard Rawnsley and Dr Danny Donaghy (Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, University of Tasmania) August 2008 Contents page 1. Summary ....................................................................................................... 1 2. Background .................................................................................................. 2 Methane ......................................................................................................... 3 Nitrous oxide .................................................................................................. 3 Carbon dioxide............................................................................................... 4 3. Greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farm systems .................................. 5 Defining the baseline farming systems .......................................................... 5 Greenhouse gas emissions for baseline farming systems ............................. 7 Abatement strategies for dairy farm systems ............................................... 10 Impact of adopting abatement strategies ..................................................... 10 4. Way forward for the Australian dairy industry ........................................ 14 Educate and promote best management practices ...................................... 14 Development of a greenhouse gas emission accountability and abatement tool ............................................................................................. 16 Modelling implications .................................................................................. 18 On-going research requirements ................................................................. 19 5. References .................................................................................................. 21 1. Summary The following paper examines abatement strategies that could potentially be adopted on dairy farms to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per tonne of milksolids; t CO2-e/t MS). Climate change, global warming and greenhouse gas emissions are potentially some of the largest issues to face the dairy industry. There are a number of GHG abatement strategies currently available to the dairy industry and also a number of strategies that should be available in the near future. Education will hold the key to better inform farmers of ways that they can reduce their farm GHG emissions. Research needs to be maintained and continued into the future in areas where maximum results can be achieved, especially in better understanding and isolating the methanogens that produce methane in the rumen. Research also needs to continue to better formulate emission factors that are more location specific. Having national or state-based emission factors does not account for differences in farm management practices, nor does it accurately quantify individual farm GHG emissions. Individual accounting of GHG emissions from dairy farms into a national accountability scheme by the adoption of a ‘one rule fits all’ scenario (such as a carbon tax per animal) will undoubtedly penalise high producing farms that have very little scope to reduce their current on-farm GHG emissions, while reducing the incentive to improve farm productivity for those farms that do. Abatement strategies aimed at reducing the intensity of GHG emissions for dairy farm systems will not necessarily result in lowering total farm GHG emissions. If farmers are directly ‘charged’ according to their total farm GHG emissions, this could result in disadvantaging the industry by deterring farmers from expanding their businesses. In addition, a whole farm analysis of the implications of adopting strategies, not just the GHG implications, but also aspects such as the financial and farm infrastructure implications are critical to the analysis. The link between business profitability and environmental stewardship is not a new concept to the Australian dairy industry. Many of the abatement strategies discussed, if adopted, could potentially result in both economic and environmental improvements; however, there is a need to further develop our modelling capacity to analyse the interactions between farm profitability and farm GHG abatement strategies. Armed with this, the industry will be better informed so that they can view the implications of a carbon pollution reduction scheme as a positive step forward for the industry, the nation and the world. 1 2. Background Climate change is a feature of the 21st century. Increases in atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) has been attributed to changes in global climatic conditions. The three major gases that are widely accepted as contributing to global warming are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Molecule for molecule, carbon dioxide is a weak GHG in terms of its global warming potential. Compared to carbon dioxide, on a 100-year timescale, the global warming potential of methane and nitrous oxide are 21 and 310 times greater, respectively (IPCC 2001). Multiplying the GHG by its global warming potential converts all three gases to a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) to allow for easier comparisons between gas sources. Australia’s net GHG emissions across all sectors totalled 576 million tonnes of CO 2-e in the year 2006 (Department of Climate Change 2008). Australia has committed itself to playing a major role in addressing its contribution to the global issue of climate change by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol in late 2007. This ratification has committed Australia to limiting the growth of its GHG emissions to 108% of its 1990 baseline by 2012. While the major focus in reducing GHG emissions has been placed on the stationary energy, industrial and transport sectors, the agricultural sector will also be required to implement their own series of measures to tackle the issue of GHG emissions and climate change. Based on 2006 figures, agriculture was responsible for 16% of Australia's total GHG emissions and was estimated to cause 84% of nitrous oxide emissions and 59% of methane emissions (Department of Climate Change 2008). Australian dairy farms contributed approximately 2% (8,870 kt CO2-e) of Australia’s GHG emissions, with the major factors being methane lost during rumen digestion (enteric) and nitrous oxide lost from nitrogen fertilisers, animal excreta and soils. 2 Methane Methane is a by-product of feed digestion in the rumen in a process known as enteric fermentation. Micro-organisms called methanogens found in the rumen of ruminant livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) convert excess hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane, which is then excreted predominantly via the mouth, while smaller proportions are either absorbed into the bloodstream and released through the lungs or passed through the animal via the intestinal tract. A small proportion of methane is also produced with the excretion of manure of dairy cattle. The emission of methane from livestock represents a direct loss of energy to the ruminant, as between 4-10% of all ingested energy is excreted as methane (Johnson et al. 1997). Therefore any process which can reduce the level of methane production in ruminants should provide more energy to increase production of milk, meat or wool. A small amount of methane from livestock is also emitted with the decomposition of manure. Methane emissions from dairy farm systems can be reduced by improving the digestibility of the diet, reducing the number of unproductive animals and/or modifying the rumen outputs by feed additives such as fats and condensed tannins. Nitrous oxide Nitrous oxide is released naturally from soils via one of two separate processes, known as nitrification and denitrification. Anywhere between 20 and 80% of nitrogen applied to soils (either as fertiliser or animal waste) escapes into the atmosphere without being utilised by plant growth and production (Peoples et al. 2004), due to variations in environmental and management conditions. This represents a direct loss of nitrogen from the farming system, which has environmental and economical consequences. Nitrous oxide emissions can be reduced by balancing the animal’s diet to minimise excess nitrogen in their urine and dung. Emissions can also be reduced by minimising anaerobic soil conditions, reducing soil compaction and/or improving fertiliser management practices through the use of nitrification inhibitors. 3 Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when carbon-based fossil fuels are burned to create electricity and by the production and consumption of fuels for farm vehicles. While electricity usage does not result in carbon dioxide emission at a farm level, there is an embedded carbon dioxide emission associated with its production. There is also an emission associated with the production and consumption of fuel such as diesel. When analysing the whole farm system, these three sources of emissions from the production and consumption of energy are grouped together as CO 2- energy. While these emissions have been accounted for at a whole farm system analysis, they are not likely to be accounted for at a farm systems level in any future carbon pollution reduction scheme. 4 3. Greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farm systems Previous research undertaken in Australia had highlighted numerous strategies which could result in reducing GHG emissions in the order of 20 to 30% from dairy farms. However, the assessment of the impact of adopting these abatement strategies has generally not taken into consideration implications across the whole of farm system, or the potential GHG emissions associated with key farm inputs such as fertilisers, grain and other feed sources. This reports details the following: A quantification of the greenhouse gas emissions (including embedded emissions from farm inputs such as fertiliser and grain) from three typical dairy farming systems: A system based predominantly on pasture, with low levels of supplementary feed (10-15% of the total diet from supplements) A system based on high levels of supplementary feed (40-50% of the total diet from supplements) A total mixed ration system (zero grazing with all feed supplied in an enclosed area); An assessment of the impact of adopting a range of abatement strategies for these three systems in a whole farm system context; A discussion of the adoption of GHG abatement implications for the Australian dairy industry; An evaluation of currently available modelling tools to estimate whole farm system GHG emissions, including the development of a new dairy GHG abatement calculator. Defining the baseline farming systems The process adopted to model the low and high supplementary feeding systems was a farm system where annual milk production totalled 2 million litres or 150 tonne milksolids (t MS). For the low supplementary feeding system, this was achieved by milking 445 cows, with each cow producing 4,500L/lactation and the diet consisting of 89% pasture and 11% grain. From here on this farm system is referred to as LSF. 5 For the high supplementary feeding system, this was achieved by one of two methods: A pasture/grain system where 310 cows produced 6,500L/lactation with the diet consisting of 56% pasture and 44% grain. From here on this farm system is referred to as HSF 1; A pasture/grain/maize silage system where 333 cows produced 6,000L/lactation with the diet consisting of 56% pasture, 26% grain and 18% maize silage from an off-farm source. From here on this farm system is referred to as HSF 2. Two total mixed ration (TMR) dairy systems were modelled based on farm data from commercially operated TMR dairies. The two systems were: A traditional TMR farm, with cows housed in a large freestall system with the diet consisting of 42% forage, conserved both on and off farm, 30% grain and 28% by-products (waste from Manildra Mills, cottonseed meal, molasses and whole cottonseed). This farm produced 3.8 million litres of 285 t MS per annum. From here on this farm system is referred to as TMR 1; A farming system which has converted from a traditional pasture grazing system to a cropping system due to reduced water allocations, with the diet consisting of 43% forage conserved on farm, 36% grain and 21% by-products (canola meal, soybean meal, dried distillers grain and cottonseed meal). This farm produced 6.4 million litres or 487 t MS per annum. From here on this farm system is referred to as TMR 2. To allow easier comparison of the total farm GHG emissions between the farming systems, the two TMR systems were scaled down to replicate farms that produced 150t MS/annum (the same as the LSF and HSF systems), by dividing their baseline total farm GHG emissions by their total MS production and then multiplying by 150. In addition, the TMR 1 farm agist their replacement stock off farm, thus reducing their GHG emissions. Reintroducing the replacement stock on farm allowed for all farm systems to be comparative in terms of herd structure. 6 Greenhouse gas emissions have been reported in two ways. The first was total farm GHG emissions, as the sum of four sources: Pre-farm embedded GHG emissions from imported products; On-farm carbon dioxide; On-farm methane; On-farm nitrous oxide. In addition, a GHG emission intensity figure was calculated by dividing total farm GHG emissions by 150 t MS. The second method involved assessing the GHG emissions that would be a direct liability under an emissions trading scheme. The Australian Federal Government is in the process of introducing an emissions trading scheme named the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS). This CPRS will come into effect in 2010, with agriculture potentially liable for their on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions from 2015 onwards. Similarly to the total farm GHG emissions, two figures have been reported- total farm GHG emissions and GHG emissions intensity. These two figures have been reported as CPRS farm GHG emissions (total methane and nitrous oxide; t CO2-e) and CPRS emissions/t MS (t CO2-e/t MS). Greenhouse gas emissions for baseline farming systems The total farm GHG emissions varied from 1,836 t CO2-e for the TMR 2 system to 2,623 t CO2-e for the LSF system (Figure 1). As each system produced 150t MS, there was a corresponding variation in GHG emissions/t MS from 12.3 to 17.5 t CO2-e/t MS for the TMR2 and LSF systems, respectively (Table 1). While there was variation between the differing farm systems, analysis of the GHG emissions from the dairy systems indicated that: on-farm methane emissions were 48 to 55% of total emissions; on-farm nitrous oxide emissions were 20 to 26% of total emissions; pre-farm embedded GHG emissions were 11 to 18% of total emissions; on-farm carbon dioxide emissions were 6 to 9% of total emissions. The CPRS farm GHG emissions varied from 1,418 t CO2-e for the TMR 1 system to 2,105 t CO2-e for the LSF system. This equated to a 20 to 26% reduction on total farm 7 GHG emissions. The CPRS emissions/t MS varied from 9.5 to 14.0 t CO 2-e/t MS. Onfarm methane emissions were 65 to 73% of the CPRS farm GHG emissions. Table 1. Pre-farm, on-farm carbon dioxide, on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions, total farm and carbon pollution reduction scheme farm greenhouse gas emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions and carbon pollution reduction scheme emissions per tonne milksolids to achieve 150 tonne milksolids per annum. LSF HSF 1 HSF 2 TMR 1 TMR 2 Pre-farm (t CO2-e) 309 363 417 338 256 On-farm carbon dioxide (t CO2-e) 209 159 182 170 106 1,431 1,162 1,232 923 996 674 434 458 495 477 Total farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 2,623 2,118 2,290 1,925 1,836 GHG emissions/t MS (t CO2-e/t MS) 17.5 14.0 15.3 12.8 12.2 CPRS farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 2,105 1,596 1,690 1,418 1,474 CPRS emissions/t MS (t CO2-e/t MS 14.0 10.6 11.3 9.5 9.8 On-farm methane (t CO2-e) On-farm nitrous oxide (t CO2-e) Total farm GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 LSF On-farm methane HSF 1 HSF 2 On-farm nitrous oxide TMR 1 Pre-farm embedded TMR 2 On-farm carbon dioxide Figure 1. Total farm greenhouse gas emissions and the source of greenhouse gas emissions, expressed as tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents, when achieving 150 tonnes milksolids per annum for each of the five farming systems under review. Note- under the carbon pollution reduction scheme, only the on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions would be a direct liability to farmers. 8 The LSF system emitted between 15 to 23% and 36 to 43% more total farm GHG compared to the HSF and TMR farm systems, respectively. This was a result of the LSF system having the greatest comparative herd size. While the pre-farm GHG emission was comparative to all other systems, the greater herd size resulted in greater electricity consumption, increasing the on-farm carbon dioxide emissions. The higher stock numbers and lower digestibility of the diet resulted in greater methane emissions. Nitrous oxide emissions were also elevated due to the greater herd size and the application of significantly more N fertiliser compared to the other systems. The difference in total farm GHG emissions between the two HSF systems was a result of replacing some grain with maize silage for the HSF 2 system. All sources of GHG emissions were greater for the HSF 2 system compared to the HSF 1 system. Pre-farm GHG emissions was greater, primarily due to the higher emission factor for maize silage compared to grain (each tonne of maize silage produces 0.371 t CO2-e compared to 0.302 t CO2-e for grain) and because an assumption was made that a 10% ‘wastage’ value of using maize silage was required to replace the grain (i.e. every one tonne of grain was replaced with 1.1 tonnes of silage). On-farm carbon dioxide emissions increased due to extra diesel required to feed out silage to the herd. Diet quality for the HSF 2 system was also lower due to the maize silage, increasing the methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Overall, there was a greater total farm GHG emission for the TMR 1 farm system compared to the TMR 2 farm system, as a result of greater pre-farm embedded emissions, on-farm carbon dioxide emissions and nitrous oxide emissions. Pre-farm embedded emissions were higher due to greater reliance on off-farm feed sources and fertiliser inputs. The higher fertiliser inputs also contributed to increased on-farm nitrous oxide emissions. On-farm carbon dioxide emission was substantially greater as irrigation took place all year, compared to the TMR 2 system which only irrigated forages over summer. In addition, the TMR 1 farm milked their herd three times a day, rather than the typical twice a day, therefore consuming more electricity. However, the on-farm methane emission was greater for the TMR 2 system as a result of a lower quality diet compared to the TMR 1 system. 9 Abatement strategies for dairy farm systems Research undertaken in Australia and New Zealand has identified an array of potential abatement strategies for dairy farm systems. These are broadly categorised as: Herd abatement strategies- including reducing the size of the herd, reducing the replacement rate so fewer heifers require raising, agisting replacement stock off-farm, increasing milk production per cow, increasing live weight to increase feed intake and improved feed conversion efficiency resulting in greater milk production per kg of feed intake; Feed abatement strategies- including increasing the quality of the diet by either feeding higher quality feed sources such as grain or increasing the digestibility of the current feed source through improved management practices. Strategies also include reducing the amount of enteric methane produced per kg of feed intake through the use of feed additives including fats and oils, condensed tannins and ionophores; Soil abatement strategies- including using a nitrification inhibitor (N-inhibitor) to reduce nitrous oxide emissions and improved irrigation scheduling to reduce anaerobic soil conditions which cause increased nitrous oxide emissions. Following a review of the potential abatement strategies, the most appropriate strategies for each system were investigated (refer to Final Report for further details). Impact of adopting abatement strategies This paper details the two strategies that resulted in the greatest reduction in GHG emissions/t MS, compared to the baseline farm system, for all five farm systems (Table 2; refer to Final Report for further details). 10 Table 2. A description of the two selected strategies that resulted in the greatest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per tonne of milksolids for each farming system. System Abatement strategy (AS) AS1 - All inclusive; increasing per cow milk production by increasing cow weight and daily feed intake; use of feed additives; fats and LSF condensed tannins; all nitrogen fertiliser applied with a N-inhibitor. AS 2 - Increasing per cow milk production by increasing the level of grain feeding. AS1 - All inclusive; increasing per cow milk production by increasing cow weight and daily feed intake; use of feed additives; fats and HSF 1 condensed tannins; all nitrogen fertiliser applied with a N-inhibitor. AS2 - Increasing per cow milk production by 10%, while reducing herd size to maintain total farm milk production. AS1 - All inclusive; increasing per cow milk production by increasing cow weight and daily feed intake; use of feed additives; fats and HSF 2 condensed tannins; all nitrogen fertiliser applied with a N-inhibitor. AS2 - Increasing per cow milk production by increasing cow weight and the level of feed intake (pasture, grain and silage). TMR 1 AS1 - Replacement stock agisted off-farm1 AS2 - Milking herd fed a source of condensed tannins year round and an N-inhibitor fertiliser applied year round TMR 2 AS1 - Replacement stock agisted off-farm. AS2 - Increasing per cow milk production by 10%, while reducing herd size to maintain total farm milk production. 1 Replacement stock remain on-farm to maintain similar herd structure between all systems Figure 2 shows the total farm GH emissions and GHG emissions/t MS for the baseline farm system and the two abatement strategies with the greatest reduction compared to the baseline farm system, for each of the five farming systems. 11 20 GHG emissions (t CO2-e) 2500 16 2000 12 1500 8 1000 4 500 0 GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) 3000 0 B AS 1 AS 2 LSF B AS 1 AS 2 HSF 1 B AS 1 AS 2 HSF 2 B AS 1 AS 2 B TMR 1 AS 1 AS 2 TMR 2 Figure 2. Total on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions (t CO 2-e/farm; ▌), total onfarm carbon dioxide and pre-farm embedded emissions (t CO2-e/farm; ▌), carbon pollution reduction scheme emissions per tonne milksolids (t CO 2-e/t MS; ♦) and total farm greenhouse gas emissions per tonne milksolids (t CO 2-e/t MS; ♦) for the baseline farm system (B) and two selected abatement strategies (AS). While various abatement strategies in isolation have been shown to reduce GHG emissions by up to 40% from that particular source (e.g. use of N-inhibitors in reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilisers), our modelling has shown that this level of reduction can't be achieved in terms of a whole farm systems context. For all farm systems, abatement strategy 1 resulted in reducing total farm GHG emissions below that achieved for the baseline farm system. This resulted in reducing GHG emission/t MS by 14 to 22% compared to the corresponding baseline farm system. For the LSF and the two HSF farm systems, this was due to combining all potential abatement strategies together to reduce total farm GHG emissions while increasing milk production. For the two TMR farm systems, this was due to a significant reduction in total farm GHG emissions with the removal of the replacement stock. As milk production remained the same, GHG emissions/t MS was significantly reduced. Adopting the 2nd most effective abatement strategy (refer to AS 2 in Table 2 above) reduced GHG emissions/t MS by 4 to 14% compared to their corresponding baseline farm systems. For the HSF 1 and the two TMR farm systems, total farm GHG emissions 12 were also reduced. However, for the LSF and the HSF 2 farm system, total farm GHG emissions were greater under this strategy than under the baseline farm system. In the LSF farm system, where the highlighted strategy was feeding more grain which resulted in more milk production, total farm GHG emissions was 5.4% greater for the strategy system compared to the baseline system. Grain inputs were increased by 100%, increasing pre-farm GHG emissions by 22%. The extra feed intake also increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions by 3%. However, the 22% increase in milk production achieved with this strategy diluted the extra total farm GHG emission such that GHG emissions/t MS was 13.8% lower for the strategy compared to the baseline LSF system. In the HSF 2 farm system, where the highlighted strategy was increasing herd weight to increase daily feed intakes and therefore result in greater milk production, total farm GHG emissions was 5.9% greater for the strategy system compared to the baseline system. The greater feed intake was achieved by increasing intakes from pasture, grain and maize silage, therefore increasing pre-farm GHG emissions by 5.9%. The extra feed intake also increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions by 6.5%. However, the 17% increase in milk production achieved with this strategy diluted the extra total farm GHG emissions such that GHG emissions/t MS was 9.2% lower for the strategy compared to the baseline HSF 2 system. Agisting replacement stock off-farm resulted in the greatest reduction in GHG emissions/t MS for the two TMR farm systems. In reality, this strategy would result in the greatest reduction in emissions for all farming systems. However, not all farms can agist their replacement stock off-farm. If stock were agisted off-farm, they are still emitting GHG, so does the cost of this emission lay with the farm that owns the stock or the farm that is raising the stock? 13 4. Way forward for the Australian dairy industry The Australian Federal Government funded Green Paper has already highlighted the issues of adopting an emissions trading scheme for the agricultural industry. Emissions are highly variable in response to management practices and climatic conditions. Nitrous oxide emissions vary geographically and over time, according to rainfall patterns, soil types, fertiliser application rates and formulation, and farm management practices. Methane emissions vary according to diet quality, from the highly digestible temperate pastures of southern Australia to the relatively lower digestible tropical pastures and crops of northern Australia. These characteristics pose challenges for their inclusion in the national emissions trading scheme. One of the major issues facing the dairy industry will be how farms’ GHG emissions are reported, whether on a total emission basis or an emission/unit of product basis. Comparing farm systems based on GHG emissions/t MS allows for an easy comparison between dairy farm systems. However, there is a risk of assuming that each tonne of milksolids has resulted in emitting a certain level of GHG emissions, irrespective of farm management practices, farm location and/or soil type. Two farms that produced the same level of milk production could result in vastly different GHG emissions. For example, taking a farm system from Victoria and placing it in Queensland (i.e. all things being equal other than location), resulted in a reduction in GHG emissions/t MS of over 5%. Therefore assuming a single factor to convert a per cow or a per milk production unit to a known GHG emission value can not accurately determine a farms’ GHG emission. Educate and promote best management practices Adopting current best management practices will always work towards reducing GHG emissions and to adopt these practices, farmers need to be better informed of the source of GHG emissions and ways that they can assist in reducing emissions. Some examples of ways that farmers can reduce their farms’ emissions include balancing diets to maximise digestibility while maintaining the level of crude protein in the diet to within the optimal range, better managing their fertiliser practices to minimise nitrous oxide 14 losses, and monitoring their irrigation scheduling to reduce excessive irrigating to save on electricity usage and reduce nitrous oxide emissions. There is already a strong focus on fertiliser best management practices through such programs as DairySAT and FertCare. These programs facilitate farmers in understanding and adopting best management practices that assist in reducing their farms’ nitrous oxide emissions. Developing a communications program designed to highlight the implications of diet quality on methane emissions, will facilitate farmers in understanding and adopting management practices that will assist in capping and/or reducing their farms’ methane emissions. A focus on reducing enteric methane losses is viewed as a priority for the dairy industry as across all farming systems, enteric methane is the major source of total farm GHG emissions. To assist farmers in working towards reducing their farms’ GHG emissions, milk processing companies and co-operatives could play a major role. Processors want to be able to trade their products domestically and internationally based on a ‘clean green’ image. As consumers become increasingly aware of the GHG emissions generated with the production of fresh produce, there could become increasing pressure on milk processors to validate the GHG emissions associated with their products. Milk processors are in one of the best positions to assist and educate farmers in the nutritional requirements of their herd. The use of ‘by-products’ such as whole cottonseed, canola meal and/or brewers grain will play an important role in reducing total farm GHG emissions as these products contain no additional embedded emission beyond their primary purpose of cotton for clothing, oil for cooking and barley for beer brewing. Milk companies could also adopt a GHG emissions target range that needs to be met by farms to supply milk to their factory. This target range would be linked to a pricing schedule, where milk supplied with lower GHG emissions/kg milksolids could receive a price bonus while milk above a target range could receive a price discount. Adopting this practice of price scheduling according to GHG emissions does carry with it some issues. For example, seasonal variation in pasture quality over summer, especially under non-irrigated conditions, would be likely to result in lowering pasture digestibility, 15 resulting in an increase in methane production. What degree of flexibility would a price schedule need to have to be able to accurately reflect the effect of varying farm management conditions on GHG emissions? If a pathway of utilising milk processors to implement a pricing schedule based on GHG emissions does become operative, care will need to be taken in setting optimal GHG emission ranges. Emission ranges will need to be set according to the milk factory location, not a ‘one rule fits all suppliers’. A single milk processor such as Dairy Farmers, that accesses milk throughout the country (from the northern tropics of the Atherton Tablelands, through to the temperate regions of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia), should expect their suppliers to emit varying levels of GHG emissions based on the variation in climatic conditions, feeding regimes and soil types found throughout these regions. How we audit farms to determine their GHG emissions will need to be considered. The cost of auditing individual farms, based on the calculators available to us at present, would be very costly and time-consuming. Methane emissions, and to a lesser extent, nitrous oxide emissions are very dependant on diet quality. Most farmers would not have accurate estimates of their diet quality throughout the seasons. If, however, we assume that we can simplify emissions to a small range (i.e. 12-14 t CO2-e/t MS), and simply multiply farm production by this factor, then although this simple auditing methodology would significantly reduce auditing costs, it also removes any feedback to farmers in regards to how their individual management practices are affecting their farms’ GHG emissions. Therefore a balance between accuracy of GHG emissions and efficiency of time and cost needs to be identified so that farmers are receiving an accurate indication of their farms’ GHG emissions and any implications this may pose to their price scheduling. Development of a greenhouse gas emission accountability and abatement tool There is an array of tools that have or are currently being developed to assist agricultural industries in accounting for GHG emissions. A national carbon accounting system model is available, with ongoing model developments, to account for GHG emissions 16 across a range of agricultural industries (e.g. forestry, cropping). However, the current version of this model is not suitable for to account for GHG emissions from dairy farms system due to the omission of enteric methane estimates from livestock. Greenhouse gas accounting tools relevant to the dairy industry include OVERSEER, DairyMod and the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator. One major issue with all of these models is that they are not dynamic mechanistic models, but inventory type models, based on equations and algorithms where ‘one factor fits all situations’ is generally accepted. For example, in OVERSEER it is assumed that each kilogram of dry matter intake of good quality pasture would result in an emission of 26.5 g of methane (Wheeler et al. 2008). While each of the named models exhibited some advantages over the others, the most appropriate model to estimate GHG emissions was the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator, developed by Dr R Eckard, R Hegarty and G Thomas. The Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator uses Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) equations with emission factors specific to Australian conditions. It is from the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator model that a new calculator, the Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement strategies (DGAS) calculator has been developed: The major advancements and advantages of the DGAS calculator over the above tools are: Ability to determine the GHG emissions associated with importing products such as grain and fertiliser; Ability to model a baseline farm system and then select one or a combination of abatement strategies to compare outcomes; Ability to define and calculate seasonal variation in diet quality for the milking herd; Inclusion of the updated methodology to determine indirect nitrous oxide emissions from leaching/runoff and volatilisation; Ability to add new abatement strategies and technologies (e.g. vaccine) as they become available for the dairy industry to implement. 17 A copy of the results page of the DGAS calculator can be seen in Figure 3, showing a reduction of 11.4 % in total farm GHG emissions/t MS by adopting an abatement strategy. Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy Comparison CPRS liability Total farm Tree plantings N2O - Indirect N2O - Dung, Urine & Spread N2O - N Fertiliser N2O - Effluent ponds CH4 - Effluent ponds CH4 - Enteric CO2 -Energy Other feed sources Grain Herbicide Fertiliser Baseline Strategy 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 tonnes C02 eqiv. / tonne Milksolids Fertiliser Herbicide Grain Other feed sources CO2 Energy CH4 Enteric CH4 Effluent ponds N2O Effluent ponds N2O - N Fertiliser N2O Dung, Urine & Spread N2O Indirect Tree plantings Total farm CPRS liability Baseline 1.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.5 9.3 0.2 0.0 0.9 1.2 2.3 0.0 17.5 14.0 Strategy 1.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.2 8.3 0.2 0.0 0.8 1.1 1.9 0.0 15.5 12.3 18.2% 18.2% -63.2% 0.0% 18.2% 10.9% 11.0% 13.3% 18.2% 13.2% 15.5% 0.0% 11.4% 12.3% % change Figure 3. Results graph from the Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategy calculator showing individual sources of greenhouse gas emissions per tonne of milksolids for a baseline system and an abatement strategy system. Modelling implications The DGAS calculator is still based on an inventory-type model, where either international or Australian-specific algorithms are used to estimate GHG emissions. There is a degree of uncertainty in the actual estimates of GHG emissions from such calculations. For example, calculating the amount of nitrous oxide lost with leaching and runoff assumes that the fraction of fertiliser available for leaching and runoff can be categorised along state borders. For dryland pastures, there is an assumption of an emission fraction of 0.991 in Tasmania, while in Queensland, the fraction is 0.128 (i.e. for every kilogram of N fertiliser, potentially up to 0.991 kg is available to be leached in Tasmania compared to 0.128 kg in Queensland). These fractions do not take into consideration rainfall events, soil type or management practices. 18 Using a ‘one factor fits all situations’ does not recognise that farmers who are already managing their fertiliser inputs using current best management practices, such as applying a maximum of 40-50 kg N/ha per application, not applying when soils are waterlogged or when a significant rainfall event is expected in the immediate future, will have already reduced their nitrous oxide emissions. An inventory-type calculator is therefore often limited in its ability to determine the impact of varying management practices, not only between farms but also within a farm over seasons or years. This paper has highlighted a number of best management practices that could be adopted to reduce emissions from dairying. However, it must be noted that the modelling activities undertaken for this paper have ignored a number of other aspects of farming that need to also be included in any decision to adopt abatement strategies. These include: What are the financial implications of improving diet quality, and therefore reducing methane production, by feeding higher levels of grain? Does adopting an abatement strategy require new farm infrastructure, such as a feed pad area and/or a feed-out wagon? Is there a change to the labour inputs and/or skills requirements to adopt certain abatement strategies? On-going research requirements What is clear from the findings of the current modelling of dairy farm systems is that strategies to significantly reduce GHG emissions need to focus on reducing methane emissions. Farmers will continue to identify practices for improving the diet quality to their herd, but this amy only result in small reductions in methane emissions. Researchers need to continue to find ways to reduce the production of methane by methanogens in the rumen, without jeopardising milk production. Continuation of the research into developing vaccines that manipulate the rumen microflora to assist in reducing methane emissions, better understanding and isolating the genetic markers for stock that naturally have a greater feed conversion efficiency and re-breeding condensed tannins into forages such as lucerne and sorghums will all assist in reducing GHG emissions. However, these are all long term strategies which can not be adapted immediately on farm but need to be implemented over time. 19 There are number of abatement strategies for reducing nitrous oxide that are currently available which could be potentially adapted on farm immediately. Research has shown that the use of nitrification inhibitors can reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser by up to 60%. However, the effectiveness of N-inhibitors are climate and location specific. As the dairy industry has a vast variation in production systems and soil conditions, there is a need to better understand the efficacy of this technology under varying soil, location and climatic conditions. Condensed tannins have been shown to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Research in Australia and overseas has explored the benefits of feeding a source of condensed tannin, using a range of pasture species (birdsfoot trefoil, chicory, sulla and lotus; refer to Final Report Appendix 3 for more detail). However, the herbage quality of these species may be lower compared to the more traditional pasture species. This, along with greater difficulty in management, may provide a barrier to farmers integrating these species into their pastures. Plant breeders in the USA are using genomic techniques to improve the condensed tannin concentrations in species which traditionally used to contain tannins, but have over time reduced these to minimal concentrations (e.g. lucerne and sorghum). Once these condensed tannin rich species are available to farmers, this will provide an abatement option that may be readily adopted by farmers. The Australian dairy industry has traditionally focused its feedbase systems research efforts on the production and consumption of home grown forage. One of the major international competitive advantages of the Australian dairy industry is its ability to produce milk at a low cost due to the production and consumption of high amounts of home grown forage. However, our modelling has indicated that such systems have a higher intensity of GHG emissions than systems currently used in the US and Europe. If farmers are going to adopt strategies such as a greater reliance on off-farm grain and forages, they need to be aware of the financial and management implications of this, above and beyond the GHG emission implications. It is suggested that future developments of the DGAS calculator could incorporate some economic analysis of adopting the various abatement strategies. In addition, an analysis of how the profitability of current dairy farming systems will be modified by the costs incurred in a carbon pollution reduction scheme is of high importance to the industry. 20 5. References Australian Department of Climate Change (2008). Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System (sourced 10/7/2008; http://www.ageis.greenhouse.gov.au/GGIDMUserFunc/QueryModel/Ext_QueryModelRe sults.asp#resultStartMarker). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; 2001). The Scientific Basis Technical Summary (Cambridge University Press, UK). Johnson, DE., Ward, GM., and Bernal, G. (1997). Biotechnology mitigating the environmental effects of dairying; greenhouse gas emissions. In ‘Milk composition, production and biotechnology’, pp 497-511. (Ed RAS Welch; CAB International, USA). Peoples, MB., Boyer, EW., Goulding, KWT., Heffer, P., Ochwoh, VA., Vanlauwe, B., Wood, S., Yagi, K., and van Cleemput, O. (2004). Pathways of Nitrogen Loss and Their Impacts on Human Health and the Environment. In ‘Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle’), pp 53-70. (Eds. AR Mosier, JK Syers, and JR Freney; Island Press, USA. Wheeler, DM., Ledgard, SF., and de Klien, CAM. (2008). Using the OVERSEER nutrient budget model to estimate on-farm greenhouse gas emissions. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48, 99-103. 21 Appendix 2. User manual for the DGAS calculator Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement Strategy calculator (DGAS) User Manual Version DGASv1.0 CONTENTS PAGE Purpose of Software ........................................................................................................... 1 System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 1 Structure of Software .......................................................................................................... 2 Navigation......................................................................................................................... 2 Form Inputs and Controls.................................................................................................... 5 Farm Inputs ............................................................................................................................. 6 Herd Inputs ............................................................................................................................. 9 Additional Abatement Strategies .......................................................................................... 15 Results .................................................................................................................................. 16 Workbook View ............................................................................................................... 20 WorkSheets .......................................................................................................................... 22 Acknowledgements and Licensing ..................................................................................... 22 The Dairy Greenhouse gas Abatement System (DGAS) has been developed by the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research (TIAR) to address the greenhouse gas emissions concerns of dairy farmers. It draws upon more general calculators and incorporates the most recent scientific knowledge in its modelling. This manual refers to DGAS version 1.0, August 2008. A full discussion of the modelling is beyond the scope of this Manual and can be found in the documentation for the DGAS project. The model is constructed as a Microsoft Excel Workbook and incorporates MSForms for ease of use. Purpose of Software DGAS software is intended to give the dairy farmer an understanding of the greenhouse gases emitted from their enterprise, both in absolute terms and relative to milksolids produced. The gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalent. These are then totalled and compared to the tonnes of milksolids produced by the enterprise. The software is specifically engineered to enable the farmer to vary the key inputs to the enterprise and compare the effects of changes on emission levels. Both baseline and a strategy data are processed and the outputs graphed for easy comparison. A report of inputs and results can be printed out or saved as an MSExcel spreadsheet. Other users are expected to include researchers and consultants. System Requirements The system is constructed using the Microsoft Office environment and has been tested using Excel 2000 and Excel 2003. The libraries used in the programming of the interface forms are compatible with Office 97 and 2007. All development has been done on Intelbased machines running Microsoft Windows XP. The software has not been tested on other operating systems or hardware, but should run on systems that support Microsoft Office 97 or later. The security settings of Excel (Office2000: Tools/Macro/Security… or Office2003: Tools/Options/Security…) should be set to Medium. When you open the DGAS Excel workbook you will be asked whether or not to enable macros. You should do so (“Enable 1 Macros”), for the interface forms to run. After a brief pause, the first input form will appear and the spreadsheet will be minimised. To exit the system, the Excel workbook must be closed. At this point any changes you have made can be saved. If you do not wish to overwrite previous data and still wish to save current data, then use “SaveAs” and save as a different DGAS Excel workbook. Structure of Software The software has, at its core, 13 “worksheets” in an MSExcel “workbook” and five “userforms”. The 13 “worksheets” sheets are the functional components of the software (Figure 1.). Four userforms are devoted to accepting the Baseline and Strategy inputs and one is used to access the results. Inputs Calculator Outpu Report Strat Baselin ts e egy Farm Results Herd Figure 1. The functional operation of DGAS. Baseline and strategy inputs are passed to the calculator and to the results and report pages. The calculator applies transformations before passing that data to the results page. Results are included in the report. Navigation The software is designed to take the user through a specific path of data entry via 5 userforms. The user is asked to enter details of the current farm practices first. These are divided into Farm Inputs (the first form to open when the user chooses “Enable Macros”) and Herd Information. The current farming practice data is referred to as the “Baseline” scenario and is associated with green navigation buttons (see Figure 2.). 2 Figure 2. The first data input form – enter the current practices for the farm here. To enter the current herd information, click the green button. Having entered the herd information, it is possible to go back and edit the farm inputs or navigate to the Results form, associated with red navigation buttons. You can view the Results and the Herd Information at the same time and edit the herd information, or navigate back to Farm Inputs from there. The “Back” button simply closes Results (Figure 3.). The user is then able to enter a speculative scenario referred to as a “Strategy” or “Abatement Strategy” for both the farm inputs and herd information. These are associated with pink navigation buttons. The “Farm Strategy” button closes Results and takes the user to the Farm Input Abatement Strategy form. From there it is possible to move to the Herd Abatement Strategy form and then back to the Results form where output from both scenarios can be compared and records obtained. 3 Soil based strategies BASELINE FARM Soil based strategies HERD FARM HERDpotential 10-20% RESUL RESUL TS TS Figure 3. Navigation sequence of the userforms. Baseline information is entered before the user can enter an abatement strategy. Results are viewed after each scenario. The results form permits navigation between scenarios. The User is able to navigate from the forms to the Excel workbook by clicking the “EXCEL” navigation button found on the Farm Input, Farm Inputs Abatement Strategy and Results forms. The User is also able to navigate from the Excel workbook to the baseline Farm Input form by either selecting the RESTART button on the “Backdrop” spreadsheet or by launching the Auto_Open macro. From the “Tools” menu select “Macro../Macros”. The Auto_Open macro should be highlighted. If not, select it and click the “Run” button (Figure 4.). 4 Figure 4. Start the userforms from the Excel workbook by going to “Tools/Macro/Macros” Choose “Auto_Open” then click “Run”. Form Inputs and Controls Both the baseline and the strategy Farm Input forms have identical data entry fields (Figure 5.), with only a small difference in the two Herd Input forms. The baseline Herd Information form allows the user to copy baseline data to the strategy forms as a convenience. The Herd Information Abatement Strategy form allows the addition of fixed abatement strategies as well as altering herd and diet information. 5 Farm Inputs Figure 5. The Farm Input Strategy form. All text input is selected from dropdown lists. The only data entered using the keyboard is numeric. Data is logically grouped and can be navigated using both tab and enter keys. Both the Farm Input and Farm Input Abatement Strategy userforms are similar in layout. The “pre-farm” emissions such as those from electricity generation, fertiliser and chemical manufacturing, feed inputs and diesel usage are calculated from the inputs entered on this form. Validation A series of dropdown lists allow the user to select options that require text. All other data requires the user to enter numbers. Text characters cannot be entered (Figure 6.). 6 Figure 6. Fields requiring numbers will not accept text characters such as the lowercase “L” shown. When the user clicks OK on the error message, the field is reset to zero. If the user moves to a new form without adding all necessary data, they will be allowed to move, but will be shown a list of the missing data (Figure 7.). This warning is only generated if the user has filled in at least one of the essential fields. Otherwise the user is assumed to have reset the form. Figure 7. Leaving the farm input baseline and strategy forms will raise a warning if essential data is omitted. Tips and help Where appropriate, tips for data entry (such as unit conversions and expansion of abbreviations) will appear if the mouse hovers over an input field or label. More extensive assistance is also provided where complex decisions are required and can be obtained by clicking on the blue “Help” beside complex fields (Figure 8.). 7 Figure 8. Help for selecting the Manure Management System from the dropdown list. Reset button If you wish to clear data from the entire form, click the “RESET” button. The user will be warned and able to cancel the action before data is deleted (Figure 9.). Figure 9. The user has an opportunity to reconsider when clicking the reset button. Excel button The “EXCEL” button allows the user to close the form interface and open the MSExcel workbook. All the usual menu items, formulas, format options, etc are available to the user. The sheets may be “protected” but can be unprotected via the Tools/Protection/ menu options. WARNING: Changes to the workbook may destroy the calculator! 8 The calculator is highly dependent upon the values in specific cell locations. Even inserting or deleting a row is likely to cause damage that will be difficult to repair. It is best to experiment with a copy of the file first before making any long term alterations. The userforms have similar dependencies since data must be recorded in specific locations. Navigation to other forms The baseline farm input form has a green button allowing the user to navigate to the second input page where herd information must be entered. A similar arrangement exists for the abatement strategy input form, with the navigation button being pink and leading to the Herd Information Abatement Strategy form (Figure 10.). Herd Inputs Figure 10. The Herd Abatement Strategy page allows for the inclusion of three fixed greenhouse gas abatement strategies: feeding fats and/or tannins and using a Nitrification inhibitor. These strategies can be used together by checking the appropriate boxes. 9 Milk production details are needed to determine the level of energy from the diet that is available for methane production. Herd details are segregated into 6 major classes. If your farming system is a seasonal or split calving system, enter total number of milking cows in the stock class milking section. If however, you milk year round with cows calving each month, enter the average number of dry cows in the dry cow stock class. For the Heifers and Bulls less than one year old (< 1 y.o.) and greater than one year old (> 1 y.o.), enter their average weight and weight gain at the half way point of each category. For example, what is the average weight of the heifers at 6 months of age, enter this in the <1 y.o. section. Generally heifers at 6 months of age will weigh approximately 150 kg while at 18 moths they will weight approximately 400-425 kg. Average daily weight gain is generally 0.7-1.0 kg/day. Five specific feed types are considered and a sixth category can be used to incorporate “Other” feed types. If you are feeding two types of silage but no hay, the second silage figures can be entered in the hay section to determine the diets’ digestibility and crude protein %. All feed data needs to be entered on a dry matter basis, by converting all wet weights to dry weights. For example, grain is generally 90% dry and 10% moisture. If you feed 5 kg of grain (as fed), multiply this by 0.9 to get 4.5 kg DM. Likewise, if you feed 3 kg of silage (as fed) that is 33% dry, then by multiplying 3 kg by 0.33, you are feeding 1 kg DM of silage. Average dry matter % for an array of feed sources can be seen in Table 1 at the end of this manual. Entering the daily intake of each feed source with their corresponding digestibility and crude protein % is essential to determine seasonal diet quality figures for the milking herd. These are the basis for determining methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Average digestibility and crude protein % figures for an array of feed sources can be seen in Table 1 at the end of this manual. 10 Calculation of feed intake Labels below the herd details data block (Figure 10.) automatically estimate the optimal quantity of daily feed intake required for each class of animal to achieve their daily milk production and/or liveweight gain entered on the form. This is intended as a convenience for the user, so that the quantities of feed they enter in the feed data block are realistic. It also assists if one abatement strategy is increasing milk production. The user is able to ascertain the level of feed intake required to achieve this increase in milk production and therefore increase feed intakes accordingly. The feed intake calculation assumes an average feed digestibility of 75% and will not be shown until all three figures (livestock numbers, weight and daily weight gain) are entered. For the milkers, the average daily milk production figure also needs to be entered before the intake calculation will be displayed. Navigation of Nutrition Details The milkers are treated differently to the other stock in terms of nutritional data. As variation in diet quality has a significant effect on methane production, and milkers are the largest stock class in terms of numbers, we have segregated the milkers diet into the 4 seasons. For all other classes, an average diet quality for an annual basis is required (Figure 11.). Figure 11. Herd Data entry for nutrition of animals associated with dairying only. Users enter data for six feed types, on a seasonal basis for milkers and annually for the other 5 stock classes. 11 The Cattle Type field and the Feed Period field can be seen on the left of Figure 10. These fields are fixed lists. Below these fields are navigation buttons that allow the user to loop through the lists in either direction. The fields can only be changed via these navigation buttons. The possible combinations are: Stock Class Milkers / Spring Stock Class Milkers / Summer Stock Class Milkers / Autumn Stock Class Milkers / Winter Dry Cows / Annual Heifers <1 y.o. / Annual Heifers >1 y.o. / Annual Bulls < 1 y.o. / Annual Bulls > 1 y.o. / Annual The user should enter feed data where appropriate. Repeat data for different seasons if this matches the farm practice for milkers. Omit data if not applicable (if there are no young bulls on the farm, for example). Display of dietary summary Summary figures of the actual feed for the current cattle Type/Time Period are displayed at the bottom of the Nutrition Details entry fields (Figure 12.). This is a convenience for the user, so that actual levels can be compared with recommended levels calculated in the herd details section at the top of the form. 12 Figure 12. Nutrition summary details are displayed for each Cattle Type / Feed period. Copy baseline data Once farm and herd data is entered on their corresponding forms, all entered data can be transferred to their corresponding abatement forms. This is achieved by clicking on the “Copy Data to Strategy” button, found only on the Herd Information (baseline) form (Figure 13). This reduces the re-entry of the same data needed on the abatement strategy pages. When the user navigates to the strategy forms, they need only edit the particular inputs they wish to change. 13 Figure 13. “Copy Data to Strategy” Button. The Herd Information form has a button for simplifying the process of entering data to create a speculative abatement scenario. Navigation to other forms Once the Herd information has been entered, the software sequence permits navigation to a results form which displays the emissions that result from either the baseline scenario or the baseline and strategy scenarios. A red “Results” or “Strategy Results” button can be found at the bottom of the Herd input form, depending on which of the herd forms the user is working. A second button is also available to enable the user to move back to either the Farm Inputs form (the green “Farm Inputs” button) or Farm Inputs Abatement Strategy form (the pink “Farm Inputs Strategy” button). Figure 10 shows the latter arrangement. Navigation section and Figure 3 explain the underlying flow of the software in more detail. Reset button Both herd forms have a reset button to allow the user to clear data from the entire form. In the case of the Herd Information Abatement Strategy form, this will also clear the section for “Additional Abatement Strategies”. 14 Additional Abatement Strategies Three additional abatement strategies have been included on the Herd Information Abatement Strategy form. The user can select to feed Fats and Oils, Tannins and/or use a Nitrification Inhibitor to reduce emissions. The three approaches can be used concurrently (Figure 14.). Figure 14. Additional strategies can be selected for reducing Greenhouse gas emissions. Help is available to assist with each of these. Fats and oils supplementation Feeding fats and oil can reduce methane emissions. Only select this option if you know the fat content of the diet. Cows can be fed fats to a maximum of 6-7% of their diet. All feeds contain fats so by calculating the fat content of the diet, you can determine if this abatement strategy is suitable for your farming system. For each 1% additional fat in the diet, there is a 5.6% reduction in methane. Therefore if your herd’s current summer diet contains 3% fat, you could safely feed another 3%, with a 16.8% reduction in methane. Type 16.8 into the summer box and add the quantity and quality data of the fat into the summer nutritional details. Generally there is some scope to feed fats and oils over summer and autumn periods, especially under dryland conditions. Seek nutritional advice if you wish to adopt this abatement strategy, as feeding fats above 6-7% will decrease feed intakes and milk production. 15 Tannins supplementation Tannins bind proteins so they are better digested. This assists in reducing methane and alters the nitrogen content of dung and urine. Selecting tannins will reduce methane by 10%, reduce urine N output by 33% and increase dung N output by 50%. Nitrification Inhibitor Nitrification Inhibitors can reduce the emission of nitrous oxide from the application of nitrogen fertilisers. Selecting the default strategy calculates a 40% reduction in nitrous oxide emissions. The User may select the default 40% reduction figure or can define their own reduction potential figure. Results The graphs shown on the Results form are images copied from the ResultsSheet in the workbook (Figure 15.). Each time you make a change and return to the Results form this image is updated. A refresh button is provided so that you can re-assure yourself that you are looking at the most up-to-date results from the calculator. If the results are not what you expect, you can return to the baseline Farm Inputs form by selecting the green box or to the Herd Abatement Strategy form by selecting the back button, and re-check your data entry. 16 Figure 15. The results form shows the comparison of baseline and strategy greenhouse gas emissions. A summary of these results together with the two input scenarios can be printed or saved as a separate file from this form. Bar graph The bar graph shows the contributing factors and total emissions for both the baseline farm system and for an abatement strategy system. The units of measurement are tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per tonne of milksolids produced by the farm. The contribution of tree plantings in sequestering CO2 is subtracted from the total emissions from the farm, but is shown on the graph as being a positive value. This is 17 only for formatting reasons and has been identified on the axis label as “Tree Plantings (-ve)”. The top two bars represent total farm emissions and emissions under an emissions trading scheme. Total farm emission is the sum of pre-farm embedded emissions, onfarm carbon dioxide emissions, on-farm methane emissions and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions minus any tree planting sequestration. At the time of developing this model, a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) was in the process of being introduced and a decision on the inclusion of agricultural in a CPRS will not be made until 2013. The CPRS liability used in this calculator is the sum of on-farm methane and on-farm nitrous oxide emissions minus any tree planting sequestration. Which emissions will be accounted for under a CPRS for dairy farms is currently unknown. We have used the above calculation as a guide only. The data table below the bar graph indicates the actual values of each contributor and the percentage change in emissions achieved adopting an abatement strategy for each contributor. Pie chart The Pie charts (one for the baseline and one for the strategy) show the proportional contributions of the pre-farm embedded emissions and the three on-farm gases associated with the enterprise. Absolute values list The absolute tonnage of greenhouse gases for the farm (as CO2 equivalents) are listed in two tables between the pie charts. Navigation to other forms The Results form will allow the user to navigate between scenarios, with the colour and caption of the navigation button dependent upon the form from which the user has come. 18 If the user has come from the Herd Information form (baseline section) then the button will be pink and take the user to the beginning of the strategy section (“Strategy Inputs”). If the user has come from the Herd Information Abatement Strategy form, then the button will be green and entitled “Baseline Inputs” (Figure 15.). When the user navigates to the Results form, the previous form is not closed, for convenience, although it is hidden behind the Results form. The user can work back and forth between these two windows, or use the “Back” button to close the Results form, and then use the Results button to return. The “EXCEL” button closes all forms and maximizes the DGAS Workbook. This is the recommended way to exit the forms as it makes all worksheets in the workbook visible. Print results The “PRINT” button will compile a report on the “PrintSheet” worksheet and send a print instruction to the default printer. It uses the print setup and print configurations of the Excel program running the DGAS file, and thus of the computer running Excel. The report is set out to fit into 5 or 6 landscape A4 pages. The user is able to reconfigure all of this by altering the layout of the “PrintSheet” worksheet. WARNING: It is suggested that the user only alter the formatting if they absolutely must and that they do so only on a copy of the file. The report draws on all the input values as well as a copy of the actual bar graph and pie chart. In particular, the nutrition details for the herd are copied to specific blocks of cells at the end of the sheet. Empty data is omitted. Save results The “SAVE RESULTS” button allows the user to save the report worksheet “PrintSheet” to a separate workbook. It does not save the whole DGAS workbook. The default filename of this workbook is “Results.xls” but can be changed in the usual manner 19 through the “SaveAs” dialogue box that is launched when you click the button (Figure 16.). As the PrintSheet contains Excel charts without their data tables, the user will be asked if they wish to update the charts. Typically the user would choose “No” – especially if the original DGAS file has been moved. Figure 16. The “SAVE RESULTS” button will allow a report to be saved as a separate Excel workbook. NOTE: The only way to save changes made to the DGAS Workbook as a result of using the forms is to close the forms, then save from Excel. When trying to close the workbook itself, Excel will prompt you, asking if you wish to save the changes. Choose “Yes” if you want to keep the state of the forms for later use. Ad-hoc strategy calculator The user is able to enter values for a single strategy that is not included in the calculator (Figure 17.). The ad-hoc strategy allows for the user to define a percentage reduction in emission from the seven sources of GHG’s. This can be used to provide an indication of the level of reduction in emissions required to meet a farm emission target. The user should enter a percentage for each type of emission affected by the strategy. Help is provided to assist with use of the ad-hoc strategy calculator. The strategy series on the graphs and absolute value lists change to reflect the new strategy, when the user moves 20 to a new field or uses the tab key. Ad-hoc scenarios are only retained for the session. They are removed when the workbook is next opened. Figure 17. The Ad-hoc Scenario Calculator allows the user to alter DGAS’s strategy output. Workbook View The DGAS MSExcel file is editable, to enable further refinement of the model. There are three functional categories of worksheets in the workbook. In order to protect the workbook from inadvertent damage, all sheets except the “BackDrop” sheet are hidden by the macros driving the forms (Figure 18.). If the user closes the forms without deliberately navigating via “EXCEL” buttons, the other worksheets will remain hidden. These buttons are found on the Farm Inputs form (the form that automatically opens when the DGAS file is opened) and the Results form. Figure 18. The BackDrop worksheet is the only sheet to be visible unless form-based navigation is used. The restart button will launch the userforms. 21 Once the worksheets are shown, it is possible to swap freely between the forms and the worksheets via the restart button on the “BackDrop” sheet or via the Auto_Open macro (see Navigation section). The user must deliberately choose to open the worksheets with a view to editing. Such a step is not to be taken lightly, as mentioned earlier, and should be done using a copy of the DGAS file. WorkSheets Input Sheets Two input worksheets are used to store the descriptions of the baseline scenario (“FarmSheet” and “HerdSheet”) and two mirror sheets are used to store the descriptions of the abatement strategy scenario (“Farm_A_Sheet” and “Herd_A_Sheet”). Pre-farm emissions are calculated on the farm input sheets. Calculator Sheets The models used for calculating the emissions resulting from the enterprise of dairying are divided into “Enteric Methane”, “Fecal Methane”, “Nitrous Oxide-Fecal”, “Nitrous Oxide – Soils & Ferts”, “trees” and “Electricity & Diesel”. Output Sheets The last sheet in the workbook is the “ResultsSheet” where the output for the two scenarios is separated and graphed. The penultimate worksheet, “PrintSheet”, is a summary of both the inputs and the results. It can be saved separately and printed – both from worksheet view and, more easily from the Results userform. Acknowledgements and Licensing DGAS is funded by The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), Dairy Australia (DA) and the University of Tasmania; compiled by staff of the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research (Robert Kildare, Karen Christie and Dr Richard Rawnsley) with the assistance of Dr Richard Eckard, University of Melbourne. 22 This calculator is a further development of the Dairy Greenhouse Framework calculator, compiled by Richard Eckard, Roger Hegarty and Geoff Thomas. The University of Tasmania and its employees do not guarantee that the tool or information contained therein is without flaw of any kind and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from reliance on any information contained herein. Note: a) The calculator is subject to development at all times, b) The methods are continually changing so we take no responsibility for the currency of the tool, and c) Professional advice should be sought on the interpretation of the results. 23 Table 1. Average dry matter %, dry matter digestibility and crude protein % figures for various feed sources (data sourced from the Diet Check program, referencing feed quality data from FEEDTEST, DPI Victoria) Dry matter % Average Dry matter digestibility % Range Average Range Crude protein % Average Range Barley grain Barley hay Barley silage Barley straw Brewer's grain Canola meal Carrot pulp Citrus pulp Cottonseed meal Clover hay generic Clover silage generic Grape marc Grass hay Grass silage Legume/grass silage (grass dom.) Legume/grass silage (legume dom.) Lucerne hay Lucerne silage Lucerne straw Lupin seed Maize grain Maize silage Oats 88.7 87.0 39.0 89.3 28.2 90.5 10.0 14.3 89.8 86.6 41.9 55.1 86.3 43.2 86.4 42.1 87.8 49.5 86.1 91.6 84.2 30.9 91.1 81.2 66.1 20.9 73.4 13.9 87.4 8.0 10.6 87.5 61.3 20.9 19.6 51.9 17.1 45.2 13.7 36.0 15.8 68.2 86.1 60.3 9.2 80.0 97.0 93.7 64.3 93.6 60.6 93.5 15.5 17.3 95.3 93.2 79.5 93.9 94.0 89.3 95.9 68.3 96.1 87.7 93.4 95.5 96.4 84.5 93.3 79.5 56.9 58.8 42.0 69.8 78.2 82.1 83.4 71.8 57.5 62.1 40.7 51.7 60.1 56.9 60.8 60.1 60.8 36.9 81.5 89.2 68.5 66.6 55.6 27.2 35.6 14.2 53.7 63.4 56.9 62.1 62.1 40.1 52.4 14.9 31.7 31.0 33.6 38.1 34.3 31.0 27.8 72.4 79.5 32.3 38.1 87.3 72.4 74.3 55.0 90.5 102.1 91.8 93.7 82.1 72.4 68.5 78.2 67.9 77.6 73.7 73.7 73.1 70.5 44.0 96.3 96.3 84.0 91.8 10.8 8.2 10.7 2.8 21.6 37.5 9.8 8.6 43.5 17.6 19.3 12.1 8.0 13.2 14.5 16.0 18.9 20.0 8.9 32.0 10.0 7.7 9.0 6.3 1.2 5.5 0.2 9.8 27.4 6.5 6.0 39.5 6.3 12.4 5.4 0.7 5.1 4.1 7.3 5.7 5.3 5.9 21.3 7.3 3.4 4.0 19.0 14.6 22.9 28.8 28.8 42.1 15.3 11.9 48.0 26.1 27.2 17.2 17.7 26.6 25.4 28.6 29.7 32.1 14.1 43.2 21.9 17.1 15.4 Oaten hay 88.9 40.2 96.4 54.3 29.1 73.1 6.9 1.1 16.3 24 Dry matter % Average Oaten silage Oaten straw Pasture hay Pasture silage Persian clover hay Persian clover silage Rice bran Rice straw Sorghum grain Soyabean meal Subclover hay Subclover silage Sunflower meal Tomato pulp Triticale grain Triticale hay Triticale silage Triticale straw Turnip tops* Turnip bulbs* Wheat bran Wheat grain Wheat hay Wheat silage 40.9 89.4 86.2 43.1 85.6 42.9 90.4 85.2 89.6 85.4 86.8 37.1 90.8 27.3 89.4 86.6 42.9 89.8 29.1 23.7 34.0 89.4 87.9 44.9 Dry matter digestibility % Range 18.1 80.2 48.6 10.9 67.8 23.7 89.9 52.2 86.2 11.9 71.7 20.6 86.4 16.6 80.3 54.3 20.1 62.7 8.5 4.7 15.1 80.2 46.8 27.5 Average 82.2 93.8 95.5 87.6 93.5 81.9 90.8 93.5 94.4 93.7 93.9 59.9 92.0 30.2 96.9 93.9 71.0 95.7 87.7 87.4 89.6 92.9 95.1 69.1 56.2 40.1 54.3 60.8 62.1 64.0 89.9 43.3 86.0 96.3 56.9 61.4 64.0 49.8 84.0 55.6 58.8 40.1 86.6 89.9 77.6 84.7 56.2 56.9 Range 38.1 27.8 34.3 14.2 45.3 53.0 60.1 34.3 80.8 86.0 42.0 33.6 54.3 26.5 75.0 31.0 45.9 26.5 69.2 75.6 70.5 67.9 31.7 29.7 72.4 64.7 72.4 76.3 75.6 72.4 97.6 57.5 93.1 104.7 68.5 67.9 90.5 60.1 87.3 69.2 72.4 58.2 93.7 95.7 85.3 91.2 71.1 69.2 Crude protein % Average 9.8 2.8 10.8 14.1 16.2 17.6 15.5 4.0 10.6 43.5 17.2 18.8 34.1 19.4 11.4 7.3 10.8 2.8 15.9 14.8 17.9 12.9 8.2 10.0 Range 3.8 0.1 1.7 3.2 5.3 8.0 12.9 1.9 9.6 29.3 7.7 12.6 20.4 5.0 6.6 1.3 4.0 0.7 7.2 4.6 8.4 7.4 0.1 6.5 19.4 11.9 30.0 27.3 23.3 23.4 19.6 5.0 13.2 53.7 25.7 26.9 39.1 22.6 18.8 16.2 24.0 6.7 29.6 26.7 29.8 22.7 17.4 16.0 25 Appendix 3. Literature review from the Milestone 3 report on greenhouse gas abatement strategies Methane A number of potential CH4 abatement strategies from dairy production systems have been identified, with most of these options currently being addressed by researchers in Australia and New Zealand (Figure 1). While some of these options are currently possible and achievable (e.g. reducing animal numbers or increasing forage quality), other options are still in the research phase (e.g. changing the rumen microbial population through vaccinations) or there is uncertainty about the long term efficiency of abatement strategies aimed at reducing enteric CH4 emissions (e.g. monensin). Figure 3 shows a summary of the potential reduction in CH4 from various abatement strategies. Enteric methane Animal-based Management Dietary strategies strategies strategies Breeding for higher Animal numbers Concentrates feed conversion efficiency Animal size and Fats & Oils production supplementation Rumen microbial Ionophore population changes Diet quality Finishing off stock earlier supplementation Tannin supplementation Figure 1. Potential options for enteric methane abatement from ruminants (Adapted from RJ Eckard pers. comm. 2007). 113 Animal-based strategies Breeding for higher feed conversion efficiency Variation in CH4 production both within and between animals has long been recognised (Blaxter and Clapperton 1965). Waghorn et al. (2006) found that more efficient animals could emit 10-20% less CH4 than animals with a lower feed conversion efficiency. Grainger et al. (2007) found a coefficient of variation (CV) of 4.3% within animals and 17.8% between animals when using open-circuit calorimetry. Lassey et al. (1997), Boadi and Wittenberg (2002) and McNaughton et al. (2005) obtained between animal CV’s of 11.5, 15.5 and 25%, respectively. O’Hara et al. (2003) found that approximately 10% of all animals were always high emitters and 10% were always low emitters, irrespective of their diet. Therefore, if researchers can make advances in tracking the genes associated with higher CH4 production, there will be scope to select genetic lines that will result in reducing CH4 emissions. Rumen microbial population changes There is ongoing research into formulating a vaccination that will reduce methane emissions by changing the rumen microbial population (CSIRO 2000). However, the vaccine has not been commercially released and so will not be considered in this report as a strategy. Management strategies- stock Animal numbers Decreasing stock numbers will have an immediate effect of the amount of CH4 emitted per farm. However, reducing stock numbers alone is not seen as an acceptable strategy, as emissions per kg MS may remain the same under this strategy. However, if farmers are able to feed their herd a higher digestibility diet and increased milk production, this could result in lower emissions per kg MS and therefore be a suitable strategy. Maintaining the longevity of the herd should result in less replacement stock needing to be raised. O’Mara (2004) showed that for a 100 cow herd, annual farm emissions could be reduced from 15.8 to 13.8 t CH4/yr by increasing the average number of lactations from 2.5 to 5 years (based on each cow emitting 118 kg CH4/yr and each heifer emitting 100 kg CH4 up to entering the milking herd). 114 Animal size and production Kirchgessner et al. (1995) compared the total CH4 and CH4/kg milk emissions for cows weighing 500, 600 or 700 kg and producing either 4000, 5000 or 6000 kg milk/yr. For each weight category, increasing milking production resulted in more total CH4 emissions. However, when cows produced more milk, the CH4 emissions/kg milk decreased due to the dilution effect. For example a 600kg cow producing 4000 and 6000 kg milk emitted 103 kg and 113 CH4/yr, respectively. Their emissions /kg milk reduced from 25.8 g to 18.3 g CH4/kg milk due to the increased milk. The lowest emission/kg milk was achieved with a 500kg cow producing 6000 kg/yr at 17.5 g CH4/kg milk. The best strategy for reducing per cow emissions is to increase milk yields to dilute the amount GEI over more milk. The best strategy to reduce the farms emissions is to produce the same amount of milk from fewer animals and/or to reduce the number of unproductive surplus stock, such as carrying empty cows through to the next breeding season or raising extra heifers. Therefore adopting these strategies could potentially reduce emissions by 10-20%. Diet quality and availability Methane emissions can be influenced by diet quality and availability. Ominski and Wittenberg (2006) found that emissions were greatest when feed quality and availability were low (11% GEI went into CH4 production). When feed quality was high but availability was low, approximately 6.9% GEI went into CH4 production, while 7.1 to 9.4% GEI went into CH4 production when quality was low coupled with higher availability. No figures were presented when both quality and availability were high. However, the authors speculated that the percentage of GEI into CH4 production would be lowest under these conditions. The influences of seasonal pasture quality on enteric CH4 emissions were clearly shown by Auldist et al. (2006). Total CH4 emissions were the lowest in early spring at 344 g CH4/cow.day, increased to 487 g CH4/cow.day in late spring, peaked in late summer at 623 g CH4/cow.day before decreasing to 521 g CH4/cow.day in mid autumn. Emissions per litre of milk followed a similar seasonal trend as total emissions until autumn, when emissions peaked at 36.8 g CH4/litre compared to 35.4 g CH4/litre milk in summer. The 115 reason for the greater emissions in autumn was due to lower milk production compared to summer, coupled with lower feed quality. Diet quality can also have an effect on CH4 production from manures. Hegarty (2001) stated that to minimise CH4 production from manures, we need to ‘ensure that the energy requirements of the animals are met from the highest digestibility feed available, fed only at levels required for the desired animal performance’. It is clear that maintaining high levels of pasture quality will reduce enteric CH4 emissions; however, the potential to control this is heavily influenced by the farm system. It is therefore difficult to quantify the potential annual reduction in emissions due to improvements in pasture quality. If differing farm systems can achieve some level of improvement in this area then enteric CH4 emissions per animal will certainly decrease. Dietary strategies Feeding concentrates Feeding a higher proportion of the diet as concentrate has been shown to reduce the enteric methane emission per unit of product. In study by Johnson et al. (2002b), feeding a diet containing 57, 39 and 4% DMI of concentrates resulted in emissions of 1.26, 1.38 and 1.62 CO2-e/L milk. While feeding grain will result in lower emissions, it must be assessed in terms of a life cycle assessment. Will the reduction in emissions offset the increases in emissions associated with the growing and transporting of the concentrate to the farm gate? Total on- and off-farm emissions associated with feeding differing level of concentrates in the diet was 1.15, 1.10 and 1.04 kg CO2-e/L milk for the low, medium and high concentrate levels, respectively (Lovett et al. 2006). Fats and oils supplementation There is an increasing body of literature indicating that the supplementation of diets with fats and oils that are not protected from ruminal digestion will reduce enteric CH4 fermentation. In a summary of results for 33 varying treatments, there was a 5.6% reduction in CH4 for every 1% increase in DMI. However, there was considerable variation both within and between fat sources (Beauchemin et al. 2008). When feeding fats and oils, it must be remembered that there is an upper limit of 6-7% DMI before 116 reduction in intakes will occur due to the digestibility of the total diet (Grainger et al. 2008b). In a study conducted in the USA, dairy cows were fed a 2.3, 4.0 and 5.6% fat DMI diet of whole cottonseed (WCS) and canola oilseed. Results showed that the addition of fats into the diet did not directly affect CH4 emissions (388, 396 and 456 g CH4/day). However, there was an increase of approximately 6kg of milk for the two higher fat content diets, resulting in 11.4, 10.0 and 11.5g CH4/litre milk, respectively, indicating that the 4% diet resulted in the lowest emissions per litre (Johnson et al. 2002a). In a study undertaken by Grainger et al. (2008b), dairy cows were fed a diet of lucerne hay, pasture silage and cracked grain (13.8 kg DM/cow.day). Half of the animals were fed an additional 2.7 kg /cow. day of WCS. Total CH4 emission were lower for the cows fed WCS compared to the control herd (453 and 399 g CH4/cow.day, respectively), milk production was greater for the cows fed WCS and therefore emissions per kg milk solids was lower for the cows on the WCS diet (351 and 279 g CH4/kg MS, respectively). While there are a varying array of feed sources high in fats and oils, there are some practical, financial and environmental considerations. Feed sources high in mediumchian fatty acids (e.g. coconut oil, high-laurate canola oil and pure myristic) are effective in reducing emissions. However, they are unlikely to be cost effective (Beauchemin et al. 2008). Long-chain fatty acid oilseeds (e.g. sunflower seeds) may need to be mechanically broken down to release the oil content of the seed to aid rumen digestibility (Beauchemin et al. 2008). While pure oil sources may be more effective in lowering emissions, feeding oilseeds is seen as a preferred option due to less adverse sideeffects on intakes and fibre digestibility. During the recent drought in Australia, some farmers have used Palm kernel meal to supply fibre to their herds’ diet. It is important that any meal sourced has been certified to ensure no native forest areas are destroyed in the production of the meal (C Phelps, pers. comm. 2008). The inclusion of a fat or oil source, to an upper dietary limit of 6-7% can be useful in reducing CH4 emissions, while potentially providing extra energy to the diet to increase milk production. However, there can be some negative side-effects in reducing feed intake, reducing milk fat percentage and changing the fatty acid profile of the milk so 117 care must be shown when feeding a fat source to dairy cattle (Beauchemin et al. 2008). By increasing the fat content of the diet, there is a potential to reducing emissions by 1025%. Monensin supplementation Monensin has typically been used in commercial beef and dairy cattle production to modulate intake, control bloat and improve efficiency of meat and milk production, especially in feedlot situations (McGuffrey et al. 2001). Monensin can increase the acetate to propionate ratio of the volatile fatty acids in the rumen and can reduce the number of protozoa present in the rumen. These are two important mechanisms that contribute to the reduction in methanogenic microbes in the rumen producing CH4 (Beauchemin et al. 2008). The effect of monensin on lowering CH4 production may be dose-dependant. Feeding < 15mg/kg DMI resulted in no lowering of CH4 production in terms of total or yield /kg DMI (Grainger et al. unpublished data in Beauchemin et al. (2008)). van Vugt et al. (2005) found that feeding < 20 mg//kg DMI reduced total CH4 production but did not reduce CH4/kg DMI. Several researchers have identified that the optimal dosage is in the 24-35 mg/kg DMI range as total production was reduced by 4-10% g/day and by 3-8% g/kg DMI (Sauer et al. 1998; McGinn et al. 2004; van Vugt et al. 2005; Odongo et al. 2007). There would also appear to be a time factor involved in the efficiency of monensin. Guan et al. (2006) found that after 2 months, the monensin was no longer effective in reducing CH4 production, due to the protozoa population adapting to the monensin over time. However, Odongo et al. (2007) found that monensin was still effective in lowering CH4 production in dairy cows over a 6 month period. While the effectiveness of monensin in reducing CH4 production has been shown, the effectiveness over time and the potential public pressure associated with using an antimicrobial chemical in animal production may result in monensin having a limited role in reducing CH4 emissions. The potential reduction in emissions is also low at 10%, further reducing the suitability of monensin as a single abatement strategy. 118 Condensed tannin supplementation The potential of plant secondary constituents in reducing enteric CH4 production has only been recently recognised (Beauchemin et al. 2008). While there is a large selection of potential plants that could provide a source of condensed tannins (CT), they are predominantly tropical shrub legumes. These tropical shrub legumes generally lack the agronomic rigor of traditional temperate pasture species and high concentrations of CT can impede forage digestibility and therefore reduce animal productivity (Beauchemin et al. 2008). Woodward et al. (2004) found that dairy cows fed a diet consisting of 2.6% DMI Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot trefoil) had an increase in DMI, a 4% reduction in total CH4 production and a 32% reduction in CH4/kg MS compared to cows on a perennial ryegrass diet. Methane emissions on sheep fed either perennial ryegrass or Lotus pedunuculatus (lotus) were 25.7 and 11.5 g CH4/kg DMI, respectively (Waghorn et al. 2002). In another sheep study, Carulla et al. (2005) found a ~ 12% reduction in emissions when sheep were fed a diet containing 2.5% DMI of Acacia mearnsii extract (Black wattle). Similar reductions in emissions have also been observed in dairy cattle, with a 14 and 29% reduction in CH4 emission for cattle fed either a 0.9 or 1.5% CT diet (Grainger et al. 2008a). The results of these studies indicate that the feeding of CT has the potential of reducing CH4 emissions by up to 12%. They are also a useful abatement strategy in reducing N2O emissions through the process of protecting the protein within the diet from degradation in the rumen (de Klein and Eckard, 2008). In summary, there are several abatement strategies than can reduce CH4 emissions. Some of these methods will have a permanence aspect to their effect on emissions (e.g. reducing stock numbers), while others will have an additive effect on emissions (e.g. feeding fats and oils). There may also be a time-dependant factor to consider with a greater potential to reducing CH4 emissions during the summer months, by feeding feed sources higher in their fat content or by feeding greater concentrates, when pasture digestibility can be lower, especially under dryland conditions, and supplementary feed is required to maintain milk production and feed intake. 119 Nitrous oxide A number of abatement strategies have been identified as potential sources of reducing N2O. Some of these strategies would be best classified as best farm management practices such as minimising soil compaction from pugging over wet winter months. Other strategies require changes to farm practices, such as feeding condensed tannins. Several strategies do not have a direct reduction potential as they may be hard to define (e.g. using a stand off pad over winter) while many of the strategies we have identified are inter-related. For example, reducing the N concentration of the herds’ diet by not over fertilising pastures with higher than required concentrations of N fertiliser, especially during spring time. On intensively managed and grazed pastures there is a cycling of N via urine and dung from the grazed animals. Most of the N excreted is in an organic form and has to be mineralised before it can be taken up by grass (Koops et al. 1997). The main N component in urine is urea which is rapidly hydrolysed in the soil to NH4+ and subsequently nitrified into NO3-, with N2O a by-product of this process. In contrast, the main N component in dung is in the organic form and as such, it is generally slower in converting into NH4+, NO3- and subsequently N2O (de Klein and Eckard 2008). The daily excretion of N in urine and dung is variable and dependant on many factors, with typical ranges of 100-350 g and 100-150g N from urine and faeces, respectively (Whitehead 1995). Therefore, urine patches are the dominant source of N2O emissions from animal excrement. Potential N2O abatement strategies that could be adapted to dairy farm systems and are considered in the current study are given in Figure 2. 120 Nitrous oxide Animal-based Soil strategies strategies strategies Waterlogging Dietary N inhibitors & drainage aspectsfeeding tannins Management Stand off Irrigation pads Dietary Fertiliser aspects- aspects reducing N content of diet Effluent management Figure 2. Potential options for methane abatement from ruminants (Adapted from RJ Eckard pers. comm. 2007). Animal based strategies Feeding condensed tannins Condensed tannins interact with proteins in the rumen to protect them from microbial digestion, resulting in either more efficient digestion of the proteins in the lower intestine or the tannin-protein complex being excreted in the dung (de Klein and Eckard, 2008). Misselbrook et al. (2005) found cows fed a diet containing 3.5% DMI of CT, excreted 24% less urinary N with an increase of total N excreted by 8% compared to cows on a 1% DMI CT diet. The increase in CT in the diet reduced the urine to dung ratio from 60:40 to 40:60. In a more recent study, Grainger et al. (2008a) fed dairy cows either a 0, 0.9 or 1.5% DMI CT diet. The low and high CT supplementation resulted in a decrease of 38 and 57% less urinary N than the control treatment. There was a corresponding increase in the percentage of total N appearing as faeces N, from 29.3% for the control group, up to 41.5 and 49.6% for the low and high CT diets. 121 The inclusion of condensed tannins into the diet of dairy cows could potentially reduce urinary N emissions by up to 59%, with a corresponding increase in dung N. This, coupled with the reduction in CH4 production as described above, is an emission strategy that can have a two-fold effect on lowering a dairy farms total GHG emission. Reducing N content of the diet Animals on a maintenance-only diet require about 7% of their DMI as crude protein (CP; CP equal to N * 6.25), non-lactating pregnant animals require a 10-12% CP diet while lactating animals require 15-20%. Of the dietary N consumed by ruminant animals, less than 30% is actually utilised for the production of milk, wool or live weight gain (Thompson and Poppi 1990). The excretion of N in dung is fairly constant per unit of DM consumed, so any changes in dietary N intakes are reflected in the amount of N excreted in the urine (Whitehead 1995). Misselbrook et al. (2005) found that dairy cows fed on a 14% CP diet excreted 29% less total N than cows on a 19% CP diet. The amount of N excreted in urine was reduced by 45%, with a slight increase of 4% of dung N. Supplementing a higher N ryegrass only diet with a lower protein/ high sugar supplementary feed such as maize silage has been shown to reduce the total N and urinary N excretion by 6-9% and 10-20%, respectively (van Vuuren et al. 1993). Another area of research resulting in lower urinary N excretion is with the substitution of highly degradable proteins (e.g. soyabean meal) with a much lower digestible protein source such as sopralin (formaldehyde treated soyabean meal). Kebreab et al. (2001) found that while cows fed on the lower digestible protein meal excreted a total of 314 g N/day compared to 338 g N/day for the higher degradable protein, there was a 24% reduction in urinary N associated with the lower digestible protein source. However, there is a possibility of increasing CH4 emissions due to a lower digestible forage being fed; this requires further research. There is also a potential of reducing urinary N excretion concentration with feeding grasses that are higher in water soluble carbohydrates (WSC). Clark et al. (2001) found that dairy cows fed a diet containing a higher WSC ryegrass cultivar excreted ~ 24% less 122 urinary N compared to cows fed a standard ryegrass diet. The higher WSC ryegrass grass tended to contain less protein and thus N. Miller et al. (2001) found that cows fed a ryegrass pasture diet containing a high WCS concentrate diet (165 g/kg DMI compared to the standard ryegrass diet of 126 g/kg DMI), emitted significantly less N to urine compared to the cows on the lower WCS diet (71.3 and 100 g N/day, respectively). Monitoring and altering the CP% of the dairy cows diet so that there is minimal excess N in the diet is both a cost-effective and GHG emission reduction effective strategy, with a potential of reducing urinary N by 20-45%. Soil strategies Avoidance of waterlogging conditions and improved drainage Soils that are waterlogged will denitrify and thus produce N2O more readily than well drained soils, with field and laboratory studies suggesting a 2 to 5 times greater N2O emission from the waterlogged soils compared to free draining soils (de Klein and Eckard, 2008). Whitehead (1995) suggests that water-filled pore spaces (WFPS) is an accurate method of expressing the soil moisture content and is closely related to denitrification, as it is percentage of the total pore space and comparable between soil texture classifications. Aulakh et al. (1992) found that there was a rapid increase in denitrification when finemedium and course textures soils reached a WFPS of 70 and 80%, respectively. While farmers are unable to make major changes to their soil texture, by improving soil drainage there could be a reduction in denitrification by improving the aeration of the soil. However, there is then most likely going to be an increase in soil nitrate leaching (Whitehead 1995). It is difficult to directly calculate a potential reduction in N2O emissions by either reducing the length of time that soils are waterlogged or by improving soil drainage, although reducing the length of time that paddocks are waterlogged by improving drainage, will result in lowering N2O emissions. 123 Irrigation management Grazed irrigated pasture systems in south-eastern Australia have high N inputs either from dung and urine or from N fertilisers and therefore are likely to generate significant N2O emissions (Galbally et al. 2005). Phillips et al. (2007) found that on a recently fertilised established perennial ryegrass/white clover/paspalum pasture, N2O emissions remained relatively low immediately following flood irrigation when the WFPS was >~95%, rapidly increasing to 55-150 g N2O-N/ha.day for 1 to 2 days, before a gradual decrease to pre-irrigation levels of 2-4g N2O-N/ha.day once the soil dried out to ~65% WFPS. The pattern of emission increases with irrigation and/or significant rainfall were similar, although the rate of emissions varied between years and each irrigation/rainfall event. The annual N2O emissions from this study were 2.9 to 3.6 kg N2O-N/ha.year and were 57-59% lower than the 1996 IPCC default emission factor of 1.25%. Based on the finding of this research, a new Australian factor of 0.4% was established for irrigated pastures. The potential to reduce N2O emissions from irrigation is inter-related to other strategies such as fertiliser management (i.e. only applying N fertiliser during pasture growth phases and not above the recommended 40-50 kg N/ha), soil texture and drainage. Therefore it is difficult to determine a potential reduction the emissions from optimal irrigation practices. Management strategies Nitrogen inhibitors Nitrogen inhibitors are chemical compounds that can delay the formation of NO3- from NH4+ in soils and thus reduce N2O emissions from urea and NH4+-based fertilisers or from urine patches (Di and Cameron 2002). Of the commercially developed nitrification inhibitors, the most widely used are nitrapyrin (N-serve®), 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP®) and dicyandiamide (DCD®) (de Klein and Eckard 2008; Suter and Chen 2008). Recent research undertaken in New Zealand and Australia has shown a reduction in emissions in the range of 61-91% (Di and Cameron 2002, 2003, 2006; Di et al. 2007). However, in the review by de Klein and Eckard (2008), the authors suggested care in extrapolating these potential reduction results as these studies were undertaken when conditions were optimal for maximum N2O emissions. 124 Kelly et al. (2008) researched the effect of using DCD on urine applications to soils and found that urine (at a rate of 1000kg N/ha) treated with DCD emitted 3.0 and 3.2 kg N2ON/ha in spring and summer, respectively, compared to 5.6 and 4.7 N2O-N/ha from urine alone. In a study assessing the effectiveness of applying DCD to soil cores that had been fertilised with urea (100kg N/ha), there was a 75% reduction in N2O emissions from 0.43 to 0.11 N2O-N/ha for urea and urea + DCD, respectively (Singh et al. 2004). Application of 100 kg N/ha is double the suggested best management practice for N fertilising (Mundy 1999). Therefore, if lower rates had been applied, it could be speculated that the reduction in emissions would have been significantly lower than the reported 75% achieved. In another study by Singh et al. (2004), they examined the effectiveness of using DCD and a urease inhibitor (Agrotain®) together in reducing emissions. Soil cores with DCD and Agrotain emitted 0.19 kg N2O-N/ha compared to 0.56 kg N2O-N/ha for cores fertilised with Agrotain alone. It is concluded from reviewing the outcomes of a number of studies, that nitrification inhibitors could potentially reduce emissions of N2O by up to 40-50% during times of the year when emissions are high. Using wintering stand-off pads Animals grazing paddocks during wet winter conditions when soils are waterlogged can cause substantial compaction and pugging damage. Recent research has indicated that restricted grazing during this period can reduce N2O emissions by up to 10% (de Klein et al. 2006; Luo et al. 2007). Therefore this could be a strategy worth considering for farms that have an extended wet winter period when soils are most susceptible to being damaged. Best management practice to nitrogen fertilisers The rate, source and timing of N fertiliser applications are important management factors affecting the efficiency of pasture growth responses and the magnitude of N loss (de Klein and Eckard, 2008). Galbally et al. (2005) reported a baseline N2O emission of 1.01.2 kg N2O-N/ha.year from irrigated pastures, increasing to 2.4 kg N2O-N/ha.year with the application of urea at 50 kg N/ha for 6 times over a two year period. In a recent N2O 125 abatement strategy review by de Klein and Eckard (2008), they suggest that apart from reducing the total amount of N fertiliser used and tightening up on the timing of applications in relation to soil moisture conditions, further fertiliser abatement strategies may be limited for pasture-based grazing systems. Effluent management As most Australian dairy farms are predominantly grazing systems as compared to northern hemisphere dairy farms, there is significantly less effluent needing to be stored and deposited onto pastures at a later stage. While there are an increasing number of larger farms converting to a free stall feedlot system that requires various technologies to manage their effluent, in this report we have not focussed on these farming systems. We have only focussed on how farmers can use the effluent collected from the dairy as a source of water and nutrients to apply to pastures. In a review by Saggar et al. (2004), it was found that N2O emissions from effluent were greater when applied to wet soils compared to drier soils, with a peak flux of N2O occurring within 24 hours of application and taking 1-2 weeks before emissions were back to background levels. Therefore, if farms are able to store effluent during periods of soil saturation, rather than needing to apply effluent every day, this could be a source of potential reduction in emissions. Farmers also need to view their effluent as a source of valuable nutrients that could also reduce their reliance on synthetic fertilisers. In summary, there are several on-farm strategies that dairy farmers can immediately adopt to reduce their CH4 and N2O emissions. The addition of condensed tannins to a herd diet could result in a win-win scenario by reducing CH4 and N2O emissions. Most abatement strategies reported here do fall under the banner of ‘best management practices’. 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Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of wheat and lupins 1 kg Wheat/AU U 0.30194 kg CO2 e 1 kg Lupins/AU U 0.20431 kg CO2 e 0.026994 kg Diammonium phosphate, at regional store/AU U 0.039419 kg CO2 e 0.026994 kg Diammonium phosphate/AU U 0.0378 kg CO2 e 0.001227 kg Active pesticide/AU U 0.013891 kg CO2 e 0.50589 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.0297 kg CO2 e 1.6104 MJ Tractor, low population area, per MJ fuel input/AU U 0.13711 kg CO2 e 0.039196 kg Diesel, at consumer/AU U 0.026886 kg CO2 e 1.6104 MJ Tractor tailpipe, low population area per MJ fuel input/AU U 0.112 kg CO2 e 0.020551 kg Lime, Calcined/AU U 0.0013699 kg Active pesticide/AU U 6.8493 m2 Emission from land use/AU U 0.023251 kg CO2 e 0.015509 kg CO2 e 0.097671 kg CO2 e 0.015287 kg CO2 e 0.043934 MJ Australian average electricity mix, high voltage/AU U 4.6394E-5 m3 Diesel, automotive/AU U 0.011962 kg CO2 e 0.026868 kg CO2 e -0.061058 kg CO2 e 0.1238 kg CO2 e 0.033086 kg Diesel, at consumer/AU U 0.022694 kg CO2 e 0.024524 kg Phosphoric acid 70%/AU U -0.068493 kg Urea, at regional store/AU U 1.4541 MJ Tractor, low population area, per MJ fuel 1.4541 MJ Tractor tailpipe, low population area per MJ fuel 0.10113 kg CO2 e -0.068493 kg Urea (granulated)/AU U -0.056951 kg CO2 e 3.9538E-5 m3 Diesel, automotive/AU U -0.068493 kg Urea compounds/AU U 0.022897 kg CO2 e -0.054622 kg CO2 e -0.038823 kg Ammonia/AU U 0.043934 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.011962 kg CO2 e 4.5578E-5 m3 Crude oil, imported/GLO U -0.029112 kg CO2 e 0.010716 kg CO2 e -0.23626 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U -0.01387 kg CO2 e 6.6634E-5 m3 Crude oil exploration and extraction/AU U 0.013023 kg CO2 e 133 Appendix 4b. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of grass silage and grass hay 1 kg hay intensive IP, at farm/kg/CH 0.22241 kg CO2 e 1 kg grass silage IP, at farm/kg/CH 0.002522 kg ammonium nitrate, as N, at regional storehouse/kg/RER 0.22058 kg CO2 e 0.02208 kg CO2 e 0.0068725 m3 slurry spreading, by vacuum tanker/m3/CH 0.0079508 kg CO2 e 4.1152 m2 mowing, by rotary mower/ha/CH 0.0025101 kg ammonium nitrate, as N, at regional storehouse/kg/RE 4.1152 m2 swath, by rotary windrower/ha/CH 0.0057143 p baling/p/CH 0.0092192 kg CO2 e 0.021976 kg CO2 e 0.0063794 kg CO2 e 0.032827 kg CO2 e 0.0056536 kg nitric acid, 50% in H2O, at plant/kg/RER 0.0011984 kg tractor, production/kg/CH/ I 0.018477 kg CO2 e 0.0065961 kg CO2 e 0.0056834 kg nitric acid, 50% in H2O, at plant/kg/RER 0.018575 kg CO2 e 0.0017219 kg agricultural machinery, general, 0.01088 kg diesel, at regional storage/kg/CH 0.0058344 kg polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant/kg/RER 0.0062218 kg CO2 e 0.0055088 kg CO2 e 0.0091307 kg CO2 e 0.0038776 kg steel, converter, unalloyed, at plant/kg/RER 10.773 m2 haying, by rotary tedder/ha/CH 0.021815 m3 fodder loading, by self-loading trailer/m3/CH 0.011136 kg CO2 e 0.013059 kg CO2 e 1 kg dried roughage store, cold-air dried, conventional, 0.033586 kg CO2 e 0.47355 MJ electricity, low voltage, at grid/kWh/CH 0.016574 kg CO2 e 0.000253 m3 dried roughage store, cold-air dried, conventional/m3/CH 0.017078 kg CO2 e 0.5601 MJ electricity, medium voltage, at grid/kWh/CH 0.017214 kg CO2 e 0.57341 MJ electricity, high voltage, at grid/kWh/CH 0.017133 kg CO2 e 0.0057512 kg CO2 e 0.57909 MJ electricity mix/kWh/CH 0.016822 kg CO2 e 0.066965 MJ electricity, production mix DE/kWh/DE 0.011676 kg CO2 e 134 Appendix 4c. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of maize silage and urea 1 kg Maize, off specification, used for silage 0.37118 kg CO2 e 1 kg Urea, at regional store/AU U 0.89145 kg CO2 e 0.66667 m2 Maize harvested, average 1 kg Urea (granulated)/AU U 0.35528 kg CO2 e 0.6 m3 Average water supply to maize, griffith 0.062299 kg CO2 e 0.39 m3 Water supply from bore (50m) 0.062299 kg CO2 e 0.312 m3 Water - from 50m bore (diesel) 0.046439 kg CO2 e 0.5434 MJ Diesel pump (MJ fuel input) 0.83149 kg CO2 e 0.66667 m2 Maize growing, average 1 kg Urea compounds/AU U 0.35473 kg CO2 e 0.79748 kg CO2 e 0.66876 m2 Maize sowing, irrigated, average 0.083402 kg CO2 e 0.66876 m2 Field preparation for maize 0.029586 kg CO2 e 0.010005 kg N application emission stubble incorp. kg N 0.077975 kg CO2 e 0.010005 kg N application emission stubble burn kg N applied 0.13647 kg CO2 e 0.56682 kg Ammonia/AU U 0.77579 MJ Australian average electricity mix, high voltage/AU U 0.21122 kg CO2 e 0.42504 kg CO2 e 0.43873 kg Natural gas, high pressure/AU U 8.9212 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.77579 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian 0.18676 kg CO2 e 0.52374 kg CO2 e 0.21122 kg CO2 e 0.56993 m3 Natural gas, high pressure /AU U 0.18681 kg CO2 e 0.56993 m3 Natural gas, processed/AU U 0.16428 kg CO2 e 0.047106 kg CO2 e 0.70738 MJ Agricultural machinery, heavy 1.1378 MJ Oil & gas production 0.055018 kg Venting - gas processing plant 0.08395 kg CO2 e 0.081592 kg CO2 e 0.061321 kg CO2 e 135 Appendix 4d. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of ammonium sulphate and triple superphosphate 1 kg Triple superphosphate at regional store/AU U 0.83436 kg CO2 e 1.0001 kg Ammonium sulphate, as N, at regional 1 kg Triple superphosphate/AU U 2.5343 kg CO2 e 0.77439 kg CO2 e 1.9041E-9 p Chemical plant, organics/RER/I U 0.20044 kg CO2 e 1.4892 MJ Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, 0.1915 kg CO2 e 1.4424 MJ Heat, at hard coal industrial furnace 1-10MW/RER U 0.17529 kg CO2 e 22.312 MJ Heat, natural gas, at industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 1.5013 kg CO2 e 4.4027 MJ Heat, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1MW/RER 0.46442 kg Phosphoric acid 70%/AU U 0.41052 kg CO2 e 1.8602 MJ Australian average electricity mix, high voltage/AU U 0.28951 kg CO2 e 2.022 MJ Electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, 1.9229 MJ Hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-10MW/RER U 23.632 MJ Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 4.6662 MJ Heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, 0.25549 kg CO2 e 0.18694 kg CO2 e 1.5112 kg CO2 e 0.41286 kg CO2 e 2.0436 MJ Electricity, production mix UCTE/UCTE U 23.806 MJ Natural gas, high pressure, at consumer/RER U 0.2546 kg CO2 e 0.17706 kg CO2 e 0.71284 kg Sulphuric acid/AU U 0.38951 kg Phosphate rock beneficiated/GLO U 0.059659 kg CO2 e 0.11422 kg CO2 e 0.23524 kg Sulphur/AU U 0.059659 kg CO2 e 0.50647 kg CO2 e 2.2925 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.13459 kg CO2 e 0.58884 MJ Electrictiy black coal NSW, sent out/AU U 0.16007 kg CO2 e 1.8602 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.50647 kg CO2 e 0.46392 MJ Electrictiy brown coal Victoria, sent out/AU U 0.17017 kg CO2 e 0.42966 MJ Electrictiy black coal QLD, sent out/AU U 0.11427 kg CO2 e 0.8979 MJ Energy, from diesel/AU U 0.075904 kg CO2 e 136 Appendix 4e. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of diammonium phosphate and monoammonium phosphate 1 kg diammonium phosphate, as N, at regional 1 kg monoammonium phosphate, as P2O5, at regional 2.7366 kg CO2 e 1.5921 kg CO2 e 1.8244E-9 p chemical plant, organics/p/RER/I 1.3769 kg phosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, 70% in H2O, at 1.2227 kg ammonia, steam reforming, liquid, at plant/kg/RER 0.30495 kg CO2 e 1.3033 kg CO2 e 2.2329 kg CO2 e 0.00029943 m3 building, multi-storey/m3/RE R/I 0.022987 kg facilities, chemical production/kg/RER/I 0.14651 kg CO2 e 0.15608 kg CO2 e 0.088568 kg reinforcing steel, at plant/kg/RER 1.751 MJ electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at 0.11848 kg CO2 e 0.24525 kg CO2 e 2.0283 MJ electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, at 0.27852 kg CO2 e 30.213 MJ natural gas, high pressure, at consumer/MJ/RER 0.22664 kg CO2 e 0.82829 m3 natural gas, at long-distance pipeline/m3/RER 0.20751 kg CO2 e 0.28788 m3 natural gas, production RU, at long-distance 0.13118 kg CO2 e 2.4929 kg sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant/kg/RER 2.2869 MJ electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, 5.0938 MJ heat, natural gas, at industrial furnace 1.0182 kg phosphate rock, as P2O5, beneficiated, dry, 0.33069 kg CO2 e 0.32032 kg CO2 e 0.3434 kg CO2 e 0.22254 kg CO2 e 0.53348 kg secondary sulphur, at refinery/kg/RER 1.0822E-9 p chemical plant, organics/p/RER/I 2.6901 MJ electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, 5.5522 MJ natural gas, burned in industrial furnace 0.16486 kg CO2 e 0.1809 kg CO2 e 0.3694 kg CO2 e 0.35574 kg CO2 e 1.8336 MJ refinery gas, burned in furnace/MJ/RER 2.7179 MJ electricity, production mix UCTE/kWh/UCTE 0.11499 kg CO2 e 0.36798 kg CO2 e 2.0492 MJ electricity, production mix UCTE/kWh/UCTE 0.27745 kg CO2 e 137 Appendix 4f. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of potassium chloride and limestone 1 kg Limestone (calcilte)/AU U 1 kg Potasium chloride, AU, at regional store/AU U 0.13092 kg CO2 e 1 kg Potasium chloride/AU U 0.006 kg Kraftliner-Brown, mass allocation of wood products/AU 0.0048443 kg CO2 e 0.070956 kg CO2 e 0.1837 MJ Australian average electricity mix, high voltage/AU U 0.050014 kg CO2 e 0.37056 MJ Energy, from diesel/AU U 0.031326 kg CO2 e 0.1837 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.050014 kg CO2 e 0.062739 MJ Electrictiy black coal NSW, sent out/AU U 0.017055 kg CO2 e 0.046476 MJ Electrictiy brown coal Victoria, sent out/AU U 0.017048 kg CO2 e 0.019184 kg CO2 e 0.14039 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.0082423 kg CO2 e 0.2 tkm Rigid truck transport, freight task/AU U 0.049603 kg CO2 e 0.42803 MJ Rigid truck operation, diesel/AU U 0.049607 kg CO2 e 0.085738 MJ Transport infrast. pub sect/AU U 0.035628 MJ Energy, from diesel/AU U 0.0030118 kg CO2 e 0.018316 MJ Australian average electricity mix, high voltage/AU U 0.11001 tkm Articulated Truck, 28 tonne load on 30 tonne truck, 0.0049866 kg CO2 e 0.010591 kg CO2 e 0.018316 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.0015624 kg CO2 e 0.0015773 kg CO2 e 0.097908 MJ Articulated truck operation/AU U 0.0049866 kg CO2 e 0.0057475 MJ Electrictiy black coal NSW, sent out/AU U 0.060001 tkm Shipping, domestic freight/AU U 0.010591 kg CO2 e 0.0045604 MJ Electrictiy brown coal Victoria, sent out/AU U 0.0016728 kg CO2 e 0.0022769 kg Diesel, ultralow sulphur, at consumer/AU U 0.0015619 kg CO2 e 0.01792 MJ Transport infrast. priv. sect/AU U 0.0011866 kg CO2 e 0.0072481 kg CO2 e 0.043044 MJ Electrictiy black coal QLD, sent out/AU U 0.011448 kg CO2 e 3.8349E-6 m3 Diesel, automotive/AU U 0.0022208 kg CO2 e 138 Appendix 4g. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of pesticide and canola meal 1 kg Pesticide unspecified, at regional 7.017 kg CO2 e 18.459 MJ Electricity, low voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 2.6454 kg CO2 e 1.0816 kg Naphtha, at refinery/RER U 0.38072 kg CO2 e 34.706 MJ Heat, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1MW/RER 3.2361 kg CO2 e 0.20028 kg Disposal, hazardous waste, 25% water, to hazardous waste 0.36721 kg CO2 e 1 kg Canola meal 22.147 MJ Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 2.8479 kg CO2 e 36.783 MJ Heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, 3.2545 kg CO2 e 22.784 MJ Electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 2.8788 kg CO2 e 1.0445 kg Heavy fuel oil, at regional storage/RER U 0.40826 kg CO2 e 23.013 MJ Electricity, production mix UCTE/UCTE U 2.867 kg CO2 e 6.2604 MJ Electricity, production mix DE/DE U 1.1296 kg CO2 e 1.5746 MJ Electricity, hard coal, at power plant/DE U 0.42754 kg CO2 e 4.3739 MJ Hard coal, burned in power plant/DE U 0.42754 kg CO2 e 1.0704 kg Heavy fuel oil, at refinery/RER U 0.308 kg CO2 e 0.619 kg Canola seed, at farm/AU U 0.193 kg Steam, from natural gas, in kg/AU U 0.235 kg CO2 e 0.0546 kg Fertiliser, NPKS 32 10, at regional store/AU U 0.0328 kg Lime, Calcined/AU U 0.0619 kg CO2 e 0.0371 kg CO2 e 0.0419 kg CO2 e 0.955 MJ Tractor, low population area, per MJ fuel 0.0821 kg CO2 e 9.1E-5 kg Nitrogen volatilisation from fertiliser 0.0443 kg CO2 e 1.52 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.0895 kg CO2 e 0.167 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.0456 kg CO2 e 0.167 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average, 0.0456 kg CO2 e 0.38892 kg CO2 e 3.1073 MJ Electricity, production mix IT/IT U 0.56657 kg CO2 e 0.0546 kg Fertiliser, NPKS 32 10/AU U 0.0585 kg CO2 e 0.955 MJ Tractor tailpipe, low population area per MJ fuel 0.0664 kg CO2 e 1.623 MJ Electricity, lignite, at power plant/DE U 0.54495 kg CO2 e 4.914 MJ Lignite, burned in power plant/DE U 0.54495 kg CO2 e 139 Appendix 4h. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of soybean meal and palm kernel oil 1 kg Soybean meal, economic allocation/AU U 1 kg Palm kernel oil, at oil mill/MY U 0.485 kg CO2 e 2.72 kg CO2 e 0.87 kg Meal processing/AU U 0.87 kg Oil extraction and solvent recycling/AU U 0.87 kg Soybeans, crushed and dehulled/AU U 0.0456 kg CO2 e 0.0969 kg CO2 e 0.342 kg CO2 e 0.27 kg Steam, from natural gas, in kg/AU U 0.357 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.0586 kg CO2 e 0.0972 kg CO2 e 3.04 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.179 kg CO2 e 0.357 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average, 0.0972 kg CO2 e 0.87 kg Soybean/AU U 0.215 kg CO2 e 0.923 MJ Tractor, low population area, per MJ fuel 0.0793 kg CO2 e 0.923 MJ Tractor tailpipe, low population area per MJ fuel input/AU U 0.0642 kg CO2 e 6.49 kg Palm fruit bunches, at farm/MY U 0.649 tkm Transport, lorry 3.5-16t, fleet average/RER U 2.48 kg CO2 e 0.87 kg Soybean Drying/AU U 0.057 kg CO2 e 0.0409 kg Ammonium sulphate, as N, at regional 4.55 m2 Irrigating/ha/CH U 0.108 kg CO2 e 0.124 kg CO2 e 0.974 MJ Heat, natural gas, at industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 1.45 MJ Electricity, low voltage, at grid/CH U 0.0657 kg CO2 e 0.0507 kg CO2 e 1.23 MJ Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 1.79 MJ Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/CH U 0.0789 kg CO2 e 0.0551 kg CO2 e 0.208 kg CO2 e 7.04 kg Wood chopping, mobile chopper, in forest/RER U 0.0951 kg CO2 e 0.104 m2 Provision, stubbed land/MY U 1.03 kg CO2 e 286 m Operation, lorry 3.5-16t, fleet average/RER U 0.177 kg CO2 e 1.11 MJ Diesel, burned in building machine/GLO U 0.0993 kg CO2 e 140 Appendix 4i. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of palm kernel meal and maize seed 1 kg Maize for seed 0.291 kg CO2 e 1 kg Palm kernel meal, at oil mill/MY U 0.186 kg CO2 e 1.25 m2 Maize growing, irrigated from surface waters 0.29 kg CO2 e 0.443 kg Palm fruit bunches, at farm/MY U 0.0443 tkm Transport, lorry 3.5-16t, fleet average/RER U 0.169 kg CO2 e 0.0142 kg CO2 e 0.0335 kg Urea delivered to central NSW 0.0323 kg CO2 e 0.00279 kg Ammonium sulphate, as N, at regional 0.31 m2 Irrigating/ha/CH U 0.00739 kg CO2 e 0.00848 kg CO2 e 0.0665 MJ Heat, natural gas, at industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 0.0989 MJ Electricity, low voltage, at grid/CH U 0.00448 kg CO2 e 0.00346 kg CO2 e 0.481 kg Wood chopping, mobile chopper, in forest/RER U 0.00649 kg CO2 e 0.0758 MJ Diesel, burned in building machine/GLO U 0.00709 m2 Provision, stubbed land/MY U 0.0703 kg CO2 e 0.122 MJ Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/CH U 0.00539 kg CO2 e 0.00376 kg CO2 e 0.0219 kg N application emission kg N applied 0.135 kg CO2 e 0.16 kg CO2 e 0.0196 kg NPKS 32 10 delivered to central NSW AU 1.25 m2 Field preparation for maize 0.0249 kg CO2 e 0.0558 kg CO2 e 19.5 m Operation, lorry 3.5-16t, fleet average/RER U 0.0121 kg CO2 e 0.0448 kg Urea (granulated)/AU U 0.0373 kg CO2 e 0.00678 kg CO2 e 0.0448 kg Urea compounds/AU U 0.0841 MJ Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW/RER U 1.25 m2 Maize sowing, irrigated, average 0.0358 kg CO2 e 0.468 MJ Energy, from natural gas/AU U 0.0275 kg CO2 e 0.0196 kg Fertiliser, NPKS 32 10/AU U 0.021 kg CO2 e 1.25 m2 Tractor ploughing maize field, average 0.0153 kg CO2 e 0.307 MJ Agricultural machinery, heavy duty AU, per MJ fuel 0.0269 kg CO2 e 141 Appendix 4j. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of grass seed and clover seed 1.0163 kg grass seed IP, at farm/kg/C H 1.0191 kg clover seed IP, at farm/kg/CH 1.9227 kg C O 2 e 3.3664 kg CO2 e 10.163 m2 combine harv esting/ha/C H 0.29036 kg grain dry ing, low temperature/kg/C H 0.10174 kg ammonium nitrate, as N, at regional 0.043191 kg triple superphosphate, as P2O 5, at 0.15147 kg C O 2 e 0.21507 kg C O 2 e 0.8907 kg C O 2 e 0.086099 kg C O 2 e 2.0501 MJ light fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, 0.11938 kg ammonia, steam reforming, liquid, at plant/kg/RER 0.22902 kg nitric acid, 50% in H2O , at plant/kg/RER 0.61329 MJ electricity , medium v oltage, production U C TE, 0.17667 kg C O 2 e 0.21801 kg C O 2 e 0.74848 kg C O 2 e 0.085901 kg C O 2 e 0.067497 kg ammonia, liquid, at regional storehouse/kg/RE 0.73206 MJ electricity , high v oltage, production U C TE, 0.13621 kg C O 2 e 0.10053 kg C O 2 e 0.74 MJ electricity , production mix U C TE/kWh/U C TE 0.019108 kg clover seed IP, at regional storehouse/kg/CH 25.478 m2 combine harvesting/ha/CH 0.29117 kg grain drying, low temperature/kg/C H 0.10191 kg triple superphosphate, as P2O5, at 0.29301 kg potassium chloride, as K2O, at regional storehouse/kg/RE 0.065479 kg CO2 e 0.37975 kg CO2 e 0.21568 kg CO2 e 0.20315 kg CO2 e 0.1426 kg CO2 e 0.016051 kg harvester, production/kg/CH/ I 2.0624 MJ light fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, 0.76554 MJ electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, 0.098513 kg phosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, 70% in H2O, at 0.067242 kg CO2 e 0.17773 kg CO2 e 0.10723 kg CO2 e 0.093242 kg CO2 e 0.90689 MJ electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, 0.12453 kg CO2 e 0.91672 MJ electricity, production mix UCTE/kWh/UCTE 0.12412 kg CO2 e 0.10019 kg C O 2 e 142 Appendix 4k. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of glyphosate and MCPA 1 kg MCPA, at regional storehouse/RER U 1 kg G ly phosate 41.5% A U , production and 8.94 kg C O 2 e 4 kg CO2 e 1 kg G ly phosate 41.5% in w ater, A U , Deliv ered 8.63 kg C O 2 e 20.6 MJ Heat, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1MW/RER 1.93 kg CO2 e 0.415 kg G ly phosate, A U , from ecoinv ent data 8.53 kg C O 2 e 21.8 M J Electricity , high v oltage, A ustralian 5.93 kg C O 2 e 0.891 kg N atural gas, high pressure/A U U 0.379 kg C O 2 e 24.8 M J Energy , from fuel oil/A U U 2.15 kg C O 2 e 1.16 m3 N atural gas, high pressure /A U U 0.38 kg C O 2 e 5.43 M J Electrictiy brow n coal V ictoria, sent out/A U U 1.99 kg C O 2 e 5.03 M J Electrictiy black coal Q LD, sent out/A U U 1.34 kg C O 2 e 0.2 kg Disposal, hazardous waste, 25% water, to hazardous waste 1.12 kg CO2 e 0.372 kg CO2 e 9.38 MJ Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 1.94 kg CO2 e 1.31 kg CO2 e 0.593 kg Heavy fuel oil, at regional storage/RER U 9.81 MJ Electricity, high voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 1.35 kg CO2 e 0.678 kg F uel oil, at consumer/A U U 0.477 kg C O 2 e 0.611 kg Heavy fuel oil, at refinery/RER U 0.227 kg CO2 e 6.84 M J Electrictiy black coal N S W, sent out/A U U 1.86 kg C O 2 e 0.335 kg CO2 e 7.08 MJ Electricity, low voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE 21.9 MJ Heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, 0.236 kg CO2 e 21.8 M J Electricity , high v oltage, A ustralian 5.93 kg C O 2 e 0.93 kg Naphtha, at refinery/RER U 9.91 MJ Electricity, production mix UCTE/UCTE U 1.34 kg CO2 e 0.000835 m3 F uel oil/A U U 0.457 kg C O 2 e 2.27 MJ Electricity, production mix DE/DE U 0.396 kg CO2 e 143 Appendix 4l. Embedded GHG emissions produced with the production of one kilogram of diuron and diesel 1 kg Diesel, at consumer/AU U 1 kg Diuron, at regional storehouse/RER U 6.57 kg C O 2 e 19.8 M J Heat, heav y fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1M W/RER 1.85 kg C O 2 e 1.59 kg N aphtha, at refinery /RER U 0.574 kg C O 2 e 0.719 kg CO2 e 20.3 M J Electricity , low v oltage, production U C TE, at 0.00118 m3 Diesel, automotive/AU U 3.2 kg C O 2 e 0.696 kg CO2 e 21.2 M J Heav y fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1M W, 24.6 M J Electricity , medium v oltage, production U C TE, at 1.88 kg C O 2 e 3.44 kg C O 2 e 0.000545 m3 Crude oil, domestic/AU U 0.107 kg CO2 e 25.3 M J Electricity , high v oltage, production U C TE, at 0.00118 m3 Crude oil, imported/GLO U 0.279 kg CO2 e 0.00173 m3 Crude oil exploration and extraction/AU U 3.48 kg C O 2 e 0.337 kg CO2 e 25.6 M J Electricity , production mix U C TE/U C TE U 0.95 MJ Energy, from natural gas, just fuel, CO2,CH4, & 0.0566 kg CO2 e 14 tkm Shipping, oil transport/AU U 0.0698 kg CO2 e 3.47 MJ Energy, from fuel oil, just fuel, CO2,CH4, & 0.277 kg CO2 e 0.0892 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average/AU U 0.0243 kg CO2 e 0.0892 MJ Electricity, high voltage, Australian average, 0.0243 kg CO2 e 0.103 kg Fuel oil, at consumer/AU U 3.46 kg C O 2 e 0.0722 kg CO2 e 5.86 M J Electricity , production mix DE/DE U 1.02 kg C O 2 e 2.93 M J Electricity , production mix IT/IT U 0.495 kg C O 2 e 0.000126 m3 Fuel oil/AU U 1.5 M J Electricity , lignite, at pow er plant/DE U 0.0692 kg CO2 e 0.504 kg C O 2 e 4.54 M J Lignite, burned in pow er plant/DE U 0.504 kg C O 2 e 144 Appendix 5. Overall diet quality calculation for the milking herd for each farming system Farm Feed source Feed input Digestibility Crude (kg DM/cow.day) % Protein % Pasture 13.3 70.0 20.0 Grain 1.7 80.0 12.0 Daily average 15.0 71.1 19.1 Pasture 10.0 70.0 20.0 Grain 8.0 80.0 12.0 Daily average 18.0 74.4 16.4 Pasture 10.0 70.0 22.0 Grain 4.7 80.0 12.0 Maize silage 3.3 65.0 8.0 Daily average 18.0 71.7 16.8 Grain 7.5 80.0 12.0 Mill run 2.1 80.0 23.0 Cottonseed meal 2.1 85.0 45.0 Whole cottonseed 1.5 80.0 23.0 Molasses 1.3 65.0 4.0 Ryegrass silage 6.5 60.0 14.0 Sorghum silage 3.0 60.0 10.0 Cereal hay 1.0 55.0 8.0 Daily average 25.0 72.0 16.0 Wheat 8.0 85 12 Maize silage 4.3 65 8 Cereal silage 3.0 60 10 Canola meal 2.3 80 35 Whole cottonseed 2.3 70 44 Lucerne hay 1.7 60 18 Cereal hay 0.7 55 8 Daily average 22.3 72.9 17.0 system LSF HSF 1 HSF 2 TMR 1 TMR 2 145 Appendix 6 – Greenhouse gas emissions for individual abatement strategies across each of the dairy farming system. Appendix 6a. Effect of adopting abatement strategies for the low supplementary feeding farm system on total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emissions Abatement strategy Baseline farm system- 445 cows, weighing 500kg and producing 4,500L Increase milk to 4,950L and decrease herd size to 404 milkers Increase herd weight to 550kg and milk production to 5,000L Increase milk to 5,500L and grain intake to 1.0t DM/cow Feeding fats to achieve a 20% reduction in CH4 emissions Feeding condensed tannins to alter enteric CH4 and urine/dung N2O emissions Applying a nitrification inhibitor to alter soil N2O emissions All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with reduced herd numbers All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with maintained herd numbers Total farm emission ( t CO2-e) Milk production (t MS) Emission intensity (t CO2-e/t MS) Percentage reduction1 CPRS2 liabilities 2,623 150.2 17.5 n/a 2,105 t CO2-e 14.0 t CO2/t MS 2,434 150.0 16.2 7.1 2,754 166.9 16.5 5.7 2,765 183.6 15.1 13.8 2,506 150.2 16.7 4.5 2,468 150.2 16.4 5.9 2,571 150.2 17.1 2.0 2,320 166.7 13.9 20.3 2,503 183.6 13.6 22.0 1,936 t CO2-e 12.9 t CO2/t MS 7.9% 2,226 t CO2-e 13.3 t CO2/t MS 5.0% 2,180 t CO2-e 11.9 t CO2/t MS 15.3% 1,988 t CO2-e 13.2 t CO2/t MS 5.6% 1,950 t CO2-e 13.0 t CO2/t MS 7.4% 2,052 t CO2-e 13.7 t CO2/t MS 2.5% 1,761 t CO2-e 10.4 t CO2/t MS 24.6% 1,917 t CO2-e 10.4 t CO2/t MS 25.5% 1 Percentage reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) from the baseline farm system. 2 Only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 146 Appendix 6b. Effect of adopting abatement strategies for the high supplementary feeding farm system (HSF 1) on total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emissions Abatement strategy Baseline farm system- 310 cows, weighing 550kg and producing 6,500L Increase milk to 7,150L and decrease herd size to 280 milkers Increase herd weight to 600kg and milk production to 7,000L Feeding fats to achieve a 20% reduction in CH4 emissions Feeding condensed tannins to alter enteric CH4 and urine/dung N2O emissions Applying a nitrification inhibitor to alter soil N2O emissions All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with reduced herd numbers All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with maintained herd numbers Total farm emission ( t CO2-e) Milk production (t MS) Emission intensity (t CO2-e/t MS) Percentage reduction1 CPRS2 liabilities 2,118 151.1 14.0 n/a 1,596 t CO2-e 10.6 t CO2/t MS 1,923 150.2 12.8 8.7 2,196 162.8 13.5 3.8 2,023 151.1 13.4 4.5 2,003 151.1 13.3 5.4 2,088 151.1 13.8 1.4 1,802 150.2 12.0 14.4 1,960 166.2 11.8 15.9 1,431 t CO2-e 9.5 t CO2/t MS 9.8% 1,674 t CO2-e 10.3 t CO2/t MS 2.7% 1,501 t CO2-e 9.9 t CO2/t MS 5.9% 1,481 t CO2-e 9.8 t CO2/t MS 7.2% 1,566 t CO2-e 10.4 t CO2/t MS 1.9% 1,311 t CO2-e 8.7 t CO2/t MS 17.4% 1,438 t CO2-e 8.7 t CO2/t MS 18.1% 1 Percentage reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) from the baseline farm system. 2 Only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 147 Appendix 6c. Effect of adopting abatement strategies for the high supplementary feeding farm system (HSF 2) on total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emissions Abatement strategy Baseline farm system- 333 cows, weighing 550kg producing 6,000L Increase milk to 6,600L and decrease herd size to 303 milkers Increase herd weight to 600kg and milk production to 7,000L Increasing grain feeding to 1.9t and milk production to 7,000L Feeding fats to achieve a 20% reduction in CH4 emissions Feeding condensed tannins to alter enteric CH4 and urine/dung N2O emissions Applying a nitrification inhibitor to alter soil N2O emissions All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with reduced herd numbers All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with maintained herd numbers Total farm emission ( t CO2-e) Milk production (t MS) Emission intensity (t CO2-e/t MS) Percentage reduction1 CPRS2 liabilities 2,290 149.9 15.3 n/a 1,690 t CO2-e 11.3 t CO2/t MS 2,120 150.0 14.1 7.5 2,425 174.8 13.9 9.2 2,450 174.8 14.0 8.3 2,190 149.9 14.6 4.4 2,168 149.9 14.5 5.4 2,260 149.9 15.1 1.3 2,030 159.1 12.8 16.5 2,194 174.8 12.6 17.8 1,555 t CO2-e 10.4 t CO2/t MS 8.1% 1,801 t CO2-e 10.3 t CO2/t MS 8.6% 1,789 t CO2-e 10.2 t CO2/t MS 9.2% 1,591 t CO2-e 10.6 t CO2/t MS 5.9% 1,568 t CO2-e 10.5 t CO2/t MS 7.3% 1,661 t CO2-e 11.1 t CO2/t MS 1.8% 1,409 t CO2-e 8.9 t CO2/t MS 21.4% 1,534 t CO2-e 8.8 t CO2/t MS 22.2% 1 Percentage reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) from the baseline farm system. 2 Only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 148 Appendix 6d. Effect of adopting abatement strategies for the total mixed ration farm system (TMR 1) on total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emissions Abatement strategy Baseline farm system- 300 cows, weighing 700kg and producing 11,500L Baseline farm system with heifers agisted off-farm Total farm emission ( t CO2-e) Milk production (t MS) Emission intensity (t CO2-e/t MS) Percentage reduction1 CPRS2 liabilities 1,925 150.0 12.8 n/a 1,418 t CO2-e 9.5 t CO2/t MS 1,654 150.0 11.0 14.1 Feeding a condensed tannin for 12 months 1,859 150.0 12.4 3.4 Using an N-inhibitor for 12 months 1,917 150.0 12.8 0.5 1,851 150.0 12.3 3.9 Feeding a condensed tannin and using an Ninhibitor 1,212 t CO2-e 8.1 t CO2/t MS 14.5% 1,352 t CO2-e 9.0 t CO2/t MS 4.7% 1,409 t CO2-e 9.4 t CO2/t MS 0.6% 1,343 t CO2-e 9.0 t CO2/t MS 5.3% 1 Percentage reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) from the baseline farm system. 2 Only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 149 Appendix 6e. Effect of adopting abatement strategies for the total mixed ration farm system (TMR 2) on total farm and intensity of greenhouse gas emissions Abatement strategy Baseline farm system- 680 milkers, weighing 550kg and producing 8,6000L Baseline farm system with the replacement stock agisted off-farm Increase milk to 9,500L and decrease herd size to 615 milkers Increasing herd weight to 600kg, increasing grain feeding to 3.0 t and milk production to 9,500L Feeding condensed tannins to alter enteric CH4 and urine/dung N2O emissions Applying a nitrification inhibitor to alter soil N2O emissions All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with reduced herd numbers All-inclusive abatement strategy farm with maintained herd numbers Total farm emission ( t CO2-e) Milk production (t MS) Emission intensity (t CO2-e/t MS) Percentage reduction1 CPRS2 liabilities 1,835 150.0 12.2 n/a 1,474 t CO2-e 9.8 t CO2/t MS 1,569 150.0 10.5 14.5 1,671 150.0 11.1 9.0 1,813 1,762 150.0 150.0 12.1 11.7 1,233 t CO2-e 8.2 t CO2/t MS 16.3% 1,332 t CO2-e 8.9 t CO2/t MS 9.6% 1.2 1,443 t CO2-e 9.6 t CO2/t MS 2.1% 4.0 1,440 t CO2-e 9.3 t CO2/t MS 5.0% 1,832 150.0 12.2 0.2 1,746 150.0 11.6 4.9 1,739 150.0 11.6 5.3 1,470 t CO2-e 9.8 t CO2/t MS 0.2% 1,367 t CO2-e 9.1 t CO2/t MS 7.3% 1,369 t CO2-e 9.1 t CO2/t MS 7.1% 1 Percentage reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (t CO2-e/t MS) from the baseline farm system. 2 Only on-farm methane and nitrous oxide emissions are considered. 150