General Equations of Plane

ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Strain Transformation
Plane Strain
The general state of strain at a point in a body is composed of three
components of normal strain (  x ,  y and  z ), and three components of
shear strain (  xy ,  xz and  yz ).
As for stress the given strains may be transformed to components along
alternate co-ordinatedirections.
One common use of this technique is to transform strains measured along
particular directions on a strain gauge rosette into other directions.
Consider only strain in the x, y plane (i.e.  x ,  y and  xy ):
 
Note: Plane stress does not cause plane strain. If an element is
subjected to normal stresses  x and  y , normal strains  x ,  y and  z are
produced. Normal strain  z results from the Poisson effect.
 
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
General Equations of Plane-Strain Transformation
Sign Convention
o  x and  y are positive if they cause elongation along the x and y
axes, respectively.
o  xy is positive if the interior angle AOB becomes smaller than 90 o.
The goal will be to obtain strain transformation to the x', y' plane at an
angle  to the x, y plane.
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
To determine  x' we need to find the change in length of dx' due to  x ,  y
and  xy .
 
Normal strain  x will cause a change in length of dx' : x dx cos
Normal strain  y will cause a change in length of dx' : y dy sin 
Shear strain  xy will cause a change in length of dx' :  xy dy cos
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Adding the three components to give the total change in length ( x' ) of
dx' :
x' x dx cos  y dy sin    xy dy cos
 The normal strain in the x' direction is defined as  x'  x' / dx' , and since
dx  dx'cos and dy  dx'sin  :
y' x dx sin   y dy cos   xy dy sin 
 x'   x cos 2    y sin 2    xy sin  cos 
The normal strain in the y' direction is  y'  y' / dy', and since
dx  dy'sin  and dy  dy'cos :
 y'   x sin 2    y cos 2    xy sin  cos 
  x'y' we need to determine the amount of rotation line
To evaluate
segments dx' and dy' undergo due to  x ,  y and  xy .
 
For small angles:   y' dx' , and using dx  dx'cos and dy  dx'sin  :
 x dx'sin  cos    y dx'sin  cos    xy dx'sin 2 
 x   y sin  cos   
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
The angle   x' dy', where dx  dy'sin  and dy  dy'cos :
  x   y sin  cos   xy cos2 
x'  x dy'sin  cos   y dy'sin  cos   xy dy'cos 
The total change in angle will give  x'y' and since  and  are measured
in opposite directions:
 x'y'      2 x   y sin  cos    xy cos2   sin 2  
 Substitution of the trigonometric identities: sin 2  2sin  cos ;
cos 2   1 cos2 / 2 ; sin 2  cos2  1 into Eqs. (14), (15) and (18)
 gives:
 x' 
 x   y  x  y 
 
 2
 x' y'
x y
 
 2
 y' 
 
 2
sin 2
cos2 
Eqs.(19) to (21) are the general equations of plane-strain transformation.
Note the similarity to the equations for plane-stress transformation, Eqs.
(1) to (3). Note:  x ,  y ,  x' and  y' correspond to  x ,  y ,  x' and  x' while
 xy and  x'y' correspond to  xy /2 and  x'y' /2 .
  
 sin 2  xy cos 2
 x   y  x   y 
sin 2
cos2 
  
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Principal Strains
As for plane stress, an element may be oriented such that the plane strain
is represented by two normal strains only (i.e. principal strains), and no
shear strains.
Due to the similarity between the plane-stress and plane-strain
transformation equations, the orientation of the principal axes and the
principal strains are:
tan 2 p 
1,2 
x  y
 xy
x  y
 x   y 2  xy 2
 
   
 2   2 
Maximum In-Plane
Shear Strain
Similarly, the maximum in-plane shear strain is;
   
tan 2 s   x y 
  xy 
 in
 x   y 2  xy 2
 
   
 2   2 
 avg 
x  y
Again the axes for the maximum in-plane shear strain are directed 45o to
the axes for the principal strains.
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain
Due to the similarity between the plane-stress and plane-strain
transformation equations, Mohr’s circle may be used to solve graphically
for plane-strain transformation.
Following the procedure used for developing the equations used in Mohr’s
circle for plane stress gives the following equations for Mohr’s circle for
plane strain:
 x   avg 
 xy 2
    R 2
 2 
 avg 
x  y
 x   y 2  xy 2
R  
   
 2   2 
Eq. (27) is the equation of a circle with radius R that is offset from the
origin in the  direction by  avg on the , /2 axes.
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Point A is the known state of strain  and  xy /2 .
Point C is the center, offset by  avg   x   y /2 .
 x   y 2  xy 2
 Radius R  
   
 2 
  2 
Rotation of an element by 180o will give  x'   x and  x'y'   xy . To obtain
this result on Mohr’s circle requires a rotation of 360o, therefore, a rotation
of an element by  requires an angle of 2 on Mohr’s circle.
 at points
Principal normal strains are located
 B (  1, i.e. maximum) and D
(  2 , i.e. minimum), i.e. points of no shear strain. These strains occur at
 from   0 .
2 p1 and 2 p2 as measured
angles 
Maximum in-plane shear strain (  R) occurs at E and F, with the
associated normal strain  avg.
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
State of strain at an orientation of  counter-clockwise from the known
state is given by point P (at 2 counterclockwise from   0 ).  x' and
 x'y' /2 can be read from Mohr’s circle or found from trigonometry.
 at 900 to points B and D, as expected since
Note: points E and F occur
 in-plane shear stress are
 oriented
 45o to the
the axes of maximum
principal axes.
Absolute Maximum Shear Strain (3D)
If a body is subjected to a general 3D state of stress, an element at a point
within the body may be oriented such that it is subjected to normal
stresses only (i.e. the principal stresses  max ,  int and  min ). These
normal stresses would cause the principal strains (with no shear strain)
since there is no shear stress on the principal planes.
 to the
 x' , y' and z' directions,
Assuming  max ,  int and  min correspond
 
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
This state of strain can be illustrated on Mohr’s circle:
The absolute maximum shear strain will occur on the largest Mohr’s circle
(here the x',z' plane) and it has magnitude:
 abs
  max   min
With an associated normal strain:
 avg 
 max   min
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Absolute Maximum Shear Strain (Plane Strain)
Consider an element exposed to plane strain ( x', y' plane). Define  max ,
 int and  min (  0) in the x' , y' and z' directions, respectively. Assuming
 max and  int have the same sign (positive here):
 
 
The absolute maximum shear strain is located out of plane (i.e. not on the
x', y' plane) and it has magnitude:
 abs
  max
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
If the in-plane principal strains have opposite signs:
 abs
  max   min   in
i.e. when the principal strains have opposite signs the absolute maximum
shear strain occurs in-plane (here x', y' ) and is equivalent to the maximum
in-plane shear strain.
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Strain Gauge Rosettes
A strain gauge can be used to measure the normal strain in a specimen
loaded in tension (i.e. measurement of the change in resistance in a thin
wire as it is stretched).
The normal strains on the surface of a body are measured with a strain
gauge rosette, and this information is used to specify the state of strain at
a point.
Using the strain transformation equation (Eq. (14) for  x' ) for each gauge:
 a   x cos2  a   y sin 2  a   xy sin  a cos  a
 b   x cos2  b   y sin 2 
 b   xy sin  b cos  b
 c   x cos 2  c   y sin 2  c   xy sin  c cos  c
Solving Eq. (31) simultaneously will give the state of strain (  x ,  y and
 xy ). Then the plane-strain transformation equations, Eqs. (19) to (21), can
be used to determine the strains along other co-ordinate directions.
 
ENG5312 – Mechanics of Solids II
Often strain gauges rosettes are arranged in 45o or 60o configurations.
For the 45o rosette,  a  0 o ,  b  45 o , and  c  90 o , and Eq. (32) gives:
x  a
y  c
 xy  2
 b   a   c 
For the 60o rosette,  a  0 o ,  b  60 o , and  c 120 o , and Eq. (32) gives:
x  a
 y  
2 b  2 c   a 
 xy 
 b   c 