
File: 687321479
For carbon dioxide:
 "Fuel combustion" refers to fossil fuel combustion and non-energy/feedstock use (IPCC category 1A);
 "Fugitive" refers to flaring and venting of associated gas in oil and gas production (IPCC category 1B);
 "Industry" refers to cement production (IPCC category 2); and
 "Others" refers direct emissions from tropical forest fires plus 10% of biofuel combustion emissions,
which is the fraction assumed to be produced unsustainably (IPCC category 5).
For methane:
 "Energy" comprises production, handling, transmission and combustion of fossil fuels and biofuels
(IPCC category 1A and 1B);
 "Agriculture" comprises animals, animal waste, rice production, agricultural waste burning (non-energy,
on-site) and savannah burning (IPCC category 4);
 "Waste" comprises landfills, wastewater treatment, human wastewater disposal and waste incineration
(non-energy) (IPCC category 6);
 "Others" include industrial process emissions and tropical and temperate forest fires (IPCC categories 2
and 5).
For nitrous oxide:
 "Energy" comprises combustion of fossil fuels and biofuels (IPCC category 1A and 1B);
 "Agriculture" comprises fertiliser use (synthetic and animal manure), animal waste management,
agricultural waste burning (non-energy, on-site) and savannah burning (IPCC category 4);
 "Waste" comprises human sewage discharge and waste incineration (non-energy) (IPCC category 6);
"Others" include industrial process emissions, N2O usage and tropical and temperate forest fires (IPCC
categories 2, 3 and 5).
For carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, NMVOC and sulphur dioxide:
 "Fuel combustion" refers to fossil fuel combustion and evaporation of NMVOC in road transport (part of
IPCC category 1A);
 "Biofuel combustion" refers to traditional biofuels as well as to wood waste, paper, ethanol, etc. (part of
IPCC category 1A);
 "Fugitive" comprises flaring and venting of associated gas in oil and gas production, handling /
transmission losses of oil and charcoal production (IPCC category 1B);
 "Industry" refers to non-combustion industrial processes, excluding solvent use (IPCC category 2);
 "Solvent use" refers to solvent use in industry and non-industry sectors (IPCC category 3);
 "Agriculture" comprises agricultural waste burning (non-energy, on-site) and savannah burning (IPCC
category 4);
 "Waste" comprises waste incineration (non-energy) (uncontrolled residential burning and controlled nonresidential burning) and hazardous waste handling (IPCC category 6);
 "Others" comprises tropical forest fires and temperate forest fires (IPCC category 5A).
File: 687321479
For HFCs:
 HCFC-22 manufacture (by-product emissions) (IPCC category 2E)
 HFC usage (refrigeration, fire extinguishers, semiconductor manufacturing, miscellaneous use) (IPCC
categories 2E and 2F)
For PFCs:
 Primary aluminium production (by-product emissions) (IPCC category 2C)
 HFC usage in semiconductor manufacturing (IPCC category 2E)
 PFC usage (semiconductor manufacture, refrigeration, fire extinguishers, aerosols, foam blowing,
accelerators (high energy physics), solvents, miscellaneous) (IPCC category 2F)
For SF6:
 Electrical equipment Manufacture (OEM) (manufacture, on-site erection of GIS (Gas Insulated
Switchgear), circuit breakers etc.) (IPCC category 2F)
 Electrical equipment use (maintenance/leakage of GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear), circuit breakers etc.),
in accelerators (high energy physics) and unknown applications through sales to utilities (IPCC category
 Magnesium industry (primary production and die casting) (IPCC category 2C)
 Semiconductor manufacture (IPCC category 2F)
 Adiabatic property applications (use in car tires, soles of sport shoes, etc.) (IPCC category 2F)
 Miscellaneous use (soundproof windows, aluminium degassing, other use excluding Russia and China)
(IPCC categories 2C and 2F)
 Miscellaneous use by Russia and China (IPCC categories 2C and 2F)
File: 687321479
This grouping basically follows the definition of IPCC source categories 1 to 6:
Fossil fuel (EDGAR category 'F'):
 Fossil fuel combustion (IPCC 1A)
 Fossil fuel production, handling, transmission and distribution (IPCC 1B)
 Energy transformation of fossil fuels (coke ovens, oil refineries) (IPCC 1B)
 CO2 from non-energy/feedstock use of energy carriers (IPCC 1A or 2 , 3, 6)
Biofuel (EDGAR category 'B'):
 Combustion of fuelwood, charcoal, vegetal waste and other non-commercial biomass fuels (IPCC 1A)
 Combustion of wood/wood waste in industry and power generation (for energy purposes) (IPCC 1A)
 Production of charcoal (IPCC 1B)
Industrial processes (EDGAR category 'I'):
 Non-combustion processes in industry (IPCC 2)
 Solvent use in all sectors (IPCC 3)
Agriculture (EDGAR category 'L'):
 Animal breeding: enteric fermentation and animal waste handling) (IPCC 4A and 4B, respectively)
 Arable land: fertiliser use (synthetic and animal waste used as fertiliser) (IPCC 4D)
 Rice cultivation (IPCC 4C)
 Other crops (N-fixing crops, crop residues on/in soil, histosoils) (IPCC 4D)
 Agricultural waste burning (field burning) (IPCC 4F)
 Savannah burning (IPCC 4E)
 Indirect N2O sources (IPCC 4D)
Biomass burning (EDGAR category 'L'):
 Deforestation (IPCC 5)
 Temperate vegetation fires (IPCC 5)
Waste handling (EDGAR category 'W'):
 Landfills (IPCC 6A)
 Waste water treatment (IPCC 6B)
 Human waste water disposal (IPCC 6B)
 Waste incineration (uncontrolled residential burning, controlled non-energy burning) (IPCC 6C)
 Hazardous waste handling (IPCC 6D)
Production and use of halocarbons and other fluorinated gases (EDGAR category 'H'):
 Production of halocarbons (CFCs, halons, HCFCs, methyl bromide, etc.) and other F-gases (IPCC 2E)
 By-product emissions from HCFC-22 manufacture (IPCC category 2E)
 By-product emissions from primary aluminium production (IPCC category 2C)
 Use of halocarbons and other F-gases in all sectors (HFCs, PFCs, SF6) (IPCC categories 2C and 2F)
Other (EDGAR category 'F'):
 Fossil fuel fires
File: 687321479
File: 687321479