ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ CURRICULUM VITAE March 2008 Surname First name Date of birth Nationality Address : : : : : Alghanem Subhi 1950 Jordanian P.O. Box 239 Amman 11941 / Jordan Tel. +962 6 5233786 (Home) +962 6 5353444/ Ext. 2383 (Hospital) +962 79 5640592 (Mobile) Email: alghanem@ju.edu.jo Qualifications : - M.B Ch.B Faculty of Medicine, Baghdad University, Iraq June 1975 - D.A England June 1983 - FFARCS Ireland December 1984 - Jordan Medical Council Certificate in Anesthesia (JMCC) April 1985 Hospital appointments : - Rotation House Officer, Two years in Libya and six month in Jordan Hospitals. - General duty resident at Al-Tafila Hospital Jordan 1/8/1978 – 16/3/1979. - Resident in anesthesia at Amira Basma Teaching Hospital, Irbid Jordan 16/3/1979 – 1/6/1982. - Register in anesthesia, Department of anesthesia, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom 14/6/1982 7/2/1985. - Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care at Al-Bashir Teaching Hospital, Amman, Jordan 20/2/1985 – 14/1/1990. - This hospital is the main governmental hospital in Jordan. The job included anesthesia for various branches of surgery and intensive care management, as well as lectures, tutorials for residents, paramedical and nurses. - January 1990: Assistant Professor of anesthesia and intensive care, Faculty of Medicine and Jordan University Hospital, University of Jordan, Amman. - May 1997 till now: Associate Professor of anesthesia and intensive care, Faculty of Medicine and Jordan University Hospital, university of Jordan, Amman. Teaching and Administrative Posts : - Co-chairman of the department of anesthesia and intensive care, Jordan university hospital 1990-2007 - Chairman of the department of anesthesia and intensive care, Jordan university hospital 2007- till now - Member of the Jordan society of Anesthesia and Intensive care 19901994 - Member of the Scientific Committee of Jordan Medical Association 1987 - Member of the editorial board of the Jordan medical Journal 1991-1993 - Examiner at the Jordan medical council 1989-1994 - Teaching undergraduate medical and dental students in anesthesia and intensive care - Examining final year medical students in surgery, anesthesia and intensive care - Teaching and training postgraduate residents in anesthesia and intensive care - Teacher of anesthesia at the Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University Hospital - Examining postgraduate residents for the higher degree of medical specialization in anesthesia and intensive care Publications : - Mandibular x-ray measurements in difficult intubation cases: A prospective study. The University of Jordan Journal, Dirasat. - Postoperative removal of midazolam effect by flumazenil: A clinical experience. Jordan Medical Journal. - Sturge-Weber Disease without facial nevus. Jordan Medical Journal. - Studies on fluid absorption during transurethral resection. Jordan Medical Journal. - Intensive care management of acute poisoning and drug overdose. A 4 year experience. Ein Shams University Medical Journal. - Our experience of spinal anesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumor and prostate. The University of Jordan Journal, Dirasat. - Ondansetron in the prevention of nausea and vomiting after gynecological surgery. The University of Jordan Journal, Dirasat. - Electrocorticography in the management of surgically treated epileptic patients. Neurosciences Journal 2000. - Monitoring of volatile anesthetics in operating rooms personnel of the University of Jordan Hospital, Jordan Medical Journal 2008. - Venous Air Embolism Associated Morbidity and Mortality in Patients Undergoing Neurosurgical Procedures in the Sitting Position, Jordan Medical Journal 2007. -Duration of venous occlusion with lidocaine for preventing propofol induced pain, Saudi Medical Journal 2008. - Anesthesia and electrocorticography for epilepsy surgery: A Jordanian experience, Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology February 2009. -Effect of sevoflurane on postoperative liver functions in morbidly obese as compared with the non-obese patients. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology June 2008. -Effect of adding dexmedetomidine versus Fentanyl to intrathecal bupivacaine on spinal block characteristics in gynecological procedures: a double blind controlled study, American Journal of applied Sciences 2008. - Intravenous Dexmedetomidine prolongs bupivacaine spinal anesthesia , Middle east Journal of Anesthesiology June 2009. - Optimization of anesthesia antiemetic measures versus combination therapy using dexamethasone or ondansetron for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Surgical Endoscopy .June 2009. - Local anesthesia onset of action is altered by the bicarbonate blood level, in a vertical infraclavicular brachial plexus block in patients with end-stage renal failure. Accepted for publication, March 2009(Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation) Congresses : -1st PAN ARAB CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE –AMMAN – JORDAN 1985 -3rd PAN ARAB CONGRESS O ANESTHESIA -8th PAN ARAB CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA .INTENSIVE CARE AND PAIN MANAGEMENT –BEIRUT-2004 - ALL THE FOLLOWING CONFERENCES OF JORDANIAN SOCIETES OF ANESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE, 1ST,2nd.3rd, 5th THAT WERE HELD IN JORDAN -FIRST GULF CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIA, DOHA QATAR1991 -DIFFERENT CONFERENCES IN JORDAN IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPECIALITIES -GERMAN CONGRES OF ANESTHESIA 2000 -GERMAN CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA 2001 -ESCTAIC- BERLIN 2003 -JORDANIAN CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA 2005 -THE 3RD EUROPEAN.SYRIAN CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA,INTENSIVE CARE AND PAIN MANAGMENTN 3-5 MAY 2006 -6th JORDANIAN AND 1ST INTERNATIONAL JORDANIAN CONGRESS OF ANESTHESIA, ICU AND PAIN MANAGEMENT – MAY 2007 -ESA CONGRESS MUNCHEN -GERMANY JUNE 2007 Special Interest : - Neuroanesthesia - Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia - Intensive Care References : - Professor Izdiad Badran (FFARCSI) Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Jordan University Hospital Amman, Jordan. Tel: +962 6 5353444 (Hospital) +962 6 5332980 (Home) +962 79 5502569 (Mobile) Fax: +962 6 5353388 Email: izdiad_badran@yahoo.com -Associate Professor Bassam Al- Barazangi (FFARCSI) Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Jordan University Hospital, Amman, Jordan. Tel: +962 6 5151236 (Home) +962 6 5353444 / Ext. 2420 (Hospital) +962 79 6833135 (Mobile) Email: bbarazangi@yahoo.com