Whitemoss Limited Hazardous Waste Site Update

Clerk: Mrs Elizabeth-Anne Broad JP, LLB (Hons), MA, CiLCA
1 Pinewood, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6UZ
Dear Sirs
Re: Whitemoss development extension
The parish council wish to object to the above proposal on the grounds of
health, amenity and transport.
All of our parish residents live within close proximity to this site and a large
number of our residents, (over 50%), are over pensionable age. Their
everyday concerns are their health and well being. It is a known fact that as
the human body enters old age, the ability to deal with health problems
diminishes significantly. The immune system simply does not function as
efficiently in older adults. According to a Eurohazen study undertaken in 2002
proximity to waste sites leads to an increased frequency of health risks and
residents are well aware of this. Numerous residents have contacted the
council expressing considerable concern.
Parish residents have long experience of air pollution from this site. A smell
known as “The Pennyland Pong” has been regularly experienced and there is
no question that it is emanating from Whitemoss Site. It is a distinctive smell
and quite different from other rural smells. One resident who walks his dog
late at night complained to a councillor that the smell emanating from the site
around midnight has almost caused him to vomit. It appears noxious fumes
are vented late at night when most residents are in bed so that it dissipates as
residents sleep and evades complaints. Residents are aware that the actual
smell is only part of the problem and that many dangerous air borne pollutants
have no smell. Many residents have reported the problem to the Environment
Agency and all report a failure to record calls or address the problem. We
have in our area, (and in Skelmersdale), the most polluted river in the North
West and despite a council member reporting over 20 incidents of pollution it
remains as polluted as ever with no aquatic life in large sections. Most
residents have just given up reporting problems to the Environment Agency.
The lack of confidence in the past performance of the Environment Agency in
dealings with pollution does nothing to allay the fears of residents especially in
these times of resource shortages and budget cuts. The past record of
breaches of planning conditions coupled with the operators’ blasé dismissal of
health concerns in the local press exasperates concerns. There have been a
total of 13 tips around Skelmersdale over the recent years and residents have
knowledge and experience of the ill effects. At a former waste and minerals
plan all the local doctors in the area signed a letter explaining their
experiences of ill health associated with waste tips. Local doctors have
objected to the expansion of the Whitemoss site. A doctor is normally a very
important person in the life of a pensioner and a person whose opinion is
To summarise: Resident’s health fears are not hysterical or unreasoned but
based on experience and awareness. There are respected health studies that
say there are serious health risks from hazardous waste sites, there are
others that contradict this. We have an Environmental Agency that invariably
assure us “all is well” and does little. Our residents have actually lived with
these sites for years, constantly being promised they will close and having
faith in these promises. Now they have had enough, this proposed extension
is a serious threat to their well being.
Leisure for our residents is for the majority of the time of local nature. They
spend a lot of time in their gardens, walking their dogs and watch their
children/grandchildren play in sporting matches, (at Skelmersdale cricket club,
which is in Lathom parish), and at the Skelmersdale football playing fields. All
of these activities are affected by air pollution from the Whitemoss site. The
fields and grounds adjacent to the site are popular dog walking areas. Many
walkers have reported noxious smells and they are now very concerned about
air pollution. The same applies to time spend in their gardens; there are
concerns about air pollution and the effect on the vegetables they grow. There
are numerous small holdings in Lathom where local produce is grown. Cricket
matches which should be an extremely pleasant, leisurely and relaxed
environment have been spoiled by smells which raise concern about air
pollution and effects on health.
Our rural roads are like many others heavily used and abused. There is a
stream of HGV’s that travel through our parish down the A577 Dickets
Lane/Blaguegate Lane into Skelmersdale. The accident rate is so high that
there have been recent traffic calming measures effected by Lancashire
County Council. Unfortunately they have totally failed. In order to deal with
complaints road issues are a permanent feature on our parish agenda. At the
parish AGM in May 2014 complaints on road safety were numerous. One
resident complained that he has had his garden wall demolished by accidents
over 6 times in 12 months. Residents aware of this accident rate are
understandably concerned about HGV’s carrying hazardous waste passing
their homes, some of which are very close to the road.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Elizabeth-Anne Broad
Clerk to Lathom South Parish Council