Physics Online Pendulum Introduction The purpose of this lab is to see if we can predict the period of a pendulum under a variety of conditions. We can use Newton’s second law to predict the period of a simple pendulum. If we use a polar coordinate system, then the tangential acceleration can be calculated as follows: ΣFtan = ma -mg*sinθ = ma m = mass of bob g = magnitude of free fall acceleration ≈ 9.8 m/s2 θ = angle (measured with vertical) a = -g*sinθ This equation is extremely difficult to solve for the period, but we can make an assumption to simplify the analysis. If θ in radians is “small”, then sinθ ≈ θ. Using the definition of the radian, θ = x/L where x = displacement and L = length of the pendulum. Putting this all together, the expression for acceleration of the pendulum bob when the angle is small is a = -(g/L)x. The mathematical relationship between the acceleration and the displacement looks very similar to that of the mass on a spring. This is a differential equation whose solution for the position as a function of time is the following: x(t) = A*cos(ωt + φ) ω = angular frequency = √(g/L) A = amplitude φ = phase angle = 0 if released from rest Since ω = √(g/L) and T = 2π/ω, then we finally have the following: [1] T1 = 2π√(L/g) Note that this formula only works when the assumptions are true. This includes the approximation sinθ ≈ θ. In reality, sinθ < θ on the relevant domain of 0 < θ < π/2 rad, and the difference between the two gets larger with increasing angles. To compensate for this difference, one can use a more refined formula such as one of the following: [2] [3] [4] T = [1 + 12/22sin2(θ/2) + 1232/(2242)sin4(θ/2) + 123252/(224262)sin6(θ/2) …]*2π√(L/g) T = [1 + (1/16)θ2 + (11/3072)θ4 + (173/737280) θ6 + (22931/1321205760)θ8…]*2π√(L/g) T = [cos(θ/2)]^-{0.5*[cos(θ/2)]0.125}*2π√(L/g) Equation [2] is a theoretically exact solution, but needs a large number of terms to converge for large release angles. Equation [3] requires fewer terms to converge, but the coefficients do not follow a simple pattern. Use radians in this formula. Equation [4] has no theoretical justification, but gives reasonable approximations without the use of an infinite series. Equation [2] with lots of terms gives the following: θ (degrees) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 T 1.001907*2π√(L/g) 1.007669*2π√(L/g) 1.017409*2π√(L/g) 1.031341*2π√(L/g) 1.049783*2π√(L/g) 1.073182*2π√(L/g) 1.102145*2π√(L/g) 1.137493*2π√(L/g) 1.180341*2π√(L/g) Physics is fun! Equipment You Procure digital camera string scissors metric tape measure protractor (optional) large pendulum bobs (optional) Equipment from Kits pendulum bobs C clamp scale stopwatch Pre-Lab Calculations Complete the following table using Excel. Use columns 2 and 3 to calculate column 4, the percent difference. If this difference is small, according to your somewhat subjective standard, then you should answer “yes” for column 5. Include this table in the calculations section of your report. θ (°) θ (rad) sin(θ) % difference sin(θ) ≈ θ ? = 100*[θ – sin(θ)]/sin(θ) (yes/no) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Experimental Procedures Note: for all of the experiments you are certainly welcome and encouraged to try very large lengths. The lengths are only suggested values. The Relationship between Period and Length for a Small Angle Simple Pendulum 1) Attach the C clamp to a door jam or other stable location with at least 1 meter of clearance. Cut a length of string approximately 1 meter in length to be used throughout the experiment and attach it to the C clamp. Suspend a pendulum bob from the end of the cord. Don’t tie a knot at the pivot point because you will be adjusting the length. 2) Choose a length of approximately 15 cm and measure the length of the pendulum from the pivot point to the middle of the bob. Use a protractor (or trigonometry) to measure the release angle. Check if sinθ ≈ θ (in radians) for your choice of release angle. If this is not true, then reduce your release angle. 3) Measure the amount of time it takes the pendulum to complete 10 cycles. Calculate the experimental period by dividing the measured time by 10. 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for lengths of approximately 25 cm, 35 cm, 45 cm, 55 cm, 65 cm, and 75 cm. These are only suggested values and you are certainly encouraged to super-size this experiment. 5) Calculate the theoretical period for each length using formula [1]. Read the general lab instructions regarding graph formats. Make a single graph of the experimental and theoretical periods as a function of length. Test the claim that formula [1] can be used to predict the period of a simple pendulum. The Relationship between Period and Mass for a Simple Pendulum 1) Replace the bob and adjust the cord so that the length of the pendulum is the same as it was in the last test (approximately 75.0 cm). Measure the period using the method described above. 2) Attach both bobs to the end of the cord and measure the period using the method described above. 3) Measure the masses of each of the pendulum bobs. 4) Graph the experimental and theoretical period as a function of mass on a single graph. You should have three different masses (two individuals and combined) for a single length. Test the claim that period is independent of mass. The Relationship between Period and Angle for a Simple Pendulum 1) Attach a single bob and measure the length of the pendulum. Measure the amount of time it takes the pendulum to complete 5 cycles from a release angle of 10°. Measure the angle at the end of the cycle. 2) Calculate the experimental period by dividing the measured time by 5. 3) Calculate the average of the release and ending angles. 4) Calculate the theoretical period using the average angle and equation [2], [3], [4], or the table (with interpolation if needed). 5) Repeat the above steps using release angles of 30°, 50°, 70°, and 90°. 6) Graph the experimental and theoretical period as a function of average angle on a single graph. Test the theory that a significant increase in the angle will increase the period in a detectable and predictable manner. [2] Young and Freedman, University Physics, 11th edition, 2004, page 496. [3] Nelson, Robert; M. G. Olsson "The pendulum - Rich physics from a simple system". American Journal of Physics [4] Hite, Gerald E., The Physics Teacher, Vol. 43, May 2005, page 291.