Analysis of Nitrate and Phosphate in St. John’s Lakes and Surrounding Areas Kristi Strandberg and Dr. Michael Ross Department of Chemistry Saint John’s University/ College of Saint Benedict St. Joseph, MN 56374 Summer, 2002 Abstract Water samples were collected weekly from several sites surrounding St. John’s University, St. Joseph, and Sartell. These samples were analyzed to determine their nitrate and phosphate levels. The primary focus of this research was to determine the effects of the St. John’s sewage treatment plant on the surrounding ecosystem, and then to compare this to the effects that local farming and agriculture have on the water systems in St. Joseph and Sartell. This research found that only two sites were above the levels recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (which is 1 ppm for both nitrate and phosphate1). East Gemini Lake, which is where the treated water is initially emptied, was slightly above the recommended level. The stream found at Millstream Park was also slightly above the recommended level. INTRODUCTION Originally St. John’s University operated only with a septic system to treat wastes. However, as the school expanded, the septic system was not capable of handling the increased amount of wastewater. It was because of this growing problem that the sewage treatment plant was built at St. John’s. The East Gemini Lake was also created to help reduce the nitrates and phosphates in the water as it leaves the treatment plant. The water that leaves the plant usually contains high levels of nitrate and phosphate, which can be detrimental to the aquatic life found in lakes and their surrounding ecosystems2. The possibility of eutrophication caused by the overgrowth of algae is of great concern. Large amounts of algae are directly related to high phosphate and nitrate levels. Both East Gemini Lake and the St. John’s wetlands were designed to help lower the levels of nitrate and phosphate. Samples were collected from several sites in an effort to monitor the nitrate and phosphate levels. The nitrate concentration was analyzed by using cadmium reduction/ azo-dye using spectroscopy3. The phosphate concentrations were determined by using UV spectroscopy along with using ascorbic acid and ammonium molybdate to form the phosphomolybdate complex 4. The results from this research suggest that East Gemini and the wetlands are still removing the high concentrations of nitrate and phosphate from the water. Results also indicate that excessive rainfall greatly increases the nitrate levels. This is possible due to the runoff from fertilizers used by the local farming communities and by SJU. EXPERIMENTAL Water samples were collected from sites around the Collegeville/ St. Joseph area. These sites are found on the map found in figure 1. The samples were collected at the same location each time. The samples were also collected on the same day of the week (sites A-F and H were collected every Monday, and sites G and I-M were collected every Thursday). The samples were then brought to the laboratory and filtered using glass fiber filters. The samples were stored in a cooler overnight and the analyzed within 24 hours of collection. FIGURE 1 NITRATE METHOD5 Preparation of reagents: Copper/ Cadmium Granules: 40 g of cadmium granules (0.5 to 2nm in size) were washed with 2N HCl and then rinsed with distilled water. The granules were then swirled in 10 mL of 0.008M cupric sulfate solution. The granules were swirled in this solution until the liquid no longer contained any blue coloring. This solution was then decanted and a brown precipitate remained on the surface of the cadmium granules. These granules were rinsed with distilled water and then were ready to be packed in to the column. The granules were not allowed to come in to contact with the air after being washed. Nitrate Buffer: 100 g of ammonium chloride, 20g of sodium tetraborate, and 1g of disodium dihydrate EDTA was dissolved in distilled water and then diluted to 1liter. Sulfanilamide solution: 5g of sulfanilamide was dissolved in to 50 mL of concentrated HCl and 300mL distilled water. This solution was further diluted to 500mL. N-(1-naphthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride solution: 0.5g of dihydrochloride was dissolved in 500mL of distilled water. This solution had to be stored in a brown or amber colored glass bottle. The solution needed to be replaced about once a month. Nitrate Standard: Dissolving 0.722g of KNO3 in distilled water and diluting this to 1L made the original nitrate standard. Prior to dissolving the potassium nitrate, the compound was dried in an oven for 1h at 110ºC. The nitrate standard contained 100ug of NO3-N per mL of the standard solution. When preparing the set of standards that were to be run on the cadmium reduction column, the nitrate standard was diluted by a factor of 100 to obtain a nitrate concentration that would be within the expected range. Initially the set of standards used included concentrations (in ug/L) of 1.2, 1.8, 3, 6, 12, 18, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 300. It was found that the instruments used were not very accurate at analyzing concentration that were below 1ug/L. Eventually fewer standards were needed to accurately analyze the samples. In these situations, only the necessary standards were prepared and analyzed. Column Preparation: The column was initially filled with distilled water, and then the Cd/Cu granules were slowly added. The granules remained under water during the entire packing process to avoid the formation of air bubbles. After packing, 100mL of distilled water were drawn through the column. This was followed by 100mL of a solution that was 50mL buffer and 50mL distilled water. After this the column was ready for sample analysis. When not in use the column was stored under a diluted nitrate buffer solution. The purpose of this column was to allow the nitrate to react with the Cu ions present on the cadmium granule surface. These Cu ions worked to reduce the nitrate to nitrite. The hydrochloric acid present in the solution creates an acidic environment for the reaction to take place in. In such an environment, the nitrite reacts with the sulfanilamide to form a diazonium compound. Then this compound reacts with the N-(1naphthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride solution. This reaction produces a pink colored azo-compound.3 When the analysis was performed the level of nitrite was actually measured instead of nitrate. Previous studies have shown that the lakes contained a negligible amount of nitrite originally4. Each sample was measured out to 100mL in a volumetric flask. Then 10mL of the nitrate buffer solution was added. This sample was thoroughly mixed and then added to the top of the column. The sample was collected at a rate of about 6mL per 5 minutes. The samples were collected in 3 x 25mL fractions. The first 15mL of sample to come off of the column was discarded. After collecting a fraction, 0.5mL of sulfanilamide solution was added to the sample and mixed thoroughly. After 5 minutes, but not exceeding 8 minutes 0.5mL of the naphthyl ethylenediamine dihydrochloride solution was added to the fraction. This was mixed immediately. After mixing, the sample would develop a pink/ purple coloration. The intensity of the coloration directly related to the concentration of nitrate in the water. The sample was then analyzed with the diode array spectrophotometer, with a focus on the absorbance at the 542nm wavelength. This analysis needed to be completed between 10 minutes and 2 hours after adding the dihydrochloride solution. Calibration: Nitrate standards were made up each time any sample was run on the column. Each set of standards were used to make a calibration curve (sample calibration curves are included in later figures). NITRATE SELECTIVE ELECTRODE6 Ionic Strength Adjuster: This solution is composed of 2M (NH2)SO4. The samples were measured out it to 10mL portions and placed in a large test tube. Then to each test tube, four drops of the ionic strength adjuster was added. After adding the drops, the sample was ready to be tested. Each test tube was placed on the end of the electrode and then the reading was measured in mV. To plot the results it was necessary to use the log of the concentration. PHOSPHATE METHOD1,5 Preparation of reagents Ammonium Molybdate Solution: 15g of ammonium paramolybdate were dissolved with distilled water and diluted to 500mL. This solution was supposed to be stored in an amber colored polyethylene bottle, however, this could not be found so an amber colored glass bottle was substituted. Sulfuric Acid Solution: 155mL of concentrated sulfuric acid was diluted to 1L. Ascorbic Acid Solution: 27g of L-ascorbic acid was dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 500mL. This solution had to be made daily or frozen in a plastic bottle. Potassium Antimonyl-tartrate Solution: 0.34g of potassium antimonyl-tartrate was dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 250mL. The solution was then stored in a glass bottle. Composite Reagent: This solution is a mixture of several solutions. It consists of 100mL ammonium molybdate solution, 100mL of the ascorbic acid solution, 50mL of the potassium antimonyl-tartrate solution, and 250mL of the sulfuric acid solution. The composite reagent is prepared each time a set of standards/ samples are to be analyzed. The solution is only good for one day and needs to be discarded after 24hours. Phosphate Standard: Measuring out 0.2197g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and drying it in an oven for 24hours at a temperature of 105ºC prepared the phosphate standard. After drying, the compound was dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 1L. The solution was then stored in a dark glass bottle with 1mL of chloroform. The standard had a 50.0 ug of PO4-P per mL. This standard was further diluted by a factor of 100 to create a concentration that would be more efficient for preparing the sets of standards. Initially the set of standards used included concentrations (in ug/L) of 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 400. Eventually fewer standards were needed as it became possible to estimate the approximate range needed for each set of standards. To analyze the collected samples the composite reagent was prepared and appropriate standards were made and tested. The samples (which were kept refrigerated over night) were allowed to sit out until they reached a temperature between 15-30ºC. These samples were measured out in to 100mL portions using a volumetric flask. To each portion, 10mL of the composite reagent was added. This was then stirred vigorously. 10 minutes after adding the composite reagent, the sample was ready for analysis. Each sample needed to be analyzed between 10 minutes and 2 hours after adding the composite reagent. The composite reagent reacted with the phosphates found in the water samples forming a large phospho-molybdate complex. When this complex is in the presence of ascorbic acid, the complex is reduced and a blue discoloration can be noticed. The intensity of the blue coloration reflects how much phosphate is present in the sample. A Spec 20 Spectrophotometer is then used to measure the absorbance of the sample. The wavelength the samples were measured at was 885nm. The previously measured standards are then used to make a calibration curve. From the line of regression on the calibration curve, the concentration of the samples can be determined. PHOSPHATE EXTRACTION METHOD5 It was uncertain if the instrument used to perform the analysis was accurately measuring the absorbencies of low phosphate concentrations, so an alternative method was attempted. In this alternative procedure, an organic solvent was used to extract the blue phospho-molybdate complex. The organic solvent used for this extraction was butyl acetate( this solvent was chosen based on its availability, even though other solvents such as isobutanol are more soluble). In this procedure, 200mL of sample were needed and were measured out using 200mL volumetric flasks. To each 200mL portion of sample, 20mL of the composite reagent were added and vigorously mixed. Each sample was mixed in a 250mL separatory funnel. It was then necessary to wait for about 20 minutes for color development. After 20 minutes, 10mL of butyl acetate was added to each sample by using a 10mL volumetric pipette. This was shaken vigorously for about 5 minutes. The organic and aqueous phases were allowed to separate. Then the aqueous layer was drained off and discarded. The organic layer was retained and analyzed using the Spec 20. The blank used for this method was pure butyl acetate. This method was designed to measure lower concentrations of phosphate. Because it was used to measure lower concentrations, a lower set of standards was needed. The standards for this method include the concentrations; 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20ug/L. A calibration curve and linear regression were also prepared from this data. RESULTS The nitrate and phosphate levels were tested once a week at 13 different sites. Five of these sites surrounded St. John’s. These included Lake Sagatagan, Stumpf Lake, East Gemini, the wetlands, and the bridge between East Gemini and Stumpf. The remaining sites are all along the Watab River and were chosen to monitor the levels of nitrate and phosphate as the water travels from SJU to the Mississippi. The results obtained from the nitrate data suggested that the cadmium ion reduction column was able to repeatedly produce linear calibration lines. Past research showed that this type of column usually does not produce accurate results or linear calibration lines. In past studies, the R2 values were of 0.91 or worse and the nitrate selective ion electrode was much more accurate at measuring the levels of nitrate6. However, this summer it was found that the cadmium reduction ion was accurate at reducing the nitrates. The column produced results that had R2 values ranging from 0.970.999. The nitrate electrode was also attempted, but was found to be unable to accurately measure the nitrate levels (see Figure 2). FIGURE 2.a Nitrate Electrode Calibration Curve 250 mV 200 150 Standards 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Log Concentration 2.5 3 FIGURE 2.b Nitrate Calibration Curve 1 Absorbance 0.8 0.6 Standards Regression 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 100 200 300 400 Concentration (ug/L) Figure 2. These graphs illustrate the differences between the cadmium ion reduction column and the nitrate electrode. The electrode did not produce results that were sensitive enough to continue using this method. The results were recorded in ug/L. The Environmental Protection Agency has set limits of 225ug/L for nitrate. Based on what is recommended by the EPA, most sites sampled at were within regulations. However, a few of the sites did exceed the recommended nitrate level (see Figure 3). East Gemini and part of Stumpf Lake were above the 225ug/L limit. A couple of points along the Watab River occasionally went over the limit as well (this seemed to occur mainly after large amounts of rainfall). FIGURE 3 Nitrate Concentrations 700 600 Concentration (ug/L) 500 6/17-6/21 6/24-6/28 7/8-7/12 7/15-7/19 7/22-7/26 7/29-8/2 400 300 200 100 ip pi 4 is s H is s w 2 H w k Pa r ill St re M C M H am w 16 0 w 50 H 3 w H et la nd ol le ge vi lle R d W in i Ea s /G pf m St u tG em em in i pf m St u La ke Sa g 0 Sample Site Figure 3. This figure shows the weekly variations in the concentration of nitrate. 225 ug/L was the recommended limit for nitrate. Several sites exceed this limit at various dates during this summer. The phosphate samples were collected weekly and analyzed using the Spectronic 20D+ instrument. The results were also recorded in ug/L. 326 ug/L of phosphate is the recommended limit set by the EPA. East Gemini was repeatedly over this limit, and at one point during the experiment; Millstream Park was also over the limit. The rest of the sites maintained levels that were below what was recommended by the EPA (refer to Figure 4). FIGURE 4 Phosphate Concentrations 1200 Concentration (ug/L) 1000 800 6/17-6/21 6/24-6/28 7/8-7/12 7/15-7/19 7/22-7/26 7/29-8/2 600 400 200 ip pi 4 is s H is s w 2 H w k Pa r ill St re M C M H am w 16 0 w 50 H 3 w H et la nd ol le ge vi lle R d W in i Ea s /G pf m St u tG em em in i pf m St u La ke Sa g 0 Sample Site Figure 4. This figure illustrates the variations of the phosphate concentrations throughout the summer. Note the gradual downward slope in the concentration levels. This suggests that East Gemini and the wetlands are successful in reducing the phosphate levels before the water reaches the Mississippi. An additional method for measuring low phosphate concentrations was also attempted through using an organic solvent to extract the phospho-molybdate complex. However, this method did not produce results that were accurate enough to replace to previously chosen method (see Figure 5). FIGURE 5.a Absorption Phosphate Extraction Calibration Curve 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 0 -0.02 Standards Regression 10 Concentration (ug/L) 20 FIGURE 5.b Absorbance Phosphate Calibration Curve 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Standards regression 0 200 400 600 Concentration (ug/L) Figure 5. This figure illustrates the differences in accuracy between the two phosphate methods attempted. 5.a demonstrates the irreproducibility of the results experienced with using the extraction method. DISCUSSION The results for the phosphate and nitrate tests have shown a general decrease in the levels as the water travels down the Watab River towards the Mississippi. The first site is at Lake Sagatagan which does not flow into the Watab and is used as a background/reference point. The obtained results show very low concentrations of nitrate and phosphate. Similar results were noticed for Stumpf Lake. This sample site did not have any of the treatment plant water emptying into it. This probably accounts for the low concentrations. Also both of these sites were located away from farms and did not have nitrates found in fertilizers flowing in to them. These sites did not have the waste water mixing in with the lake water and increasing the phosphate concentrations. The bridge between Stumpf and East Gemini had some very high nitrate levels during a couple of the weeks. This could have been caused by run off from rainstorms. This area of Stumpf Lake is located on the college campus therefore the nitrate levels could easily be influenced by the chemicals used to treat the lawns and gardens. Residential buildings also surround this area of the lake and could also impact the nitrate levels and cause them to rise. The wastewater did not dump in to this lake, and therefore did not increase the phosphate levels. This lake had rather low phosphate levels, which was expected. Compounds such as phosphate and nitrate are considered nutrients to organisms such as algae2. East Gemini contains high levels of phosphate and nitrate which both promote algae growth, however, nitrogen appears to be the limiting factor. As the algae grow, they use up the nitrate causing the nitrate levels to drop. The nitrate runs out, resulting in the lower concentrations that were observed during this research. This same trend can be noticed in the wetlands. The nitrate levels are diminished by the large quantities of algae. Lots of algae can grow because of high phosphate levels; however, this growth is eventually inhibited by the decreasing amounts of nitrate (which is essential for the continued growth of the algae). Also, both East Gemini and the wetlands have relatively slow moving water. This also makes it easier for the algae to grow. After water leaves the wetlands, it continues down the Watab River. The water moves more rapidly after exiting the wetlands. The increased rate of flow inheres the growth of algae. The lack of algae and the farms that have fertilizer run off in to the river around the Old Collegeville Road. This can account for the increase in nitrate. Thje wetlands and East Gemini were created to reduce the levels of both nitrate and phosphate. Once the water has reached the Old Collegeville Road, a change can already be noticed in the phosphate levels. The decrease in phosphate relates to the increase in nitrate. With fewer phosphates present, there is less nutrients for algae. Less algae means that there will be more nitrate left in the water. The sample analysis for this site supports this theory. It seems that most of the phosphate had already been removed from the river once it reaches the area around Hw3. The nitrate levels, on the other hand, seem to be influenced by sources other than the treatment plant. There are several farms and Millstream Park near Hw 3. Both of these could have been treated with fertilizers or other chemicals that would have run off the land during rainstorms and run into the water. The Hw 50 site is located just below the headwaters of the Watab River, which is the Big Watab Lake. There are several homes along the lake where the river starts, which could cause fluctuations in the nitrate and phosphate levels. This site was found to have relatively low concentrations of both nitrate and phosphate. The site located on Hw 160 is nearby several farms and residential areas. Both of these sources could have caused the slight increases noticed in both the nitrate and the phosphate levels. Millstream Park is the next site location. The park seems to have a well-groomed lawn that is probably the result of much chemical treatment. Also, there are farms located upstream that may dump into the river causing changes and increases in phosphate concentrations. The samples taken from the site at Hw2 may have increased levels of phosphates due to all of the residential areas surrounding the site (this may also account for the nitrate changes). The same holds true for the next site, which is located off of Hw4. As the Watab River runs in to the Mississippi River, the phosphate level remains about the same, while the nitrate level increases greatly. The Watab River flows through the city of Sartell before it empties into the Mississippi, and this seems to be the probable source for the nitrate increases. In addition to testing water samples, the methods for analysis were also researched and tested. In past summers, research has shown promising results using instruments like the Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode. Results obtained from previous weeks showed that most sites had rather low concentrations of nitrate initially. Based on this, it was hypothesized that the nitrate electrode was not sensitive enough to get accurate results (figure 2). After several attempts using the nitrate electrode, this method was set aside and the research was continued by using the cadmium reduction column. The results obtained for the phosphate concentrations through using the ammonium molybdate solution and ascorbic acid also suggested that the method might not be accurate enough when measuring low concentrations. Based on this concern an alternative method using butyl acetate to extract the phospho-molybdate complex was attempted. However, this method was found to have irreproducible results. This is evident by the R2 values, which were about 0.6 on average. Because of repeated difficulties in obtaining reproducible results, this method was also set aside and the experiment was continued using the initial phosphate method using ascorbic acid and ammonium molybdate (Figure 5). CONCLUSION The results from both the nitrate and phosphate analysis suggest that East Gemini Lake and the SJU wetlands are both effective methods for the reduction of phosphate and nitrate. Currently this method appears to be working. However, the concern for the future is that the lake and wetlands will soon become saturated with nitrate and phosphate and will no longer be able to reduce the levels and alternative methods will be needed. FUTURE WORK Potential avenues for future research involving the nitrate and phosphate levels around SJU and St. Joseph include working towards developing new methods to reduce the nitrate and phosphate levels (perhaps before the water even leaves the treatment plant). Also, it would be of interest to collect samples from different areas of the Mississippi River around where the Watab River joins the Mississippi. It would be important to determine how much of an effect the water from the Watab River actually has on the Mississippi. Another possible avenue for future research would be to find more sensitive instruments and methods for analysis. REFERENCES 1 Lasslo, Stephen et al. Phosphate Concentration Determination of the Watab River Shed. Summer 2001. 2 Solomon et al. Biology. 5th ed. Pg 1012. 1985. Saunders College Publishing. Orlando, FL. 3 Henderson, Sarah A. Comparison of Methods for the Analysis of Phosphate and Nitrate in the Lakes of St. John’s University. May 22, 1998. 4 O’Neill, Marne. Analysis of Nitrate and Phosphate in the Lakes at St. John’s University: A Study of Three Methods. May 10, 1999. 5 Wetzel, Robert G. Limnological analysis. 3rd ed. Pgs 88-97. New York: Springer, c2000. 6 Moldestad, Eric. Method Determination for the Impact of the Saint John’s Community on Nitrate Levels in the Watab River. Summer 2001.