To Use Relationships Related to Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Geometry Goal 4 –To Identify Relationships Related to Parallel Lines and Perpendicular Lines
Learning Outcomes
3.1 Introduction to parallel
lines, perpendicular lines –
Identify parallel, perpendicular
and transversal lines.
Solve for angle measures
constructed by intersecting lines
Chapter Reference 3.1 – 3.4
3.2 Multiplying and dividing
fractions review –
Review multiplying and
dividing fractions
Solving proportions by cross
Differentiated Instructional
Text Book References*
Chapter Resource
Book References
Use straightedge to construct
rectangular solid as described on
page 107
Identify parallel, perpendicular,
transversal and skew lines.
Use a protractor to determine
relationship of angles formed by
parallel lines and a transversal.
Use arithmetic and algebraic
strategies to determine angle measures
of angles in figures formed by parallel
lines and transversals.
Pg. 109 ex: 1 – 6
Ch. 3 Quiz pg. 41
WT: pg. 16^
HQ: pg. 16^
HQ: pg. 17
HQ: pg. 18
Relate multiplying of fractions to
multiplication of whole numbers
written as fractions.
Stress that a fraction is an indicated
Use concrete objects to demonstrate
the concept of dividing by a fraction.
What is 4 divided by one half i.e how
many groups of one half are contained
in 4?
Relate cross multiplication to
determining relative values of
Only when two fractions are equal can
a missing element of a proportion be
found by cross multiplication and
simple algebra.
Pg. 659 ex: 1- 28
SAT/ACT Chapter
Pg 85 ex:1-9
Pg. 122 ex: 1 – 6
Pg. 123 ex: 1- 15
Pg. 128 ex: 1 – 6
Pg. 130 – 135 ex: 1 – 56
Pg. 135 Quiz ex: 1- 12
Assessment and Math
Journal pg. 86 ex: 2
WT: pg. 25 ex: 3 – 5
Pg. 661 ex: 16 - 30
Text Book Reference pg. 659 661
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher.
Learning Outcomes
Differentiated Instructional
3.3 Multi-step equation
review –
Review solving multi-step
Text Book Reference pg. 673
Relate multiple step equations to real
life experiences. Electric bill is in
form of y = mx + b, y is monthly cost,
m is rate, x is usage, b is fixed charge.
Have students try to write real world
situation for some of exercises on
page 101.
3.4 Construction of parallel
and perpendicular Lines –
Construct a perpendicular
bisector of a line segment
Construct perpendicular to a
Construct two parallel lines
Chapter Reference 3.6 and 5.6
3.5 Pythagorean Theorem –
Use the Pythagorean theorem to
solve for the unknown side in a
right triangle
Chapter Reference 4.4
Text Book References*
Chapter Resource
Book References
Pg. 101 ex: 1 – 17
Ch. 3 Review pg. 90
ex: 1,2,7 – 15; 19 – 31
WT: pg. 21
Demonstrate and practice the
construction of a perpendicular
bisector of a line segment by paper
folding and with a straight edge and a
Demonstrate and practice construction
of a perpendicular to a line.
Demonstrate and practice the
construction of two parallel lines.
Pg 272 ex: 1 – 3
Note: there is no material in text
about constructing perpendicular
bisector with compass and
Pg. 143
Review squaring and finding square
roots of numbers.
Use graph paper to illustrate that the
area of the square on the hypotenuse
is equal to the sum of the areas of the
squares constructed on the legs as
shown on page 191.
Recite and explain the Pythagorean
Solve problems related to
Pythagorean Theorem.
Find distance between two points on a
coordinate plane by using the
Pythagorean Theorem.
Pg. 193 1 – 3
WT: pg 18
HQ: pg 19
Pg. 144 – 146 ex: 1 - 3
Pg. 195 ex: 1 – 4;
8 – 16
SAT/ACT Chapter
Pg. 80 3, 4, 6, 7
WT: pg. 24
HQ: pg. 24
Chapter Test B pg. 79
Ex: 16 - 21
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher.
Learning Outcomes
3.6 CAPT Review
Differentiated Instructional
Text Book References*
Orienteering, 119
Bicycles, 124
Rainbows, 133
Kite Boarding, 141
Support Beam, 196
Chapter Resource
Book References
Additional CAPT items can be
found in these materials at the
end of this unit in this
Implementation Guide.
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher.
3.1 Introduction to parallel lines, perpendicular lines
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
3.2 Reviewing Fractions
Remove common factors
Evaluate Products
Simplify if necessary
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
3.3 Solving Multi-step equations
Page 8
Page 9
3.4 Pythagorean Theorem
Page 10
4. Draw and label a triangle and write down the formula for the Pythagorean theorem.
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
3.5 CAPT Practice
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18