PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 Premier’s Visy Industries Environmental Education Scholarship Best practice in developing urban environmental education and education for sustainability programs Glen Halliday Observatory Hill Environmental Education Centre, Sydney Sponsored by 1 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 Interest in urban environmental education (EE) and education for sustainability (EFS) is increasing as rapid urbanisation emerges as one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. The urbanisation processes, fuelled by globalisation, environmental degradation, rural unemployment and technological change, is forcing a global exodus from rural to urban areas. For developed countries like Australia, urbanisation has resulted in localised environmental and social problems in our cities. Sydney, for example, has had to address environmental and social issues due to its increasing population growth. These issues include: Urban design; Land clearing and urban sprawl; Transport and infrastructure planning; Disposal of solid waste; Water, noise and air pollution; Preservation of biodiversity and heritage; Water scarcity; Social isolation; Loss of social capital and socio economic inequality. These issues contribute to many urban EE and EFS programs worldwide. Many of the more serious urban environmental problems in developed countries have been mitigated by proactive legislation and advancements in technology. However, the wider impact of the developed world’s largely urban population on the all ecosystems has focused critical world attention on urban places as the sources of widespread environmental degradation. Affluent urban dwellers draw on vast amounts of resources to supply their needs, and to remove their waste. This is known as their ecological footprint. Affluent urban dwellers use a disproportionate share of the world’s resources and are placing global ecosystems at risk. The Third World Environmental Education Conference, in Turin, focused delegates’ attention on growing ecological footprints and the urgency of addressing the world’s environmental problems through environmental education for sustainability. Presenters explained that most global ecosystems are at risk and it is critical that the concept of sustainability and the understanding of the interconnectedness of global ecosystems form a key component of urban EE. Our very future may depend on our students’ knowledge of, and positive action towards, sustainable resource use and environmental management. Conference delegates mentioned a number of challenges we face as educators: To teach our students about the effects of western urban lifestyles on global environments, and to offer positive solutions and alternatives which focus on the changes we can make by living more sustainably without compromising our standard of living; To change teaching and learning techniques into action outcomes; To ensure that world education curriculums are flexible enough for the integrative nature of EFS; To link environmental rights with human rights. The most widely accepted way to solve environmental problems is through ecologically sustainable development focusing on cultural change (EFS). 2 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 In reducing our ecological footprints on earth, most urban planners agree that some basic guidelines should be considered which promote greater sustainability. These guidelines also form the foundations of many urban EE and EFS programs worldwide. Many of the centres visited, have received critical acclaim (in their respective countries and internationally), as demonstrating world’s best practice in urban environmental education. Their activities encapsulate the following 10 guidelines: 1. Mandating a compact urban design This guideline safeguards rural hinterlands and decreases urban sprawl. Sprawling cities create social, environmental and economic costs for city governments. Chicago is addressing this issue with a successful incentive scheme for developers who utilise brownfield rather than greenfield sites for new developments. One example, the Green Technology Center, became the first in the United States to achieve the highest Leadership in Energy and Environmental design rating. The centre showcases world’s best practice in environmental building design, and it is an inspiring example of how a strong environmentally committed city government can take a lead in promoting urban consolidation strategies and simultaneously encourage and promote sustainable environmental design. In London, the Greater London Planning Authority has established many schemes to encourage consolidation, such as the London Docklands Development. A docklands fieldtrip demonstrated the massive transformation of this once depressed region, now rivalling the central business district as the financial capitol of London. A vital component is the inclusion of a fast and efficient public transport system, linking the docklands to the rest of London. The area was a model for similar dockland redevelopments worldwide, including those in Australia. The once derelict area close to the city centre is an example of how government planning in tandem with business can stimulate urban consolidation and decrease the social, environmental and economic costs of sprawling cities. Similarly, the 2012 Olympic site, on display at the New London Architecture Centre, will also initiate consolidation in a currently depressed and underdeveloped area of London. NSW teachers can stimulate students’ interest in urban design and planning issues and highlight the positive benefits of compact cities as a way to address problems of urban sprawl. Several connected outcome groups and key learning areas promote the teaching of these issues. Urban environmental fieldwork, city models, mapping skills, or classroom debates to examine the benefits of apartment living over suburban sprawl are all ways to integrate this topic into connected outcome groups and key learning areas. 2. Creating liveable communities through high quality design ‘Liveable communities’ describes the way new and existing buildings affect the character and quality of an area to create well-proportioned buildings and attractive spaces. It also refers to facilities and services that meet residents’ basic needs and build community cohesion through open space, community gardens or leisure facilities. ‘Liveable cities’ are generally sustainable. The urban environment has aesthetic, social, cultural and sustainability characteristics which contribute to its overall design. Many urban EE centres actively engage students in understanding these characteristics and in clarifying students’ values toward their own urban environments. By doing so, students will be better able to make informed decisions about the future of the communities in which they live, and be better able to contribute to their overall design. 3 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 Children are an important component of any city and do have opinions about their physical surroundings. The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) is a UK organisation I visited which promotes the inclusion of children in architecture and planning. Through various seminars, events, publications and organisations supported by CABE, children (K–12) are taught urban planning and architectural design concepts with the aim of raising their awareness of built environment issues. The commission coordinates several institutions such as the Building Building Exploratory, Hackney, London. Exploratory in Hackney, London. This hands-on exhibition space encourages students to explore their local environment through models, maps, dioramas and urban planning activities. The centre encourages exploration of elementary design, promotes critical thinking about the use of spaces in local communities, and helps clarify values about the use and aesthetic qualities of architecture and urban spaces. The Hammersmith and Fulham Urban Studies Centre (another CABE organisation) encouraged active student enquiry into local communities, often with support of local councils and other funding bodies. Their Collaborative Care Centre project highlighted the importance of children’s participation in urban design. The project involved developers consulting local students about the redevelopment of a site into a Collaborative Care Centre. Students were encouraged to understand the processes involved in redeveloping the site, and their design ideas were taken into consideration as part of the redevelopment process. Another project, entitled Safer Routes to Schools, required students to explore problems of access to school. “Pedestrianisation” is a design strategy to achieve a more liveable, sustainable urban environment, and many cities are adopting this strategy. In Glasgow, Scotland, a highly pedestrianised city, the Lighthouse Centre encourages students to explore architecture and design concepts. An exhibition, Remodelling the Clyde, displayed students design ideas, modelled in clay, on a large-scale map of their city. Another Lighthouse initiative, Design for Learning: 21st Century Schools, involves students working with architects, designers, education officers and teachers, to design their future learning environments. NSW teachers can highlight the positive benefits that good urban design plays in creating livable communities. By stimulating students’ interest in local urban design and planning issues, especially those that contribute to liveable and sustainable cities, we can foster a 4 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 culture of active citizenship leading to future improvements in our urban environments. Methodology ranges from urban fieldwork, board games (e.g. Earthsavers), computer games (e.g. SimCity), computer programs (e.g. Google Earth, Geo flight), or competitions (e.g. Kids Design Challenge run by the Technology in Primary Schools association or the Sustainable Living Competition run by the University of NSW). 3. Encouraging sustainable building design and sustainable housing “Sustainable buildings” refers to the materials used and the operations involved in running built structures. The most successful strategies in sustainable building design have been the development of green buildings, the preservation and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, and the Beddington Zero Energy Development. supply of different forms of housing, including alternative modes of accommodation. An example of world’s best practice in sustainable building design is The Beddington Zero Energy Development in Beddington, London. That housing project for 100 residents was designed around a number of sustainability principles, including zero carbon emissions, zero waste emissions, sustainable transport use, use of local and sustainable materials, sustainable water use, protection and provision of natural habitats and wildlife, protection of local culture and heritage, promotion of equity and fair trade, and an emphasis on health and happiness. The scale of the operation and its viability for future housing design is very impressive. In Bristol, United Kingdom, the Create Centre consists of a sustainable home and information centre established by Bristol City Council. Students visited this centre with the Bristol Architecture Centre (a CABE organisation), which was running fieldwork to celebrate National Construction Week. Students learnt about green building design by visiting the sustainable home and information centre as well as touring, with the developers, a new green office of HSBC Bank, as part of the urban renewal of the Bristol harbourside. NSW teachers can highlight the positive environmental benefits of sustainable building materials and design, and ensure students play a role in the sustainable operations of buildings they occupy. This may be simply turning off lights in unattended classrooms (or at home), or collaborating with others in redesigning schools in a more sustainable manner. The process is gaining momentum across the United Kingdom, with its aging 5 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 school stock, and with the help of the CABE, in supporting the Building Schools for the Future Program run by the UK Department of Education and Skills. The NSW EE Policy provides opportunities for schools to develop a school environmental management plan, which is designed to involve students in understanding and supporting the sustainability of their school environment. 4. Provision of sustainable transport and mobility infrastructure Reducing car dependency, encouraging multi-modal integrated public transport systems, increasing green transport (such as electric trams or bicycles) and encouraging safe walking are features of sustainable cities. Sustainable compact cities rely on inexpensive and integrated public transport systems. Planners are realising that the provision of pedestrian and cycle infrastructure promotes prosperity and a healthier population. These concepts were emphasised during a meeting with Professor Hugh Barton, Executive Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Healthy Cities and Urban Policy. Professor Barton emphasised that one method to promote Chicago City Hall rooftop. sustainable cities was to focus on the public health benefits of planning for sustainability, such as providing bike lanes to encourage activities that combat obesity or providing useable parklands to encourage participation and reduce youth boredom. Trips to and from school by private vehicles constitute a growing proportion of road usage and many urban EE programs are involved in devising strategies to reduce that trend. Accordingly, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum contained a computer simulation exhibition entitled Together in the City. This fun interactive exhibit encouraged the use of public transport to explore community events such as the St Patrick’s Day parade. NSW teachers can highlight the importance of public transport as a vital component of a sustainable city. Debate should be held in school communities to address the problem of growing private car use to and from school, and into finding safer alternatives, such as walking buses, designated bike lanes or subsidised integrated public transport. 5. Greening cities This guideline involves protecting and promoting urban greenspace through parks, gardens, city farms, ecological parks, urban wildlife reserves and corridors. It includes greening built structures, such as rooftops, walls, streets and schools. Most cities have set aside tracts of land for a variety of uses, including recreation, conservation, biodiversity habitats or future expansion. Also, much of the built environment has the capacity to be further greened through innovative design strategies such as green rooftops. 6 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 These green ‘oases’ within urban areas provide ideal settings where the interface of the built environment with more natural ecosystems can be explored. The Crissy Field Studies Center in San Francisco, California, conducts a number of urban ecology programs on the site of a former rubbish dump. The centre is on a recreated tidal marsh and conducts programs on wetland flora and fauna, urban runoff, waste reduction, environmental justice, national parks, land regeneration and environmental stewardship. Similarly, the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment, located in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York, conducts urban fieldwork divided into two streams, urban ecology and urban design. Most of the ecology programs are located in Prospect Park and are designed to foster a sense of stewardship and environmental awareness among students. Urban design programs occur in various locations and are designed to help students develop an awareness and appreciation of the built environment through hands-on programs, experiential learning and inquiry based methodologies. Crissy Field Studies Center, San Francisco. NSW teachers have opportunities to use school grounds or local natural areas for urban ecology studies, or to use any of the 22 endangered ecological communities (EECs) and zoo education centres for fieldwork. The EE Policy support material provides examples of integrating urban ecology into key learning areas. 6. Restructuring urban ecosystems to reduce a city’s ecological footprint ‘Most cities have linear metabolisms, taking resources and discarding waste without much concern about environmental impacts’ (Giradet, Cities People Planet). Sustainable cities need to mimic the circular metabolism of natural systems. For students, the understanding of their own ecological footprint is a key component in understanding how their city functions as an urban ecosystem. That concept was demonstrated at the Notebaert Nature Museum in Chicago, Illinois, where an exhibition entitled Climate Chaos taught in a fun and interesting way how we all contribute to global warming. Also located at the museum was the Extreme Greenhouse, where students learnt through hands-on activities how we are all connected to global environments. The Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment also ran an in-school program entitled How Big is Your Footprint, while the CREATE Centre, in Bristol, in the United Kingdom, focused on the problems of waste generation. 7 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 NSW teachers have the opportunity to use ecological footprint calculators to identify for students their footprints and those of their community. Some EECs offer programs based around ecological footprint calculations, while a visit to urban infrastructure facilities like sewerage treatment works or waste dumps can visually demonstrate to students their contribution to impacts on natural environments. The EE Policy’s support materials provide advice on environmental auditing and strategies to manage energy, waste, biodiversity and water. The University of New South Wales’ Sustainable Living Competition is designed to stimulate school action on reducing ecological footprints. 7. Encouraging sustainable energy use This guideline involves reducing our dependence on fossil fuels by decentralising energy production, achieving greater energy efficiency, for instance, through passive solar design or conservation, and promoting renewable energy. The Chicago Center for Green Technology showcased solar technology, while the Beddington Zero Energy Development promoted biomass use. NSW teachers can use the EE Policy’s support materials to initiate environmental audits in energy consumption and to develop a school energy reduction campaign. The Solar in Schools Program and local councils can also offer assistance. 8. Maintaining and preserving built and cultural heritage Urban planners place a high priority on maintaining built cultural heritage in our urban environments, often through preservation, adaptive re-use or sympathetic infill. Many centres promote heritage appreciation as part of their education programs. The National Trust for Scotland maintains many culturally important properties throughout Scotland. Their education officer for Western Scotland emphasised the role of linking into the national curriculum, managing risk assessment, providing accessible transport options, and developing strategies which make the properties ‘come alive’ for students. At Pollok House, for example, various historical periods of the house (est. 1742) were demonstrated by staff dressed as costumed servants. These staff entertained their ‘guests’ with amusing stories of their daily life and that of their masters. NSW teachers can utilise EECs, the Historic Houses Trust, the National Trust, local heritage trails, historical societies, the local community and even some school buildings for heritage appreciation studies. 9. Promoting positive urban processes to create livable environments Some urban processes, such as urban renewal, urban consolidation, counter urbanisation and gentrification, enhance the liveability and sustainability of urban environments. At the Barcelona Field Studies Centre, students from the Amsterdam International School conducted fieldwork into the effects of urban regeneration in El Ravel, an underdeveloped district of Barcelona. Students used an index of residential quality to measure decreasing levels of gentrification extending from the development of a new Contemporary Art Museum. For NSW teachers, using EECs and local area studies are two strategies to explore the urban processes at work in shaping our cities and contributing to, or diminishing, their sustainability. 10. Providing responsible city governance This guideline involves publishing sustainability indicators and guidelines, leading by example, allocating environmental budgets, enforcing local Agenda 21 principles and conducting public environmental awareness campaigns. Many city governments are 8 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 aware of the need to lead by example when it comes to mandating environmental sustainability practices and to showcase best practice among their citizens. The Greater London Authority’s new City Hall is a model of sustainability, while the mayor’s initiatives on traffic congestion and improving public spaces show the authority’s commitment to environmental improvement. Schools too can provide responsible governance in environmental matters by taking the initiative and leading by example. This includes providing budgets for environmental initiatives, celebrating environmental days and achievements, having in place a working school environmental management plan and committee, and modelling best practice in environmental management to students. The urban environmental education programs visited focus on the major principles and planning guidelines of sustainable cities outlined in this report and use a variety of methodologies to teach them. These include urban fieldwork, in-school programs, exhibition centres containing interactive displays and games, seminars, purpose-built housing and city models. The challenge for NSW teachers is to translate the principles of sustainable cities into activities that engage students in understanding urban environments and to promote skills in solving environmental problems. There are numerous opportunities to do this within the context of relevant connected outcome groups, key learning areas and the Environmental Education Policy. Our greatest challenge is to empower students to translate the lessons they have learnt into positive, sustainable changes in their own lifestyles. Acknowledgments My sincere thanks go to all sponsors and administrators who are involved in the NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships Program, particularly the Hon Morris Iemma, Premier of NSW, and Mr Lloyd Christison from the Premier’s Scholarship Secretariat. The scholarship provided an invaluable opportunity to observe and participate in urban environmental education programs worldwide, and meet with many other educators who are actively promoting sustainable and just urban environments for current and future citizens of our planet. Special thanks to Mr Sam Lipski, CEO of Visy Industries, for the generous support of Visy Industries, and also to Alex King, Brian Harkin and Patrick Walsh for all their support Bibliography Cities People Planet, Herbert Giradet. Greening Cities, Chris Johnson. Reshaping the Built Environment, Ecology Ethics and Economics, Charles J. Kibert. Towards Sustainable Communities, Mark Roseland. London, Canary Wharf and Docklands, Professor S.K. Al naib. The Green City, Low, Gleeson, Green & Radovic. Green Urbanism, Tim Beaton. Superbia, D. Chiras and D. Wann. Great Cities of the World, M. Catteneo and J. Trifoni. Discussion Paper, Sustainable Cities 2005, House of Representatives standing committee on environment and heritage. 9 PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP REPORTS, PART 2/2 Sustainable Settlements: A Guide for Planners, Designers and Developers, H. Barton, G. Davis and R. Guise. University of West England. 10