Optical properties of noble-metallic nanoparticle chains embedded in a graded-index host K W Yu1,2,* and J J Xiao1 (1) The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong (2) Institute of Theoretical Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China *kwyu@phy.cuhk.edu.hk Abstract. We have studied plasmon resonance in chains of noble metal nanoparticles immersed in a graded-index host. Within the nonretarded dipole approximation, we calculate the effective linear and third-order nonlinear optical responses of silver and gold nanoparticle chains. The absorption spectra exhibit a series of sharp peaks that merge in a broadened enhancement band while the sharp peaks become a continuous band for increasing chain length. These results suggest the existence of coupled plasmon modes in the system. Moreover, these modes exhibit localizationdelocalization transition within the resonant plasmon band, which has been confirmed numerically via the force oscillator method. We then examine the relationship between the dipolar Mie resonance of isolated nanoparticles, the resonant band of an infinite chain in a homogeneous host, and the resonant band of an infinite-size chain embedded in a graded-index host with infinitesimal gradient. There has been considerable interest in materials with sensitive and tunable optical responses. Noble metals, typically gold, silver, and copper, have attracted significant attention as ingredients owing to their unique optical properties. Many different microstructures have been exploited in an attempt to access the intrinsically large and fast optical nonlinearity of metals, for example, in random metallodielectric composites [1, 2], fractal films [2], and alternative bi-layers [3], etc. In these structures, the enhanced local fields with respect to the applied field are generally associated with surface plasmons (SPs), which are non-radiative evanescent electromagnetic eigenmodes, bounded at metal-dielectric interfaces [4]. Appropriately designed metallic and metallodielectric nanostructures can strongly localize and manipulate these plasmon modes and thus their interactions with light, improving the efficiency of absorption and emission processes. In particular, interesting phenomena occur in nanoscale structures at the plasmon frequency, at which optical responses are resonantly enhanced. These have found increasing applications in integrated subwavelength optics, optical data storage, solar cells, nanolithography, microscopy, and biosensing [4–6], as well as SP-mediated fluorescence [7] and photoluminescence spectra [8, 9]. It is well known that SP resonances can be dramatically altered by modifying the sample morphologies [10] such as shape, size and local dielectric environment or surface chemical functionality of noble metal nanoparticles [11, 12], or by organizing them in regular arrays such as dimers [13, 14] and chains [15], allowing controlled coupling of SPs to other excitons [16, 17]. As improved nanofabrication methods now allow advanced control of nanoparticle shape, arrangement of particle ensembles and patterning of metal layers, substantial insights have been gained regarding the effects of these factors, much less is known, however, about graded effects. That is, what are the consequences if there exists certain characteristic gradient in plasmonic systems. In fact, many artificial optical metamaterials and elements with graded features have been proposed and fabricated nowadays [18]. In this context, recently we have found a giant enhanced optical resonant band in layered colloidal crystals within a graded-index host [19]. In this work, we examine the coupled plasmon modes of a chain of silver or gold nanoparticles immersed in a host medium whose refractive index varies continuously along the chain. It turns out that the presence of a graded host dramatically alters the SP modes and therefore their optical properties, giving rise to tunable and controllable resonant spectra in these systems. Under certain circumstances, there exist several sharp peaks in the resonant band, opening new avenue for manipulating the SPs and improving SP-involved phenomena and applications, particularly in metallic/organic hybrid system. This also offers exciting possibilities for controlling the optical interaction between molecules in areas as diverse as photosynthesis and solid-state polymer lasers. Let us discuss the dielectric functions of typical noble metals. The Drude form is overwhelmingly adopted in the literature because it offers invaluable insights into behavior of real metals in near and far-infrared regime. By adding Lorentzian resonance terms, one can account for the interband transitions and the validity covers the entire visible wavelength range, i.e., below 500 nm. For gold and silver particles with radius a 10 nm, bulk dielectric constant ( ) apply. We adopt the following function for their dielectric dispersions over range of photon energy between 0.5 – 0.65 eV ( ) 1 3 p2 aj 2 , (1) ( i0 ) j 1 0 j 2 i j where i 1 and is in unit of eV; , p , 0 , a1, 2 ,3 , ( 01, 02, 03) and (1, 2 ,3) are fitting parameters taking the empirical optical constants of Johnson and Christy [20]. Figure 1 shows the real part and the imaginary part of the dielectric functions (curves) given by Eq. (1) and the experimental bulk data (symbols) for both silver [Fig. 1(a)] and gold [Fig. 1(b)]. The data actually covers the frequencies from microwave, to the visible, and the ultraviolet portions in the spectrum, while in the present work we mainly focus on the visible range of frequencies. By using Eq. (1), the electron scattering loss is underestimated for these small particles. Figure. 1. Dielectric constants over photon energy 0:5 to 6:5 eV (wavelength from around 190 nm to 2480 nm) of Johnson and Christy [20] (symbols) and from the analytical functions (curves) of Eq. (1). The imaginary parts are multiplied by a factor of 10. (a) silver, (b) gold. Wavelength (100 nm) 1510 5 100 250 Dielectric function (a) 50 200 0 150 (b) Fitted real part Fitted imaginary Johnson & Christy Johnson & Christy 100 -50 50 -100 0 -50 -150 -100 -200 -150 Ag -250 Au -200 0 1 2 3 4 5 Photon Energy (eV) 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Photon Energy (eV) For silver and gold particles of a 50 nm, the electric dipole moment dominates the higher-order multipolar moments, and the absorption exceeds scattering as for optical extinction. To highlight the essential physics in the structure, there is no need to employ large-scale numerical computation approaches such as the finite difference time domain method or the dyadic Green-function technique [14]. We simply invoke the coupled dipole equation [5] which reads as En N m n Tmn pm En(0) , ( n 1,2,..., N ), where E n( 0 ) represent external electric fields in the host, p m is the dipole moment vector of the m-th particle, and Tmn ( m n ) labels the near field susceptibility of vacuum. In Cartesian coordinates ( x, y, z ), its electrostatic limit components ( , ) are given by the general relation Tmn ( , ) (3dmn, dmn, | dmn |2 , ) / | dmn |5 . Here d mn is the distance vector from the n-th particle to m-th particle. Note that for convenience, we can denote Tnn 0 . For small spherical particles, the coupled dipole equation can be reduced by associating just one dipole per particle with the frequency-dependent dipole polarizability which relates p n of the nth particle and the local field En around it, and in fact consists of isotropic linear and nonlinear contributions. That is p n n ( ) E n n | E n2 |E n / 3 where n ( ) 2( n ) a 3 [ ( ) 2( n ) ] /[ ( ) 2 2( n ) ] . Here 2( n ) is the dielectric constant of the host around the n-th particle. In the case of weak nonlinearity 1 | E n | 2 | Re[ ( )] | in the D-E relationship Dn ( ) E n 1 | E n | 2 E n [21], one has 2 2 3 2( n ) 3 2( n ) n a 3 1 . (2) (n) (n) ( ) 2 2 ( ) 2 2 It is noteworthy that the linear local fields E n around the n-th particles are actually obtained by assuming no intrinsic nonlinear response, i.e., we set 1 0 for solving the self-consistent equations, which is appropriate provided that the nonlinear responses are much less than the linear ones. Next we use the resultant linear local fields E n to extract the enhancement factor of the effective nonlinear susceptibility [21, 22] |E n | 2 En2 n 1 , f 1 3 E04 1 (3) where f is the volume fraction of the nanoparticles. The average is taken over the nanoparticles. We consider nanoparticle chains with nearest-neighboring distance d 3a in a graded host of 2( n) left (n 1) /( N 1), (n 1,2,..., N ) . (4) Figure 2. Schematic of band construction for the case of graded host from the bands of the same chain in various homogeneous hosts. (a) Extinction spectra and (b) third-order nonlinear enhancement for silver nanoparticles chain ( N = 15 ) in a graded host (solid curves) with 2 varying as Eq. (4), and in homogeneous hosts with 2 = 2.0 (dashed curves) and 2 = 5.0 (dotted curves). (c)-(e) Mode patterns for typical excitations in the chain with increased length ( N = 50 ) in the graded host. The figures are for longitudinal (L) polarization. In the case of longitudinal ( L ) polarization (i.e., the external fields parallel to the chain axis) or transverse ( T ) polarization, the N coupled dipole equations are being able to be transformed into a ~ matrix form as E = T AE E (0) . More precisely, in the longitudinal and the transverse cases, E = {En : n = 1,2,, N} and E (0) = {E n(0) : n = 1,2, , N } are simply N-dimensional vectors and A is N N diagonal matrix of the polarizability n ( ) with 2( n ) given by Eq. (4). In the non~ ~ retardation dipolar model, Tmn = Tmn ( z, z)/ 2( n) and Tmn ( x, x)/ 2( n ) for the L and T polarization, respectively, which approximately takes into account the screening effect due to the host and basically depends on the periodicity d of the chain and the polarization (L or T). Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show in logarithmic scale the extinction of the system and the nonlinear enhancement factor as defined by Eq. (3), respectively. The wavelength in these figures is for light in free space. It is noteworthy that in the calculations, we assume that the dielectric constant of the host around the n-th nanoparticle is approximately homogeneous, e.g., denoted by 2( n ) . The results in Fig. 2 are for the longitudinal polarization. It is seen that the presence of a gradient in the host leads to a broadened and giant enhanced resonant band (thick solid curves) in the spectra that falls between the resonant peaks of the same chain immersed in homogenous host with 2 = L = 2.0 (dashed curves) or with 2 = left = 5.0 (dotted curves), indicating that the broadened resonant band for chain in graded host in some sense stems from the hybridization of the non-graded cases. Notice that an increased host dielectric constant leads to strong redshifts of the coupled plasmon resonant peaks due to both reduced coupling between the particles and decreased dipolar Mie resonance 0 of isolated particles, which occurs at = 396 ( 0 = 3.13 eV) nm and = 509 nm ( 0 = 2.43 eV) for 2 = 2.0 and 2 = 5.0 , respectively. These two resonant frequencies are indicated by the two solid vertical lines in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). It is well known that the strong coupling inside an infinite chain within a homogenous host of dielectric constant 2 not only redshifts the extinction peaks with respect to that of isolated particles, but also expands the resonance at 0 to a band [23] 2 = 02 2 ( L,T )12 cos(kd ) cosh (d ), (5) where k is the wave number of the plasmon wave, is the attenuation coefficient, and ( L ) = 2 and ( T ) = 1 for the longitudinal and the transverse polarizations, respectively. Here the nearest coupling strength 1 0.93/ 2 eV and the second-order correction due to dissipations is cosh (d ) 1.0013 . These are very typical and realistic values for silver nanoparticles of diameter a = 25 nm and periodicity d = 3a = 75 nm [23]. We therefore display the bands (shaded regions) given by Eq. (5) in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). We have specifically chosen the two extremities of the host dielectric constant. That is, for (i) 2 = left = 2.0 , the band is at around 365 437 nm ( = 2.84 3.40 eV) and for (ii) 2 = left = 5.0 at around 482 541 nm ( = 2.57 2.29 eV). It is quite interesting that although the band expression [Eq. (5)] is for infinite-sized chain in homogeneous host, the two vertical dashed lines in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) which represent the upper bound of (i) and the lower bound of (ii) approximately give the plasmon mode band boundaries of the chain in (iii) a graded host characterized by Eq. (4). As a matter of fact, if the chain length (particle number N ) increases, the gradient in the host becomes infinitesimal, and we can break up the graded chain into many segments, each of which still represents an infinite chain but in a homogeneous host. By the argument of graded coupled oscillators [24], the two vertical dashed lines give exactly the lower and the upper bounds of the resonant band in case (iii). These are the most significant results in this paper. In fact the L- or T-polarized case, dispersion of dipolar plasmon normal modes in the chain can simply be determined by vanishing nonlinearity. det{M ( )} = 0, (6) ~ where M nn ( ) = 1/ n ( ), (n = 1,, N ) and M mn ( ) = Tmn , ( m n ). In presence of loss and/or ~ , one can alternatively use the forced radiation, instead of solving Eq. (6) for allowable complex oscillator method [25]. The mode pattern is represented by P = { pn : n = 1,, N} , illustrated in Figs. 2(c), 2(d), and 2(e), where the real part of P is plotted as a function of site index n . The frequencies are chosen as = 2.3 eV ( = 539 nm), 2.5 eV ( = 496 nm), 2.7 eV ( = 459 nm), 2.9 eV ( = 428 nm), and 3.2 eV ( = 387 nm) according to the six vertical lines in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), in an attempt to exhibit their distinguished characteristics. Indeed, we clearly see that the modes with low frequency [Fig. 2(c)] is spatially confined at the host side with large 2 , the high frequency mode [Fig. 2(e)] tends to residue at the host side with relatively small 2 , while the modes with intermediate frequencies that fall fairly inside the middle part of the band are basically extended, as seen in Fig. 2(d). We emphasis that for full retarded dipolar model, Bloch theorem can be applied to extract analytical dispersion relations for periodic lattices in both the longitudinal case and the transverse case of one-dimensional infinite chains [26, 27]. However, it is hard to handle in similar way for the graded case because of lack of translational symmetry. In this regard, a perturbation approach [28] may be helpful for infinitesimal gradient. It is also possible to include retardation effect on the polarizability n ( ) for larger particles, for example, simply as 1/ n ( ) 1/ n ( ) i 2 2 /3c 2 [26]. Notice that for the transverse case, the resonant band for homogeneous host and for graded host are blueshifted with respect to their counterparts in the longitudinal case, respectively, as seen in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), where the resonant band for the case (i) and the case (ii) is at around 379 414 nm ( = 2.99 3.27 eV) and 495 524 nm ( = 2.36 2.50 eV), respectively. Although this blueshift is well recognized in the case of homogeneous host, we easily prove and show that the blueshift persists in the case of graded host. It is natural expected that a decrease in the interparticle distance d (i.e., an increased 1 ) will cause further blueshifting and expansion of the spectra for the transverse polarization, while opposite redshifting and expansion for the longitudinal polarization, provided that the other conditions keep unchanged. In Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), the shaded regions represent the bands predicted by Eq. (5) for homogeneous host of cases (i) and (ii), and our above argument on the band for graded host applies to this case as well, which is confirmed by a careful examination on transverse plasmon modes for silver nanoparticles in graded host. Figure. 3. Same as Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), but (a) and (b) for the transverse (T) polarization. (c) and (d) are for gold nanoparticle chain in the case of longitudinal (L) polarization. Unlike silver, in which plasmon peak dominates the optical properties in the whole visible regime, interband transitions also contribute largely for gold at short wavelengths. We repeat the calculations for gold nanoparticles with the same parameters as in Fig. 2. The results are shown in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) for the longitudinal polarization only. Although similarly broadened resonant bands are also observed, they are substantially reduced, not as remarkable as those exhibited by silver nanoparticles (see Fig. 2). This is perhaps due to the intrinsic dielectric properties of gold that interband transitions lead to a large imaginary part in the dielectric function as seen in Fig. 1(b), which suppress the resonances in both the cases of homogeneous host and graded host. Therefore, it appears that silver is more favorable for the useful behaviors we reported. Retardation effect will be noticeable for a system with increased dimensions so that the spectrum reported in this paper could be altered. Further work is thus necessary to explore this regime. However, the results obtained in this paper using the nonretarded approximation provide a first reference frame to initiate experimental works. This work was supported by RGC Earmarked Grant of Hong Kong SAR Government. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] References Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media, edited by V. M. Shalaev (Springer 2002). V. 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