Geometric transformations Date: 07/26/04

Geometric transformations
Date: 07/26/04
1. Introduction
A) Geometric transformations permit elimination of the geometric distortion that occurs when an
image is captured. Geometric distortion may arise because of the lens or because of the irregular
movement of the sensor during image capture.
B) Geometric transformation processing is also essential in situations where there are distortions
inherent in the imaging process such as remote sensing from aircraft or spacecraft. On example is
an attempt to match remotely sensed images of the same area taken after one year, when the more
recent image was probably not taken from precisely the same position. To inspect changes over
the year, it is necessary first to execute a geometric transformation, and then subtract one image to
other. We might also need to register two or more images of the same scene, obtained from
different viewpoints or acquired with different instruments. Image registration matches up the
features that are common to two or more images. Registration also finds applications in medical
A geometric transformation is a vector T that maps the pixel ( x,y) to a new position (x’, y’)
x’ = Tx(x,y) : y’=Ty(x,y)
The transformation equations Tx and Ty are either know in advance - in the case of rotation, translation,
scaling or can be determined from known original and transformed images.
A geometric transform consists of two basis step:
1. Pixel co-ordinate transformation, which maps the co-ordinates of the input image pixel to the point
in the output image. The output point co-ordinates should be computed as continuous values ( real
numbers) as the position does not necessarily match the digital grid after the transform.
2. The second step is to find the point in the digital raster which matches the transformed point and
determine its brightness value . he brightness is usually computed as an interpolation of the
brightness of several points in the neighborhood .
2. Affine transformations
From equation (1) Tx and Ty are expressed as polynomials in x and y.
If they are linear mapping function in x and y we apply an affine transformation
x'  a 0 x  a1 y  a 2
y'  b0 x  b1 y  b2
We can expressed in matrix form as
a 0 b0 0
x' y' 1   a1 b1 0x y 1
a 2 b2 1
Translation, scaling, rotation and shearing
1. Translation x’=x+5 ; y’=y+3
 1
x' y' 1   0
0x y 1
T x  5 T y  3 1
2. Rotation
 cos 
x' y' 1   sin 
 0
sin 
cos 
y 1
3. Scaling
S x
x' y' 1   0
 0
y 1
4. Shear
Now we consider the case where a0= b1=1 and b0=0
By allowing a1 to be nonzero , x’ is made linearly dependent on both x and y’, while y remains
identical to y. The shear transform along the x-axis is
 1 0 0
x' y' 1  Sy 1 0x y 1
 0 0 1
Similar, the shear transform along the y-axis is
1 Sx 0
x' y' 1  0 1 0x y 1
0 0 1
5. Composite Transformation
[x’ y’ 1] =Mcomp [x y 1]
 1 0 0  cos 
Mcomp   0 1 0  sin 
Tx Ty 1  0
sin 
cos 
0 Sx 0 0
  0 Sy 0
1  0 0 1
6. Inverse
T-1 =(adjoint T)/(determinant T)
The adjoint of matrix is simply the transpose of the matrix of cofactors.
 a 0 b 0 0
x y 1  x' y' 1 a1 b1 0  x y 1
 a1
a 0 b1  a1b0 
a 2 b2 1
a1b2  a 2 b1
7. Defining coefficients for Affine Transformation
 x 0 ' y 0 ' 1
 x 0 y 0 1 a 0 b0 0
 x ' y ' 1   x
 1
 1 y1 1  a1 b1 0
 x 2 ' y ' 2 1 new  x 2 y 2 1 a 2 b2 1
 b0
a 2 b0  a 0 b2
 (9)
a 0 b1  a1b0 
A=X-1 Xnew’
a 0
 1
a 2
y 2  y0
y 0  y1   x 0 ' y 0 ' 1
 y1  y 2
1 
0 
x2  x1
x0  x 2
x1  x0   x1 ' y1 ' 1 (10)
det( X )
 x1y 2  x2 y1 x2 y 0  x0 y 2 x2 y1  x1y 0  x 2 ' y ' 2 1 new
det(X) = x0(y1-y2)-y0(x1-x2)+(x1y2-x2y1)
Input image
Output image
3. Geometric transformation algorithms
3.1 Forward mapping
Let us consider that you want to apply rotation to two different pixels
1) the pixel at (0,100) after a 90 rotation
2) the pixel at (50,0) after a 35 rotation
 cos  sin  0
x' y' 1   sin  cos  0x y 1
 0
cos90=0, sin90=1 (-100,0)
x’=xcos -ysin = 50cos(35)=40.96
y’=xsin+ycos = 50sin(35)=28.68
Problems :
1. Input pixel may map to apposition outside the screen . This problem can be solved by
testing coordinates to check that they lie within the bounds of the output image before
attempting to copy pixel value.
2. Input pixel may map to a non-integer position . Simple solution is to find the nearest
integers to x’ and y’ and use these integers as a coordinates of the transformed pixel.
3.2 Inverse Mapping
4. Interpolations schemes
Interpolation is the process of determining the values of a function at positions lying between its samples.
It achieves this process by fitting a continuous function through the discrete input samples. Interpolation
reconstructs the signal lost in the sampling process by smoothing the data samples with a interpolation
function. It woks as a low-pass filter.
For equally spaced data, interpolation can be expressed by
K 1
f ( x )   c k h( x  x k )
k 0
where h is interpolation kernel weighted by coefficients ck and applied to K data samples , xk.
Equation (11) formulates interpolation as a convolution operation. In practice , h is nearly always a
symmetric kernel h(-x) =h(x). Furthermore, we will consider the ck coefficients are the data samples
If x is offset from the nearest point by distance d , where 0  d <1, we sample the symmetric kernel at h(d)
and h(1+d).
Commonly use finite impulse response filters ( FIR ) include the box, triangle, cubic, cubic B-spline
convolution kernel.
4.1 Zero-order interpolation
The rounding of calculated coordinates (x’,y’) to there nearest integers is a strategy known as zero-order (
or nearest-neighbour ) interpolation. Each interpolated output pixel is assigned the value of the nearest
sample point in the input image . This technique, also known as the point shift algoritrhm is given by the
following interpolation polynomial:
x k 1  x k
x  x k 1
f ( x)  f ( x k )
x k
It can be achieved by convolving the image with a one-pixel width rectangle in the spatial domain.
The interpolation kernel for the nearest neighbor algorithm is defined as
1 0  x  0.5
h( x )  
0.5  x
4.2 Linear Interpolation
Given an interval (x0,x1) and function values f0 and f1 for the endpoints, the interpolating polynomial is
f ( x)  a1 x  a 0
where a0 and a1 are determined by solving
x x
 f 0 f 1   a1 a 0  0 1 
1 1
This give rise to the following interpolating polynomial
 x  x0 
 f 1  f 0 
f ( x)  f 0  
0 
 1
This is equation of a line joining points (x0,f0) and (x1,f1).
In the spatial domain, linear interpolation is equivalent to convolving the sampled input with the
following interpolation kernel:
1  x 0  x  1
h( x )  
triangle filter
4.3 Bilinear interpolation ( First –order interpolation)
Let f(x,y) be a function of two variables that is known at the vertices of the unit square. Suppose we desire
to establish by interpolation the value of f(x,y) at an arbitrary point inside the square. We can do so by
fitting a hyperbolic paraboloid, defined by the bilinear equation
f(x,y)=ax + by +cxy +d
through the four known values
The four coefficients a through d are to be chosen so that f(x,y) fits the known values at the four corners.
First, we linearly interpolate between the upper two points to establish the value of
f(x,0) = f(0,0) + x[f(1,0)-f(0,0)
Similarly for two lower points,
f(x,1)=f(0,1) + x[f(1,1)-f(0,1)]
From (15), (16 ) and (17) we receive
f(x,y) =[f(1,0) – f(0,0)]x +[f(0,1)-f(0,0)]y + [f(1,1)+f(0,0)-f(0,1)-f(1,0)]xy +f(0,0)
which is in the form of Eq. 14 and is thus bilinear.
x,0 x,
Bilinear transformation
X’ = a0xy + a1x + a2y + a3
Y’ = b0xy +b1y +b2y + b3
Bilinear mapping preserve lines that are horizontal or vertical in the source image. Thus, points along
horizontal and vertical lines in the source image( including borders) remain equispaced. However, lines
not oriented along these two directions (e.g. diagonal) are not preserved as lines. Instead, diagonal lines
map onto quadratic curves at the output image. Bilinear mappings are defined through piecewise
functions that must interpolate the coordinate assignments specified at the vertices. This scheme is based
on bilinear interpolation to evaluate the X and Y mapping functions.
5. Polynomial Transformation
Geometric correction requires a spatial transformation to invert an unknown distortion function. The
mapping functions, U and V , have been universally chosen to be global bivariate polynomial
transformations of the form:
N N i
u   a ij x i y j
i 0 j 0
N N 1
v   bij x i y j
i 0 j 0
where aij and bij are constant polynomial coefficients
A first degree ( N=1) bivariate polynomial defines those mapping functions that are exactly given by a
general 3 x 3 afine transformation matrix .
u  a 0 x  a1 y  a 2
v  b0 x  b1 y  b2
In the remote sensing, the polynomial coefficients are not given directly. Instead spatial information is
supplied by means of control points, corresponding positions in the input and output images whose
coordinates can be defined precisely. In these cases, the central task of the spatial transformation stage is
to infer the coefficients of the polynomial that models the unknown distortion. Once these coefficients are
known, Eq.20 is fully specified and it is used to map the observed (x,y) points onto the reference ( u,v)
coordinate system. This is also called polynomial warping. It is practical to use polynomials up to the
fifth order for the transformation function.
The polynomial transformations are low-order global mapping functions operating on the entire image
5.1 Pseudoinverse Solution
Let a correspondence be established between M points in the observed and reference images. The spatial
transformation that approximates this correspondence is chosen to be a polynomial of degree N. In two
variables ( x and y) , such a polynomial has K coefficients where
( N  1)( N  2)
K  1 
i 0 j 0
For example, a second-degree approximation requires only six coefficients to be solved. In this case , N=2
and K=6.
 u1  1 x1
u  
 2  1 x 2
 .  1 x 3
 
 .  1 .
 .  1 .
  
u M  1 x M
x1 y1
x2 y2
x 21
xM yM
y1  a 00 
 
.   a10 
.   a 01 
 
.   a11 
 a 
  20 
y M  a 02 
A similar equation holds for v and bij.
In matrix form:
In order to solve for A and B, we must compute the inverse of W. However, since W has dimensions M x
K, it is not square matrix and thus it has no inverse. In this case we first multiply both sides by WT before
isolating the desired A and B vectors. This serves to cast W into a K x K square matrix that may be readily
A = (WTW)-1WTU ;
This technique is known as the pseudoinverse solution to the linear least –squares problem. It leaves us
with K element vectors A and B, the polynomial coefficients for the U and V mapping functions ,
We can also apply singular value decomposition
5.2 Least – Squares with Ordinary Polynomials
From Equation (20) with N=2, coefficients aij can be determined by minimizing
E  
k 1
 U ( x k , y k )   a 00  a10 x k  a 01 y k  a11 x k y k  a 02 y
k 1
k 1
 uk
This is achieved by determining the partial derivatives of E with respect to coefficients aij, and equating
them to zero. For each coefficient aij, we have :
d k
 2  k
da ij
da ij
k 1
By considering the partial derivative of E with respect to all six coefficients, we obtain the system of
linear equations.
5.3 Weighted Least Squares
As you see the least-squares formulation is global error measure - distance between control points ( xk,
yk) and approximation points ( x,y).
The least –squares method may be localized by introducing a weighting function Wk that represents the
contribution of control point (xk,yk) on point (x,y)
Wk 
  ( x  xk ) 2  ( y  y k ) 2
where  determines the influence of distant control points and approximating points
E ( x, y )   U ( x k , y k )  u k  Wk ( x, y )
k 1
6. Piecewise polynomial transformations or Control Grid Interpolation
Linear triangular patches, Cubic triangular patches , Spline functions
7. Conclusions
Geometric operations
o modifying the locations of pixels in an image
o motivations include
 removal of geometric distortion due to image acquisition technology
 feature matching or registration of two images
 entertainment applications
o limitations of simple scaling algorithms
o affine transformations
 linear
 straight lines are preserved
 parallel lines remain parallel
 transformations expressed in matrix form using homogeneous coordinates
 basic transformations are
 translation
 rotation
 scaling
 shear
 sequences of these can be concatenated using matrix multiplication
 a mapping of one triangle onto another can also be used to compute the
transformation matrix
affine transforms in Java - AffineTransform
 constructors
 factory methods
 setting an AffineTransform
 concatenation
 preconcatenation
implementation of triangle mapping approach -
Geometric transformation algorithms
o forward mapping
 iterate through the pixels of the input image, calculating their position in the output
 problems:
 input pixel may map to a position outside the screen - must clip output
 input pixel may map to a non-integer position - could round result
 wasteful - may calculate many pixel mappings that get clipped
 several input pixels may map to the same output pixel
 no input pixels may map to an output pixel
o backward (inverse) mapping
 solves the problem of holes in the output image
 iterate through the pixels of the output image, calculating which input pixel maps
there using the inverse transform
 inverse of rotation by theta is rotation by -theta
 inverse of translation by (tx, ty) is translation by (-tx, -ty)
 inverse of scaling by s is scaling by 1/s
 calculated input pixel may be outside input image
 calculated input pixel position may be non-integer
o interpolation
 zero-order interpolation (nearest neighbor)
 round to the nearest pixel location
 computationally simple
 poor image quality - aliasing
 poor low pass filter
 first-order interpolation (bilinear)
 output pixel is a distance-weighted sum of four surrounding input pixels
 better low pass filter
 better image quality
 even-degree polynomial interpolators are not used because they are not symmetric
 third-order interpolation (bicubic)
 output pixel depends on 16 surrounding input pixels
 good low pass filter
 good image quality
 expensive to compute
Affine image transformations in Java
o AffineTransformOp implements BufferedImageOp
 instantiate for an AffineTransform and interpolation method
 apply using the filter( ) method
o AffineTransformTool application
o mapping does not have to be linear in x and y
 quadratic warp requires 12 coefficients
 specifying 6 controls points gives 12 equations in 12 unknowns
 cubic warp requires 20 coefficients and 10 control points
 useful for image registration and removing distortion due to camera lenses
o local control can be gained using piecewise warping
 lay a control grid over the image
 user can modify intersection positions
 each rectangle defines a bilinear transformation
o transform one image into another incrementally
o video special effect
o maps control points on initial image to control points on final image
o generates a sequence of images which performs a dissolve from initial image to final image
o uses warping and interpolates pixel color