Ultrasonic Determination of Elasticity Tensor for Juvenile and Mature Ponderosa Pine I. Introduction The objective of this work is to recover the full elasticity tensor for juvenile and mature wood in ponderosa pine. The recovery of the elastic properties for the juvenile wood is important because ponderosa pine has potential commercial value in a full round configuration [1]. The importance of ponderosa pine is a result of the need for thinning of the National Forests after many decades of fire suppression. Most of this material is of a small diameter, less than 8 inches in diameter, and thus has a larger percentage of juvenile wood. The availability of elastic properties for this material can assist is directing the material to its highest and best use which will enhance the commercial viability of the mechanical thinning that may be required in many areas as an alternative to controlled burns. Previous work as been limited in the area of wood material characterization with respect to developing an understanding of the full elastic properties of wood. In recognition of the complexity of the wood as a material, bending modulus is often reported for dimension lumber. This is of course a property that is of great interest in many applications for wood and includes a significant effect of the shear stiffness in most configurations for wood beams. A more complete description of the material properties of small diameter timber is however useful since the loading of material in a number of potential applications may be less straightforward depending on the connection details and other application related details of the use of the material. For these reasons as well as to support an improved understanding of the properties of wood as a material, this work is focussed on the recovery of both shear and normal properties of the material in all three material axes of the material. In much of the literature of wood, it is assumed to be an orthotropic material [2]. This is a good symmetry assumption for lumber that is derived from old growth timber. As the radius from the center of the tree increases, the symmetry to the plane that has the radius of the 1 tree as the unit normal becomes increasingly reasonable. However, for small diameter timber, the plane of the radius has a small radius of curvature (less than four inches) and thus is less accurately considered to be a plane of symmetry (Figure 1). Because this work is clearly focussed on the modulus of small diameter timber, the wood will thus be assumed to be transversely isotropic like of a tree. The samples used for the measurements are cut on the visible material axes and measurements are limited to the material axes. The applicability of the material symmetry assumption is also explored in a series of verification experiments to ensure that the assumptions in the testing procedure do not influence the results of the study. II. Theoretical Background A. Elastic Symmetry of Wood It’s commonly accepted that for most of wood and wood-based composites, orthotropic symmetry, which means material posses three mutually perpendicular planes of symmetry, and transverse isotropic symmetries are observed. For transverse isotropy, the material is characterized as having an axis of symmetry that all directions at right angles to this axis are equivalent. With the use of a Cartesian coordinate system, three-orientation directions are defined. The direction along the wood fiber direction is called Longitudinal or X 1 direction, the radial orientation of wood rays is defined Radial or X 3 direction, and the other one is defined as Tangential or X 2 direction. (Fig.1) If the curved growth rings shown in Fig.1 can be modeled as planar growth layer, the result is a clear wood which is modeled into an orthotropic material with geometric axes( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ) coincident with orthotropic axes ( L, T , R) . (Fig. 2) B. Ultrasonic determination of elasticity tensor from wavespeed measurement For an orthotropic material, there are nine independent elastic tensors that are determined. The equations of motion in a continuum are given by: .. ij , j u i 2 Eq-1 where ij, j is stress components, including both normal and shear. is the density of the material. u i is the components of displacement, .. u i indicates the second partial derivative of the displacement with respect to time. i, j , k , l are coordinate index, each can attain independently the values of 1, 2 or 3. For an anisotropic linearly elastic solid the constitutive equation is ij Cijkl kl Eq-2 where kl is stain components, including both normal and shear. C ijkl is the fourth order tensor for the material. For an assumption of small displacement .. Cijkl u k , jl u i Eq-3 where u k , jl is the second partial derivative of displacement with respect to coordinate index j, and l . is the density of the material. Assuming a solution of wave propagation is of the form ui A0 i e i[ k (li xi t )] Eq-4 where A0 is the incident aptitude which is divided into components that propagate in a number of a direction determined by the material symmetrical axes. Substituting Eq.4 into 3 gives an eigenvalue equation (Christoffel’s equation) which is a cubic polynomial in V 2 . (Cijkl nl n j ik V 2 ) Pm 0 3 Eq-5 where Pm is the polarization vector. V is the phase velocity of ultrasonic wave. ij is the Kronecker delta symbol. n is the wave propagation direction with components of n1 , n2 , n3 . In order to have a nontrivial solution of the homogeneous system of equations, the determinant of the coefficient matrix must vanish. Or: Det[ij ik V 2 ] 0 Eq-6 where ij Cijkl nl n j is called Christoffel’s tensor. For an orthotropic material it’s given by 11 n12 C11 n22 C 66 n32 C 66 22 n12 C 66 n22 C 22 n32 C 44 33 n12 C55 n22 C 44 n32 C33 12 n1n2 (C12 C 66 ) Eq-7 23 n2 n3 (C 23 C 44 ) 13 n1n3 (C13 C55 ) Therefore, for orthotropic and transverse isotropic materials, in any given direction, there are three possible acoustic waves (a quasi-longitudinal wave, two polarization of quasi-transverse waves) whose phase velocities are known functions of the elasticity tensor and density. As a result of material symmetry waves propagate along the longitudinal, tangential or radial directions of the three material symmetry axes, in all three directions, all three wave types can be generated. 4 A Cartesian coordinate system with axes X 1 , X 2 , X 3 parallel to the edges of the cube is assumed. For wave motion in x1 (longitudinal direction), i.e., n1 1, n2 n3 0 , one longitudinal wave and two transverse wave. The two transverse waves are propagated in orthogonal directions and are associated with wave velocities that correspond to different terms of the elasticity tensor. (Fig. 3) V112 C11 , longitudinal wave V122 C66 , transverse wave Eq-8 V132 C55 , transverse wave Switching the wave motion in x2 or x 3 direction, all the six diagonal terms of elasticity tensor can be obtained by a relation Cii V 2 Eq-9 where i 1,2...6 C. Method of velocity measurement The three longitudinal waves corresponding to the three components of the elasticity tensor C11, C22 , C33 are obtained from the measurement of longitudinal wave velocity using direct transmission technique (when the specimen is in contact with the longitudinal transducer). In addition, a procedure is developed for the determination of the three components of elasticity tensor ( C 44 ,C 55, C66 ) associated with transverse wave propagation. The specimens used are the same for both the longitudinal and transverse measurements. Fifteen specimens of juvenile wood are obtained and twenty of mature wood, both from ponderosa pine specimens. Again, in order to understand the measurement procedure; consider wave propagation in the X 1 direction. The three waves propagate along the X 1 direction, which is the material symmetry axis. A priori knowledge of the directions of particle oscillation for the three waves is known from theory. The intent is to find the velocities corresponding to wave motion for each wave using ultrasonic piezoelectric transducers. 5 X-Cut and Z-Cut transducers are available which are used to excite and measure longitudinal and transverse waves. The longitudinal wave is quite simple since only a single quasi-longitudinal wave propagates. However, due to arbitrary particle displacement u (t ) of the transverse components (Fig.5), it is necessary to rotate the transverse wave transducer through 180 0 to find the largest amplitude of transverse component that should correspond to X 3 - polarization, which in turn corresponds to the elasticity tensor component C 55 . From the maximum amplitude, the transducer is rotated 90 0 to get another the orthogonal component that corresponds to the X 2 -polarization, from which the C 66 component is obtained. Once the particle oscillations and wave velocities for the two models of transverse wave propagation in the X 1 direction have been determined, the same testing procedure is repeated in the X 2 direction and C 44 , C 66 components are obtained as well as C 44 and C 55 components from switching to the X 3 direction. III. Specimen Preparation A. CUBE HARVESTING Using the logs from the log breaking experiment, cubes were harvested from the area near the break. The middle section of the log was removed from the log using a horizontal band saw. 1 ½” thick disks were cut from each end of the middle section, just beyond the break. From these disks, 1” cubes were harvested from the juvenile and mature portions of the log. It is assumed that the first 20 rings from the center of the disk are juvenile wood. The outer portion of the disk is mature wood. Fig.6 shows a picture of a cross section of a log. The cubes were cut at different angles from the axis of the disk. Fig.7 show typical samples of cube locations. The cubes were identified by writing the log name, indicating which end the disk was taken from and the location of the cube in the disk. For example, if the log name was CO 01 and the disk was taken from end B and the cube was from the mature wood portion of the log, the cube name would thus be CO 01B S. For 6 cubes that are rotated at angles of 30, 45 and 60, the angle of rotation is added to the name. For example, if the cube previously mentioned were rotated at an angle of 45, then the cube name would be CO 01B 45 S. For several of the log specimens, additional 3-5” cylinders were cut. These sections were used to harvest cubes that are in a different orientation to the longitudinal axis. The cylinders were divided into four parts, cutting a cross through the center of the log section in the longitudinal axis. Cubes were then harvested from each quadrant. Fig.8 shows the orientation of the cubes that were cut. The cubes were named as described above. However, the face the cubes were removed from was added to the designation. The letters L and R indicate longitudinal and radial direction. After cubes were removed from the log, the specimens were polished with a belt sander. The belt sander was used to obtain flat and smooth faces and to ensure parallel sides. The dimensions of the cubes were then taken and recorded. The cubes were stored in a refrigerator held at approximately 48 F and 37% relative humidity overnight before ultrasonic testing. Tables 2 and 3 show data measurements of the mature wood and juvenile wood cubes that were tested ultrasonically. From the samples, it was noted that the average density of the juvenile wood samples was higher than the average density of the mature wood samples. The highlighted portions of the table indicate a comparison between the juvenile wood and mature wood samples that were taken from the same log. D. Verification of the technique The transducer used to generate transverse wave was very sensitive to the relationship of the polarization of the wave to material axes. Verification of the shear wave technique is necessary to ensure that the measurements of the elasticity tensor are independent of the testing procedure. From the testing procedure outlined above, data for C 44 , C 55 , C 66 is obtained twice. This data should be nearly identical for an orthotropic material, the difference representing only the error in the measurement and deviation of the material from strict orthotropic symmetry. Thus, the comparison of these two sets of data can be used to estimate measurement uncertainty. 7 The comparison results are shown in Table.3. For the juvenile wood, the values of the elasticity tensor C55 measured from either the radial direction (R ) or tangential direction (T ) correspond well with those obtained from longitudinal direction (L) . For example, the average value of C44 measured from T direction is 0.5282 0.2357(GPa) , the corresponding value measured from R direction is 0.5244 0.2.23 (GPa) (Fig. 9(a)) However, for the mature wood, case is not the same. From Table.3, it is seen the value of C44 measured from T direction, which is 0.3404 0.2530(GPa) , is significant different with that measured from R direction, which is 0.5438 0.3871(GPa) . Indeed, the error is introduced by modeling tangential direction (T ) of the wood block as an orthotropic material. (Fig. 9(b)) E. Data and signal processing In order to calculate the transverse wave velocity as well as the components of elasticity tensor, data and signal processing must be done. This includes using crosscorrelation approach to obtain accurate relative time delays. The approach is used to estimate the time difference ( ) between two signals, a reference signal for a known material (in this data set, Aluminum was used) and an unknown sample, which are small blocks of ponderosa pine. For this data set, the technique of windowing of the signal was also required to truncate the echoes from the small block samples. 1. Cross-correlation between signal of Aluminum and Cube The cross-correlation approach is used to determine the relative time delay ( ) between two waveforms. A reference signal which was acquired from an aluminum block x( t ) and wood block signal y( t ) are concerned, the cross-correlation between the two signals is a sequence rxy ( t ) , which is defined as N rxy ( ) x(t ) y (t ) N 8 Eq-10 where is time shift parameter and the subscript xy indicates the signals being correlated. The sequence x( t ) is unshifted and y( t ) is shifted by units in time. To the right, is positive, to the left, is negative. For the most general case, the delay is a function of wavelength or frequency. The physical process that changes the delay is known as dispersion. The cross-correlation rxy ( t ) provides a measure of similarity between the power in the two signals so that the time delay is a delay between the peak power. In this case, for a narrow band signal is used to estimate the phase velocity (Eq.11) of the ultrasonic waves propagating through the wood. From the velocities the elasticity tensor can be obtained ( Eq.9). Vii (d wood Val ) /( d al ( ii Val ) Eq-11 where Val 3200(m / s) , which is the velocity of ultrasonic wave propagating in the reference specimen (aluminum). d wood and d al are the distances of wave propagating through Aluminum and cube. is the density of wood. i 1,2,..6 Due to the size of the specimen used, the ultrasonic wavelength is on the order of the dimensions of the cube. As a result, in addition to the material dispersion that may be evident due to the visco-elasticity of the material, significant geometric dispersion should result as well. However, the use of the cross-correlation to determine the velocity of the ultrasonic wave results only in a measure of the relative difference in the group velocity between the reference sample(the aluminum block) and the unknown sample (the Ponderosa Pine) [3]. For the range of velocities considered, the only geometrical dispersion that would impact the measurement is the different in the phase velocities between the reference sample and the unknown sample. As a result, unlike absolute 9 measurements of velocity, the effect of dispersion even for this size sample is minimal and may be neglected. 2. Signal windowing If a long time window is used, an interference pattern is generated in the waveform. The phase velocities obtained from the cross-correlation are not accurate unless the signal is windowed. To ensure that multiple reflections are not included in the time signal, the window is located at a point where the wave has traveled two complete passes through the specimen. Since the time delay is not known a-priori, it is necessary to use an adaptive calculation of the window position. To make an initial estimate of the time of flight, a phase velocity is initially estimated based on the reference velocity. For all of the calculation the initial estimates used are shown in Table.2. Simply truncating the signal using a rectangular window results in more energy in the high frequencies. The increased energy in the high frequencies is a result of the abrupt transition to zero energy. Instead, a triangular window is used as a compromise between simplicity and minimization of the high-energy components. Specifically, if w( t ) is defined as a window function, then 1 (t 0.8 p) w(t ) ( p t ) /(1 0.8) (0.8 t p) 0 (t p) Eq-12 where p is the time of flight when the wave has made two complete passes through the specimen. F. Result and discussion Initial works have been done with the data and signal processing shown to determine the elasticity tensor. The spatially averaged values of the elasticity tensor measured from seventeen samples of juvenile wood and twenty samples of mature wood are listed in Table 3. It should be mentioned again that the coordinate system is the one that the longitudinal direction is labeled as X 1 , the tangential direction is labeled as X 2 10 along with radial direction labeled as X 3 . The comparison of elastic properties between juvenile and mature wood is also presented. IV. Conclusion 1. A nondestructive testing method has been developed for determining the elasticity tensor of wood or wood-based composites. The approach is based on the wave velocity measurements and theory of polarization transformation of shear wave propagation in a medium. 2. C11 and C22 show significant differences between juvenile and mature wood. 3. Shear modulus appears to be nearly the same for the juvenile and mature wood. The approximate similarity of C55 and C 66 indicates that wood is at least orthotropic. Further confirmation of its transversely isotropic property will be obtained after the other three off-diagonal terms of elasticity tensor C12 , C13 , C 23 are determined. 4. Error introduced by modeling tangential direction (T) as a material symmetry should be concerned. V. Future work In order to get full elasticity tensor of wood, the components of C12 , C13 , C 23 need to be determined from the wave velocity measurement when wave propagation is out of the symmetry of the material. Further verification of its transversely isotropic property can be available using the following relations: 2 C55 C 66 2 V23 /1 C 44 C 66 2 V132 / 1 C 44 C55 2 V122 / 1 C55 C 66 where Vij / k is the velocity of a transverse wave propagating out of the symmetry axis of the material 11 12 X 3 ( R) X 2 (T ) CROSS SECTION X1 ( L) Fig.2 Orthotropic model of a block of clear wood Fig.1 A typical cellular structure of a softwood 13 V1 1 C1 1 / X1 V11 C11 / V1 3 C5 5 / X1 V1 2 C6 6 / f V13 C55 / V12 C66 / Cross Section Cross-section X3 X3 X3 X3 V 33 C33 / V 31 C55 / V 31 C55 / X2 V2 2 C2 2 / V 33 C33 / X2 V32 C44 / V2 2 C2 2 / V32 C44 / V2 3 C6 6 / V2 2 C4 4 / V2 3 C6 6 / V2 2 C4 4 / (b). Ultrasonic wave propagation in the mature wood (a).Ultrasonic wave propagation in juvenile wood Fig.3 Ultrasonic wave velocity in an orthotropic wood 14 X1 X1 V13 C 55 / V12 C66 / X3 X2 (a) X2 X 2 -polarized X3 (b) X 3 -polarized X1 V11 C11 / X2 (c) X 1 -polarized X3 Fig 4. Wave propagation along the positive X direction of an orthotropic solid 15 u(t ) X2 X1 X3 Fig 5.Polarized transverse wave to form arbitrary particle displacement u (t ) 16 Juvenile wood Mature wood Fig.6 Cross section of log showing portions of juvenile and mature wood 17 Mature wood Mature 60 degree Juvenile wood Juvenile 45 degree Mature 30 degree Mature. 45 degree (b). Rotation of cube in TR orthotropic plane (a). No- rotation of cubic in TR orthotropic plane Fig.7 Cube orientation for ultrasonic testing 18 Radial (X3) Mature LR 45 degree Mature LR 60 degree Juvenile LR 30 degree Longitudinal (X1) Fig.8 Rotation of Cube Specimen in LR Orthotropic Plane 19 8 7 Frequency of cube number 6 5 Mature Juvenile 4 3 2 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 More Elasticity tensor(GaP) 20 Fig.10 Comparison of Elasticity Tensor C11 between Juvenile and Mature Wood T L R Transducer Transducer Cross Section Cross Section (b). Mature wood measured in T direction (a).Juvenile wood measured in T direction Fig.9 Wood block measured in T direction 21 6 Frequency of cube number 5 4 Mature Juvenile 3 2 1 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 More Elasticity tensor (GPa) Fig. 11 Comparison of elasticity tensor C22 between juvenile and mature wood 22 7 Frequency of cube number 6 5 Mature 4 Juvenile 3 2 1 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 More Elasticity Tensor (GPa) Fig. 12 Comparison of elasticity tensor C33 between juvenile and mature wood 23 6 Frequency of cube number 5 4 Mature Frequency 3 2 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Elasticity Tensor (GPa) Fig. 13 Comparison of elasticity tensor C44 between juvenile and mature wood 24 More 6 Frequency of cube number 5 4 Mature Juvenile 3 2 1 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 Elasticity tensor (GPa) Fig. 14 Comparison of elasticity tensor C55 between juvenile and mature wood 25 2.6 More 4.5 4 Frequency of cube number 3.5 3 Mature Juvenile 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 Elasticity tensor (GPa) Fig. 15 Comparison of elasticity tensor C66 between juvenile and mature wood 26 More 27 28 29 Table 1. Notation used to describe the direction and mode of vibration of the wave velocities. Vii velocity of a longitudinal wave traveling in the Vij velocity of a transverse wave traveling in the xi direction xi direction with particle motion in the x j direction Table 2. Initial estimated velocity for juvenile and mature wood juvenile wood mature wood ' V11 ' V22 ' V33 V44 ' V 55 ' V66 ' ' V12 ' V13 ' V23 3800 1700 2300 600 1200 1200 1800 1800 1500 5000 1500 2300 600 1200 1200 2000 2000 1600 30 31 Table 3 Average elasticity tensor measured from juvenile and mature wood Average elasticity tensor Juvenile wood Mature wood (GPa) (GPa) C11 4.9095 (0.8425) 10.627 (2.9269) C 22 2.2600 (0.7041) 0.6819 (0.2534) C 33 2.2999 (0.6855) 1.9731 (0.5744) measured in T direction 0.5282 (0.2357) 0.3404 (0.2530) measured in R direction 0.5244 (0.2023) 0.5438 (0.3871) measured in L direction 1.4792 (0.8350) 0.9927 (0.1650) measured in R direction 1.4252 (0.7242) 1.0140 (0.3575) measured in L direction 1.4793 (0.8351) 1.0418 (0.4209) measured in T direction 1.5071 (0.7991) 0.9957 (0.3721) C12 1.5834(0.6063) 1.5462(0.5646) C13 2.0567(0.8657) 2.5312(0.6016) C 23 1.3903(0.6063) 0.6482(0.2372) C 44 C 55 C 66 standard deviations in parenthesis 32 Table 4 Elasticity tensor of juvenile wood (GPa) C44 Sample C11 C22 C33 1 3.9024 1.3142 2 4.1253 3 C55 C66 C12 C13 C23 2.6416 1.2343 2.7134 2.0505 2.5901 0.6847 1.5676 1.8666 1.7270 0.8827 3.5136 0.8259 2.239 3.0392 2.0209 0.8761 2.2656 0.8761 1.3896 1.1883 1.5794 0.8550 0.2408 1.2479 0.9320 1.2479 2.0492 0.8862 1.3073 0.9260 0.7883 0.6079 1.2029 1.8105 1.2029 2.1231 1.1608 0.9832 0.4594 2.5900 0.5932 0.3011 0.8640 2.3358 0.8640 0.6693 2.5821 2.3315 0.8760 2.1218 1.8555 0.6042 0.6483 0.8341 0.9131 0.8341 0.9738 1.3408 3.4849 2.139 5.1230 1.1567 3.0722 0.9881 0.5374 2.1530 0.8059 2.1530 2.1492 2.0279 0.7134 0.9188 10 4.6788 1.8735 2.5769 0.4671 0.3434 0.8398 1.9404 0.8398 2.8992 2.4172 2.7483 2.1740 11 5.8419 1.8121 1.8583 0.1126 0.6043 0.8023 0.6085 0.8023 1.3377 1.3405 0.7664 1.1322 12 4.8044 3.2974 2.9570 0.4467 0.4098 2.1221 0.8032 2.1221 0.6352 0.5305 1.9568 1.0900 13 5.0056 1.9788 1.1136 0.6132 0.5906 0.8768 0.9227 0.8768 1.1185 1.1839 2.3754 0.7411 14 3.9162 2.8974 1.3350 0.3576 0.1323 0.7104 1.0519 0.7104 0.6779 2.2563 1.9620 2.0991 15 4.9811 3.7965 3.6873 0.2162 0.6976 1.4269 2.4157 1.4269 2.4353 1.7963 3.024 1.6473 Average 4.9095 (0.8423) 2.2600 (0.7041) 2.2990 (0.6855) 0.52825 (0.2360) 0.5244 (0.2022) 1.4787 (0.8350) 1.4250 (0.7242) 1.4787 (0.8351) 1.5073 (0.7991) 1.5835 (0.6063) 2.0568 (0.8656) 1.3902 (0.6063) measured in T measured in R measured in L measured in R measured in L measured in T 2.0754 0.6515 0.6943 2.1203 2.6903 2.1203 1.7211 1.7934 0.7530 0.5990 2.5901 0.9971 5.1054 2.0759 2.9004 0.6807 0.9042 3.5136 4 6.0305 2.6297 2.0739 0.3109 0.5547 5 4.4166 2.3960 2.2129 0.3402 6 4.1776 2.4363 2.3834 7 4.5857 2.4824 8 6.9454 9 standard deviations in parenthesis 33 Table 5 Elasticity tensor of mature wood (GPa) C44 C55 C66 Sample C11 C22 C33 measured in T measured in R measured in L measured in R measured in L measured in T C12 C13 C23 1 7.2600 1.5632 3.5476 0.1961 0.1256 1.1022 1.1022 1.7789 0.9269 0.9493 2.4675 0.7306 2 12.022 0.7849 2.0936 0.1142 0.6356 1.0165 1.0027 0.6542 0.6542 1.4389 2.7182 0.6711 3 14.556 0.8061 2.4448 0.1792 0.5798 1.1530 1.1424 0.6784 1.6253 1.2497 2.9975 0.4373 4 10.641 0.6241 1.9367 0.2085 0.1024 0.9732 0.9642 0.955 0.6563 1.8850 2.9893 0.9039 5 13.935 0.5732 2.0481 0.5696 0.4622 1.0915 1.089 1.1381 1.7381 2.0674 3.3039 0.7517 6 8.1121 0.3905 0.8468 0.2267 0.7086 1.0819 0.5909 0.9345 1.1514 0.9859 3.2748 0.5290 7 7.1573 0.3881 1.1700 0.7177 0.2956 0.7337 0.7337 2.0494 0.7024 2.5215 1.9749 0.1426 8 11.482 0.6299 2.1940 0.5207 0.5316 1.0918 1.0841 1.1532 1.4484 1.8309 2.6640 0.9329 9 8.6521 0.6151 1.6882 0.3549 0.5488 0.9291 0.9314 0.7288 0.5720 1.8608 2.1586 0.3618 10 10.961 0.5732 1.9501 0.9152 1.0263 0.9934 0.9843 0.8885 0.8766 1.6027 2.2560 1.1337 11 16.045 0.8667 2.1844 0.1196 0.8664 1.0986 1.0986 1.0912 1.4473 0.9681 3.0855 0.7468 12 10.119 0.6678 1.9203 0.1027 0.4663 0.5773 0.5773 1.0930 0.9151 1.5305 1.2723 0.6667 13 10.965 0.5926 1.9689 0.0999 1.3409 1.0123 0.9984 0.6586 1.2393 1.1839 1.4498 0.3316 14 9.8500 0.9377 2.1854 0.6244 0.4256 0.9784 1.4971 0.6787 0.6787 2.8043 2.7227 0.7487 15 14.627 0.6844 2.1143 0.1003 0.2823 0.8113 0.9716 0.7815 0.7782 0.6623 3.1965 0.6841 6.4198 0.6097 2.0492 0.4171 0.5344 1.0715 0.8113 0.8883 0.4976 2.1369 2.7605 0.4886 14.646 0.5078 2.0337 0.1300 0.4080 0.8026 1.0715 0.6944 1.3317 1.6981 3.0269 0.8494 8.7644 0.7815 2.4190 0.4470 0.2981 1.3369 0.5065 0.7104 0.7118 0.8765 2.548 0.8340 9.6062 0.5793 1.7652 0.6728 0.6927 0.9689 0.9323 1.4832 1.1791 1.2258 1.9982 0.5888 6.7144 0.4618 0.9061 0.0911 1.6726 1.0272 2.1905 1.7923 0.7838 1.4469 1.7589 0.4310 10.6275 (2.9269 0.6819 (0.2534) 1.9733 (0.5744) 0.3404 (0.2536) 0.5438 (0.3871) 0.9926 (0.1650) 1.014 (0.3575) 1.04154 (0.4209) 0.9957 (0.3721) 1.5462 (0.5645) 2.5312 (0.6016) 0.6482 (0.2372) Average standard deviations in parenthesis 34 35 36 Table 5 Elasticity tensor of mature wood (GPa) C 44 Sample Number C11 C 22 C55 C 66 C33 measured in T direction Measured in R direction measured in L direction measured in R direction measured in L direction measured in T direction 1 7.2600 1.5632 3.5476 0.1961 0.1256 1.1022 1.1022 1.7789 0.9269 2 12.022 0.7849 2.0936 0.1142 0.6356 1.0165 1.0027 0.6542 0.6542 3 14.556 0.8061 2.4448 0.1792 0.5798 1.1530 1.1424 0.6784 1.6253 4 10.641 0.6241 1.9367 0.2085 0.1024 0.9732 0.9642 0.955 0.6563 37 5 13.935 0.5732 2.0481 0.5696 0.4622 1.0915 1.089 1.1381 1.7381 6 8.1121 0.3905 0.8468 0.2267 0.7086 1.0819 0.5909 0.9345 1.1514 7 7.1573 0.3881 1.1700 0.7177 0.2956 0.7337 0.7337 2.0494 0.7024 8 11.482 0.6299 2.1940 0.5207 0.5316 1.0918 1.0841 1.1532 1.4484 9 8.6521 0.6151 1.6882 0.3549 0.5488 0.9291 0.9314 0.7288 0.5720 10 10.961 0.5732 1.9501 0.9152 1.0263 0.9934 0.9843 0.8885 0.8766 11 16.045 0.8667 2.1844 0.1196 0.8664 1.0986 1.0986 1.0912 1.4473 12 10.119 0.6678 1.9203 0.1027 0.4663 0.5773 0.5773 1.0930 0.9151 13 10.965 0.5926 1.9689 0.0999 1.3409 1.0123 0.9984 0.6586 1.2393 14 9.8500 0.9377 2.1854 0.6244 0.4256 0.9784 1.4971 0.6787 0.6787 15 14.627 0.6844 2.1143 0.1003 0.2823 0.8113 0.9716 0.7815 0.7782 16 6.4198 0.6097 2.0492 0.4171 0.5344 1.0715 0.8113 0.8883 0.4976 17 14.646 0.5078 2.0337 0.1300 0.4080 0.8026 1.0715 0.6944 1.3317 18 8.7644 0.7815 2.4190 0.4470 0.2981 1.3369 0.5065 0.7104 0.7118 19 9.6062 0.5793 1.7652 0.6728 0.6927 0.9689 0.9323 1.4832 1.1791 20 6.7144 0.4618 0.9061 0.0911 1.6726 1.0272 2.1905 1.7923 0.7838 Average 10.6275 (2.9269 0.6819 (0.2534) 1.9733 (0.5744) 0.3404 (0.2536) 0.5438 (0.3871) 0.9926 (0.1650) 1.014 (0.3575) 1.04154 (0.4209) 0.9957 (0.3721) standard deviations in parenthesis 38 39 40 41 1 I will get a reference from Forest Products Lab 2 Bodig, J. and Jayne, 1993, B. A., Mechanics of Wood and Wood Composites Krieger Publishing, Malabar, Florida. 3 Peterson Relative Velocity Paper 42