Student Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Current State Document with Banner work flow appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSFER CREDIT EVALUATION ............................................................................. 2 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Transfer Credit Evaluation This text documents the process of processing transfer credit articulation for transcripts that have been submitted by transfer students. Transfer credit articulation is defined as the process of reviewing courses taken by students at other colleges to determine whether they meet specific Monroe Community College program and course requirements, or if they can be used to satisfy elective credits. A work flow process that indicates how the current Admissions data will processed in Banner has been added as an appendix to this document. Business Objectives: To review the processes involved with receiving, recording and tracking the receipt of transcripts that are received from students wishing to transfer to Monroe Community College. To review the successive stages of the work flow needed to move the transfer transcript from the student to the various offices and personnel who review and articulate the completed college work. In the case of veterans, to review their military experience and educational credits and award appropriate transfer credit. To provide academic advisors with information about the transfer credits which their advisees have accomplished. This information can then be used for determining admission and program advising requirements. Process begins: when Admissions receives transcript from applicant or student Input: Transcript from previously attended institutions of higher education. 3 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Process ends: (1) Admissions office sends evaluated transcript back to Registration and Records. (2) Registration and Records then notifies student of their completed evaluation. (3) The Veterans’ Office sends input to be entered into SIS. (4)The original evaluated transcript is returned to the Admissions support staff. (5) The Admissions support staff record in SIS that the evaluated transcript was sent to Registration and Records. Finally, the evaluated transcript is imaged and linked to SIS. Output: Completed evaluations; Student informed of completed evaluation; Registration and Records receive the evaluated transcript; Admission support staff updates SIS; the evaluated transcript is imaged and linked to SIS. Process Actors: Admissions support staff Admissions counselors Registration and Records Students Academic departments Veteran’s Office Other colleges Process Owner: Assistant Director of Admissions 4 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Process Stakeholders: Academic Services Graduation Office Counseling and Advising Athletics DCC Student Services Financial Aid Metrics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 100 applications per day. 10 Transfer credit evaluations per day. 3000 transcripts evaluated per year. Transfer evaluation is 25% of the work load of one processor and one counselor. Improve turnaround time. More uniform processes. – Use transfer articulation process. Electronic review (workflow) Key feeder schools include: a. Brockport b. Genesee Community College c. RIT d. FLCC e. AP/CLEP Timeframe: 2 weeks 5 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Process Hindrance with cause: Need for review of programs/courses/requirements from foreign institutions Need for evaluation of military training and experience Process Hindrance without cause: Improvement wish list: Streamline process and expedite the required transfer of information from one office to the next in a more timely manner. Data Considerations: Need to set up policies and procedures to send letters to notify students to have their foreign transcripts evaluated. The accepted practice will depend on the number of foreign students who request transfer credit evaluation. The process outlined below assumes the student wants to have his/her transfer transcript evaluated against their program. Current Process tasks: 1. Admissions receives transcript from student 2. Records transcript in SIS Is student an applicant? Student wants to have transcript evaluated. 3. Check if application is on file. If the application is not on file, scan the transcript into the imaging system. 6 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation 4 .Send transcript to Admissions counselor. Evaluate (Y or N) if this is a Veteran’s transcript. Call school with questions. If this is a veteran’s transcript, it is sent to the Veterans’ Office. 5. Place into transfer credit queue (electronic). Does it have a WES evaluation form? Is the school from which the transcript is submitted an accredited institution? 6. Transcript is evaluated by counselor. If the transcript has military credit it is forwarded to the Veterans’ Office. If it is an international transcript and it has a WES report with it the evaluation process continues. Otherwise, a special letter is generated and the process end. Counselor hand-writes equivalents on the transcript. 7. Send transcript to department for evaluation. 8. Get course description if required. Department then evaluates transcript. 9. Department sends evaluated transcript to Admissions. Admissions receives the transcript, does further processing, and sends it on to Registration and Records. 10. Registration and Records records the evaluated transcript in SIS. R&R sends letter to the student to check the web for the transfer evaluation or to come into the office to get a hardcopy. Counselor may call student if there is a problem with the evaluation. This is an exception rather than the rule. 11. Registration and Records notifies student of evaluation. 7 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation 12. Evaluated transcript returned to Admissions support staff. 13. Administrative support staff record on SIS that the evaluated transcript was sent to Registration and Records. 14. Transcript is imaged and linked to SIS. 15. Academic department sends evaluation back to the Admissions counselor. 16. Admissions support person scans the document from the Academic Department. 17. The Admissions Counselor calls the student if further information is needed. 18. The Veterans’ office evaluates the transcript. 19. The Veterans’ office sends the evaluated transcript to Registration and Records. 8 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation Glossary of Terms: Accreditation Articulation table/ transfer code Course Description Credit by exam – CLEP, AP, ACE, Dantes, IB, Military Credit Hours – vary from school to school Department of Education Department Evaluation GPA Life experience Non-credit course Non-credit remediation Quarter hours Semester hours Transcript Transfer guide – articulation table Tri-mester WES – World education Services – 3rd party credential evaluation service for students who have foreign transcripts. NOTES: 1. ECOMS - inquiry system in place until Banner goes live. 2. Life experience articulated by Bill Sigismond, Director, Experiential and Adult Learning 9 Business Process Analysis Transfer Credit Evaluation 3. Military experience, other than health/physical education, is articulated by Veterans’ Outreach. Steve Wallace does veterans’ credits. 4. Average turn around time is 2 weeks for completion of transfer credit evaluation. 5. Articulation tables need to be maintained each time there is a change in either the MCC catalog or in the catalog of one of the feeder schools. 6. Donna would like to automate the evaluation process. This may be better served by bringing as much of the evaluation process as possible under the ownership of the Admissions Office. 7. Shadow databases consist of old policy and procedure manuals. These provide insights into why and how current procedures and policies have evolved. 10 Business Process Analysis Transfer C Conclusions: Hindrances: 1. Points of data entry: Delays may occur because paperwork has to be moved among several offices: Admissions, Veterans affairs, academic departments, and Records and Registration. 2. Turn-round time for processing: Current transfer credit evaluation processing can take up to two weeks. TCE comprises 25% of the work load for a processor and a counselor. 3. When transfer evaluation tables, institutions, grades, etc. are defined in Banner, the process will go much more quickly and smoothly. Please note: It is critical that careful attention is paid to setting up and maintaining the transfer institution tables, the course articulation tables, and the associated validation tables. All of these tables need to be reviewed when system fixes and upgrades are released and applied. 4. Student notification process: Students can come in and check on their evaluation status. Also, letters can be sent. In some cases a counselor will call the student. 13 Business Process Analysis Transfer C 5. Any and all shadow databases used to support the TCE process need to be identified and mapped to Banner. This is critical for data conversion, data mapping, table definition, definition of rules forms, etc. Where possible, it is highly recommended that shadow systems be absorbed into Banner to eliminate process steps as well as the issue of duplicate data. Having to develop interfaces to shadow systems uses unscheduled project time and resources and will put the project at risk for missing critical project milestones and deadlines. This, in turn, will affect the project calendar and the current schedule for SCT consultants and trainers. Areas for Improvement: 1. Processing time. TCE processing turn around time needs to be decreased. The number of procedural steps needs to be decreased. Information about the amount of time that a given transcript requires for review and approval by each office needs to be tracked. The causes of delays need to be evaluated and resolved. 2. Need for standardization in how students are notified of the status of their transfer articulation. Also, time required to notify a student of their TCE needs to be decreased to insure more timely and useful dissemination of this information. 3. Need standardization on articulation values so that Banner tables and forms can be defined, tested and put into production to provide consistency in evaluation, processing and the resulting transfer evaluation. The course articulation evaluations need to be reviewed and updated. In Banner, default TCE tables can be built, and then copied and customized for each feeder school. The TCE work team has to identify the top 7 schools and then build the articulation tables for each of these schools. You may also set up a separate institution called “Military” to list courses and other life experience for which transfer credit will be given. 4. Articulation tables need to be reviewed at least once a year – when the catalogs of course offerings change at either MCC or at the feeder schools. Proper table maintenance is critical to the effective use of the TCE capabilities within Banner. TCA enables users to enter courses, automatically articulate 14 Business Process Analysis Transfer C them, and then roll the articulated values into Academic History. At that point the course information is ready for inclusion in CAPP processing. 15 Business Process Analysis Transfer C Suggested Banner processes: Banner Transfer Credit Evaluation process: (This initial mapping of evaluation functionality to Banner forms will be decomposed to more detail and finalized during the actual Banner Student implementation. The purpose of this mapping is to assist the Banner Student team in defining tables and rules forms during the implementation phase of the migration.) The processes outlined below are high level processes. More detail will be built into these procedures by the project team members who are responsible for TCE. In Banner, setting Banner up for Transfer Credit evaluation is a separate process from actually doing the TCE process. Preparation for Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) processing is divided into three phases: 1. Set up of transfer institutions and their courses a. Define the MCC courses in the Catalog module. b. Make sure that the correct Institution identification codes, i.e. the CEEB codes, have been installed/updated in the Source/Background Institution Code Validation form (STVSBGI). From the Banner Student users’ manual, chapter 3, Validation Forms, page 3-86 to 3-87: “Note: The value 999999 – Miscellaneous Institution must be defined if you wish to use this code on the Transfer course form (SHATRNS). Entry of this code in the Transfer institution information of SHATRNS allows you to enter a name for the institution for the person for whom you are entering transfer work. “ 16 Business Process Analysis Transfer C The institution is first set up on the Source Background Institution Base Form. Go to the Academic History menu. Select the Transfer Articulation Menu. Select the Transfer Articulation Institution Form SOABGTA. Define the institution code and the term for which you are setting up this transfer course articulation screen. Go to the Transfer Grade Code maintenance form SHATGRD and enter the grade schemes for the school that you are setting up as a transfer institution. 2. Set up of the MCC equivalents of those courses (either courses or electives) on the Transfer Course Articulation form SHATATR. Periodic maintenance and updating of the transfer institution courses and equivalents. This maintenance needs to be done at least once a year for those schools that issue a new catalog each year. Also, as the MCC TCE regulations and requirements change, the transfer institution course equivalent form will need to be updated for each feeder school. 3. Once you have set up the Transfer Course Articulation From in Banner with one default grading scheme and one actual course/grade generic record, and one actual school you are ready to test it. In Banner, Transfer Credit Evaluation processing involves the following steps: Current process: receive transcript from student. Banner: 17 Business Process Analysis Transfer C 1. After receipt of the transcript, perform a thorough, extended name and ID search on the Person Search Detail form, SOAIDNS, to make sure that the applicant that you are about to put on the system is not already on the system under a different name, ID, or PIDM. This search from lets you search on name, address, general student information, birth date, and other information. 2. If the applicant is not in the system, enter him or her on the system using the General Person form. In this way you can create the person record without creating a prospect, admissions or general student record, as would occur if the Quick Entry form was used. Current process: Record transcript in SIS. Banner: 3. Go to the Prior College form, SOAPCOL, and enter the institution from which the student is transferring. Also enter the date on which the transcript was received, flag it as official if this is an official document, and then enter the admission requirement code for college transcript. Once the transcript is thus recorded, when you set up the application for the student, Banner will mark the prior college transcript requirement as completed on the list of admission requirements within the admissions application. 18 Business Process Analysis Transfer C Current process; Scan document into SIS. 4 You may scan the document into Banner now if you want, or wait until the end of the TCE process. Current process: Sent transcript to counselor. Banner: 5. Go to the Transfer Articulation Evaluation Form, SHATAEQ, check to make sure that the student whose name and ID are displayed on the screen match the student ID and name on the transfer transcript. Enter the id number of the transfer institution. Remember: the courses from this institution have to first be articulated to MCC courses on the Transfer Institution Catalog Entry form, SHATATC. 6. Enter the courses from the transfer institution. (You may use a WES evaluation form if you have it; however, make sure that you have either set up an institution code for the foreign school, or have a generic transfer school whose course evaluations will be based on the WES code.) 6. Once the courses have been entered, perform the articulation. The department can use the web site of the transfer institution to review the course description.. After the department reviews the evaluation, it will forward the evaluation to Registration and Records for final evaluation. Upon review and approval, Registration and Records can roll the articulation into Academic History. The academic history record is what the Curriculum Advising Program Planning (CAPP) reads to perform a degree audit. Current Process: Registration and Records notifies the student of the evaluation. Banner: 19 Business Process Analysis Transfer C A population selection can be run to select those students who have completed evaluations. Notification letters for the population selected by the population selection program can then be generated. The letter generation process flags the students’ mail forms that a letter has been sent, and the date on which it was sent. 20 Business Process Analysis Transfer C Adm. Support Staff Transfer Credit Evaluation - Current State Official Transcript Received Record on SIS Is Application on File? Thursday, April 22, 2004 No Scan Transcript Into Imaging System No “NOEVAL” Entered on Screen 207 Recorded on SIS that Evaluation is Done Yes Does Student Want Evaluation? Scan Transcript into Imaging System Evaluated Transcript Imaged and Linked Accreditation Problem Letter Record on SIS Process Ends Process Ends Yes Route to Transfer Credit Queue Yes Process Ends Has Student Been Admitted? Can Evaluation Be Completed? Step #5 Make Copy of Evaluated Transcript Transcript Evaluated No Is It Military Credit? No International Transcript? No Is College Accredited? Student No Indicate Not Accredited On Transcript Yes Yes Yes Is There a WES Report? No Generate Special Letter Yes Yes Do We Need Course Descriptions? Go To Step #5 No Courses Need to be Evaluated by Dept. No Go To Step #5 Evaluate Transcript Yes Input Evaluation on Screens 141 & 142 Letter Generated Process Ends Yes Acad. Dept. Records Vets & Office Reg. Admissions Counselor No Counselor Retrieves from Queue Evaluate Courses Student Submits Application Get WES Report Go To Step #5 Get Course Description 21