Thomas Meade September 18, 2008 MAE301 Class Notes: 9/16/08 Homework review in response to question 1(e): The question stated: Give an example of a function that is surjective but not injective. Through class discussion the following function was suggested as a possible solution to this exercise: where if -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 In order to prove this function fulfills the examples criteria of being surjective but not injective there are two checks that must be performed: 1. Proof that is not injective: -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 1 2 2 Because two different values of yield the same value, the function is NOT injective. 2. Proof that is surjective: Choose a value y codomain let then where =y Hence: -----------------------------------------Moving on---------------------------------------------Equivalence Relations In order to talk about equivalence relations we must first define what is meant by the term “relation”. A relation on a set is determined by a property which may or may not be satisfied by each ordered pair of elements on the set. - If an ordered pair of elements ( ) satisfies the property then we say that the elements are related and write to indicate this. - To indicate that the ordered pair ( , ) do not satisfy the property we write the elements are not related. , meaning As defined by Keith, an equivalence relation, on a nonempty set , is a relation that satisfies the reflexive, symmetric and transitive properties . Reflexivity: for all Symmetry: if such that Transitivity: if such that When discussing equivalence relations there are 2 key items that must be defined; The first item being the set, and the second being the relation. 1. The set defines the type of information that is going to be worked with. (I.E. fractions, etc…) 2. The relation is the property that we are testing for. ( amount, etc…) difference of a predetermined An equivalence relation will always partition the set into disjoint subsets, known as equivalence classes. A partition of the set is a set of subsets such that: - The subsets are non-empty - The subsets are disjoint - The subsets cover Definition: Suppose that is an equivalence relation on a nonempty set . For each we define the equivalence class of to be the elements of which are equivalent to . We denote this class by . Thus, (make note that each equivalence class is a subset of ) Example 1: Parity Equivalence Relation In we say if and are of the same parity. Parity is defined as “the property of an integer with respect to being odd or even”. In order to determine if there is an equivalence relation based on the parity of integers reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity must be checked. Another good thing to take note of is the set being worked with, the integers in this case, and also the relation, which is parity. - Reflexivity: always has the same parity as itself therefore: - Symmetry: if - Transitivity: if have the same parity and have the same parity, written as have the same parity then: have the same parity, then With these three checks complete we conclude that there is an equivalence relation based on parity, and the equivalence classes are: even and odd, or ( , ). Example 2: “Days of the Week” Equivalence Relation In the set of “All Days of the Week”, (any Mon, any Tues, any Wed, any Thurs, any Fri, any Sat, any Sun), given 2 day, say and , we say if the distance from to is a multiple of 7 days. Question: determine if there exists an equivalence relation for the days of the week, based on the information provided. SET: the set of all days, RELATION: The distance between days is a multiple of 7 Reflectivity: since the distance from say Symmetry: if distance from to to is 0, which is a multiple of 7 because 7*0=0, we then the distance from would be -7k, so to is 7k, for some integer k. similarly the and therefore Transitivity: if and then the distance from to is 7 is 7 , then the distance from to is 7( + ). Therefore. , and the distance from In this case, the equivalence classes are the days of the week, as defined above. Answer: Based on the set and relation provided by the question, there DOES exist an equivalence relation for the days. The equivalence classes are (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun). Example 3: Divisor of 2 Equivalence Relation In the set of , are said to be equivalent if: [meaning 2 divides the difference between ] Question: Does there exist an equivalence relation based on this information? SET: Integers, RELATION: 2 / Reflectivity: , Symmetry: suppose That means: 2 / ( So: And: Therefore: 2 / Hence: and 2 divides 0 therefore, . , for some Transitivity: suppose Then: 2 / ( and 2 / ( So: ( = 2 and ( and =2 , where , Then: And: Therefore: 2 / Hence: Answer: Yes, there does exist an equivalence relation based on a divisor of 2 for the difference between 2 integers. is an example of an equivalence, the question “what types of After determining that 2 / numbers would be in the set that satisfy this equivalence relation?” was asked by our professor. - In response one student replied, any pair of numbers whose difference is a multiple of 2 would be in the set. - As a follow on, a second student added that all even numbers are in one equivalence class together. As the proof they stated: Let and Then: Therefore: 2 / So: and - be used to denote 2 even integers, where = , which is even. , are in the same equivalence class. . It was further stated by a third student that all odd numbers are a multiple of 2 away from each other, hence it would be applicable to them as well. Let +1 and +1 be used to denote 2 odd integers, where Then: = Therefore: 2 / , So: and are in the same equivalence class. Example 4: Using Modular Arithmetic Question: In it is said that if 5 / . Prove this is an equivalence relation. (as a hint from the professor, it was recommended that we perform the same steps we used in the previous exercise but instead of factoring out a 2, you factor out a 5). - While discussing this question amongst the class, one student raised the question as to whether or not a modular function could be used. Definition: Two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo m when is divisible by , i.e. there exists an integer such that . We write and in the case of our example we would say - By using this approach to solve the equivalence relation, our equivalence classes would be all the possible values of . While using those possible classes are 0,1,2,3,4 and we would denote those classes in the form of , or [0], or even (which is mod 5 specific) - 5ℤ is used to denote the set of all of the equivalence classes. The use of modular arithmetic is first introduced to students in the form of multiplication and addition tables, similar to the one below: + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 3 This table is an example of a table that a student might see if learning about integers mod 5. The highlighted 0 above is going to be used as an example of modular arithmetic. If you add the 1 (to the far left) and the 4 (2 rows above), the sum is 5. However, - . Claiming the set of classes has algorithmic structure from the chart, we can now define addition by adding 2 sets together. To prove this we will attempt to add 2 numbers first and then find it’s congruence mod 5, and then try to add the classes the 2 numbers belong to, to verify our answer. For the addition of classes to be possible we need to obtain the same answer for an addition problem regardless of which representatives we choose. Example 1 (using mod 5) , we chose 9 and 14 because they are both equivalent to Now checking addition of classes we see that , which is the same answer that we got in the problem above. In this example addition is the same no matter how it is represented. This leads us to the definition second sum) = (first ignoring the bar on the Referring back to the question asked by Example 4, we want to show that If: and Then: = That: = Proof: Take ( )–( ) Which is equal to: ( )–( By the initial assumption: Then: 5 / ( ) and 5 / ( So: 5 / [( )+ ( )] Rewritten as: 5 / [( )-( So: ( ) Therefore: ) and ) )] While establishing equivalence classes for any mod function, the classes will be all the possible values of from the equation . Every possible integer will be present in one of these classes. Also, you will be able to form an equation for each class to determine what possible values will fall in that class. (for the mod 5 function refer to the table below) Class Values Representative Equation ( (for the mod 5 function) 0, 5, 10, 15, … 1, 6, 11, 16, … 2, 7, 12, 17, … 3, 8, 13, 18, … 4, 9, 14, 19, … (Note: if you use this same proof and replace the 5 with a variable, say m, it turns into the proof for all equivalent classes ) As a quick review, equivalence relations are composed of 3 parts: 1. They must have a defined set. 2. They must have a defined relation. 3. They must have equivalence classes. Example 2 is a good example of these 3 necessities of an equivalence relation: Set Relation Days if the differ by 7k days Classes (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun) Some other examples of equivalence relations found in middle school and high school mathematics classes are: n / b-d Integers Fractions: ( if ) ( ) such that , Triangles are another example of a group that has an equivalence relation. That relation being congruency: Check: if Reflexivity: Symmetry: Transitivity: if then then and , then Notice that in the cases of Days of the week there are infinitely many days but finitely many equivalence classes. However for the integers, fractions and triangles: - For the set of integers, there are infinitely many integers but there are finitely many equivalence classes, each containing infinitely many elements. - A fraction is an equivalence class with respect to the relation. Hence stand for the pair doesn’t , it stands for the infinite set of all pairs equivalent to . Thus, there exist infinitely many equivalence classes, each containing infinitely many elements per class. - Triangles are an example of an equivalence relation that consists of infinitely many equivalence classes, because there are infinitely many possible triangles, and each equivalence class contains infinitely many elements. Extra Example: Parallel Lines Two lines, and , are said to be parallel if they are not transverse and is denoted as . By definition, any line is parallel to itself. Prove that parallel lines form an equivalence relation: Check: if 2 lines then Reflexivity: therefore Symmetry: then , therefore Transitivity: if and , then , therefore Answer: Based on the reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties, parallel lines do form an equivalence relation, consisting of an infinite number of equivalence classes since there are an infinite number of slopes of lines. References Parity. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved September 17, 2008, from Eccles, Peter J. (2007). An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning: numbers, sets and functions (9th printing). New York: Cambridge University Press. Insall, Matt and Weisstein, Eric W. "Modular Arithmetic." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. Retrieved September 17, 2008, Stony Brook Mathematics Department. (2006). From MAT 200 Course Notes on Geometry. Retrieved September 17, 2008 from Coutinho,S., C. (1999). Mathematics of Ciphers: Number Theory and RSA Cryptography. Retrieved October 13, 2008, from Mathematics+of+Ciphers&ei=Uj73SP3cHpCoMsKTocMI#PPP1,M1