HAPNET STARTPAGE HUMAN RESOURCES AND MOBILITY (HRM) ACTIVITY MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Research Training Networks (RTNs) PART B Hadronic Physics Network in Experiment and Theory HAPNET Page 1 of 44 HAPNET B1 SCIENTIFIC QUALITY OF THE PROJECT B1.1. RESEARCH TOPIC Quantum chromodynamics is the theory describing the strong interactions. Our present understanding of the elementary structure of matter is described in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The theory has proven consistent with a tremendous number of measurements with increasing accuracy. The frontiers in our knowledge of the field are the search for the physics beyond the standard model, for which experiments will be carried out at the highest possible energies, and the investigation of the interactions within the standard model, including the determination of masses, mixing and coupling constants and understanding the strong interactions that govern the structure of hadrons. For the latter dedicated experiments are needed in which among others the choice of beams and targets, the inclusion of polarization and specific detector options are important. In theoretical physics considerable efforts are needed to formulate a self-consistent theory for all interactions, as well as to understand the details and consequences of the basic interactions. The structure of protons and neutrons is the result of the strong interactions. A part of the standard model is the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It has convincingly been shown that it describes the strong interactions between the coloured quarks and gluons, which are the elementary building blocks of the protons and neutrons that, in turn, are the constituents of the atomic nuclei and hence the basic building blocks of all visible mass in the universe. Quarks and gluons, however, do not appear as free particles, but stay confined into hadrons at distance scales larger than about 1 fm = 10 -15 m. Hadrons are divided into baryons (like protons and neutrons) and mesons (like pions, that are being exchanged in nuclei). Understanding the phenomenon of confinement in hadrons is one of the basic quests of the 21 th century. The study of structure of hadrons requires intensive interaction between experiment and theory. The quarks and gluons interact with each other via the strong force through the interchange of gluons. Although the underlying theory is known, the quark and gluon structure of hadrons is far from understood. This shows both in theoretical and experimental work in the field. Theoretical calculations are complex because the interaction is strong, prohibiting the use of standard approximations such as perturbation theory. Experiments cannot be performed with quarks and gluons, as they do not appear as free particles, but they can only be performed with hadrons. It has turned out that progress requires, besides development of novel theoretical methods and experimental techniques, a close collaboration of theorists and experimentalists. Probing structure of hadrons requires dedicated experiments. Within theory a variety of non-perturbative methods has been employed to study various aspects of hadron structure, the understanding of the different types of hadrons, their spectra, their charge distributions, their quark and gluon content. We mention the use of large-scale lattice gauge calculations, the use of more sophisticated quark models and the construction of effective theories. To test the accuracy and range of validity of models and calculations, accurate data are needed for very specific asymmetries involving additional degrees of freedom such as spin, which requires polarization experiments and the latest techniques in particle detection Interpretation of results requires dedicated theoretical work On the experimental side, the key to the study of hadron structure in a variety of scattering processes has been the search for the right identifiers, e.g. the known underlying electron-quark interaction in deep inelastic scattering pins down the initial state, the production of specific particles identifies the quark flavours and polarization is used to select specific spin states. In order to interpret the results one must be able to describe the measured results (hadronic level) in terms of quark and gluon properties, which requires appropriate theoretical formulations that take naturally into account basic features in particular those imposed by fundamental symmetries of the laws of nature. Hadron physics is at the boundaries of nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics. In nuclear physics the essential degrees of freedoms are hadrons (nucleons and pions), but their substructure has become increasingly important to explain precision experiments. In particle physics, the emphasis is on the particles in the standard model (quarks and leptons), but the confinement of the quarks inside the hadrons requires understanding the structure of hadrons. In the same way as the understanding of nuclear physics is essential for interpreting astrophysical processes such as stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in the big bang, standard model physics, that describes both electroweak and strong interactions, will most likely turn out to be important for understanding high-energy and high-density astrophysical phenomena. Page 2 of 44 HAPNET B1.2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Overall objectives First main objective: Building and strengthening interactions between experiment and theory. The first objective is the transfer of knowledge and the development of skills of young researchers in the field, in both experimental and theoretical research. With the increasing complexity of experimental and theoretical research, there is a trend of decreasing interaction. The network identifies milestones in terms of planning, producing and interpreting data. It engages experienced experimentalists and theorists to work jointly towards reaching those milestones. A number of early-stage researchers (ESR) and experienced researchers (ER), foreseen in the network, will be involved in most of the tasks thereby ensuring training in both the experimental and theoretical aspects of their research. The network focuses on hadron physics, including groups and institutes working on nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics and covering a broad spectrum of topics and research methods. At the present time it is important that young scientists understand and explore the multidisciplinary implications of their field of research. It is at the different boundaries that many new discoveries are made. Second main objective: Understanding the QCD structure of hadrons. The second objective is improving our understanding of the structure of hadrons within the theoretical framework of quantum chromodynamics on the basis of novel experiments at present and future facilities. This means looking for a variety of specific observables and ways to measure them. Specific in this context means that it must become clear which properties of quarks and gluons or which correlations between them are addressed. This is essential to enable comparison of data with predictions or calculations in models of hadrons or in lattice QCD. On the theoretical side, the range of validity and the implications of specific predictions or calculations must be critically investigated. On the experimental side, participation in the preparation of experiments, development of detectors, as well as performing relevant experiments is an integral part of this objective. Main physics issues. In the field of hadron physics a number of far-reaching developments have taken place. Experimental techniques have been or potentially can be improved considerably, in particular when it comes to polarization of beams and targets in scattering experiments, detection of particles, increasing luminosity and using advanced methods in the data analysis. The possibilities to do advanced lattice computations opens new ways to perform ab initio calculations in QCD. Furthermore, new perturbative and nonperturbative approaches in quantum field theory are incorporated into model calculations. Most importantly, however, is the realization that the most successful attempts to understand the quark and gluon structure of hadrons within QCD, involve combined effort of theorists and experimentalists. Specific physics issues, which are proposed for study within the network, are: 1. The spectrum of QCD and the global spatial structure of hadrons: confinement, exotic hadrons, the role of gluons, elastic and transition form factors 2. Decoding the quark and gluon structure of hadrons: parton distribution functions (PDF’s) and fragmentation functions (FF’s). 3. Spatial and angular momentum structure of hadrons at quark-gluon level: generalized parton distributions (GPD’s). Each of the physics issues covers many aspects of hadron physics, which is important from the perspective of research training and transfer of knowledge. The activities of the network are well focused by selecting a number of coherent tasks. These tasks aim at investigating the above topics to the extent possible at existing facilities and, equally important, also examining the necessary upgrading of these facilities for carrying out improved measurements, as well as looking at possible experiments at new facilities. Along this line of activities the young researchers, in particular early-stage researchers, can profit greatly from the expertise of more experienced scientists, some of whom are also working on strengthening the infrastructure in Europe via the recently approved Integrated Infrastructure Initiative network ‘Hadronic Physics’ (I3HP). This entails a massive research effort combining all of the European hadron physics community. It is one of the aims of the proposed network to match these efforts with a dedicated training programme. Page 3 of 44 HAPNET Goals and breakthroughs Issue 1: The spectrum of QCD and the global spatial structure of hadrons: confinement, exotic hadrons, the role of gluons, elastic and transition form factors. The spectrum of QCD, i.e. masses and lifetimes of hadrons, remains full of surprises as shown recently by the discovery of the first exotic baryon, manifestly consisting of five valence quarks, the pentaquark state +(1540), and some indications for a similarly-structured baryon. A number of basic properties of hadrons, determined from form factor measurements in exclusive processes, such as electromagnetic, flavour and weak charges of hadrons and the spatial distributions of these charges, represent a challenge for models and lattice calculations. For each of these hadron properties the collective response of the confined quarks and gluons can be considered. The essential role played by confinement requires nonperturbative approaches to QCD such as building models, formulating and solving effective field theories or performing lattice gauge calculations. The network aims at bringing together groups that are experts in these fields. In particular the collaboration of experimental groups with theory groups involved both in phenomenological models of QCD and in lattice gauge calculations is expected to lead to breakthroughs. Lattice gauge theories already now provide information towards modelling that is complementary to direct experimental data. The reliability of this information can be estimated from the quality of lattice gauge theory results for those quantities that are directly measurable. Issue 2: Decoding the quark and gluon structure of hadrons: parton distribution and fragmentation functions. Parton distribution and fragmentation functions constitute a link between experiment and theory. Theoretically, their structure in terms of quark and gluon field operators within QCD is known. They can be extracted from particular combinations of unpolarized or polarized cross sections in inclusive or semi-inclusive high-energy scattering processes such as leptoproduction or electron-positron annihilation. At the highest energies, three quark distribution functions and two gluon distribution functions are needed to characterize the quark and gluon structure of the nucleon, including spin degrees of freedom. Concerning the gluon structure, a major breakthrough is expected through the measurement of their contribution to the nucleon spin by the COMPASS collaboration. In processes in which two or more hadrons play a role, such as in hadron-hadron collisions, the transverse momentum of partons becomes important and manifests itself in azimuthal spin asymmetries. The dominant fragmentation function for a pion, moreover, has an unusual (odd) time-reversal behaviour that is accessible experimentally by measuring single-spin asymmetries. The goal within the network is to establish if indeed the measured single spin asymmetries can be described via universal transverse-momentum dependent distribution and fragmentation functions. This requires new measurements and coherent efforts of theorists and experimentalists in the analysis phase. An expected breakthrough is establishing the scale dependence of singlespin asymmetries, which requires the understanding of field theoretical issues such as the colour gauge link structure in the description. Clarification of various theoretical issues is needed for the interpretation of experimental studies of single spin azimuthal asymmetries and to augment existing model estimates. Issue 3: Spatial and angular momentum structure of hadrons at quark-gluon level: generalized parton distributions. Generalized parton distributions constitute a further link between experiment and theory. In contrast to usual parton distribution and fragmentation functions, they are relevant in exclusive scattering processes. One of their salient features is that they contain simultaneous information about the momentum distribution of quarks and gluons along a reference direction and about their spatial distribution in the directions perpendicular to it. In this way, a fully three-dimensional picture of parton dynamics can be unraveled. By the same virtue, generalized parton distributions provide the only known access to the orbital angular momentum of quarks and gluons, which needs to be added to the intrinsic angular momentum in order to understand the full spin decomposition of the nucleon. A multi-step procedure is required to obtain the physics information residing in these quantities. It involves taking high-quality experimental data, subsequent theoretical and phenomenological analysis are in order to relate measured cross sections to the generalized parton distributions, and finally to confront information about these functions with the nonperturbative dynamics of quarks and gluons in QCD. The proposed network aims to contribute to all steps in this chain. An expected breakthrough is to achieve a better understanding of the interplay between the longitudinal and transverse variables in generalized parton distributions, with information both from lattice QCD calculations and from experimental data to be obtained in the years ahead. Page 4 of 44 HAPNET B1.3. SCIENTIFIC ORIGINALITY OF THE PROJECT Hadron physics is unique and addresses fundamental and longstanding issues such as the description of relativistic bound states in which almost massless quarks build massive hadrons, such as the nucleons that constitute almost all of the visible mass in the universe. Other issues are the understanding of colour confinement and spontaneous symmetry breaking. The network brings together groups that are directly or indirectly involved in a variety of experiments at several facilities in Europe, not only the large scale facilities such as DESY (Hamburg) and CERN (Geneva) but also smaller-scale facilities such as Frascati, Bonn, GSI (Darmstadt) and Mainz as well as facilities outside Europe such as TJNAF (Newport News, Virginia) in the USA. Furthermore, it involves a sizeable fraction of leading theorists working in hadron physics. Together they ensure the diversity in methods, experiments and phenomenology needed in order to come to a fundamental understanding of the field theoretical working of QCD at the level of hadrons. Issue 1. The spectrum of QCD and the global spatial structure of hadrons: confinement, exotic hadrons, the role of gluons, elastic and transition form factors The experimental and theoretical investigation of the spectrum of QCD and the spatial structure of hadrons continue to provide a most fertile ground for understanding QCD in the confinement region. Precise new data concerning the form factors of the nucleon and mesons (e.g. the neutron GEn), deviation from the dipole form, the search for exotic states, the detailed investigation of the strangeness form factors of the nucleon, its polarizabilities and N- transition densities will be obtained in the next few years. The interpretation of these data either through improved QCD inspired models or through lattice gauge calculations will provide a reliable source of quantitative information useful for experimental activities. Several new ideas and techniques in the field of lattice gauge calculations will be implemented such as the use of chirally improved fermions (domain wall and overlap fermions) to study unquenching effects on various quantities such as (transition) form factors using light enough pions. The implementation of chiral fermions together with increase in computer speed allows lattice calculations using pion masses in the range of 200-300 MeV, while until recently only pion masses down to about 500 MeV could be used. The use of a realistic pion mass is crucial for understanding pionic contributions from first principles. Since such calculations are just beginning, considerable progress is expected in the nearby future. Issue 2. Decoding the quark and gluon structure of hadrons: parton distribution and fragmentation functions Of the quark distributions, the unpolarized quark distributions are well established and reasonably accurately known for the various quark and antiquark flavours. The longitudinal spin distributions are also known, but much work on the flavour-spin decomposition remains to be done. This is part of the programme of the HERMES collaboration working at DESY. For the transverse spin distributions first indirect data are emerging. Using models for hadron structure and lattice calculations, and knowing its scale dependence from perturbative QCD calculations, a clear theoretical picture has emerged as well, but experimental confirmation is eagerly awaited. It is foreseen that the first measurements will be performed during the lifetime of the network with active involvement of participants (HERMES at DESY and COMPASS at CERN). A difficulty with the transverse spin distribution is its chiral-odd nature, which prohibits measurements in inclusive deep inelastic leptoproduction, the preferred experiment for measurements of quark distributions. Access to the function requires semi-inclusive (1- or 2-particle inclusive) processes. This requires knowledge of fragmentation functions for quarks or gluons into hadrons. For the most abundantly produced particle, the pion with spin 0, there is no leading (collinear) chiral-odd fragmentation function. There is, however, a fragmentation function, the Collins function, that involves transverse momenta of the quarks. This function appears in semi-inclusive leptoproduction and other processes, its most striking experimental signature being the appearance in single spin asymmetries. Its universality is presently being studied in models and by using field theoretical methods. Issue 3. The angular momentum structure of quarks and gluons in hadrons: generalized parton distributions The theoretical formalism relating generalized parton distributions to experimental observables is well established, and several general properties of these functions in QCD are known. An outstanding problem is a better understanding of their dependence on the two longitudinal momentum (scaling) variables and on the momentum transfer (which is related to the transverse degrees of freedom) and in particular on the interplay between these variables. Whereas so far this question has been addressed at the level of models and of constraints from known elastic form factors, it will in the course of the network become possible to include in this investigation both first principle calculations from lattice QCD and experimental results on relevant kinematical distributions in exclusive processes. Further outstanding theoretical issues to be addressed in the network are how to achieve an adequate accuracy in relating cross sections with generalized parton distributions Page 5 of 44 HAPNET (controlling in particular corrections of higher twist and of higher orders in the strong coupling), and the identification of a set of observables that will allow one to disentangle generalized parton distributions with different spin and flavour structure. Such a separation is certainly required to achieve the long-term goal of evaluating the orbital angular momentum of quarks and antiquarks in the nucleon. These theoretical efforts will be matched by experimental work in preparing and performing measurements of exclusive cross sections and event distributions at a sufficient level of detail. The first dedicated experiments to perform such measurements will be carried out during the lifetime of this network at TJNAF and DESY. Page 6 of 44 HAPNET B1.4. RESEARCH METHOD A variety of both theoretical and experimental research methods are covered in the network. They are selected because of the role they can play in addressing the physics issues mentioned and at the same time ensure training and knowledge transfer to young researchers. Novel methods and techniques are incorporated in the network: expertise in the area of lattice gauge calculations, teams that look at more formal aspects of QCD as well as teams that try to build models for hadrons. It also has been ensured that expertise on developing experimental tools, performing measurements and analysing data is available. It is to be noted that most of these methods have general applicability to many disciplines, both in fundamental and especially in applied research and applications, providing valuable training for the future generation of scientists. Method 1. Developing experimental tools Part of the measurements foreseen can be performed at existing facilities such as the HERMES experiment at DESY, the COMPASS experiment at CERN and the experimental facilities of TJNAF and Mainz. Usually modest modifications, such as the installation of a transversely polarized target or the upgrade of the CLAS detector at TJNAF, are sufficient to extend the measurements to address theoretical questions arising from earlier experiments. The experiments trying to access the generalized parton distributions, however, require the development of sizable additional detection equipment. In particular, the construction of instruments for the detection of recoil products emerging from deep-inelastic scattering events are needed to identify the exclusive processes which give access to the generalized parton distributions. The facilities mentioned above are engaged into the construction or design of such additional equipment. Moreover, at a longer time scale entirely new facilities will be needed to increase the precision of some of the existing data to a level where a distinction between competing theoretical models can be made. For the development of such new facilities, simulation and prototype studies will be performed. Some of these developments are also part of the networking activity ‘Transversity’ within the approved I3HP project. The emphasis in the network will be placed on the training aspects of these projects and on the necessary exchanges between the teams. Method 2. Performing measurements Experiments studying the structure of hadrons require the availability of intense polarized lepton beams having energies up to 200 GeV. Such beams are available at the lepton scattering facilities of DESY, CERN and TJNAF. Because of their complementary nature, the network intends to be involved in experiments at each of these facilities. The measurements themselves represent a rather large effort as the time needed to collect a significant data set varies from a few months (at TJNAF) to a couple of years (DESY). During data taking the available detectors are constantly monitored to enable a quasi-permanent check of the quality of the measurements. The detection instruments and tools to monitor the quality of the data coming in are largely available at the mentioned facilities. The challenge of measurements of this kind is to obtain internally consistent data that represent a robust data set involving beam and target polarization levels well in excess of 50%. The employment of cutting edge technology in the experimental arrangements (ultra high vacuum, state of the art electronics, cryogenics, high power laser, RF superconductivity etc) is a most important component of the training aspect Method 3. Data analysis The analysis of the data collected consists of several steps. Initially the quality of the data is verified by checking whether all sub-detectors were operating at their nominal settings during the measurements. Subsequently, the data are used to reconstruct particle tracks of which the charge, energy and momentum are determined. At this stage also the identity of the produced hadrons is evaluated. Having thus converted the data into events containing several well-identified tracks, the physics information can be extracted from the data. This involves the calculation of particle spectra (relevant for searches) cross sections, (transition) form factors, single- and double-spin asymmetries, first and second moments etc. Finally, a considerable effort is needed to determine the margins of uncertainty that must be associated with each of the aforementioned observables. The intensive use of computers for data reduction and simulation of the experiments fits nice with the broad training it provides to the young scientists. Method 4. Formalism and development of theoretical tools It is important to have systematic expansions of measurable quantities such as cross sections or asymmetries. In high-energy scattering processes in which a hard scale, such as the momentum transfer in leptoproduction, can be identified, one can write down an expansion in inverse powers of this hard scale. Each of the terms in the expansion contains matrix elements of specific quark and gluon field operators (characterized by their twist). Within each term contributions may be distinguished by looking at the order of the (running) strong coupling constant s(Q2). At high energies, these contributions can be calculated in perturbative QCD. With increasing Page 7 of 44 HAPNET refinement of measurements, e.g. the production of specific particles or measurements of azimuthal asymmetries one can distinguish again different contributions. For these contributions one needs to include transverse momenta within the theoretical framework. From the various contributions one can often single out specific ones that rely on symmetries such as parity or time-reversal. For instance, in measurements where the time-reversal symmetry does not lead to constraints, single spin asymmetries are allowed. Method 5. Modelling and simulation With the exception of very few cases, the description of high-energy scattering processes contains one or even more components that are not calculable by means of perturbative QCD. These components are nonperturbative matrix elements that can be investigated successfully by models containing the crucial symmetries of QCD. For instance, the (almost exact) chiral symmetry of QCD for the light quarks plays an important role in the construction of realistic approaches. Based on this symmetry a systematic tool (Chiral Perturbation Theory) has been developed for calculations in the nonperturbative sector of QCD. Another powerful method is studying the predictions of QCD in the limit of a large number of colours. Such predictions are to a large extent modelindependent, and have not only proven to be successful in describing the main features of, e.g., parton distribution functions but also of the hadron spectrum. Calculations and simulations of observables based on these methods are important for the theoretical understanding, but are also extremely useful in order to guide dedicated experiments. Method 6. Lattice gauge calculations Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT) allows computation of a large number of masses, hadronic matrix elements, and coupling constants, as well as certain properties of the QCD vacuum which are of central importance for phenomenological models of hadrons. The key element is the analytical continuation of QCD to imaginary times. It results in an exponential suppression of all resonance states for a given set of quantum numbers when a state is propagated in the Euclidean time direction. Thus the exact (within the accuracy of any given practical simulation) hadron wave functions are isolated, for which one can then calculate matrix elements of interest. While the range of applicability of this very powerful approach is continuously extended, models are indispensable for the description of many processes. Calculations in LGT are computationally very demanding and as such they have always been at the forefront of computer developments or they have triggered new developments. Page 8 of 44 HAPNET B1.5. WORK PLAN Task 1. Experimental developments Task coordinators: Michel Garçon (partner 12) Concerning experiments, it is important that experimentalists make theorists aware of existing data and assist in setting up appropriate databases, such as those on distribution and fragmentation functions. For running experiments, physicists in the network participate in data-taking and on-line analysis and are involved with technical issues related to targets, beams and detectors. Another part of this first task consists of the preparation of experiments, writing of proposals, and doing simulations together with theorists. Focus of the network will be on the development of recoil detection and participation in measurements at HERMES and TJNAF. Important are also issues related to long-range planning which include involvement in the preparation of large-scale experiments at large facilities like CERN or in proposals for upgrading facilities such as the 12 GeV upgrade at TJNAF. Task 2. Data analysis and interpretation Task coordinators: Andreas Schäfer (partner 11), Gerard van der Steenhoven (partner 1) This task is the one, where theorists and experimentalists will most closely collaborate. As emphasized before this collaboration is essential in the field of hadron physics, where models are needed to investigate the feasibility of experiments and understand trends in the data, while the data are needed to eliminate uncertainties in the models or the models themselves. Theorists must understand the meaning of data produced with much effort by experimentalists, while experimentalists must extract from the data those quantities that are the most relevant ones for theory. The focus of the network is on transversity measurements, in particular those using single spin asymmetry measurements at HERMES and the measurement of generalized parton distributions at HERMES and TJNAF, but attention will also be given to other relevant measurements, such as the gluon polarization measurements at HERMES and COMPASS and other exclusive measurements at several facilities. Task 3. Development of theory and models Task coordinators: Paul Hoyer (partner 6) This task involves mostly theorists, but the emphasis is on improving models by incorporating also the results of new experiments or insight obtained via a different route, e.g. another model or a lattice calculation. It does include developments within lattice calculations using new computational methods, concepts or algorithms and the combination of computational and analytical methods. The overall framework of this task is the field theoretical framework of QCD, which has been quite successful to describe scattering cross sections for leptonhadron and hadron-hadron collisions in terms of quark and gluon correlators. The involvement of participants in the various tasks is summarized in table B1.5.1. The teams in general are indicated by the name of the city of the coordinator. Table B1.5.1. Involvement of the participants in network tasks and issues. Under tasks the number(s) correspond(s) to the prime research method(s) used by the team [as numbered in section B1.4]. 1. Amsterdam 2. Athens 3. Bochum 4. Frascati 5. Glasgow 6. Helsinki 7. Liège 8. Nicosia 9. Orsay (IN2P3) 10. Pavia (incl. Torino) 11. Regensburg (incl. DESY/Heidelberg) 12. Saclay 13. Valencia 14. Warsaw Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 experimental phenomenological theoretical global quark-glue Ang. Mom. 1,2 1,2 3,4 3,4 5 3 3,6 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 2 1,2 2 3,5 4,6 3 4,5 3,4,6 3,4,5 5 3,4 Page 9 of 44 X X X 6 4 6 4 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HAPNET Most of the teams involve physicists from more than one university or research institute. We will in general not specify sub-teams, unless in those cases that a particular group within the team is involved because of a specific expertise. In most cases the teams are built around existing collaborations. As examples of combinations of institutes in one team we mention the Pavia team, which includes physicists from Pavia and Torino and eight other institutes. The Regensburg team includes scientists from DESY, Heidelberg and the Warsaw team involving physicists from several institutes in Warsaw and Cracow (details on the teams and the composition are given in section B3). A number of teams work together at international facilities like DESY, CERN and TJNAF, which will play a role as sites where the experimental work is done. Physicists from the teams, and through them the young researchers of the network, are embedded in collaborations such as HERMES, COMPASS and CLAS and in this way have access to these facilities. Projects In order to achieve the tasks we define 12 research projects that will be assigned to young researchers. We ensure a good balance between theorists and experimentalists, as well as between ESR’s and ER’s. In this way we are able to meet the main objectives, in particular the first one emphasizing strengthening the theoryexperiment link and knowledge transfer. The research projects address the three physics issues that we have identified as the ones of direct relevance to the main second objective, namely the understanding of the QCD structure of hadrons. The following projects are selected: P-1 QCD, perturbative approaches and factorisation P-2 QCD, models and connections to lattice gauge theory P-3 QCD, nonperturbative approaches, models, exotics P-4 transversity and single spin asymmetries, formalism exemplified in models. P-5 T-odd distribution and fragmentation functions and model estimates P-6 GPD’s and modelling P-7 Lattice gauge calculations and models for GPD’s P-8 Developing recoil detection P-9 Measuring transversity at HERMES P-10 Measuring single spin asymmetries and GPD’s at HERMES P-11 Measuring single spin asymmetries and GPD’s at TJNAF P-12 Measuring exclusive processes We expect to make 14 appointments, which in principle will be 36 months for ESR positions and 24 months for ER positions. In some cases, however, this may interfere with the end of the network or the regular length of Ph.D. programmes, in which case the teams are required to make sure that this will not hamper the career of the young researchers. For this purpose some additional months will likely be generated, in particular for the ESR positions, by pursuing matching from universities or institutes. Several teams have indicated that these possibilities exist. The number of 14 appointments thus is a minimum. Details on the projects are given in Table B1.5.2. Page 10 of 44 HAPNET Table B1.5.2: The 12 projects in relation to tasks, issues and methods and teams involved directly (team where researchers will spend time via appointments or secondments) or indirectly (foreseen visits and collaborations) ESR/ER theory/exp # months task issues method P-1 ESR theory 48 2,3 2 4 P-2 ESR theory 60 2,3 2 5,6 P-3 ESR theory ESR theory ER theory ER theory ER theory ESR experiment ESR experiment 36 2,3 1,3 5 36 2 2 4 24 2,3 2 5 24 2 3 4,5 24 3 3 6 36 1 1,2,3 1 36 2 2 2,3 ER experiment ER experiment ER experiment 24 1,2 2,3 2,3 24 1,2 3 1,2,3 24 2 1,3 2,3 project P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 Page 11 of 44 teams directly involved 6-Helsinki 9-Orsay 14-Cracow/Warsaw 5-Glasgow 8-Nicosia 11-Regensburg/ Heidelberg 3-Bochum 7-Liège 1-Amsterdam 10-Torino 3-Bochum 10-Pavia 12-Saclay 13-Valencia 8-Nicosia 11-Regensburg 24-Glasgow 12-Saclay 1-Amsterdam 7-Liège 11-Regensburg 14-Warsaw 4-Frascati 9-Orsay 12-Saclay 2-Athens 9-Orsay teams indirectly involved 1-Amsterdam 10-Torino 11-Heidelberg 3-Bochum 11-Regensburg 1-Amsterdam 3-Bochum 10-Pavia 5-Glasgow 4-Frascati 11-Regensburg 4-Frascati 1-Amsterdam 11-Regensburg 5-Glasgow 5-Glasgow HAPNET Milestones at midterm and end of network We present milestones (M1-M7) for the first two years and end terms (E1-E10) for the last two years that will be achieved through the various projects. 12 months M1 Elucidate the nature of exotic states such as +(1540) given models and use this knowledge to improve calculations of other properties. Part of these investigations on pentaquark states will be done directly on the lattice. M2 Revisit T-odd correlation functions with special attention to achieving a colour gauge invariant formulation, outline the consequences for ongoing and future experimental measurements of azimuthal asymmetries and for new single spin measurements that are needed for independent determinations of chiral-odd/T-odd fragmentation functions. M3 First conclusions (and their publication) on issues of hadron deformation based on the available experimental/theoretical information. 24 months M4 Explicit calculations of nonperturbative evolution of Generalized Parton Distributions. M5 Successful completion of the CLAS/DVCS experiment at TJNAF. M6 Conclusions on the nature of new states like Ds(2317), Ds(2457) and (2S). M7 First results on reducing model dependence in extractions of GPD’s from measurements of deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS), estimate of higher-twist corrections and NNLO effects. M8 Improving bounds on the calculations of quark transverse polarization in lattice calculations. M9 First results on transversity distributions as obtained from transverse spin asymmetries measured at HERMES. M10 Installation of recoil detector at HERMES. M11 Completion of precision measurements of the neutron electric form factor at TJNAF 36 months E1 Combined studies of single-spin asymmetries in deep inelastic lepton scattering, unpolarized and double-spin asymmetries in the semi-inclusive production of baryons and mesons, and of observables in proton-proton scattering and electron-positron annihilation. E2 Clarification of the evolution equations of the transverse momentum dependent functions and their factorisation properties. E3 Conclude theoretical studies and refinements in modelling of chiral-odd fragmentation functions relevant for measurements of the quark transverse spin distributions. E4 Determination of the t-dependence of GPD’s using lattice calculations. E5 Analysis of azimuthal hadron distributions produced both on longitudinally and transversely polarized hydrogen and deuterium targets. E6 Joint experimental and theoretical (lattice) analysis on nucleon deformation. 48 months E7 Build the road map for an experimental determination of the total angular momentum carried by quarks in the nucleon in which the model dependence is considerably reduced. E8 Conceptual design for new detectors in view of the 12 GeV upgrade of the CEBAF accelerator at TJNAF. E9 Effects of transverse momenta in gluon distribution and fragmentation functions. E10 Critical re-evaluation of the applicability of models, aimed at explaining (static) low-energy properties to high-energy scattering processes. E11 Obtaining consistency between the different measurements of transverse quark polarization. E12 First results on exclusive reactions obtained with recoil detection at HERMES. Page 12 of 44 HAPNET B2 TRAINING AND/OR TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE ACTIVITIES B2.1. CONTENT AND QUALITY OF THE TRAINING AND TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMME The training and transfer of knowledge objectives In order to achieve the tasks outlined in B1.5, 12 projects have been defined that will be assigned to young scientists. These are 8 ESR projects of 36 months each, and 6 ER projects of 24 months each. The duration of the projects corresponds to typical duration of Ph.D. and post-doc appointments in the field. The actual number of young researchers will likely be larger, because several teams have already indicated that they consider adding some person-months via local graduate schools or their own research funds, e.g. in order to ensure that pre-docs can finish a doctorate programme. The rationale of appointment of ESR’s or ER’s is determined by the local infrastructure for training and research, the needs of knowledge transfer within the network as a whole as well as the required expertise to perform the various projects. It has been discussed in detail in two meetings of the scientists in charge of the teams. Training Environment Every partner of the network can provide sufficient resources and necessary infrastructure to meet objectives set for training and transfer of knowledge for ESR’s and/or ER’s. In many cases this can be made available to the network as a whole. The senior researchers involved in the teams of the network are listed in section B3.1. Partner 1 (Amsterdam): The Amsterdam team can provide training and research expertise in both theoretical and experimental particle physics and astrophysics. The appointed early-stage researcher will participate in the Dutch Research Schools of Theoretical Physics (theory) and/or Subatomic Physics (experiment). These research schools offer to students at the pre-doc level yearly a 2-week school in theoretical physics or in experimental physics (yearly school together with some institutes in Belgium and Germany). The research school also organizes topical lectures (including training of skills such as presenting proposals). At the individual training level, all Ph.D. students are assigned an (external) tutor assuring independent monitoring of the progress. All teaching for pre-docs is in English. Partner 2 (Athens): The Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) and the University of Athens groups provide training and expertise both in theoretical and in experimental nuclear and hadronic physics through a well-structured graduate programme. Ph.D. students are assigned an advisor and a three member departmental committee monitoring their progress. There are a number of occasional schools and conferences; most prominent among them is the biannual (Santorini) conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, where IASA is involved in the organisation. Partner 3 (Bochum): The Bochum-Wuppertal team can offer a thorough education in theoretical nuclear and particle physics for early-stage as well as experienced researchers. A well-organized programme of lectures (also in English) for graduate students exists, where special lectures related to most of the physics issues of the network take place on a regular basis. Young researchers can profit from the German graduate college 'physics of elementary particles at accelerators and in the universe', which is run in collaboration with the university of Dortmund. In this context many high-level seminars and topical meetings are organized. Partner 4 (Frascati): The Frascati team has a long record of activities and training in the experimental study of hadronic systems using electromagnetic probes available at the existing state-of-the art electron accelerator facilities in Europe and USA. Frascati also hosts the yearly LNF-Spring School, which will play an important role in the training programme of the whole network. Frascati is also the coordinator of the EURIDICE RTN. Advanced lectures can also be taken at the nearby Rome University Tor Vergata. Partner 5 (Glasgow): The Glasgow group has an excellent record of training at postgraduate and postdoctoral level. There are more than 20 graduate students and more than 10 postdoctoral researchers in the hadron physics group. Ph.D. students receive an extensive set of lectures on nuclear and particle physics within Glasgow's graduate school and there is at the individual level a mentoring system. Schools for pre-docs are organized, in the past BUSSTEPP (British Universities Summer School on Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics) and in 2004 SUSSP (Scottish Universities Summer School on Physics), this time with specialization in Hadron Physics. It hosts the national e-science center and in this context, training courses in aspects of Computational Physics, high performance computing and GRID methods are provided. The University of Glasgow Staff Development Service run free courses on complementary skills such as ‘planning and managing a research project’, ‘presenting research results’, ‘writing up research’ and ‘marketing your job skills’. Partner 6 (Helsinki): The Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) is a national physics research institute covering an extensive range of subjects in theoretical physics and experimental particle physics. The divisions of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics of the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Helsinki both have in-depth teaching and research programmes in subatomic physics, including a broad spectrum of advanced graduate level courses in English. All graduate students participate in the activities of the national Page 13 of 44 HAPNET graduate school GRASPANP (www.phys.jyu.fi/opetus/tutkijakoulut/sisalto.html). Helsinki is part of the EURIDICE RTN (www.lnf.infn.it/theory/rtn/) and a European Graduate School programme with the Universities of Giessen, Copenhagen and Jyväskylä (pcweb.physik.uni-giessen.de/eurograd/ ). Partner 7 (Liège): The Liege group provides training and research expertise in theoretical particle physics. The Gent group can do the same in experimental particle physics and in data analysis. Every four months on average, topical lectures will be organized for all the pre-docs and post-docs, presented by the seniors of the own group or invited senior scientists of other teams. In the context of the network, the groups of Liege and Gent will stimulate discussions between experimentalists and theorists. The University of Gent offers a degree "Doctoral Training in Physics" in addition to the standard PhD programme, which is taken by most pre-docs. It involves courses, but also giving presentations and attending international workshops. Partner 8 (Nicosia): The Physics Department of the University of Cyprus provides training and expertise in theoretical particle and nuclear physics through a well-structured graduate programme leading to a Master’s or a Ph.D. degree. Exchange students can get assignments and exams in English and a thesis can be written in English. The department also can invite short-term visitors to teach specialized graduate courses. Partner 9 (Orsay): The 5 groups in this team (IPN Orsay, LAL Orsay, LPC Clermont-Ferrand, LPSC Grenoble and Ecole Polytechnique) belong to universities where graduate level courses in theoretical and experimental subatomic physics, as well as engineering, are given all along the academic year, which can be attended by earlystage researchers. In the groups and laboratories, which have many international collaborations and links, there are also regularly specialized and topical courses. Early-stage researcher can also participate in international graduate schools such as the Joliot-Curie School, the FANTOM school or the Ecole de Gif. Partner 10 (Pavia): The Departments of Physics in the “Pavia” team have a long experience and a wellstructured programme for Ph.D. studies, based on a three-year curriculum. In the first year there are advanced courses in theoretical and experimental nuclear and particle physics, in the second year seminars and topical lectures by international experts. Each Ph.D. student is assigned a tutor. The IUSS – Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori – in Pavia and the ISASUT – International School of Advanced Studies of the University of Torino – coordinate the teaching and research activities at the doctorate level, including delivering courses in English. They also coordinate the international acknowledgement of degrees. Partner 11 (Regensburg): The University of Regensburg has an extended pre-doc curriculum centered around the two main research areas 'nanostructured materials' and 'QCD'. There exists a special Research Group on lattice gauge theory of the German Science Foundation (DFG). Plans for an elite graduate student programme together with the university of Erlangen have passed the first round of evaluation by the ministry of Bavaria succesfully. The Bavarian Leibniz-Computer-Center (LRZ) in Munich provides an excellent computer environment. This center will be upgraded to about 40 TFlop in 2005. A joined curriculum in 'Scientific Computing' has been established in Regensburg together with the biology (bio-informatics), chemistry, and mathematics department and the university computer center. Teaching for pre-docs is in English in case there is a non-German-speaking participant. The University of Heidelberg has a graduate school on Particle Physics Astrophysics and Cosmology (www.thphys.uni-heidelberg.de/~wetteric/gradschool.html). The education of young Ph.D. students includes a two-year curriculum with courses on Quantum Field Theory, the standard model/general relativity and cosmology/Astroparticle Physics. The teaching is in English. At the beginning of each semester there is one week of lectures on special topics by invited speakers (Heidelberger Graduiertenkurse; http://pi1.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/physi/gradkurs/) All Ph.D. students have two tutors. Partner 12 (Saclay): The Saclay team will provide training and research expertise in both theoretical and experimental nuclear and hadronic physics. All groups in the team offer a close guidance and training to their Ph.D. students and post-docs and Saclay organizes yearly topical courses, while advanced lectures can be attended at the universities in the larger Paris area. Another aspect of training is teaching laboratory courses for undergraduate students and the communication with a public of non-specialists: all researchers, also post-docs, are involved in open visits to the public with special emphasis on demonstrations and conferences. Partner 13 (Valencia): The Valencia team can provide training and research expertise in both theoretical and experimental particle, nuclear physics and astrophysics. The departments of the University of Valencia and the IFIC has a large staff involved in education and research. The number of post-docs in all groups total more than 20. The various groups have many visitors from other institutions. The graduate programme, which is shared by the Departments of Theoretical Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, has acquired the Status of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Partner 14 (Warsaw): Physicists of the Warsaw team are involved in a number of renowned annual schools and conferences held in Poland, such as the Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, organized uninteruptedly since 1961, Masurian Summer School in Nuclear Physics etc., of which the programmes fit very well into the training of young scientists in the topics of the network. Page 14 of 44 HAPNET The training and transfer of knowledge programmes of network researchers In order to provide structure to the training at the network level, a small network task force led by Constantia Alexandrou (partner 8) and Wolf-Dieter Nowak (partner 11) will be set up which has the responsibility to organize the training activities including quality control. In this way we can guarantee highest training standards throughout the network. This includes coordination of The Personal Career Development Plan. The employed young researchers will join strong research groups and on-going projects, which are at the forefront of physics in a given area. In all cases, these projects have support from the institution and/or national funding bodies, and in some cases other EU support. For early stage researchers, training in fundamental aspects of the subject area will be provided, thereby attaining not only subject specific knowledge, but also knowledge on important aspects of various research methods. By the interaction between groups with different expertise in different countries, an understanding of the different scientific methods and cultures will be accomplished, putting into the right perspective the scale and level of international collaboration needed for scientific merit. Experienced researchers will be given the freedom to further develop their scientific independence, and to collaborate with other international experts. Visits and secondments to partner laboratories will be strongly encouraged. For all researchers the training in the network will be considered in the context of future career development via a Personal Career Development Plan made up together with the supervisor and another scientist assigned from within the network. Individual training. Each group has established procedures for the supervision of ESR’s and/or ER’s, and experience will be shared across the network. For the early-stage researchers, there are within the team specific training programmes that will be used. In addition to specialized theoretical or experimental training in methods associated with the research project, the programmes provide generic and transferable skills in short courses, integrated with the research project. In addition, there are courses in information technology, management and where necessary specific language courses. Supervision will involve procedures for training and assessment: initial planning of research project and objectives, desired training outcomes, regular progress meetings and review, assignment of an expert researcher to aid in supervision, participation in institutional laboratory meetings. For experienced researchers, supervision will allow for more responsibility and development as an independent scientist. Specific ESR Training Schools. Every year two graduate schools will be selected or set up to which all employed ESR’s attend. This will ensure training, enhance collaboration, lead to exchange of procedures between participating teams and also to an exchange of lecturers (senior researchers and ER’s). Network training, conferences and workshops. There will be annual network meetings, attended by all teams, in which ESR’s and ER’s will be required to present the results of their work. In many cases, these meetings will coincide with a regular international conference or workshop. In those cases the network meeting may also take the form of a pre-workshops in which ESR’s follow lectures on the main topics discussed at the conference. We plan to combine the initial network meeting with an international summer school in the field of hadron physics, while the final network meeting to be held near the end of the project will be in the form of an international workshop or symposium to which also external experts will be invited. Specific conferences to be mentioned are the yearly LNF Spring school in Frascati (partner 4), the bi-annual (expected 2005 and 2007) Santorini conference (involvement of Athens, partner 2), the SUSSPschool in 2004 (partner 5), the successor of the Nijmegen03 school expected to be held in 2006 (partner 1) or the yearly Cracow schools on theoretical physics (partner 14). It is worth noting that the program committee of the Santorini conference in its majority consists of scientists participating in the network, the chairman of the 2005 and 2007 editions being Paul Hoyer (partner 6) and Dirk Ryckbosch (partner 7) respectively. Transfer of knowledge. Knowledge transfer will be enhanced by the integrated nature of the research programme of the network. There is extensive collaboration between partners and this will be continued and enhanced during the network activities. Secondments and short visits of researchers to other laboratories in the network will mean that the employed researchers will become the key persons for the exchange of knowledge between teams. Also, the participating groups frequently host scientists from all over the world, giving further opportunities for the young researchers to interact with expert scientists. Gender issues. The network will encourage talented women students to continue for Ph. D. degrees. The involvement of senior women researchers in the network provides role models for women pre-docs/postdocs and helps them realize their potential for a successful scientific career. The network will take measures to promote the involvement of women researchers in scientific networks meetings, workshops and conferences. Page 15 of 44 HAPNET B2.2. IMPACT OF THE TRAINING AND/OR TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMME Training needs at the European Community level There are several reasons why Europe as a whole will benefit from the training delivered within this project: European research is at the forefront in hadron physics. This field is at the cutting edge of research in the border area between nuclear and particle physics. The scientific challenges in hadron physics as put forward in this project have the potential of attracting young talented students to engage in the scientific endeavor thereby producing a new generation of scientists of international caliber. The rigorous training involved in subatomic physics combined with the broad spectrum of skills provided by the experimental, analytical and computational methods employed, produces versatile scientists who sooner or later will produce innovative ideas leading to many important applications in our society, as proven by the many examples in the past. The training of the young scientists in the techniques of experimental and theoretical hadron physics provides them with skills that are widely recognized as particularly valuable in the most valued sectors of knowledge economies. The thorough knowledge they acquire as they work with the newest technologies in the experimental arrangements at multi-million (often multi-billion) European facilities is invaluable and is a most important component of the training aspect. It is exactly for this same reason that most of the students and postdoctoral researchers that get trained in the programmes of hadronic physics end up in the high technology sector of the EU or the US (e.g. computer and telecom industry, medical imaging and instrumentation, aerospace etc.) Due to its cross-disciplinary nature, hadron physics faces some organisational challenges, which differ from established fields like nuclear physics or elementary particle physics. The EU networks HAPHEEP in the FP4 programme and ESOP in the FP5 programme helped to bring experimental and theoretical physicists into contact with each other and they trained a considerable number of young physicists. In FP6 the coordination of the scientific activities will be broadened through the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative ‘Hadronic Physics’ (I3HP). This initiative will strengthen the scientific and technical expertise in Europe to optimally utilize existing and planned accelerator facilities. Complementary to this initiative, there are excellent opportunities for a coordinated training of Ph.D. students and post-docs building on the established contacts in earlier networks, involving a number of physicists who themselves participated as young scientists in earlier networks, and concentrating on the challenging physics issues in B1.2 as focus points. Coordinated training of Ph.D. students and post-docs is an essential concern for such a cross-disciplinary field. The students should be offered up-to-date lectures by leading researchers. In a cross-disciplinary field as hadron physics many institutions offer first class training opportunities, but they are often specialized and aimed at one discipline, or aimed at either experimentalists or theorists. In the network we want to cross the borders of the disciplines involved and bring together theorists and experimentalists. For this purpose, we will emphasize a range of topics in hadron physics via organisation of meetings. We will build on and extend existing meetings (schools, workshops and conferences) in which the senior scientists of the network are already involved. Furthermore, we plan to broaden existing topical lecture series in which the various teams are involved through the exchange of lecturers, among them the ER’s employed by the network. Finally, for the young scientists involved, in particularly for the ESR’s, the training will be carefully monitored to ensure the transfer of a wellbalanced (theoretical-experimental, nuclear-particle) knowledge base. Page 16 of 44 HAPNET B2.3. PLANNED RECRUITMENT OF EARLY-STAGE AND EXPERIENCED RESEARCHERS The targeted overall total of early-stage and experienced researchers and duration of appointments It is the aim of the network to appoint at least 8 early-stage researchers and 6 experienced researchers. In the setup with 12 projects (see B1.5) and the corresponding recruitment per team (given in Table B2.3 below) this aim is realized. The appointments will in general be 36 months for pre-docs and 24 months for post-docs. The numbers foreseen for the teams are in general different from these numbers because in some cases local funds will be added to extend an appointment or because joint appointments are foreseen, reflecting collaborations on the various projects involving several teams (see Table B1.5.2). The host institutes will take all necessary measures for ESR’s to prepare and defend a high-quality Ph.D. thesis or carry out world-class research. During their employment, the ESR’s and ER’s will visit all network meetings and relevant training courses, and they will normally also spend time in other teams or at experimental facilities such as DESY, CERN, Mainz and TJNAF. The frequency and length of visits to other teams, the duration of the stay at experimental facilities and the possibility of preparing a Ph.D. thesis will be included in the Personal Career Development Plans. Recruitment of early-stage and experienced researchers We proceed along several ways to recruit high-quality early-stage and experienced researchers, such as Advertisement via the major experimental research centres, if appropriate including relevant periodicals such as the CERN Courier and Nuclear Physics News. Advertisements in electronic media, such as the EU website and the websites of the network and of the participating group, research institutes and/or graduate schools. An announcement at various summer schools. Personal international contacts of the senior scientists in the network. With the above-mentioned measures and having some experience from networking in previous programmes, we anticipate no difficulties in attracting high-quality early-stage and experienced researchers for our network. Predoc positions will be filled preferably not later than one year after the start of the network, while post-docs will also be appointed in later years. Recruitment of new researchers will comply with standard institutional rules that incorporate equal opportunities procedures. Advice will be sought from corresponding personnel departments who can provide specialist advice in this area, so as to maximize the opportunities for female appointments. Table B2.3. Professional research effort of the HAPNET project Network Team 1. Amsterdam 2. Athens 3. Bochum 4. Frascati 5. Glasgow 6. Helsinki 7. Liège 8. Nicosia 8. Orsay 9. Pavia 10. Regensburg 11. Saclay 12. Valencia 14. Warsaw TOTAL Early-stage and experienced researchers to be financed by the contract Other professional research effort on the network project Early-stage researchers to be financed by the contract (person-months) Researchers likely to contribute (number of individuals) (a) 48 0 18 0 48 24 30 12 12 24 36 12 0 24 288 Experienced researchers to be financed by the contract (person-months) (b) 0 18 12 24 0 0 0 12 18 12 12 18 18 0 144 Page 17 of 44 Total (a+b) (c) 48 18 30 24 48 24 30 24 30 36 48 30 18 24 432 (d) 10 6 8 10 20 5 10 4 15 15 10 10 10 10 143 Researchers likely to contribute (personmonths) (e) 100 90 100 150 300 50 100 60 150 200 100 150 150 100 1800 HAPNET B3 QUALITY/CAPACITY OF THE NETWORK PARTNERSHIP B3.1. COLLECTIVE EXPERTISE OF THE NETWORK TEAMS The importance of the collective expertise of the network teams is demonstrated in several ways. They work together on specific experiments in one or more larger collaborations, e.g. transversity measurements by HERMES at DESY (Amsterdam, Frascati, Liège, Orsay, Regensburg, Warsaw) or by COMPASS at CERN (Saclay), single spin asymmetries by HERMES or at TJNAF (Athens, Frascati, Glasgow, Orsay, Saclay), or measurements of generalized parton distributions in deeply virtual Compton scattering by HERMES at DESY or at TJNAF. The above topics focus on measurements of observables that are important in our understanding of the quark and gluon structure of hadrons. The analysis and interpretation of data must be done by combined efforts of theorists and experimentalist. In this way questions on ‘the transverse polarization of quarks’, ‘generalized parton distributions and orbital angular momentum’ and ‘single spin asymmetries and intrinsic transverse momenta’ can be clarified. Development of models involves discussions between theoretical groups using the newest available data or new concepts or techniques. This leads to ‘improvements in modelling of QCD’, ‘new techniques to improve lattice gauge calculations’ and ‘implementation of new insights in nonperturbative or perturbative approaches in quantum field’. Page 18 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.1. Partner #1 Amsterdam (a) VU: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Internet: http://www.nat.vu.nl (b) NIKHEF: National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics, Amsterdam Internet: http://www.nikhef.nl Infrastructure, expertise and competence Physicists in the Amsterdam team belong to the Section Theoretical Physics of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Vrije Universiteit (VU) or the HERMES group at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF). Together they provide an excellent infrastructure for predocs and post-docs, both scientifically (offices, computing facilities) as well as otherwise (assistance in finding housing, language and research management courses). Besides groups in (theoretical and experimental) subatomic physics, the department at the VU has strong groups working on condensed matter physics, atomic and laser physics, biophysics and physics of complex systems. NIKHEF coordinates the Dutch participation in international experimental activities in particle physics, such as those at CERN. The main programmes in which physicists participate are HERMES and ZEUS at DESY, ATLAS, LHC-B and ALICE at CERN and the neutrino experiment ANTARES. Within the network, the Amsterdam team there is strong expertise in inclusive and semi-inclusive leptoproduction, both on the theoretical and experimental level. There is expertise with most of the theoretical and experimental methods that are employed by the network to achieve its goals. Examples are the formalism of high-energy scattering processes, modelling within QCD, data analysis and vertex detector development. Key scientific staff involved in the research Piet Mulders(a), Professor in Theoretical Physics (Subatomic Physics), 30% Daniël Boer(a), Assistant Professor, 20% Ben Bakker(a), Associate Professor, 10% Gerard van der Steenhoven(b), Professor in Experimental Physics (Subatomic Physics), 20% Jos Steijger(b), senior research staff member, 20% Louk Lapikas(b), senior reseach staff member, 20% Post-docs: Philipp Haegler(a) (2003-2005), Riccardo Fabbri(b), post-doc (2003-2005) Ph.D. students: Fetze Pijlman(a), Cedran Bomhof(a), Harmen Warringa(a), Paul van der Nat(b), Michiel Demey(b), Jeroen Drechsler(b) Two recent significant publications D. Boer, P.J. Mulders and F. Pijlman, Universality of T-odd effects in single spin and azimuthal asymmetries, Nucl. Phys. B 667 (2003) 201-241 [hep-ph/0303034] G. van der Steenhoven, Concluding remarks on the QCD-N'02 Workshop, Nucl. Phys. A 711 (2002) 363 [hep-ex/0206071] Page 19 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.2. Partner # 2 Athens (a) (UoA) University of Athens: Department of Physics, Panepistimiou 30, Athens, 10679 Greece. Internet: www.phys.uoa.gr (b) (IASA) Institute for Accelerating Systems and Applications, P.O. Box 17214, Athens,10024 Greece. Internet: www.iasa.gr Infrastructure, expertise and competence The Athens team includes theoretical and experimental physicists from the University of Athens (UoA) and the hadronic experimental group from the Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA). Together they provide an excellent infrastructure for pre-docs and post-docs, both scientifically (offices, substantial laboratory infrastructure, computing facilities) as otherwise (assistance in finding housing and language courses). The departments at the UoA has strong groups working on practically every field of physics. The theoretical and experimental groups at IASA and UoA have strong collaboration with CERN, DESY, Saclay, Bates-MIT, Mainz, ITEP and Jefferson lab and coordinate the Greek participation in international experimental activities in particle and nuclear physics. The main experimental programmes in which Athens participates are CMS and Atlas at CERN, CDF at Fermi Lab., polarizabitly (VCS) and form factor measurements at Bates, Mainz and Jlab. The IASA/Athens group has, for many years, being playing a leading role in the investigation of transition from factor and their interpretation. Pioneering new techniques and methods primarily in experiment but also in theoretical approaches have been introduced and developed. It has particularly focused on the issue of nucleon shape and transition form factors. The Athens theory group has worked on many aspects of QCD including chiral perturbation and lattice gauge calculations. It is pursuing analytical considerations in QCD both perturbative and non perturbative; current focus is directed towards soft effects in QCD process (such as Sudakov form factors and Regge behavior ). Key scientific staff involved in the research Stathis Stiliaris(a,b), Assist. Professor in Experimental Physics (Nuclear & Hadron Physics ) 35% Costas Papanicolas (a,b), Professor in Experimental Physics (Nuclear & Hadron Physics) 30% Andreas Karabarbounis(a,b), Assist. Professor in Experimental Physics (Nuclear & Hadron Physics) 20% Christos Ktorides(a), Professor in Theoretical Physics (Strong Interaction Physics) 20% Alexandros Karanikas(a), Assist. Professor in Theoretical Physics (Strong Interaction Physics) 20% Nikos Sparveris(b), IASA Reseacher (2003-2005) , 75% Two recent significant publications N. F. Spaveris et al. (OOPS collaboration), Measurement of the R(LT) response function for 0 electroproduction at Q2=0.070 (GeV/c)2 in the N Δ transition, Phys. Rev. C67 (2003) 058201. A.I. Karanikas, C.N. Ktorides, Polyakov’s spin factor and new algorithms for efficient perturbative computations in QCD, Phys.Lett.B500 (2001) 75-86. Page 20 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.3 Partner # 3 Bochum (a) Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Bochum, Germany Internet: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de (b) Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany Internet: http://www.uni-wuppertal.de Infrastructure, expertise and competence: People in the Bochum-Wuppertal team are member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (section of Theoretical nuclear and Particle Physics) of the Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum or the Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal. Both universities have also very active groups in experimental particle physics being involved, e.g., in experiments at CERN or SLAC. Interdisciplinary collaborations between our team and other sections of the Theoretical Physics institutes of both universities are possible (and actually have been done in the past). More precisely, good contacts exist to the group of Statistical Physics in the case of Bochum and the group of Computational Physics in Wuppertal. Both groups belong worldwide to the leading teams in their research fields. The Bochum-Wuppertal team has a lot of experience in the theory of hard scattering processes, ranging from inclusive deep inelastic scattering to exclusive particle production. In particular, this includes experience in the fields of the transversity distribution, single-spin asymmetries and also generalized parton distributions, which play a central role in the network. Moreover, the team is very active in the field of baryon spectroscopy and exoctic hadrons. Not only early-stage researchers can obtain an excellent education in each of these research topics, but also an experienced network post-doc will benefit considerably from the competence of the team members and the many visitors from all over the world that provide a very stimulating environment. Scientific staff involved in the research Klaus Goeke(a), professor in theoretical physics, 20% Vadim Guzey(a), post-doc, 30% Nikolai Kivel(a), post-doc, 30% Alexander Manashov(a), post-doc, 20% Andreas Metz(a), post-doc (coordinator), 50% Jens Ossmann(a), PhD student, 40% Pavel Pobylitsa(a), post-doc, 40% Marc Schlegel(a), PhD student, 40% Peter Schweitzer(a), post-doc, 40% Peter Kroll(b) , professor of theoretical physics, 20% Rainer Jakob(b) , post-doc, 30% Two recent significant publications A. Metz, Gluon-Exchange in spin-dependent fragmentation, Phys. Lett. B549 (2002) 139-145 [hepph/0209054] A.V. Efremov, K. Goeke and P. Schweitzer, Sivers vs. Collins effect in azimuthal single spin asymmetries in pion production in SIDIS, Phys. Lett. B568 (2003) 63-72 [hep-ph/0303062] Page 21 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.4 Partner # 4 Frascati (LNF) (a) INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Internet: http://www.lnf.infn.it (b) INFN-Ferrara Internet: http://www.fe.infn.it Expertise and competence Physicists of the Frascati team belong to the HERMES and AIACE groups of the Frascati National Laboratory and the HERMES group of the Sezione INFN and the University of Ferrara. Together they provide an excellent infrastructure for pre-docs and post-docs, both scientifically as otherwise. The Frascati National Laboratories is the largest laboratory of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). It is a major focal point for both fundamental and applied particle and nuclear physics in Italy. The research activities are carried out at the local DA NE e+e collider and the ultracryogenic antenna NAUTILUS, and in a variety of experiments at several other important laboratories all over the world (CERN, DESY, FNAL, SLAC, TJNAF, Gran Sasso). Within the network, the major research themes of the team are the accurate determination of the transverse spin structure of the nucleon via semi-inclusive and exclusive deep inelastic scattering processes, the study of the hadronization processes in the nuclei, the search for evidences of non-nucleonic degrees of freedom in nuclei, the study of the quark structure of baryons and mesons. Examples of processes under investigation are the electroproduction of scalar mesons, the single-spin (beam and target) azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive and exclusive electroproduction of hadrons, the nucleon resonance electroproduction, and the photoproduction of vector mesons. From the technical point of view, the team is involved in the construction of the recoil detector for the HERMES experiment and the improvement of the CLAS detection capabilities for the Jlab upgrade to 12 GeV. Key scientific staff involved in the research N. Bianchi(a), Senior Research staff member, (40 %) G.P. Capitani(a), Director of Research staff member, (20 %) M. Contalbrigo(b), Research staff member, (40 %) E. De Sanctis(a), Director of Research staff member, (30 %) P. Di Nezza(a), Researcher Associate, (40 %) D. Hasch(a), Researcher Associate, (30 %) P. Lenisa(b), Associate Professor, (40%) M. Mirazita(a), Researcher Associate, (40 %) V. Muccifora(a), Senior Research staff member, (40 %) K. Oganeyssian(a), Researcher Associate, (40 %) P. Rossi(a), Research staff member, (40 %) Post-docs: E. Avetisyan(a), A. Borysenko(a), I. Gyurjyan(a), C. Hadjidakis(a), L. Hovhannisyan(a), F. Ronchetti(a) Ph-D Students , M. Cantaluppi(b), A. Funel(a), M. Statera(b) Students: F. Giordano(b) Two recent significant publications A.Airapetian et al, Measurement of Single-spin Azimuthal Asymmetries in Semi-inclusive Electroproduction of Pions and Kaons on a Longitudinally Polarized Deuterium Target, Phys. Lett. B562 (2003) 182 [hepex/0212039] A. Airapetian et al, Evidence for Quark-Hadron Duality in the Proton Spin asymmetry A 1, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90:092002,2003, [hep-ex/0209018] Page 22 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.5 Partner # 5 Glasgow (a) Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. Internet: www.physics.gla.ac.uk (b) Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK. Internet: www.ph.ed.ac.uk (c) Physics Department, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK. Internet: www.imperial.ac.uk/physics Infrastructure, expertise and competence: The Department of Physics and Astronomy in Glasgow is one of the largest physics departments in the UK with some 38 academic staff and 430 full-time equivalent undergraduates with an excellent, internationally recognized training tradition. The theoretical particle physics group has a well-established international profile in Lattice QCD. The nuclear physics group is the largest research group in the UK performing experiments in hadron physics. The theoretical and experimental groups are in close contact through their shared research interests and seminars. The group (theory and experiment) participates in numerous national and international collaborations (HERMES at DESY, MAMI at the Univ. of Mainz, Hall A, CLAS and GlueX at the Jefferson Lab., PANDA at GSI, UKQCD and others). UKQCD won funding for a 5 Tflops QCDOC computer to be installed in Edinburgh at the beginning of 2004. The computer will be the fastest available in Europe for Lattice QCD calculations. There will be a number of training opportunities associated with the machine, and organized by UKQCD, including workshops on writing high performance code and using GRID tools. In addition, the experimental group will provide training in software development, analysis techniques, hardware development and in GRID computing. Scientific staff involved in the research John Annand(a), Senior Research Fellow, Experimental Nuclear Physics, 20% Gunnar Bali(a), Lecturer in Theoretical Particle Physics (coordinator), 40% Derek Branford(b), Professor in Photonuclear Physics, 20% Christine Davies(a), Professor, Group Leader Particle Physics Theory, 20% Klaus Foehl(b), Research Fellow, Experimental Nuclear Physics, 40% Alistair Hart(b), Royal Society Research Fellow, Theoretical Particle Physics, 20% Roger Horsley(b), Lecturer in Theoretical Particle Physics, 20% David Ireland(a), Lecturer in Experimental Nuclear Physics, 30% Ralf Kaiser(a), Lecturer in Experimental Nuclear Physics, 30% James Kellie(a), Reader in Experimental Nuclear Physics, 40% Elliot Leader(c), Professor in Theoretical Particle Physics, 30% Ken Livingston(a), Research Fellow, Experimental Nuclear Physics, 40% Cameron McGeorge(a), Senior Research Fellow, Experimental Nuclear Physics, 20% Douglas MacGregor(a), Reader in Experimental Nuclear Physics, 20% Guenther Rosner(a), Cargill Professor of Natural Philosophy, Group Leader Nuclear Physics, 25% Dan Watts(b), Advanced EPSRC Research Fellow, Experimental Nuclear Physics, 40% Post-docs: Alexander Borissov(a), Alexandra Dougall(a), Eduardo Follana(a), Elvira Gamiz(a), Derek Glazier(a), Dan Protopopescu(a), Azusa Yamaguchi(a), Guangliang Yang(a) PhD. Students: I. Allison, R. Codling, J. Donnelly, E. Downey, C. Gordon, D. Hamilton, K. Kelley, B. McKinnon, J. Melone, D. Middleton, K. Monstad, M. Murray, A. Osborne, E. Roche, C. Shearer, C. Tarbert, D. Thompson, N. Thompson, S. Waddell Two recent significant publications G. Bali, The D+SJ(2317): What can the lattice say?, Phys.Rev.D68:071501,2003 CLAS Collaboration: S. Stepanyan et al., Observation of an exotic S=+1 baryon in exclusive photoproduction from the deuteron, hep-ex/0307018, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Page 23 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.6 Partner # 6 Helsinki Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP), P.O. Box 64, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Internet: http://www.hip.fi Infrastructure, expertise and Competence: Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) acts as coordinating laboratory for this application. HIP is a physics research institute that is operated jointly by the University of Helsinki, the Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Jyväskylä. The research activity at the institute covers an extensive range of subjects in theoretical physics and experimental particle physics. The mandate of the institute is to carry out and facilitate research in basic and applied physics as well as in physics research and technology development at international accelerator laboratories. The institute is responsible for the Finnish research collaboration with CERN. The research team is located in a new building with excellentfacilities, including computing and networking. The immediate environment includes groups working on other fields of physics (space physics, condensed matter and applied physics, geophysics and atmospheric sciences) as well as the chemistry, mathematics and computer science departments. The physicists in the Helsinki team work on theoretical aspects of QCD and hadron phenomenology. Their areas of expertise include the QCD dynamics of inclusive and exclusive processes, charge symmetry and nuclear dynamics, hadron and quark dynamics, chiral symmetry and hadron spectroscopy including exotic states. This broad range of research topics is made possible by close collaboration with colleagues in Europe and the US. There is an informal weekly phenomenology seminar which ensures regular contacts between team members. Scientific staff involved in the research Paul Hoyer, Professor of Theoretical Physics (Subatomic Physics), 20% Jouni Niskanen, University lecturer, 20% Dan-Olof Riska, Professor of physics and Director of HIP, 15% Mikko Sainio, Docent and Head of Administration at HIP, 15% Nils Tornqvist, Docent and tenured researcher, 20 % Two recent significant publications Stanley J. Brodsky, Paul Hoyer, Nils Marchal, Stephane Peigne and Francesco Sannino, Structure functions are not parton probabilities, Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 114025 [hep-ph/0104291] U. van Kolck, J. A. Niskanen and G. A. Miller, Charge symmetry violation in pn 0 as a test of chiral effective field theory, Phys. Lett. B493 (2000) 65 [nucl-th/0006042] Page 24 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.7 Partner # 7 Liège (a) Département de Physique, Université de Liège, Sart Tilman Bât B5a, B-4000 Liège, Belgium Internet: qcd.theo.phys.ulg.ac.be (b) Universiteit Gent, Vakgroep Subatomaire en Stralingsfysica, Proeftuinstraat 86, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Internet: ssf.ugent.be Infrastructure, expertise and competence: The node expertise is both theoretical (Liège) and experimental (Gent). The ULg group has expertise on many topics of interest to this network. In the start-up phase is the group around M. Polyakov working on GPD’s and models of hadrons. In that respect also baryon spectroscopy is important, especially in view of the successful prediction of the pentaquark state. Other expertise in the group involves hadron spectroscopy in the context of potential models, group theory, diffractive vector meson production. The Gent group is involved in the design of a recoil detector for the HERMES experiment, the analysis of single-spin asymmetries on a transversely polarized target and diffractive vector meson production in HERMES. The group is also involved in experiments at Mainz. Ph.D. students in general will spent part of their time at experimental facilities. Scientific staff involved in the research M. Polyakov(a), 50%, Sofja Kovalevskaja award winner of German Federal Ministry for Education and Research J. Cugnon(a), 20%, head of the IISN group P. Stassart(a), 40% J.R. Cudell(a), 30%, head of the COMPETE collaboration F. Stancu(a), 20% D. Ryckbosch(b), 20%, head of HERMES group in Gent M. Tytgat(b), 20% Y. Van Haarlem(b), 30% A.Vandenbroucke(b), 30% U. Elschenbroich(b), 30% Two recent significant publications K. Goeke, M.V. Polyakov and M. Vanderhaeghen, Hard exclusive reactions and the structure of hadrons, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 47 (2001) 401 [arXiv:hep-ph/0106012]. Airapetian et al, Quark Fragmentation to +/-, 0, K+/-, p and pbar in the Nuclear Environment, Phys. Lett. B (in press) [hep-ex/0307023], preprint DESY-03-088. Page 25 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.8 Partner # 8 Nicosia (UCY) University of Cyprus: Department of Physics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20357, CY-1678 Nicosia, Cyprus. Internet: www.ucy.ac.cy Infrastructure, expertise and competence The Nicosia team includes theoretical physicists from the Department of Physics of the Cyprus University (UCY). The department provides an excellent infrastructure for pre-docs and post-docs, both scientifically (offices, substantial laboratory infrastructure, computing facilities) as otherwise (assistance in finding housing and language courses). Theoretical physicists at UCY have longstanding collaboration with CERN, Wuppertal and Pisa Universities and MIT. Within the network, the Nicosia group has strong expertise in lattice gauge theories including calculations of hadronic matrix elements, (transition) form factors, state-of-the-art methods for static potentials, renormalization of currents including chiral fermions and modelling of the QCD vacuum. There is expertise in several of theoretical methods that are used to achieve the tasks of the network, such as algorithms and optimized solvers for fermion propagators, Mathematica packages for perturbative lattice calculations within QCD with chiral fermions and a variety of algorithms employed in studies of the QCD vacuum and static potentials. Key scientific staff involved in the research Constantia Alexandrou, Assoc. Professor in Theoretical Physics (Strong Interaction Physics), 40% Haralambos Panagopoulos, Professor in Theoretical Physics (Particle Physics), 20% Antonios Tsapalis, Research scientist (Strong Interaction Physics), 50% Ph.D. students: G. Koutsou (starting 2004) Two recent significant publications C. Alexandrou, Ph. de Forcrand and A. Tsapalis, Probing hadron wave functions in lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 094503[hep-lat/0206026]. L. Del Debbio, H. Panagopoulos and E. Vicari, Confining strings in representations with common n-ality, JHEP 0309:034 (2003) [hep-lat/0308012]. Page 26 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.9 Partner # 9 Orsay (a) IPN (Institut de Physique Nucleaire) Orsay, 15 rue Georges Clemenceau, 91406 Orsay, France (b) LPC (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire) Clermont-Ferrand, Universite Blaise Pascal, 24 Avenue des Landais, 63177 Aubiere, France (c) LPSC (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie) Grenoble, 53 Avenue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble, France (d) CPhT (Centre de Physique Theorique) Polytechnique, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France (e) LAL (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire) Orsay, Universite Paris-Sud, Bat. 200, 91898 Orsay, France Infrastructure, expertise and Competence: The 5 Orsay/IN2P3 groups have both theoretical and experimental activities within international collaborations in the field exclusive processes in hadronic physics. The experimental groups are involved in experiments at the Jefferson (USA) and DESY (Germany) laboratories, focusing in particular on the exclusive electroproduction of photons and mesons on the nucleon, in order to investigate the internal structure of the nucleon (generalized parton distributions, quarks and gluons momentum and spin distributions, etc...). The node has also a strong theoretical activity in this domain which allows, in close collaboration with the experimental groups, to guide data analysis and theoretical interpretations and leads to innovative projects. The network will allow to share, in a reciprocal way, these expertises with the other nodes and will form a fertile ground for new collaborations and projects. In particular, strong cooperation with teams 3, 7, 10 (theory), 7 and 11 (experiments) are expected. Scientific staff involved in the research Michel Guidal(a), 30% (coordinator) Jean-Pierre Didelez(a), 10% Eid Hourany(a), 10% Dominique Marchand(a), 10% Pierre Bertin(b), 30% Alexandre Camson, 30% Hélène Fonvielle(b), 10% Catherine Ferdi(b), 30% Bernard Pire(c), 30% Stéphane Munier(c), 20% Samuel Wallon(c), 30% Eric Voutier(d), 30% Gilles Quemener(d), 10% Christian Pascaud(e), 10% Fabian Zomer (e), 30% Sylvestre Baudrand(e) 30% Two recent significant publications CLAS Collaboration (... M. Guidal...), Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in Polarized Electron beam asymmetry measurements, Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 182002. J.P. Ralston and B. Pire, Femtophotography of protons to nuclei with deeply virtual Compton Scattering, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 111501. Page 27 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.10. Partner #10 Pavia (a) INFN – Pavia: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pavia, Pavia (www.pv.infn.it/) (b) University di Pavia: Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica, Università di Pavia, Pavia (c) University of Brescia: Dipartimento di Chimica e Fisica per i Materiali e l’Ingegneria, Università di Brescia, Brescia (webserver.ing.unibs.it/cfweb/) (d) University of Torino: Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Università di Torino, Torino, ( www.ph.unito.it/dft) (e) University of Cagliari: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Cagliari, and INFN – Sezione di Cagliari (www.ca.infn.it) (f) University of Alessandria: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria (www.mfn.unipmn.it) (g) University of Como: Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica, Università dell’Insubria, Como (h) University of Ferrara: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Ferrara, and INFN – Sezione di Ferrara (i) University of Trento: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, and INFN – Sezione di Padova (l) University of Perugia: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Perugia, and INFN – Sezione di Perugia Infrastructure, expertise and competence The research activities will be carried on under the guidance of local research groups, that are all involved in international collaborations and often take part in the research programmes of INFN – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. The close collaboration between the Departments of Physics and INFN makes it possible to have access to powerful and dependable computer facilities, both at the local site or distributed over the network. In the Pavia team, physicists belong to the Departments of Theoretical Physics of several Universities and/or to local units of INFN. These groups are embedded in a very active environment with many international collaborations, both in theoretical and experimental activities. For example, at the Theory division of the University of Pavia 18 staff members, 3 post-docs and 9 Ph.D. students work in the fields of quantum gravity, particle physics, complex systems, econophysics, hadronic and nuclear physics. Similarly, at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Torino 30 staff members, 12 post-docs, and 15 Ph.D. students are currently active. On a larger scale, all these theoretical groups interact with experimental colleagues, who are involved in the currently most relevant collaborations, such as HERMES and ZEUS at DESY; ATLAS and CMS (for LHC), COMPASS, and ATHENA at CERN; CDF at Fermilab; TJNAF; etc. Together with a large and powerful set of computing facilities as well as with a rich selection of teaching courses, this provides an excellent infrastructure for young pre-docs and experienced post-docs. In this team several theoretical methods are addressed, that are used to achieve the tasks of the network, such as phenomenology of single spin asymmetries in inclusive and semi-inclusive processes, properties and models of T-odd distribution and fragmentation functions, as well as of GPD, perturbative QCD and factorization, nuclear effects in QCD structure of hadrons. Key scientific staff involved in the research Marco Radici (a), Researcher, team coordinator, 40% Sigfrido Boffi (b,a), Full Professor in Theoretical Physics, 30% Barbara Pasquini (b), fellow, 50% Andrea Bianconi (c,a), Associate Professor, 30% Mauro Anselmino (d), Full Professor in Theoretical Physics, 20% Aram Kotzinian (d), Visiting Scientist (2003-06), 30% Francesco Murgia (e), Researcher, 50% Umberto D’Alesio (e), Assistant Professor, 50% Vincenzo Barone (f), Assistant Professor, 25% Philip G. Ratcliffe (g), Associate Professor, 20% Alessandro Drago (h), Assistant Professor, 30% Marco Traini (i), Full Professor in Theoretical Physics, 25% Claudio Ciofi degli Atti (l), Full Professor in Nuclear Physics, 30% Sergio Scopetta (l), Assistant Professor, 30% Post-docs: Mariaelena Boglione (d), 50% (2003-05) ; Alexei Prokudin (d), 50% (2003-05) Two recent significant publications M. Anselmino, U. D’Alesio, and F. Murgia, Transverse single spin asymmetries in Drell-Yan processes, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 074010 D. Boer, R. Jakob, and M. Radici, Interference fragmentation functions in electron-positron annihilation, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 094003 Page 28 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.11 Partner # 11 Regensburg (a) University of Regensburg (b) DESY, Hamburg (c) University of Heidelberg Infrastructure, expertise and Competence: The Regensburg team is composed to cover a broad range of theoretical and experimental efforts. The experimental focus within the team is the HERMES collaboration involving physicists from Regensburg, DESY and the Soltan Institute from Warsaw. The DESY scientists included in the Regensburg team are experts on the issues of the network. Experimentalists from several teams will often spend some time at DESY (HERMES experiment). There the pre-docs will be trained in running shifts in large experiments, doing data quality checks and performing a physics analysis of experimental data. The DESY scientists of the network will assist in the supervision of them. In addition, DESY offers physics training opportunities through its rich program of seminars and symposia, and through the close existing collaboration between experimentalists and theorists. At the University of Heidelberg the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University is involved with strong expertise on applying QCD to scattering, near light cone physics within a field theoretic approach. Contacts exist with local experimentalists working at DESY and CERN. . Scientific staff involved in the research Vladimir Braun(a),, Full professor in Theoretical Physics, 10% Andreas Schäfer(a), (spokesperson), Full professor in Theoretical Physics, 15% Tilo Wettig(a), (expected to start beginning of 2004), Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics, 5% Senior research staff memebers(a): Christof Gattringer, Francesco Hautmann, Alexander Lenz, Marco Stratmann, Heribert Weigert Wolf-Dieter Nowak(b) , HERMES collaboration, 15% Markus Diehl(b), DESY Theory Group Staff, 15% Hans Juergen Pirner(c), Professor in Theoretical Physics, 15% Otto Nachtmann(c), Professor in Theoretical Physics, 20% Post-docs Heidelberg: K. Uttermann, 10% and B. Klein, 10% Two recent significant publications The QCDSF Collaboration (M. Gockeler et al.), Generalized parton distributions from lattice QCD, DESY03-051, LU-ITP-2003-006, EDINBURGH-2003-04, LTH-573, MIT-CTP-3365, Apr 2003. 10pp. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0304249 V.M. Braun (Regensburg U.), G.P. Korchemsky (Orsay, LPTHE), D. Müller (Wuppertal U.), The uses of conformal symmetry in QCD, Jun 2003. 110pp. Submitted to Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. e-Print Archive: hepph/0306057 Page 29 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.12 Partner # 12 Saclay SPhN/CEA-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France Infrastructure, expertise and Competence: Physicists in the Saclay team belong to the Service de Physique Nucléaire (SPhN) of the French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique. SPhN is part of a large fundamental and applied research department (DAPNIA) including also particle physics, astrophysics, instrumentation, accelerator physics. The contacts between the various disciplines are numerous and fruitful. SPhN, with about fifty staff physicists, already provides an excellent infrastructure for about 20 students and 15 post-docs (with respectively about 1/3 and 1/2 from other European countries). The scientific environment benefits from the numerous ties with other laboratories in the larger Paris area. Students and post-docs may freely attend high level courses dispensed in universities nearby, and SPhN itself organizes, at least once a year, topical courses. With a majority of experimenters, SPhN also has activities in theory, and students or post-docs in theory all enjoy rich exchanges with their fellow experimenters. In addition, they benefit from the vicinity of the Service de Physique Théorique at Saclay. SPhN is involved in several international collaborations to carry experiments in the fields of nuclear structure, hadron physics, quark-gluon plasma and applied nuclear physics, in France (GANIL), Europe (CERN, Finland, Belgium, Germany) and the U.S.A (TJNAF and BNL). Within the network, the Saclay team has recognized expertise in the experimental and theoretical studies of nucleon structure. Among others, many of the concepts and first experiments concerning Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS and DVCS) originated within this team. On the technical side, the physicists, with their fellow engineers within DAPNIA, are developping large detection systems, calorimeter light monitoring systems, superconducting magnets. Scientific staff involved in the research Within SPhN, the staff (permanent research physicists) is involved in four different research activities, all related to the network topics. These activities are listed as well. Michel Garçon (50%), coordinator Experiment: TJNAF/ GPD Franck Sabatié (50 %) Experiment: TJNAF/ GPD Jacques Ball (30%) Experiment: TJNAF /GPD Pierre Guichon (50%) Theory: GPD Fabienne Kunne (40%) Experiment : COMPASS/ Gluons & Transversity Jean-Marc LeGoff (30%) Experiment : COMPASS/ Gluons & Transversity Damien Neyret (20%) Experiment : COMPASS/ Gluons & Transversity Nicole d'Hose (40%) Experiment : COMPASS/ GPD Etienne Burtin (30%) Experiment : COMPASS/ GPD Jacques Marroncle (20%) Experiment : COMPASS/ GPD Two recent significant publications M. Garçon, An introduction to Generalized Parton Distributions, Eur. Phys. J. A 18 (2003) 389 P. Guichon et al., Pion production in deeply virtual Compton scattering, Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) 034018 Page 30 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.13 Partner # 13 Valencia (a) University of Valencia (b) IFIC, Valencia (c) University of Salamanca Infrastructure, expertise and competence: A large part of the team belongs to the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia, constituting 22 permanent members, 3 long-term contracts, 2 Visiting Professors, 5 Post-doctoral positions and 17 Pre-doctoral positions occupied by persons of different nationalities (Germany, Italy, Greece, China, Japan, Russia...). The Departments of Theoretical Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics share a Ph.D. programme, which has received the highest quality rate by the Spanish Education Ministry. In the recent past students from Italy and Germany have obtained the Ph. D. Members of the DTPUV have participated in European scientific networks: "Eurodaphne", "Physics beyond the standard model", "Many body description of hadrons and nuclei", "Hadronic physics with high-energy electromagnetic probes", "Electromagnetic scattering off confined partons (Esop)", "Microscopic Quantum Many-Body Theories" . The UV is a large University ( 50.000 students) with several services for helping foreign students. The IFIC is a Particle and Nuclear Physics Institute belonging to the C.S.I.C. and to the Valencia University. There is about 100 doctors in the IFIC, which includes theoreticians and experimentalists. The experimental activity focus in the ATLAS collaboration, Antares, the Pion Beam Factory at GSI and other projects. Few members of the group belong to the Department of Nuclear Physics and Radiology of the University of Salamanca. It is a small theoretical group that maintains a strong scientific relation with the DTPUV. The main research effort of the Valencia-Salamanca group is concerned with the properties and structure of hadrons. The group has experience in many approaches used to describe hadronic systems: relativistic and nonrelativistic quark models and lattice theory. An important research effort has been done in the last few years in the connection between constituent quark model and the parton picture of the hadron structure, looking to different parton distributions. The structure function of the nucleon using a light-front constituent quark model has been studied. The relativistic effects have been analyzed both for polarized and unpolarized parton distributions. In the field of constituent quark model, we have analyzed the electromagnetic properties of baryons, paying especial attention to the relativistic corrections in the operators. The activity in the field of lattice theory has been focussed in the study of the renormalization properties for four-fermion operators. The team has collaborations with the Grenoble group (Orsay team), the Perugia and Trento groups (Pavia team), the University of Regensburg and the Saclay teams. Scientific staff involved in the research Santiago Noguera(a), Associate Professor, 40% Pedro Gonzalez(a), Associate Professor, 40%, coordinator Vicente Gimenez(a), Associate Professor, 40% Vicente Vento(a), Professor, 40% Hee-Jung LEE(a), Post-doctoral position, 50% Nikolai Kochelev, Visitor position, 20% Angeles Faus(b), Research Associate, 20% Jorge Velasco(b), Director of Research C.S.I.C., 20% Francisco Fernandez(c), Professor, 20% Alfredo Valcarce(c), Associate Professor, 20% Javier Vijande(c), Pre-doctoral position Two recent significant publications Sergio Scopetta, Vicente Vento, Generalized Parton Distributions in Constituent Quark Models, Eur.Phys.J.A16:527-535,2003 I.V. Anikin, D. Binosi, R. Medrano, S. Noguera, V. Vento, Single Spin Asymmetry Parameter from Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering of Hadrons up to Twist – Three Accuracy. 1. Pion Case, Eur.Phys.J.A14:95103,2002 Page 31 of 44 HAPNET B3.1.14 Partner # 14 Warsaw (a) Soltan Institute for nuclear Studies, Warsaw (b) Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw (c) Jagellonian University, Cracow (d) H. Niewodniczanski Insitute for Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow Infrastructure, expertise and Competence: The physicist from the Polish institutes involved have long and successful experience in international collaboration, involving world-class researchers, as well as younger scientists and students. There is a vast availability of lectures and seminars in English, which in some cases is the working language. The Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies takes part in the HERMES collaboration. . Scientific staff involved in the research Lech Szymanowski(a) , 20% Witold Augustyniak(a), 15% Bohdan Marianski(a), 15% Pawel Zupranski(a), 15% Lech Mankiewicz(b), 20% Michal Praszalowicz(c), 15% Adam Bzdak(c), 15% Wojciech Broniowski(d), 15% Krzysztof Golec-Biernat(d), 15% Antoni Szczurek(d), 15% Two recent significant publications K. Golec-Biernat and A.M. Stasto, On solutions of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation with impact parameter, Nucl.Phys.B668 (2003) 345-363 [hep-ph/0306279]. N. Kivel and L. Mankiewicz, NLO corrections to the twist 3 amplitude in DVCS on a nucleon in the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation: quark case, Nucl.Phys.B672 (2003) 357-371. Page 32 of 44 HAPNET B3.2. INTENSITY AND QUALITY OF THE NETWORKING Interactions and collaborations Each young researcher employed by the network works on a topic that involves interactions or collaborations between different teams. This is quite natural for experimental collaborations because of the scale of the experiments, but it is also true for the theoretical topics as for example in lattice calculations where computer facilities, configurations and codes are shared. The tasks formulated in sections B1.4 and B1.5 can only be realized through intensive interaction and workinglevel collaboration. The young researchers play a key role in this interaction. The composition of the scientific objectives, and the modes of interactions planned, will give the optimum balance between individual and network-wide research activities. Thus, each employed researcher will indeed have a well-defined research project, while it is based in a particular network team. The Network-wide activities will follow specifically and naturally from the demands of the scientific objectives. Integrating teams The network contains two teams (Valencia and Athens) from Less Favoured Regions of the EU and two teams from new member states (Poland and Cyprus). Integration of small size institutions that specialize in certain aspects of hadron physics like the University of Cyprus will benefit from interacting with experts in other areas in network meetings and through exchanges of students and staff. Page 33 of 44 HAPNET B3.3. RELEVANCE OF THE PARTNERSHIP COMPOSITION There have been several reasons to come to the specific partnership of this network: In order to address the physics issues at stake (understanding the structure of hadrons in terms of the fundamental theory of QCD), collaboration between experimentalists, phenomenologists, theorists involved in building models and theorists involved in lattice calculations is essential. This necessarily has driven a large number of rather diverse research groups together. All groups, however, have very significant working-level experience on the topic of the proposal. Experimental groups are involved in several different collaborations working at large (DESY, CERN, TJNAF) or smaller facilities (IASA, GRAAL, Mainz). The scientific area of expertise of the partners is well known to the others and various bilateral collaborations do already exist. The network will also create a significant number of new collaborations. Some of these are inspired by physics reasons such as collaboration with teams involved in lattice gauge calculations, others by the realization that it is important to involve physicist from new EU member countries such as Poland and Cyprus. The physicists in the 14 teams originate from 11 different countries in Europe, including 2 teams from new member states (Nicosia and Warsaw). Two of the teams (Valencia and Athens) are located in a lessfavoured region, while other teams include physicists from less-favoured regions (e.g. physicists from Cagliari (Sardegna) in the Pavia team). The groups study the topic of the proposal from different points of view and by very different and complementary techniques. The network does not only consists of large, experienced and well-established groups, but also contains small groups like the Nicosia group or groups that just initiated new initiatives with great potential for the future, such as the new activities of Maxim Polyakov in the Liège group. Page 34 of 44 HAPNET B4. MANAGEMENT AND FEASIBILITY B4.1. PROPOSED MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Network coordination and management The HAPNET network will be coordinated by Piet Mulders (Amsterdam). His responsibilities will include the overall coordination and implementation of the project activities, the financial management of the project according to the policy outlined below and in section B7, the organization of publicity and measures to attract high-level candidates, the coordination of network training courses and network meetings, the monitoring of the extent and quality of training activities of the various researchers and the generation of the progress reports and midterm and final reports. A management team will be formed by the network coordinator Piet Mulders (Amsterdam) and the task coordinators, Michel Garçon (Saclay), Andreas Schäfer (Regensburg), Gerard van der Steenhoven (Amsterdam) and Paul Hoyer (Helsinki). The network coordinator will be assisted by a management assistant, appointed on the basis of a contract for 2 days per week for the total duration of the project. This person will have various administrative tasks, such as the creation and, in particular, the regular updating of the HAPNET website, the editing of an electronic newsletter and the answering of questions of the employed researchers or involved scientific staff regarding administrative, financial and organizational details of the network. This person will also contact the various group leaders and their administrative officials regarding financial issues and keep records of the training programmes of the employed researchers and of the various secondments within the network. Each of the research tasks will be coordinated by one or two senior researchers in the network, who will have the responsibility of organizing the details of the collaborative activities, exchange of scientists, planning joint experiments and transferring knowledge to other partners, all of this in regular contact with the coordinator. The training of the employed researchers will be coordinated by a task force consisting of the network coordinator and two senior scientists, Constantia Alexandrou (Nicosia) and Wolf-Dieter Nowak (DESY, Regensburg team). The task force monitors the young researchers, making sure that the objective set out in B2.1 is met. The supervisors involved in training will be grouped according to whether they will train ESR’s or ER’s, and these two groups will be in contact with the coordinator. Communication Most participants of the HAPNET network know each other very well. To achieve optimal network communication the following measures will be taken: Each year two graduate schools will be selected where all ESR’s participate and there will be one large network meeting, in which all employed researchers and all senior physicists involved in their supervision will participate. The meeting will be in the form of scientific workshops, where participants present their results and future plans are discussed. A website will be prepared, and kept up to date, with general information on the network, lists with phone numbers, e-mail addresses of all participants and links to websites of all participating groups and other important sites, information on vacant positions and an overview of publications. This site will be constructed at the start of the project, with the objective of enhancing interaction between partners, but also to publicize and disseminate project information to the rest of the world. A half-yearly electronic newsletter will be prepared, which will be distributed among all researchers employed by the network and all involved researchers financed by other sources. This newsletter will feature progress reports of early-stage and experienced researchers and it contains the information on topical lecture series at the various institutes. The electronic newsletter will be a part of the HAPNET web page. Financial management The proposal coordinator is responsible for financial issues of the project. Funds will be managed centrally and distributed to a team once a fellow is recruited. The proposal coordinator will create separate accounts for (a) centrally managed funds to be distributed to the various teams for networking and employing young researchers and (b) funds used for management costs. Each of the teams will create designated accounts for the employment and mobility of employed researchers and networking. The funds distributed to the partners consist of the categories A-E, F1-F2 and H of the Marie Curie Work Programme, to be specific (A) salary costs, multiplied by the appropriate national correction coefficient (p. 52 of the Marie Curie Work Programme), (B) an appropriate travel allowance (based on the table on p. 51 of the Marie Curie Work Programme), (C) an appropriate mobility allowance (depending on the marital status of the fellow), (D) a career exploratory allowance, if applicable, (E) a contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers, (F1) a contribution of costs linked to the participation of researchers not recruited by the network and (F2) a contribution related to the organisation and implementation of the project – see Table B7, and (H) overheads. Categories E and F1 are based on real costs and will be managed by the financial department of the institute of the fellow. Unused funds will be returned to Page 35 of 44 HAPNET the centrally managed funds of the network coordinator. The funds used for the management (category G) will be centrally managed by the network coordinator and will be based on real costs. The management costs include the salary of an administrative official, to be appointed in the group of the network coordinator based on a contract of 16 hours per week for the total duration of the project, costs of management meetings and costs for auditing. Dissemination of results Results obtained by fellows appointed by the network will be made public by: Publications in peer-reviewed international journals Presentations (posters and/or talks) at international scientific meetings and workshops All appointed researchers are also expected to present their results at the network meetings and in the electronic newsletter. Page 36 of 44 HAPNET B4.2. MANAGEMENT KNOW-HOW AND EXPERIENCE OF NETWORK CO-ORDINATOR The network is coordinated by Prof. Piet Mulders, since 1995 professor in Theoretical Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (www.nat.vu.nl/~mulders). At present he is head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and active in several national and international science committees. During his career he has worked in Europe and the U.S. (as post-doc), he has worked at research institutes and universities. He has been and is involved in the organization of lecture series and monitoring of students in graduate schools, in the organization of international workshops, conferences and summer schools. He has supervised about 10 Ph.D. students. He has been a member of the management team of the ESOP network (HPRN-CT-2000-00130) funded in the EU 5th framework. B4.3. MANAGEMENT KNOW-HOW AND EXPERIENCE OF NETWORK TEAMS Each network team will be managed by a scientist in charge, who is appointed in that team for the duration of the network. In groups in which both experimentalists and theorists are active, usually the scientist in charge is assisted by a colleague to ensure that both theoretical and experimental aspects in the networking are taken care of. In several cases the scientist in charge is not the local group leader but the person who is most directly involved with the management of the respective team. Partner 1 (Amsterdam) Prof. Piet Mulders acts as scientist in charge of the Amsterdam team. He is also the coordinator of the full network (see above). In the management of the Amsterdam team, he will be assisted by Prof. Gerard van der Steenhoven, professor in experimental nuclear physics and senior staff member at NIKHEF. Van der Steenhoven has experience in managing European Networks, as he served as Coordinator of a European Network which was funded by the European Commission's 3 rd Framework Programme on Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) (contract CHRXCT93011) in 1993 – 1996. He also serves as one of the two Dutch representatives of NuPECC, an ESF expert committee. Partner 2 (Athens) Prof. Stathis Stiliaris will act as scientist in charge of the Athens team. He was the recipient of a Marie Curie Fellowship and has extensive experience in organizing scientific meetings. The Athens group is led by Prof. Costas N. Pananicolas, professor at the University of Athens and the Director of IASA, the designated administrative entity of the node. He is the head of the Accreditation Board for Higher Education in Cyprus and a member of the National Research Council (Greece). He is an adjunct Professor at the University of Illinois (Urbana) and a Fellow and life member of the American Physical Society. Partner 3 (Bochum) Dr. Andreas Metz acts as scientist in charge of the Bochum-Wuppertal team. He finished his PhD in 1997, and was post-doc in Heidelberg, Saclay and Amsterdam afterwards. In 2002 he joined the group of theoretical nuclear and particle physics at the university of Bochum. Andreas Metz has experience in organizing scientific meetings. The Bochum group is led by Prof. Klaus Goeke, the Wuppertal group by Prof. Peter Kroll, both of them with broad experience in organization of meetings and management of projects. Partner 4 (Frascati) Dr. Enzo De Sanctis acts as scientist in charge of the Frascati team. He is Director of Research of INFN at the Frascati National Laboratories and member of the INFN Board of Directors. He has experience in managing European Networks and Projects, as a member of the management team of the ESOP network, as the coordinator of three INTAS projects, as coordinator of the Transversity networking project within the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative ‘Hadron Physics’ and as a member of the organizing committee of the yearly LNFSpring School. Partner 5 (Glasgow) Dr. Gunnar Bali acts as scientist in charge of the Glasgow team. He has been awarded prestigious Heisenberg and PPARC Advanced Fellowships in recognition of his work. He was member of several organizing and advisory committees for international conferences and workshops. The theoretical particle physics group in Glasgow is led by Prof. Christine Davies, a specialist in lattice QCD. She holds a PPARC Senior Fellowship and was elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in recognition of her work in this field. The nuclear physics group is led by Prof. Günther Rosner. He is among others the chairperson of the UK Steering Committee for Future Nuclear Physics Facilities, and member of the EPSRC Physics Strategy Advisory Team. Page 37 of 44 HAPNET Partner 6 (Helsinki) Prof. Paul Hoyer acts as scientist in charge of the Helsinki team. He is since 1981 professor of elementary particle physics at the Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki and an Adjoint Scientist with the Helsinki Institute of Physics. During 1994-2002 he was on leave, being Director of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) in Copenhagen. Paul Hoyer has been organizing several summer schools and scientific meetings. Partner 7 (Liège) Prof. Joseph Cugnon is the head of the IISN group in Liège. In the same group, Dr. Jean-René Cudell is the head of the COMPETE collaboration (COmputerised Models, Parameter Evaluation for Theory and Experiment), which organizes and maintains databases of models and data on hadronic physics. Prof. Dirk Ryckbosch heads the experimental group in Gent. He has been HERMES Spokesman from 2001-2003. Partner 8 (Niosia) Prof. Constantia Alexandrou leads the Nicosia group. She received a Ph.D. from MIT (Cambridge, USA) and has been chair of the Department of Physics at the University of Cyprus and coordinator of several national research programmes. She is a recipient of a Levendis Foundation research award. Partner 9 (Orsay) Dr. Michel Guidal acts as scientist in charge for the IN2P3 team. He completed his PhD in 1996 and after a post-doc position at NIKHEF in Amsterdam, obtained a staff position at IPN Orsay. He has experience in organizing international workshops, conferences and schools (member of the scientific and organization committees of the FANTOM and Joliot-Curie schools and of the Baryons04 conference). Partner 10 (Pavia) Dr. Marco Radici acts as scientist in charge of the Pavia team. Since 1988 he works in the group of theoretical nuclear physics of University of Pavia led by Prof. Sigfrido Boffi, who is member of the Academic Senate of the University of Pavia and was formerly local Coordinator of two European Networks. The theoretical particle physics group of the University of Torino is led by Prof. Mauro Anselmino, the Director of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the same University. Partner 11 (Regensburg) Prof. Andreas Schäfer is a full professor in Regensburg and acts as scientist in charge of the joint RegensburgHeidelberg-DESY-Warsaw team. He is presently chairperson of the section ‘Hadron and Nuclear Physics’ of the German Physical Society and spokesperson of the transregional DFG research group on ‘Lattice Hadron Phenomenology’. He also serves in advisory commissions of the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) and the SPS committee at CERN. Partner 12 (Saclay) Dr. Michel Garçon acts as scientist in charge for the four Saclay groups participating in the network. He is leading the SPhN/CLAS group, and is co-spokesperson of the TJNAF/CLAS/DVCS experiment. Michel Garçon has experience in training students at a non-university site. He is active in several scientific committees. Dr. Pierre Guichon coordinating the theoretical activities in the team, has contributed significantly to the education of several young theoreticians in preceding European networks. Partner 13 (Valencia) Prof. Pedro González acts as scientist in charge of the Valencia team. He has experience in the management of national research projects. He has collaborated in the organization of meetings and the management of the European Networks HaPHEEP and ESOP. Partner 14 (Warsaw) Doc. Dr hab. Lech Szymanowski acts as scientist in charge of the Warsaw team. He finished his Ph.D. in 1980 and was post-doc in Saclay and Orsay afterwards. In 1995 he passed the habilitation procedure. Presently he is head of the particle theory group of the Department of Nuclear Theory of the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies. He has experience in organizing international scientific meetings. Page 38 of 44 HAPNET B5. RELEVANCE TO THE OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY The following benefits will be gained by undertaking this project at the European Community level: The capacity for training of researchers in the field of the network will be greatly enhanced by the network. Eight early-stage and six experienced researchers will receive training over the four-year period of the project, profiting from the broad expertise of the whole network, rather than only the specific local expertise. In order for interdisciplinary training to be effective, it has to be based around a coherent project, in which approaches of different disciplines are required to bring about progress. As explained in B1.1, research in hadronic physics directly involves nuclear and particle physics and has links to astrophysics. Therefore, this project will also have an important effect in overcoming some fragmentation of research. The HAPNET network will reinforce on-going research projects in all of the participating European institutes. Through the training programme, it will also reinforce the I3HP activities that in essence do not cover training aspects. The joint activities within the network are driven by the desire for scientific advancement. A number of graduates (usually the good students) choose to go abroad, for instance to the US. European exchange programmes will improve the chances of keeping them in Europe or getting them back to Europe by giving them the opportunity to pick up the expertise at the appropriate European Institutions. The intention to combine the research and training efforts of pre-docs with a Ph.D. programme, will contribute to the activities aimed at international accreditation and acknowledgements of Ph.D. programmes. In these activities we will involve as much as possible ongoing efforts at universities or institutes. Besides the researcher(s) financed by the network, in many cases one or more other local young researchers will be involved, so a project may be carried out by a group of as many as three to five young researchers. Page 39 of 44 HAPNET B6. ADDED VALUE TO THE COMMUNITY Contribution to the European Research Area The training will contribute towards broad support for developing world-class scientists in the European Research Area. It will broaden the awareness and expertise of the researchers and help establish independent reputations, leading to development of new research groups in the future. It will add to the process of drawing together people from 11 different European countries interested in an important area of scientific research. The specific combination of complementary expertise is not available in one country and once acquired there is great potential for developing new, larger networks of contacts throughout the European Research Area. The combination of early stage and experienced researchers, and the multidisciplinary content will provide a template for research training in this, and other scientific areas. Contribution to cohesion and integration policies Eleven different countries are involved, including participants from two new member countries (Warsaw, Poland and Nicosia, Cyprus). Two of the participants come from Objective 1 regions (Valencia (Comunidad Valenciana) and Athens (Attiki region)). Gender Issues Several of the senior researchers (of the order of 10%) involved in this network are female. For instance, of the 11 researchers who have themselves been young researchers in previous networks (see B8), 3 are female. As indicated in section B2.3 measures will be taken to maximize opportunities for female researchers. One of the scientists in charge (Nicosia team) is female. Increasing the competitiveness for European research The research area of the HAPNET network is already one in which European groups are highly competitive internationally. The formation of the Network, with the opportunities to consolidate existing links and form new ones, will enable Europe to retain leadership in this area. The training that will be provided in the network will produce world-class versatile researchers with the potential of becoming the leaders of the future in this area of research. One of the tasks in this network concerns the upgrading of existing facilities and the design of new both essential to ensuring a long term European leadership in the field. The involvement of early stage researcher in this undertaking assures the transfer of technical expertise that will be required for upgrading and building the future facilities. The network will provide knowledge and skills in the most demanding technologies, training that is versatile and needed in many sectors of the advanced economies of today. Synergy with regional, national and international activities There is synergy with the EU networking activity ‘Transversity’ in the I3HP project. Synergy with national activities at universities or institutes such as national research programmes or national graduate schools. In several cases universities and institutes have indicated that positions may be matched by funds from such programmes or schools. Most of the teams themselves involve already regional collaborations or have plans for such collaborations. The network may reinforce these efforts, for example collaborations between theory and experiment (such as Liège and Gent or between Athens and Nicosia). Page 40 of 44 HAPNET B7. INDICATIVE FINANCIAL INFORMATION The estimated personnel cost of 144 months for experienced researchers and 288 months of early-stage researchers (Table B2.3) as calculated including the costs of the monthly living allowance (category A from paragraph 5.4.1 of the Handbook for Marie Curie RTN’s) and mobility allowance (category C) multiplied with the factors of the respective countries, travel (category B) and career exploration allowances (category D) and the contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers (category E) would amount to about 1,760,000 €. The total including contributions to the research/networking/training/transfer of knowledge programme expenses (categories F1 and F2, specified in Table B7.1 under A and B), management activities (category G, specified in Table B7.1 under C) and a contribution to overheads (category H, 10%) amounts to about 2,680,000 €. To estimate this amount we used a mobility-allowance of 600 €/mo and a travel allowance of 500 €/yr. The amounts for networking costs, excluding personnel costs and overheads, are the ones given in Table B7.1. The networking costs under A and B constitute about 21% of the total costs, while the management costs constitute about 3.5%. At present, no other types of expenses (category I) are foreseen. Including overheads, the networking costs (excluding personnel costs) constitute about 34% of the total costs. Table B7.1 Financial information on the network projects Indicative financial information on the network project (excluding expenses related to the recruitment of early-stage and experienced researchers) Network Team No. Contribution to the research/ training / transfer of knowledge expenses Management activities (including audit certification) (Euro) (Euro) 1. Amsterdam 2. Athens 3. Bochum 4. Frascati 5. Glasgow 6. Helsinki 7. Liège 8. Nicosia 9. Orsay 10. Pavia 12. Regensburg 12. Saclay 13. Valencia 14. Warsaw Totals Other types of expenses / specific conditions (Euro) (A) (B) (C) (D) 35,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 485,000 9,600 3,600 6,000 4,800 9,600 4,800 6,000 4,800 6,000 7,200 9,600 6,000 3,600 4,800 86,400 100,000 - 100,000 - Page 41 of 44 HAPNET B8. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS AND CONTRACTS Many of the partners and physicists in this proposal have been involved with the network “Hadronic Physics with High Energy Electromagnetic Probes” (HAPHEEP; ERBFMRXCT96-0008, 01/08/1996-01/08/2000) and the network “Electron Scattering off Confined Partons” (ESOP; HPRN-CT-2000-00130, 01/09/200001/09/2003). Since the emphasis of these networks has shifted, this is reflected in the detailed composition. In the present network, the use of lattice gauge calculations as a method to understand the structure of nucleons within QCD, is important. This is reflected in the participation of the Glasgow and Nicosia teams, which were not part of the previous. Physicists from the Warsaw team are expected to play a role in the network because of their expertise on several theoretical issues (such as GPD’s, exclusive processes and perturbative QCD calculations as well as their expertise on experimental issues (within the HERMES collaboration). Also the composition and distribution over institutes in some of the teams has changed. Examples are the arrangement of the two German (Bochum and Regensburg) and Italian (Frascati and Pavia) teams. In the latter physicists from Torino joined the Pavia team. In the Belgian team, the emphasis now is more on theory. All these arrangements reflect the objectives of the network as explained in section B3.3. Within the network several senior or more senior physicists participate, who have had appointments as junior researchers in previous networks (see B8). Specific examples are Riccardo Fabbri (post-doc in Amsterdam), Andreas Metz (scientist in charge of Bochum team), Peter Schweitzer and Rainer Jakob (post-docs in Bochum), Delia Hash (research associate in Frascati), Umberto D’Alesio (assistant professor in Cagliari), Barbara Pasquini (fellow in Pavia), Mariaelena Boglione (research associate in Torino), Sergio Scopetta (assistant professor in Perugia), Heribert Weigert (research associate in Regensburg), Markus Diehl (tenure track position at DESY). Of these 11 persons, 3 are female researchers! Page 42 of 44 HAPNET B9. OTHER ISSUES There are no ethical or safety issues associated with the subject of the proposal. The proposers realize the importance of research and knowledge transfer for the society at large and will use all opportunities to inform also the general public of the scientific progress and the importance therein of programmes like FP6, e.g. during open days at partner laboratories and institutes, in presentations at schools at all levels or in presentations for the general public. Information on the ethical aspects of the research presented A. Does the research presented in this proposal raise sensitive ethical questions related to: YES NO Human beings NO Human biological samples NO Personal data (whether identified by name or not) NO Genetic information NO Animals NO B. We confirm that the research presented in this proposal does NOT involve: Research activity aimed at human cloning for reproductive purposes, Research activity intended to modify the genetic heritage of human beings which could make such changes heritable; Research activity intended to create human embryos solely for the purpose of research or for the purpose of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer; Research involving the use of human embryos or embryonic stem cells with the exception of banked or isolated human embryonic stem cells in culture. Page 43 of 44 HAPNET ENDPAGE HUMAN RESOURCES AND MOBILITY (HRM) ACTIVITIES MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Research Training Networks (RTNs) PART B “HAPNET” Page 44 of 44 HAPNET team site T1 Amsterdam Athens Bochum Frascati Glasgow Helsinki Liege Amsterdam T/E Athens T/E Bochum Frascati Glasgow T/E Helsinki Liege Gent Nicosia Orsay T/E Pavia Torino Regensburg DESY T/E Heidelberg Saclay T/E Valencia Cracow Warsaw ** Nicosia Orsay Pavia Regensburg Saclay Valencia Warsaw T2 T3 T4 T6 pd 24 T5 pd ** ** 12 ** T7 pd E1 E2 24 E3 pd ** E4 pd E5 pd 18 18 24 24 ** ** 18 ** ** 24 ** 24 12 12 ** 12 6 ** 12 12 ** 24 ** ** 12 12 ** 12 ** 12 ** ** 12 ** ** 6 18 12 12 12 Networking k€ 25.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 25.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 15.0 25.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 5.0 25.0 15.0 10.0 12 The projects are joint projects of at least two teams and involve in principle one researcher. In some cases local funds will be added to the project and two researchers may be financed. For this/these network researcher(s) a career development plan will be made, which specifies the place where the research is conducted, the daily supervision, the thesis advisor(s) and the university/ies granting the Ph.D. Besides the researcher(s) financed by the network, in many cases one or more other local young researchers will be involved, so a project may be carried out by a group of as many as three to five young researchers. Places to be visited involve The decision on a candidate is made by the teams involved. The candidate young researcher decides with the teams involved where to conduct the research, which may be divided between the teams involved. A proposal to the network coordinator. A fair division of positions over the network and the various projects is aimed for. This means that both teams A and B are involved in pre-doc projects T and E for say 18 months, agreement has to be reached that the young researcher in project T is spending most of his time in team A, while the young researcher E will be spending most of his time in team B. The young researchers, team coordinators and the network coordinator will guard this process. Teams marked with ** are expected to be involved in projects as teams to be visited by young researchers employed by other teams, as teams in which local young researchers are working on the project or as teams from which the young researchers to fill the network position originate. Predoc positions (persons with less than four year of research experience) will be preferably not later than one year after the start of the network, postdocs (with less than ten years of total research experience) can be appointed also in later years. Page 45 of 44