QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments Name: Unit 11.3 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( ) What is causing our climate to change? Key Questions: 1. What is a greenhouse? 2. What is the greenhouse effect? 3. What has led to the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases? 4. What are the causes of the changing climate in Hong Kong? Preparatory task Find out the meaning of the BOLD words. Write down the definition in Chinese in the boxes below. Passage A 1. (1) Greenhouse effect refers to the phenomenon that the (2) greenhouse gases are trapped in the atmosphere. It is a natural warming process and it can keep the earth’s surface warm. 2. (3) Carbon dioxide, (4) Methane, (5) Nitrous oxide, (6) Ozone and (7) Chlorofluorocarbons are the main greenhouse gases. 3. Over the past decades, the amount of greenhouse gas increased rapidly. They are mainly due to human activities such as farming activities, burning (8) fossil fuels, (9) deforestation and (10) waste treatment. 4. (11) Urban heat island effect refers to the temperature in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas. 5. Buildings in urban areas are mainly made up of (12) concrete. It can absorb and retain heat effectively. English 1. greenhouse effect 2. greenhouse gases 3. carbon dioxide 4. methane 5. nitrous oxide 6. ozone 7. chlorofluorocarbons 8. fossil fuels 9. deforestation 10. waste treatment 11. urban heat island effect 12. concrete Chinese 溫室效應 溫室氣體 二氧化碳 甲烷 氧化亞氮 臭氧 氯氟碳 化石燃料 伐林 廢物處理 城市熱島效應 混凝土 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( Name: ) 1. What is a greenhouse?(Textbook p.16) The following photo shows a greenhouse. Study the photo and answer the questions below. Insolation enters the greenhouse in the Heat is released in the form of form of short wave radiation. It can pass through the glass. long wave radiation. Most heat cannot pass through the glass. The greenhouse absorbs short wave radiation and then heats up. Heat is trapped. The greenhouse is kept warm. Figure 1 A greenhouse i) Label how a greenhouse works and add arrows to show the movement of radiation of solar radiation. ii) Does the atmosphere contain something that like the action of glass? Yes, it does. If it does not, the global average surface temperature would be -18C. It would be too cold for many plants and animals to live. iii) What does the atmosphere contain? The atmosphere contains (1) water vapour 水氣 (2) dust (3) greenhouse gases 2 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( Name: ) 2. What is the greenhouse effect? (Textbook p.16-17) Task 1 Define the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect refers to the phenomenon that the greenhouse gases are trapped in the atmosphere. It is a natural warming process and it can keep the earth’s surface warm. Task 2 Study the following figure and complete the question below. Figure 2 Major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere i) What are the major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? The major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are ii) (1) Carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) (2) Chlorofluorocarbons (氯氟碳) (3) Methane (甲烷) (4) Ozone (臭氧) (5) Nitrous oxide(氧化亞氮) Which is the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere? The most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. iii) Name the greenhouses gases that are found naturally in the atmosphere according to their sources. Greenhouse gas Source Carbon dioxide Respiration of living organism. Nitrous oxide From oceans and by bacteria in soils. 3 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments Methane Name: 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( ) Trees or leaves decompose in the environment where there is insufficient oxygen. . 3. What has led to the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases? (Textbook p.16-17) Task 1 The following figure shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere between 1880 and 2010. Study the photo and answer the questions below. i) Describe the trend in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere between 1880 and 2010. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere has increased steadily between 1880 and 1930 but it has increased rapidly from 1930 to 2011. ii) What problem will be caused when there is increasing carbon dioxide? 4 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments Name: 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( ) When there is increasing carbon dioxide, the temperature on the earth will rise since it can retain heat. The earth becomes very hot. It causes global warming. Task 2 Identify the human activities that is risible for the changes in the concentrates of the greenhouse gases and explain how these activities cause the changes. Rice cultivation Cattle rearing Use of chemical fertilizers Burning coal Burning oil Burning natural gas Power generation Foam insulation Transport activities Deforestation Garbage treatment (Landfills) Garbage treatment (incinerators) 5 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( Name: ) Table 1 Human activity Farming activities How the human activities intensifies the greenhouse effect ‧ Rice growing releases ______methane______. ‧ Cattle releases carbon dioxide through ______respiration_____, and ______methane______ during the digestive process. ‧ The use of nitrogen fertilizers releases ______nitrous oxide______. Burning of fossil fuels / ‧ Cars, power stations and factories burn fossil fuels as a source of Industrial activities / Transport activities power. This emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide . ‧ Producing foams, refrigerants, air conditioners and aerosols release _____CFCs___ (chlorofluorocarbons). Deforestation Waste treatment Burning trees releases ______carbon dioxide______ Fewer trees are available for absorbing the extra amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Decomposition in the ______landfills______ releases methane. Burning process in the ______incinerators______ emits carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide 6 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( Name: ) 4. What are the causes of the changing climate in Hong Kong? (Textbook p.20-22) Below shows the temperature about five places in Hong Kong. Study it carefully and answer the following questions. i) Complete the following table. Place ii) Land use Temperature 1) Wong Chuk Hang Urban / Suburban / Rural 22.2 2) Tsim Sha Tsui Urban / Suburban / Rural 22.4 3) Sha Tin Urban / Suburban / Rural 21.4 4) Tai Po Urban / Suburban / Rural 21.6 5) Ta Kwu Ling Urban / Suburban / Rural 20.2 In general, which type of land use is hotter, urban or rural land use? In general, urban land use is hotter. 7 QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Changing climate, changing environments Name: 2014-2015 S3 Geography ( ) S.3( ) iii) How is this phenomenon called? This phenomenon is called urban heat island effect. iv) Briefly explain the causes of this phenomenon. There is less vegetation to absorb carbon dioxide. As carbon dioxide is a kind of greenhouse gases, it can rise the temperature. There are many buildings are mainly made of concrete. They absorb and retain heat effectively. There are many buildings are denser and taller. They block wind flow and prevent cooling. Urban activities such as transportation and air conditioning create a large demand on power. The source of power is mainly come from burning fossil fuels. This produces a lot of greenhouse gases. 8