Science Case for a Laser Experiment to study Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission. The phenomenon of Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) is well-known in the solar-terrestrial physics community, particularly among researchers working in the field of ionospheric modification, in which high-powered HF transmitters are used to modify the naturally occurring ionospheric plasma via wave-wave and wave-particle interactions [Leyser, 2001]. Such experiments are routinely performed at the EISCAT facility in Norway, in which the UK is a founding member. These experiments are designed to understand the fundamental wave-plasma interactions, which commonly occur in astrophysical plasmas. Ionospheric modification experiments exploit the fact that, at altitudes where the natural plasma frequency of the ionosphere matches that of the powerful HF pump wave, a “forced oscillator” effect occurs, where a resonant acceleration of charge is induced in the ionospheric plasma by the field of the RF wave. In order to conserve neutrality, electric fields are induced to counter the effects of charge separation, and these disturbances can propagate in space as induced electrostatic plasma waves. A variety of electromagnetic to electrostatic wave conversion mechanisms have been identified, for example: (1) the parametric decay instability and (2) the oscillating two stream instability, which both result in Langmuir and ion-acoustic waves propagating near parallel to the magnetic field direction [Fejer, 1979]; (3) the parametric decay instability of upper-hybrid and (4) electron Bernstein waves propagating near perpendicular to the magnetic field direction, which both result in lower-hybrid (ion) waves [Istomin and Leyser, 1995]; as well as (4) the thermal parametric instability of upper-hybrid waves [Dysthe et al., 1982]. The thermal parametric instability heats the plasma, which amplifies existing density irregularities by plasma expulsion. This results in magnetic field-aligned meter-scale density irregularities (called striations), which are routinely observed over EISCAT by the UK’s CUTLASS SuperDARN radar [e.g. Honary et al., 1999]. The electromagnetic pump wave then scatters from the striations to form electrostatic plasma waves, of which the ion-acoustic waves are observable by the EISCAT radars [e.g. Stubbe et al., 1992]. The striations serve to “trap” the upper-hybrid plasma waves, which further heats the plasma, reinforcing the plasma density depletion in a positive feedback process which saturates in a few seconds. The electrostatic waves thus generated cascade to higher and lower frequencies via multiple and complex mechanisms, some of which are not well understood [e.g. Carozzi et al., 2002]. The modified spectrum of plasma waves are then re-converted on the plasma irregularities into electromagnetic waves, which may be observed on the ground as sideband signals around the pump frequency. These richly structured spectra are called Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions (SEE) [Leyser, 2001]. This picture of “stimulated backscatter” was proposed several decades ago [e.g. Fejer, 1979], and there were theoretical predictions of stimulated backscatter effects from HF heating long before the first experiments were carried out. Amongst the first HF heating experiments to search for stimulated backscatter effects were those performed using the powerful HF facility at EISCAT in Tromso, Norway, in the early 1980s [Thide et al., 1982]. These experiments illustrated a wealth of wave-wave and waveparticle coupling effects. An unexpected result was that the SEE spectrum was found 1 to be dependent on the pump wave frequency relative to harmonics of the electron gyro-frequency, which varies with the magnetic field strength in altitude. In particular, it is hard to explain the frequency up-shifted features within the SEE spectrum [Stubbe et al., 1994]. In addition, recent work suggests that the orientation of the pump wave with respect to the magnetic field is also important [Isham et al., 2005]. Typically, the SEE occurs at frequencies separated by tens to hundreds of kilohertz from the pump wave frequency, and the spectrum of stimulated modes is very complex. This includes repeatable up-shifted as well as down-shifted spectral components, with many distinct features, for example, the Down-Shifted Peak (DP), Down-shifted Maximum (DM), Broad Continuum (BC), Fast Narrow Continuum (FNC), Up-Shifted Peak (UP), and the Broad Up-shifted Maximum (BUM), among others [Leyser, 2001]. Another notable feature is that the full range of SEE phenomena is never observed simultaneously. In particular, when the pump wave frequency is close to a harmonic of the electron gyro-frequency, prominent components of the SEE spectrum (e.g. the DM) are much reduced or totally absent. Other features appear only when pumping near a gyro-harmonic (e.g. the BUM), such that the spectral content of the SEE undergoes major changes when the frequency of the pump wave is changed in small steps around the gyro-harmonics [Frolov et al., 2001]. In addition, pumping just above or below an electron gyro-harmonic does not produce the same SEE spectrum, e.g. the BUM feature only occurs for pump frequencies just above an electron gyro-harmonic. Producing the SEE is critically dependent on the polarisation of the sounding wave, occurring for O-mode polarisation but not for X-mode. This underlines the importance of the magnetic field permeating the plasma, which makes the ionosphere birefringent resulting in the X-mode reflection altitude being below that for O-mode [Fejer, 1979]. Only the O-mode polarisation reaches the upper-hybrid resonance altitude in the ionosphere, where the thermal parametric instability occurs, which is the primary mechanism for creating the plasma density irregularities central to the generation of SEE. Furthermore, plasma turbulence is only observed above a certain power threshold, strongly suggesting the importance of non-linear wave coupling in the production of SEE effects [Leyser et al., 1990]. The time scales required to excite the SEE are different for various features. Some develop rapidly within milliseconds (e.g. FNC), whereas others take up to seconds (e.g. DM). The implication is that SEE effects are primarily generated in two interaction regions, the plasma resonance region at the pump wave reflection height, and the upper hybrid resonance region, typically a few kilometres below the HF reflection height. Rapidly developing SEE features are associated with the pump wave ponderomotive force near the HF reflection altitude [Boiko et al., 1985]. Slowly developing spectra are associated with field-aligned density irregularities (striations), which grow as a result of upper hybrid resonance, i.e. the slowly growing parametric thermal instability [Derblom et al., 1990]. Most of the SEE spectral features are downshifted in frequency relative to the pump wave. Despite many years of observations, a detailed theory to explain all the observed aspects of the SEE has proved elusive, especially for the up-shifted spectral components. In particular, the behaviour of the BUM remains to be explained. This feature displays a variable separation from the pump frequency (15-150 kHz), depending on the pump frequency relative to the electron gyro-harmonic frequency. 2 When the pump frequency is within ~15 kHz of a gyro-harmonic, the BUM disappears altogether. Attempts have been made to localise the source of the BUM using interferometry, suggesting that it comes from a direction close to the magnetic field [Isham et al., 2005]. Similar behaviour is also displayed by the first, second and third orders of the DM, which also disappear for gyro-pumping. The DM occurs ~10 kHz below the pump frequency. One suggestion is that the production of the BUM and DM might correspond to some kind of four-wave process taking place in density cavities, in which cavity modes scatter the incoming pump wave [Leyser, 2001]. The practical difficulties of making in-situ measurements in the F-layer ionosphere (200300 km) and the height ambiguities associated with remote passive sensing have meant that the mechanisms for several SEE spectral features remain open to speculation. In particular, only a few of the electrostatic plasma wave modes can be observed indirectly by radars for set geometries (e.g. upper-hybrid waves nearperpendicular to the magnetic field with SuperDARN, and ion-acoustic waves nearparallel to the magnetic field with EISCAT). Often the measurement geometry excludes the desired measurements. In principle, the various theories for the generation mechanism of the SEE, in particular the BUM feature, can be tested by a laboratory plasma experiment, since the physical mechanisms are inherently scalable from the ionosphere/HF regime to the regime of laboratory plasmas pumped by lasers. This means that laser pumping of a (magnetised) laboratory plasma should produce optical SEE effects with similar spectral characteristics, relative to the pump wave, as those observed during HF pumping of the ionosphere. Such an experiment would also allow direct probing of the plasma waves within the pumped volume, something which is extremely difficult to do in the ionosphere. This is because the typical ionospheric SEE altitude range (200-300 km) is above balloon and aircraft altitudes, while satellites and rockets only give a brief and rare measurement opportunity. To our best knowledge, no such SEE experiments have ever been performed. Our proposal is to use the Vulcan laser, in conjunction with an overdense oxygen plasma (since oxygen is also the dominant species at the ionospheric F-region heights where SEE effects are produced). We propose to use laser ablation to create the plasma, which would then be pumped to create the SEE effects. [We need to state how a (un)magnetised plasma will be generated to demonstrate technical feasibility.] The primary aims of this proposal are three-fold. One, to allow direct probing of the pumped volume in the laboratory, i.e. to measure the electrostatic waves that do not propagate to the ground from the ionosphere, which is essential to understanding the wave-particle mechanisms that produce the SEE. Two, to test the influence of the magnetic field by performing laboratory experiments with and without a magnetic field present, which is impossible in the ionosphere. No magnetic field implies that the electron gyro-harmonic SEE spectral features will no longer exist, but this remains unproven. Three, to demonstrate the universality of SEE phenomena in wave-particle interactions within plasmas. This would serve to relate the ionospheric and laboratory observations to other environments, e.g. particle accelerators, fusion reactors, and the solar corona, so that the efficiency of plasma heating and particle acceleration mechanisms can be quantified in these environments. 3 [Rephrase below, include reference, looks too much like a personal note] The results of the experiment will be modelled using a simulation code created by Raoul Trines who, together with Bob Bingham, has published a paper on “Photon Landau damping”, a process which predicts backscatter effects at upshifted frequencies arising from a turbulent wave field, which seems to hold considerable promise for predicting the origin and behaviour of the BUM. {Needs more on Raoul’s code} {Needs more here on the actual laser experiment design} 4 References Boiko et al., Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 28, 259–268, 1985. Derblom et al., J. Geophysical Research, 94, 10111–10120, 1989. Carozzi et al., J. Geophysical Research, 107, doi: 10.1029/2001JA005082, 2002. Dysthe, Mjølhus, Pecséli and Rypdal, Physica Scripta, T2/2, 548-559, 1982. Fejer, J., Reviews of Geophysics, 17, 135-153, 1979. Frolov, Sergeev, Ermakova and Komrakov, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 31033106, 2001. Honary, Robinson, Wright, Stocker, Rietveld and McCrea, Ann. Geophys., 17, 12351238, 1999. Isham et al., Annales Geophysicae, 23, 55-74, 2005. Istomin and Leyser, Physics of Plasmas, 2, 2084-2097, 1995. Leyser et al., J. Geophysical Research, 95, 17233-17244, 1990. Leyser, Space Science Reviews, 98, 223-328, 2001. Stubbe, Kohl, Rietveld, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 6285-6297, 1992. Stubbe, Stocker, Honary, Robinson and Jones, J. Geophysical Research, 99, 62336246, 1994. Thide, Kopka and Stubbe, Physical Review Letters, 49, 1561-1564, 1982. 5