Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane Students in our Pre-Algebra classes participated in this fun activity which involved mastering graphing points on the coordinate plane and students’ personal artistic ability and creativity. *** Teachers *** The points page will be a continuous listing of points for each picture. You may print this page and use it in your classroom to help students master graphing points on a coordinate plane. Points Page Points in bold type are to be shaded in. See the bottom part of this file to see an example of the picture. I have confirmed that the coordinates graph proper for Pictures #1, 2, (LT) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #1 Points in bold type are to be shaded in. A B C D (11,8) (17,-8) (3,-9) (-10,2) (12,8) (17,-11) (1,-8) (-6,3) (12,7) (18,-12) (-2,-8) (1,3) (11,6) (16,-11) (-5,-6) (5,2) (-4,6) (16,-12) (-6,-7) (8,0) (-7,7) (15,-11) (-6,-9) Line Ends (-7,9) (14,-12) (-5,-10) (7,-1) (-6,9) (14,-9) (-7,-9) (8,0) (-5,8) (13,-9) (-7,-10) (8,4) (2,8) (10,-11) (-8,-9) (6,5) (4,9) (8,-11) (-9,-10) (-4,5) (6,12) (6,-10) (-9,-4) (-6,6) (6,13) Line Ends (-7,-2) (-6,6½) (8,13) (7,-9) Line Ends Line Ends (8,12) (6,-9) (-9,4) (7,11) (9,12) (6,-10) (-11,-3) (8,10) (9,13) (7,-12) (-13,-4) (7,9) (11,13) (5,-11) (-14,-7) (6,10) (13,11) (5,-12) (-12,-10) (7,11) (14,10) (4,-11) (-9,-12) Line Ends (16,9) (3,-12) (-12,-12) (10,11) (16,7) (3,-7) (-15,-11) (11,10) (13,4) (7,-7) (-17,-8) (10,9) (13,-7) Line Ends (-17,-4) (9,10) (-14,0) (10,11) (16,-7) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #2 A B C (-12,10) (10,8) (12,-13) (-11,12) (12,3) (10,-17) (-8,13) (12,-1) (7,-21) (-5,13) (11,-4) (4,-22) (-2,12) (7,-5) (1,-21) (1,12) (8,-2) (-2,-21) (3,13) (8,0) (-6,-22) (5,15) (7,4) (-8,-22) (7,16) (5,6) (-10,-20) Line Ends (10,8) (-12,-13) (1,12) Line Ends (-16,-6) (0,16) (0,16) (-19,1) (0,18) (2,17) (-20,6) (1,20) (5,18) (-19,10) (1,22) (8,18) (-17,13) (-1,21) (12,16) (-13,15) (-2,18) (15,13) (-7,16) (-2,14) (17,9) (-2,16) (-1,12) (18,3) Line Ends (18,0) (1,21) (17,-5) (0,20) (15,-9) (-1,21) Line Ends D Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #3 Points in bold type are to be shaded in. A B C D (0,-18) (7,4) (1,-10) (-7,7) (-9,-18) (10,2) (3,-13) (-6,6) (-9,-17) (12,-1) (4,-15) (-5,7) (-7,-16) (14,-7) (4,-14) (-4,6) (-6,-15) (14,-15) (7,-16) (-3,7) (-6,-10) (13,-18) (9,-16) Line Ends (-7,-8) (10,-19) (11,-15) (-6,5) (-9,-1) (2,-19) Line Ends (-6,4) (-9,2) (-3,-16) (-9,12) (-4,4) (-10,5) (-5,-12) (-8,12) (-4,5) (-11,4) (-5,-11) (-8,10) Line Ends (-12,7) (-4,-12) (-9,10) (-8,12) (-13,6) (-5,-9) (-9,12) (-7,11) (-13,7) (-5,-8) (-10,11) (-8,10) (-12,10) (-4,-9) (-9,10) Line Ends (-13,9) (-4,-7) Line Ends (-2,12) (-13,10) (-3,-8) (-3,12) (-1,11) (-12,12) (-2,-5) (-2,12) (-2,10) (-11,14) (-1,-7) (-2,10) (-12,16) (-1,-6) (-3,10) (-11,19) (0,-8) (-8,16) (1,-11) (-3,12) (-4,11) (-3,16) (-3,10) (0,19) Line Ends (1,17) (-6,9) (1,16) (-6,8) (0,14) (-4,8) (4,10) (-4,9) (3,10) Line Ends (5,8) (-5,8) (5,7) (-5,7) (3,8) Line Ends Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #4 Points in bold type are to be shaded in. A B C D (1,-3) (13,-13) (-3,2) (-7,4) (2,-4) (18,-14) (-2,-3) (-7,1) (2,-8) (18,-6) (0,-4) (-6,1) (0,-10) (17,-1) (1,-3) Line Ends (0,-11) (17,3) (2,0) (-7,1) (4,-11) (18,6) (2,6) (-9,0) (4,-4) (18,9) (1,10) (-10,-3) Line Ends (17,12) (-1,11) (-10,-5) (3,-2) (15,14) (-7,11) (-9,-7) (5,-6) (16,11) (-9,10) (-8,-6) (5,-11) (16,6) (-10,9) (-7,-1) (4,-12) (15,5) (-13,8) Line Ends (3,-12) (4,5) (-18,7) (-7,1) (2,-13) (2,6) (-17,3) (-8,0) (2,-14) Line Ends (-15,1) (-9,-3) (7,-14) (13, -4½) (-13,0) Line Ends (7,-3) (13,-8) (-10,0) (-17,5) Line Ends (11,-10) (-8,2) (-16,4) (7,-5) (11,-11) (-7,4) (-15,5) (12,-5) (15,-11) (-6,7) (-15,6) (14,-4) (15,-6) (-6,0) Line Ends (16,-8) Line Ends (-7,-1) (-9,10) (16,-11) (-2,9) (-5,-1) (-7,9) (15,-12) (-3,7) (-3,0) (-6,9) (14,-12) Line Ends Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #5 A B C D (2,15) (-2,15) (-9,9) (1,-14) (6,14) (2,15) (-8,6) (1,-13) (8,13) Line Ends (-6,8) (-1,-13) (13,8) (4,15) (-9,9) Line Ends (14,6) (4,17) Line Ends (-14,-1) (15,2) (3,19) (1,0) (-12,-1) (15,-2) (1,20) (7,0) (-12,1) (14,-6) (-1,20) Line Ends (-14,1) (13,-8) (-3,19) (7,1) (-14,0) (8,-13) (-4,17) (9,0) (-12,0) (6,-14) (-4,15) (7,-1) Line Ends (2,-15) Line Ends (7,1) (-1,14) (-2,-15) (6,-14) Line Ends (-1,12) (-6,-14) (10,-20) (12,1) Line Ends (-8,-13) (-10,-20) (14,1) (0,14) (-13,-8) (-6,-14) (13,0) (1,14) (-14,-6) Line Ends (14,0) (1,13) (-15,2) (-1,1) (14,-1) (0,12) (-15,-2) (1,1) (12,-1) (1,12) (-14,6) (1,-1) Line Ends (-13,8) (-1,-1) (1,-12) (-8,13) (-1,1) (-1,-12) (-6,14) (-7,7) (-1,-14) Line Ends Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #6 Check out Ymin and Ymax. You will need to tape graph paper together. A B C D E (-8,15) (0,-7) (10,4) (-11,24) (-3,16) (-8,14) (2,-7) (9,2) (-10,21) (-4,17) (-4,12) (3,-8) (8,2) (-9,21) (-4,19) (-4,5) (3,-17) Line Ends (-9, 23) (-5,18) (-5,3) (1,-20) (7,3) (-8,21) (-1,18) (-6,0) (3,-20) (5,4) (-6,21) (-2,19) (-6,-3) (3,-19) (3,4) (-5,20) (-2,17) (-5,-6) (4,-18) (1,3) Line Ends (-3,16) (-4,-7) (4,-5) (0,3) (-1,20) Line Ends (-4,-20) (2,-7) (-2,5) (0,21) (-1,16) (-5,-21) Line Ends (-2,12) (2,21) (0,16) (-6,-23) (4,-5) (2,14) (3,23) (-1,15) (-4,-23) (5,-8) (2,15) (3,21) (-5,15) (-4,-22) (5,-18) (0,18) (4,21) (-6,16) (-3,-20) (6,-19) (-1,19) (5,24) (-5,16) (-3,-7) (6,-20) (-1,20) (5,20) (-1,-7) (8,-20) (-5,20) (1,20) (-1,-20) (6,-17) (-5,19) (0,19) (0,-22) (6,-8) (-6,18) (4,16) (0,-23) (8,-1) (-8,15) (4,14) (2,-23) (8,1) (-9,14) (3,14) (1,-21) (7,3) (-10,14) (2,15) (0,-20) (8,4) (-10,16) Line Ends (0,-7) (9,7) (-6,19) (-3,15) (1,-6) (-7,20) Line Ends (-11,20) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #7 A B C D (17,-5) (7,15) (-9,-12) (5,2) (4,0) (7,14) (-9,-10) (5,4) Line Ends (8,13) (-8,-11) (6,3) (-7,1) (9,13) (-8,-9) (6,5) (-13,1) (9,12) (-7,-10) (7,4) (-13,-1) (10,11) (-7,-8) (7,7) (-11,-2) (11,11) (-6,-9) Line Ends (11,10) (-6,-7) (-13,1) (12,9) (-5,-8) (-9,-1) (14,11) (-5,-6) Line Ends (7,18) (-4,-7) (2,-3) (4,18) (-4,-6) (-5,-3) (2,15) Line Ends (-5,-5) (1,12) (-1,-3) (11,-13) (-18,13) (-1,-2) Line Ends (-14,-17) (0,-3) (-5,-3) (-14,-15) (0,-1) (12,-12) (-13,-16) (1,-2) Line Ends (-13,-14) (1,0) (1,12) (-12,-15) (2,-1) (8,6) (-12,-13) (2,1) (10,7) (-11,-14) (3,0) (4,13) (-11,-12) (3,2) (4,14) (-10,-13) (4,1) (6,16) (-10,-11) (4,3) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #8 Points in bold type are to be shaded in. Check out Ymin and Ymax. You will need to tape graph paper together. A B C D E (0,-12) (9,-20) (11,23) (-6,-10) (0,19) (0,-21) (8,-19) (7,22) (-5,-13) (-1,17) (-5,-21) (3,-11) (6,20) (-3,-14) (0,17) (-7,-23) (3,-7) (5,22) (0,-14) (0,19) (2,-23) Line Ends (2,23) Line Ends Line Ends (2,-13) (2,4) (1,23) (-5,-9) (5,22) Line Ends (2,-7) (-2,22) (-4,-9) (6,24) (-1,-14) (6,-7) (-4,20) (-4,-8) (9,25) (-1,-20) (6,-4) (-5,17) Line Ends (12,14) (-6,-20) (5,-4) (-5,16) (-15,13) (12,22½) (-8,-22) (5,-6) (-9,15) (-15,11) (-6,-22) (3,-6) (-13,14) (-18,10) Line Ends (3,5) (-15,13) (-19,12) (2,-14) (2,11) (-15,11) (-19,13) (8,-21) (3,13) (-14,9) (13,-22) (5,15) (-12,9) (-15,13) Line Ends (15,-22) (6,17) (-8,10) (-3,19) (17,-23) (6,19) (-7,11) (-4,17) (16,-24) (8,17) (-3,13) (-3,17) (8,-25) (10,16) (0,11) (16,-25) (12,16) (0,8) (-3,19) Line Ends (18,-24) (14,18) (-1,2) (18,-23) (14,19) (-2,-2) (17,-22) (13,22) (-3,-4) (15,-21) (-5,-6) (13,-21) (-6,-8) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #9 Points in bold type are to be shaded in. A B C D E F (-11,2) (2,6) (5,1) (15,-8) (1,-7) (5,-5) (-9,1) (4,3) (8,-2) (14,-8) (1,-8) (5,-6) (-8,-1) Line Ends (11,-5) Line Ends (0,-10) (6,-6) (-8,-5) (-15,2) (13,-6) (11,2) Line Ends (7,-5) (-11,-8) (-17,2) (14,-7) (8,-2) (-3,-7) Line Ends (-8,-7) (-18,4) (14,-9) (8,4) (-2,-7) (8,-5) (-6,-7) (-18,5) (13,-10) (13,4) (-2,-8) (8,-6) (-6,-10) (-17,6) Line Ends (15,0) (-3,-8) (9,-6) (-7,-9) (-16,6) (10,-8) (8,4) (-3,-7) (10,-5) Line Ends (-15,5) (8,-9) Line Ends Line Ends (-7,-8) (-15,4) (3,-9) (8,-2) (-1,-7) (-7,-10) (-16,3) (1,-10) (7,4) (0,-7) (-9,-9) Line Ends (16,-10) (2,2) (0,-8) (-12,-10) (-16,4) (18,-9) (2,-3) (-1,-8) (-14,-10) (-16,5) Line Ends (7,4) (-1,-7) (-14,-9) (-17,4) (17,-8) Line Ends Line Ends (-13,-7) (-16,3) (19,-10) (-1,-5) (2,-7) (-14,-8) (-15,3) (19,-8) (1,-6) (5,-7) (-16,-4) Line Ends Line Ends (2,-7) (6,-8) (-16,-1) (-17,2) (19,-9) (2,-8) Line Ends (-14,6) (-18,1) (20,-10) (1,-10) (3,-7) (-12,8) (-18,0) (20,-7) (-3,-10) (4,-8) (-9,9) (-19,0) (18,-7) (-4,-8) Line Ends (-19,2) (-4,-7) (-18,3) (-2,-5) Line Ends (-1,-5) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #10 You will need to tape graph paper together. Check out Ymin and Ymax.. You will need to tape graph paper together. A B C D E (0,-25) (8,9) (-5,-24) (2,15) (-6,20) (0,-5) Line Ends (-2,-23) (2,18) (-5,21) (-5,-3) (8,10) (-4,-17) (4,19) (-5,23) (-5,1) (8,8) (-4,-10) (4,23) (-7,23) (4,1) (10,6) (-5,-9) (3,24) (-10,20) (5,-1) (11,6) (-5,-3) (1,25) (-13,15) (5,-3) Line Ends Line Ends (1,24) (-14,13) (0,-5) (9,7) (-4,-12) (-1,23) (-14,12) Line Ends (8,6) (-2,-12) (-1,22) (-12,11) (-5,1) (6,3) Line Ends (-3,21) (-9,10) (-5,5) (4,1) (-4,-14) (-2,20) (-6,10) (-6,8) Line Ends (-2,-14) (-3,19) (-6,10) (5,2) Line Ends (-2,19) Line Ends (5,5) (4,-12) (-4,19) (-7,12) (7,8) (2,-12) (-4,18) (-5,8) (7,9½) Line Ends (-2,17) (-6,8) Line Ends (4,-14) (0,18) (-6,10) (5,-3) (2,-14) Line Ends Line Ends (5,-9) Line Ends (-2,17) (-7,12) (4,-10) (5,-1) (-2,15) (-5,8) (4,-17) (7,0) (-6,15) (-1,9) (2,-23) (6,1) (-7,14) Line Ends (5,-24) (7,2) (-8,15) (1,9) (6,-24) (13,5) (-9,15) (5,8) (6,-25) (12,9) (-10,14) (7,12) (-6,-25) (10,11) (-8,20) Line Ends (-6,24) (8,14) (-7,21) (6,10) (6,15) F Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Points in bold type are to be shaded in. You will need to tape graph paper together. Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #11 (7½, -3) (-13,-9) (-17, -10) Line Ends (14,10) (8,-1) (5,-3) (-16,-9) (-16,-11) (11,-15) Line Ends (10,-2) (-5,-1) (-19,-11) (-16,-9) (11,-16) (4,16) (8,-2) (-7,0) (-20,-13) Line Ends Line Ends (5,17) Line Ends (-10,0) (-20,-15) (9,9) (8,-14) (4,15) (8,-4) (-12,-1) (-17,-18) (9,5) (7,-16) (4,13) (9,-6) (-13,-4) (-14,-19) (8,-2) (7,-17) (5,12) (7,-5) (-13,-10) (-10,-20) (2,-15) Line Ends (8,12) Line Ends (-8,-21) (2,-16) (6,-14) (9,11) (-9,0) (-7,-23) (3,-16) (4,-16) (9,13) (-10,-5) (-5,-23) (3,-17) (5,-17) Line Ends (-10,-7) (-5,-21) (5,-17) Line Ends (10,15) (-9,-5) (-6,-19) (6,-18) (6,-8) (11,13) (-7,0) (-11,-15) (7,-17) (8,-11) (12,12) Line Ends (-11,-17) (8,-17) Line Ends (15,12) (-3,-2) (-15,-16) (9,-16) (15,-9) (16,13) (-5,-8) (-17,-14) (13,-16) (14,-11) (16,16) (-5,-10) (-17,-13) (14,-17) Line Ends (15,17) (-1,-2) (-16,-12) (16,-16) (1,17) (16,1) Line Ends (-15,-12) (18,-16) (0,21) (17,16) (2,-3) Line Ends (18,-15) (0,24) Line Ends (0,-10) (-9,-18) (19,-15) (3,22) (11,13) (4,-3) (-10,-19) (19,-13) (17,22) (11,11) Line Ends (-10,-18) (15,-7) (20,23) (12,12) (-12,-10) Line Ends (12,-2) (20,21) Line Ends (-14,-10) (-14,-19) (11,5) (19,17) (7,12) (-15,-12) (-13,-17) (11,7) Line Ends (6,8) (-15,-14) (-13,-19) Line Ends (6,10) (7,7) (-13,-14) Line Ends (3,-16) (3,10) (13,7) Line Ends (-15,-16) (4,-14) (0,8) (14,8) (-10,-10) (-17,-17) (6,-12) (1,13) (13,12) (-11,-9) (-16,-15) (8,-11) (0,12) Line Ends (-12,-10) Line Ends (12,-12) (2,19) (3,-13) (-13,-13) (-19,-16) Line Ends (4,21) (-7,-13) (-13,-14) (-18,-15) (9,-16) (7,22) Line Ends (-10,-15) (-20,-15) (10,-14) (7,21) (12,-2) (-9,-14) Line Ends (11,-13) (8,19) (10,-4) (-9,-13) (-17,-14) (12,-12) (9,18) (12,-3) (-10,-10) (-19,-12) (14,-11) (11,18) Line Ends (-9,-10) (-17,-13) (15,-11) (12,19) (13,-5) (-7,-11) Line Ends (17,-13) (13,21) (12,-7) (-7,-14) (18,-15) (13,22) (14,-6) (-9,-14) Line Ends (16,21) Line Ends Line Ends (15,-13) (18,19) (16,-15) (20,12) (16,-16) (19,13) Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Line Ends (20,8) (13,-16) (17,10) Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #12 A B C D (8,7½) (4,-2) (-8,-3) (-12,12) (14,-8) (0,1) (-8,2) (-19,10) (15,-6) (-4,1) (-12,2) (-19,9) (16,-5) (-8,1) (-12,0) (-18,8) (17,-5) Line Ends Line Ends (-13,8) (18,-6) (8,-8) (-10,0) (-11,6) (19,-8) (4,-2) (-12,0) (-11,2) (19,-12) (0,1) (-15,-3) Line Ends (18,-14) (-4,2) (-16,-7) (2,-7) (17,-15) (-8,2) (-16,-13) (2,-6) (16,-15) Line Ends (-15,-17) (1,-4) (15,-14) (-6,2) (-12,-20) (0,-3) (14,-12) (-6,3) (-10,-20) (-1,-3) (14,-8) (-4,3) (-7,-17) (-2,-4) Line Ends (0,4) (-6,-13) (-3,-6) (14,-11) (1,4) (-6,-7) (-3,-10) (-1,-8) (2,3) (-7,-3) (-2,-12) (3,-7) (2,2) (-8,-2) (-1,-13) (5½,7¼) (0,1) Line Ends (0,-13) Line Ends Line Ends (-9,-2) (1,-12) (6,-9) (-11,1) (-9,6) (2,-10) (6,-8) (-10,1) (-11,8) (2,-9) (3,-3) (-10,-3) (-4,8) (-1,0) (-11,-8) (4,10) (-4,1) (-12,-10) (3,11) (-8,1) (-11,-11) (-4,9) Line Ends (-10,-10) (-18,9) (8,-8) (-9,-8) (-11,11) E F Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Graphing on a Coordinate Plane #13 A B C D (-6,6) (-4,6½) (10,-12) (-8,15) (-6,2) Line Ends Line Ends (-7,14) (-7,-2) (-2,8) (-4,14) (-5,14) (-10,-4) (-2,7) (-3,16) (-4,15) (-15,-6) (-7,6) (-3,17) (-4,17) (-16,-9) (-9,6) (-4,19) Line Ends (-15,-12) (-9,7) (-5,20) (-7,17) (-9,-15) Line Ends (-7,20) (-7,16) (-6,-15) (-9,-15) (-8,19) Line Ends (5,-14) (-13,-16) (-9,16) (-5,17) (12,-11) (-17,-18) (-9,15) (-5,16) (14,-8) (-15,-19) (-8,13) Line Ends (14,-6) (-15,-20) (-9,12) (-6,15) (13,-2) (-11,-20) (-11,11) (-6,14) (13,1) (-10,-21) (-12,9) (15,5) (-5,-17) (-12,8) (12,3) (-4,-15) (-8,7) (13,6) Line Ends (-1,8) (10,3) (8,-13) (1,9) (9,1) (8,-14) (1,10) (8,1) (11,-18) (-1,12) (5,0) (12,-16) (-3,13) (-1,-1) (15,-17) (-4,14) (-3,-1) (15,-15) Line Ends (-4,2) (17,-14) (-8,17) E F Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ Picture Pages #4: #1: #5: #2: #3: #6: Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ #9: #7: #8: #10: Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________ #11: #13 Duck #12: 1 Name:_____________________________________ Per______Date___________________