issued under Section 20 of the Environment Protection Act 1970 This licence allows the licence holder to discharge waste to the environment from the premises and accept prescribed industrial waste for reprocessing, treatment, storage or disposal at the premises subject to the attached conditions. LICENCE HOLDER: NUPLEX SPECIAL WASTE P/L REGISTERED ADDRESS: 138 HASSALL STREET WEATHERILL PARK NEW SOUTH WALES 2164 PREMISES ADDRESS: 92-94 ORDISH RD, DANDENONG LICENCE NUMBER: EI 23855 DATE OF ISSUE: 30 AUGUST 1994 DATE OF AMENDMENT 11 MAY 1998 ........................................................................ EDWARD WILLIAM PERKINS DELEGATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AUTHORITY Page 1 of 29 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 THIS LICENCE CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES: PAGE NO. EXPLANATORY NOTES 4 DEFINITIONS 5 SCHEDULE A GENERAL CONDITIONS 6 TABLE 1 - ACCEPTABLE WASTES 7,8 WASTE RECEIVAL CONDITIONS 9,10 MATERIALS STORAGE AND HANDLING CONDITIONS 11,12 WASTE TREATMENT OPERATING CONDITIONS 13 DISCHARGES TO ATMOSPHERE 14 TABLE 2 - ATMOSPHERE DISCHARGE LIMITS 15 CONTAMINATED STORMWATER CONTROL CONDITIONS 16 SCHEDULE B WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 17 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES 18 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CONDITIONS 19 SITE SECURITY CONDITIONS 19 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 20 SCHEDULE C GROUNDWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS 21 AIR DISCHARGE MONITORING CONDITIONS 22 TABLE 3 UNCONTAMINATED STORMWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS 2 23.24,25 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE REPORTING CONDITIONS Licence No. EI 23855 26 SCHEDULE D EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE 27 SITE LOCATION PLAN 28 BLOCK PLAN 29 3 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 EXPLANATORY NOTES Jennings Liquid Waste Pty Ltd operates a liquid waste treatment and disposal plant mainly treating prescribed industrial waste. The majority of this waste is aqueous in character. Hydrocarbon wastes are received with interceptor wastes and are permitted to be separated and stored only. The licence requires that all wastes are identified and analysed prior to treatment. There are six main treatment processes carried out on the premises: 1. Neutralisation; 2. Precipitation; 3. Ammonia stripping; 4. Spent caustic Oxidation; and 5. Chemical Fixation Final disposal is to sewer by arrangement with South East Water or to a land fill licensed by the Authority as stabilised waste. All treatment is carried out in buildings with the exception of ammonia stripping and pH adjustment. Spent caustic oxidation is carried out in a purpose built shed with all ventilation being passed through a wet scrubber. Stormwater controls apply which require a" first flush to sewer" regime to be followed. Monitoring is required of the waste accepted by the company ; waste disposed of to land fill or other offsite facilities; discharges to air and storm water runoff following "first flush". 4 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this licence the following interpretations apply: "Plant" includes all equipment involved in the reprocessing, treatment, storage or disposal of waste. "Cubic metre" ("m3")means the volume of dry gaseous effluent which occupies 1 cubic metre at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius and at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kilopascals. "Odour level" of a sample means the odour level measured in accordance with the Environment Protection Authority's Standard Analytical Procedure B2 (1985). Odour level is expressed in odour units ("ou") and is analogous to concentration. "Odour emission rate" means the arithmetic product of the odour level of the wastes to be discharged and the volume rate of discharge (in wet cubic metres per minute referred to a temperature of zero degrees Celsius and a pressure of 101.3 kilopascals) and is expressed in odour unit volumes per minute ("ouv/min"). "Discharge" when used as a noun includes emission and other grammatical forms of that word shall have a corresponding meaning. "NATA" means National Association of Testing Authorities. "Nitrogen Oxides" are expressed as nitrogen dioxide. "TCLP test" means Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure by the USEPA SW-846 method 1311, and by determinative methods specified for these anolytes in United States Environmental Protection Agency publication SW-846, “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes" (USEPA SW-846) or by others method accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities or approved by the Authority. 5 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Waste accepted at the premises must only be stored, treated or reprocessed in those areas of the premises delineated on the Block Plan schedule D page 29. No treatment or reprocessing shall be carried out in areas delineated for storage only. There shall be no discharge or seepage of waste to land or groundwater. Odours offensive to the senses of human beings shall not be discharged beyond the boundaries of the premises. This condition does not apply to accidental or unintended emissions arising from action taken by the licensee in an emergency to prevent danger to life or limb or a mishap or malfunction affecting land in the Dandenong Offensive Industrial Zone which do not result from: (i) (ii) Neglect, omission or failure on the part of the licencee to maintain equipment, or Failure of the licensee to comply with a direction given by an authorized officer of the Authority 1.4. There shall be no emission of dust arising from the operations or storage of materials on the premises beyond the boundary of the premises. 1.5. All prescribed waste generated by storage, treatment or reprocessing operations at the premises shall be treated or reprocessed at the premises or disposed of to a site licensed by Authority to accept such wastes. 1.6. (a) all operational staff must be familiar with these licence conditions; (b) a copy of this licence must be kept and displayed at the premises. 1.7. The licence holder shall maintain on site an operations manual clearly detailing the process conditions and procedures carried out on the premises. The manual shall include all processes and procedures carried out on the premises and shall not be limited to spent caustic treatment. 1.8. Prescribed waste must not be mixed with absorbent materials for disposal at landfill, except: 1.9. (a) as part of the chemical fixation treatment process; or (b) for the clean up of spills at the site. The premises must be operated in accordance with the Dangerous Goods (Handling and Storage) Regulations 1989. 6 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A TABLE 1 - ACCEPTABLE WASTES Waste Treatment Method Acids and acidic solutions Aqueous Plating Wastes Aqueous Heat treatment Wastes Aqueous Cyanide solutions containing not more than 200mg/L of cyanide Aqueous mixtures containing phenolic compounds but not including chlorinated phenols Aqueous based Paints, Resins, Inks, Dyes and adhesives having a closed cup flashpoint greater than 61 degrees Celsius Alkaline solutions Ceramic, Soil, Plaster, Concrete and Inert Sludges Chromium Refractories Food Wastes Flue Dusts Lime Neutralised sludges Industrial wash waters Metal Bearing Sludges Textile Waste Triple Interceptor Wastes Tannery Wastes Wool Scouring Waste Surfactants Vegetable oil recovery Sludges 7 NEUTRALISATION AND PRECIPITATI ON AND FILTERING EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 TABLE 1 - ACCEPTABLE WASTES continued Waste Treatment Method Waste Oil/Water, hydrocarbon/water mixtures, emulsions (mainly water ie: >50%) SEPARATION AND STORAGE ONLY MAXIMUM VOLUME 25000L Spent refinery wastes CHEMICAL LIQUID PHASE OXIDATION Heavy Metal Sludges Incinerator Ash FOR CHEMICAL FIXATION Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil Metal Finishing Residues Aqueous based point waste containing inorganic pigments Heavy Metal Salts Drummed Inflammable Waste having a Flash Point of less than 61 Degrees Centigrade comprising :Paint Waste TEMPORARY STORAGE ONLY Resins Inks MAXIMUM VOLUME 100,000L Dyes Aliphatic hydrocarbons, Halogenated Aliphatic hydrocarbons, Organic solvents other than Halogenated Aromatic compounds, 8 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A WASTE RECEIVAL CONDITIONS 2.1. Prescribed industrial waste accepted at the premises or transported off the premises shall be accompanied by a fully completed Authority transport certificate in accordance with the Environment Protection (Transport) Regulations 1987. 2.2. Waste materials accepted at the premises shall be restricted to those listed in Table 1 on page 6 except with the written approval of the Authority. 2.3. (a) the licensee must take at least one 0.5 kilogram sample from every load of prescribed industrial waste accepted at the premises; and (b) the samples taken must be clearly labelled with the date and an identification number, and such labelling must be cross-referenced to the relevant Authority transport certificate number. 2.4. Samples taken in accordance with Condition 2.3, must be retained at the premises for least 1 month from the date of sampling. 2.5. Prescribed waste must only be accepted at the premises after it has been sampled and analysed according to the procedures of the sampling and analysis report WAC 001 dated 19 April 1995. 2.6. The licensee must keep and maintain permanent records on site for every load of waste accepted at the premises. These records must include the following information: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) date of acceptance; description of the waste; origin of the waste; physical form of the waste; quantity of waste; cross reference to the Authority transport certificate number (where applicable); results of analysis; and method of waste treatment, reprocessing or disposal used. 2.7. The licensee must keep and maintain permanent records on site for every load of waste transported off the premises, and must include the following information: (a) date of transport; (b) description of the waste; (c) destination of the waste and method of any further treatment required; (d) physical form of the waste; (e) quantity of waste; (f) cross reference to the Authority transport certificate number (where applicable); and (g) results of analysis. 2.8. Records made in accordance with Conditions 2.7 must be made available to any Authorised Officer of the Authority who must be permitted to take copies thereof on request. 9 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A MATERIALS STORAGE AND HANDLING CONDITIONS 3.1. Waste storage tanks, raw material tanks and treatment tanks within Building A (cross hatched on the block plan) and Building B (cross hatched on the block plan) and Building C (cross hatched on the block plan) must be located on impervious concrete surrounded by impervious concrete bundwalls which comply with the Authority's Bunding Guidelines Publication 347. 3.2. Drums containing inflammable wastes must be stored only within a bunded area provided with an impervious concrete base and bundwalls dedicated for drum storage and located within Building C. The bunded area shall comply with the Authority's Bunding Guidelines Publication 347, 3.3 External waste storage tanks, designated as tanks numbered T1 to T11 inclusive, and the air stripper DP1 within the area as shown (double cross hatched on the Block Plan) must be located on an imperviously sealed base and surrounded by imperviously sealed bundwalls. Bund walls may be constructed of earth provided an impervious seal is applied. 3.4. No waste treatment other than pH adjustment and air stripping of ammonia in the equipment served by DP1 shall take place in any external tank except with the express permission of the Authority. 3.5. Hydrogen peroxide solution must be stored in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety Organisation Victoria and within the bunded area (Broken cross hatched on the Block Plan) 3.6. (a) drums containing wastes must be stored within a bunded area provided with an impervious concrete base and bundwalls which comply with the Authority's Bunding Guidelines Publication 347, which is dedicated for drum storage and located within Buildings A and B; (b) wastes in drums must not be accepted at the premises unless the requirements of Condition 3.6(a) can be satisfied; (c) all chemical, raw material and waste containers must be in a good condition and able to withstand normal working stresses without leaking; (d) all chemicals used to treat waste shall be stored within a bunded area; (e) each silo containing dry powder material shall be fitted with a fabric filter to prevent dust emissions during filling and be fitted with an alarm which indicates a high level condition within the silo. 3.7. The integrity of all protective surface coatings, on and within bunded areas, must be maintained. 3.8 The integrity of external storage tanks must be maintained. 3.9. Waste must not leak onto roadways from trucks parked on the premises. 3.10. Unloading of prescribed wastes shall only be carried out within buildings "A" and "B" as shown on the Block Plan except with the express permission of the Environment Protection Authority. 10 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A WASTE TREATMENT OPERATING CONDITIONS 4.1. Treatment of wastes containing cyanide must be carried out at a pH of 9.0 or greater. 4.2. All gaseous emissions from process or storage vessels used to treat waste containing reduced sulphide in Building B shall be collected and treated in the caustic scrubber referred to in condition 5.12 before release to Discharge Point 2. 4.3 All gaseous emissions from process or storage vessels used to treat waste in Building A shall be collected and treated in the caustic scrubber referred to in condition 5.12 before release to Discharge Point 2 4.4 All gaseous emissions from filter presses used to treat waste in Building A shall be collected and treated in the caustic scrubber referred to in condition 5.12 before release to Discharge Point 2 4.5. The batch process tank(s) used for treatment of wastes containing reduced sulphide compounds, hexavalent chromium compounds or cyanides must be equipped with effective devices for measuring and recording the redox potential and pH. 4.6. All batch process tanks must be equipped with effective devices for measuring the temperature and pH of their contents. 4.7. The devices referred to in Conditions 4.5 and 4.6 shall be calibrated in accordance with the operations manual referred to in schedule B condition 7.1 and a record of calibration for each device shall be available for inspection at all times. 4.8 The inspection pit for the sub drainage system, as shown on the Block Plan, must be kept covered when not in use. 4.9. Waste may only be stabilised by chemical fixation where specified in Table 1. 4.10. The curing of odorous or dusty wastes on the premises must only occur within Building B and when the scrubber served by DP2 is operating and the scrubber liquor is not less than pH 10. 4.11. (a) a representative sample of each batch of stabilised waste shall be subjected to the "TCLP" test for any leachable chemical where that chemical is present in significant amounts in the waste treated, or limits are specified for that chemical in the Authority's licence conditions for the receiving land fill and that information shall accompany the waste transport certificate when the treated waste is disposed of to landfill; (b) all stabilised waste shall comply with the criteria specified in the Authority's licence for the landfill receiving the stabilised waste; (c) results of tests referred to in Condition 4.9(a) must be made available to any Authorised Officer of the Authority on request; 4.12. No wastes shall be transferred between buildings "A" and "B" without analysis having first been performed. 11 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A DISCHARGES TO ATMOSPHERE 5.1. Wastes discharged to the atmosphere must only occur via the discharge points specified in Table 2, the locations of which are shown on the Block Plan. 5.2. No wastes other than those specified in Table 2 shall be discharged from the corresponding discharge points specified in the table. 5.3. No waste specified in Table 2 shall be discharged from a discharge point specified in the Table at a rate greater than that specified in the Table. 5.4. No waste specified in Table 2 shall be discharged from a discharge point specified in the Table at a concentration greater than that specified in the Table. 5.5. There must be no visible wastes discharged except water vapour from the discharge points specified in Table 2. 5.6. All wastes specified in Table 2 shall be discharged vertically upwards by means of a stack. 5.7. All wastes specified in Table 2 shall be discharged at a velocity of not less than that specified in the Table. 5.8. No stack serving discharge points referred to in Table 2 must terminate at a height above ground level less than that specified in the Table. 5.9. All stacks serving discharge points referred to in Table 2 shall be conspicuously marked with the following details: (a) the number of this licence; and (b) the corresponding discharge point referred to in the Table. 5.10. The carbon filters serving the reduced sulphide treatment system shall be monitored daily for breakthrough and continuously for temperature. 5.11. While acidic wastes are being processed in Building B, the scrubber liquor shall be maintained at a pH of 10.0 or greater at all times. 5.12. The scrubber serving discharge point 2 shall be fitted with a device that activates visual and audible alarms if the flow of the recirculating scrubber liquor is low or the pump recirculating the scrubber liquor fails. 12 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A TABLE 2 - ATMOSPHERE DISCHARGE LIMITS WASTE DISCHARGE POINT NUMBER 1 2 Ammonia conc (mg/m3) 50.0 0 Ammonia rate (grams/min) 25.0 0 Odour Level conc (ou) 650 900 Odour Level rate (ouv/min) 360000 402000 STACK HEIGHT metres: 11 13 MINIMUM VELOCITY metres/sec: 8.4 13 13 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE A CONTAMINATED STORMWATER CONTROL CONDITIONS 6.1. For the purpose of this licence contaminated stormwater shall be regarded as: (a) all stormwater falling within all external bunded areas of the premises; and (b) the first 10 mm of stormwater falling within the confines of the premises and outside of the bunded areas during each storm event other than stormwater derived from the rooves of building served by separate stormwater collection systems. 6.2. Contaminated stormwater must be reprocessed or treated on the premises prior to disposal to sewer. 6.3. The external bunded area referred to in Condition 1 must be pumped to maintain a minimum freeboard of not less than 300mm. 6.4. All waste water from truck washing carried out on the truck and wheel wash area shown on the Block Plan, must be processed or treated within the premises or discharged to sewer with the approval of the South East Water. 14 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE B WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 7.1. By the 31 July 1996, the licence holder must submit a Waste Management Plan for the premises to the Authority. The Plan must: (a) be consistent with guidelines issued by the Authority; (b) cover all aspects of the management of wastes at the premises; (c) include arrangements for the safe handling, storage, treatment and disposal of wastes and chemicals at the premises; (d) include protocols for the assessment of incoming wastes (waste sampling, analysis and treatment classification); (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) 7.2. include waste labelling, manifesting and record keeping procedures; include a compliance inspection and equipment maintenance program; include a contingency plan in accordance with clause 26 of the State Environment Protection Policy, "Waters of Victoria"; include a monitoring and reporting program which ensures compliance with the requirements of this licence; identify opportunities to increase the amount of waste recycled at the premises, minimise the amount of waste needing to be sent to the premises and minimise the amount of waste needing disposal to landfills or sewer; include an implementation timetable and review program for the opportunities identified in sub condition (i); include a plan to reduce the discharge of ammonia emissions to the atmosphere from the site; and include a plan to reduce odour emissions from the premises. The plan may form part of the occupiers operations manual and shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES 8.1 By the 1 January 1997 the occupier shall provide financial assurance in accordance with section 67(B) of the Environment Protection Act to cover the cost of clean up of the premises which may be required as a result of gradual of sudden contamination of the premises and to cover the cost of disposal of untreated waste. 8.2. If the Authority incurs costs directly related to the premises under section 62(1) or 62(B)(2) of the Environment Protection Act 1970, it may recover those costs by making a claim on, utilizing or realizing any financial assurance, or any part of a financial assurance. 8.3. The financial assurance shall be maintained by the licencee until such time that the Authority is satisfied that it is no longer required to ensure compliance with the Environment Protection Act 1970. 8.4. Not withstanding condition 8.2 the Authority will where appropriate endeavour to provide the licensee the first option to correct a problem or conduct a clean up of the premises before initiating action that may result in proceedings under Section 67C of the Environment Protection Act 1970. 15 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE B INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CONDITIONS 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. The licensee must conduct a weekly inspection and maintenance programme at the premises. The programme must include but not be limited to the following features: (a) all storage and batch process tanks; (b) all bases and walls of bunded areas; (c) all pipework, gaskets, joints and valves; (d) all fixed and portable pumping equipment; (e) all metering devices, level sensors and alarms; (f) effluent storage tanks; (g) filter press; (h) safety and emergency equipment; (i) calibration of all instrumentation. The licensee must fulfil the requirements of Condition 9.1 using the procedures of the inspection and maintenance programme approved by the Authority on 17 January 1990. The licensee must keep and maintain records of on-site inspections and maintenance conducted in accordance with Condition 1. Each record referred to in Condition 9.3 must be kept on site for a period of 12 months and must be made available to any Authorised Officer of the Authority on request. SITE SECURITY CONDITIONS 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8. Whenever any one of the following operations is carried out at the premises, a trained operator must be present to supervise the operation(s): (a) loading/unloading of waste; (b) treatment of waste; (c) transfer of waste or chemical material; or (d) maintenance. The trained operator referred to in Condition 9.5 must be empowered to assume full responsibility for operations under his supervision. The trained operator referred to in Condition 9.5 must be fully conversant with the conditions of this licence. The premises must be enclosed by a fence and lock-up gates of at least 1.8 metres in height to prevent unauthorised access to the premises. EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 9.9. The emergency procedures specified in vol 12 of the quality manual emergency procedures guide dated July 1994 shall be available on site at all times and available for inspection by any Authorised officer of the Authority. 9.10 The emergency procedures specified in volume 12 of the quality manual emergency procedures guide dated July 1994 shall be updated to include procedures for emergency procedures involving wastes with a flash point of less than 61 degrees Centigrade 9.11 In the event of any spill or discharge of waste outside of bunded areas, the licensee must immediately bring into operation the emergency procedures of the programme. 9.12. (a) In the event of a spillage of waste, chemicals or treatment effluent leaving the boundaries of the premises, or the discharge of air emissions likely to result in offensive odours beyond the boundary of the premises, the licensee must immediately inform the Authority by telephone; (b) Within 7 days of such a spillage or discharge the licensee must report to the Authority in writing: 16 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE (i) (ii) (iii) 17 Licence No. EI 23855 the cause of the spillage or discharge; the measures taken to rectify the situation at the time; and the measures proposed to prevent a recurrence of the event. EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C GROUNDWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS 10.1. The licensee must maintain the 7 ground water monitoring bores located within the boundary of the premises, as shown on the Site Location Plan, numbered 1 to 7. 10.2. The minimum depth of the bores referred to in Condition 1 must be 2 metres below the water table. 10.3. (a) (b) (c) samples of ground water must be obtained 300 mm below the standing water level from bores numbered 1 to 7, referred to in Condition 10.1, on at least two separate occasions during the months of February and July each year; The analysis of the samples referred to in Condition 10.3(a) must include the following parameters: (i) total petroleum hydrocarbons; (ii) electrical conductivity; Samples must be submitted for analysis to a laboratory accredited by NATA for that purpose; 10.4. The standing water level in metres must be measured and recorded on each occasion that samples are obtained in accordance with Condition 10.3. 10.5. By the 31 December 1997 the Licensee shall have all past ground water monitoring data assessed by an expert hydrologist and report of the outcome of the assessment to the Authority. The report shall include a recommendation for an ongoing ground water monitoring programme to apply from 1 January 1998. 18 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C AIR DISCHARGE MONITORING CONDITIONS 11.1. Discharge points 1 and 2 shall be equipped with provision for sampling which conforms with the Environment Protection Authority's Memorandum on Provision for stack emission determinations issued May 1977. 11.2. The licence holder shall conduct a monitoring programme of the waste discharged from discharge point 1 and 2 in accordance with the following requirements: (a) a sample of waste shall be taken annually in February and July; (b) the sample or samples taken shall be representative of the wastes discharged when operating conditions are normal; (c) a sample shall be taken when the equipment referred to in conditions 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 is operating simulteaneously. (d) the samples shall be analysed as shown below: Discharge Point 1 mass rate and concentration of ammonia mass rate and concentration of odour Discharge Point 2 mass rate and concentration of ammonia mass rate and concentration of total reduced sulphides mass rate and concentration of odour (e) during sampling, the operating conditions of the plant shall be gathered and recorded; (f) the samples shall be analysed in accordance with Environment Protection Authority procedures and by a laboratory accredited by NATA to undertake the analyses specified in sub condition (c). (g) the information required by sub condition (e) shall be accurately recorded in writing; (h) if the licence holder wishes to use analysis methods other than those as described in paragraph (f), approval shall be obtained from the Authority prior to testing commencing. 19 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C UNCONTAMINATED STORMWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS 12.1. Uncontaminated stormwater may be discharged from the premises provided the indicators listed in Table 3 are within the range specified in Table 3. TABLE 3 - UNCONTAMINATED STORMWATER DEFINITION Parameter Range BOD less than 20mg/L Suspended Solids less than 80mg/L pH between 6.0 and 9.0 pH units Oil or Grease No visible trace 12.2. Stormwater must only be discharged off the premises via the interceptor pits, as shown on the Block Plan. 12.3. The interceptor pits must be inspected on a weekly basis for the presence of floating oil and sludge accumulation. 12.4. Whenever the level of sludge accumulation in any one of the compartments of the interceptor pits exceeds 150mm or when oil is present in the final compartment, the whole triple interceptor pit must be desludged. 12.5. Stormwater discharged off the premises must be free from visible floating oil, grease, foam or litter. 12.6. The licensee must provide and maintain a stormwater sampling point located at the outlet of the interceptors, as shown on the Block Plan, which consists of a 600mm concrete pit with: (i) the inlet pipe protruding 100mm into the pit; and (ii) the outlet pipe located at least 200mm below the inlet pipe and 300mm above the base of the pit. 20 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C UNCONTAMINATED STORMWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS continued 12.7. The licensee must conduct a sampling programme for stormwater discharged off the premises, during storm events where the interval since the last storm event exceeds 1 week and more than 10mm of rain has fallen on the premises leading to a discharge of stormwater from the premises, according to the following requirements: (a) samples must be taken at the sampling points referred to in Condition 12.6; (b) sampling must be undertaken on at least one occasion in the months of January, April, July and October each year if stormwater is discharged during that month; (c) samples must be taken by or under the supervision of a Qualified Chemist, being a person admitting to Associate level of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute; (d) samples must be obtained, preserved and analysed as specified in the most recent edition of the Authority's publication "A Guide to the Sampling and Analysis of Wastes and Wastewater", or other methods approved by the Authority; (e) the presence of visible oil or floating matter at the time of sampling must be recorded; (f) samples obtained to comply with sub condition (b) must be submitted for analysis to a laboratory accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) for that purpose; (g) samples must be analysed for the following indicators: (i) pH; (ii) Biochemical Oxygen Demand; (iii) Suspended solids; (iv) The heavy metals: (v) 21 - Chromium; - Copper; - Cadmium; - Lead; - Nickel; - Zinc; - Mercury. Cyanide. EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C UNCONTAMINATED STORMWATER MONITORING CONDITIONS continued 12.8. The licensee must, with regard to the sampling and analysis programme described in Condition 12.7: (a) cause the results of all sampling, analyses and observations to be accurately recorded in writing; (b) cause the date and time of sampling to be recorded; (c) sign the record of all analyses, measurements, or arrange for the said record to be signed by a responsible officer; (d) make the results of the monitoring program available to an Authorised Officer of the Authority on any request to do so. 22 EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE C REPORTING CONDITIONS 13.1. By the 30 August each year the licensee shall annually shall advise the Authority in writing of the following: (a) the quantity of waste received onto the site for treatment for the year ending 30 April and the methods of treatment applied to the waste; (b) the total quantity of waste material sent offsite for reuse; (c) the quantity referred to in part (b) shall detail the types of wastes dispatched and whether or not the waste has been treated at the premises; (d) the methods of disposal used for each type of waste sent offsite; (e) the volume of liquid disposed of to the sewerage system; (f) details for each client waste generator disposing of 10000 Lt or more per collection: (i) name of client; (ii) individual waste types and quantities; (iii) the method of waste treatment adopted. (g) the results of all monitoring carried out in compliance with schedule C; (h) an assessment of the monitoring results specified in sub condition (g); (i) any incidents which may have resulted in a breach of The Environment Protection Act 1970; (j) progress made by the licence holder in implementing the Waste Management Plan; (k) any circumstances which may affect the assessment of the premises for the purpose of financial assurance. 13.2. (a) (b) 23 the Licensee must advise the Authority when any analytical result or measurement contravenes a condition of the licence; the advice referred to in sub condition (a) must: (i) include all the monitoring results available for the day the contravention occurred; (ii) explain what caused the contravention and describe the measures taken to rectify the problem and prevent recurrence; (iii) be forwarded to the Authority within 28 days of the day the samples were taken. EPA WASTE DISCHARGE LICENCE Licence No. EI 23855 SCHEDULE D EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Scrubber serving odour room and spent caustic oxidation plant comprising-one reaction vessel, two spent caustic storage vessels, one treated caustic vessel, as shown in Building B in the Block plan Two pits for the mixing of waste for fixing or immobilising waste as shown in Building B in the Block plan. Two curing bays for curing immobilized waste Three silos to store stabilization dusts Ammonia stripping tower-DP1 in the Block plan. Neutralisation tanks and treatment tanks as shown in Building A in the Block plan. Tank farm comprising eleven tanks in the Block plan. Enclosed unloading bays Building A in the Block plan. Enclosed unloading bays Building B in the Block plan. 24