Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Calculus II Introduction 2 Relations between Cartesian and Polar Coordinates 3 Sketch of Graphs in Polar Coordinates 5 Intersection of Two Curves in Polar Coordinates 10 Slope of a Tangent 11 Areas 13 Arc Lengths 15 Surfaces of Revolution 16 Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 1 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Introduction Cartesian Coordinate plane y Polar Coordinate plane p (r,θ) p (x, y) vectorial angle θ polor axis (initial axis) y x x 0 origin (pole) Example y P( 2 , 45) p (1, 1) 2 1 x 0 45 1 N.B. (1) is positive if it is measured anti-clockwise. (2) is negative if it is measured clockwise. P (4, 4 0 ) 6 - 6 6 6 Q (4, - ) 0 (3) r can be negative. 3 A( 2, ) 2 2 3 3 A( 2, ) 3 2 3 0 B (- 2 , ) (4) If r > 0 , P ( r, ) = P ( r, 2n+ ) , n Z . e.g. P ( r, ) = P ( r, 3 ) = P ( r, - ) p (r, 3) p (r, ) r p (r, -) 0 (5) If r = 0 , O ( 0, ) is called the pole or origin , R . (6) If r > 0 , Q ( -r, ) = Q ( r, + ) . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 2 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics 3 0 4 ) 3 3 Q is an imaginary point (which r<0) and P is a real point (which r>0) . Q (4, + ) or Q (-4, (7) Relations between Cartesian and Polar Coordinates r x 2 y 2 x r cos y r sin 1 y tan x y P (x, y) P (r, ) r 0 Example (a) r y x Express the Cartesian coordinates in polar coordinates (a) (b) ( 2 3 , 2) , ( 2, x (polar axis) 2) x 2 y 2 12 4 4 2 1 1 1 tan tan 2 3 3 6 so the polar coordinates= ( 4, ) 6 (b) Example Express the polar coordinates in Cartesian coordinates Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 3 Polar Coordinates (a) (-2 , ) , (b) (2 3 , 6 Advanced Level Pure Mathematics ) Definition Polar Equations : r = f() Example r=2cos , r=2(1-sin) , r=3 , etc. Example Investigate the loci represented by the following polar equations. (a) = (a) = , where is a constant. (b) r = a , where a is a constant. tan 1 y x y tan m (say) x y mx it is a straight line with inclination to the initial line and passing through the pole. (b) Example Express the following loci in polar coordinates : Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 4 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics (a) The straight line with normal form x cos y sin p . (b) 2 2 The circle x y 2ax 0 . Sketch of Graphs in Polar Coordinates Plot the polar curve r 2 cos for 0 2 . Example Solution 0 r 2 4 2 3 2 1 0 3 4 - 2 …. 3 2 -2 …. …. 2 0 …. 2 y P( r, ) r 0 x (polar axis) 1 N.B. (1) 2 r=2cos r 2 cos x 2 y 2 2 x x y2 2 ( x 1) 2 ( y 0) 2 12 (2) (which is a circle) If f ( ) f ( ) , the polar curve is symmetric with respect to the initial line. Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 5 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics (r, ) 0 e.g. r=2cos , r=2(1-cos) - (r ,- ) If f ( ) f ( ) , or f ( ) f ( ) , the curve is symmetric with respect to the (3) vertical line . 2 (-r, -)=(r, -) (r, ) e.g. r=2sin , r=a(1+sin) - 0 If f ( ) f ( ) , or g (r ) g (r ) , the curve is symmetric with respect to the pole. (4) (r, ) 0 r2 = a2 sin2 e.g. (-r, ) =(r, +) I. Cardioids Sketch the graph of the polar equation r 2(1 cos ) for 0 2 . Example Solution Let f() = 2(1-cos) f() = 2[1-cos(-)] = f() The graph is symmetric wiyh respect to the initial line. 6 0 r 0 2- 3 4 2- 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 2+ 2 2+ 3 4 The graph is R=2(1-cos) (4, ) Example 0 Sketch the graph of the polar equation r 2(1 cos ) for 0 2 . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 6 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Since f(-)=2[1+cos(-)]=2(1+cos)=f() so the graph is symmetric w.r.t. the initial line. N.B. r=a(1+sin) r=a(1-sin) 2 (2a, ) (a,) 0 (0, ) 0 (a, 0) (2a , II. (a, 0) 3 ) 2 Limacons Example Sketch the graph of the polar equation r 2 4 cos . N.B. r=a+bcos (0<a<b) r=a+bcos (0<b<a) Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 7 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics 0 0 r=a+bsin (0<b<a) r=a+bsin (0<a<b) 0 0 III. n-Leafed Roses r=acos3 (a>0 , 0 2 ) r=asin3 (a>0 , 0 2 ) = = 6 = 5 6 r=acos2 (a>0 , 0 2 ) 2 3 = 3 r=asin2 (a>0 , 0 2 ) Example Sketch the graph of the polar equation r a sin 3 , where a>0. Example Sketch the graph of the polar equation r a cos 2 , where a>0. Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 8 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics IV. Two-Leafed Lemniscates r2=a2cos2 (a>0 , 0 2 ) V. r2=a2sin2 (a>0 , 0 2 ) Spirals of Archimedes. r=a (a>0 , 0) r e a (a>0 , 0) r e a (a<0 , 0) Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 9 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Intersection of Two Curves in Polar Coordinates Example Find the points of intersection of the circle r 2 and the cardioid r 2(1 cos ) . Example Find the points of intersection of the circle r 2 cos and the four-leafed rose r sin 2 . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 10 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Slope of a Tangent dr dx cos r sin d x r cos d y r sin dy dr sin r cos d d dr sin r cos dy d dr dx cos r sin d dr tan r d dr r tan d The angle between the tangent at P to the polar curve r=f() and radius vector OP is given by y tan r=f() r dr d tangent at point p p(r, ) x 0 Example Given the polar curve r 2 2 cos , 0 2 . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 11 Polar Coordinates (a) is 4 Find (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the slope of tangent at Advanced Level Pure Mathematics , 4 the points at which the tangent is horizontal, the points at which the tangent is vertical, the values of at which the angle between the radius vector and tangent . (b) Sketch the polar curve. Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 12 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Areas Theorem The area enclosed by the polar curve r f ( ) betweem the lines = and = is given by r=f() 1 2 r d 2 A = = where r f ( ) 0 on [ , ]. 0 Example Find the area enclosed by the cardioid r a(1 cos ) , a>0. Example Find the area of the inner loop of the curve r 2 4 cos . Solution 2 4 Since the inner loop bounded by the curve corresponds to the interval . , 3 3 N.B. (1) r f ( ), r g ( ) Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 13 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Area enclosed = 1 1 2 f ( ) g ( ) d = 2 f ( ) 2 2 2 g ( ) d 2 = = r = f() r = g() (2) If the pole O lies within a closed polar curve, then the area enclosed= Example (a) (b) 2 0 1 2 r d . 2 Find the area inside the circle r 5 cos and outside the limacon r 2 cos . Find the area inside the circle r 5 cos and the limacon r 2 cos . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 14 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Arc Lengths The arc length S of the curve r f ( ) form= to = is S = ds = dy ds dx 2 dy 2 2 dx 2 dx dy d d d dr dr r sin sin r cos d cos d d dr 2 r d d = = = r=f() 2 2 2 provided that r is differentiable on ( , ) and the curve does not intersect itself on ( , ). Example Find the length of the circumference of the cardioid r a(1 cos ) , where a>0. Example Find the length of the curve of the circle r 5 cos that is outside the limacon r 2 cos . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 15 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Surfaces of Revolution Theorem The area of surface revolution S of the curve from = to = about the inital line is S 2yds 2 dr 2 2r sin r d d r=f() ds y 0 Theorem The area of surface revolution S of the curve from = to = about the line 2 (i.e. y-axis) is S 2xds 2 dr 2 2r cos r d d x ds 0 Example Find the surface area generated by revolving the circle r 2a sin , a>0 about the line 2 . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 16 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Example Find the surface area generated by revolving the cardioid r a(1 cos ) , where a>0 , about the initial line. Example The equation of a curve C in polar coordinates is r 1 sin , 0 2 . Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 17 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics (a) Sketch curve C. (b) Find the area bounded by curve C. [HKAL94] (5 marks) Example y p Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 18 Polar Coordinates Advanced Level Pure Mathematics Q 0 a 2a x Let C be the circle given by the polar equation r=2acos (where a>0) , P be a variable point on C and O be the origin. Let Q be a point lying on the line through O and P such that P and Q are on the same side of O and OP OQ a 2 . Show that the Cartesian equation of the locus of Q is x a . 2 [HKAL93] (5 marks) Prepared by K. F. Ngai Page 19